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How I Escaped the 9-5 (and You Can Too)

By Champ

Wake up. Clock in. Hit the coffee machine. Answer emails under fluorescent lights. Take
a 30 minute lunch break at the nearest fast-food spot. More emails (gotta look busy when the
boss walks by.) Get in the car. Drive home. Microwave some pizza. Spend your few free hours
watching Netflix to forget about what your life really is.

Sorry if you feel attacked - I just wanted you to visualize my old reality, because it might
look similar to yours (or your future one if you don’t take action.)

Today, my life looks pretty different. I have no boss. I work whenever I want, wherever I
want. I have no office and I don’t clock in. I do have meetings, but the difference is that they’re
scheduled at my discretion, with people who work for me, to help grow a company I started in
my bedroom last year.

This life brought in about $2,000,000 dollars for me last year and today I’m sitting down
writing this document to share with you some of the most important learnings that brought me
to this point. These are important realizations for anyone looking to become an anomaly - for
anyone who wants to defy the norm and live an incredible life.

This is not going to be a concrete guide. It’s not going to be a how-to guide of what skills you
need to learn or what people to contact. It’s food for thought and philosophical in nature
because (at least for me) all of this starts in the mind.

Let’s get into it.

1) You must unplug your mind and prepare to defy fate

This one gets some eye-rolls, but I don’t care. It’s the most important step because if you
don’t take it, none of the others are possible. You must understand that from a very young age,
via the school system, popular media, and everything else you’ve been exposed to, you’ve been
programmed to think there is (1) way to become rich and successful. It goes like this:

> Go to school
> Get the job
> Save 10-20% of your income for 40 years
> Retire

I’m here to be the bearer of good news and let you know that this is complete and utter
bullshit. I’m also here to let you know that in order to do anything extraordinary in life, you must
entirely eliminate this mental framework.

You will not build the life of your dreams if you live under the assumption that the
aforementioned process is the only way to become successful. As a matter of fact, until you
unlearn this framework, you cannot be successful, because you will turn your nose up at the
real ways to get rich and call them “unrealistic” because they don’t fit this stupid philosophy…
which brings me to point two.

2) The Real Sauce is Hidden Where They Tell You Not To Look

If you tell the average person you just bought an online course from one of your favorite
YouTubers, their response will probably be one of the following:

“Aren’t those all scams?”

“Why would you waste your money on that?”


I can’t tell you how ironic such an attitude is, though.

The modern world has the average person’s mind so convinced that the framework we
mentioned above (get the job, save the money, retire) is the only way to amass wealth that they
will call easily accessible online education…

…made by people with specific skills who have publicly documented their success in a
particular field…

…which allow anyone with internet access to learn directly from individuals who have
proved success in the exact area that they’re teaching…

…scams. They will call these courses, masterminds, networking groups, or whatever
else, scams. They will then go pay over 100 times more money to go to college and learn
precisely zero skills that are actually relevant to their goals.

I’ve spend hundreds of thousands of thousands of dollars on online courses, digital

masterminds, real life events, and more in order to learn how to do the things that have gotten
me here and I will spend many thousands more in the future.

I’m not shilling anyone’s course, and you need to do your research on who to listen to,
but all of the information you need lives online. Don’t let the world deter you because they want
you to go the traditional route instead. It’s not gonna make you rich.

3) You Don’t Have to Go Cold Turkey

I understand that many of you reading this are risk-averse, and that’s okay. I used to be
scared to do most of what I’m doing now.
As a matter of fact, I didn’t quit my job before I began to see success. As a matter of fact,
the only reason I finally quit my job was because I had a multi-six-figure day in January of
2022, my coworkers found out (because it was a public product launch,) then my boss found out
and literally told me to quit because I would be stupid to keep working a regular sales job.

I bring this to your attention because I was able to generate over $500,000 in
supplemental income before even quitting my job. It required grit, sacrificing everything in my
life but the pursuit of success, insane hours, and likely deteriorated my health, but the trade off
was that I didn’t have to lose my safety net until I knew I was ready.

If you’re reading this and you haven’t started chasing your dreams because you’re afraid
to quit your job - either because of what people would think or because you’re worried about the
money - I want you to know that’s no longer an excuse. I did both. You can do both.

The materials are all out there. Odds are, you know what you need to do. If you sit down
and audit your entire week, you certainly have some free time you can use to level up.

“But I have to take a break on the weekends, I need a balanced life!”

At a macro scale, I agree that balance is important. But there are times in your life when
you balance a stupid idea. This initial phase of changing your life is one of those.

Once an object is in motion, it stays in motion, but the initial push to gain momentum is
going to require everything you’ve got.

The pain of looking back in 30 years at an unfulfilling and unsuccessful life is going to be
much, much worse than the pain of hustling right now. I promise.

No more excuses.

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