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Effect of Freeze/Thaw
et al. Cycles on DMSO

The Effect of Freeze/Thaw Cycles on

the Stability of Compounds in DMSO



A diverse set of 320 compounds from the Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals organic compound repository was prepared as
20-mM DMSO solutions and stored at 4 °C under argon in pressurized canisters to simulate a low-humidity environment. The
plates were subjected to 25 freeze/thaw cycles while being exposed to ambient atmospheric conditions after each thaw to sim-
ulate the time and manner by which compound plates are exposed to the atmosphere during typical liquid-handling and high-
throughput screening processes. High-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry with evaporative light-
scattering detection was used to quantitate the amount of compound remaining after every 5th freeze/thaw cycle. Control
plates were stored either at room temperature under argon or at 4 °C under argon without freeze/thaw cycling and were evalu-
ated at the midpoint and the endpoint of the study. The study was conducted over a short time period (i.e., 7 weeks) to minimize
the effect of compound degradation over time due to the exposure of the compounds to DMSO. The results from this study will
be used to determine the maximum number of freeze/thaw cycles that can be achieved while maintaining acceptable com-
pound integrity. (Journal of Biomolecular Screening 2003:210-215)

Key words: mass spectrometry (MS); high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS); pharma-
ceutical drug discovery; compound repository; compound stability; high-throughput screening (HTS)

INTRODUCTION found effects on the integrity of a compound in solution because

sample degradation and/or precipitation may occur.


tion can lead to significant compound degradation and to a
subsequent increase in the number of false positives for high-
The quality of an HTS screening collection can be maintained if
expiration limits for plate retention are used to trigger the creation
of fresh compound plates. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of in-
throughput biological assays. As a consequence, many pharma- formation on this topic, as most information on the effects of
ceutical organizations store their high-throughput screening (HTS) freeze/thaw cycling and prolonged storage on compound stability
collections as frozen DMSO solutions. The hygroscopic nature of has only been presented in conference proceedings.4-9 Accord-
DMSO1-3 can complicate sample storage because water absorption ingly, we designed 2 studies to monitor the effects of storage and
by DMSO can affect compound solutions by causing changes in subsequent compound handling on the integrity of a diverse set of
compound concentration, solubility, and/or degradation. As a re- pharmaceutically relevant compounds.8,9 The first study examined
sult, soluble screening collections are generally stored at 4 °C and the fate of compounds stored up to 1 year under ambient conditions
low relative humidity. As a consequence, compound solutions are and is presented in another manuscript.9 The study described in this
thawed to access the samples for HTS testing and are frozen again paper was undertaken to measure the effects of multiple freeze/
for long-term storage. This freeze/thaw cycling may have pro- thaw cycles on the stability of DMSO solutions of 320 compounds.
The thawed solutions were exposed to ambient conditions after
each thaw to simulate the time that compound plates are exposed to
Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals, Mason, OH. the atmosphere during liquid handling. The study was conducted
Received Aug 6, 2002, and in revised form Dec 31, 2002. Accepted for publica- over a short period of time (7 weeks) to separate the effects of
tion Jan 3, 2003. freeze/thaw cycling from sample degradation due to other pro-
Journal of Biomolecular Screening 8(2); 2003 cesses. The goal of the study was to identify the maximum number
DOI: 10.1177/1087057103252618
Published by Sage Publications in association with The Society for Biomolecular of freeze/thaw cycles that are allowable to maintain compound in-
Screening tegrity at a predefined level of acceptability.

