Teacher Guide Social Studies 4

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Pathway 4

Social Studies

the C d to
Curric al

Teacher’s Guide
to Social Studies
Richmond Publishing
58 St. Aldates
Oxford OX1 1ST
United Kingdom

Jorge Tipiani Berríos

Publishing Coordinator
Regina Lam

Editorial Team
Shalini Adnani
Tim Castor
Logan Koch-Michael
Sebastián López Vergara
Ricardo Salcedo Martínez
Brett Thompson

Barnaby Wright

Design Team
Francisca Martin
Karina Arancibia
Romina Yévenes

Teacher’s Guide
The material for Social Studies 4th Grade Teacher’s Guide comes from the
Casa del Saber project and is a collaborative work, created and designed by
the Department of Educational Research of Santillana. Richmond adapted the
Casa del Saber project and created an English version.

Director editorial: Rodolfo Hidalgo Caprile

Subdirectora de contenidos: Ana María Anwandter Rodríguez

Jefatura de área: Prof. Viviana Castillo Contreras
Edición: Prof. Daniela Acevedo Basualto
Prof. Victoria Pinto Arratia
Autoría: Prof. Ana María Rojas Reinoso
Prof. Francisco Villarreal Castillo
Corrección de estilo: Lara Hübner González, Cristina Varas Largo,
Eduardo Arancibia Muñoz, Patricio Varetto Cabré, Ana María Campillo Bastidas.
Documentación: Paulina Novoa Venturino, Cristian Bustos Chavarría.
Gestión de autorizaciones: María Cecilia Mery Zúñiga

Subdirectora de arte: María Verónica Román Soto

Jefatura de arte: Raúl Urbano Cornejo
Diseño y diagramación: Fernanda Carril Villalón
Fotografías: Archivo fotográfico Santillana
Producción: Germán Urrutia Garín

The editorial team has done everything possible to obtain the corresponding rights to
all copyrighted material that appears in this textbook. Any error or omission will be
corrected in future editions.

The total or partial reproduction of this textbook through any means or

procedure including reprography, word processing, distribution of
examples, or public loaning, is strictly prohibited without the written
authorization of the copyright holders.

© 2013, by Santillana del Pacífico S. A. de Ediciones.

Dr. Aníbal Ariztía 1444, Providencia, Santiago (Chile).
PRINTED IN CHILE by Quad/Graphics.
ISBN: 978-956-15-X X X X-X – Inscripción N° X X X.X X X
www.santillana.cl info@santillana.cl

RICHMOND® is a registered branch of Santillana Editorial Group, S.L.

All rights reserved.
Table of Contents

Introduction ...................................................................................... 4
• The Challenges of the New Curriculum ......................................... 4
• Fundamental Curricular Changes in
Social Studies .............................................................................. 5
The Foundation of the Pathway Project........................................ 6
Components of the Pathway Project for the Teacher ................. 8
Student Book Organization .......................................................... 18
Teacher’s Guide Organization ...................................................... 22
Answer Key and Suggestions:
• Unit 1........................................................................................ 24
• Unit 2...................................................................................... 102
• Evaluation ................................................................................ 148
• Unit 3...................................................................................... 170
• Unit 4...................................................................................... 234
• Evaluation ................................................................................ 274
Appendix ...................................................................................... 293
• Part 1: Core Curriculum and ICT ............................................. 294
• Part 2: Annual Lesson Plan Proposal ...................................... 298
• Part 3: Examples of Daily Lesson Plans .................................. 299

The Challenges of the New Curriculum

The Core Curriculum approved in 2012 includes a new national reference to organize the
learning objectives and skills necessary to develop each subject, from 1st to 6th grade.
New disciplinary emphases have been developed in each subject area, and elements
that were present in the previous 2009 curriculum have now been enhanced. These
include civil formation and culture in History; scientific skills and leading a healthy life
in Science; and the connection between concrete objects, graphic representations,
and symbolic numbers, as well as an explanation of mental and written calculation
strategies in Math.

One aspect of the Core Curriculum is the integration of Learning Objectives (OA) and
Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives (OAT), which replace the previous Fundamental
Objectives – Minimum Required Content (OF – CMO) and Fundamental Interdisciplinary
Objectives (OFT). The OA outline the skills, content, and attitudes in a clear and structured
way, which allows for evaluations based on visible performance: the teacher knows what
the student has to learn and what he or she has to evaluate from this learning. This
makes up the base for instructional validity.

To help the teacher during the curricular changes, Richmond developed the Pathway
Project, which uses appropriate methodological and didactic tools and includes diverse
resources that explain these Learning Objectives. The new requirements do not present
an easy challenge since they fit into a larger education plan to improve the quality of
education for the 21st century.

The new curriculum challenges students to not only know and understand the content
of each subject, but also to develop independent thinking, research, and communication
skills. Moreover, students are expected to reach a level of formation that demonstrates
they can take ethical positions in regards to the world and the community they live in.
Faced with these demands, Richmond presents an ethical curriculum in all our textbooks.

In each subject, the Core Curriculum has different emphases. In the case of History,
Geography, and the Social Sciences, they are as follows:

4th Grade Social Studies

Fundamental Curricular Changes in Social Studies

• The aim of Social Studies is to develop students’ knowledge and skills to understand
our social milieu and promote civic competence. Social Studies fundamental curriculum
comprises three complementary lines:

– History: The subjects covered during the first grades are the basis to develop
sequential thought, covering Chilean and Occidental history.
– Geography: This line aims to build students’ comprehension of the relationship
between society and its environment, in the past and present. The subjects covered
aim to develop spatial thought as well as the ability to describe, understand, and
analyze different spaces.

– Civics: This line focuses on the students’ necessary knowledge and skills to
responsibly take part in a democratic society. The subjects covered aim to develop
basic civic competences and students’ understanding of their rights and duties.

• Social Studies fundamental curriculum aims to develop four skills

– Sequential and Spatial Thought: These skills aims to develop an understanding

of the concepts time and place. Students should be able to orient themselves,
locate places, and understand the process of study and in relation to their lives.

– Analysis and Working with Sources: Students should be able to use different sources
to help them do research and learn more about the world. These sources will allow
them to choose relevant information, form questions, understand relationships,
draw conclusions, and resolve problems.

– Critical Thinking: Students should be able to distinguish and understand the different
points of view that can exist about similar events. Once they have acquired these
skills, they should be able to evaluate arguments and the evidence that supports

– Communication: Students should be able to clearly and respectfully explain their

ideas, points of view, and conclusions drawn from texts. This can be done either
orally or in writing.

Pillars of the Pathway Project

1. The house has a strong foundation: A pedagogic project with a foundation that is
tailored to the Chilean National Core Curriculum.
The Pathway Project strives to provide a high
quality of education that will facilitate the scholastic
success of students. This series is the result of
a long process of investigation and discussion.
Specialists, teachers, editors, designers, illustrators,
and many other professionals have participated
in supporting this book with their abilities and
knowledge. The Pathway Project is tailored to
the Chilean National Curriculum, including its
content and skill requirements.

2. The house is constantly being built: Skills and connections

The Pathway Project seeks the comprehensive or well-rounded formation of students.
To do this, it promotes learning activities centered on developing disciplinary and
basic skills necessary for life in contemporary society. These skills are classified as:
• Language Skills
• Math Skills
• Connect to Your Environment
• Information in Action
• Social and Civil Responsibility
• Cultural and Artistic Skills
• Learning Skills
• Independence and Personal Initiative

3. The house is built by everyone: Evaluation

Evaluating is part of the process of building
knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The Pathway
Project creates spaces for learning that can
then be translated into formal evaluations
within each unit in the text. Teachers also
receive support material for these evaluations.
These evaluations were created to meet the
criteria for instructional validity and they give
results teachers can rely on to provide quality
information to give feedback to students.

4th Grade Social Studies

4. This house has room for everyone: Diversity, independence, and curriculum based
on ethical treatment
This house fosters an education centered
on values like living together in harmony,
with independence, and above all, with
diversity. The objective is for everyone to
find answers to fit their learning rhythms
or personal situations. All of these aspects
are part of the ethical curriculum that
the Pathway Project develops in these

5. This house is all around us: Digital developments

Our house has many rooms, and teachers and
students can explore various places of learning
at the same time. To facilitate this, we rely on
the best online digital resources available to
strengthen the educational experience both
in the classroom and at home by offering new
opportunities to learn and educate.

Components of the Pathway Project for the

1. Teacher’s Guide: The entire student’s book is presented in a smaller format with an
Answer Key to all the activities. Furthermore, there are suggestions for using concrete
material, tackling common mistakes or possible difficulties, expanding on concepts,
recommendations for digital resources, and descriptive documents of the Learning
Objectives associated to ICT in the Core Curriculum, as well as many other resources.

2. Support Resources for the Pedagogic Process

• Digital (PDF) and editable (Word) yearly and daily lesson plans.

Lesson Plan
Grade: 4 Class: 1 Date: Lesson Plan
Subject: Social Studies Core Curriculum: Geography Unit 1: Geography of America
Grade: 4 Class: 1 Date:
Time: 90 minutes
Subject: Social Studies Core Curriculum: Geography
Time: 45 minutes
Class Goal: Learn the location of America and the reasons for the subdivision of the American continent.
Lesson Plan Class Goal: Understand how to use a map.
Lesson Plan
Skills (Disciplinary and Cognitive) Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives
Sequential and Spatial Thought Cognitive Dimension
• Apply spatial categories, such as location. • Identify, process, and Beginning
summarize –information
Warm-up (15 fromminutes)
different Skills (Disciplinary and Cognitive) InterdisciplinaryBeginning – Warm-up (10 minutes)
Learning Objectives Resources
Analysis and Working with References references and organize the• moreWith the picture
relevant on page
information in 12 and 13, discuss the geography of America. Ask: What continent on planet Earth
a topic can be and Spatial Thought
Sequential • Explain that every subject has its own technique, and that students should become familiarized with the technical Student’s Book:
• Find useful information from written references and maps. or problem. • Apply spatial categories, such as location.
seen in the picture? What do the colors represent? Can you locate Chile? What geographical features are represented? knowledge of Geography. page 58
Critical Thinking Proactivity and Work • Use What Do You Know? questions to activate students’ previous knowledge and then to link it to America’sAnalysis and Working with References • Explain that one of the focuses of Geography is work with maps; thus, it is important to know how to read them. This
• Express justified opinions on topics of their own interest. geographical features,
• Take care of their natural environment and its resources. such as its subcontinents, terrain, landscapes, climates, etc. • Find useful information from written references and maps. will help students be able to locate themselves in any point on Earth.
Critical Thinking
• Express justified opinions on topics of their own interest.
• Present themes orally, visually, or in written form with their
sources. Class Development (60 minutes) • Present themes orally, visually, or in written form with their Class Development (30 minutes)
• Write on the board the following question: Why do we divide America? sources. • Ask students to read page 58.
Learning Objectives Contents • Ask students to read pages 14 and 15. Then, discuss America’s location and its subcontinents, countries, and • Check students’ work and ensure they identify parallels, meridians, and the divisions of both hemispheres.
• Identify general characteristics of America. Section 1: America landscapes. • Discuss and study in depth the concepts of geographic coordinates and their importance to locating oneself in space.
• Why We Divide America • Explain the causes for this division. Highlight the historical cause for America’s division: its colonial past. Using the • Highlight the difference between parallels and meridians; latitude and longitude; northern and southern hemisphere;
Learning Objectives Contents Activity Card 3
map on page 14, give geographical and cultural characteristics of the subcontinents. oriental and occidental hemispheres.
• Identify general characteristics of America. Section 1: America
Assessment • After reading the text, have students make a comparative chart of the Americas using the following criteria: location, • With students, check the activities.
Students are able to… colonial power that controlled it, language, countries.
• Locate places in America on a map. • Ask students to answer activities on pages 14 and 15, and then to check their answers as a class.
Assessment Closing – Activity (5 minutes)
• Understand why America is divided into subcontinents and identify them.
Students are able to… • Work as a class.
• Summarize in a comparative chart the contents of the class. Closing – Activity (15 minutes) • Understand the system of geographic coordinates. • Assist students’ understanding and application of geographic location asking them to locate some places on the map.
• Ask students to briefly answer in their notebooks the following: Why do we divide America? Check their answers and meridians, parallels, the Greenwich meridian, and the Equator.
• Identify • Discuss the importance of geographic location and the usefulness of geographic coordinates to locate places.
discuss them as a class. • Understand and use the concepts latitude and longitude.
• Ensure that students identify the three subcontinents, their limits, and countries. • Understand the division of planet Earth into northern and southern hemispheres, and orient and occident.
Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives
• Locate places on the map using geographic coordinates.
Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives Use of Concrete Objects
• Use digital materials from www.pathway.cl to locate American countries.
Use of Concrete Objects

• Section with reinforcement and extension worksheets per unit, which are also
available digitally.

Social Studies

Unit 1 Unit 1

Extension Worksheet 1 Extension Worksheet 1

Name: Grade: Date: Name: Grade: Date:

1. Complete with family tree with pictures.

1. Put the days of the week in order.

Thursday Tuesday Saturday Monday

Reinforcement and My grandparents from my My grandparents from my

extension worksheets father’s side are:

Sunday Wednesday Friday
mothers side are:

2. Complete the boxes with the missing months of the year.

1st Grade
January March
My mother is:
My dad is:
June August

September November

My name is:
3. Answer the following questions:
a. What days of the week do you not go to school?

2. Color the correct answer.

a. My aunts and uncles children are:

my brothers and sisters. My cousins.

b. Which is the first day of the week?

b. My siblings children are:

my aunts and uncles. my nieces and nephews.

Social Studies 1st Grade Social Studies 1st Grade

4th Grade Social Studies

• Test notebook with Evaluation Forms A and B. These guarantee the confidentiality
and validity of teaching. Moreover, they show the relationship between concepts
and the objectives of the unit and come with an Answer Key and a criterion of
achievements, and are also available digitally.

Social Studies

Form A 4th Grade Social Studies Form A 4th Grade Social Studies

9 The fundamental characteristic that makes the interior of North America arid is: 13 Which is the main hydrographic basin in South America?

A. The continentality. A. Parana River.

B. The influence of the Atlantic Ocean. B. Orinoco River.
C. The influence of the Pacific Ocean. C. Amazon River.
D. The influence of the masses of air. D. Lake Titicaca.

10 Which economic sector is benefited with the presence of hydrographic sources such as the 14 Which landscape is characterized by being the driest in the world?

Evaluation Forms A and B Mississippi and Missouri?

A. Mining.
A. The Pacific Desert Region.
B. Uruguay and the Coast of Argentina.
B. Commerce.
4th Grade C. Central and Southern Chile.
C. Agriculture. D. The Pampas.
D. Industries.
15 John and Mary are an Argentinian couple that abandon the country in search of better
11 To which landscape does the following description correspond to? working conditions. Which concept does the description refer to?
Area of transition between the humidity of the east and the dryness of the west, with prairies Form A 4th Grade Social Studies
4th Grade Social Studies A. Emigration.
and oak trees. Form A
B. Immigration.
A. Southeast of Mexico. Unit 1 Evaluation C. Death.
5 Which of the following options is a characteristic of North America?
B. Central United States. D. Growth.
C. New Mexico and Arizona. A. It possesses the smallest island of the planet.
Name: Grade: Date: 16 What factor affects the decrease inB.population?
D. Northwestern Mexico and Southeastern United States. Its lakes are small and of little importance.

A. Immigration. C. Its terrain is relatively young.

12 Which factor marks the difference
Mark in
thetemperature found
correct option in Central
with an . America?
B. Growth. D. It has small peninsulas like Alaska’s.
A. The mountain ranges. C. Birth.
1 Which countries are located in South America? 6 It is one of South America’s most important forms of terrain. In Chile it extends from north to
B. Latitude. D. Deaths. south and provides mineral resources. Which form of terrain does this description
A. Chile, Argentina and Peru.
C. The closeness to masses of water. refer to?
B. Canada, Mexico and Colombia.
D. Altitude.
A. Central American isthmus.
C. The United States, Mexico and Canada.
B. Patagonian Pampas.
D. Venezuela, Paraguay and Honduras.
C. Sierra Made Oriental.
2 Which American territory had French influence? D. Andes Mountain Range.

A. South America.
7 Which of the following options is a characteristic of Central America?
B. The Caribbean.
A. It is a zone where there are extensive plains.
C. Central America.
B. Mountain ranges alternate with valleys.
D. Latin America.
C. It does not have volcanic activity.
3 Which chain of mountains surround California that also has a large variety D. It corresponds to the eastern limit of the Caribbean.
of crops?
8 Due to its age it contains important deposits of gold, diamonds and iron. It is one of the oldest
A. The Rocky Mountains.
forms of terrain in South America. To which form of terrain does this description
B. The Appalachian Mountain Range. correspond to?
C. The coastal plains.
A. Andes Mountain Range.
D. The central plains.
B. Altiplano.

4 Which economic activities are implemented in the central plains? C. Guiana Shield.
D. Brazilian Shield.
A. Livestock farming, mining and fishing.
B. Commerce, fishing and livestock farming.
C. Livestock farming, forestry and agriculture.
D. Mining of coal, copper and lead.

• Penta UC material for talented students in Math also available digitally.

Unit 1 Unit 2

Enrichment Worksheets Enrichment Worksheets

5th Grade
Name: Grade: Date: Name: Grade: Date:

1. Answer the questions. 1. Calculate the answer of the following equations with the most appropriate strategy.

a. How many ten thousands more are there in 745,785,941 than in 747,575,354? a. 35 • (2,400 + 3,750) : 70 =

PENTA UC Worksheets b. 470 • 15 + 13 • 2.340 + 75 • (395 + 4,505) =

Enrichment Worksheets

b. How many millions less are there in 745,785,841 than in 747,575,354?

c. 830 + 55 • 150,000 – 35(400 + 370) =

d. 85 • (4,560 + 5,750) – 60 • (5,785 – 3,250) =

c. In reference to the numbers 745,785,841 and 747,575,354, in which number does the digit 5 have a
lower value? What is the place value of the digit in that number?

e. (45,380 + 56,200) • (45 + 370) + 35 • (3,500 – 755) =

• Support resources for the teacher,
like PowerPoint presentations with
interdisciplinary topics, activities for
parents, and other helpful documents.

3. Praxis Series: Notebooks that tackle concepts of support for the teacher.
• Desarrollo de habilidades básicas. 1º y 2º año de Educación Básica
• Aprendizaje y evaluación. Conceptos clave. 1º a 6º año de Educación Básica

Serie Praxis • Recursos para el docente Nº 1 Serie Praxis • Recursos para el docente Nº 2

Desarrollo de Aprendizaje y
habilidades evaluación.
básicas Conceptos clave
1º y 2º año de Educación Básica 1º a 6º año de Educación Básica

4th Grade Social Studies

4. Concrete Material: Teacher’s bag for the classroom with concrete material that supports learning
in all subjects.

• Teacher’s bag with concrete material for 1st and 2nd grade
• Teacher’s bag with concrete material for 3rd and 4th grade
• Teacher’s bag with concrete material for 5th and 6th grade

5. Class Material: House with two pets and 100

cards per grade to work on with the family, from 1st to
4th grade.

• 3D Sheets. Set of printed and digital sheets

with pictures of Chile in 3D. These sheets have
instructions for teachers and activities for students;
all of them support the contents of the units.

6. Digital World: Presentations with different digital environments like the teacher’s
lounge, classroom, and house to accompany and enrich the context of and skills
taught in the printed textbook.

Pathway Project

W elcome to the
Pathway Project


• Teacher’s Lounge: Space for teachers to prepare and plan classes. This space
offers resources to support the textbook, like lesson plans, instruments for learning
evaluations, extended teacher’s guides, and access to digital textbooks to facilitate
students’ learning and exploring.

12 1
10 2

9 3

8 4 Colección libros 2013

7 6 5

Guía para el profesor

4th Grade Social Studies

• Home: This space is designed to extend the educational experience of students beyond
the classroom and to offer their families a place to support their child’s education.
This space offers tokens that complement and link the work in the textbook with
digital tools and video tutorials that explain content. These resources are targeted at
parents in lower grade levels and at students in higher grade levels. There are also
other spaces to play and develop the unit content and skills.

• Classroom: This space was created to enrich the learning experience of the textbooks
inside the classroom in a digital way. For each text, interactive digital resources are
offered. These include digital activities, oral audio recordings, karaoke exercises
to encourage fluid reading skills, multimedia presentations, 3D images, and other
resources which complement the printed activities. This enriches the learning process
for both teachers and students.

Curricular Learning Objectives for 4th Grade Social Studies

The digital resources for Pathway will cover all the learning objectives that indicate
the use of technology in the new core curriculum presented by Mineduc.

In the case of Social Studies, there are various objectives that prescribe the use
of technology as a tool of support. This is why it has been decided that Pathway
would cover this content, which requires pedagogic integration of technology to be
understood fully. Some examples of objectives covered are the following:

• analyze and compare the main characteristics of the civilizations in America

(Maya, Aztec, and Inca).

• describe different landscapes of continental America, considering climates,

rivers, population, languages, countries, and major cities, among others, using
appropriate geographic vocabulary.

• compare, through the observation of images, maps, and other sources, landscapes
of students’ region with other American landscapes, distinguishing different forms
of adaptation and change in populations in relation to their natural environment.

• use applications to present, represent, analyze, and model information and

situations; communicate ideas and arguments; understand and resolve problems
in an efficient and effective manner, taking advantage of multiple types of media
(text, images, audio, and video).

4th Grade Social Studies

Examples of the Activities in Social Studies 4th Grade:

• Simulator designed for students to recognize the main characteristics of America,

including terrain, countries, and climates, among others.

Imagen 2
Getting to Know America Landscapes of America

North America
Central America
South America

• Simulator designed for students to recognize the main characteristics of

Mesoamerican cultures, including their cultural and social characteristics as well
as their geographic location.

Mesoamerican Civilizations
Mesoamerican Civilizations

Instructions Teotihuacán
Tenochitlán Texcoco
Mesoamerican Civilizations AZTECAS Cempoala
Modern-Day Map Tlacopán Tlaxcala
La Venta

EC Mexico City
Teotihuacán HONDURAS
Tenochitlán Texcoco

MAPA ACTUAL Tlacopán Tlaxcala

La Venta

Ciudad de México
TARASCOS Teotitlán

Monte Albán


Monte Albán

LEGEND Acapulco
Liga de ciudades Mitla

Aztec cities Mitla

Sitios arqueológicos

Imperio azteca hasta 1519

Estados autónomos federados

Archaeological sites

Aztec empire to 1519

Federal Autonomous States

• Multimedia presentations that introduce the content at the beginning of each unit,
available in the Teacher’s Lounge.

4th Grade Social Studies

• Video tutorials to reinforce content in textbooks, directed towards students

and parents.

Student Book Organization

The Social Studies 4th Grade textbook is organized into 4 units. In each unit you will find:

Initial Pages
Unit 2
What Do You Know?
Mesoamerican Civilizations Key Words
1. Circle the item that represents each description.
Initial Evaluation

Number and
Leagueofof a. The Mayas created two calendars: one which
YUCATAN had 365 days and regulated daily life, and

Initial evaluation
sites ECEC Chichen
Chichen a religious calendar which had 260 days.
HIMHIM warrior Itza
b. The Mesoamerican civilizations constructed

title of unit
TOLTEC monuments in which they celebrated religious
states ATLANTIC OCEAN polytheism Uxmal
area Tenochtitlan
Tenochtitlan Texcoco
Texcoco tribute c. The Aztecs formed alliances with various
area AZTEC
AZTEC Cempoala
Cempoala peoples that were located in the surrounding
Tlacopan Tlaxcala
hieroglyphs areas of Tenochtitlan.
MAP LaLaVenta
Uaxactun d. The Mayas and Aztecs were polytheists,
TARASCOS Teotitlan
meaning they believed in more than one god.

