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Research 8 Activity Sheet

Quarter 4 – MELC 5
Week 5
Advantages of Orderly Arranged Data


Research 8
Activity Sheet No. 5 – Data Organization
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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Writer: Rosebem M. Gargarita
Editor: Imelda R. Mamac
Illustrator: Architect Michael Dalipe
Layout Artist: Jessie P. Batosin
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Introductory Message
Welcome to Research 8!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts

of the Schools Division of San Carlos City and DepEd Regional Office VI -
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The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials

aimed to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and
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The Research 8 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-
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Advantages of Orderly Arranged Data

I. Learning Competency with Code

o State the advantages of orderly arranged data (SSP_RS8-BST-III-t-22).

II. Background Information for Learners

Data is a body of information or observations that are provided to a

researcher. It is a response or reaction given to a particular situation.
Thus, it is transient. The reaction of a person to a stimulus may not be the
same in all situations. The response to a question changes too. Data per se
is not meaningful unless it is analyzed. When data is processed,
information is produced. Information gathered serves as a basis for
According to the source, data may be classified as primary or

➢ Primary data – are first-hand information gathered by the person

who needs them. They may be observations or responses to a query.
➢ Secondary data – are second-hand information that is taken from
observations of others or responses to queries in research done

Primary data are data gathered by a researcher for a study while

secondary data are data taken from reports of others.
In the previous lesson, you have learned how data are collected.
Primary data may be collected through the following methods: interview:
questionnaire, observation, and experiments. Secondary data may include
time-series data, cross-section data, panel data, and pooled data. In this
learning activity, you will learn how these collected data can be organized
more understandably.

Data Organization

After data are collected, they have to be properly organized.

Organization of data refers to the process of classifying data collected for
ease of presentation. It may be done by encoding data in a spreadsheet.
Before encoding, make sure that the data set is accurate and complete. If
ever you encounter missing values or a respondent failed to answer some
of the items, do not encode anything on that item and just leave it blank.
Do the same if you are using secondary data. However, it is better if you
have complete data or no missing values.

Some of the common tools used for organizing data are graphs,
pictures, tables, and diagrams. Instead of reading the bulk of information
that is written in textual form, the use of these organizational tools would
help researchers organized these data in a more readable manner.

Take a look at this comparison.

Textual Form

Enzymes are biological catalysts that are made up of protein

molecules. They help speed up chemical reactions in living organisms. In the
human body, an enzyme can help in digesting food substances like
carbohydrates and fats.

The activity of potato enzymes at various temperatures was

investigated. The data are as follows.

Temperatures Relative Activities

Cold (-9° C) 5.5, 5.4, 6.2

Room (25°C) 20.6, 22.4, 20.4
Hot (50°C) 2.5, 3.2, 2.7

Tabular Form
Table 1. The Activity of Potato Enzymes at Various Temperature
Temperatures Relative Activities
Cold (-9° C) 5.5, 5.4, 6.2
Room (25°C) 20.6, 22.4, 20.4
Hot (50°C) 2.5, 3.2, 2.7

Don’t you think it is easy to read the table than reading a lengthy text
which oftentimes leads to confusion or even misinterpretation of the given
Look at the example below showing a textual form to graphical form.

Textual Form
Our new hybrid of Rudbeckia hirta has yellow flowers that appear much
like the wild variety. Of 500 hybrid flowers grown in a controlled
temperature and humidity greenhouse, 44% had 18 petals. Eighty-five
percent had 17, 18, or 19 petals. No flowers had less than 15 or more than
20 petals.
Graphical Form

Graph 1. A histogram of the number of flowers that have particular numbers of

petals. All flowers had between 15 and 20 petals (x-axis). Of the 500
flowers examined, 221 (44%) had 18 petals. Most flowers (83%) had
either 17, 18, or 19 petals. The mean, 17.8 petals; the median is 18
petals, and the histogram is asymmetric.

III. Activity Proper. The Pros of Organizing Data

Objective: State the advantages of orderly arranged data.
Study and analyze the given illustrations below and answer the follow-
up questions after it.
Textual Form
Cellulase activity was measured using enzyme assay methods based from a
study by Gupta, Samant, and Suha (2009), with some modifications. 0.5 mL
crude cellulase extract were mixed with 0.5 mL 2% carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)
in 1 mL citrate buffer (pH 4.8) and incubated for 30 min at 30ºC. 3 mL
dinitrosalicylic reagent was added for every 1 mL of the mixture afterwards to
stop hydrolysis. Mixtures were placed in boiling water for 5 min and diluted with
5 mL of distilled water afterwards. Data were gathered using a
spectrophotometer. Enzyme activity, or in this case, CMCase (carboxymethyl
cellulose) activity was evaluated with glucose as standard by quantifying the
mass of reducing sugars liberated from CMC per unit volume of the enzyme per
unit time.
Tabular Form

Graphical Form
1) Based on the given illustrations above, how are you going to describe the
manner of organizing the data?

2) What do you think are the advantages of orderly arranged data in

communicating your results?

3) How important is orderly arranged data in communicating your research

study to the readers? Why do you say so?

Scoring Rubric for Data Organization Chart

Criteria 3 2 1
All the data are Some of the data The arrangement
arranged in a are arranged in a of data &
Arrangement of clear, concise, & clear, concise, variables is not
data & variables logical manner and logical well-structured.
that made it manner that
easier to read. made it easier to
The data Some of the data The data
organization organization organization
Appropriateness tools used in the tools used in the tools used are
of the Data study are study are inappropriate to
Organization appropriate & appropriate & the study.
Tools answers the answers the
research research
problem. problem.
The data The data The data
Neatness organization organization organization
chart is free from chart contains chart contains
any error/s. minimal errors. major errors.
IV. Reflection

Complete the statements below.

I understand

I don’t understand

I need more information about

V. Answer Key

1. (Students’ answers may vary) Based on the given illustrations, it can be seen
that data can be organized in various ways. To better communicate the
results that I have obtained in my study, the use of texts, tables or graphs
could be used. Usually, texts are used to narrate the details in arriving the
results; tables can be used to organized data in a simpler manner; while
graphs are used to present categories or trends of data.
2. The advantages of orderly arranged data in communicating my research
results are as follows:
• After data has been collected, usually data are unstructured that at
first glance it seems useless. Thus, the data must be arranged in a
logical and orderly manner.
• Large data can be arranged in a more comprehensible way such as
the use of charts, graphs, etc. which might take time to read when
written in text.
• When data are arranged in a certain order (depending on the
reseacher’s choice) ensures that the purpose of gathering the data
serves its purpose.
• Orderly arranged data adds up visual appeal to the readers.
• It minimizes wasting time and ensures that the results obtained are
linked to the objectives of your study.
3. The use of orderly arranged data ensures that results are communicated
readily to the readers. This also helps obtained conclusive results that can
be understood by the readers without the causing misrepresentation or
misinterpretation of the data.
VI. References
Katz, Michael Jay (2009). From Research to Manuscript: A Guide to
Scientific Writing, Second Edition. Springer Science + Business
Media B.V., pp. 63- 64

Lahora, Oliver A. (2020). Scientific Research for Junior High School

Uy, et. al. (2016). Practical Research 2. Vibal Publishing Inc., pp. 137-

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