210 © 2003 The Society for Biomolecular Screening

Effect of Freeze/Thaw Cycles on DMSO

MATERIALS AND METHODS 2. Room-temperature controls: One set of 4 plates was stored under
argon at room temperature. The canisters were opened daily, and
the plates were exposed to ambient conditions for ~2 h to simulate
Diversity analysis
the time that plates are exposed to the atmosphere during liquid
A total of 320 organic compounds from various commercial handling. The canisters were then purged with argon. A sample
vendors were obtained from the Procter & Gamble Pharmaceutical was sent for HPLC-MS/ELSD analysis at 2 weeks and at the end
(P&GP) compound repository and were used in this study. The of the study.
3. Frozen, never thawed controls: Two sets of 4 plates were stored in
analysis of the diversity of the subset was done using the computer
separate canisters under argon in a 4 °C cold room. One set of
program DiverseSolutions.10 The subset was compared to the
plates was thawed at 2 weeks and was submitted for HPLC-MS/
whole P&GP repository collection to ensure that it was generally ELSD analysis. The other set of plates was thawed at the end of the
representative of the entire collection. The comparison was made study and was submitted for HPLC-MS/ELSD analysis.
on the basis of a “universal” chemistry-space definition compris-
ing 6 BCUT descriptors.11 The chemistry-space definition was de-
Analytical procedure
signed based on the examination of approximately 1 million drug-
like structures and captures important molecular features such as First, 10-µL aliquots were transferred with mixing from daugh-
hydrogen-bond donating and accepting ability, polarizability, charge ter plates into 96-well deep-well plates (Beckman Coulter,
distribution, and solvent-accessible surface area. Principal compo- Fullerton, CA) containing 200 µL of spectrophotometric-grade
nents analysis (PCA)12 was used to compress the 6-dimensional DMSO (EM Science, Gibbstown, NJ). The diluted solutions were
chemistry space coordinates into a 3-dimensional data set for the then transferred to a vial fitted with a microinsert (Agilent, Palo
purpose of visualization. The computer program Minitab for Alto, CA) and were placed in an Agilent 1050 autosampler. Then,
Windows13 was used for this analysis. 5 µL of the diluted sample solution was injected and analyzed via
HPLC-MS/ELSD. Both positive and negative atmospheric pres-
Materials sure chemical ionization (APCI) were used for mass spectral de-
tection. ELSD was the method of choice for purity assessment and
From the P&GP compound repository, 5 to 7 mg of each sample quantitation in this application due to its more universal nature
was received as a dry powder and was dissolved on a custom- when compared with UV detection. Mass spectrometry was the
designed automated compound dissolution system. All com- method of choice for molecular weight confirmation. Experimen-
pounds were dissolved to 20 mM in 99.8% anhydrous DMSO tal conditions for the analytical analyses are summarized in Table 1.
(Aldrich, Milwaukee, WI).
Ciprofloxacin (Seriologicals, Inc., Kankakee, IL) and (±)-4
The dissolved compounds were transferred to four 96-well [α-[2-Chloro-5-[4-(2.4-di-tert-pentylphenoxy)butyramido]-
deep-well mother plates (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA). phenylcarbamoyl]-α-pivaloyl-methoxy]benzoic acid (Aldrich,
Daughter plates (Costar, Corning, NY) containing 100 µL of solu- Milwaukee, WI) were used as surrogate compounds to calibrate
tion per well were prepared from each mother plate and were used the ELSD response because individual calibration of each analyte
in the study. All daughter plates were sealed with microtiter cap in the study was not feasible. These 2 compounds were chosen as
mats (Costar, Corning, NY) and stored within modified pressure “universal” surrogates (1) to encompass the MS range for most of
canisters (Speedaire, Chicago). A positive pressure of argon was the study compounds, (2) to display many of the drug-like moieties
maintained in each canister to simulate a low-humidity present in the study compounds, and (3) to elute within the ex-
environment. pected retention time for most targets.
Fresh calibration standards and quality control (QC) solutions
Freeze/thaw study design were prepared from stock solutions and analyzed with each batch
Each sample was submitted for high-pressure liquid chroma- run of the study. The calibration stock solution was serially diluted
tography–mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) analysis with evapora- to provide calibration standards ranging in concentrations from
tive light-scattering detection (ELSD) at the beginning of the study. 0.02 to 1.5 mg/mL. Separately weighed QC stock solutions (from
Four sets of daughter plates were stored for 7 weeks under the fol- 0.4 to 0.8 mg/mL) were prepared from the surrogate compounds.
lowing conditions and were submitted for HPLC-MS/ELSD anal- QC solutions and DMSO blanks were interspersed with the study
ysis as indicated: samples.
Samples, standards, and QC solutions were quantitated against
1. Freeze/thaw plates: One set of 4 plates was stored under argon in a
an averaged-value ELSD calibration curve constructed using data
4 °C cold room. The plates were thawed daily under argon and
were then exposed to ambient conditions for ~2 h to simulate the from the surrogate calibration. A new calibration curve was con-
time that plates are exposed to the atmosphere during liquid han- structed with each set of samples for every time point in the study
dling. The canisters were then purged with argon and returned to and was used to determine an absolute concentration in mmol/L
the cold room. A sample was sent for HPLC-MS/ELSD analysis for each sample at each time point. The relative percentage of each
after every 5th freeze/thaw cycle. compound after each time point was determined by comparing the

