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Checklist question Define management and organization Management is the process of accomplishing an organizations goals through the coordinated

performance of five specific functions and they include: Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Controlling

An organization is a framework which contains the management process where it can be carried out. It is a structure that allows big company to achieve greater efficiency compared to a small firm running effectively by a few employees. Discuss the different levels of management, and explain each levels role There are three types of the level of management which are: (a) Top management they are the policy-making group and are responsible for the overall direction of the firm. Top management is the highest level management in the organization and they determine the objectives and procedures in order to meet the goals established by the board of directors. They also make recommendations to the board that concerns the goals of the company. Top management usually called executives, senior executives or major executives. (b) Middle management they are responsible for the execution and interpretation of policies throughout the firm. Middle management is referred to the second level of management in an organization. They develop operational plans and procedures to improve the broader ones considered by the top management. E.g. what new equipments that are needed to purchase. Middle managements are individuals who head up departments or divisions within a major administration such as a simulator division head who reports to the flight procedures and training department head. (c) Operating management they are responsible for the final execution of policies by employees under its supervision. Operating management are the lowest level management in an organization and they include managers, assistant managers, section chiefs, general foremen etc. Operation management is usually concerned with putting into action operational plans devised by the middle management. List several major departments under each administration, and discuss their individual roles.(maria)

Several major departments under each administration are Finance and property, information services, personnel, medical, legal, corporate communications, and economic planning. Finance and property formulates policies for the financing of all activities in the airline and is charged with the receipt and safeguarding of the companys revenues and the accounting of all receipts and disbursements Information services is responsible for designing and maintaining the data communications network within the airline including database administrators and so forth. Personnel is to maintain a mutually satisfactory relationship between management and employees. Medical provides health services to all employees through physical exams and emergency treatment and establishes health criteria for hiring new employees. Legal is responsible for handling all legal matters, including claims against the company for loss of or damage to the property of others and for injuries to persons. Corporate communications related with announcements regarding company activities, such as weather that caused flight cancellations, or the latest traffic or financial statistics, are made by representative of this department.

Economic planning is to plan and control the factors that affect the companys economic well-being. Identify the three line administrations found in a typical air carrier, and describe their primary responsibilities. The three line administrations found in a typical air carrier are flight operations, engineering and maintenance, and marketing and services. Flight operations which is the senior vice-president of flight operations is responsible for developing schedule patterns and procedures for the economic utilization of flight equipment and personnel, flight operations policies, and others. Engineering and maintenance

Marketing services extremely important marketing department, literally designs the carriers products and determines the firms market opportunities. It has divisions as market research and forecasting, pricing and schedule planning. The services planning department is responsible for the development of the inflight and ground services for the various markets identified by market research and forecasting. 4. What is an organization plan? Describe the eight principles of organization discussed in the chapter. Why are they so important to the management of airlines?(tenna) Organization plan is a plan for bringing together the resources of a firm (capital and labor) to the position of greatest effectiveness or productivity and consists of the grouping of operations (labor and equipment) to achieve the advantages of specialization and a chain of command. Eight principles of organization: i. Unity of objectives states that each department, administration, division, section, group and unit of the company must contribute to the accomplishment of the overall goals of the firm ii. Span of control states that there is a limit to the number of subordinates a manager can effectively supervise and its depends on such variables as the types and complexity of work being performed, the managers ability, the training of subordinates, the effectiveness of communication and the important of time. iii. Departmentalization the practice of subdividing both people and functions into groups within the organization to gain the advantages of specialization iv. Delegation of authority implies the that the authority to make decisions should be pushed down to the lowest competent of supervision and this allow minor decisions to be made at the lower levels of management and major decisions at the higher levels. v. Levels of management vi. Clearly defined duties should be clearly defined so that it differs from and does not overlap with other job classifications and all of this can be clearly defined from the organizational manual. vii. Flexibility carrier must be flexible and can adapt to changing conditions, both internal and external. viii. Communication means an uninterrupted flow of orders, instructions, questions, responses, explanations, ideas and suggestion between top management and the rest of organization. 6. What is an organizational chart? (tenna) Depicts the formal authority relationships between superiors and subordinates at the various hierarchical levels as well as the formal channels of communication within the company. What is its purpose? Helps management implement organization principles such as span of control and unity of objectives and also can serve as and aid in identifying such organizational deficiencies as one individual reporting to more than one boss or manager with too wide a span of control.

The organizational charts shown in this chapter are fairly comprehensive and reflect the organizational plan for a major carrier. Suppose you were charged with the responsibility of developing an organizational chart for a medium sized commuter carrier. Develop a chart, including appropriate line and staff department. 7. Which major administration would the following staff departments fall under? Communication - Information services Corporate insurance - Legal Account payable - Finance and property Facilities and airport planning Investigation and security - Legal Employee suggestion program - Personnel Management appraisal and development - Personnel Publicity - Corporate communications Industrial engineering - Personnel Fleet planning - Economics Review Questions(maria) 1.) Define management. What is meant by the different levels of management? How are they distinguishable? Which titles do we normally find at each level of management? Management is the process of accomplishing an organizations goals through the coordinated performance of five specific functions and they include: Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Controlling

The terms top management, middle management and operating management are used to distinguish the different levels of management in an organization. They are distinguishable by the different responsibilities they play. For instance top management is responsible for policy-making and is responsible for the overall direction of the firm. Middle management is responsible for the execution and interpretation of policies throughout the firm. Operating management is

responsible for the final execution of policies by employees under its supervision. Typical titles of top management are such as president, executive vice president, senior vice-president etc. middle management are such as vice-president, director, superintendent etc. operating management are such as managers, assistant managers, section chiefs, general foreman, foreman etc.

