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Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 19: 281–301, 2000.

© 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

6 Patterns of metastasis

6.1. Introduction nodes, and then to the general circulation. Later precise
anatomic descriptions of lymphatic dissemination were
One of the oldest problems in metastasis concerns the given by Klinger (1857), Hoggan (1878), Heidenhain
distinct and different patterns of target organ involve- (1889), Stiles (1899) and many others.
ment, by different types of metastasizing primary Following Sappey’s extended studies (1874/1885), it
cancers growing in different anatomic sites. In his became clear that the pattern of lymphogenous metas-
own important paper, Stephen Paget (1889) cited both tasis could be generally accounted for by lymphatic
Langenbeck and Billroth as raising the question of anatomy. An example was provided in the report of
specific dissemination patterns of different types of an autopsy performed by Thiersch (1865) on a case of
cancer. uterine carcinoma, with widespread metastases in the
Present day concepts of the mechanisms underlying pelvic lymph nodes, external iliac veins and other sites.
patterns of metastasis to different sites are conveniently In addition, clusters of cancer cells were described in
considered in terms of two distinct, but not mutu- the thoracic duct. The entire metastatic pattern was
ally exclusive hypotheses: The “mechanical” and the explicable on the basis of the then well-known cir-
“seed-and-soil” hypotheses. The first is mainly based culatory anatomy in relation to dissemination routes.
on the anatomy of the dissemination-routes and focuses Hoggan (1878) explicitly associated observed organ
on the effects of differential delivery of cancer cells, patterns of metastasis in his paper “On cancer and
while the second focuses on patterns due to differential its relationship to lymph vessels”. A good example
arrest and proliferation of cancer cells “seeds” in dif- of pattern is seen in patients with carcinoma of the
ferent anatomic sites “soils”, and is therefore largely stomach with involvement of the left subclavicular
concerned with differential arrest and events occurring lymph node (Zeidman, 1955), named after Virchow by
after cancer cell delivery. Troisier (1886). The importance of the thoracic duct as
a connection between lymphatic and blood-borne dis-
semination was emphasized by Stevens (1907) and his
6.2. The “Mechanical” or “Hemodynamic” predecessors.
hypothesis Unusual patterns of lymphogenous metastasis were
also accounted for by perturbations in lymphatic flow.
6.2.1. Lymphogenous metastasis Thus, Virchow (1845) suggested that retrograde flow
accounted for the involvement of the lower lumbar
Metastasis may be initially confined to the lymphatic lymph nodes in cases of carcinoma of the pancreas
system or to natural cavities; however, the presence and stomach, and of the inguinal nodes in carci-
of discrete, extra-nodal metastases indicates embolic noma of the uterus. The concept of the so-called
spread via the blood-stream. “Retrograde lymphatic embolism” was emphasized by
In reviewing the history of concepts of metastatic von Recklinghausen (1885), Vogel (1891) and Vierth
patterns, it is noteworthy that the association of axillary (1895), and was correctly interpreted to occur when,
swelling and breast tumors goes back to antiquity, long due to a combination of pathologic obstruction of some
before recognition of axillary lymph nodes or breast lymphatics and dilation of collateral vessels, the direc-
cancer. This was extended to surgical practice so that tion of lymphatic flow is reversed (Zeidman, 1959).
by the fourteenth century, Guy de Chauliac (cited by Many documented examples of the effects of retro-
Wider, 1956) advised removing “rests” together with grade lymphatic embolism are given by Willis (1952;
breast cancers, and in the sixteenth century Severinus pp. 24–26).
removed axillary lymph nodes at mastectomy. By the Therefore, as also noted by Sugarbaker (1982), in a
eighteenth century, LeDran (1757) recognized that can- sense the stage was set for the “mechanical” (anatomic)
cer spread via the lymphatics to the regional lymph hypothesis of hematogenous metastatic patterns, by

well-substantiated observations on the anatomic basis to develop secondary tumors is an interesting phase
of lymphogenous metastatic patterns. of the study of metastases. Familiar examples are the
predominance of pulmonary metastases in chorioma,
6.2.2. Hematogenous metastasis which is simply explained by the intravascular posi-
tion of this tumor; the bone-marrow metastases of
Apart from metastases in the lungs and liver, which are hypernephroma and cancer of the prostate; and the mul-
initially seeded via the portal vein and systemic veins tiple cutaneous tumors secondary to lymphosarcoma
respectively, and skeletal metastases seeded via the testis. The mechanism of the circulation will doubtless
paravertebral venous plexus of Batson (1940, 1956), explain most of these peculiarities, for there is as yet no
hematogenous metastases are for the most part, seeded evidence that any one parenchymatous organ is more
via arteries. adapted than others to the growth of embolic tumor
Although cancer cells are delivered to the liver and cells. The spleen however, seems to escape with pecu-
lungs via the hepatic and bronchial arteries respec- liar frequency.” That Ewing realized that circulation
tively, in advanced disease it is often difficult or mechanics does not fully account for metastatic pattern,
impossible to discriminate between arterial metastases is evident from the preface to his book: “ . . . the signif-
in these organs, and those seeded via the portal or icant facts about tumors are not of general application,
systemic veins. As the common starting point for can- but are best revealed in the study of special tumor
cer cells generating arterial metastases to other organs groups or even special cases.” In common with other
is the left ventricle, it is expected that if circulatory contemporary oncologists, Ewing knew that different
mechanics were the only or major determinant of pat- cancers in different sites have different metastatic pat-
tern, then the incidence of metastasis in various target terns, and would have been aware of Paget’s (1889)
organs should correlate with the blood-flow to them. paper; however, he must have thought that at that time
An early mechanical approach to arrest was raised direct evidence for the “seed-and-soil” hypothesis did
by Moore (1860), who asked “Is the material of cancer not account for many of the observations on pattern,
carried, as pus is supposed to be carried in pyaemia, and but that many observations could to a large extent
arrested by accident of its size, in one or other vessel?” be accounted for in terms of circulatory mechanics.
This analogy with bacterial emboli was also made by Ewing’s statement is repeated in the 1928 edition of his
Paget (1889) and Simon (1878) stressed that cancerous book, but is at variance with his comments also made
materials “. . . pass on with the blood till they become in 1928, at a conference in London where, according to
fixed as emboli in smaller vessels.” Willis (1952; p. 16), he emphasized the individual prop-
As part of his significant contribution to the erties of different types of tumors: “The predilection
widespread acceptance of the seed-and-soil hypoth- of metastases for particular organs may be due to spe-
esis, Stephen Paget (1889) necessarily made some cial nutritive requirements dependent on varying cell
valid criticisms of the mechanical hypothesis: “If the metabolism.” In the 1940 edition of his book, Ewing
remote organs . . . are all alike passive . . . all equally terminates his comment on “Genius loci . . . ” with no
ready to receive and nourish any particle of the primary additional comment on underlying mechanisms.
growth . . . brought to them, – then the distribution of Cancer cells can disseminate along any anatomic
cancer throughout the body must be a matter of chance. pathway; in the blood-stream, passage is subject to
But if we can trace . . . any relation between the char- restraints on entry, cancer cell size and hemodynamic
acter of the primary growth and the situation of the considerations. An extreme case of anatomic oppor-
secondary growths derived from it, then the remote tunism in this respect, is the dissemination of an
organs cannot be altogether passive or indifferent as optic glioma to the peritoneal cavity via a ventriculo-
regards embolism.” peritoneal shunt inserted in a young boy to relieve
Nowadays, the “mechanical” hypothesis is com- hydrocephalus (Trigg et al., 1983).
monly associated with James Ewing (1866–1943), who An elegant example of the importance of vascular
was an influential figure in the development of oncol- anatomy in the determination of metastatic pattern was
ogy in the United States. In his text-book, “Neoplastic provided by Wieberdink’s (1959) study of neonatal
Diseases: A Treatise on Tumors”, Ewing (1919) wrote: neuroblastomas of the “Pepper” type, in which death at
“ ‘Genius loci’ or the particular susceptibility of a tissue birth or within several months thereafter, results from