Journal of Biomolecular Screening 8(2); 2003 211

Kozikowski et al.

Table 1. Instrumental Conditions for the HPLC-MS Analyses A repeated-measures regression model was used to describe the
Performed in This Study relationship between the number of thaws and the percentage of
compound remaining. The fixed effect was the number of thaws,
APCI-MS experimental and the random effects were plates and compounds within the
conditions for HPLC/
plates. The maximum number of freeze/thaw cycles can be deter-
Instrumentation Micromass Platform-II with APCI ionization mined whereby the lower one-sided confidence interval intersects
Ionization/data type APCI + and –, centroid data a predetermined percent remaining. The analysis was performed in
Drying gas N2, 300 L/h SAS 8.0.14
APCI sheath gas N2, 100 L/h
Mass range 100-1000 (+, –)
Scan rate 0.12 interscan delay, 1.2 sec/scan RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Cone voltage 8V
Source temperature 150 °C A total of 320 compounds from commercial vendors were in-
Probe temperature 450 °C
HPLC experimental cluded in the freeze/thaw study. However, 88 of the 320 com-
conditions for HPLC/ pounds were not detected by LC-MS at t = 0 and therefore could
ELSD/APCI-MS not be followed over the course of the study or included in the sta-
Instrumentation HP 1050 HPLC with vial autosampler tistical analysis of the data. A compound could have not been de-
Column Waters Symmetry Shield Rx C8, 4.6 × 50 mm
Mobile phase A: 95% ACN/5% H20/.005% TFA; B: 3% ACN/
tected due to rapid compound degradation upon dissolution, com-
97% H20/.005% TFA; C: 3% ACN/97% H20/ pound incompatibility with the HPLC and/or ionization methods
.005% TFA; D: 95% ACN/5% H20/.005% TFA used, or compound misidentification upon receipt. All of the com-
Gradient: 50/50 B/C to 50/50 A/D over 3 min, pounds not detected were obtained from commercial vendors. Er-
hold 1.5 min rors in the identity of compounds purchased from vendors are not
Equilibrate at 50/50 B/C for 1.5 min
(total runtime = 6.0 min) uncommon and may be due to errors in data transfer, sample label-
LC flow rate 3.0 mL/min ing, or original identification. The average purity of the remaining
Amount injected 5 µL 232 compounds at the start of the study was 96%.
Split ratio 2:3:1 (UV:ELSD:MS) The three 2-dimensional plots in Figure 1 show the relationship
ELSD Sedere Sedex 75C, Gain = 9, 2.8 bar, 41 °C
UV wavelength 254 nm
of the compounds included in the stability study to the whole P&
GP repository. The x, y, and z axes correspond to the first, second,
HPLC-MS, high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry; APCI-MS, at-
mospheric pressure chemical ionization–mass spectrometry; ELSD, evaporative light- and third principal components (PCs), respectively, from the PCA
scattering detection.
analysis. A total of 68.1% of variance in the original 6-dimensional
space is accounted for by the first 3 PCs. The compounds are
chemically diverse as a set and are representative of the diversity of
absolute concentration value for a given time point (tm) with its as- the chemical repository at P&GP.
sociated value at the beginning of the study (t0) via the following
A summary of the statistical analysis for comparing the 3 differ-
simple equation:
ent storage methods is shown in Table 2 and plotted in Figure 2.
Percentage of compound remaining = The treatment, time, and treatment-by-time interaction terms in the
(Concentration at tm冫Concentration at t0) • (100). statistical model were highly statistically significant (p = 0.0027, <
0.0001, and < 0.0001, respectively). At 10 freeze/thaw cycles, the
frozen control was statistically different from the room-tempera-
Statistical analysis
ture control and the freeze/thaw samples by the t-test but not by
A mixed model was used to model the effect of the 3 different Tukey’s test. Note that the > 100% midpoint reading for the frozen
storage conditions on the percentage of compound remaining. The control can be attributed to the use of external standards, a nonlin-
fixed effects were the treatment and time (or the number of thaws) ear detector, and sampling errors during plating and subsequent
and treatment-by-time interaction, with time being modeled as a liquid handling. At the end of 25 freeze/thaw cycles, all 3 storage
repeated measure. The random effects were plates, compounds methods were statistically different by the t-test, and both the
within the plates, and the plate-by-treatment interaction. For each frozen and room-temperature storage methods were statistically
treatment and time combination, least square means and standard different from the freeze/thaw storage method by Tukey’s test. The
errors were generated. Multiple treatment comparisons were made percentage of compound remaining at the end of the study was
using t-test and Tukey’s test. The t-test controls for comparison- greatest for the frozen and never-thawed controls and was least for
wise error rates, whereas Tukey’s test controls for experiment-wise the compounds exposed to the multiple freeze/thaw cycles (83.1%
error rates. Comparison-wise error rates are more liberal than vs. 55.8%, respectively), as seen in Figure 2. As expected, the per-
experiment-wise error rates. Statistical significance was α = 0.05, centage of compound remaining decreased for all 3 storage
and all tests were two-sided. methods.