2. Compare the maps and answer the questions.


Palenque PETEN
Acapulco a. In which modern-day countries did the Maya
culture develop?


b. In which modern-day country did the Aztec

culture develop?

c. What do civilization and culture mean?

In this unit you will learn to:

• describe and locate Maya and Aztec civilizations.
• value their history, culture, and social organization.

• apply concepts related to time.

Years 1200
B.C.– –200
B.C. 1000
B.C.– –400
B.C. 1 1– –600
A.D. 100
100– –1100
A.D. 300
300– –900
A.D. 1200
1200– –1520
A.D. 1200
1200– –1532
People Olmec,
Mexico. Chavin,
Peru. Teotihuacan, Mexico.Tiwanaku,
Teotihuacan,Mexico. Tiwanaku,Bolivia.
Bolivia. Maya,
Mesoamerica. Aztec,
Mexico. Inca,
64 65


Sections organized by Learning Objectives

Section 1 / The Incas Characterize the social and political organization of the Incas

Social Organization

Learning objectives
1. Look at the diagram of reciprocity and redistribution and explain the concept using your own words.
The social structure of the Incas was a hierarchical pyramid. Did You Know...? Explain

Title and subtitle

The mita was a system of public CES TO
service every citizen of the empire GRE
had to do. It was used to build N CA
The curaca

of page
important buildings, roads, and gives a record of
other infrastructure for the State. the distributed The curaca gives
products to the

of section
The nobility were The Great part of his products
Great Inca. to the Great Inca.
made up of priests, Inca gives
army leaders, high The royalty were the gifts to the The curaca
government officials, Sapa Inca and his family. AU curaca. redistributes
and the curacas. This was the highest OR gifts to the
They had certain position in their society. ST community.
privileges like having R ED
more than one wife, IBUT ION OF P
not having to pay
taxes, and using The peasants and
status symbols to conquered peoples
demonstrate their were part of the
power. ayllus. They were the
main workforce and

Let’s Practice
were obligated to be
monogamous and to
live a simple life. They
had to work for the
The yanaconas State by serving in the
were servants for armed forces for a

Section of a unit where

life. They did basic while, or working the
domestic jobs land to pay the mita.
and also higher Summarizing

Let’s Connect
administrative marry only
positions. one person
2. Explain the structure and characteristics of each group in Inca society. Explain

activities are proposed

3. Describe the political organization of the Incas. Describe

Section of a unit
The social organization of the Incas was based on reciprocity and • Explain what reciprocity and
redistribution. For example, all members of the community participated redistribution mean.
in farming or agricultural work, and the products would be distributed

based on the content

among the participants. Also, the ayllus received products from different • What are the characteristics
parts of the empire as a reward for their work. of the yanaconas?

where students
114 Unit 3 / History 115

explore the content

they will learn.
Section 5 / Central and South America: Climate and Hydrology Describe the climate and hydrology of Central and South America

Practicing 2. Use Cutout 2 on page 195 to identify the correct landscape. Identify
1. Look at the map and answer. Spatial Placement
Peruvian Desert Central Valley, Chile Tropical Rainforest

Let’s Summarize Quiz Yourself

1. Describe the wide diversity of climates found in Central and South America. Consider types

Section of a unit
of climate, distribution of climates, and other factors that influence climate.

Quiz Yourself
where contents are
Section of a unit where
summarized, acquired,
2. Describe the hydrology of Central and South America. Mention the most significant rivers and lakes in
a. Circle the Amazon, Orinoco, and Parana Rivers.
the region and their location.
b. What is the approximate latitude of the mouth of the Amazon River?

proposed Learning Objectives

and transferred.
c. What is the geographic accident that gave birth to a large part of the rivers in South America? Why
do you think this is?

40 Unit 1 / Geography 41
are tested through activities.

4th Grade Social Studies

Sections of Each Unit

• Education through
Section 3 / Participation in the Community
Participating in the community and living together peacefully

Conflict is a Part of Life

Children Also Participate

Although the objective of community life is satisfying the needs of its Identify the rights of children in everyday life
members, living together is not always harmonious. Many times the Not only adults participate in the community: children and adolescents Activities
interactions between people cause conflicts which arise from different can also participate. Their age, their legal status, and their characteristics • Do you know of any types
interests or needs. Conflicts are a part of everyday life and they are not do not allow them to work or expose themselves to any type of danger. of community participation
necessarily something negative. Instead, they can represent an opportunity Convention on the Rights of the Child assembled or
However, children and adolescents can participate in communities where that children can be
came together
to start a dialogue and come to an agreement. The Convention on the Rights of the Child convened in 1989 in order to their moral, mental, and physical integrity is not threatened. involved in?
ratify the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Its objective was for every

• Did You Know…?

• Evaluate why it is
country that signed the declaration to promise to incorporate the rights
A conflict is a difference of opinion The first community that every person important for children
into their laws, and to make sure these rights are fulfilled. The convention
between two or more people that happens participates in is the family. Children and and adolescents to
within a community. This allows people
declared that every person under the age of 18 needs care and protection
adults have the right to participate in a family. actively participate in the
to become aware of their differences and from adults and the State. As people get older, they participate in school. community.
then to commit to searching for a solution. This is where bonds are made with classmates.
Also, there are representative organizations like
the student center and student government,

• Get C@nnected
and it is possible to join committees or work Tip
Like human rights, children possess these rights simply
because they are children, regardless of their religion, on projects that help solve problems within the
Some organizations will
ethnic origin, language, or cultural or economic school community.
let you volunteer if you
background. Therefore, no child or adolescent may
To reach a solution to a conflict peacefully, it is necessary for the
go with an older sibling
be treated unjustly because of what they think or
people involved to accept and respect the differences or parent.
what exist
their family is like, what their parents do, or
between them, and recognize the diversity because of a disability. In addition, children can join other
they have. Sometimes the members of a community have the same

• What Does It Mean?

groups, such as sports clubs,
objective but cannot agree on how to achieve it. This is how conflicts art classes in cultural centers,
can arise. When this happens, it is important to not get angry or environmental groups, or the
Adults must protect the best interests
become aggressive. It is always better to think and talk about how to Boy or Girl Scouts. Children
of children and think about how
find a solution. and adolescents can satisfy
their decisions affect them. A
country’s laws must support this their needs, develop skills, and
The best solution to a problem that divides a group depends on certain contribute to the community
principle to ensure the dignity
things: people’s attitudes, how aware they are of the cause of the through these organizations.
and proper development of
conflict, and whether they want to find a solution that overcomes it.
children and adolescents. It is
necessary for people to be aware
that children have the right to express
their opinions, ideas, and points of view,
and to voice their opinions when decisions affect them.
Education through Values • Word Focus
When we disagree with another person it is important to understand that Physical integrity is the right a person has to decide what
we can have differences, but we should always be respectful and treat • happens to their body. It also means that any actions by
other people how we would like to be treated. Get C@nnected! another person that hurt our bodies are wrong and possibly
Activities criminal. According to the text, are there any types of
If you want to learn participation that could be dangerous to children?
• Do you think that the rights of children are respected today? Use
more about the rights of
examples to support your opinion. children, go to
172 Unit 4 / Civics
• How can the rights of children be exercised and protected? www.pathway.cl/soc/408
• Give two examples of how the rights of a child could be violated.


Education through Values Get C@nnected

Section that tackles Interdisciplinary Section where students use digital
Learning Objectives (values) based tools to strengthen the learning
on the content in the unit. and research process.

Evaluation Pages • What Do You Know?

Initial Evaluation
Unit 1
What Do You Know?
Geography of America 1. Look at the image and answer.
Initial Evaluation

• Let’s Check!
a. What forms of terrain are found in South

Intermediate Evaluation
b. Circle the forms of terrain that are part of

• Simce Mock Evaluation

Unit 3
Key Words 2.

Let’s Check! Intermediate Evaluation

Look at the map and answer questions 1 and 2. 3. Why were the quipus important? Write two examples of the type of information they points

• What Did You Learn? Final Evaluation

1. What modern-day countries included points 3
parts of Tahuantinsuyo?

4. Unit 2
In this unit you will learn to:
• locate places in America on a map. 2. What Did You Learn?
How were the chasquis and the Final Evaluation

• describe different landscapes on the American continent. network of roads important for
• compare landscapes in your region with other landscapes in communication in Tahuantinsuyo?
Mark the correct answer with an . 5. Which of the following characteristics is not true about Halach Uinic? point
Use examples from the map to explain.
America. A. His position was inherited. 1
1. What is the name of the region in which the Maya and Aztec civilizations were located? point
• characterize the population of America. Look at the image and answer questionsB.5 and
ruled over all of the territory.
• distinguish between renewable and non-renewable natural A. North America. 1
C. He ruled the city-state.

B. South America. 5. The Chilean National

D. Standardized Exam
• recognize and locate the principal natural resources of America.
R. Chubut

C. Mesoamerica. 4th Grade

Simce Mock Evaluation
Modern-day cities MR
Simce es marca registrada del Ministerio de Educación.
in meters D. The Andes. 6.
12 13
3,000 to 6,000
1,000 to 3,000
600 to 1,000
250 to 600

Complete the information. 1
2. In which modern-day country was the Maya civilization located?
0 to 250

2 What form of terrain does number 1 represent on the map?

Read the fragment and answer questions 3 and 4. A. Panama. 1 A. Sierra Madres.
My name is: C.
B. Colombia. 6. B. Brazilian Shield.
The Importance of the Quipus decoded, found My age is:
D. Date:
the meaning to C. Paraguay. 2 C. Isthmus of Panama.
Besides containing numerical information, it is also thought that the quipus had
D. literary information
Guatemala. Read the text and answer questions 7 and 8. D. Amazon River Basin.
that has still not been deciphered. Even though no system of writing has been found in Tahuantinsuyo,
they did record and organize things in a very detailed and methodical way. These knots were the only Mark the correct answer with an .
3. What
precise method of spreading information about the census, agricultural reserves, wasproduction,
mining the main economic
or activity of the Mayas and Aztecs? This city had excellent contact with solid ground because it was linked to the lakeshore by three roads
1 Which of that
the following countries is ten
located in Central America? 3 What form of terrain does number 2 represent on the map?
the number of workers, among other things. were wide enough to fit people on horseback at the same time. Furthermore, the city’s water
A. Mining. 1
Hugo Cabrera, Haret Rosu, Luis Torres and Juan Treviño. “La codificación de los quipus inkas” (“The codification of the Inca quipus”)
A. Mexico. A. Sierra Madres.
B. Trade.
(Adaptation). Accessed in August 2012 from www.revistaciencia.amc.edu.mx
B. Ecuador. B. Guiana Shield.
C. Livestock Farming. Los antiguos reinos de Mexico (The Ancient Kingdoms of Mexico)
Mexico: Background of Economic Culture, 2004. (Adaptation) C. Canadian Shield.
D. Agriculture. C. Suriname.
126 127 D. Rocky Mountains.
D. Honduras.
4. Which concept from the Aztecs is referred to in this description?
A. 1
These were islands created by the Aztecs to be able to grow crops and 1 Read the text and answer question 4.
Look at the physical
B. map of America and answer questions 2 and 3.
supply the people of Tenochtitlan with food.
A. Chinampa. C.
This river is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The recognition for this is shared by Peru, Bolivia,
B. Pochteca. D. Brazil, Ecuador, Suriname, Venezuela, Guyana, and French Guiana. The basin of this river is the most
significant in South America. It is also the longest basin and the one with the most water.
C. Calpullis.
Editorial Team
D. Slashing.

2 4 What river is being described?

A. Parana River.
100 101
B. Orinoco River.
C. Amazon River.
D. Rio de la Plata.

104 105

Special Pages
• Real Life Connection
Real Life Connections
Working with sources helps me learn about past cultures. Language Skills
Section that works with life skills,
Mesoamerican societies were based on farming. Because they depended on time to calculate agricultural Cipactli
Cipactli Ehecatl
Ehecatl Calli
Calli • Search for information about the Maya and Aztec calendars and
cycles, they created complex calendars based on solar and lunar cycles. These also organized celebrations
in honor of the gods.
crocodile wind
wind house

– Describe one characteristic of the Maya calendar and one of

the Aztec calendar that stand out to you. Explain your choices.
supported by the OCDE proposal, and
Cuetzpallin Coatl
Coatl Miquiztli
This band
band shows
shows thethe twenty
twenty days
days of of The
The Sun
Sun is is
thethe lord
lord of of
thethe Earth.

that links what has been learned in

thethe month.

lizard snake
snake death’s
death’s head

Mazatl Tochtli
Tochtli Atl Atl




– Which of the systems for measuring time seems more
complex to you? Why?

the unit with other areas of knowledge,



thus supporting an interdisciplinary



Math Skills
• In groups, make an annual calendar that divides time either by
educational formation.
the four seasons or by rainy and dry seasons.
vulture movement
movement stone
stone knife
• Establish the number of days in a year and group those days

• Problem Solving
Quiahuitl Xochitl
Xochitl into months.
• Assign a name to each month that reflects an important aspect
rainrain flower
flower of that particular month.

– How many months did you calculate? How many days does
each month have?

Pages where different strategies to solve

Because thethe solar
solar calendar
calendar waswassoso exact,
SunSun Stone
Stone is is
thethe largest
largest known thethe Mayas
Mayas were
were able
able to to organize
organize their
their daily
daily – How did you choose to separate the months? What did you
Aztec Aztec sculpture.
sculpture. In the
In the center is the activities,
activities, record
record thethe passing
passing of of time,
time, andand name the months?
face is Sun.
of the the face of the Sun.
It represents theIt know
know thethedayday
to to begin
begin recounting
recounting thethe cycles.
Aztec thethe
belief that Aztec belief that
universe had This
This date
date waswas used
used asas a reference
a reference to to
bebe able
able – Conclude: how does the ability to be able to measure time
the universe
already passedhad already
through fourpassed
worlds to to keep
keep track
track of of
thethe passing
passing of of time.
time. society? The Chilean National Standardized Exam
before the four
current one.

current one.before the
One of of
four previous
previous worlds.
Simce Strategies

Unit 3
problems are presented, amongst them
Making Diagrams Example Question
Diagrams are graphic organizers that represent the main ideas of a text or a topic and show how they are
In this question they ask you to analyze an illustrated historical source from America’s past.

1 Looking at the drawing, what aspect from

the Singapore Method.
Why make a diagram? It shows the most important aspects of a topic you want to study. America’s past do you see?

A. Type of government.

• Simce Strategies
First, you have to read the text you are going to study and find the main B. Agricultural techniques. MR
How is a diagram An illustration of cultivating
idea. Then, you should underline the principal ideas of each paragraph potatoes by Felipe Guamán
organized? C. War strategies.
and see how they are connected and how they connect to the main idea. Poma de Ayala in Nueva
crónica y buen gobierno, siglos
D. Commercial trade. XVI-XVII (New Chronicle and
Good Government, 16th- 17 th
Are all diagrams the centuries).
Each diagram has different content and can be different depending on

Pages designated to understanding and

same? who makes it.
Check Your Answer
Remember that there are many diagram models. In order to connect your ideas you can use lines,
• Option A is incorrect, because the source does not refer to the type of government.
arrows, or boxes.

• Aymara
• Atacamas
• Changos
• Option B is correct, because it shows people farming, the principal activity of the Andean world.
• Option C is incorrect, because there are no military objects in the drawing. analyzing the structure of Simce-type
• Diaguitas • Option D is incorrect, because the drawing does not show commercial trade.

Peoples of
Central and

Develop New Skills

Source Analysis
Chile • Huilliche
1. Look at the image again and answer in your notebook.
• Chono
• Kaweskar
a. Around what century was the drawing done?
Far South • Aonikenk b. Who is the artist? In what book was it published?
• Selk’nam
c. What do you think was the author’s objective?
• Yaghan

Practicing the Technique 2. Research who Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala was, when and where he was born, what his cultural
background was, and why he wrote Nueva crónica y buen gobierno. Present your findings on the class
1. Make a diagram based on the text on Activity Card 9. bulletin board.
2. Conclude: what is the purpose of making a diagram?

146 MR
Simce es marca registrada del Ministerio de Educación. 147

Support Pages
¿Cuánto has avanzado?
Sociedad 2º básico
• Measure Your Progress
La Casa del Saberr se construye día a día.
Busca la pegatina al final del texto y

(A place to record the student’s advances)

pégala para registrar tu avance.

Unidad 4

Vivir en

At the end of each unit you will find the Sticker

Unidad 1 Página

Ubicarse en
el espacio

Set on pages 165 and 301.


Unidad 3 Ask students to stick one sticker where it

Unidad 2

Chile, diversidad
corresponds. This will help students build
de paisajes

independence and visualize their progress

y de Página
pueblos 44

6 _seis _siete 7
throughout the year.

4th Grade Social Studies

Developing Independence • Developing Independence

Homework Test Bring supplies Homework Test Bring supplies (Planner)

March April May June July August

In the Developing Independence pages,
2 18 2 18 2 18 2 18 2 18 2 18
students can mark their calendars with different
classroom events, like due dates or tests.
5 21 5 21 5 21 5 21 5 21 5 21
6 22 6 22 6 22 6 22 6 22 6 22
7 23 7 23 7 23 7 23 7 23 7 23
8 24 8 24 8 24 8 24 8 24 8 24
9 25 9 25 9 25 9 25 9 25 9 25
10 26 10 26 10 26 10 26 10 26 10 26
11 27 11 27 11 27 11 27 11 27 11 27
12 28 12 28 12 28 12 28 12 28 12 28
13 29 13 29 13 29 13 29 13 29 13 29
14 30 14 30 14 30 14 30 14 30 14 30
15 31 15 15 31 15 15 31 15 31
16 16 16 16 16 16

8 9

• Vocabulary Files File

1 Vocabulary
Unit 1

• Vocabulary Files
Files that help students work with main
• Cutouts
Cómo lo
lo entiendes
1. Define the concept in your own words.
1. Define
Define elel concepto
concepto con
con tus
tus palabras.

concepts to understand History, Geography

and Civics. They aim to highlight previous Cómo
Cómo lo
lo aplicas
• Stickers
concepts and ideas (Did You Know…?),
2. Lee
2. Lee el
algunos significados
siguiente ejemplo yde la palabra
luego presente.
Apply it
El norte
1 dePersona

Chile esqueuna

zona natural,
se encuentra
2. Mark the correct options with an .

en unpues
trata de unaun
presencia parte definida de
la superficie terrestre con características naturales que le dan unidad, como la
2 Tiempo o momento actual.
by its:temperaturas en el día, escasa vegetación y un extenso
• Activity Cards
propose an activity that might help clarify, desierto.

3 Algo que se da a alguien para agradar o agradecer.
similar geographic characteristics.
• ¿Por quéfrases
Lee las el norte de Chile
y escribe el es una zona
número que natural?
corresponda según las definiciones

• Historic Dates
3. Giveanteriores.
two examples of landscapes that are present in America.
Luego, encierra el significado que se relaciona con la unidad.

detail, or correct some mistakes (Apply It), Camila es una persona que vive el presente, no deja nada para después.

Compré un presente de aniversario para mi mamá.

and put it into practice (Apply It).

Explain it Andrés no podrá estar presente en la reunión, porque está enfermo.
Cómo lo explicas

Cómo lo explicas
3. ¿Qué significa zona natural?
3. ¿Qué es el presente? Historic Dates

• Historic Dates Indigenous Peoples Day (June 24th)

The indigenous peoples of Chile have a strong Cutouts

Section in which students can work with 194

Anexo soc studies4.indd 194

connection with nature. For this reason, the times to
plant seeds, to harvest, or to celebrate are related to the
seasons, and to the cycles of the Sun and the Moon. 14-11-12 12:19
Cutout 3
Used on page 94 (Unit 2).

important events in the history of Chile. In

The arrival of winter is a very important time. It is at this
time of the year that nature renews itself so that it may
bloom again with more force in the spring. This is the
Aymara woman and man.
reason they celebrate the New Year on June 24th, with

its first part, there is a narration that helps a ceremony in which they give thanks to the Earth and
the Sun for the generosity shown throughout the past
year. They also welcome in the new cycle of nature.

contextualize a historic date, and then a set

On this special date, we celebrate Indigenous Peoples

Mapuche women.
Cutout 4

of question with which students can use the Let’s Connect

Used on pages 164 and 165 (Unit 4).

1. What is the relationship between our indigenous peoples and nature?

give information.
2. Why do the indigenous peoples celebrate the New Year on June 24th?

174 _one _hundred seventy-_four Republic of Chile

Identity Card




Anexo soc studies4.indd 209 14-11-12 12:20

Teacher’s Guide Organization

Suggestions to teachers, solutions and evaluations.

• Organization Pages 12 and 13 Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

• Clarifying Concepts 1
In 5 Minutes Initial Evaluation

Explain to students that on pages

Unit Analyze the pictures with students.
What Do You Know? Ask them to recognize and name
Geography of America
12 and 13, there is a picture Initial Evaluation
of a physical map of America, some geographic features they
which shows natural features of 1. Look at the image and answer. can see in the pictures. This can
the continent, such as mountain a. What forms of terrain are found in South help them approach the concepts
ranges, lakes, deserts, etc. Clarify America? of terrain, hydrology
hydrology, and climate.
that a physical map is different Check whether students

• Common Mistakes
from a political map because the understand the concept of terrain,
latter shows the borders between and ask them to state how they
countries and their organization. imagine the Earth’s surface and
b. Circle the forms of terrain that are part of its different geographic features.
Chilean territory in red.
Explain the difference between
natural (geographic) and man-
Key Words 2. If you could travel to any place in America,
which would you choose? Argue your answer, made (social) factors.
demographics considering natural factors such as the terrain,

• Possible Difficulties
Digital Activities subcontinent
vegetation, and climate.

To begin the unit, use the
presentation found in the hydrology
Multimedia Presentation section Possible Difficulties
in the Teacher’s Lounge at latitude
www.pathway.cl meridian Assist students when reading maps
population 3. Describe the landscape of the region in which because it might be difficult for
you live. Consider natural and man-made them to recognize America and its

• In 5 Minutes
factors. geographic features.
In this unit you will learn to:
• locate places in America on a map.
• describe different landscapes on the American continent.
• compare landscapes in your region with other landscapes in
• characterize the population of America.
• distinguish between renewable and non-renewable natural
• recognize and locate the principal natural resources of America.