metastasis. The metastatic patterns including involve- Table 6.1. Reported deaths from primary cancers of different
ment of the liver and fetal part of the placenta, change sites, expressed as percentages of total cancer deaths
abruptly between the pre-natal and post-natal periods, Site Tachou American cancer society
which Wieberdink associated with closure of the patent (1844) (1989)
foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus which previously Male Female
permitted by-pass of the pulmonary circulation, and
Uterus 33% — 4%
closure of the patent ductus venosus which previously Stomach 25% 3% 2%
permitted by-pass of the liver. Breast 13% — 18%
Liver 6% 2% 2%
Colorectal 2% 11% 13%
6.3. The “Seed-and-Soil” hypothesis Oral 1% 2% 1%
Lungs 0.08% 35% 21%
Prostate 0.05% 11% —
Walshe (1846), discussed the “systemic” development
of cancer (p. 92), by which he meant the “. . . condition
of its original localization, encroachment and dissem- Table 6.2. Cases of cancer
ination”. He stated that it had long been known that Limited to one Invading two or
some parts of the body were more prone to [primary] locality more locations
cancer than others, but that relative numerical estimates Walshe 15 63
of organ involvement had only recently been provided Herrick & Popp 25 42
in 1844, by Tanchou, from the Mortuary Registers 40 105
of Paris and two adjacent arrondissements, for 9118 From Walshe (1846; p. 101).
deaths from cancer over the period 1830–1840. Some
of Tanchou’s data are reproduced in Table 6.1, together
with corresponding data for the USA for 1989; differ- to become the primary seat of the disease, secondary
ences such as these, regardless of cause, must be borne development is not observed to occur? . . . Nor am I cer-
in mind when extrapolating from one period to another. tain that any organ is actually exempt from the chance
Walshe then commented “Admitting these numbers to of secondary affection, as an effect of pre-existing
be correct . . . they convey a notion of the disposition disease in distant parts . . . .
to become the seat of cancer, secondary as well as . . . But not only do the organs affected differ accord-
primary, possessed by different textures and organs.” ing as the disease is primary or secondary, but the
An early attempt to establish a numerical basis for parts of those organs attacked vary with the same cir-
metastatic patterns came from Herrick and Popp (1841; cumstance.” In drawing attention to differences in situ
cited by Walshe; p. 93), who noted the distribution of within organs affected by primary cancers of the lungs,
143 cancers in 67 patients dying of cancer. Although liver and kidneys and metastases to these organs,
not enough details are given of primary and metastatic Walshe was in fact providing evidence in favor of
sites to determine pattern, Walshe’s tabulation of his anatomic explanations of intra-organ pattern, as dis-
own and Herrick and Popp’s combined 145 cases give tinct from “proneness”. Walshe was clearly on the track
some idea of the clinical progression of metastatic of a “seed” component to pattern, with his statement
disease in their cases at autopsy (Table 6.2), and led that “The species of disease also influences the local-
Walshe to the conclusion that “. . . in about 27.6 per ization of cancer”, although his emphasis is again on
cent of cases of cancer the disease continues to the primary lesions. In discussing Langenbeck’s experi-
end, in respect of its local manifestations, an isolated ments in which “The detritus and ichor of [human]
affection.” carcinoma have been injected into the veins of ani-
Walshe critically examined the evidence for “prone- mals, but no development of cancer has resulted . . . The
ness” of different organs to cancer, “But in respect perfection of the seed is not enough to secure the devel-
of the localization of cancer, the circumstance of the opment of the plant; the soil, in which it is sown, must be
disease being primary or secondary requires special capable of feeding it”. Of course this refers to irrepro-
consideration” (p. 97). He asked whether there were ducible results of xenotransplants in immunologically
“. . . any structures in which, though they are liable intact hosts.

Billroth (1869/1871) commented that “In cancer of metastases in remote organs arise through embolism.
the breast, the localization of the secondary tumors is The blood-current detaches cells from the tumor and
very regular, . . . the pleura, liver and bones, are the most carries them into other parts of the body, where they
frequent sites of metastatic tumors”. Although this develop into independent tumors. Fuchs (1888; pp.
statement was cited by at least some of Billroth’s con- 200–202) had previously pointed out that in cases of
temporaries, my own attempts to verify its originality uveal melanoma, “There are only two cases known
have proved inconclusive. where there were no liver metastases, but metastases
Differential resistance to metastasis in target organs elsewhere . . . . Virchow said that it is not clear why they
was also discussed by Eve (1883), who after noting prefer this organ, since embolization is arterial. Certain
that the lungs of animals showed high resistance to organs have a predilection for the development of def-
infection with the fungus penicillium, wrote “Perhaps inite tumor types. This is true not only for the primary
the same resisting power is shown by the lungs to the but also for the secondary. Why do secondary cancer
formation of cancer; secondary deposits being found, nodules occur so often in the kidney or the liver, but
not uncommonly, in the liver, kidney and bones, while never in the female breast? Certainly nobody will deny
the lungs remain perfectly free, although the cancer that the latter has the capacity for tumor development,
elements must have passed through the pulmonary cir- yet it is disposed only for primary and not secondary
culation in order to reach the organs first named . . . The cancer development. When a melanosarcoma occurs in
lungs . . . apparently offer more favorable conditions the eye, the cancer cells are taken by the bloodstream to
for the growth of sarcoma, as they are frequently the a wide variety of organs in the body, but not everywhere
seat of secondary deposits in cases of sarcomas of the do they find a favorable soil for their development . . . .”
bones.” Stephen Paget (1889) also considered that the dis-
Some of the basic tenets of the “seed-and-soil” tribution of the secondary growths is not a matter of
hypothesis were also alluded to by Sir James Paget chance. He noted the question raised earlier by Langen-
(1887) in his Morton Lecture to the Royal College of beck and Billroth: “What is it that decides what organs
Surgeons of England. Using the analogy of galls affect- shall suffer in a case of disseminated cancer?” “If the
ing the leaves of oak trees, he made the point that remote organs in such a case are all alike passive and,
“. . . even a well-defined virus can produce its appropri- so to speak, helpless – all equally ready to receive and
ate disease only in some exactly appropriate place or nourish any particle of the primary growth which may
texture. . . . Each virus requires . . . a susceptible and fit- “slip through the lungs”, and so be brought to them,
ting place and substance; and this is a fact confirming – then the distribution of cancer throughout the body
what we believe in the case of many specific diseases, must be a matter of chance. But if we can trace any sort
and as I venture to say in the cancerous. The two con- of rule or sequence in the distribution of cancer, any
ditions must co-exist – the specific material, microbe, relation between the character of the primary growth
virus or whatever we may name it, in the blood which and the situation of the secondary growths derived from
will carry it to every part, and the one appropriate part, it, then the remote organs cannot be altogether passive
texture, or place in which this material can produce the or indifferent as regards embolism. When a plant goes
disease . . . I believe that there are facts in the history to seed, its seeds are carried in all directions; but they
of secondary cancers which cannot be explained by can only live and grow if they fall on congenial soil. The
the merely mechanical process or of embolism. There chief advocate of this theory of the relation between
are often evidences of other than mechanical relations the embolus and the tissues which receive it is Fuchs
between the primary and secondary.” (1888, 1892). . . . Cohnheim (1867) is of the opinion
The earliest, systematic attempt to document human that a healthy organ has a certain ability to resist the
metastatic patterns in specific terms, appears to have growth of such an embolus; and he speaks of “dimin-
been made by an ophthalmologist, Fuchs, on the metas- ished resistance” as Fuchs speaks of “predisposition”.
tasis of melanosarcomata arising in the uveal tract. This theory of disposition receives some support from
Fuchs (1892; pp. 325–326) wrote: “. . . The fourth stage an examination of the statistics of fatal cases of cancer.
[which] is that of the generalization of the tumor . . . as regards “metastasis.” Here, too, we shall find
by development of metastatic nodules in the inter- evidences of predisposition; we shall see that one
nal organs, most frequently to the liver . . . ”. The remote organ is more prone to be the seat of secondary