212 Journal of Biomolecular Screening 8(2); 2003

Effect of Freeze/Thaw Cycles on DMSO

FIG. 1. A comparison of the diversity of the compounds included in the freeze/thaw stability study (red) to those in the Procter & Gamble Pharmaceu-
ticals repository (black) is shown. Principal components analysis was used to convert the 6-dimensional chemistry space into three 2-dimensional views.

Table 2. Summary of the Statistical Analysis for Comparing Compound loss was probably not due to degradation because
the 3 Different Storage Conditions additional peaks were not observed in any of the HPLC
chromatograms. Solid precipitate was observed in many of the so-
Least Square Multiple Comparisons
lutions at the end of the study, indicating that the apparent sample
Treatment Time Standard Error t-Test Tukey’s Test
losses could be due to compound precipitation rather than com-
pound degradation.
Frozen control Midpoint 106.7 ± 3.2 A A The relationship between the percentage of compound remain-
ing and the number of thaws can be described by the following re-
control Midpoint 96.7 ± 3.2 B A
Freeze/thaw 10 freeze/thaws 96.3 ± 3.2 B A gression equation, which is plotted in Figure 3:
Frozen control Endpoint 83.1 ± 3.2 A A
Room-temperature Percentage of compound remaining =
control Endpoint 72.4 ± 3.2 B A 104.1% – 1.67 • (Number of thaws).
Freeze/thaw 25 freeze/thaws 55.8 ± 3.2 C B
Column means followed by the same letter are not statistically significantly different at α = Both the slope and intercept terms in the regression model were
0.05 within a given time. highly statistically significant (p < 0.0001 and < 0.0001, respec-

Journal of Biomolecular Screening 8(2); 2003 213

Kozikowski et al.
Percentage of Compound Remaining

Observed mean

Percentage of Compound Remaining

110 Predicted mean
100 Lower 95% confidence interval
Example of an acceptable
limit for compound loss


70 70

Frozen, never thawed observed means

60 Room temperature observed means 60
Freeze/thaw observed means

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time, marked by the number of freeze/thaw cycles Number of Freeze/thaws

FIG. 2. A plot of the statistical results for comparing the 3 different FIG. 3. The relationship between the percentage of compound re-
storage conditions. maining and the number of freeze/thaw cycles.

tively). The maximum number of freeze/thaw cycles can be deter-

mined from where the lower one-sided confidence interval inter- REFERENCES
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214 Journal of Biomolecular Screening 8(2); 2003

Effect of Freeze/Thaw Cycles on DMSO

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Journal of Biomolecular Screening 8(2); 2003 215

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