12 13


24 25

• Education through Pages 56 and 57 Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Values Connections

Stress the importance of

describing landscapes because
it helps learn about our regions.
Real Life Connections
Describing landscapes of America helps me learn about my region.
Information in
Clarifying Concepts

Students should be able to

identify landscapes and their
characteristics; this way, students
It helps identify and understand can understand the geography of
• Demonstrate that there is a diversity of landscapes in America. Use parts of the text on page 56
terrain, climate, hydrology, and other information that you have learned throughout the unit. their region and its surroundings.
The Coast, Altiplano, and Jungle

Lisette Campos
vegetation, etc. Landscapes They can use written or visual

• Connections
Peru is located in a subtropical area of South America.
are wide spaces, either references which will help their
Due to its location, it should have a warm and humid
populated or not, that have to be climate. However, the Andes Mountain Range, marine reading comprehension skills,
described so their resources and currents, and movement of air masses all create observation, description, and
characteristics can be known and climatic and ecological diversity. Because of this, the how to register and classify
identified. Peruvian Amazon has a great quantity of animal and
plant species, while the coast of Peru is made up of
arid deserts and large dunes interrupted by oases.
The diversity of landscapes continues to the altiplano, Language Skills
where we find places such as Machu Picchu, Lake
Titicaca, and the city of Puno, which are thousands of
meters above sea level. • Write a paragraph which describes the region in which you live. Use page 56 as a model.

• Digital Activities
Go Perú. “Maravillas naturales del Perú. Megadiversidad” (Natural
wonders of Peru. Megadiversity) (Adaptation). Accessed in July, 2012
from www.go2peru.com
Create a catchy
title and relate it
Lake Titicaca, Peru.
to the topic.

Cities in North America

Paula Guerra

The most populated cities in North America Describe

are found in the United States. In the eastern characteristics

• Initial Evaluation
city of New York there are more than 18 million of the landscape
people, while Los Angeles on the other side of in your region.
the country is home to around 12 million people.
New York, the financial and commercial center
of the country, encompasses the central area
Conclude: what
of the island of Manhattan and its surrounding
similarities and
areas. Los Angeles is an industrial, commercial,
differences does
and tourist center, and is famous for being the
cradle of the country’s movie industry. your region
have with other
includes or Editorial Team
covers landscapes in

• Evaluation Parts and

City of Los Angeles, United States.

56 57

Extra Support
68 69

Pages 22 and 23

Clarifying Concepts Section 3 / The Terrain of Central and South America

Clarify that Central America is

characterized as being an area The Terrain of Central America
where mountain ranges alternate
Central America is located between the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Mexico,
with plateaus. Define plateau as a and the Atrato River, in Colombia. The land is narrow, so it is considered
wide mainly level area of elevated part of a natural boundary between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

The Caribbean Sea is part of
the Atlantic Ocean. In it there
are numerous groups of islands
that make up the Greater and
the Lesser Antilles.
What Did You Learn?
Unit 1
Common Mistakes This part of the continent Mexico

is characterized as being
Evaluation Part 10
10. Which of the following is true about the American economy? point
When students observe the map
an area where mountain Students should understand some
ranges alternate with
of the terrain of Central America, plateaus. There are also A. It does not have a variety of resources. 1 general characteristics of the
some of them might think that switch
many active volcanoes Belize
B. Industry is predominant in all of America. American economy, and that in
found here. Honduras
Colombia and Venezuela are part
back and America, there is a great variety of
forth Guatemala C. Economic activities are diverse.
of this subcontinent. Clarify that
El Salvador Nicaragua Venezuela industries.
Panama D. Resources are found primarily in South America.
they are part of South America, Costa Rica Extra Support
but that they border the Caribbean Colombia
Brasil 11. Read and find the type of economic activity described in the text. point
Ask students to write a paragraph
Sea. Some of the most important geographic forms are the
Isthmuses of Panama and Nicaragua. These are narrow strips 1 in which they briefly describe
This is the commercial cultivation and exploitation of forests. The raw materials
of land that make it possible to establish points of connection
produced are used in the wood industry and rubber industry, among others. the main characteristics of the
between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
American economy.
Word Focus
Central America is also A. Mining.
considered the western Isthmus Evaluation Part 11
border of the Caribbean Sea. 1. A narrow part or B. Livestock farming.
Students should define and
passage between two C. Forestry.
spaces in the human body. understand forestry industry and
D. Agriculture. its resources.
2. A strip of land that
Activities connects two continents
or a peninsula with a Answer.
Extra Support
• Characterize Central America according to the description in the text. continent. Ask students to give some
• What is an isthmus, and why does this type of terrain allow a Which of these definitions 12. Is it true that the diversity of landscapes in America exists due to the climate, terrain, points
examples of some occupations
connection to be made between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans? and hydrology? Explain.
is used in the text? 3 they studied that are part of the
American economy.

22 Unit 1 / Geography
Evaluation Part 12
Students should understand the
relationship between geographic
13. Why is it important to take care of natural resources and not over-exploit them? points
features (climate, terrain, and
3 hydrology) and America’s diverse
Extra Support
Have students define in their
Find Test
1 notebooks the concepts of climate,
Page terrain, and hydrology.

Evaluation Part 13
63 Students should recognize the
34 importance of natural resources
and their protection.

Evaluation Digital Activities Test 1 Study Page Extra Support

Ask students to write three ways to
Look for the tests at the end of the Explain to students that this Ask students to work on Test 1 take care of natural resources in
book, or in digital format in the evaluation can be done in the Study Page to prepare to take the their notebooks.
Teacher’s Lounge at: textbook, but also online at unit test.
www.pathway.cl www.pathway.cl, in the
Evaluations section of the
Teacher’s Lounge area.


4th Grade Social Studies


• Core Curriculum
Part 1: Core Curriculum and ICT

and ICT (Information I. Objetivos de Aprendizaje Transversales

“Los Objetivos de Aprendizaje Transversales se logran mediante las experiencias en

and Communication
las clases, en los recreos y en las fiestas escolares, entre otras instancias de la vida
escolar. Deben ser promovidos en estos espacios a partir de los aprendizajes de las
asignaturas, los ritos y normas de la escuela, los símbolos, los modales, el ejemplo de
los adultos y las dinámicas de participación y convivencia, entre otros aspectos.
Uno de estos objetivos se relaciona con las tecnologías de la información y la comuni-
cación (TIC). El propósito general del trabajo educativo en esta dimensión es proveer

a todos los alumnos y las alumnas de las herramientas que les permitirán manejar el
“mundo digital” y desarrollarse en él, utilizando de manera competente y responsable
estas tecnologías”.1 Los Objetivos de Aprendizaje para esta dimensión son:

• Buscar, acceder y evaluar la calidad y la pertinencia de la información de diversas

fuentes virtuales. (Número 28)

Experiencia complementaria:
Trabajar con los estudiantes la búsqueda de distintos espacios de consultas
confiables y pertinentes en la red.

Experiencia de integración curricular TIC:

Investigar sobre algunos aspectos culturales del siglo XIX, como los avances en
educación y la fundación de instituciones, el aporte de intelectuales y científicos
nacionales y extranjeros, las primeras mujeres en obtener títulos universitarios y el
impacto en la sociedad de la llegada del ferrocarril y de otros avances tecnológicos,
entre otros. (Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, 6º básico).

• Utilizar TIC que resuelvan las necesidades de información, comunicación,

expresión y creación dentro del entorno educativo y social inmediato. (Número 29)

Experiencia complementaria:
Utilizar sistemas de gestión educativa (SGE) o correos electrónicos para comunicar a
profesores, padres y estudiantes información fundamental en el funcionamiento de la
comunidad escolar.

Bases Curriculares 2012, Educación Básica, Mineduc.


• Annual Proposed
lesson plans
Appendix 2: Proposed Annual Plan for 4th Grade Social Studies


Identify general characteristics of America.


Identify characteristics of the North American terrain.

Recognize the characteristics of the terrain of Central and South America.


Describe the climate and hydrography of North America.

Describe the climate and hydrography of Central and South America.


Identify the demographic characteristics of America.

Recognize economic characteristics and natural resources in America.


Recognize the theories of American settlement.

Describe Maya social and political organization.


Identify characteristics of the Maya culture.

Describe Aztec social and political organization.


Characterize Aztec culture and daily life.

Characterize Inca political and social organization.


Identify the cultural characteristics of the Incas.

Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of the north of Chile.


Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of Central and Southern Chile.

Characterize the actors in the political organization of Chile.

Identify children’s rights in situations of everyday life.


Participate in the community, maintaining a spirit of harmony.

13 8 8 7
weeks weeks weeks weeks

Note: This plan takes into consideration the content in the units of the textbook. It does not incorporate
evaluations the teacher may wish to give by unit, semester, or year.

Appendix 3: Lesson Plans

• Example of daily Lesson Plan

lesson plans Grade: 4

Subject: Social Studies
Time: 90 minutes
Class: 1
Core Curriculum: Geography
Unit 1: Geography of America

Class Goal: Learn the location of America and the reasons for the subdivision of the American continent.

Skills (Disciplinary and Cognitive) Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives

Sequential and Spatial Thought Cognitive Dimension
• Apply spatial categories, such as location. • Identify, process, and summarize information from different
Analysis and Working with References references and organize the more relevant information in a topic
• Find useful information from written references and maps. or problem.
Critical Thinking Proactivity and Work
• Express justified opinions on topics of their own interest. • Take care of their natural environment and its resources.
• Present themes orally, visually, or in written form with their

Learning Objectives Contents

• Identify general characteristics of America. Section 1: America
• Why We Divide America

Students are able to…
• Locate places in America on a map.
• Understand why America is divided into subcontinents and identify them.
4th Grade Social Studies

• Summarize in a comparative chart the contents of the class.


Lesson plan SS4.indd 3 28-02-13 16:17

Pages 12 and 13

In 5 Minutes

Explain to students that on pages

Geography of America
12 and 13, there is a picture
of a physical map of America,
which shows natural features of
the continent, such as mountain
ranges, lakes, deserts, etc. Clarify
that a physical map is different
from a political map because the
latter shows the borders between
countries and their organization.

Key Words
Digital Activities subcontinent

To begin the unit, use the
presentation found in the hydrology
Multimedia Presentation section
in the Teacher’s Lounge at latitude
www.pathway.cl. meridian


In this unit you will learn to:

• locate places in America on a map.
• describe different landscapes on the American continent.
• compare landscapes in your region with other landscapes in
• characterize the population of America.
• distinguish between renewable and non-renewable natural
• recognize and locate the principal natural resources of America.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Initial Evaluation

Analyze the pictures with students.

What Do You Know? Initial Evaluation
Ask them to recognize and name
some geographic features they
1. Look at the image and answer. can see in the pictures. This can
a. What forms of terrain are found in South help them approach the concepts
America? of terrain, hydrology, and climate.
Check whether students
understand the concept of terrain,
and ask them to state how they
imagine the Earth’s surface and
b. Circle the forms of terrain that are part of its different geographic features.
Chilean territory in red.
Explain the difference between
natural (geographic) and man-
2. If you could travel to any place in America,
which would you choose? Argue your answer, made (social) factors.
considering natural factors such as the terrain,
vegetation, and climate.

Possible Difficulties

Assist students when reading maps

3. Describe the landscape of the region in which because it might be difficult for
you live. Consider natural and man-made them to recognize America and its
factors. geographic features.



Pages 14 and 15


1 America
Organization Connecting

UNIT 1: America is the second largest continent on the planet. It is located in the
Geography of America Western Hemisphere, between 83˚ N latitude and 56˚ S latitude, and
is surrounded by oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Arctic, and the
Section 1: America Southern. It is made up of three subcontinents: North America, Central
Why We Divide America America, and South America. Within this region there are various different
countries and societies that have adapted to diverse types of landscapes,
which have changed continuously over time. Canada, the United States,
and Mexico are found in
North America.

Clarifying Concepts Belize, Guatemala, Honduras,

For a translation of El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa
map terms, see the Rica, and Panama are found
It is very important that students Map Glossary on in Central America.
understand the concept of a page 206.
The Bermudas, Bahamas,
colony because all of the American Cuba, Cayman Islands, Turks
countries were colonies of Europe. and Caicos Islands, Jamaica,
Haiti, Dominican Republic,
This means that America, at first, Puerto Rico, British Virgin
was controlled by some European Islands, United States Virgin
countries which not only exploited Islands, Anguilla, Saint Martin,
Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua
its economic resources, but Colombia, Venezuela,
and Barbuda, Montserrat,
Guyana, Suriname,
also imposed specific political, Guadeloupe, Dominica,
French Guiana,
cultural, religious, and economic Ecuador, Brazil, Peru,
Martinique, Saint Lucia,
Barbados, Saint Vincent and
systems that have been and Bolivia, Paraguay,
the Grenadines, Grenada,
still are part of America. Explain Chile, Argentina, and
Trinidad and Tobago, and
Uruguay are found in
that, among the results of this South America.
Netherlands Antilles are found
in the Caribbean.
colonization, there is a large

mestizo population as well as



Country capital

the loss of lives of some of our SOUTH POLE

International border

indigenous peoples. Get C@nnected!

Practicing To locate the countries
of America, go to
1. Where is America located? www.pathway.cl/soc/400

2. Complete the activity on Activity Card 1.

14 Unit 1 / Geography

Digital Activities

Have students learn more about

America by visiting

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Clarifying Concepts
Identify general characteristics of America

Explain that people who were born

Why We Divide America and live in the United States are
Word Focus usually called Americans. However,
We divide America into three subcontinents because there are different
types of landscapes. One of the characteristics of the countries that make Colonies clarify that all inhabitants from
up this continent is that all were colonies of other States at one time. How 1. Territories dominated North, Central and South America
can we see this? We see this in cultural aspects such as language, ways and governed by a foreign hold the demonym of American.
people relate to each other, food, and religion, among other things. power.
2. Territories or places
• North America. This is a large region that extends from the North Pole where people have settled.
to the beginning of the Central American isthmus. It was colonized
Which of these two
by the British, French, and Spanish; therefore, English, French, and
meanings is used in
Spanish are the predominant languages in this area. the text?
• Central America and the Caribbean. Central America is an isthmus In 5 Minutes
or a narrow strip of land that joins North America with South America. Tip
To the east of this isthmus we find the Caribbean Sea. This is where After reading page 15, discuss the
the mountainous Antilles Islands are located. Central America was Isthmus is pronounced
“is-mus.” socioeconomic differences between
mostly colonized by Spain, which is why the majority of these countries
are Spanish-speaking. In the Caribbean, it is possible to find other
the American subcontinents.
languages, such as English and French. Explain that, although there
Fun Fact!
has been an apparent economic
• South America. South America extends from the end of the Central Dutch is the official growth lately in South American
American isthmus at the northern border of Colombia, to the Diego language of Suriname,
Ramirez Islands in the south of Chile. It was colonized by the Portuguese countries, it is still possible to
and French is the official
and Spanish. Because of this, the predominant languages are Portuguese language of French Guiana.
find extreme poverty and social
in Brazil and Spanish in countries such as Argentina, Chile, Colombia, inequality. Also talk about political
and Venezuela, among others. and economic relationships that
The processes of colonization caused the different Americas to be countries establish inside their
founded. The heritage from the colonial period in each of these modern- The Rapa Nui language subcontinents. For instance,
comes from a different
day countries is different, and has influenced economic and cultural mention that North American
area of the world, just
development in unequal ways. countries signed an agreement
like the ancestors of the
Rapa Nui probably did a called North American Free Trade
very long time ago. Which Agreement (NAFTA) and that
continent do you think it Central American countries and
comes from? Why?
3. What are the three subcontinents of America? Mexico have another agreement.
Similarly, mention that some South
Quiz Yourself American countries are members of
Mercosur, which is an agreement to
1. Chile is located on which subcontinent of America?
provide political and
2. Identify and research which countries in America are English-speaking and which are Spanish-speaking. economic support.



Pages 16 and 17


2 The Terrain of North America

Organization Connecting

UNIT 1: The landscapes of North America are made up of several different forms Word Focus
Geography of America of terrain, such as the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachian Mountains, the
Canadian Shield, the central plains, and the coastal plains. Each form of Terrain
Section 2: The Terrain of North America terrain provides the people with many natural resources and sources of The physical features of
a section of land.
The Terrain of North America energy. These serve as the foundation for the well-being of communities
and economic growth.

The Terrain of North America

The oldest terrain in North America is the Canadian Shield, which extends
from the Mackenzie River to the Great Lakes. A shield is a section of
Clarifying Concepts
land surface from thousands of years ago that has been eroded by the
movement of rivers and ice.
Reinforce the concept of terrain,
East of the shield is the Appalachian Mountain Range, reaching an
and ask students the following:
average altitude of 2,000 meters. This was formed by erosion caused wearing down
What is a terrain? How would you height
by rivers and glaciers. South of this mountain range, we find the coastal
define terrain? From a geographic plains,, which is flat terrain composed of both marshes and plains. The soft, wet land
standpoint, terrain is the surface central plains are located between the coastal plains and the western
features of an area of land. These mountains including the Rocky Mountains, Mackenzie, Sierra Nevada,
geographic features are the result Mount McKinley, and Mount Brooks. This is a flat region known for its
of internal and external processes forestry, livestock farming, and agriculture, due to the presence of the
Mississippi and Missouri Rivers.
that take place on Earth, such as
rivers or rain that cut The western mountain ranges are chains of mountains that surround
through land. valleys like those in California. Here we find a large variety of crops such
as grapes used for wine, and citrus and other types of fruits. We also find
coal, copper, lead, and uranium mines.
In Mexico there are two mountain ranges that stand out: the Sierra Madre
Occidental, which extends to the coast of the Pacific Ocean, and the
Sierra Madre Oriental, which is located along the coast.

• From the description, determine which mountains and which plains
are found in these regions.
• Which types of terrain form part of the territories of Canada, the
United States, and Mexico?

16 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the terrain of North America

In 5 Minutes

To exemplify the concept of terrain,

talk about the Andes Mountain
Physical Map of North America In the extreme Range with students. Explain that
north, we find the the Andes is South America’s main
second largest
geographic feature because it has
island on the planet:
Greenland. great heights and it is present in
many countries, Chile included.
Also clarify that it is a product of
tectonic plate movements, but has
also been modified by erosion.

On the border of the

United States and
Canada, we find the
Great Lakes.

There are also

peninsulas, such as
Florida, the Yucatan,
and Labrador.

Key Facts
• Among the forms
of terrain in North
America are the
Rocky Mountains, the
Sierra Madre Oc Appalachian Mountains,
the Canadian Shield,
and the Sierra Madres.
• The different types
Activities of terrain have
• Circle the Rocky Mountains in and the Appalachian made possible the
presence of a large
Mountains in .
quantity of mineral,
• Find how terrain helps people decide where to live. Consider forestry, livestock, and
factors such as available natural resources and altitude. agricultural resources.



Pages 18 and 19

Possible Difficulties
Section 2 / The Terrain of North America

Explain to students that in activity

2b, they should describe the main
geographic features and carefully
select relevant information. They 1. Match and write the correct letter in the parentheses. Identify
should include attractive pictures.
( c ) Sierra Madres (a ) Canadian Shield
Also clarify that they should be
well-informed and creative in
creating their brochure. ( d ) Appalachian Mountain Range (b ) central plains

a. This extends from the Mackenzie River to the Great Lakes region. It is thousands of years old, and
was eroded by rivers and ice.

b. This is found between the coastal plains and the western mountain ranges. Many important
economic activities have developed here because of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers.

c. It is an important part of the Mexican terrain, which is divided into a western and an eastern part.
d. This is located east of the Canadian Shield. Its average altitude is 2,000 meters.

2. Imagine that you work in a tourist agency that sells trips throughout North America and answer. Explain

a. What natural attractions would you invite people to visit? Choose one from Canada, one from the
United States, and one from Mexico.

b. Create an informational brochure about the terrain of North America using the following steps:

• Describe the geographic features of each country to encourage tourists to visit.

• Choose relevant information about the terrain.
• Choose photographs that will be attractive to the tourists.

18 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the terrain of North America

Common Mistakes

Summarizing Explain that, in order to answer

Quiz Yourself, students
3. Write the names of the main forms of terrain in North America in the boxes. Spatial Placement must express their opinions
and viewpoints on the two
Montañas Rocosas

Grandes llanuras

Montes Apalaches
Sier dental
ra M

Quiz Yourself
1. Do you agree with the following statements? Explain your answer.

a. The terrain of North America was eroded by rivers and ice.

b. In North America there are few mountain ranges, but those that exist are high in altitude.



Pages 20 and 21


3 The Terrain of Central and South America

Organization Connecting

UNIT 1: In Central and South America the most common forms of terrain are
Geography of America mountains, plains, shields, river valleys, plateaus, and the altiplano. These
affect both the settlement of the population and the economic activity
Section 3: The Terrain of Central and South that occurs in different areas of both subcontinents.
The Terrain of Central America
Featured Terrains
The Terrain of South America
South and Central America: Other Forms of

Common Mistakes

A common mistake is to think

that Central America and the
Caribbean are synonymous;
however, they should be
considered as one region. Clarify The Andes Mountain Range is one of the most
important forms of terrain in South America.
that the Caribbean is composed
of islands (big and small in the
Antilles) that are to the east of
Central America, in the Caribbean
The forces that act on a terrain can be
Sea, and that are part of the internal, which means they may come
Atlantic Ocean. from within the Earth, or external, like
the wind, water, or ice, which erode
and wear down the terrain.

There are extensive plains in South America, such as the

Patagonian Pampas.

20 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Recognize the characteristics of the terrains of Central and South America

In 5 Minutes

Observe the map on page 21

and talk about Central America
and the Caribbean’s location
and then about South America’s
location. Explain that the word
Caribbean comes from the Carib,
an indigenous people from the
Antilles. Also mention that the
word cannibal derives from
Caribbean because it is said that
the Carib people performed some
rituals related to the eating of
war enemies.

The Central American isthmus is full of

mountains, rivers, and lakes.

The Caribbean is another region in America.

It includes a sea of the same name and a
group of islands within that sea.

• On the map, circle the forms of terrain mentioned on pages 20
and 21.
• Describe the diversity of landscapes in this part of America,
according to what you see in the images.



Pages 22 and 23

Clarifying Concepts Section 3 / The Terrain of Central and South America

Clarify that Central America is

characterized as being an area The Terrain of Central America
where mountain ranges alternate
Central America is located between the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Mexico,
with plateaus. Define plateau as a and the Atrato River, in Colombia. The land is narrow, so it is considered
wide mainly level area of part of a natural boundary between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
elevated land.

The Caribbean Sea is part of

the Atlantic Ocean. In it there
are numerous groups of islands
that make up the Greater and
the Lesser Antilles.

Common Mistakes This part of the continent Mexico

is characterized as being
an area where mountain
When students observe the map ranges alternate with
of the terrain of Central America, plateaus. There are also
many active volcanoes
some of them might think that switch
found here. Honduras
back and
Colombia and Venezuela are part forth Guatemala
El Salvador Venezuela
of this subcontinent. Clarify that Panama
they are part of South America, Costa Rica
but that they border the Colombia

Caribbean Sea. Some of the most important geographic forms are the
Isthmuses of Panama and Nicaragua. These are narrow strips
of land that make it possible to establish points of connection
between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Word Focus
Central America is also
considered the western Isthmus
border of the Caribbean Sea. 1. A narrow part or
passage between two
spaces in the human body.
2. A strip of land that
Activities connects two continents
or a peninsula with a
• Characterize Central America according to the description in the text. continent.
• What is an isthmus, and why does this type of terrain allow a Which of these definitions
connection to be made between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans? is used in the text?