growth than another. In cases of cancer of the breast, it Table 6.3. Percentages of organs with metastases from primary
is strange how often the liver is the seat of secondary breast cancers metastatic sites
cancer. From different sources, I have 735 necropsies Gross (1880) Paget (1889) Pickren (1958–1979)
after cancer of the breast. Of these, 241 had cancer of (100% = 128) (100% = 735) (100% = 1022)
the liver, only 17 had cancer of the spleen, and 30 had Liver 42.0 32.8 61.3
cancer of the kidneys or suprarenals. The lungs were Lungs 21.9 9.5 66.1
involved in about 70 cases; but it is sometimes impos- Spleen 2.3 2.3 14.8
Kidneys 3.9 13.1
sible to say whether the lungs or only the pleura were
Adrenals 1.6 4.1 25.2
attacked, nor can we doubt that in cancer of the breast (Combined)
the lungs often suffer, not as remote organs, but by
direct extension from the primary disease.
. . . The same propensity of the liver to become is reason for believing that a general degeneration of
diseased is shown in cases of cancer of the female gen- the bones sometimes occurs in cases of cancer of the
erative organs. In 244 necropsies after cancer of the breast, yet without any distinct deposit of cancer in
uterus, the liver was involved in 35, the spleen in one them. Thus Torock and Wittelshofer, in their analy-
only, the lungs in 8, and the kidneys or suprarenals in 6, sis of 336 necropsies on cases of cancer of the breast,
one of which was by direct extension. This frequency say: “Besides the cases where the bones were man-
of secondary disease of the liver is of course a familiar ifestly diseased, there were 8 cases of that peculiar
fact; but it acquires fresh interest when we contrast it brittleness and softness of different bones mentioned by
with the immunity enjoyed by other organs. The spleen Rokitansky, Lucke and others, where a cancerous
has, so to speak, the same chances as the liver; its artery degeneration could not be made out.”
is even larger than the hepatic artery; it cannot avoid “. . . The evidence to me seems irresistible that in
embolism. Yet the liver was the seat of cancer in 276 cancer of the breast the bones suffer in a special way,
cases; the spleen in 18 only. Such a great dispropor- which cannot be explained by any theory of embolism
tion cannot be due to chance. For in pyaemia no such alone. Some bones suffer more than others; the dis-
disproportion exists. I have tabulated 340 necropsies ease has its ‘seats of election’.” The autopsy data used
after pyaemia, and I find that abscesses of the liver by Paget on cases with a history of breast cancer, may
occurred in 66, and an abscess of the spleen in 39 – a be compared with the corresponding data recorded by
very different proportion from that of 276 to 18.” Gross in 1880, and that collected over the period 1958
Again, if we take the 735 necropsies after cancer to 1979 by my former colleague, the late Dr John
of the breast, we find that the ovaries, one or both, Pickren and communicated personally (Table 6.3). It
were involved in no less than 37 cases; that is to say, appears at first sight that Paget underestimated the inci-
twice as often as the spleen, and about as often as dence of metastasis to specified target organs. However,
the kidneys and spleen put together. This can hardly the longer survival of patients nowadays, for a whole
be by chance. And in two of the cases the ovaries variety of reasons, allows more time for detectable
alone of all the organs were diseased. It is one of metastases to arise, quite apart from improvements in
these two cases that Dr Coupland says: “To evoke the autopsy techniques. There are differences in both inci-
fact of the physiological sympathy of two such widely dence and relative incidence; for example the ratio of
removed organs to explain such a case as this is a liver to spleen involvement is 14 : 1 in Paget’s series,
view perhaps too fanciful to be entertained, but yet it compared to 19 : 1 in Gross’ and 4 : 1 in Pickren’s.
is difficult to put such a consideration entirely out of
Let us now see what is the case as regards the bones 6.4. Metastasis in the spleen and bone marrow
in cancer of the breast. If we consider how favor-
able the lymph glands are to the growth and spread of 6.4.1. Spleen
cancer, and how close the connexion is between the
lymph glands and the medulla of the bones, we may In 1846 Walshe wrote (pp. 107–108) “How close is the
look to find something of interest among the cases relationship of the liver and spleen; yet of eleven cases
where the bones were involved. In the first place, there of cancer of the liver related by Andral (1823), one

only was attended with similar formation in the spleen; within the target organ. Regardless of mechanism,
though in almost every instance there were other organs compared with the spleen, the kidney was therefore
affected with the disease. It is a curious fact too, that in unfavorable “soil” for this tumor, and this was appar-
Velpeau’s celebrated case (1856), while the liver con- ently unrelated to growth-rate as determined by mitotic
tained several hundred cancers, and hardly a part of the indices.
frame had escaped contamination, the spleen was unaf-
fected. It is true, that, when cancer exists in the spleen, 6.4.2. Bone-marrow
evidence of the disease is commonly to be found in the
liver; but in explanation of this it must be recollected, Bone-marrow involvement usually figures prominently
that no matter where the primary disease exists, the in any discussion of metastatic pattern. Metastasis to
liver is the organ most prone to suffer consecutively. bone has been well recognized for at least three cen-
The idea that the spleen is a uniquely hostile “soil” for turies (Onuigbo, 1981), and the state of the art up to
cancer was accepted for many years. In 1934, Warren 1981 is covered in “Bone Metastasis” (Eds. Weiss &
and Davis reported an incidence of 4% metastasis in the Gilbert, 1981).
spleen in 1140 autopsies on unselected cases of can- Wiseman (1676) wrote of cancers “. . . rotting the
cer, but they also reported a similar incidence (4.6%) of bones under them”, as did Norford (1753). Pearson
metastasis in the kidneys, which are not considered to (1793) described a case of breast cancer with ipsilateral
be an uncommon target site. In their cases with breast humeral metastasis, and asked “Whether the cancer-
cancer, Warren and Davies reported a 14.5% incidence ous virus, having been deposited upon this spot, had
of metastasis in the spleen, compared with the 14.8% eroded it?” As noted earlier, “virus” was used to sig-
reported by Pickren (Table 6.3). nify toxic material in general. Bony metastases were
An interesting observation on alteration of splenic clearly described in the orbital bones (Scarpa, 1818);
susceptibility to metastasis was made by Foulds (1932) in the skull (Travers, 1829) and in the tibia (Walshe,
using the Brown-Pearce tumor in rabbits which, when 1846). Local invasion or extension of primary cancers
transplanted into muscle or given intravenously, pro- to bone, as distinct from metastasis, was implicated by
duced a very low incidence of metastases or colonies Velpeau (1856) to account for rib involvement by a pre-
in the spleen. However, when the animals received viously adherent “fixed” carcinoma of the breast, but
injections of trypan blue for several days prior to intra- Billroth (1878) describes extension to, and destruction
venous injection of cancer cells, there was an increase of local bones, by primary head and neck cancers.
in both the incidence and size of the splenic colonies. From a clinical viewpoint, the most striking metas-
Foulds suggested that; “. . . some organs notably the tases to bone are those associated with pathologic frac-
spleen, resist the establishment of secondary deposits ture as described by Cooper (1824) and Warren (1837),
by a local mechanism similar to that which opposes among others. Paraplegia as a consequence of verte-
the takes of grafts in laboratory animals.” Much later, bral involvement was described by Haward (1882), and
it was shown that injections of trypan blue in fact sub- hemiplegia due to pressure from skull lesions on the
stantially reduce the numbers of macrophages; Foulds cerebrum were described by Rolleston (1897), and a
observations may therefore have reflected macrophage- bruit from a metastasis in the scapula from a primary
induced suppression. thyroid carcinoma was described by Haward (1882).
Other observations relating to the spleen and the Direct extension from primary cancers to bone was
“seed-and-soil” hypothesis were made by Pilgrim often confused with metastasis, where discontinuity
(1969), using a transplantable reticulum cell sarcoma, from the primary lesion is the essential feature. Direct
which selectively metastasized to the mouse spleen. extension was defined by Moore (1889), “A new growth
When equal numbers of cells were injected into the may become adherent to neighbouring structures and
kidney and the spleen, growth in the spleen was always grow into them, and this may be termed ‘growth in
considerably greater than in the kidney. However, in no continuity’.” Examples of the confusion are provided
case was the mitotic index higher in the spleen than the by Finlay (1885), who described a case of lung can-
kidney. Pilgrim therefore considered that cell loss in cer, where “. . . The tumours on the surface of the
the kidney was greater than in the spleen; however, his chest were connected directly with the intrathoracic
emphasis was on cell migration rather than cell death mass, the connections surrounding and eroding the

ribs.” Macewen (1886) considered that “. . . mammary The unusually high or low incidence of metastases
carcinoma passes into the sheath covering the pec- in different target organs is the hallmark of selectivity,
toral muscles, next infiltrates the muscular fibres, the and this has been well-studied with respect to bone.
ribs, the intercostal muscles, the pleura, and even the Sir James Paget (1887) noted that his observation of
lungs . . . . All of this occurs by direct continuity of the the high frequency of bone involvement in cases of
growth from the original primary tumour”. In accord thyroid carcinoma, occurred “. . . as if by selection”,
with this view, Williams (1889) described a case in and Stephen Paget (1889) had concluded that it was
which the breast region was “. . . extensively infiltrated “. . . not a matter of chance what bone shall be attacked
by a dense fibroid cancerous growth, which had invaded by secondary growth.” Cases in which there was an
the subjacent ribs and sternum by direct extension.” apparent absolute or relative restriction of metasta-
With a fuller appreciation of metastasis, lymphatic sis to bones, suggested a high level of susceptibility
and venous dissemination of cancer to bone were in the bone marrow to Cohnheim and Maas (1877),
considered. Thus, Snow (1898) thought that bone Thompson and Keiller (1924), and Onuigbo (1981)
metastasis was due in part to “. . . ‘regurgitation of cites other late nineteenth century records of perceived
lymph currents’ consequent on stasis in the [lym- bone preference in metastasis.
phatic] glands”, and Stephen Paget (1889) thought that By the beginning of the twentieth century many
the spread of breast cancer to bone was affected by cases had been reported of metastasis to the bone mar-
“. . . how close the connexion is between the lymph row associated with anemia (Review: Harrington &
glands and the medulla of bones.” Teacher, 1910). This was exemplified by a report of
Nowadays, it is generally accepted that bone involve- a woman with carcinoma of the stomach who pre-
ment is predominantly by hematogenous (arterial) sented with bone pains and had “Anemia of a peculiar
metastasis. Hodgkin (1848) invoked some concept type showing marked diminution of the red cells
of specificity by “. . . some power which arrest cer- [< 2 M/mm3 ], high colour index, granular basophilia,
tain molecules already in the circulation, and that polychromatophilia, slight poikilocytosis, megalocyto-
so-arrested, they become fresh starting points for the sis, and the constant presence of numerous myelocytes
production of morbid growth.” and erythroblasts, the majority of which were mega-
Snow (1898) wrote “. . . Subsequently, general loblasts.” In view of the peculiar type of anemia and
blood-infection ensues, with abundant deposit in the the presence of some bone pains, metastatic inva-
viscera and in distant bones.”, and Villy (1898) sion of the bone marrow was diagnosed. Autopsy
concluded from examinations of bone-marrow that revealed a large carcinoma of the lesser curvature of
“. . . bone affliction was due to the deposition of can- the stomach with widespread lymphatic permeation
cerous emboli”. and hepatic and pulmonary involvement. “. . . in addi-
An early suggestion of pattern-specificity came from tion there was very widespread dissemination through
Virchow (1860) with his comment that “. . . an ichorous the bone marrow which could hardly have occurred by
juice [from a cancer may pass] through the lungs with- any other route than the blood-stream . . . . [There was]
out producing any change [metastasis] in them, and yet almost complete disappearance of red marrow . . . and
a more remote point, as for example in the bones of a its replacement by tumour tissue, and the development
far distant part, excite changes of a malignant nature.” of large quantities of red marrow in the medullary cav-
Apparent transpulmonary passage of cancer cells was ities of the long bones . . . . The blood picture is due
also recorded by Morgan (1879), and by Eve (1883), to stimulation of the bone marrow by the metastatic
who observed metastases “. . . not uncommonly, in the tumours . . . probably both defective haematogenesis
liver, kidneys, and bones, while the lungs remain per- and increased haemolysis take part in the production
fectly free, although cancer elements must have passed of anaemia”.
through the pulmonary circulation in order to reach the
organs first named.” Transpulmonary passage of cancer Primary and secondary sites of cancer. In 1887,
cells without metastasis in the lungs, usually repre- Sir James Paget stated that “The organs that are
sents a false negative due to either the small size of most frequently the seats of primary cancer are very
pulmonary metastases or inadequate sampling during rarely the seats of secondary”. This erroneous view
autopsy (Weiss & Harlos, 1986). was also stated by Walshe in 1846 and, as late as

