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Sweet Banana Crunch

Ⅰ.Introduction --------------------------------------------------
B. Objective------------------------------------------------1
C. Mission--------------------------------------------------1
Ⅱ. Company Description---------------------------------1
Ⅲ. Market Analysis-----------------------------------------2
Ⅳ. Organization and Management-----------------2
A.Food Crew-------------------------------------------2
Ⅴ. Service and Product Line---------------------------2
Ⅵ. Marketing and Sales---------------------------------2

Ⅶ. Funding Request--------------------------------------2
Ⅷ. Financial Projections------------------------------2
Ⅹ.Executive Summary------------------------------------3
This business plan is made by Banana Corner, a food stall which offers a variety of banana
snacks . Banana Corner is built with the idea of solving the students’ problem about the
affordability and convenience of buying food in the concessionaire. The business would notonly
sell unique and fresh banana products but also render services, such as deliveries
andreservations.To test if this would be effective, we conducted a market survey, to know if the
problem we aim to solve is, indeed,a problem. And also, to know the target customers’
preferences and perspective about our business. As a result, we found out the preferred
products of the customers, specific flavors that they would like to have, pricing that they can
afford, and also clean.


B. Objective :
•To establish and operate Sweet Banana Crunch for the customers .
•To provide with the friendliest services with affordable prices of Sweet babana crunch and other services.

C. Mission :
•To delight and nourish our customers with healthy, quality and delicious snacks and excellent service at
reasonable price .
•Sweet Banana Crunch works to provide our customers with a comfortable ,relaxing environment while
enjoying quality food and services at reasonable price.

•I want to provide world - class quality food that affordable to all learner's, that's also why people will buy
from me.

.We imagine a world where there are no barriers between Lim-ao Residents,sloppily produced ube/Choco
banana Crunch doesn't ,and local Student are to live prosperously.

Ⅱ.Company Description :
Sweet Banana Crunch to provide delicious yet affordable banana crunch to the learner's and
Teacher's in general, and in addition with 9:30 AM free delivery services anywhere with Brgy. Lim-ao.

Ⅲ. Market Analysis :
• Canteen

Ⅳ. Organization and Management :

Chief Executive Officer(CEO) Marketing Head Cashier

• Reymond Monsales • Hermin Rebuyas • Rose Denise Lacbayo
• Gladys Hope Seguerra

A.Food Crew :
• Noli Donasco
• Christine Joy Sumalinog
• Gerald Albert Sumaljag
• Joepette Ernest Amatril

Ⅴ. Service and Product Line :

Sweet Banana Crunch serves delicious yet affordable, Ube/Choco banana crunch. We also deliver at 9:30
to 10:00 am within Brgy. Lim-ao.

Ⅵ. Marketing and Sales :

A.Marketing :
•Bigger serving than those of the competitors with the same price.
•Wider options of flavor and adds on.
•Free delivery only in Brgy. Lim-ao.

B.Sales :
•School Events

Ⅶ. Funding Request :
To start this business, we will be needing a maximum of ₱300. 00, for those who are interested to invest
in our business, shares will depend on the amount of investment.

Example: Funding us by up to 10% of the total start-up capital means you'll also be receiving 10% of the
monthly net earnings.

Ⅷ. Financial Projection :
Based on the size of the market and our defined service area, we estimate that Sweet Banana Crunch will
generate ₱13,000 in revenues in the first year. We'd expect a growth rate of 10% per month after February

• Minimum Price per serving of banana crunch -₱5.00

• Expected minimum daily sales - 30 pcs
• 26 × 5 = ₱130.00
• Minimum daily gross sales - ₱130. 00
• Daily product capital (ingredients) - ₱100. 00
• Daily net profit - ₱100.00
• Monthly net profit - ₱2,600.00

Ⅹ.Executive Summary :
Sweet Banana Crunch is a food company startup, designed to provide a healthy food on the go?
alternative to street shoppers. Sweet banana crunch will complete with the classical brick and mortar fast
food snacks, currently considered by an increasing number of consumers as an a unhealthy habit. Sweet
Banana Crunch is located in Brgy. Lim-ao. We believe in addressing these issues and in creating effective
financial and operational plans designed for preempting risks, which will ultimate be the base of our
success. We are also aware that the current market growth in the domain of mobile food purchase offers
us a unique opportunity to start and develop out business. The biggest current challenge in this field is the
legal background, varying between states and placing stringent contrains on the operation of food
company. This topic will be discussed in the risks assessment section.

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