22 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Recognize the characteristics of the terrains of Central and South America

In 5 Minutes

Explain to students that the

Panama Canal is in Central
1. Write the subcontinent where each form of terrain is found. Relate America and that it is a ship
canal that connects the Atlantic
to the Pacific Ocean. Clarify that
its creation was very important
because it shortens sea distances
and helps trade. To highlight the
concept of distances, explain
that prior to the Panama Canal’s
construction, ships had to sail
Andes Mountain Range. Isthmus of Panama. through the Strait of Magellan and
that it was a very lengthy route.
South America Central America

2. Mark the geographic characteristics that belong to Central America and the Caribbean with a and
those that do not belong with an . Identify

a. The Andes Mountain Range crosses this region, and is considered its backbone.

b. This is made up of islands called the Greater and Lesser Antilles.

c. This is a natural barrier that divides the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


3. Explain some of the characteristics of the geography of Central America and the Caribbean using the
following concepts. Create

Antilles isthmus mountain chains Caribbean



Pages 24 and 25

In 5 Minutes
Section 3 / The Terrain of Central and South America

Talk about the importance that

the Andes has to some South
American indigenous peoples. For
instance, it is the native habitat The Terrain of South America
to the condor, which is a sacred
One of the most important forms of terrain in South America is the Andes Challenge
animal to the Inca people. Also
Mountain Range. This mountain range is young, tall, solid, and has a lot
explain that the condor is part of of volcanic activity. It begins in Venezuela and continues to Antarctica, Research the tallest
the coat of arms of Bolivia, Chile, reaching a height of 8,500 kilometers. Its average height is around 3,500 mountains in the world,
Colombia, and Ecuador. meters, and its highest peak is Mount Aconcagua, which is found in then make a poster
Argentina and is more than 6,900 meters tall. The next tallest peak is the that compares them
to different Andean
Nevado Ojos del Salado, which is located on the border between Chile
peaks. Use pictures and
and Argentina and, after that, Mount Pissis in Argentina.
short sentences on your
The Andes Mountain Range is an important source of natural resources. poster.
It is a large reserve of fresh water and contains mineral deposits of iron,
copper, silver, zinc, tin, lead, and gold, among others. Also, it is the habitat
In comparison with other
of a large variety of animal and plant species. mountain ranges, the Andes
In the Andes Mountains, between Peru, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, and Mountains are young. Although
they formed millions of years
Argentina, we find the altiplano. This is a large plateau where living things ago, this was much later than
must adapt to difficult weather conditions and altitude to survive. The other mountain ranges, such
largest part of this territory is located in Bolivia. as the Rocky or Appalachian
Mountains. Because of this, it
still has active volcanoes and is
high in altitude.
• Write the name of the countries in which two main mountain peaks
are found in the Andes.
• Select two characteristics of the Andes Mountain Range and
describe them.

Nevado Ojos del Salado. Mount Aconcagua.

Chile Argentina

24 Unit 1 / Geography


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Recognize the characteristics of the terrains of Central and South America

Clarifying Concepts

Explain that a basin is a sunken

South and Central America: Other Forms of Terrain or depressed landform into which
water has been drained, normally
The oldest forms of terrain in South America are the Amazonian Shield
and the Guiana Shield, whose age is similar to that of the Canadian Shield,
by a river. Some basins are bowl-
or approximately 3,500 million years old. shaped, while others
Key Facts are elongated.
• Central and South
America have types
of terrain that provide
different countries with
diverse natural resources
and energy.
• Central America is a
mountainous region in
which the Isthmuses of
The Guiana Shield is Nicaragua and Panama
separated from the stand out.
Amazonian Shield
by the Amazon and
• The Greater and Lesser
Orinoco River Basins, Antilles are both found in
and originates in the Caribbean.
the Guayanas,
• The Andes Mountain
Venezuela, and
Range extends from
The Amazonian Brazil River Basins.
Venezuela to Antarctica.
Shield is the most It is eroded by
extensive in South the Branco River, • In South America there
America and, which divides it are two shields that are
because of its age, into two almost separated by a river basin.
there are deposits of equal sections. As
gold, diamonds, and it is higher than its
iron found here. In surroundings, the
the southern part, Angel Falls is on one
where it practically of its sides, and has Activities
disappears, there are an altitude of 979 • What is the economic
plains that are used meters.
importance of the
to grow coffee.
a large amount
Amazonian Shield?
of water
• Find one similarity and one
The Parana and Paraguay River Basins make up another important type of difference between the
terrain. These form a plain that extends south of the Amazonian Shield, built terrains of Central America
by materials deposited by voluminous rivers like the Parana and bordered to
the south by the Patagonian plain in Argentina.
and South America.


Pages 26 and 27

Possible Difficulties Section 3 / The Terrain of Central and South America

In activity 2 on page 26, the

description must be done after
having observed the pictures
of some American terrains. 1. Write the subcontinents where each form of terrain is found. Identify
Students should consider certain
criteria to complete this activity, Form of terrain Subcontinent
such as size, height, depth, Islands of the Lesser Antilles
and other relevant geographic Central America and the Caribbean
characteristics. Isthmus of Nicaragua
Central America and the Caribbean
Amazonian Shield
South America
Guiana Shield
South America

2. Use Cutout 1 on page 207 to identify the form of terrain and describe each one. Describe

Panama Canal, on the Isthmus of Panama Characteristics

Guiana Shield Characteristics

26 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Common Mistakes
Recognize the characteristics of the terrains of Central and South America

Summarizing A common mistake that students

might make is to state that,
3. Compare the forms of terrain on the American subcontinents. Compare and contrast in Central America, there are
Central America no mountain ranges. In this
Criteria North America South America
and the Caribbean subcontinent there are, in fact,
Presence of mountain many mountain ranges such as
chains the Sierra Madre, which runs
from Mexico to Guatemala; the
Cordillera Isabelia in Nicaragua;
or the Cordillera de Salamanca
Significant forms of terrain between Costa Rica and Panama.

To do the comparison
activity, review what you
learned in Sections 2 and 3.

Quiz Yourself

1. What are shields? How are shields different from mountain chains? Give an example using terrain from
South America.

2. Choose two forms of terrain in Central America and the Caribbean and describe them.



Pages 28 and 29


4 North America: Climate and Hydrology

Organization Connecting moisture in rain, snow, hail
the air

UNIT 1: Climate is the state of the atmosphere over a period of time in a place. Did You Know...?
Geography of America This combines elements such as temperature, humidity, precipitation,
atmospheric pressure,
pressure and wind. There are different factors that affect The United States of
Section 4: North America: Climate and these elements, including altitude, distance from the ocean, latitude, and America can be referred
to in many different
Hydrology marine currents. The different relationships that exist between these factors
ways. Examples are:
and elements are at the origin of a diversity of climates, influencing the
The Climate of North America plants, animals, and hydrology of a place and, therefore, the settlement The United States
Hydrology of North America of populations and distribution of natural resources. The U.S.
water moving in
The States
The Landscape of North America one direction
The U.S. of A.
The Climate of North America
or simply, U.S.A.
Due to its size, North America has practically all of the climates that exist
in the world. A large area of North America is inland and far from the

Lorena Pérez
ocean, so it has a continental climate. This means that the ocean does
Clarifying Concepts not seem to affect many parts of its interior. The masses of air from the
Atlantic and Pacific cannot moderate temperatures or provide humidity
that causes precipitation. This happens only in very wide territories.
Explain to students that climate make less
refers to the long-term weather
In the Canadian north, the summers are cool and the winters are very
conditions of an area. Aspects of cold. This climate lasts until 52˚ latitude north. Moving south toward the
climate include average rainfall, United States, temperate and tropical climates appear on the Atlantic
temperature, humidity, and Coast and in the middle of the continent. The Pacific Coast has warm,
sunlight. Climate is different from semiarid, and desert climates.
weather because the latter refers
to the specific climatic condition
Lorena Pérez

of a particular day and time.

Saint Lawrence River, Canada.

• Name two causes of
the existence of diverse
climates in North America.
• What is the predominant
climate in the extreme
Mount Saint Bruno, Canada. north of the subcontinent?
Explain your answer.

28 Unit 1 / Geography

soc. studies 4.1.indd 28 13-02-13 12:53

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Describe the climate and hydrology of North America

Possible Difficulties

Reinforce the concept of hydrology.

Hydrology of North America Explain that “hydro” means water.
Therefore, hydrology focuses on
Between the United States and Canada, there is the most important
hydrological region in North America: the Great Lakes region, which the study of the different types of
includes Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Lake Michigan, and Lake The coniferous forests
water sources present on planet
Superior. In this area, industries developed that were very important to allow for the development Earth, that is, rivers, lakes, ice
of forestry activities.
the economic development of both countries. fields, etc.
The Mississippi and Missouri Rivers have also helped
the development of agricultural activity in the United
States and have provided a means of transportation
when there were no other ways to get to the
interior. The Colorado River provided necessary
water for agricultural activity on the Pacific
Coast. In Canadian territory, the Mackenzie
and Yukon Rivers are important rivers that
are also sources of energy and transportation
routes for Canada.
The rivers and lakes of North America are important
because society uses them a lot. These waters are used
both for generating hydroelectric energy and irrigating crops in
the middle and south of North America. Also, during the 19th
and 20th centuries, many dams and irrigation and navigation
canals were built. This allowed people to better take advantage
of this water resource.
Both the diversity of climates and the hydrology of the subcontinent
allow for the existence of coniferous forests in the north of
Canada. These species are resistant to extreme cold. Farther
south there are prairies, which have been replaced by fields
for industrial crops used for the production of corn, barley, The Great Lakes region.
wheat, and rice, among other things.
Use the acronym HOMES to remember
Activities the names of the Great Lakes:
• What are the most significant features of the hydrology of Huron
North America? Ontario
• What relationship exists between climate, hydrology, and Michigan
the economy? Erie


soc. studies 4.1.indd 29 13-02-13 12:53


Pages 30 and 31

In 5 Minutes
Section 4 / North America: Climate and Hydrology

Talk with students about

Southeast Mexico, its humid Landscapes of North America
and warm climate, and the
fact that Maya ruins are found Southeast Mexico
in this region. Explain that the Climate: Humid and warm, with rain in the
Maya civilization developed a summer.
characteristic architecture, and
Featured Places: One of the most important tourist
a high level of scientific and destinations is the city of Cancun. Also, Maya ruins
mathematic thought. The Maya are found in this region.
people built enormous pyramids Landscape: Tropical jungles and marshy areas.
which served as religious
centers and palaces for their
leaders. Currently, some of their Yucatan.
descendants still live in
this region. Central United States

Climate: Dry and warm with steppe vegetation.

Featured Places: The Great Lakes region.
Landscape: Area of transition between the
humidity of the east and the dryness of the west,
with prairies and oak forests. The Mississippi River
goes through this part of the United States from
north to south.

Chicago, Illinois.

New Mexico and Arizona

Climate: Arid and semiarid.

Featured Places: City of Phoenix, the Grand Canyon of the
Colorado River.
Landscape: Desert, which makes it a territory that receives little
rainfall. Its impressive rock formations, mountain forests, and
thermal springs are significant features.

Grand Canyon of the Colorado River.

30 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Describe the climate and hydrology of North America

Common Mistakes

Remind students that Alaska

Key Facts belongs to the United States and
Central Mexico and not to Canada, as they might think

Wiki Commons
Southeastern United States • In North America, due to Alaska’s location.
almost every world
Climate: Temperate with rain in the
climate can be found.
• The Great Lakes region
Featured Places: Mexico City, Ouachita
and the Mississippi
National Forest in Arkansas. and Missouri Rivers
Landscape: Abundance of trees such are significant parts of
as the laurel, cyprus, and elm. Central the hydrology of North
Mexico is surrounded by volcanoes and America.
very tall mountains. • Climate and hydrology
Lake Ouachita.
influence where natural
resources are in Canada,
Northwestern Mexico and the United States, and

Paula Guerra
Southwestern United States Mexico.

Climate: Temperate with rain in the

Featured Places: Cities of Los Angeles
and San Francisco.
Landscape: Shrub land, beaches,
swamps, and mountains.

Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco.

Alaska and Canada

Climate: Cold with rain throughout the

year, subarctic and tundra. Activities
Featured Places: Cities of Vancouver, • Choose one of these
Montreal, and Toronto. landscapes and compare it
Landscape: In this cold, rainy region with the landscapes you find
there is an abundance of coniferous in the region you live in.
Possible Difficulties
forests. Farther north the vegetation • Which of these landscapes
consists of mosses and lichens. stands out to you the most?
Why? Explain that, in order to compare
Alaska. landscapes, it is important to
consider their terrains, hydrology,
31 and climate.


Pages 32 and 33

In 5 Minutes Section 4 / North America: Climate and Hydrology

Explain that, in order to use the

information present in a text
students must do the following:
first, they should read the text; 1. Choose two landscapes in North America. Write their names and compare them. Compare and contrast
then, read the questions about
that text. Third, they should Criteria 1 2
return to the text and underline Climate
ideas that are related to the
question. Finally, they should
answer the questions.
Type of Landscape

2. Read and answer. Analyze

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River is a geographic accident which originated millions of years ago
due to the movement of the Colorado River passing through the north of Arizona (United States) and
carving a deep gorge. The Grand Canyon is now considered one of the primary wonders of the planet. Its
beauty is so great that in 1882, people tried to make a way to protect this area. In 1908 it was declared
a national monument and, in 1919, it became a national park. This natural structure’s landscape and
environment is so valued that, in 1979, the United Nations declared it a World Heritage Site.
Antonio Lacosta. “El descenso de aguas bravas en el Gran Cañón del Colorado (Estados Unidos)” (A white water trip in the Grand Canyon
of the Colorado River (United States)), in A purpose of tourism. The social construction of the touristic space. Barcelona: UOC, 2007.

a. Why is it important to protect natural landscapes such as the Grand Canyon? Are there any
protected landscapes in your region? Name one.

32 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Describe the climate and hydrology of North America

Common Mistakes

Students may mistakenly believe

b. How has hydrology influenced the formation of the Grand Canyon? that water resources are the same
as sea resources. Clarify that
water resources are those that
mostly require fresh water, either
to generate energy or as a means
of transportation.

3. Find a relationship between the following concepts. Use North America as an example. Relate

climate hydrology landscape

Quiz Yourself
1. What factors affect the types of climate that exist in an area?

2. What water resources are significant in North America? How have they influenced economic
development and the landscape?



Pages 34 and 35

Let’s Check

Evaluation Part 1
Students should identity each Let’s Check!
of the three subcontinents and
make a legend that explains the Look at the map and answer.
1. Circle each of the three subcontinents in a different color and complete the legend. points
Extra Support
Project a world map on the board
and review the continents and
the ocean of planet Earth with

Evaluation Part 2
Students should write America’s
latitude and longitude.
Extra Support
Work with students on locating
countries on a map. It is
important to reinforce this
content because the geographic
coordinate system, based on a Legend
mathematical system, has to be
practiced. North America


Central America and
the Caribbean


Country capital

International border
South America

2. What is the location of America? Write the latitude and longitude. points


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Let’s Check
Unit 1

Evaluation Part 3
Intermediate Evaluation Students should identify other
aspects related to America’s
location taking into consideration
3. Which oceans surround the continent? points
the oceans that surround it:
2 Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, and
Extra Support
Ask students to make a crossword
Complete the following table about the terrain in America. in their notebooks with the names
of the subcontinents and oceans.
Form of On which subcontinent is
Two characteristics
Terrain it found? Evaluation Part 4
Andes Students should identify the
forms of terrains of every
subcontinent and their
points characteristics.
3 Extra Support
Guiana Shield Ask students to make some
descriptive cards or posters
in which they describe the
points different characteristics of the
3 subcontinents’ terrains. They
should present them to the class.


Great Lakes Digital Activities

Explain that this evaluation can

be done in the textbook but also
3 online at www.pathway.cl, in
the Evaluations section in the
35 Teacher’s Lounge area.

soc. studies 4.1.indd 35 13-02-13 12:53


Pages 36 and 37


5 Central and South America:

Climate and Hydrology
Geography of America As in North America, these regions of the continent have many factors
that influence where different climates, hydrology, and landscapes are.
Section 5: Central and South America:
Climate and Hydrology Climate
The most important factors in the distribution of climate
Hydrology of Central and South America are: the influence of ocean air masses, the large mountain
Landscape of Central and South America ranges, and latitude. In Central America, differences in
temperature are caused mostly by altitude and not latitude
because it is a warm area. Another factor that affects
climate is marine currents, which can be cold or warm.
On the eastern coasts of Central America there are warm
currents that cause more precipitation than on the Pacific
Coast, where the cold currents create arid conditions.
Clarifying Concepts
In South America, the cold-water currents from Guadalupe Island, Lesser Antilles.
Antarctica and the South Pole and the Andes Mountain
Remind students about the Range determine what climates are present. In the

Claudio Marchant
concept of continental climate, north, tropical climates predominate, while toward the
which is characterized by south there are temperate, cold, and polar climates
significant annual variation in that are influenced by the ocean. In the east of the
temperature due to the lack of subcontinent, we find tropical and warm temperate
climates. In the west, there are tropical, desert,
large bodies of water nearby.
semiarid, warm temperate, cool temperate, and
Thus, its weather tends to be cold climates.
drier and warm.
Climbers at the peak of Villar
rica Volcano.

• Why does the area of territory found inland in Central and South
America not determine the climate?
• Which of the mentioned climates do you think are found in your
region? Why?

36 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Describe the climate and hydrology of Central and South America

In 5 Minutes

Mention the existence of great

Hydrology of Central and South America rivers such as the Mississippi
river and the Nile, the latter
South America has some of the largest freshwater reserves in the world in
its rivers and lakes, as well as aquifers, glaciers, and ice fields. The rivers which is regarded as the longest
that flow to the Atlantic Ocean are wide, large, and full of sediment and river in the world. Explain that
materials. The rivers that flow to the Pacific Ocean are fast-flowing and in South America there are large
short because they flow through an area that quickly drops in elevation.
rock and dirt
rivers such as the Amazon, which
The river basins of the Amazon, Orinoco, and Parana Rivers stand out is the largest river in the world
for their size and importance to plant and animal life.
(by waterflow), and the Rio de
Among the significant lakes in this region la Plata. This is the natural
are Lake Nicaragua, in Nicaragua, Lake border between Argentina and
Maracaibo, in Venezuela, and Lake Titicaca, Uruguay and it is considered to
which is shared by Peru and Bolivia. Lake
be the widest in the world with
Maracaibo is a bay with a very narrow
outlet to the ocean. Lake Nicaragua is a maximum width of about 220
a bay that became separated from its kilometers. Clarify that all of these
natural outlet due to the upward shifting rivers are navigable and that in
of the terrain. Lake Titicaca stands out Chile, it is hard to find navigable
for its high altitude of more than 3,600 rivers due to geographic features.
meters above sea level and for being
the highest navigable lake in the world.

Like in North America, the hydrology

and climate allow a wide diversity of Amazon River.
vegetation to grow. Here we find tropical
climates in the Amazon and Caribbean, tundra in the extreme south, forest
regions with cool temperate and cold climates, the semiarid steppe, and
also prairies, plains, and pampas.
Did You Know...?
The Amazon River Basin
is the largest in the
world. It runs from west
to east, from the Andes
Activities Mountains in Peru to the
Atlantic Coast in Brazil. It
• Work with an atlas and find which countries the Amazon, Parana, carries more water than
and Orinoco Rivers flow through. the Mississippi in the
United States, the Nile in
• What is the difference between rivers that flow to the Atlantic Ocean
Egypt, and the Yangtze
and those that flow to the Pacific?
in China combined!



Pages 38 and 39

In 5 Minutes Section 5 / Central and South America: Climate and Hydrology

Explain that the Amazon

rainforest is a wide zone of Landscapes of Central and South America
tropical vegetation that covers a
great part of South America. It is Tropical Rainforest
considered the greatest rainforest (near the Equator)
in the world, and thus, is known
Climate: Hot and humid with rain throughout
as the lungs of the world. Sadly, the year.
it has been gradually deforested
Featured Places: Amazonian rainforest, Brazil.
throughout the years. This has
led to its progressive destruction Landscape: Tropical rainforest is found in a large
part of Brazil, and areas of Bolivia, Colombia,
which could have a major impact
Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname. Plant life
on the amount of oxygen on is abundant, and there are large trees that can
planet Earth. reach more than 50 meters in height. Amazon River.

Tropical Rainforest

Climate: Warm and humid with rain in summer.

Featured Places: Central America and Brazil.
Landscape: Tropical forest is found in areas
close to the Equator, such as Central America
and parts of Colombia, Brazil, and Venezuela.
Since they receive less rain, these forests are
less lush than rainforests near the Equator. Its
trees do not grow taller than 8 meters.
healthy and green
Forest in Puerto Rico.


Climate: Warm, dry, and semiarid with steppe

Featured Places: Southeast of Argentina.
Landscape: An extensive region of plains where
thorny shrubs and short trees grow, such as the
algarrobo tree. There is more steppe vegetation
toward the south. This is because of the arid
climates there.
Pampas in Argentina.

38 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Describe the climate and hydrology of Central and South America

Clarifying Concepts

Talk to students about the Coastal

Key Facts Mountain Range. Explain that it is
Pacific Desert Region
native to Chile and that, although
Climate: Desert. • In Central and South it does not have great heights
America there is a wide
Featured Places: Atacama Desert in diversity of climates. The
as the Andes does, it is a very
Chile, Sechura Desert in Peru. distance from the ocean, characteristic geographic feature
Landscape: A large coastal desert region latitude, and presence of Chile. Between the Coastal
that extends from 6 degrees to 27 of mountains influences Mountains and the Andes, there
the distribution of these
degrees latitude south. In Chile, it lies are valleys and small depressions
between the Coastal Mountain Range (depresión intermedia) where
and the Andes Mountains, and is the • The Amazon, Parana, and many cities can be found.
driest desert in the world. Orinoco Rivers, and Lakes
Atacama Desert. Titicaca, Nicaragua, and
Maracaibo are important
Uruguay and the Coast of hydrological sources.
Argentina • The landscape is diverse,
and there are rainforests,
Climate: Humid and temperate.
deserts, plains, and
Featured Places: Buenos Aires, forests.
Montevideo. Digital Activities
Landscape: Forms part of the pampas.
The landscape has wide plains that are Ask students to find exercises
interrupted by low-lying hills. related to these sections on
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Central and Southern Chile

Climate: Temperate with dry summers or

temperate with rainfall throughout the year.
Featured Places: Valparaiso, Concepcion, Activities
Puerto Montt, and Carretera Austral. • Which of these landscapes
Landscape: Varies from north to south. is similar to the place
In the central region, there is scrub where you live? Explain.
vegetation. Toward the south, precipitation
• In which of these
increases and allows for the existence of
landscapes do you think it
more abundant vegetation, such as the
is most difficult for human
Valdivian forest. Coihaique, Chile.
small, low bushes beings to live? Why?



Pages 40 and 41

Clarifying Concepts Section 5 / Central and South America: Climate and Hydrology

Explain that the concept of a

geographic accident can be
understood as a synonym of
terrain or of a surface irregularity 1. Look at the map and answer. Spatial Placement
in a natural formation. Geographic
accidents are easy to identify and
can be recognized on a physical
map. An accident can be a
plateau, a valley, a mountain, etc.

a. Circle the Amazon, Orinoco, and Parana Rivers.

b. What is the approximate latitude of the mouth of the Amazon River?

c. What is the geographic accident that gave birth to a large part of the rivers in South America? Why
do you think this is?