1940, MacCallum commented that “Virchow made the embolic cycles leading to complex metastatic patterns.
statement that in those organs in which tumors are com- Willis did not make the mistake of assuming that
monly primary, metastases rarely occur, while primary tumor embolism is identical with metastasis, and con-
growths are rare in those situations which seem to form sidered that “The behaviour of a neoplasm as regards
the best soil for secondary nodules. Thus, the stom- its ability to penetrate blood-vessels is perpetuated
ach and uterus are common sources of primary tumors, in its metastatic progeny, and haemic dissemination,
but rarely the seat of metastases, while the reverse is once begun, tends to proceed in superimposed vicious
true of the liver. Although this cannot be said to be cycles.”
universally true, it introduces the suggestion that cer- In 1902, Berent reported a case in which a primary
tain tissues form an especially suitable ground upon squamous cell carcinoma of the jaw metastasized to a
which the tumor cells may take root and thrive, and renal cell carcinoma. Since then, approximately fifty
further, that this is not the same for all types of tumors. reports have been published of metastasis to cancer
Indeed, there are many tissues, such as the pancreas, (Dobbing, 1958), and renal cell carcinomas are the
thyroid, heart-wall, muscle etc., which seem especially commonest target sites.
unsuited to support the growth of tumor cells, although The burden of proof lies in determining whether or
these tissues must receive many emboli.” In general, not metastatic cascades make a significant contribution
the reverse resistance or enhancement of growth in pri- to metastatic pattern. For example, in a patient with
mary and metastatic cancers in the same organs, is widely disseminated, hematogenous metastases from a
simply not true; the lungs are a common site for both primary colonic carcinoma, did the final metastatic pat-
primary and secondary cancers, and primary cancers tern develop by a sequential process of metachronous
of bone, kidney and thyroid commonly metastasize to seeding, in which secondary metastases from the pri-
these organs. mary lesion first developed in the liver; did these
hepatic metastases then seed tertiary metastases in the
lungs which, in turn, generated quaternary (arterial)
metastases in other organs? Alternatively, did the final
6.5. Metastasis of metastases metastatic pattern arise by a process of synchronous
seeding, in which the metastases in all sites were seeded
Provided a patient with metastatic cancer survives long from the primary lesion with progressively decreasing
enough, there is no a priori reason why these metas- numbers of cancer cells, possibly with different growth
tases should not themselves metastasize to other sites; rates in different target organs, which could account for
metastatic sequences of this nature are referred to as their detection in the liver, lungs and other sites at dif-
“metastatic cascades”, and by Willis (1952; p. 46) as ferent times? In humans, it may be impossible to detect
“superimposed metastatic cycles”. micrometastases in random samples of tissues taken
Onuigbo (1981) has drawn attention to a number for histologic examination.
of references from the nineteenth century literature on The difficulty in determining the chronology of
metastasis of metastases. In 1829, Travers mentioned metastasis was recognized by Walshe (1846; p. 110) in
the “successive appearance” of metastases; in 1846, his discussion of a patient of Récamier with a painful,
Walshe considered that they “may have occurred by non-ulcerating scirrhus of the breast, who died with
a successive or by a simultaneous process of devel- apoplectic symptoms and hemiplegia, and at autopsy
opment; in 1887, James Paget asked whether cancers was found to have “. . . a tumor the size of a nut, and
“would grow and multiply in distant parts, and in them possessing the characteristics of carcinoma . . . floating
be centres for yet further infections”, and in 1883, as it were, in a quantity of diffluent brain”. However,
Eve considered dissemination from metastases in the Walshe briefly describes how the “. . . mammary
lungs to bone. Although Simon did not understand the growth ceased to be painful, and eventually disap-
basic mechanisms involved, in 1878 he used the terms peared almost completely”, raising the question of
secondary and tertiary deposits. whether the breast lesion was in fact cancer, and the
Willis cites cases of venous invasion at multiple sites, brain lesion a metastasis from it! Regardless of this
described by Weigert, Zenker, Kantorowicz and oth- reservation, and the fact that his discussion was cen-
ers, over the period 1876–1893, which initiate fresh tered on the basic relationship between primary cancers

and their metastases, under the heading of “simultane- pulmonary metastasis was reported in 1927 by Divis,
ous dissemination”, he asked “But, it may be inquired and the first report in the American literature of a
what absolute demonstration can be furnished that in 5-year survivor following resection of a solitary pul-
all the cases of general dissemination adverted to, monary metastasis from a primary renal cell carcinoma
the growths hitherto considered to be developed con- was by Barney and Churchill in 1939. Although in
secutively to another or others, really possess such a the majority of treated patients, death was ultimately
relation thereto? Is it not quite as likely that, in some associated with disseminated disease, in a minority,
instances at least, the presence of cancerous growths long-term survival (>20 years) has been reported (e.g.
in numerous organs may depend on their simultaneous Tandon et al., 1963). In the majority of cases, increased
development?”. survival as distinct from cure, combined with the obser-
In two other sections which are relevant to the vation that a more favorable prognosis is associated
metastasis of metastases, Walshe continued: “Relative with a delay exceeding two years between detection of
tendency of different parts and organs to affect the sys- the metastasis (i.e. metachronous metastasis), makes it
tem secondarily. It may be laid down as a principle, to impossible to discriminate between slow growth of an
which there is no exception, that every structure in the undetected, independently seeded micrometastasis and
body may, when cancerous, prove the source of gen- dissemination from a generalizing site.
eral contamination; and on the other hand it is equally An analogous situation to that in the lung also occurs
certain, that there is no site in which the cancer cannot with respect to rather rare solitary metastases in the
run its course to the end without being attended with liver. The first reported case of resection of a liver nod-
similar formation in distant organs. ule in a patient with an occult primary lesion was by
Order of dissemination: “. . . I have sought in Garre in 1888, and Cullen (1905) reported a patient
vain . . . for any semblance of a principle (beyond the with a resected primary renal cell carcinoma, who was
simple one, that wherever the primary disease be alive and well after resection of a liver metastasis. How-
seated, the liver and the lungs are the most common ever, long-term follow-up of this case was not reported,
secondary sufferers), regulating the modes of sequence but the studies of my colleagues and I (Weiss et al.,
observed: combinations of organs, the most perversely 1988) indicate a high probability of detectable pul-
inexplicable, are constantly encountered. And even in monary metastases at death, which could have acted
respect of the two organs most frequently thus affected, as generalizing sites for more rapidly growing liver
though the liver ordinarily suffers more extensively lesions.
than the lungs, and though, when the disease exists The reviews of Flanagan and Foster (1967) and
in both, its development in the former seems almost Rubin and Green (1968) indicate that as with the lungs,
always (when the point is capable of decision) to have resection of the primary lesion and a solitary liver
been prior to that in the latter, yet this is by no means metastasis was associated with improved prognosis
invariably observed.” when the hepatic lesion was detected less than two
At first sight, one approach to the metastatic capa- years after diagnosis of the primary. Patients subse-
bilities of metastases, would be investigation of the quently dying of their cancer usually had widespread
effects of removal of solitary metastases from patients metastases in the liver and other organs. These “fail-
with resected primary cancers. Where this is not a cura- ures”, while of clinical interest, do not exclude seeding
tive procedure due to the subsequent development of of target organs by the primary cancer prior to its resec-
other metastases, it may be assumed that these were tion, but perhaps indicate a narrow window of missed
seeded prior to surgery and that the initial diagnosis therapeutic opportunity before widespread seeding
of “solitary” metastasis was therefore incorrect. How- occurred from a solitary generalizing site.
ever, if even a small number of patients are cured by The question of metastasis of metastases was also
surgical resection, then the initial diagnosis would have raised by Sugarbaker et al. (1971) during one of the
been correct, and a potential metastatic cascade would repetitive cycles of enthusiasm for immunotherapy.
have been aborted. In the immunogenic murine tumor system studied by
As far as I am aware, the only text dedicated to them, metastases did not metastasize. In a later paper
solitary metastasis is that of Rubin and Green (1968). (Hoover & Ketcham, 1975), metastasis of metastases
According to which, the first successful resection of a was demonstrated in parabiotic systems in mice, and

