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Face2face Elementary I

Workbook – 1C Personal details

1 Write the numbers.

a 22 twenty -two .
b 33 thirty__-three__.
c 44 forty__-four___.
d 55 fifty__-five__.
e 66 sixty__-six___.
f 77 seventy_-seven__.
g 88 eighty__-eight__.
h 99 ninety_-nine__.
I 100 a hundred__.

2 Write the answers in words.

1 ten + seven – four = thirteen

2 nine + twenty-two = twenty seven.
3 eighty-six – fourteen = sixty.
4 thirteen + fifty-four = fifty nine.
5 ninety-eight – seventy = twelve.
6 twenty-three + eleven = twenty eight
7 seventy – seventeen = fifty three.
8 thirty-seven + sixty-three = ninety.

3 a Read conversations 1-3. Fill in gaps a-j with the correct questions.

1 A OK, first I need your personal details.

What’s your surname?
B It’s King.
A b And what is your name ?
B Michael.
A Thank you. c How old are you ?
B I’m 32.
A d Andy ou have your girlfriend ?
B No, I’m single.
A OK, thank you. And ...

2 A Well, it’s good to see you again, Kerry.

B You too. See you on Saturday?
A Yes, great. e And your mobile phone is ?
B My mobile number is ... wait a minute ... it’s 07445 346799.
A And f your email ?
B It’s
A OK, thanks. See you soon.

3 A Right, Dagmara. g You are polish?

B I’m Polish.
A And h where did you learn to speak in London in London?
B It’s 56, New Road, Lewisham.
A And how many kilometers is the road ?
B SW4 6HK.
A Thank you. j And your house number is?
B My home number is 020 8533 4689.
A OK. You’re in room 6. Your teacher’s name is Anna.
B Thank you very much.

b Match pictures A-C to conversations 1-3.

3 2 1

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