40 Unit 1 / Geography

soc. studies 4.1.indd 40 13-02-13 12:53


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Possible Difficulties
Describe the climate and hydrology of Central and South America

Summarizing In the first activity of Quiz

Yourself, students might confuse
2. Use Cutout 2 on page 207 to identify the correct landscape. Identify the factors that influence
climate with its elements. Clarify
Peruvian Desert Central Valley, Chile Tropical Rainforest that the elements of climate
are temperature, humidity,
precipitation, atmospheric
pressure, and wind. The factors
of climate are altitude, latitude,
closeness or distance from the
sea, and sea currents.

Quiz Yourself
1. Describe the wide diversity of climates found in Central and South America. Consider types through Values
of climate, distribution of climates, and other factors that influence climate.
Highlight the importance of
taking care of our natural
resources and our immediate
environment. Also, students
should bear in mind that their
exploitation has to be carried
out reasonably. Stress that there
are actions that can make a
2. Describe the hydrology of Central and South America. Mention the most significant rivers and lakes in difference when taking care of
the region and their location. our environment, for instance, not
wasting water, avoiding the use
of plastic bags, etc.


Pages 42 and 43


6 The Population of America

Organization Connecting

UNIT 1: It is estimated that there are more than 900 million people currently living
Geography of America in America. In the year 2025 it is expected that there will be more than
one billion people. To reach this number, certain factors are necessary.
Section 6: The Population of America
How Many People? How Many People?
Population Characteristics The world population is changing in its numbers. For example, when
children are born, we can say that the population is growing, as there
Location of Population
are new members who are becoming part of our society. However, what
Places to Live: The Countryside or the City happens when people die? What happens if the inhabitants of one area
move to another city? Does the population of that city increase?
There are three factors that influence the growth of a population: births,
deaths, and migration. Migration is the permanent movement of people
from one area to another. As you have seen, births lead to an increase,
Possible Difficulties and deaths to a decrease in population. In the case of migration, this can
either cause an increase or a decrease in population:
Explain the concepts of migration, • Emigration happens when people move from their origins to another
immigration, and emigration. region or country either temporarily or permanently.
It is important to stress that to
• Immigration refers to the process in which people settle in a place
migrate is not the same as simply different from their origin.
going on a journey. Migration
In 2012 the population of America reached 948 million. From this, 349
is a permanent movement of
million are in North America and 599 million are in Central and South Fun Fact!
people from one place to another, America.
and it comprises two kinds of There are more than 7
movements: emigration and billion people in the whole
immigration. The first happens world!
when people move from their
origins to another region or
Did You Know...?
country either temporarily or
permanently; an example of this When growth is
Activities measured only in births
would be a Chilean who goes to
• What factors influence the growth of a population? Describe. and deaths, it is called
study to Argentina. Immigration natural growth, but
refers to the process in which • On which subcontinent do we find the majority of the population of if migration is also
people settle in a place different America? considered, it is called
from their origin; for example, total growth.
Ecuadorians who come to Chile
looking for a job are immigrating. 42 Unit 1 / Geography

soc. studies 4.1.indd 42 13-02-13 12:53

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the demographic characteristics of America

In 5 Minutes

Explain the importance of

Population Characteristics migration, making reference to
important movements of people in
Population is also classified by age groups: children (birth to 15 years Word Focus
old), adults (15 to 65 years old), and mature adult (over 65 years old).
the history of Chile. For instance,
Countries value this data because they use it to apply public policies and Demographics explain that in the late
make the correct investments according to the demographics of their The characteristics, 19th century, German colonizers
populations. such as age, gender, came to Chile and settled in the
under 18
years of age and income, of a
group of people. South of Chile (immigration),
Even though youths and adults are the predominant age groups in
America, there are differences between countries and subcontinents. and due to that, many Mapuche
For example, adults predominate in Uruguay, but in Guatemala around people moved from their native
half of the inhabitants are youths. Even so, the numbers of adults, as well land to Santiago to look for jobs
as life expectancy, is increasing overall, which means people are having (emigration). Currently, there are
fewer children and living longer. many people from Spain, Peru,
Men are shown on the left of Colombia, and Ecuador who are
What is the structure of the population of Central America? the pyramid, while women are immigrating to our country.
on the right. On the vertical
Men Central America - 2012 Women
axis there is a range of ages
95 - 99
grouped in intervals of five
90 - 94 years. The population is on
85 - 89
80 - 84
the horizontal axis.
75 - 79
70 - 74
65 - 69
60 - 64
55 - 59
50 - 54
45 - 49
40 - 44
35 - 39
30 - 34
25 - 29
20 - 24
15 - 19
10 - 14 In this case, the base of the
0-4 pyramid is larger than the rest
8 6.4 4.8 3.2 1.6 0 0 1.6 3.2 4.8 6.4 8
of the pyramid. This means that
there are more people who are
Population in Millions Age Groups Population in Millions
younger. Therefore, there is a
U.S. Census Bureau. International database. high population growth rate.
Notice that the adult population
decreases a lot.
• Look at the pyramids on Activity Card 2. Compare it with the
pyramid of Central America, and find out which subcontinent
has a population that is predominantly youth and which has a
predominantly adult population.
• Define life expectancy.


Pages 44 and 45

Clarifying Concepts Section 6 / The Population of America

Talk about the concept of

population density (measurement Location of Population
of population per unit area).
Explain some problems related
Because of the effects of terrain and climate, population is distributed Activities
unequally throughout the American territory. There are places in which
to high population density that, • What characteristics favor
a large amount of the population is found and others in which there are
for instance, take place in cities. the establishment of a
practically no people. how it is
To exemplify its problems, refer spread out
To understand the distribution of inhabitants, population density is used.
to the insufficient number and • Why is it difficult to live
This establishes a relationship between the number of inhabitants and a
high prices of houses, the usual in the rainforest or the
certain area, which can be a city, region, or country. This way, we can see
collapse of public transport, that small areas can have high densities of human settlement. The opposite
insufficient jobs, etc. may be true, too; a very large area can have a very low population density.

Very cold Temperate climate,

climate, a lot of flat terrain, access
snow, scarce to water, close to the
population. coast, presence of
natural resources,
abundant population.
climate, flat
terrain, access
Possible Difficulties to water, close
Very humid and hot
to the coast,
climate, abundant
Explain that it is almost of natural
vegetation, scarce
impossible to live in the jungle resources,
or in the desert because in those abundant
zones (inhospitable places), Flat terrain, access
the geographic features are to water, close to the
Desert climate,
unfavorable to life. Also, because lack of water,
coast, presence of
natural resources,
of that, those zones are less extreme
abundant population.
inhabited and it is hard to find aridity, scarce
public services.

Desert climate, lack
concentration of water, extreme
of population
Less than 1 inhabitant per km²
aridity, scarce
1 - 10 inhabitants per km²

10 - 50 inhabitants per km²

50 - 100 inhabitants per km²

history. More than 100 inhabitants

per km²


44 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the demographic characteristics of America

In 5 Minutes

Talk about some differences

Places to Live: The Countryside or the City between urban and rural life.
Besides referring to some
In America, more than half the population lives in cities and, therefore, Key Facts
cities have the highest population density. Various cities on the continent
disadvantages such as the lack of
are home to millions of people, while only a minority prefers living in rural • The population of some public services, explain that
areas. However, there are differences between countries. For example, America has increased life in the countryside offers many
86% of the population of Chile has chosen to live in urban areas, while continuously. advantages, such as permanent
in Haiti more than half of the population lives in the countryside. • The population of contact with nature, access to
America varies in age and organic products, clean air, fresh
gender from one country water, etc.
to another.
Cities or urban areas have large
concentrations of people, housing, and • The distribution of the
other buildings. They have important population depends
transportation networks and are home on the physical
to economic activities such as industry,
characteristics of the
commerce, and services (schools,
territory, among other
banks, and hospitals, among others).
This concentration of population and
economic activities creates many • The population of
important opportunities for work. America tends to
concentrate in urban
New York, United States.

Rural areas or the countryside have

smaller populations and homes are
more spread out. Roads and public
transportation are usually scarce, few
which makes communication more
difficult. Because services are
also scarce, the people must often
travel great distances to access
benefits such as health care and
education. In Latin America the Activities
conditions of rural life are poor,
• Do you live in a rural or
which is why many people choose
to emigrate to the cities. urban area? Explain.
• Why does the majority of
the population prefer to
Rural area, Chile.
live in urban areas?


Pages 46 and 47

Possible Difficulties Section 6 / The Population of America

Assist students when reading the

text on page 46, guiding them to
focus on what is being asked. This
way, they can understand how 1. Read the text and answer. Explain
to approach texts, deal with the
information presented in them, Immigrants in Canada
and answer the questions. A Canadian newspaper completed an analysis of the current immigration situation in the country and
the results were the following:
1. Canada needs to increase its levels of immigration to 400,000 people each year to cope with an
aging society and to maintain economic growth.
2. In 2010, the majority of immigrants came from the Philippines, India, and China. There were no
Latin-American countries among the first ten.
Common Mistakes 3. Almost half of immigrants are between the ages of 25 and 44.
Pablo Ortiz. “La inmigración en cifras: el presente y el futuro de Canadá” (The numbers of immigration: the present and future of
Canada), May 6th, 2012 (Adaptation).
In activity 2, students are asked Accessed in July 2012 from www.noticiasmontreal.com
to analyze some data. Explain to
them that in order to make an a. Why does Canada need an immigrant population?
analysis they have to separate
and carefully examine data
independently, then contrast it,
and draw some conclusions. In
this case, the table is on
America’s population. b. What relationship can you find between points 1 and 3?

2. Look at the table and make an analysis. Mention: Analyze
a. Countries with the greatest and least population growth.
b. The subcontinent on which each country is found.
c. The relationship between total population and growth.

46 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the demographic characteristics of America

Clarifying Concepts

Explain that the concept

of demography (demo: the
Total Births Deaths Natural
Country Population per 1000 per 1000 Growth people; graphy: measurement)
(millions) Inhabitants Inhabitants makes reference to the study
United States 313.9 13 8 0.5 of human population, its
structure, dynamics, and general
Honduras 8.4 27 8 2.2 characteristics of a specific
17.4 15 8 1.0
group of people. The study of
these groups can be applied to a
Canada 34.9 11 8 0.4 whole society or to groups defined
by criteria such as religion,
Population Reference Bureau, World Population Chart, 2012
culture, ideology, etc. Also clarify
that demography focuses on
spatial and temporal changes
in population such as birth,
migration, aging, and death.

Quiz Yourself
1. Complete the American demographic chart.

Population of America

Describe the age and gender demographic What factors influence population distribution
patterns. and growth?


Pages 48 and 49


7 Natural Resources of America

Organization Natural resources are the living or nonliving things that are present in
Word Focus
nature and that human beings can use to satisfy their needs. Every territory
has natural resources, but these are distributed unevenly. Also, natural Uneven
UNIT 1: resources can be renewable or non-renewable. The quantity of renewable Antonyms or opposites of
Geography of America resources can stay the same or even increase over time if they are used uneven are even or equal.
Section 7: Natural Resources of America reasonably. Examples of these are vegetables and animals. Non-renewable So, what does it mean to
resources exist in a specific quantity. If they are over-used, they can run say that natural resources
Types of Resources out more quickly. Examples of these are petroleum and minerals. are distributed unevenly?
Economic Activity in America
Types of Resources
Economic Landscapes in America
Natural resources in America can be classified as:
• Water Resources: In South America we find the Amazon River, one of Challenge
the most important water reserves, while in North America there are
the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River. Give an example of
using natural resources
• Forestry Resources: These are located in various regions of the continent. reasonably. What could
Common Mistakes Some significant areas are the Amazon and other tropical rainforests happen if this resource
because wood of high value is found here. In other areas of America, is over-exploited?
pine and eucalyptus forests that have been planted by humans are
It is likely that students will exploited.
confuse forestry with agricultural
• Mineral Resources: These resources are found in different parts of
resources. Clarify that forestry America, such as in the Canadian, Guiana, and Brazil Shields, and in the
resources are goods extracted Rocky, Sierra Madre, and Andes Mountains. Primary mineral resources
from forests, and agricultural are gold, silver, uranium, zinc, coal, iron, tin, and copper. Also, there
resources are goods such as are important petroleum and natural gas reserves in countries such
fruits, vegetables, crops, etc. as the United States, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, and Argentina.
• Marine Resources: In the oceans that surround America there is a large
diversity of species, including the hake fish, mackerel, tuna, sardines,
and cod.
• Why is it important to
• Agricultural and Livestock Resources: The location of these resources have a variety of natural
depends on the characteristics of the soil, rainfall, and vegetation. The resources available to us?
primary crops of America are corn, soy, coffee, sugar, wine grapes,
How does this benefit
wheat, and different types of fruit, among others. Some animals that
human beings?
are raised as livestock are cows, sheep, pigs, and goats.
• Which of these resources
exist in your region?

48 Unit 1 / Geography

soc. studies 4.1.indd 48 13-02-13 12:54

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Recognize the economic characteristics and natural resources of America

Possible Difficulties

Explain to students that the map

Location of Natural Resources on page 49 focuses on the location
of natural resources in America.
Tropic of Ca
ncer Its symbols represent the natural
resources that can be extracted
from the continent and their

Tropic of Can


rubber coal
tobacco gold
corn silver
wood lead and zinc
potatoes uranium
rubber coal
tobacco gold tin Tropic of Capricorn
corn silver
sugar iron
wood lead and zinc
potatoes uranium
rice tin bauxite Tropic of Capricorn

sugar iron
wine grapes nickel
cocoa manganese
bananas bauxite nitrate
wine grapes nickel
peanuts copper
coffee nitrate


natural gas
natural gas
fruits petroleum
• Classify the resources
wheat and barley
wheat and barleylivestock
soy fish fish on the map according
to whether they are
forestry, mineral, marine,
agricultural, or livestock
Education through Values • Which resources does
Even though America has a lot of natural resources, the over-exploitation of these Chile have?
resources can cause them to run out. Because of this, it is necessary to take care of the
• What natural resources
environment and preserve resources for the future. We should be
are found in North
aware that there are renewable resources, which can continue to
reproduce, and there are non-renewable resources, which only exist America, Central America
in a limited quantity. and the Caribbean, and
South America?


Pages 50 and 51

In 5 Minutes
Section 7 / Natural Resources of America

Explain extraction of resources,

processing, and services. Give Economic Activity in America
examples, using common and
Economic activities can be primary, secondary, or tertiary. Primary activities Tip
familiar elements to students.
deal with the extraction of natural resources; secondary refers to work
For instance, a table is made of in industries, where resources from nature are processed; and tertiary primary = 1st
wood, which was extracted from activities correspond to services. secondary = 2nd
a forest. First, wood has to be tertiary = 3rd
The extractive or primary activities are:
processed. Then it is sent to a
factory where it is used to make a
table. Finally, it can be bought on Forestry is the cultivation
the market. and commercial
exploitation of forests. Its
raw materials are used in
making and processing
wood, paper, and rubber,
among other things.

Fishing is the extraction of fish

Education Livestock farming is the
and marine resources intended for
consumption, canning, freezing, or
through Values breeding of animals to
obtain products intended
for use as food or raw
Explain that, in general, materials for the wool and
extraction of resources demands leather industries.
raising animals
a lot of energy from workers. For to produce young

example, in mining, advanced

technology and machinery is
used. However, workers are also Agriculture is the
needed to help extract minerals; cultivation of the land
to obtain food and raw
these workers suffer extreme materials. In America
conditions. Similarly, temporal Mining is the extraction of
there are two types: to be
minerals from the earth, which
workers are not very well paid destined for family use,
through industrial processes are
or to sell.
and they have to work in difficult used for manufacturing products.
conditions. It is very important to
raise awareness on
these matters. Activities
• Select a natural resource and link it to a secondary and tertiary activity.

50 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Recognize the economic characteristics and natural resources of America

Possible Difficulties

Practicing Assist students when reading the

text in activity 1 on page 63. Guide
1. Read and answer. Analyze them to understand the questions
and to find relevant information
Protecting the Amazon in the paragraphs so they can
Almost half of all tropical rainforest is found in the Brazilian Amazon, making it an essential area for the answer the activity correctly.
conservation of biodiversity. However, more than 1.5 million hectares of forest are cut down annually.
Development indexes show that in the beginning, the quality of life of the inhabitants improves, but as
the land loses its nutrients and wood disappears, the quality of life then decreases.
Eva Aguilar. “La deforestación en el Amazonas genera un rápido desarrollo que luego revierte en pobreza” (Deforestation in the Amazon
causes rapid development that then causes poverty), June 16th, 2009
(Adaptation). Accessed in July 2012 from www.dicyt.com

a. Why is it important to take care of natural resources? Answer using the text.

b. What is the consequence of cutting down trees in the Amazon?


2. Write the economic activity described. Relate

Cultivation of the land to Cultivation and exploitation Extraction of minerals

obtain food. of forests. from the earth.

Agriculture Forestry Mining


Pages 52 and 53

In 5 Minutes Section 7 / Natural Resources of America

Talk about the importance of

production and self-sufficiency.
Explain that in some rural areas, Connecting
people work the land (activities
Economic Landscapes in America
related to agriculture) and they
live only on what they Economic activities take place in many different landscapes. In the Did You Know...?
countryside, land is used mainly for agricultural, forestry, and livestock
can produce. If you want to know more
activities, while in the city there are many large buildings where services
are offered. about the geography of
America, check out el
In rural areas, activities related to the primary sector can be found in Manual esencial de geografía,
different places, such as around roads or small farming and fishing towns by Santillana Publishing.
and villages. Many times, stables, barns, warehouses, or fields are found
close to homes. Fields can be of all different sizes, depending on the
destination of the products. The owners of small pieces of land usually
produce food for family or local consumption, while the larger properties
focus on production for commercial use or export.

Rural landscape, Southern Chile. Caleta, or a small fishing town, in Talcahuano,


Caletas are small fishing villages

that are found on the coasts.

52 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Recognize the economic characteristics and natural resources of America

Clarifying Concepts

Explain that in Chile, a human

In urban areas, economic activities are connected to industries and settlement is considered to be a
services such as transportation, commerce, and advertising. In America, city when its population is bigger
industries tend to be located inside or on the outskirts of cities. Services, than 5,000 people.
however, are always found in the city, although some can be concentrated
in specific sectors such as the urban center. This is where the majority
of commerce and financial activity takes place. edges

Key Facts
Industry, urban landscape. • There is a great
diversity of natural
resources found in
America, including
water, forestry, mineral,
marine, agricultural,
and livestock resources.
• Economic activities can
be primary, secondary,
or tertiary. Primary
activities are associated
with the extraction
of natural resources:
forestry, livestock
Commerce, urban landscape. farming, agriculture,
fishing, and mining.
cahuano, Activities • Economic activities
take place in many
• Compare the landscapes and find two differences between the different landscapes,
urban and rural world. depending on the
• Which of these landscapes looks like the place where you live? location.


soc. studies 4.1.indd 53 13-02-13 12:54

Pages 54 and 55

In 5 Minutes Section 7 / Natural Resources of America

Talk about the characteristics

of the pictures on page 54
with students. Emphasize the
differences between jobs and 1. Look at the images and write the economic activities represented by each. Then, answer the
their activities. Explain, for questions. Explain
instance, that extraction jobs
generally demand more physical
effort than service or industrial

Forestry Mining Industry

a. In which landscape does each of these activities take place? Explain.

b. Compare the images and find two differences between all of them.

c. Define rural landscape and urban landscape.

54 Unit 1 / Geography

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Recognize the economic characteristics and natural resources of America

Possible Difficulties

Summarizing In activity 2 on page 65, students’

reading should be guided by
2. Read the text and answer. Analyze drawing their attention to the
questions of the text. This will
This place has many characteristics that make it different from other places. For example, it has a high help them use the information and
population density, it is usually very similar throughout, and it has unmistakable architecture. Also, it is
answer correctly.
an appropriate place to provide all kinds of services.
Editorial Team

a. What kind of landscape is described? Explain.

b. Explain the phrase: “It is an appropriate place to provide all kinds of services.”

Quiz Yourself
1. Write a text in which you explain the economic characteristics of America. Use the
following words:
natural economic distribution of
resources landscapes
activities resources


Pages 56 and 57


Stress the importance of Real Life Connections

describing landscapes because
it helps learn about our regions. Describing landscapes of America helps me learn about my region.
It helps identify and understand
terrain, climate, hydrology,
The Coast, Altiplano, and Jungle

Lisette Campos
vegetation, etc. Landscapes
Peru is located in a subtropical area of South America.
are wide spaces, either
Due to its location, it should have a warm and humid
populated or not, that have to be climate. However, the Andes Mountain Range, marine
described so their resources and currents, and movement of air masses all create
characteristics can be known climatic and ecological diversity. Because of this, the
and identified. Peruvian Amazon has a great quantity of animal and
plant species, while the coast of Peru is made up of
arid deserts and large dunes interrupted by oases.
The diversity of landscapes continues to the altiplano,
where we find places such as Machu Picchu, Lake
Titicaca, and the city of Puno, which are thousands of
meters above sea level.
Go Perú. “Maravillas naturales del Perú. Megadiversidad” (Natural
wonders of Peru. Megadiversity) (Adaptation). Accessed in July, 2012
from www.go2peru.com

Lake Titicaca, Peru.

Cities in North America

Paula Guerra
The most populated cities in North America
are found in the United States. In the eastern
city of New York there are more than 18 million
people, while Los Angeles on the other side of
the country is home to around 12 million people.
New York, the financial and commercial center
of the country, encompasses the central area
of the island of Manhattan and its surrounding
areas. Los Angeles is an industrial, commercial,
and tourist center, and is famous for being the
cradle of the country’s movie industry.
includes or Editorial Team

City of Los Angeles, United States.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Clarifying Concepts

Students should be able to

Action identify landscapes and their
Information in
characteristics; this way, students
• Demonstrate that there is a diversity of landscapes in America. Use parts of the text on page 56 can understand the geography of
and other information that you have learned throughout the unit. their region and its surroundings.
They can use written or visual
references which will help their
reading comprehension skills,
observation, description, and
how to register and classify

Language Skills

• Write a paragraph which describes the region in which you live. Use page 56 as a model.

Create a catchy
title and relate it
to the topic.

of the landscape
in your region.

Conclude: what
similarities and
differences does
your region
have with other
landscapes in


Page 58

Clarifying Concepts
Learning Techniques
Explain that the geographic
coordinate network is a system Location on a Map
of reference to locate places,
A network of geographic coordinates, the parallels and meridians, helps us to locate places on Earth considering
distances, and directions. a point of reference, a distance, and a direction.
This system is composed of
two coordinates: latitude and The parallels allow us to determine the latitude, or the distance measured in
longitude. Latitude is the distance degrees between a given point and the equator. As the equator is the reference
between a given point and the point for establishing latitude, this can only be north or south. Therefore, a
place located in the Northern Hemisphere will have a north latitude, while one
Equator; thus, it divides Earth located in the Southern Hemisphere will have a south latitude.
into south and north hemispheres.
Longitude is the distance between
any point on Earth and the
Greenwich Meridian; consequently,
it divides Earth into east and
west hemispheres.

Possible Difficulties

Students should understand

that the system of geographic
coordinates is based on a
mathematic system which divides For example,
continental Chile is From the meridians, we can find longitude, or the distance between any point
planet Earth into a grid: south- located between 17˚ on Earth and the Greenwich Meridian. The longitude can only have an east or
west orientation. Therefore, points located in the Western Hemisphere have a
north and east-west. Using this 30’S latitude and 56˚
30’S latitude. west longitude and those in the east have an east longitude.
grid, it is possible to locate any
point on Earth, and measure
distances and the size of different
places, such as cities, countries, Practicing
or continents. 1. Complete Activity Card 3 to locate places on Earth.
2. Conclude how geographic coordinates are useful.