in this system prior immunization was not protective venous plexus. Microscopy of tissue sections revealed
against the formation of metastases. cancer emboli in a prostatic vein together with the
radio-opaque material. Other observations confirming
6.5.1. Vascular bypasses and shunts the importance of Batson’s plexus as a bypass were
reported by Wack et al. (1958).
A factor complicating the identification and assessment
of the importance of metastatic cascades, is that at least (2) Portasystemic venous communications. The exis-
some of the cancer cells released into the blood-stream tence of a collateral venous circulation to relieve portal
from a primary cancer, could effectively avoid a tar- obstruction has been appreciated at least since the nine-
get organ altogether by means of vascular bypasses, or teenth century, and according to “Gray’s Anatomy”
be transported through an organ, avoiding arrest in its (Goss, 1973), this relief is effected mainly by collaterals
microvasculature by means of vascular shunts, thereby between the gastric and lower esophageal veins which
synchronously seeding the next in-line organ. drain into the azygos system, and collaterals between
Roberts (1961) listed four major bypass routes for the inferior and middle (systemic) and superior hem-
whole organs: orrhoidal (portal) veins. Other collaterals which play a
minor role are the accessory portal system of Sappey,
(1) The veins of Batson (1940).
which pass in the falciform and round ligaments to
(2) Portasystemic venous shunts.
anastomose with the superior and inferior epigastric
(3) Retrograde venous pathways.
and internal thoracic veins, and through the diaphrag-
(4) Crossed or paradoxical pathways.
matic veins with the azygos system; a parumbilical
(1) Veins of Batson (Vertebral venous system). Batson vein which may pass from the hilum of the liver to
suggested that this system accounted for the presence of the umbilicus, producing prominent varicosities cen-
metastases in the bone marrow and brain, from primary tered on the umbilicus, the so-called “caput medusae”;
cancers of the breast and pelvic organs, in the absence and the retrocolic venous plexus of Retzius freely
of pulmonary metastasis. communicates with the perirenal and lumbar veins.
Experimental confirmation of this disseminative Lore and his colleagues (1955, 1958) reported a
bypass was reported by Coman and deLong (1951) who series of formerly unrecognized, pre-existing porta-
injected cancer cell suspensions into the femoral veins caval shunts, demonstrated in “fresh” cadavers, with
of rats and rabbits, while applying light abdominal and without liver cirrhosis, following the injection of
pressure. Although cancer foci were later demonstrated colored neoprene latex. Of these, porta-pulmonary,
in the vertebral venous system of these animals none porta-renal and spleno-renal shunts could in theory at
were detected in their arterioles, as would have been least, account for the dissemination of gastrointestinal
expected if intact cancer cells had passed through the cancers to the lungs, completely bypassing the liver.
pulmonary circulation, and had entered the systemic In addition, a porta-adrenal shunt was described, in
arterial circulation. In contrast, in “control” animals which a vein from the gastric fundulus drained into
injected without abdominal compression, tumors were the retroperitoneal plexus where it communicated with
subsequently detected in the lungs only – none in the the left adrenal vein, thus providing a possible route
vertebral venous system. Thus, in addition to indicat- for cells from a gastric carcinoma to seed the lungs,
ing the importance of Batson’s plexus as a bypass, left adrenal and kidney, and retroperitoneum directly
which was the major focus, these experiments also via systemic veins, while bypassing the liver. In an
indicated that in these systems at least, transpul- analogous manner, a porta-ovarian shunt between the
monary passage of cancer cells is comparatively mesenteric and right ovarian venous plexus could per-
unimportant. mit direct spread of gastrointestinal tract cancers to the
A convincing test of the validity of Batson’s hypothe- ovaries.
sis in humans was made by Franks (1954), who injected As with all collateral vessels or shunts demonstrated
radio-opaque suspensions into the dorsal vein of the by injection under pressure into cadavers, the ques-
penis in cadavers, and demonstrated (in the presence of tion of their patency under physiological conditions is
the ligatured inferior vena cava) large venous channels always reason for caution in designating them as impor-
connecting the inferior vena cava with the vertebral tant dissemination routes for circulating cancer cells.

In addition, it is extremely difficult to rule out false metastasis as the most probable underlying mechanism
negative reports of metastases in the liver. for other cases ascribed to retrograde venous embolism,
including Arnold’s (1891) case of mammary cancer
(3) Retrograde venous pathways. Under conditions metastatic to the brain; Ernst’s (1898) case of carci-
in which venous blood-flow is permanently or tem- noma of the kidney with myocardial vein involvement;
porarily reversed, abnormal seeding patterns may Ziegler’s (1919) case of hepatic vein involvement, and
occur. Permanent reversal occurs when venous occlu- Geipel (1912) and Parsch’s (1913) view that retrograde
sion leads to development of collateral venous path- carriage of emboli from the liver to the spleen could
ways; in some of which the direction of flow may occur via the portal and splenic veins.
be reversed. In the great veins of the thorax and
their major tributaries, temporary reversal may occur, (4) Crossed or paradoxical pathways. Paradoxical
the underlying cause of which is due to the positive embolism refers to the occurrence of arterial metas-
(+10 mmHg) blood pressure within peripheral veins, tases seeded by cancer cells released into systemic
compared with the normally negative pressure (−2 to veins, in the absence of lung metastases. The concept
−3 mmHg) in the superior vena cava and pleural cavity. of “crossed” or “paradoxical” embolism was intro-
When the intrathoracic pressure becomes positive due duced by Zahn (1889), and was based on Cohnheim’s
to coughing, sneezing or vomiting, a transient reversal (1867) observation that septal defects in the heart
of blood-flow can occur in the direction of the new pres- permitted infectious thrombi from leg veins to reach
sure gradient, in the veins entering the thorax (Candel & the brain, while apparently avoiding the lungs. How-
Ehrlich, 1953). ever, Willis (1952; p. 42) stated that in two of Zahn’s
The early literature on retrograde venous embolism three cases, pulmonary metastases were in fact present,
due to transitory reversal of blood-flow in unobstructed which could have served as generalizing sites for sys-
veins has been critically reviewed by Willis (1952; pp. temic metastases without invoking the mechanism of
42–45). It was first suggested by von Recklinghausen crossed embolism. In addition, both Zenker (1890) and
in 1885, that “. . . respiratory retropulsations of venous Dunger (1905) had previously concluded from their
blood . . . ” play a role in unusual distribution patterns own studies, that patency of the foramen ovale was
of cancer emboli. In von Recklinghausen’s case, a pri- a coincidence, bearing no relationship to metastatic
mary chondrosarcoma of the tibia had metastasized to pattern. In their review of reported cases of paradoxi-
many sites, including the lungs with pulmonary vein cal embolism, Thompson and Evans (1929) considered
involvement, but no tumors were detected in the infe- that the lungs had not been examined in enough detail
rior vena cava and the distal end of the renal vein. to exclude small metastases.
Von Recklinghausen’s reconstruction of events leading In contrast to adults, paradoxical patterns were
to metastasis in the kidney was that a tumor embolus convincingly demonstrated by Wieberdink (1957) in
from the femoral vein had been carried up the infe- fetuses and neonates with neuroblastomas of the
rior vena cava to the level of entry of the renal vein, “Pepper-type”. Excluding those cases in which death
and had then been carried by retrograde flow into the resulted from extensive liver involvement before
renal vein and tributaries, where it was arrested and metastases were detectable elsewhere, Wieberdink suc-
grew. He also postulated that the growths in the pul- cessfully accounted for distinctive metastatic patterns
monary veins were seeded by retrograde passage from in terms of lung-avoidance, due to patency of the fora-
the tumor in the left atrium. In contrast, Willis con- men ovale and ductus arteriosus, and liver-avoidance
sidered that metastasis involving the kidney was more due to a patent ductus arteriosus. The observed pat-
likely due to arterial metastasis, and implied that the tern changed abruptly at birth, when cardiovascular
involvement of the pulmonary vein was probably due to anatomy converted to the adult type.
an undetected extension from the lesions in the lungs or,
if the evidence against this was conclusive, the emboli 6.5.2. Intra-organ shunts
in the pulmonary veins could have been fragments dis-
lodged from the atrial lesions by manipulation during Vascular shunts have the potential to enable cancer
autopsy. I prefer the first explanation! In his charac- emboli to avoid interaction with capillary beds after
teristic incisive manner, Willis also considered arterial delivery to a target organ and, by remaining in larger