2.) How does decision making differ at the various levels of management? Sometimes no decision is a decision. Discuss. It has been said that management decision making was easier before deregulation. Do you agree? Why?

Top managers are daily confronted with the need to decide on courses of action that will enable them to achieve the goals to which their companies are dedicated. The middle management, from whom the basic procedural orders for the companys operations emanate, correct decisions may be important to ensure the survival of the firm. As for operating management, the number and importance of decisions made usually decreases, but the decisions made at these levels are nevertheless essential to the well-being of the company. Sometimes no decision is a decision, the possible consequences of unwise decisions e.g. large carriers wield vast resources in the areas of finance, capacity, manpower and competition. The steps involved in making a decision are: (a) Recognition of the problem involved (b) Definition of the problem and breakdown into its essential parts (c) Attempt to establish two or more alternative solutions and to evaluate them comparatively (d) Selection of the solution believed to be the most favorable (e) Adoption of this solution and implementation of it through the issuing of the necessary orders.

Disagree. Management decision making was harder before deregulation. This is because before deregulation, Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) was mostly in control of the routes, prices and equipments. By 1970s, CAB stop giving grant of new routes to large trunk carriers therefore they were restricted to serve their existing routes. Awards of additional routes needed a lengthy and expensive

regulatory procedure. The CAB was also in control of the acquisition of the aircraft. Deregulation gave managers to deploy assets and to price services according to the market demand. 8. Describe the four major departments under flight operations. What is the role of flight dispatch? Briefly describe the flight-crew functions from the time they report to the airport until they arrive at their destination. Why do the major carriers have their own meteorologists? The administration which is the senior vice-president of flight operations is responsible for developing schedule patterns and procedures for the economic utilization of flight equipment and personnel, flight operations policies, procedures, and techniques to promote the safe, efficient, and progressive operation of aircraft. It is must also to maintain the airline operating certificate in compliance with FAA regulations. It has divide into two level which are departmental level and division level. There are four departmental levels which are the vice-president of air traffic and safety, flight procedures and training, flying, and the director of flight crew scheduling. Division levels are in dispatching aircraft that airlines maintain a central control agency known as system operations control (SOC), which coordinates flight operations, including airplane movements system wide by a director of flight dispatch. There also have regional flight dispatch managers that responsible during their shifts for the overall planning of the flight operations over the entire system The major carriers have their own meteorologists because of after World War II; the airlines saw the need for a specialized weather service. The basic function of the director of meteorology is the administration of the centralized weather service. Meteorologist will construct and analyze weather maps and charts to determine what weather phenomena are occurring over various geographic areas at a specific time. 9. What is the primary role of the E&M administration? Most carriers divide their stations into various classes of maintenance service. Describe the classes. Distinguish between routine scheduled maintenance and non-routine maintenance. What is the difference between checks A through D? Discuss some of the maintenance problems associated with aging aircraft. (lala) 5) Explain what is meant by a line-and-staff organization.
The line-and-staff organization combines the line organization with staff departments that support and advise line departments. Most medium and large-sized firms exhibit line-and-staff organizational structures.

Most large carriers are organized using the line-and-staff concept. Line personnel are those whose rders and authority flows in a straight line from the chief executive down to lower levels in the organization. Meanwhile, staff personnel are those whose orders and authority do not flow in a straight line down from the top of organization.

6) Identify the typical staff administrations in a major carrier, and describe their primary responsibilities.

Senior vice-president:

Finance and property formulates policies for the financing of all activities in the airlines in the airlines and is charged with the receipt and safeguarding of the companys revenues and the accounting of all receipts and disbursements.

Information service designing and maintaining the data communication network within airline. Included in this department are database administrator, which responsible analyze how computer data processing can be applied to specific user in organization.

Personnel to maintain a mutually satisfactory relationship between management and employees, responsible providing fair and adequate personnel policis.

Corporate communication responsible in announcing regarding company activities like impending strike, weather-caused flight cancellations, or the latest traffic or financial statistics.

Economics planning plan and control the facors that affect thee companys economics well-being. Developes all long range forecast and project the companys financial returns.

Legal handling all legal mattersclaims against the company for loss of or damage to the property of others and for injuries to persons.

Medical provides health services to all employees through physical exams and emergency treatment and establishes health criteria for hiring new employees.

11.what is an overhaul work report? How have major carriers jet overhauls changed since the early 90s? give several reasons air carriers have increased contract maintenance in recent years. Overhaul work report is the basic document used in formulating the airframe overhaul plan of a major carriers jet fleet which is the work report prepared by the engineering department for maintaining the structural intergrity of the particular aircraft. When it approved by FAA. It became part of operation specification

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