Page 59 4th Grade Social Studies

The Chilean National Standardized Exam

Common Mistakes
Simce StrategiesMR
Unit 1

Highlight that it is very important

Example Question to read each alternative closely,
and to always bear in mind what
In this question you are asked to characterize the population of America. is being asked. In this specific
activity, characteristics of
1 What is a characteristic of the spatial distribution of the population of our continent?
America’s spatial distribution are
A. It is concentrated in the large cities of each country. examined. To answer correctly,
B. The highest density is found in rural areas. students should know and
understand America’s population
C. The majority of the population is located in tropical areas.
D. The highest population density is in high-altitude areas.

Review Your Answer

• Answer A is correct, because the majority of the population of America lives in cities.
• Answer B is incorrect because there is a scarce population in rural areas, as most people prefer to live in
the city.
• Answer C is incorrect because there is a scarce population in tropical areas.
• Answer D is incorrect because in high-altitude areas there is low population density.

Develop New Skills

Spatial Location
1. Work with Activity Card 4 to locate the significant forms of the terrain of America.

Critical Thinking
2. Why does the majority of the population of America choose to live in cities?

3. Mention two problems that a very large urban population can cause.

Simce es marca registrada del Ministerio de Educación. 59

soc. studies 4.1.indd 59 13-02-13 12:55

Pages 60 and 61

What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Part 1
Students should identify the What Did You Learn?
geographic features in the
pictures. Mark the correct option with an .

Extra Support 1. Identify the following form of terrain: point

Project some photographs of 1

different terrains and have
students recognize them.

Evaluation Part 2
Students should understand
America’s expansive latitude as
the cause for its large diversity
of climates. Also, they should
recognize that latitude is a key
factor that determines climate.
Extra Support
Project a climatic map of Chile
on which students can see the
country’s great variety of climates A. Mountain.
from the desert in Northern Chile B. Shield.
to the polar region in the
C. Plain.
Far South.
D. Mountain range.

2. Which of the following is a consequence of the expansive latitude of America? point

A. A large diversity of climates. 1

B. Little variety in landscapes. very long

C. The presence of tall mountain ranges.

D. A scarcity of economic resources.


soc. studies 4.1.indd 60 13-02-13 12:55

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

What Did You Learn?

Unit 1

Evaluation Part 3
Final Evaluation
Students should identify some
countries that are located in South
3. Which countries are located in South America? point America.
A. Peru, Uruguay, and Suriname. 1 Extra Support
B. Chile, Mexico, and Argentina. Ask students to make a chart or
C. Belize, Honduras, and Panama. concept map with countries from
D. Ecuador, Canada, and Colombia. North, Central, and South America.

4. Petroleum and natural gas are resources that are only found in some countries in point
Evaluation Part 4
America. Which of these countries does not have these resources?
1 Students should understand that
A. Argentina. petroleum and natural gas are
B. Nicaragua. resources found in some countries.
C. Venezuela. They should recognize that
D. United States. Nicaragua does not have these
natural resources.
5. Which of the following options is one of the principal water sources in North point
Extra Support
1 Have students complete fact cards
A. The Missouri River. on resources such as petroleum
B. Lake Titicaca. or natural gas. Explain that these
C. The Amazon River. resources are extremely important
D. Lake Nicaragua. for industrial countries and their
6. Which of the following forms of terrain exists in Chile? point

A. Guiana Shield. 1 Evaluation Part 5

B. Central Plains. Students should identify North
America’s principal water
C. Rocky Mountains.
D. Andes Mountain Range.
Extra Support
Project a physical map of America,
and ask students to locate some
water resources.

Evaluation Part 6
61 Students should relate Chile’s
terrain with its geographic
soc. studies 4.1.indd 61 13-02-13 12:55 features.
Extra Support
Have students make a model of
Chile’s geographic features or
a concept map; thus, they can
understand and recognize the
terrain of the country.

Pages 62 and 63

What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Part 7
Students should correctly relate a 7. Select the correct relationship between the country and the official language. point

country with its official language. A. Ecuador – English. 1

Extra Support B. Canada – Italian.

Ask students to make a C. Brazil – Portuguese.
comparative chart with American D. United States – French.
countries and their official
languages. 8. Which of the following is true about urban populations? point

A. They are low throughout the continent. 1

Evaluation Part 8 B. There are highly dense urban populations throughout America.
Students should be able to C. They are low because the population prefers to live in the countryside.
discriminate true from false D. Only the countries in North America have large urban populations.
statements on America’s urban
population. 9. Look at the image and indicate which climate is seen in this area. point

Extra Support 1
Ask students to define the
concept of urban population in
their notebooks.

Evaluation Part 9
Show students some images of
different climates and ask them
to recognize them.
Extra Support
Show pictures of different types
of climates and have students
A. Desert.
recognize them.
B. Mediterranean.
C. Warm and humid.
D. Long dry season.


soc. studies 4.1.indd 62 20-02-13 9:46

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

What Did You Learn?

Unit 1

Evaluation Part 10
10. Which of the following is true about the American economy? point
Students should understand some
A. It does not have a variety of resources. 1 general characteristics of the
B. Industry is predominant in all of America. American economy, and that in
America, there is a great variety of
C. Economic activities are diverse.
D. Resources are found primarily in South America.
Extra Support
11. Read and find the type of economic activity described in the text. point
Ask students to write a paragraph
1 in which they briefly describe
This is the commercial cultivation and exploitation of forests. The raw materials
produced are used in the wood industry and rubber industry, among others. the main characteristics of the
American economy.
A. Mining.
Evaluation Part 11
B. Livestock farming.
Students should define and
C. Forestry.
understand the forestry industry
D. Agriculture. and its resources.

Extra Support
Ask students to give examples of
12. Is it true that the diversity of landscapes in America exists due to the climate, terrain, points
some occupations they studied
and hydrology? Explain.
3 that are part of the American

Evaluation Part 12
Students should understand the
relationship between geographic
13. Why is it important to take care of natural resources and not over-exploit them? points
features (climate, terrain, and
3 hydrology) and America’s diverse
Extra Support
Have students define in their
Find T
est 1 notebooks the concepts of climate,
Page terrain, and hydrology.

Evaluation Part 13
63 Students should recognize the
importance of natural resources
and their protection.

Evaluation Digital Activities Test 1 Study Page Extra Support

Ask students to write three ways to
Look for the tests at the end of the Explain to students that this Ask students to work on Test 1 take care of natural resources in
book, or in digital format in the evaluation can be done in the Study Page to prepare to take the their notebooks.
Teacher’s Lounge at: textbook, but also online at unit test.
www.pathway.cl. www.pathway.cl, in the
Evaluations section of the
Teacher’s Lounge area.

Study Page – Summary

Test 1 Study Page • Summary

America Nam

Terrain and Hydrology North America Rocky Mountains

Canadian Shield Look

Appalachian Mountains

Great Plains

Sierra Madre Mountains

Great Lakes

Mississippi and
Missouri Rivers

Central and South Guiana and Amazon

America Shields

Andes Mountain Range

Patagonian Plains

Amazon and Orinoco

Rivers; Lakes Titicaca
and Nicaragua

Climate and In America, all From which the following

Landscapes climates are found. landscapes originate:

Population and Diverse structure Rainforests and forests

Mostly urban Deserts
Pampas and plains
Diversity of resources
and activities

Despl 4.1.indd 1

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Test 1 Study Page • Review

Name: Grade:

Sections 1, 2, and 3:

Look at the map and answer.

1. Choose three colors and use them
ns to identify the three subcontinents of
America. Make a legend for the map.

ns 2. Write the subcontinent in which each

of the following forms of terrain are

Rocky Mountains

North America


Central America

Guiana Shield
South America

Andes Mountain
South America

13-02-13 13:15

North America

Central America

South America

Study Page – Review

Test 1 Study Page • Review

Sections 4 and 5: Sect


1. What are three principal water sources in South America? Where are they located?

2. How does latitude influence the distribution of climate?


3. What climates are present in Chile?


4. In what areas do we see climates associated with tall mountain ranges?

r, and
glue in

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Sections 6 and 7:

glue here
Look at the population pyramid and answer.
Men El Salvador - 2012 Women
95 - 99
90 - 94
85 - 89
80 - 84
75 - 79
70 - 74
65 - 69
60 - 64
55 - 59
50 - 54
45 - 49
40 - 44
35 - 39
30 - 34

glue here
25 - 29
20 - 24
15 - 19
10 - 14

345 276 207 138 69 0 0 69 138 207 276 345

Population in Millions Age Groups Population in Millions

1. Explain two conclusions that can be made from the pyramid.

glue here

1. What natural resources exist in America? Why are they distributed unequally? glue here

2. Define the concepts of urban and rural landscapes.

wer, a
in you
glue here

Activity Card 1

Activity Card 1
Write the names of the American countries in the spaces. Then, color North America
yellow, Central America red, and South America green.

30 7. Honduras
29 Nicaragua
32 33 9. Costa Rica
35 34 10. Panama

1 36 11. Bahamas
12. Cuba

2 13. Haiti
14. Dominican Republic
15. Jamaica
11 16. Colombia
3 12 13
17. Venezuela
15 14 18. Guyana
4 8 10 18 19
5 9 17 20 19. Suriname
20. French Guiana
21. Ecuador
22. Peru
23. Bolivia
24. Chile
25. Paraguay

24 26. Argentina
27. Uruguay
28. Brazil
29. Puerto Rico
30. Saint Kitts and Nevis
*Agreement of 1998

1. Canada 31. Antigua and Barbuda

2. United States of America 32. Dominica
3. Mexico 33. Barbados
4. Guatemala 34. Saint Lucia
5. El Salvador 35. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
6. Belize 36. Grenada

Activity cards.indd 1 13-02-13 13:16

Activity Card 2 4th Grade Social Studies

Activity Card 2
Look at the population pyramids.

Men North America – 2012 Women

95 - 99
90 - 94
85 - 89
80 - 84
75 - 79
70 - 74
65 - 69
60 - 64
55 - 59
50 - 54
45 - 49
40 - 44
35 - 39
30 - 34
25 - 29
20 - 24
15 - 19
10 - 14

15 12 9 6 3 0 0 3 6 9 12 15
Population in Millions Age Groups Population in Millions

U.S. Census Bureau. International database.

Men South America – 2012 Women

95 - 99
90 - 94
85 - 89
80 - 84
75 - 79
70 - 74
65 - 69
60 - 64
55 - 59
50 - 54
45 - 49
40 - 44
35 - 39
30 - 34
25 - 29
20 - 24
15 - 19
10 - 14

20 16 12 8 4 0 0 4 8 12 16 20
Population in Millions Age Groups Population in Millions

U.S. Census Bureau. International database.

Activity cards.indd 3 13-02-13 13:16

Activity Card 3

Activity Card 3
Work with an atlas and complete the table with the absolute location of the places

Country Absolute Location








Write four questions that can be answered with information from the map.


Activity cards.indd 5 13-02-13 13:16

Activity Card 4 4th Grade Social Studies

Activity Card 4
Locate and label the rivers and forms of terrain on the map.

A Antilles Islands

H B Andes Mountain
G C Guiana Shield
D Appalachian
C E Sierra Madre
F Amazon River

G Mississippi River

H Rocky Mountains

I Central Plains of
North America

J Central American

Vocabulary File 1

File Unit 1

1 Vocabulary
Cómo lo
lo entiendes
1. Define the concept in your own words.
Students should mention previously learned ideas.

Cómo lo
lo aplicas

2. presente
Apply it
2. Mark the correct options with an .
A landscape is defined by its:
similar geographic characteristics. location.

3. Give two examples of landscapes that are present in America.
Alaska and Canada. Tropical rainforest.


Explain it presente
Cómo lo explicas
Students should define this concept from previous work.
Cómo lo explicas



Answer Key
Unit 1
Pages 12-13 What do you know?

a. Students should mention geographic features such as the Andes Mountain Range, coastal plains, the
Altiplano, pampas, etc.
2. Students should choose one place and describe its geographic features, such as terrain (mountains, plains,
hills, valleys, etc), vegetation (abundant or scarce, high forests or steppe, etc), and climate (cold, warm,
temperate, rainy, dry, wet, etc). Their reasons should correspond to the geographic features described.
3. Students should describe the landscape of their region, referring to its terrain (mountains, plains, hills, valleys,
etc), vegetation (abundant or scarce, high forests or steppe, etc), and climate (cold, warm, temperate, rainy,
dry, wet, etc).

Section 1
Page 14 Practicing

1. Location: Western hemisphere, between 83º N latitude and 56º S latitude. To the east, the Atlantic Ocean;
to the west, the Pacific Ocean; to the south, the Arctic Ocean; and to the north, the Southern Ocean.

Page 15 Summarizing

3. America’s three subcontinents are North, Central, and South America.

Quiz Yourself

1. Chile is located in South America.

2. Some English-speaking countries: United States of America, Canada (where French is also spoken), Guyana,
and Belize. Spanish-speaking countries: most of South and Central America, with the exception of Brazil and
some Caribbean islands.

4th Grade Social Studies

Section 2
Page 16 Activities

• Mountain ranges are chains of mountains or connected hills. They usually have a great height. Plains are
flat terrains composed of both marshes and plains.
• In Canada, it is possible to find the Canadian Shield. The Appalachian Mountain Range, the Rocky Mountains,
and coastal and central plains are found in the United States. In Mexico, it is possible to find the Sierra
Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental.

Page 17 Activities

• Terrain is one of the most determining factors for human settlements, especially in urban populations.
In the terrain, it is possible to find all the natural resources that a population needs. For instance, in the
mountains, it is hard to find human settlements due to the altitude, climate, and rocky surface; however,
they are a rich source for natural resources such as minerals and fresh water. Therefore, on the coastal and
central plains, there is always a greater concentration of population since their terrains allow communication
between people and the existence of different and varied occupations.

Page 18 Practicing
a. This question focuses on the recognition and characterization of the terrain of North American countries.
Students can mention natural attractions such as the Appalachian Mountain Range, the Grand Canyon,
the plains, the Great Lakes Region, and the Sierra Madre.
b. Students should use knowledge from this section. In their informational brochure, they should refer to
the Canadian Shield, the Appalachian Mountain Range, the Rocky Mountains, and the Sierra Madre, and
describe them using pictures.

Page 19 Quiz Yourself

a. Students should agree with this statement because one of the causes of terrain changes is erosion, due
to rivers or rain.
b. Students should agree with this statement. Although there are only two mountain ranges (Appalachian
and Sierra Madre), their heights are not as great as other mountains present in America.

Section 3
Page 21 Activities

• In Central and South America, it is possible to find mountainous landscapes, with great heights, and plains
where varied vegetation grows.

Page 22 Activities

• Central America’s location is between the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in Mexico, and the Atrato River in
Colombia. Its terrain has mountain ranges with active volcanoes and plateaus. It is a narrow piece of land
located between the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. The Caribbean islands are located in the latter, and
are called the Greater and Lesser Antilles.
• An isthmus is a narrow strip of land that connects two continents or a peninsula with a continent. In the
Central American isthmus, the divide between the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean is narrow; this increases
ease of communication.

Page 23 Summarizing

3. Students should explain the reason for Central America’s and the Caribbean’s terrain. They should name
the isthmus that divides the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic Ocean, and the presence of mountain ranges
and valleys. The Caribbean islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean and are called the Greater and Lesser

Page 24 Activities

• Students should consider the following characteristics: the Andes Mountain Range is young, tall, solid, and
has a lot of volcanic activity. It crosses all South America, beginning in Venezuela and continuing to the
Antarctic, and reaches a height of 8,500 kilometers. Its highest peak is Mount Aconcagua and its second
highest is Nevado Ojos del Salado. It is an important source of natural resources, a reserve of fresh water,
and contains mineral deposits. It is the habitat of a large variety of animals and plant species.
• Similarity: on both continents, there are mountain ranges. Differences: due to its size, there are not great
shields like the ones present in South America.

Page 25 Activities

• The Amazonian Shield is of great importance because of its gold and diamond deposits. In the southern
part of the shield, there are plains where coffee is grown.
• Similarity: in both continents, there are mountain ranges. Differences: due to its size, there are not great
shields as the ones present in South America.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 26 Practicing

Characteristics of the Panama isthmus: narrow land in Central America that separates the Pacific Ocean from
the Atlantic. This opened up the possibility for sea transportation.
Characteristics of the Guiana Shield: it is separated from the Amazonian Shield by the Amazon River and the
Orinoco. It is located in Brazil, the Guyanas, and Venezuela.

Page 27 Summarizing


Central America
Criteria North America South America
and the Caribbean
Presence of Mountain The Appalachian There are mountain The Andes Mountain
Ranges Mountain Range, chains and plateaus. Range is the main
occidental mountains, and mountain chain in this
shields. subcontinent.

Main Geographical The Appalachian The Isthmus of Panama Andes Mountain Range,
Features Mountains, the Rocky and the Caribbean pampas, Guiana Shield,
Mountains, Sierra Madre Islands. and Amazonian Shield.
Occidental, and Sierra
Madre Oriental.

Quiz Yourself

1. A shield, like the Guiana or the Amazonian shields, is generally a large area of ancient exposed rocks that form
stable areas. Shield areas in general are regarded as continental nuclei, because most continental shields
are bordered by belts of folded rocks.
2. Students could mention an isthmus (narrow strip of land connecting two large areas of land), a peninsula,
the great number of islands in the Caribbean, and the alternation of mountain ranges with plateaus, where
great volcanic activity is found.

Section 4
Page 28 Activities

• North America’s diverse climates are due to different elements and climatic factors. The subcontinent’s size
and its continental climate are the main factors that one should take into account when analyzing North
American diverse climate.
• In the extreme north, a cold climate is predominant. This is due to the latitude of this area because in
the areas close to the poles the sun rays do not hit the surface of the planet therefore making the climate
extremely cold.

Page 29 Activities

• Due to the size of the subcontinent, North American hydrology is very diverse. Between the United States
and Canada, there is one of the most important hydrological systems: the Great Lakes region – Lake Eerie,
Huron, Ontario, Michigan, and Superior – and the Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado, Mackenzie, and Yukon
• Hydrological systems are very important for the economic development of a region because they provide
natural resources. Fresh water is used for human consumption, agriculture, and generating hydroelectric
energy, as well as transportation routes.

Page 31 Activities

• Students should use adequate comparative criteria, considering geographic features similar to their regions.
For example, students who live in Northern Chile could compare their region to New Mexico and Arizona.
Students living in Central Chile could compare it to Northwestern Mexico, Southwestern United States, or
Central United States. Those who live in Southern Chile could make comparisons with central or southeastern
Mexico, Southwestern or Central United States, and their own region as well. They should carefully choose
their comparative criteria. The Far South can be compared to Alaska and Canada.
• Students should develop and sustain their own point of view. Thus, special attention should be paid to their
arguments which should be based on the contents of the unit.

Page 32-33 Practicing

1. Answers depend on the chosen landscape by students.

Criteria Chosen Landscape 1 Chosen Landscape 2
Climate It can be temperate, with rains in the summer; It can be temperate with rains in the summer;
temperate rains in the winter; cold and with rain temperate rains in the winter; cold and with
throughout the year; subarctic and tundra; humid rain throughout the year; subarctic and tundra;
and warm; dry and warm; arid and semiarid. humid and warm; dry and warm; arid and
Landscape It can vary from abundance of trees, to desert and It can vary from abundance of trees to desert
scarce vegetation. and scarce vegetation.
4th Grade Social Studies

a. Students should recognize the protection of natural landscapes as a way of taking care of ecosystems
and their unique features. In Chile, there are many parks, reservations and natural monuments that are
protected. In the North, Lluca National Park, Pan de Azucar, and Nevados de Tres Cruces can be found.
In Central Chile, it is possible to find La Campana National Park and Juan Fernandez Islands. In the South,
protected parks include Chiloe National Park, Vicente Perez Rosales, and Torres del Paine.
b. Hydrology, specifically the movement of the Colorado River, shaped the Grand Canyon. Over many years,
the river eroded the land and carved a deep gorge.

Page 33 Summarizing

3. Students should explain that climate and hydrology are factors that create a landscape. For instance, if a
landscape is composed of lakes and rivers, or if its climate is warm, cold, or arid, these features shape a
particular landscape. An example can be the Great Canyon, which is a geographic accident caused by the
Colorado River.

Quiz Yourself
1. Diversity of climates is the product of many factors that take place in a region, such as altitude, closeness
or distance from the sea, latitude, and sea currents. Also, other factors such as temperature, humidity,
precipitation, atmospheric pressure, and wind intervene as well.
2. North America is significant for its hydrology: the Great Lake region, Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado, Mackenzie,
and Yukon Rivers. All of these are fresh water sources that can be used for human consumption, agriculture,
or hydroelectric energy generation. They have also been used as transportation routes, and have been a
resource for industrial and economic development. Hydrology also greatly influences and determines climate
and landscapes.

Pages 34-35 Let’s Check

2. America is located in the Western hemisphere, between 83º N latitude and 56º S. Its longitude varies, but,
in broad terms, it is between 25º W longitude and 173º E longitude.
3. America is surrounded by the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Southern Oceans.

Complete the following table about the terrain in America.

Form of On which subcontinent is

Two characteristics
terrain it found?
Andes South America Mountain chain which runs from
Mountain Venezuela to Antarctica.
Range It has great heights, such as Mount
Aconcagua or the Nevado Ojos del
Guiana Shield South America Old form of plain terrain.

It has been eroded by the Branco River.

Rocky North America Mountain chain located in the western

Mountains part of North America.

It has valleys which are used to grow


Great Lakes North America Located at the border of Canada and

region the USA.

Great source of fresh water.

Section 5
Page 36 Activities

• Continental climate is present in North America due to the subcontinent’s size and because of the many
regions that are outside the range of the ocean’s influence. Central and South America, being narrower
subcontinents, are more influenced by the sea and its currents.
• Students should identify which of the following climates are present in their region: temperate, cold temperate,
warm temperate, cold, polar, tropical, arid, and semiarid.

Page 37 Activities

• The Amazon River runs from Peru to Brazil, passing by Colombia. The Parana River flows through Argentina,
Brazil, and Paraguay; the Orinoco River flows through Venezuela and Colombia.
• The rivers that flow to the Atlantic Ocean are wider, larger, and full of sediment and materials, while the
rivers that flow to the Pacific Ocean are fast-flowing and short.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 39 Activities

• Students should use criteria to compare these landscapes to their own region. For example, students who
live in the Far North region could compare it to the Pacific Desert Region. Those from the Central Region
could find similarities between Uruguay and the Coast of Argentina and their region, while students from
Southern Chile should compare their region to Central and Southern Chile.
• Students should consider the fact that it is more difficult to live in the Pacific Desert Region due to its
dryness, scarce water, and extreme temperatures.

Page 40 Practicing

b. Students should locate it between 0º and 4º S latitude.
c. Most of the rivers in South America run from the Andes Mountains. This is because the Andes is an
important source of fresh water.