vessels, to avoid arrest and metastasis-seeding or death on this problem has been distorted . . . the experience of
and, finally to emerge from the organ in a tumorigenic many investigators including ourselves, is that extra-
state with the potential to seed down-stream organs. pulmonary metastases after intravenous injection into
Willis took the view that as he only rarely failed the caval system of veins, while they can occur, are
to discover cancer emboli or small metastases in the rare, and that the vast majority of most types of tumor
lungs in cases with arterial metastases, transpulmonary cells are arrested in the lungs. Possibly, of those pass-
passage of cancer cells was infrequent. The more rel- ing the capillary bed, too few are sufficiently viable
evant question here is whether or not enough cancer to initiate a metastasis . . . ”. Later work was in accord
cells make transpulmonary passage to generate arterial with Wallace’s views.
metastases in other organs, regardless of the presence The existence of various by-passes and shunts could
of pulmonary metastases and, if they do directly seed have accounted for some of the apparent deviations
metastases in the other organs, could these be discrim- from the joint concepts of metachronous seeding and
inated from those generated by cascade processes, that metastatic cascades. However, these deviations could
is metastases from pulmonary metastases? for the most part be accounted for by incorrect reports
Arteriovenous shunts are well-accepted. For exam- of metastatic non-involvement of large organs, partic-
ple, Daniel and Prichard (1951a,b) demonstrated many ularly the liver and lungs.
intrahepatic pathways between the portal vein and
the inferior vena cava in animals. Transorgan pas- 6.6. Some additional experimental data
sage of glass spheres was demonstrated by Prinzmetal
et al. (1948); spheres of up to 440 µm diameter passed The experiments, discussed earlier, of Holtfreter,
through the vasculature of the kidney, up to 390 µm Moscona, Trinkaus and others, on confronted embry-
through the lungs, up to 370 µm through the spleen, onic tissue fragments, or reaggregating, dispersed cells
and 180 µm through the liver. Tobin and Zariquiey from embryonic tissues, indicated the ability of cells to
(1950) also demonstrated passage of spheres of up to “home” in specific positions or sites raised the question
500 µm diameter, through specimens of human lungs, of whether some sort of “homing” process accounts for
with considerable regional variation. On the assump- the diversity of metastatic patterns.
tion that the rigid, non-deformable beads did in fact Possible support for this “homing” hypothesis came
provide a non-traumatic demonstration of pre-existing from P. Weiss and Andres’ (1952) observation that
vascular shunts which prevent the entry of cancer when melanoblast suspensions prepared from embry-
emboli in smaller vessels, the question remained of onic chickens of a pigmented variety were injected
the patency of these shunts under physiologic and intravenously into embryos of a non-pigmented type,
pathologic conditions. some 8% of the recipients developed pigmented
In order to provide direct evidence for transorgan patches exclusively in sites of normal pigmentation
passage, Zeidman and Buss (1952) injected cancer cells in the donors. They offered two explanations of their
into the ear veins of rats and rabbits and immediately results, which are at the heart of mechanisms of
afterwards sampled aortic blood. They then performed metastatic patterns, namely: trapping of cells in spe-
bioassays by injecting the blood intravenously into cific sites, where proliferation occurred subsequently
fresh animals, in which pulmonary tumors subse- or, alternatively, random trapping of cells with subse-
quently developed. They also noted that the amount quent proliferation in specific sites. On the basis of
of transpulmonary passage varied between different these experiments, a choice could not be made between
types of cancer cells. Although there can be no doubt the two possible mechanisms, because the cells could
about the validity of these particular observations, only be identified by standard histologic techniques
more recent studies have tended to downplay the some two weeks after injection, when they had prolif-
importance of transorgan passage. Thus, in his dis- erated to form identifiable colonies, when correlation
cussion of transpulmonary passage, Cameron Wallace between differential survival and original cell-trapping
(Wallace et al., 1978) observed that: “The phenomenon pattern could no longer be examined.
of transpulmonary passage has attracted interest ever By the use of improved techniques involving injec-
since it was demonstrated convincingly by Zeidman tion of radiolabeled cells into chicken embryos, and
and Buss . . . . It is likely, however, that the perspective their identification by autoradiography, Burdick (1968)

showed that their initial distribution was independent of different organs, although in rabbits the tumors grow-
their organ source. Additional experimental evidence ing in the spleen were generally larger than those in
against homing in embryonic cells was also provided the other organs. It was concluded that the scarcity of
by Hollyfield and Adler (1970). metastases in certain organs depends on factors other
In contrast to at least some tissue cells from and in than the inability of these organs to support tumor
embryos, lymphocytes do exhibit organ-specific migra- growth. Among other possible factors considered were
tion patterns, which to some extent are associated failure of tumor emboli to reach the organs; their failure
with maturity. Mature small lymphocytes recirculate to be arrested in them, and the inability of the arrested
from the blood to the lymph by migration through the cells to extravasate.
endothelium of the post-capillary venules. Lympho- Coman and his colleagues (1951) made a notable
cytes from peripheral lymph nodes preferentially return attempt to directly relate cancer cell delivery via the
to peripheral lymph nodes, and lymphocytes from the arterial system to the subsequent pattern of organ col-
gut preferentially migrate to Peyer’s patches and to the onization. It is important to remember that in 1951,
lamina propria of the gut (Gowans & Knight, 1964). suitable radiolabels were not generally available to
The work of Butcher and his colleagues (Butcher & study this type of cancer cell traffic, radiolabeled beads
Weissman, 1980) shows that in some way arrest of were not available to estimate target organ blood-flow,
mature lymphocytes in specific locations is associated and antibodies coupled to appropriate markers were not
with their capacity to “recognize” the endothelium in available for cancer cell detection. In view of the large
high-endothelial venules (HEV). The metastatic pat- amount of recent experimental work with the trans-
terns of lymphoreticular tumors may reflect loss or gain plantable B16 melanoma in mice (Fiddler, 1970), and
in this capacity. studies involving the use of radiolabels (Baserga et al.,
Coman and his colleagues (1951) took the view that 1960; Fisher & Fisher, 1967; Hofer et al., 1969), it is of
the scarcity of metastasis in certain target organs could interest that Godlee (1874) anticipated the use of mark-
be due on the one hand to low tumor susceptibility (i.e. ers in studies of metastasis by suggesting that the black
unfavorable “soil”) or, on the other hand, due to failure pigmentation of melanomas provided “. . . an unusually
of sufficient numbers of cancer cells to reach the organ good opportunity for studying the earliest methods” of
in question. Voluntary muscle is a relatively uncom- metastasis development. Coman et al. (1951) made a
mon site for metastasis; however, when suspensions notable attempt to overcome cancer cell identification
of V2 carcinoma cells were injected into the femoral problems by mechanically dissociating Brown-Pearce
artery of rabbits, the muscles of the lower limbs became rabbit tumors into single cancer cells, which were then
massively infiltrated by cancer, showing that if enough fixed in formalin and stained with iron hematoxylin
cancer cells were delivered to voluntary muscle, even to make them visible in eosin-stained sections of tar-
this reputed unfavorable site will support their growth. get organs. Suspensions of these rigid, “labeled” cells
In these experiments, when cancer cells were injected were then injected into the left side of the heart; ani-
into the left side of the heart, they produced tumors in mals were killed within 3 min, and the densities of
all organs, and injections into the right side of the heart cancer cells in sections of the different organs were
produced tumors in the lungs only, as the “. . . result of determined together with their arteriolar and capillary
screening by the lungs.” It was therefore concluded that distribution. Matching animals received injections of
“. . . the scarcity of metastasis in an organ is explain- fresh, tumorigenic cancer cells. “When the total num-
able by the scarcity of tumor cells reaching that organ. ber of stained cells reaching an organ was compared
Under the conditions of these experiments, no organ with the numbers of tumors in that organ, correspon-
proved to be an unfavorable soil.” dence was only fair. However, if only those embolic
In another study made by this extraordinarily pro- cells that lodged in the capillaries were considered, cor-
ductive group in the University of Pennsylvania respondence was excellent. Thus, the greatest number
(deLong & Coman, 1950), tumor fragments were of emboli per square centimeter was found in the iris,
directly transplanted into the kidney, liver, adrenal, pituitary, adrenals, and kidneys; the smallest number
spleen and muscle of mice, rats and rabbits. Tumors in muscle, thyroid and spleen. The same frequency of
developed in all organs tested, and no differences were distribution was found for the tumors. These results
detected between the weights of tumors growing in the with the tumor and species studied, are in agreement

