Joe Vs Wade

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Eötvös Loránd University


On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court handed down its historic
decision in Roe v. Wade, overturning a Texas interpretation of
abortion law and making abortion legal in the United States. It
was a turning point in women's reproductive rights and has
remained a hot-button issue within United States politics ever
The Roe v. Wade decision held that a woman, with her doctor, FACTS
could choose abortion in earlier months of pregnancy without
legal restriction, based primarily on the right to privacy. In later
trimesters, state restrictions could be applied.
Case Argued: 1971-1972
Decision Issued:
January, 1973
Petitioner: Jane Roe
Respondent: Henry
Majority Decisions:
Justices Burger, Douglas,
Brennan, Stuart,
Marshall, Blackmun, and
Dissenting: Justices
White and Rehnquist
Key Question: Does the
Constitution embrace a
woman's right to
terminate her pregnancy
by abortion?
Ruling: A woman's right
to an abortion falls
within the right to
privacy as protected by
However, while the
Doe: Under the Bill of Rights, a decision gave women
woman has the right to terminate First trimester: The state could treat
abortion only as a medical decision, leaving
autonomy during the
her pregnancy. The state cannot medical judgment to the woman's first trimester of
impose on women's right personal physician. pregnancy, different
and sexual life. the Texas Law is Second trimester: The state's interest was
levels of state interest for
unconstitutinal. seen as legitimate when it was protecting
the health of the mother. the second and third
The State: Its duty is to save a Third trimester: Once the fetus reaches the trimesters were allowed.
viability, a state may regulate abortions or
prenatal life. The unborn is a
prohibit them.
person, and protected under the
Constitution because life is
present after the conception. The
Texas Law is a valid exercise to
protect the health and safety of
the citizens.

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