Page 41 Quiz Yourself

1. Central and South America have diverse climates. The most relevant factors are the influence of the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans and their currents, the great mountain ranges, and latitude. In Central America, one decisive
factor for the difference of climates is the altitude. Another factor is the sea currents, both cold and warm. On
the Atlantic Ocean coasts, there are warm currents that produce most of the precipitation, in contrast to the
Pacific Ocean coasts, where there are cold currents that create an arid and dry climate. In South America,
the most relevant climatic factors to consider are the cold sea currents that run from the Antarctic, and the
Andes Mountain Range. In the north of this subcontinent, there are tropical climates; while southward, there
are more temperate, cold, and polar climates. In the east, there are tropical and warm temperate climates.
2. Central and South America have very important hydrological systems. In South America, there are many
fresh water sources (rivers, lakes, glaciers, and ice fields). On this subcontinent, there are big rivers, such
as the Amazons, Orinoco, and Parana Rivers. In Central America, there is the Nicaragua Lake, and in South
America, Maracaibo Lake in Venezuela and Titicaca Lake in Peru and Bolivia.

Section 6
Page 42 Activities

• The factors that influence the growth of a population are births, deaths, and migration. Births lead to
an increase and deaths lead to a decrease in population. Migration (which is the permanent movement
of people from one area to another) might either cause an increase or decrease in population because
when emigration takes place, people move from their place of origin to another region or country either
temporarily or permanently; immigration, on the other hand, refers to the process in which people settle
in a place different from their origin.
• If the whole population of Central and South America is taken into account, the total population reaches
599 million, while there are 349 million people in North America. Thus, it is possible to say that most of
the population in America is found on the Central and South American subcontinents.

Page 43 Activities

• The subcontinent with a predominantly young population is South America, while the one with a predominantly
adult population is North America.
• Life expectancy is the estimated average number of years that a person is likely to live in a specific country.

Page 44 Activities

• The establishment of a population depends on many factors. Among these are warm climate, terrain, access
to fresh water and closeness to the coast, presence of natural resources, and the historical occupations
of the people living there.
• To live in the rainforest would be very difficult due to its warm and humid climate as well as its abundant
vegetation. In the desert, besides its climate and its extreme conditions, there is very little water, which is
a key element for human life.

Page 45 Activities

• Students should identify the characteristics of their area from the criteria mentioned in their textbooks. They
should answer this activity with characteristics that define the concepts of urban and rural. For example, if
students live in an urban area, they should refer to the large concentrations of people, housing, and other
buildings, transportation networks, and economic activities such as industry, commerce, and services. If
they live in a rural area, students should refer to smaller populations and homes being more spread out,
scarce services, and primary economic activities.
• The majority of the population prefers to live in urban areas because there are important opportunities for
work, and more access to services, housing, and goods.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 46 Practicing

a. According to the text, Canada needs an immigrant population to cope with an aging society and to maintain
economic growth.
b. There is a direct relationship because half of the immigrant population are between 25 and 44; thus,
they are economically active and at a child-bearing age. All of these would help to increase the Canadian

Pages 46-47 Summarizing

2. Canada and the USA (North America) are the countries with the least population growth, while Honduras
and Chile (Central and South America, respectively) are the ones with the greatest population growth. The
relationship between total population and growth is inverse: when there is a greater population, there is less
population growth. For example, the USA is the country with the greatest total population, and the least growth.

Quiz Yourself

Population of America

Describe the age and gender What factors influence population distribution
demographic patterns. and growth?

Age and gender demographic patterns vary according The factors that influence population distribution are
to each country. However, there is a younger geographic and historical. Geographically, population
population mainly concentrated in Central and South settles in warm regions, with access to fresh water and
America. North America is characterized by its adult plain terrain, as well as regions that have historically
population and a lesser population growth. When been occupied.
analyzing the population pyramid, it can be observed
that there are more women on the continent.

Answer Key
Section 7
Page 48 Activities

• It is important to have a variety of natural resources because humans have more possibilities to fulfill their
• Students should relate some information in the text to their own region. This way, they can relate some
resources – water, forestry, mining, marine, and agricultural and livestock resources – to some geographic
features and the market from their region.

Page 49 Activities

• Forestry resources: rubber and wood. Mining resources: coal, gold, silver, lead and zinc, uranium, tin, iron,
manganese, bauxite, nickel, nitrate, copper, natural gas, and petroleum. Marine resources: fish. Agricultural
and livestock resources: tobacco, corn, potatoes, rice, sugar, cocoa, bananas, wine grapes, coffee, peanuts,
cotton, fruits, wheat and barley, soy, and livestock.
• Chile has the following resources from north to south: copper, nitrate, gold, petroleum, silver, fruits, vegetables,
sugar, woods, wheat and barley, and potatoes.
• North America has forestry, agricultural and livestock, mining, and marine resources. In Central America,
the most relevant are mining and agricultural and livestock resources. In South America, there are marine,
mining, forestry, and agricultural and livestock resources.

Page 50 Activities

• Students should link the extraction of a natural resource to its industrial processing, and then to its
commercialization. For instance, if students select a natural resource such as copper, they should link it to
a secondary activity such as the transformation of copper into wire, then, consequently, to a tertiary activity
such as the sale of wire in a hardware store.

Page 51 Practicing

a. It is important to take care of natural resources because our lives depend on them; thus, they should
always be carefully and respectfully exploited. This avoids using them up and causing damage to natural
b. Cutting down trees affects the land because it loses its nutrients, woods stop growing, and the quality of
life decreases.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 53 Activities

• The differences listed should focus on the characteristics of each area. For instance, one difference is the
contrast between nature and the city: in a rural area, there are more spaces that have not been intervened
upon by people while in the city, all the spaces have been intervened upon. Another difference is the
occupations: in rural areas, most of the occupations are related to farming or primary activities; in rural
areas, most of the occupations are related to industries and services.
• Answers will vary depending on the students’ areas.

Page 54 Practicing

a. First and second images: rural area. Third image: urban area.
b. When comparing the images, students can find the following differences: primary activities (extraction) in
the first and second images; secondary activities (industry) in image 3. The first two images correspond
to rural areas, and the third to an urban area.
c. In rural areas, there are activities more related to the primary sector, such as farming or fishing. Many
times stables, barns, warehouses, or fields are found close to homes. In urban areas, there are economic
activities related to industries and services such as transportation, commerce, and advertising. Services
are always found in the city, though some can be concentrated in specific sectors.

Page 55 Summarizing

a. Students should recognize some characteristics of an urban area.
b. The phrase refers to a tertiary activity, that is, services. This is because most of the services such as
education, health, transport, communication, and commerce are found in the city.

Quiz Yourself

1. Students should explain that there is a great variety of natural resources in America, and that they are widely
distributed all over the continent and allow for the existence of many economic activities. The geographic
features of each region help create the natural landscapes that are present across all of America.

Answer Key
Pages 56-57 Real Life Connections

Information in Action
• Students should demonstrate that there is a diversity of landscapes in America due to the immense variety
of climates, terrain, and hydrological systems that give shape to the continent. They should also consider
the economic aspect and establish some differences between urban and rural areas.

Language Skills
• This activity is focused on students’ creative and analytical writing skills since they have to create a descriptive
text of their geographic environment using a model. Texts should have catchy titles that are directly related
to the topic. When describing the characteristics of the landscape, they should refer to terrain, climate,
and hydrology. They can add some information related to the differences between rural and urban areas,
as well as their economic activities and demography. The conclusions should include some geographic,
demographic, and economic characteristics.

Page 58 Learning Techniques

Activity Card 3
Argentina: 21º 46’ S latitude and 55º 03’ S latitude / 70º 5’ W longitude and 56º 7’ W longitude.
Surinam: 6º N latitude and 2º N latitude / 58º 6’ W longitude and 54º W longitude.
Belize: 18º 5’ N latitude and 15º 9’ N latitude / 89º 23’ W longitude and 87º 82’ W longitude.
Egypt: 31º 6’ N and 22º 1’ N latitude / 24º 7’ E longitude and 36º 8’ E longitude.
Japan: 45º 4’ N latitude and 30º 8’ N latitude / 128º 7’ E longitude and 145º E longitude.
Belgium: 51º 5’ N latitude and 50º N latitude / 2º 6’ E longitude and 6º 4’ E longitude.
Iceland: 66º 5’ N latitude and 63º 4’ N latitude / 24º 4’ W longitude and 13º 5’ W longitude.
1. Which continents are joined?
2. What ocean surrounds India?
3. In what hemisphere is Greenland located?
4. What continents does the Greenwich meridian cross?

2. The system of geographic coordinates helps us find our way, either on planet Earth, or in countries, regions,
cities, etc.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 59 Simce Strategies

2. Students should relate geographic, economic, and social aspects to cities. Services are always found in the city
which make life easier and help fulfill people’s needs. Also, cities are usually located in spaces with geographic
features that favor human settlements, such as plateaus, warm climates, and hydrological systems.
3. Students should explain that when population increases, services as well as buildings and urban infrastructure
might be strained or collapse. This might lead to price increases, traffic jams, and urban pollution.

Pages 60-63 What Did You Learn?

12. Students should summarize the contents of this unit. They should answer that the statement is true
because the diversity of landscapes in America exists due to terrain (plains, plateaus, mountain ranges,
shields, etc), hydrological systems (rivers and lakes), and climate (desert, temperate, cold, etc).
The combination of these three features creates the diversity of landscapes in America.
13. Students should answer that natural resources are not infinite, and that although there are renewable and
non-renewable resources, they can all be used up if they are not carefully and respectfully exploited.

Answer Key
Test 1 Study Page – Review
Sections 4 and 5
1. There are three principal water resources in South America. The first is the Amazon River, which runs from
Peru and passes through Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, and Suriname.
The Orinoco River, in Venezuela; and the Parana River, which is at the border of Argentina and Paraguay,
are the others.
2. Students should recognize that a higher latitude usually means more precipitation and a colder climate,
because the angle of the Sun’s rays hit it at a wider angle.
3. Due to Chile’s latitudinal extension, there is a great variety of climates: desert, semi-desert, steppe, cold,
tropical, and polar.
4. In the highest peaks of the mountains.

Sections 6 and 7
1. Students should understand that the population of El Salvador is young because a great portion of its
population is concentrated between the ages of 10 and 25. This means there is a high birth rate and a large
population that is able to work.

1. There are many natural resources in America, including water, marine, mining, farming and livestock, and
forestry resources. They are unevenly distributed because their location depends on geographic, climatic,
and hydrologic conditions.

2. Urban landscapes, on the one hand, correspond to cities. They are characterized by a great concentration of
buildings, houses, goods, and services. On the other hand, a rural landscape corresponds to the countryside,
where there are farming and livestock resources. In the countryside, there are less houses and buildings, and
it is harder to find services and goods.

4th Grade Social Studies


Pages 64 and 65

Initial Evaluation

Analyze the map and its images

Unit 2
on pages 64 and 65 with
students. As they look at the
map, ask students to identify
Mesoamerican Civilizations
the American subcontinent League of
Aztec Cities
represented on the map and its
symbols. Ask them to name some Archaeological sites EC
elements present on the map, I CH
such as the pyramids, the solar Aztec Empire until 1519
calendar (Piedra del Sol), and the Federated autonomous states

Aztec god. Analyze the timeline Olmec cultural area Tenochtitlan Texcoco
and its events, highlighting some Maya cultural area AZTEC Cempoala
periods and years. Then, ask the Tlacopan Tlaxcala
following questions: When does
the timeline begin and end? Mexico City

What are the main periods on BELIZE

the timeline? What are the main HONDURAS


peoples? NICARAGUA Monte Alban

Compare the map of COSTA RICA
Mitla CH
Mesoamerican civilizations to
a current political map. Explain
that the map in the book shows PACIFIC OCEAN
the borders between the different
ancient civilizations in the region,
and that a political map shows
the present borders between
countries in that same region.

In this unit you will learn to:

Digital Activities • describe and locate Maya and Aztec civilizations.
• value their history, culture, and social organization.
• apply concepts related to time.
To begin the unit, use the
Multimedia Presentation section Years 1200 B.C. – 200 B.C. 1000 B.C. – 400 B.C. 1 – 600 A.D. 100 – 1100 A.D. 300 – 900 A.D.
in the Teacher’s Lounge at People Olmec, Mexico. Chavin, Peru. Teotihuacan, Mexico. Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Maya, Mesoamerica.

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Possible Difficulties

Explain that Mesoamerican

What Do You Know? Initial Evaluation
civilizations were located in North
America (Mexico) and Central
Key Words
1. Circle the item that represents each description. America (Belize, El Salvador,
civilization Guatemala, and Honduras).
a. The Mayas created two calendars: one which
YUCATAN had 365 days and regulated daily life, and
hierarchy Mayapan
Chichen a religious calendar which had 260 days.
warrior Itza
b. The Mesoamerican civilizations constructed
monuments in which they celebrated religious
polytheism Uxmal
rituals. Common Mistakes
tribute c. The Aztecs formed alliances with various
la peoples that were located in the surrounding
hieroglyphs areas of Tenochtitlan. Students could think that all the
La Venta peoples present on the timeline
Uaxactun d. The Mayas and Aztecs were polytheists,
meaning they believed in more than one god.
correspond to civilizations
located in Mesoamerica. Clarify
that events on the timeline

2. Compare the maps and answer the questions.

correspond to Mesoamerican

Palenque PETEN
a. In which modern-day countries did the Maya and Andean civilizations. Also,
culture develop? mention that timelines are
graphic representations that help
Xonococho chronologically order different
events in a summarized way.

b. In which modern-day country did the Aztec

culture develop?

c. What do civilization and culture mean?

A.D. 1200 – 1520 A.D. 1200 – 1532 A.D.
merica. Aztec, Mexico. Inca, Andean Region.


Pages 66 and 67


1 The Populating of America

Organization Connecting

UNIT 2: America was not always populated by human beings. How and where,
Did You Know...?
Mesoamerican Civilization then, did the first inhabitants arrive to the continent? Different research
studies have tried to answer this question, but there is still not an agreed Ice ages were periods
Section 1: The Populating of America upon answer. of thousands of years
The Lives of the First Americans in which there was a
The most accepted theory is that the first inhabitants of America were decrease in the overall
groups of hunters that traveled from Asia using the Bering Strait. This was temperatures on
possible due to the last ice age, over twelve thousand years ago. During this Earth. This caused the
time the ocean levels lowered, uncovering land that used to be submerged expansion of polar and
under water. This formed a natural passage between Asia and America over mountain ice caps.
which different animal species and groups of humans were able to cross.
Clarifying Concepts

Clarify the concept of theory.

Explain that a theory is generally
a set of ideas, statements,
or principles that explains a
phenomenon. For example, there
are many theories on the first
inhabitants to arrive to America.
All of them are supported by
extensive research; however, it is raft
still very difficult to prove which
theory is correct.

One theory suggests that groups of humans coming Another theory explains that there could have
from Oceania could have crossed the Pacific Ocean been maritime routes in the Pacific Ocean that
Possible Difficulties on rafts and arrived at the coasts of Antarctica and the were traveled by ships going from Polynesia to
southern tip of South America. the coasts of America.

Sometimes students find it hard

to understand that the Bering Practicing
Strait helped connect America and
1. Which maritime routes would humans have followed to reach America?
Asia during the ice age because
the continents are now completely
separate. Work with the map on 66 Unit 2 / History
page 66 to explain that, in one of
the last ice ages, the Bering Strait
was completely covered with ice
and it helped people and animals
pass from one continent to
the other.

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Recognize the theories about how America became populated through Values

Share that all human groups have

The Lives of the First Americans the skills to develop different
systems of life and their own
The first groups of humans that arrived to America were nomads. This
means they moved from place to place in search of food and did not culture. Explain also that there
have a fixed settlement where they lived. This is because they gathered were some indigenous peoples
fruits and hunted animals for food, activities that required that they live that practiced agriculture, and
in homes that were easy to put together and take apart. designed and built big cities.
These groups were separated into different bands, which were made up
of approximately twenty people who were usually related. Daily activities
were different for each gender: adolescent and adult men were responsible
for hunting wooly mammoths, mastodons, milodons, saber-tooth tigers, or
bears, while the women and children gathered fruits or eggs and hunted
smaller animals. complete male or female
As these bands moved throughout the continent, they began to adapt
to the natural environments of America. Gradually, different ways of life
started to develop in different places. Also, the end of the ice age led to the
extinction of the megafauna and the beginning of the climate and weather
patterns we see now on this continent. These groups of humans settled Llamas were domesticated by American
peoples. They provided these peoples
in different places and over many years developed a process of observing with meat and wool and were also used
plant cycles. This led to the discovery of agriculture approximately 6,000 as a mode of transportation.
years ago. Around the same time, they successfully domesticated some
animals, which was the beginning of livestock farming. Because of this,
Word Focus
many bands stopped being nomadic and became more sedentary. This
changed the social organization and ways of life of these groups of people. Megafauna
By the 15th century, different American peoples had different levels of Large mammals that
development: some maintained their nomadic ways of life while others lived between 8,000 -
became large civilizations, such as the Mayas and the Aztecs. 20,000 years ago.

Llama is pronounced
2. Draw a picture or write a short story that describes the lives of the ‘lama’ in English.
first Americans.

Quiz Yourself

1. Describe the most accepted theory that explains how America came to be populated by humans.
2. Which events allowed some groups to become sedentary?



Pages 68 and 69


2 The Mayas
Organization Connecting

UNIT 2: Mesoamerica was a cultural region that included modern-day Mexico,

Word Focus
Mesoamerican Civilizations Guatemala, El Salvador, and part of Honduras. This region was the cradle
of many civilizations, which developed from the Preclassic Period (2000 Civilizations
Section 2: The Mayas B.C. - 200 A.D.) until the Postclassic Period (900 B.C. - 1532 A.D.) One of Forms of human
these civilizations was the Maya, which reached its cultural peak during the organization with a
Maya Political Organization
Classic Period between the 14th and 16th centuries. The Mayas developed centralized power and
Maya Social Organization one of the most complex cultures in all of America. height of
a hierarchical society
who constructed large
Economic Activities development
monuments, and
Daily Life Maya Political Organization
had a complex and
The Mayas lived on the Yucatan Peninsula, in part of modern-day Mexico, developed culture.
and in the current territories of Guatemala and part of Honduras. They
formed a hierarchical society which was organized into independent city-
states. These city-states spoke different dialects and controlled different
territories. However, they were all linked with one another through a
Clarifying Concepts confederation called the League of Mayapan, which included Chichen
Itza, Mayapan, and Uxmal.
Around the year 1200, the League divided itself into small dominions that
Explain to students the difference
organized themselves politically with the following hierarchy:
between Mesoamerica and Central
America. State that Mesoamerica Halach Uinic: head leader of a city-state. lands that a
ruler controls
is a region and cultural area Officials that worked with the Halach Uinic:
in which some pre-Columbian
• Ah Holpop: political and religious delegate.
societies flourished. Nowadays, Activities
it is an area that extends from • Nacom: head military chief. • What does it mean that
central Mexico to Nicaragua. • Ahuacan: head priest. the Mayas organized
themselves into city-states
• Tupiles: kept public order and upheld the law. and confederations?
Bataboob: governors of the smaller cities. These were chosen by the • Describe the political
Halach Uinic to charge taxes, govern the cities, and uphold the law. organization that the Mayas
Ah Cuch Caboob: chiefs of the towns that surrounded the cities. Two of had after the League of
Possible Difficulties their duties were collecting taxes and organizing jobs. Mayapan ended.

Years 1200 B.C. - 200 B.C. 1000 B.C. - 400 B.C. 1 - 600 A.D. 100 - 1100 A.D. 300 - 900 A.D. 1200 - 1520 A.D. 1200 - 1532 A.D.
the idea of city-state, clarify that People Olmec, Mexico. Chavin, Peru. Teotihuacan, Mexico. Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Maya, Mesoamerica. Aztec, Mexico. Inca, Andean Region.

they were independent towns that

did not follow foreign political
powers. 68 Unit 2 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Describe the social, political, and economic organization of the Mayas

In 5 Minutes

Talk about time periods that

Maya Social Organization chronologically divide the history
Maya society was hierarchical and divided into five groups:
of America before the arrival
of the Spanish colonizers. One
criterion to take into account is
Priests: the most
powerful sector and
the indigenous peoples’ cultural
Nobility: a group that leaders of each city. development. For instance, the
controlled the political Preclassic or Formative period
power. It was only possible (from 2,000 B.C. to
to become part of this group
400 B.C.) is characterized by the
through birth. War chiefs and
government officials made up development of agriculture, the
this group. first settlements of sedentary
peoples, and the creation of
politically organized societies. The
Merchants: due to the
nature of their activities, Classic period (from 1 A.D to 900
they enjoyed more A.D.) is marked by an immense
freedoms and privileges cultural development because
than other groups.
Artisans and Agricultural some American civilizations
Workers: artisans had created powerful political
the responsibility of
creating objects that the
systems, developed technical
nobility used for clothing, and agricultural knowledge, and
decorations for their homes, built immense pyramids. The
and to demonstrate their
social position and ranking.
Postclassic period (1200 A.D. to
Agricultural workers lived in 1532 A.D.) is characterized by the
the surrounding areas of the consolidation and prominence
cities and were responsible
of certain socio-political and
for maintaining the nobility.
They paid the nobility a third
Slaves: prisoners of war, economic powers in America.
criminals, or children
of what they produced as
of slaves belonged to
a tribute.
this group. The majority
of slaves were used
as sacrifices which
were performed during
religious festivals.
• Which social group do you think had the most privileges? Argue your point.
• Why is Maya society represented here as a pyramid?



Pages 70 and 71

Clarifying Concepts
Section 2 / The Mayas

Remind students that agricultural

work is related to working the Economic Activities
land and extracting natural
The Maya economy was based on agricultural work. Corn was the primary Did You Know...?
resources such as vegetables food item, and was grown everywhere possible. The slash and burn
and fruits. Explain to them method was used in the cultivation of corn. This meant taking out the wild The Mayas used honey as
that these resources have to be plants, drying the ground, burning the leftover branches, planting, and a sweetener. Honey comes
from the art of apiculture.
sown (planted) first, and then then waiting for it to rain to be able to harvest the corn. Along with corn,
This is the cultivation
harvested. the Mayas also planted cotton, beans, sweet potatoes, yucca, and cocoa.
of bees, beekeeping, or
The problem with the slash and burn method was that the soil lost its the production of honey
minerals. This meant that these lands could not be used to grow food from the magüey cactus or
for a period of time after they had been used for a long time. The Mayas from corn. In other words,
constructed their homes around these lands, waiting the appropriate amount the honey consumed in
Mesoamerica came from
of time to be able to plant them again. This prevented the population from
both plants and animals.
collecting around the urban centers.
Along with agricultural activities, the
Mayas fished, hunted, and gathered
Possible Difficulties wild fruits. They also maintained
active trade, or commerce, between
cities and with other peoples and
It is likely that students will cultures, including with peoples
not understand that, although outside of Central America. As a form
there were cities, most of the money of currency, the Mayas used cocoa
seeds or sheets of volcanic crystals.
population was located in urban Commercial activity developed due
areas because the main economic to their geographic location and their
activity was farming. In the case specialization in the production of
of the Maya people, the slash- certain items.
focusing on
and-burn method would wear one area

out the land very fast; therefore,

after some farmers had harvested
their resources, they would have
to leave their lands because it
could not be used again for a Activities
long time. Also explain that the • Why did their agricultural activity not allow the Maya population to concentrate in certain areas?
Maya cities held most of the
• Describe what Maya agricultural production was like. Consider the method of cultivation and the
commercial, administrative, and
primary products.
religious activities. Many people gather

visited these cities to trade their • Do the activity on Activity Card 5.

goods and participate in religious
ceremonies. 70 Unit 2 / History

soc. studies 4.2.indd 70 13-02-13 15:47

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Describe the social, political, and economic organization of the Mayas

In 5 Minutes

Talk about the division of labor in

Daily Life Maya society. Explain that most
of the work was divided by gender
and social position. This means
spear that women and men performed
different activities in their daily
life. For instance, women would
work on domestic chores and
weaved cotton, while men worked
the land, hunted, carved objects,
The day began at 4:00 A.M. Once breakfast was over, the When the men returned home, they
and did some craftwork.
when the women would get up men and their sons would go would go out to check the animal traps
to prepare a breakfast of corn to the fields to pick corn. in the fields to see if they had caught
tortillas. anything.