with the hypothesis that the distribution of metastases 21–28 days, tumors were found in the lungs of all
is adequately accounted for by the mechanics of circu- (8/8) animals which had received tail vein injections,
lation and the consequent distribution of embolic tumor and in 2 of 8 lung grafts. More striking evidence of
cells. In the organs studied, the role played by local lung preference was found in animals receiving retro-
‘soil’ factors is evidently a minor one, if it exists at all.” grade arterial injections, where tumors were found in
However, later observations on mice and men have not the lungs of all of 40 mice, and also in 37 of 40 lung
confirmed these conclusions. grafts, but in no other sites. Although the experiments
Reticuloendothelial system tumors were the focus using organ grafts provided support for the “seed-and-
of some of the initial studies, because in mice and soil” hypothesis, and were interpreted as demonstrating
rats they tend to be more overtly metastatic than nat- that lung preference was not due to differential, cancer
urally occurring or transplantable solid tumors. For cell trapping in the lungs, but rather the “. . . inability
example, in the mouse lymphocytic cancers generally, of these cells to implant and grow” in the other organs.
selectively involve the lymph nodes, spleen and liver However, Kinsey and Smith had previously reported
(Dunn, 1954), and histiocytomas the lymph nodes and that following their direct injection, S91 cells grew in
liver (Cloudman, 1947; Dunn, 1954). It was noted that every tested site; this observation favors differential
this selective pattern was observed when tumors were delivery and hence, the mechanical hypothesis. This
implanted subcutaneously or when cancer cells were apparent contradiction could only have been resolved
injected intravenously, and therefore could not be dis- by dynamic studies, using quantitative techniques of
missed as artifactual. Transplantable plasmacytomas cancer cell delivery which were not available in 1959.
selectively metastasized to bone marrow, where they An important variation of the Kinsey and Smith
produced “punched-out” lesions of the type seen in experiments was made by Sugarbaker and his col-
humans (Potter et al., 1957; Siegler & Rich, 1966). leagues (1971), using 3-methylcholanthrene sarcomas
Also in the mouse, both lymphocytic lesions origi- in syngeneic mice. In these experiments, two days after
nating in the thymus and those resembling Hodgkin’s receiving intramuscular injections of cancer cells, the
lymphoma, tend to metastasize to all lymphoid organs animals received subcutaneous transplants of neona-
(Siegler & Rich, 1966). Pilgrim (1969) commented tal lung, spleen, and kidney. After some weeks during
that these metastatic patterns were constant enough to which, the “primary” tumors were resected, 18 of 167
permit tumors lines to be identified by them. animals had pulmonary metastases, but none were
detected in other “normal” sites; among these mice,
6.6.1. Experiments using neonatal organ transplants 6 of 7 had tumors in the lung-transplants, but none
were observed in the spleen or kidney transplants.
A series of experiments on organ preference were ini- These experiments are thus consistent with the “seed-
tiated by Kinsey and Smith (1959) who observed that and-soil” hypothesis, although their relevance to the
the transplantable S91 Cloudman melanoma sponta- human situation is difficult to assess on the basis of the
neously metastasized exclusively to the lungs in mice. reported data, because metastatic patterns of tumors
Further, when single S91 cell suspensions were injected with venous drainage into the inferior vena cava usually
into the tail artery, the tail vein, the left ventricle, the occurs first in the lungs. Therefore the natural metasta-
portal vein or the carotid artery, overt tumors were sis apparently confined to the lungs may have indicated
again only observed in the lungs. Kinsey (1960) stud- preferential delivery of cancer cells, and that within the
ied this lung preference in a most ingenious manner. time-frame of animal survival, the resulting pulmonary
Thus, lung fragments from new-born DBA/2 mice were metastases had no time to seed detectable tertiary
implanted into the right thigh muscles of adults of the metastases in other organs. The relationship of pref-
same strain, and fragments of kidney, liver, spleen, thy- erential colonization of the neonatal lung transplants
roid, heart or skin were inserted on the left. All of to either preferential delivery or to preferential growth
the grafts except the liver were well-vascularized by cannot be determined on the basis of the reported
7 days, and survived for the duration of the experi- results, bearing in mind the limited techniques available
ment. Ten days after organ transplantation, each animal to Sugarbaker and his colleagues at the time.
received an injection of S91 cells into the tail vein, More complete experiments along the general lines
the left ventricle, tail vein or artery (retrograde); after of those reported by Kinsey and Sugarbaker, were

reported by Hart and Fidler (1980), using low doses RAW117 lymphosarcoma line. Following injection,
(104 ) of B16.F10 melanoma cells in mice. In these tumor nodules were removed from the livers of mice,
experiments an attempt was made to quantitate cancer grown in vitro for two passages, and then injected intra-
cell delivery to transplants by using radiolabeled cells; venously into fresh recipients; this cycle was repeated
however, the resulting near-background, low radioac- 10 times to yield the RAW117-H10 line which, on
tivity counts made over the course of several days, intravenous injection gave rise to approximately 200
are also difficult to assess, and the role of differential times more liver tumors than the original RAW117
cancer cell delivery requires clarification. Coman and line. This enhancement of colonization potential was
Sheldon (1946) showed that transplants of embryonic not observed in the lungs, and indicated a surprising
tissues excited a progressive hyperemia in mice. If it expression of stability of these cells.
occurred, a differential hyperemic response could have Analogous results were reported by Tao et al. (1979)
favored differential arrest of injected cancer cells, and by injecting B16 melanoma cells into the portal vein,
their subsequent growth would presumably have been harvesting the resulting liver tumors, culturing and
enhanced by the subsequent angiogenesis. injecting them into fresh mice, and repeating this cycle
A critical discussion of the neonatal transplant exper- 8 times. Following either tail vein or left ventricular
iments, with all the advantages of hind-sight, is given injection, the “selected” B16 cells gave rise to many
elsewhere (Weiss, 1985; pp. 237–240), but this should more tumors in the liver than the corresponding unse-
not obscure the importance of these various attempts lected parental lines. These results indicated inheritable
to explore the basis of metastatic patterns in the best organ-preference, following the stated selection proce-
experimental systems available at the time. dures. However, the key unanswered questions were
whether the occurrence of liver metastasis was exclu-
sively due to “dedicated”, pre-existing sub-populations
6.6.2. Cancer cell selection and metastatic pattern of cancer cells within the original tumor, which
expressed liver-preference, or whether expression of
Attempts to select in heterogenous tumors for sub- this trait was a result of growth in the liver, as distinct
populations of cancer cells which exhibit different from its cause: cancer cells are subject to reversible
metastasis-related properties, are described in Chapters and irreversible, environmentally induced, metastasis-
X and XI. Early experiments to obtain sub-populations related change (Weiss, 1991). The work of Shearman
expressing specific metastatic patterns, were made by and Longenecker (1980) provides a final example of
Fidler and Nicolson (1976). Using B16 melanoma cells experiments designed to clarify this exceptionally dif-
originally taken from lung colonies, resulting from ficult problem of the role of cancer cell selection or
tail vein injection in mice, cells were then propagated organ-specificity in producing metastatic patterns. In
in vitro. When these cultured cells were radiolabeled these experiments, chicks were given intraperitoneal
and injected into the tail veins of fresh mice, more were injections of a virus (Marek’s) – transformed, non-
detected in the lungs than after injection into the left producer cell, line; spleens were removed from mori-
ventricular cavity. However, 14 days after injection, bund animal and injected into fresh recipients. After the
equal numbers of pulmonary colonies were detected fifth injection cycle, there was an increased virulence
regardless of injection site. This was interpreted as of the cells, expressed as shortened survival. Attempts
demonstrating lung preference, independently of arrest were then made to select for liver- and ovary-specific
in the lungs. This interpretation treated the lungs metastasis from these virulent cell by sequential allo-
as uniform structures in the context of “soil”, and transplantation of liver- and ovary-derived cells. There
ignored lung vascularization, because tail vein injec- was a doubling in the number of liver lesions in animals
tions seed the lungs via the pulmonary arteries which receiving liver-selected cells. Liver specificity was also
predominantly supply the alveoli, whereas left ven- demonstrated in chick embryos following intravenous
tricular injections seed them via the bronchial arteries injection into the chorio-allantoic membrane, using the
which supply the bronchial tubes, interlobular alveolar technique pioneered by that experimentalists’ exper-
tissues, bronchial lymph nodes etc. imentalist, Leighton (1963). From these experiments
More definitive experiments on selection for pattern it was concluded that liver preference was not due
were made by Brunson and Nicolson (1978), using the to selective trapping of cancer cells in the first organ

encountered. That the successful at liver selection did different organs, and the analyses revealed a trend for
not represent a general case, was indicated by the lack the incidence of involvement of nine target organs by
of success in attempts to select an ovary-specific cell metastases from 16 different classes of metastasizing
line using analogous procedures. primary cancers, to follow cancer cell delivery, in broad
During their liver selection procedures, Shearman accord with the mechanical hypothesis. However,
and Longenecker used in vitro passage, but they later within this framework, the ratios of incidence of arte-
demonstrated that liver preference developed sponta- rial metastasis and delivery revealed three (decades)
neously in vitro, in cell lines not obtained by in vivo groups of target organs; a middle group, and two groups
selection (Shearman & Longenecker, 1981). in which the incidence of metastasis was either higher
In summing-up studies of this type of selection for or lower. The former indicated a “friendly” soil, and the
organ-preference in general, it should be emphasized latter, a “hostile” soil; the numerical variations within
that cancer cell lines have been obtained which indeed each of the three groups indicated more subtle degrees
exhibit this trait, which is heritable for a variable num- of “soil” differences in the different types of primary
ber of passages in vivo and in vitro. However, as cancers, in accord with the seed-and-soil hypothesis.
discussed in Chapter 10, the relationship of these obser- According to analyses of this type, the most favor-
vations to naturally-occurring, organ-specificity is not able soil for metastases from primary cancers of the
at all clear. In this context, it should be noted that renal breast, colorectum and lung is the uveal tract (posterior
clear cell carcinomas in humans, which might reason- choroid) of the eye, even though the absolute inci-
ably be expected to be kidney-selected, do not in fact dence of metastases in this site is low (Weiss, 1993).
preferentially metastasize to the contralateral kidney In Table 6.4, an example of this type of analysis in
(Weiss et al., 1988). primary carcinoma of the breast is given, where the var-
ious target organs are grouped according to metastatic
efficiency index (MEI) which equals per cent incidence
6.7. Some present and future directions of involvement/organ arterial blood-flow. Estimates of
MEI for the lungs and liver were not given because can-
Reviews of metastatic pattern have been prepared by cer cells may also reach these organs via the pulmonary
Hart (1982), Sugarbaker (1982), Weiss (1992) and and portal veins respectively, and other routes.
Nicolson (1988), and a highly selected bibliography The vexing question of false negative reports of
representing a very small fraction of recent work is metastasis is being at least partially resolved by the
cited below. use of immunocytochemical and immunohistological
Using a rat sarcoma model, Proctor (1976) injected techniques in combination with flow cytometry and
cancer cells into the portal venous or vena caval sys- automated microscopy. The prospects of using such
tems. He observed that cancer cells were retained probes and markers for the non-invasive detection of
almost exclusively in the liver or lung respectively, and small metastases in patients has so far proved some-
that tumor growth was limited to these organs. In con- what disappointing in the present context, because
trast, following systemic arterial injection, cancer cells the techniques of state-of-the-art ultrasound, scinti-
were distributed to many organs, with different subse- graphic scanning, X-ray tomography and magnetic
quent growth patterns; fewer cancer cells were required resonance imaging cannot directly detect cancers less
to produce tumors in the adrenal glands than in the than several millimeters in diameter in the absence
lungs, apparently because there is a much higher rate of local tissue change, including microcalcifications
of cancer cell loss in the latter. This work indicates that associated with breast cancer. However, some improve-
both mechanical and seed-and-soil processes play non- ment in their capabilities through the development of
exclusive roles in this model of the post-dissemination image-enhancers is probable. If utilizable biochemi-
phases of metastasis. cal differences between cancer and normal tissue cells
An analytic technique has also been developed by can be identified (Chapter 9), then the powerful tool of
Weiss (1992) for use on human autopsy data, to positron emission tomography could also prove to be a
discriminate between the roles of delivery and the sensitive detection technique.
seed-and-soil effects in arterial metastasis. Cancer cell Many of the key events in hematogenous metas-
delivery is proportional to arterial blood-flow to the tasis involve the interactions between cancer cells

Table 6.4. Metastatic efficiency indices (Incidence of metastasis/ target organ blood flow) for specified target
organs in primary human breast cancer

Kidneys Skeletal Brain Skin Heart Bone Thyroid Adrenals Eye

muscle marrow
MEI 0.017 0.028 0.030 0.049 0.051 0.103 0.240 0.347 13.5
Blood flow∗ 1000 560 750 400 200 600 100 90 0.628
Incidence (%) 17.0 15.5 22.8 19.5 10.3 61.8 24.0 31.2 8.5
of metastasis
∗Blood-flow ml/min.
Data sources cited in Weiss (1993).

and the microvasculature (Orr et al., 1991); there are observations on embryonal mouse carcinoma lines,
many advantages in studying some of these interac- grown in vitro and injected into different sites in mice.
tions in vitro, where the effects of individual factors These indicated that neither local growth responses, nor
can be isolated. In 1975, Nicolson and Winkelhake initial attachments accounted for the patterns of tumor
described the selective adhesion of cultured melanoma colony development seen after arterial injection.
cells to monolayers of endothelial cells derived from A novel approach to metastatic pattern was described
different organs, or to sub-endothelial matrix. These by Arguello et al. (1992), in their study of the inci-
and additional experiments by Nicolson and others dence and distribution of tumor colonies, following the
confirmed much earlier histologic studies showing injection of cancer cells into mutant mice with geneti-
that when cancer cells made contact with endothe- cally defective organ microenvironments. Experiments
lial cells, the latter retracted exposing the underlying of this type will hopefully enable the powerful tech-
subendothelium to which they adhered. Auerbach et niques of molecular genetics to be brought to bear on
al. (1987) demonstrated the specificity of adhesion defined “soil” features of metastatic patterns.
between certain cancer cells and capillary endothe- Following the work of Bross and his colleagues
lium derived from different organs in vitro, which in (Bross and Blumenson, 1976), metastasis of metas-
these systems correlated with cancer cell trapping and tases, or metastatic cascades, have probably been
metastasis in vivo. Thus, these various in vitro exper- demonstrated in humans at autopsy, in primary can-
iments focus on selective adhesion of cancer cells to cers of the colorectum (Viadana et al., 1978; Weiss
specific sites, and in some cases related metastatic pat- et al., 1986), kidney (Weiss et al., 1988) and pan-
terns to cancer cell delivery, which is in accord with creas (Weiss et al., 1993). The demonstration that
the “mechanical” hypothesis. However, one obvious metastatic patterns apparently develop in a step-wise
drawback to these experiments utilizing endothelial manner raises the possibility of using local therapy,
monolayers is that they emphasize the chemistry of with the advantages of high local dose to metastases
the interactions, but ignore the geometry and hence in the liver or lungs and minimizing systemic toxicity
the mechanical trapping of cancer cells in small blood (Weiss, 1989).
vessels in vivo (Chapter 4 (4)). The main role of adhe-
sion of cancer cells to the microvasculature may not
be in cell trapping per se, but in regulating cancer cell 6.8. Cell adhesion molecules and
growth. metastatic patterns
The differential effects of cancer cell lodgement sites
on growth has been described by Bellamy and Hinsull Local variations in the vascular endothelium in relation
(1978), Kawaguchi et al. (1982), Nicolson and Dulski to metastasis were reviewed by Belloni and Nicolson
(1986), Yamori et al. (1988) and Chan et al. (1988) (1991), who concluded that:
among others. (1) The adhesion of cancer cells to the microvascular
Additional complexity in the mechanisms of endothelial cells in different organ sites is important
metastatic pattern are indicated by Kahan’s (1987) in the development of metastatic patterns.

(2) The dynamic properties of normal and activated Clearly, metastasis in vivo cannot occur in the
endothelial cells underlies the marked heterogene- absence of cell adhesion to vessel walls, and cell
ity of the microvasculature. adhesion molecules stabilize these adhesions, but their
(3) The kinetics of cancer cell adhesion to monolayers relationship to specific metastatic patterns is compli-
of endothelial cells in vitro, differs among different cated. It is therefore interesting that injections of the 3
sub-populations of cancer cells and often correlates amino acid sequence Arginine–Glycine–Aspartamine
with their in vivo “metastatic” properties. (RGD) simultaneously with intravenous injection of
(4) The differential expression of organ-associated cancer cells, blocked the development of lung colonies
microdomains on microvessel endothelial cells, (Humphries et al., 1986). However, while these and
serves as tissue “addressins” in the prefer- similar experiments implied that receptor/ligand inter-
ential tissue localization of circulating cancer actions between cancer cells and vessel walls can
cells. promote site-specific metastasis, they did not indicate
(5) Multiple molecular interactions, including involve- whether the effects were mediated through differential
ment of integrin complexes, is involved in cancer adhesion per se, or differential growth.
cell adhesion to endothelial cells. It presently appears that metastatic patterns are in
(6) The growth of arrested cells in different target part due to the differential delivery to, and arrest at
organs also determines organ preference in metas- target sites of enough tumorigenic cancer cells, and
tasis. Growth is determined by cell/cell; cell/ECM their differential growth in these sites. Thus, while the
and cell/soluble molecular interactions. mechanical and seed-and-soil hypotheses are not mutu-
ally exclusive, neither in itself accounts for metastatic
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Nicolson are in accord with much experimental evi- mind that a full-blown hematogenous metastatic pat-
dence. Organotypic endothelial cell surface molecules tern can only develop if the patient or laboratory animal
were also implicated in organ preference in metasta- survives long enough, and that the pattern may be
sis by Pauli et al. (1991), but particularly with respect distorted by treatment or death.
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