After eating, men would work on Women would use a loom to

carving objects from wood or jade. weave cotton.

Key Facts
• The Mayas lived in the territory of modern-day Mexico,
Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.
• Each Maya city-state was independent, had its own
government, and interacted with other cities by means • What relationship existed
of a confederation. between the pace of life
• Maya society was hierarchical. At the base of the and the economic activities
pyramid were the slaves, while the most privileged that the Mayas developed?
groups were the priests and nobility. • What were the women’s
• Maya economy was based on agriculture, especially the primary duties? What were
cultivation of corn. They also developed active trade. the men’s?


soc. studies 4.2.indd 71 13-02-13 15:47


Pages 72 and 73

Possible Difficulties Section 2 / The Mayas

Guide students when answering

activity 2 on page 72 and explain
the meaning of civilization
and why the Maya people are 1. Write the characteristics of each social group in the boxes. Then, answer the questions. Describe
considered a civilization.
Nobility Artisans and Agricultural Workers Slaves

a. Using your descriptions, show that Maya society had a hierarchical organization.

2. Define the concept of civilization. Then, explain why the Mayas were considered to be one. Explain


for example

the Mayas they reached a high level of development which is demonstrated by:


72 Unit 2 / History

soc. studies 4.2.indd 72 13-02-13 15:47

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Describe the social, political, and economic organization of the Mayas

Clarifying Concepts

Summarizing In the Summarizing section, the

concept confederation is used.
3. Classify the characteristics as political, social, or economic. Classify Explain that it means the union of
some independent political units
The Mayas organized They developed The Mayas lived around various plots of or groups for common actions.
themselves into trade with land which they cultivated in different years. Generally, these groups share
independent city-states. different peoples. This made it difficult for the population to some political, cultural, and
become concentrated in only one place. economic features, and they group
to address specific situations that
political economic social concern them. For instance, the
Maya city-states were united into
The agricultural workers The cities were united into Daily life took place mostly in a confederation, but each city was
supported society by one confederation, but the countryside where corn still independent.
paying taxes to the nobility. each city had their own was picked.

economic political social

Quiz Yourself
1. Describe the political, economic, and social structure of the Mayas. Describe

The highest authority He governed with the help of various

was the… Halach Uinic authorities, such as…

1. Ah Holpop
In the social hierarchy,
nobility they belonged to…
2. Nacom

Other social groups 1. Artisans Their economy was based on...

2. Agricultural workers agriculture



Pages 74 and 75


3 Cultural Development of the Mayas

Organization Connecting early forms
of books
UNIT 3: The cultural development of the Mayas was very significant. They stood
Did You Know...?
Mesoamerican Civilizations out as mathematicians, astronomers, and builders of large pyramids. Also,
they had a system of writing that was recorded on steles and in codices. The Mayas developed
Section 3: Cultural Development of the standing the most complete
stone tablets
Mayas Astronomy, Math, and Writing writing system of
all of the indigenous
Astronomy, Math, and Writing Time was a fundamental idea in the conception of the Maya universe, peoples. They wrote
Monumental Architecture which is why two separate calendars were created. The first was a solar texts on botany,
calendar that had 365 days and regulated both civil and agricultural medicine, astronomy,
Maya Beliefs activities. The second was a lunar calendar which had 260 days and and history, among
regulated religious activities. based on based on other things.
the Moon the Sun
The Mayas believed in the beginning and the end of new cycles, where
events continued to repeat themselves over and over again. This meant
Possible Difficulties that people’s destinies were already mapped out from their birth, and how
they acted or behaved during their lives did not matter. A few months
Explain that the Maya writing after the birth of a child, the priests would prepare a horoscope based
on the lunar calendar which would decide the entire life of this person.
system has been the only system
studied from the Mesoamerican The Mayas made important astronomical observations and came close to
region. Although there are remains making mathematical calculations that were related to the movements of
of other Mesoamerican writing the Earth. They created a numerical system based on the number twenty
which allowed them to work with large quantities, and which even included
systems, the Maya hieroglyphs
the concept of empty, or zero. Also, the Mayas used their hieroglyphic
are more complete and easy to writing system to record various things. They recorded events from their
study. Clarify that this system own history, astronomical notes, and myths such as the accounts of Maya hieroglyph.

helped register important events Popol Vuh, in which the origin of the world, the Maya civilization, and
and gives information about natural phenomena are explained, and the Chilam Balam which describes
their calendars, history, religious historical events.
beliefs, and medicine. Also Activities
Did you know that the Maya
numerical system is based
explain that writing systems are on the number 20?
• Point out the main cultural contributions of the Mayas.
representational systems that • Justify the following statement: The Mayas reached a level of great
some cultures develop which help cultural development.
them graphically represent some
ideas and events. Fun Fact!
Jaguars, snakes, turtles, and birds are the animals most
often seen in Maya art. In fact, “balam” means jaguar!

74 Unit 2 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

In 5 Minutes
Identify the characteristics of Maya culture

Talk with students about the

Monumental Architecture development of Maya architecture
and its monumental buildings.
The Mayas built important ceremonial centers within their settlements.
These places functioned as the headquarters of the city-state and their
Highlight their pyramids and
monuments were an expression of power. The height of Maya architectural explain that these stone structures
development occurred in the Classic Period during the years 250 - 900. were built on platforms in a
step-shaped form. In the case of
In each Maya city, large pyramids were built that were artistically decorated
and functioned as temples, palaces, and astronomical observatories. The temples, they were often built on
Mayas also built public places such as grounds with bleachers where they the top of the Maya towers. These
played ball. Some of the most important architectural monuments were pyramids were characteristics of
Palenque, Uxmal, Mayapan, Copan, Tikal, and Chichen Itza. the Classic period in the Maya
place of worship long, raised,
connected benches civilization.

Chichen Itza was declared

a World Heritage Site by
UNESCO in 1988 and is
located on the Yucatan Tikal was declared a World
Peninsula in Mexico. It has Heritage Site by UNESCO in
Common Mistakes
more than forty buildings, 1979 and is located in the Peten
of which the astronomical region of Guatemala. This region
observatory, the main temple, reached its cultural peak during Students may relate pyramids
and the warriors’ temple the Classic Period and has with the Egyptian civilization,
stand out. temples that are more than 70 in which these buildings served
meters high.
as the pharaoh’s tomb. For this
reason, explain to students that
Maya pyramids were different from
Did You Know...? Challenge the Egyptian buildings in their
The ball game was a ritual The word “headquarters” architecture and use. Share that in
sport. Even though there were is a compound word. the Maya civilization, the pyramids
various versions of this game, Look up the meaning of
were used as temples, government
in the most popular version the each part. Explain the
players hit the ball with their origin of “headquarters” palaces, and observatories,
hips and tried to get the ball in a paragraph. whereas in Egyptian culture, they
into a stone hoop that was a had another use.
little bit bigger than the ball.

• Why were monuments built in the Maya cities?
• What was the purpose of building pyramids?



Pages 76 and 77

Common Mistakes Section 3 / Cultural Development of the Mayas

Explain to students that the Maya

Other gods in the sky were
people believed in many gods; Maya Beliefs the Moon, which had the
thus, they were polytheists. Their face of a rabbit, Venus,
The Mayas were polytheists, meaning they believed in various gods. They
gods were representations of the also believed that the universe was divided into three parts: the sky, Earth,
whose skull represented the
sacrifices, and the Sun. The
planets and natural elements. and the underworld. The earthly world was supported on the back of a Mayas believed that young
large alligator that was floating in a lagoon. Earth was seen as a floating stars took the shape of a
pyramid with seven levels in which each social class was located. The rattlesnake’s rattler.
sky hung from a snake with two heads that rose in the east and set in the
west. The underworld had the shape of an inverted pyramid.

In 5 Minutes
The gods first created the animals,
but because they did not have a
Explain that religion was present voice, they could not praise the
in all spheres of the Maya society. gods and were condemned to be
food for human beings. The Earth was
Consequently, the priests had represented as a board
great political power and were with four colors. East
socially important because they was red, north was
white, west was black,
were in charge of leading their The gods then decided to make and south was yellow.
religious rituals and cults. One a man out of clay but he could
of the most important rituals not move. He was given the gift
of speech but had no intelligence.
was the ceremony of Chaac, the He soon got wet and fell apart.
deity of rain. Human sacrifices
were offered to all of their gods, Xibalba, or the country
which means that death also had of the dead, was the
a different significance to them. Then, the gods made men out
home of the dead and
the Lords of the Night.
When some of their leaders died, of wood. But, these men had
It was also the source
no hearts or memory of their
funerary rituals were performed of life and corn.
gods. So, the gods sent a great
in which servants and precious flood that destroyed them all.
objects were buried with the
leader so they could join him in
the afterlife.
After this, the gods created men
from straw, but these men could Finally, the gods made true men
not communicate with their out of white and yellow corn.
creators either. So, they climbed These men worshiped their gods
up into the trees and this is how and became the Maya people.
monkeys came to be.

76 Unit 2 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of Maya culture

Clarifying Concepts

Clarify the concept of myth.

The Creation According to the Popol Vuh Key Facts
According to the Oxford dictionary,
a myth is “a traditional story
In the holy book of the Mayas, the Popol Vuh, there is a collection • The Mayas were great
of legends that narrates the creation of the world and of man.
concerning the early history of
astronomers and
Here it is told that the Maya gods made various failed attempts a people or explaining a natural
to create man before finally succeeding. or social fact.” With students,
The two-headed snake shows • A hieroglyph writing discuss this definition and
the passing of the Sun through system allowed the
Mayas to share their
contrast it with the concept
the sky. It represents the god
Kukulcan. beliefs and their of history.
• The Mayas built large
ceremonial centers.
• The pyramids stood
out within the cities
and were used as
temples, palaces,
The sky was the resting place and astronomical
for priests, warriors, and women observatories.
who died during childbirth. • The Mayas were
polytheists and
believed in a universe
which was divided
into a sky, Earth, and
an underworld.

Earth was a layered pyramid that

represented the social classes.

Itzam Na was the creator of the

world, a lizard god, and architect
and creator of the universe.

• According to the Mayas,
The twin heroes, Hunapu and Ixbalanque, beat the lords of Xibalba
how were people created?
in a ball game. The twins were taken as prisoners and subjected to • Think of three different
different tests. They won, and since then have fought to exterminate
Maya gods. Which of
the Lords of the Dead.
these was the main god?


Pages 78 and 79

Possible Difficulties Section 3 / Cultural Development of the Mayas

Explain that, to do research,

students must look for information
in books, encyclopedias, and web
sites. Clarify that whenever they 1. Choose a Maya city, research it, and complete the following fact file. Research
are using information from the
Internet, they have to verify if it • Draw the city here.
is reliable.
• Which city did you choose? Where is it currently located?

• Which buildings stand out in this city?

• Which general characteristics of this city are the most


2. Read the text and respond. Argue

Maya Astronomy
They took their mathematical calculations a step beyond the Chinese. Not only did they correspond
to signs in the sky, but they could also predict the movements of the Sun, Moon, and the planets. In
the Dresden codex, one of the Maya books that has survived to this day, it describes the movements
of Venus in the sky. The book also includes predictions for its future movements that continue to be
proven correct, even after 500 years.
Heather Couper and Nigel Henbest. Historia de la Astronomía (History of Astronomy). Barcelona: Paidos, 2008. (Adaptation)

a. Which part of Maya scientific development is described in the text? How do you know? Explain.

78 Unit 2 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of Maya culture

Clarifying Concepts

Summarizing Explain that astronomy is a

natural science that deals with
3. Define the following words using what you learned in this section. Create the study of celestial objects (such
as moons, stars, planets, etc)
zero monument Kukulcan Tikal and their behavior. Also state that
the Mayas wrote many codices, or
Venus pyramid calendar manuscript books, which are proof
of their scientific knowledge.







Quiz Yourself Digital Activities

1. Complete the following outline. Characterize
Ask students to review the content
studied at www.pathway.cl.
astronomy and

Maya culture beliefs



Pages 80 and 81

Let’s Check!

Complete the table

Students should identify the Maya Let’s Check!
society organization.
Extra Support Complete the table about Maya social organization.
Ask students to draw on a poster
a pyramidal representation of the
Maya social organization and to What were the different social groups?
write an explanation.

Evaluation Part 1 2
Students should understand and
describe a Maya city-state and its
main characteristics. Who governed? Mention two roles that
this person had.
Extra Support points

Ask students to make a chart in 3

which they summarize the main
characteristics of a city-state.
Mention one characteristic of the artisans
and one of the agricultural workers.

Answer the following questions about Maya culture.

1. Describe a Maya city-state. Include at least two characteristics. points


soc. studies 4.2.indd 80 13-02-13 15:47

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Let’s Check!
Unit 2

Evaluation Part 2
Intermediate Evaluation Students should describe
scientific advancements made
2. Describe one advancement made by the Mayas in Astronomy and one in Mathematics. points
by the Mayas in Astronomy and
Extra Support
Have students make small posters
and files with the advancement
carried out by the Mayas in the
Read the text and respond. different disciplines that they
developed. They should present
their ideas to the class.
Corn was one of the main food items in the Maya diet. Some
techniques for its cultivation were the rotation of land and the “slash
and burn” method to be able to exploit lands that had never been Evaluation Parts 3 and 4
cultivated. However, the use of fire and the high demand for corn Students should use information
caused the fertile lands to suffer a process of gradual erosion. This from the text and explain how
forced the Mayas to expand their territories in search of new areas
the Mayas solved the problem
to cultivate corn.
of not having enough land for
Editorial Team
the cultivation of corn and the
consequences of the gradual
erosion of fertile lands.
3. How did the Mayas solve the problem of not having enough land for the cultivation points
of corn? Extra Support
Explain to students how to read
and use information, and reread
the text.

4. Explain the consequence for the Maya people of the gradual erosion of the fertile lands. points

Digital Activities

Explain to students that this

evaluation can be done in the
textbook, but also online at
81 www.pathway.cl, in the
Evaluations section of the
Teacher’s Lounge area.

Pages 82 and 83


4 The Aztecs
Organization Connecting

UNIT 2: The Aztecs were a civilization located in modern-day Mexico. Their culture
Mesoamerican Civilization was made up of a combination of cultures from all of the peoples that
had settled in Mesoamerica over centuries. Similar to the Mayas, the
Section 4: The Aztecs Aztecs reached an important level of development in scientific knowledge,
The Beginning of Aztec History architecture, and art.

Political Organization The Beginning of Aztec History

Aztec Social Organization The Aztecs came from a hunting, nomadic people that traveled from the
Aztec Architecture north of the central high plains of Mexico. They settled on the plateau
of this area on the banks of Lake Texcoco around the year 1200. In this
region, they picked up some of the influence of two other civilizations that
had come before them: the Teotihuacan and the Toltec. Their territory
extended from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
According to an Aztec legend, the main god, Huitzilopochtli, gave them
Clarifying Concepts instructions to build a temple in the place where an eagle is seen eating
a snake. In the year 1370 they founded the city of Tenochtitlan in the
middle of Lake Texcoco. This culture reached its height 50 years later,
Explain to students that the becoming a powerful state.
Aztecs were a combination of
cultures from all the peoples that
had settled in Mesoamerica over
centuries, such as the Tapanec,
the Olmec, and the Maya, among
others. This process of synthesis
was achieved due to their
territorial expansion.

Warrior training was very important for the Aztecs because their civilization was based on a system of
alliances, trade, and war with neighboring peoples.

• Why is it said that the Aztecs were made up of a combination of cultures from Mesoamerica?
• Describe the beginning of the history of the Aztec civilization.

82 Unit 2 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

In 5 Minutes
Describe the political and social organization of the Aztecs

Talk about the Aztecs’ location

Political Organization and project the map from pages
64 and 65. Show students all the
The Aztecs placed great importance on training warriors, which allowed Activities
them to create a civilization in which the highest political authority was
territory that the Aztecs occupied,
• Who were the calpullis?
the Tlatoani, or king-priest, who was at the same time a military chief, the location of the Texcoco Lake,
supreme judge, and representative of the gods. Despite holding all of • Who worked together with and the settlement of Tenochtitlan
these roles, he did not have absolute power. Instead, he shared this with the Tlatoani to govern the city. Also explain its natural
the Supreme Council, which was made up of the capullec, or chiefs of Aztec territory?
borders, such as the Pacific and
the calpullis. These were groups of families that possessed a common Atlantic Oceans.
piece of land that had been assigned to them.
complete and total
The chiefs of the calpullis chose the next governor, advised him, and
could remove him from his position if they did not think he was capable
having characteristics
enough. There were also state officials in all different cities of the Empire needed for success
who were chosen directly by the emperor. The judges resolved conflicts
and determined punishments, which were usually very severe. The priests
led religious life and worked together with the emperor. The military was
Common Mistakes
responsible for expanding the territory of the Empire.
Students might mistakenly think
Main Elements of the Structure of Power
that the Tlatoani had absolute
Tlatoani: holy power. Clarify that, although he
This was the highest authority. His title means “he who speaks.” This was a lifelong and semi-divine position. was the highest authority and
possessed political, judicial,
Supreme Council:
military, and religious powers,
Cihuacoatl: his actions were limited by the
made up of members of the
nobility. They helped the Tlatoani
chief of the priests of the Cihuacoatl goddess. Among his duties were Supreme Council.
representing the Tlatoani in Supreme Council meetings, replacing him
and had legislative, administrative,
when he was on an expedition, and acting as supreme judge.
and judicial powers.

main unit of the Aztec organization. These were clans of families who were all descendents of the same
mythological ancestor. They were owners of a plot of land, and had some independence with their own
schools and temples.

authority and warrior chief. He was the representative of his clan before the State. His position was inherited.


soc. studies 4.2.indd 83 13-02-13 15:48


Pages 84 and 85

In 5 Minutes Section 4 / The Aztecs

Explain that, although the Aztec

society was very rigid, there were Aztec Social Organization
Social mobility is when it is
some slight possibilities for social easy for a person to change
As you already know, the foundation of Aztec society was the calpullis.
mobility. For example, men who Very rigid social sectors were established on top of this foundation. Social social groups or status.
were not part of the nobility but mobility was almost impossible, and was only achieved by merit or prestige
who had a prestigious military earned through a military career or priesthood. character respect and
or religious career would have or conduct admiration

the possibility of moving from

one social sector to other, have
At the top of the social
more resources, or be exempted organization was the The merchants, or
from paying taxes. However, these Tlatoani. After him pochtecas, had a
prestigious citizens did not have came the nobility, privileged social and
also known as piles, economic position.
the same privileges as the nobility that were made up
since they were not allowed to of the family of the
wear special accessories on their Tlatoani, the cities’
princes, the priests,
clothes, and could not meet with military chiefs, and the
the nobility in certain places. chiefs of the calpullis.
They received tributes
from the other social The serfs and slaves
groups. held the lowest social
position. The serfs
were free, but were
forced to work for the
State or for someone
in particular. Slaves
Clarifying Concepts The town was made up
were controlled by
of agricultural workers,
their masters and did
laborers, and artisans.
not have rights. Many
Explain that the pochtecas These were called
slaves were used
macehualtin. They
were long-distance traveling made up the largest
as offerings during
merchants. They were the only part of the population.
religious sacrifices.

people who could travel outside

the borders of the empire to trade
their goods with other peoples and
cultures. They had direct contact
with the Tlatoani, and worked for Activities
him as spies and messengers, and • Which circumstances made social mobility possible?
provided materials that the • What was the social condition of slaves? Compare this with the case
nobles needed. of Maya slaves.

84 Unit 2 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Describe the political and social organization of the Aztecs

Possible Difficulties

Practicing Explain that the military and

the pochtecas were in charge of
1. Read the text and respond. Explain
controlling and establishing Aztec
territorial dominance. That is why
Warrior Training
they had a very important social
When a boy was born, his parents offered him to the house of the telpochcalli, where the other boys and political position.
were being raised. The parents spoke to the teachers that raised them and said: “we are informing you
that our lord gave us a child, like a jewel or beautiful feather; because it is a male, it is not beneficial
that we keep him at home, showing him the jobs of a woman. Because of this we give him to you as
if he were yours. We entrust you with this because you are responsible for raising young boys so they
become brave men who will serve their gods in war.”
Bernardo de Sahagun. Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España (General History of Things from New Spain). Mexico, 1577.

a. Why was warrior training so important for the Aztecs?

b. Why couldn’t Aztec boys be raised in their parents’ homes?


2. Summarize the Aztec political and social organization. Summarize





Pages 86 and 87

In 5 Minutes Section 4 / The Aztecs

Clarify that the market of

Tlatelolco was an open space
where most commercial Connecting
transactions were carried out. Aztec Architecture
All merchants had stalls which
Aztec architecture stands out because of its large buildings and its urban
were located according to the
design, especially in the capital, Tenochtitlan. This city had a network
goods they offered. Animals, of canals used by canoes, aqueducts that supplied the city with fresh
birds, food, herbs, minerals, and water, public fountains, and a drainage system. The Aztecs also built large
pottery for religious and daily use pyramids dedicated to their gods. These were typically decorated with
had fixed and separate places paint and stone sculptures. pipes or
in the market. Clothing, textiles,
and luxurious accessories
were also traded in Tlatelolco.
Surrounding the market, there Tenochtitlan was founded in
were small houses that were used the year 1320 on an artificially
expanded island. Its center was
as warehouses. Also there were
formed by two large ceremonial
people who worked as carriers grounds and the market of
and transported goods on their Tlatelolco.
backs or in specially designed
baskets. All in all, the Tlatelolco
market was an important
institution for the Aztec economy The primary mode
and society because it helped of transportation
trade goods, create jobs, and was canoes, which
went through the
it was a vital building for Aztec canals that were
social life. found all over the

• Describe the location and the buildings of Tenochtitlan.
• Check out the following links and explain why the Aztecs founded
Tenochtitlan on Lake Texcoco. Also, point out how the city has evolved
from 1325 until today:

86 Unit 2 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Clarifying Concepts
Describe the political and social organization of the Aztecs

Each compound included plazas, Explain that the primary mode of

temples, palaces, areas to play ball, transportation was canoes which
and administrative centers.
went through the canals that were
found all over the city.

Key Facts
• The Aztecs were located
in modern-day Mexico
on Lake Texcoco, where
they founded the city of
• They successfully
established an empire.
The Tlatoani was the
highest authority
and was advised by a
supreme council and
other state officials.
Education through Values
• The calpullis were the
In the history of Mesoamerica there are many examples of teamwork. The foundation of a society
construction of large cities and the development of agriculture, trade, and which was hierarchically
the sciences are all examples of this. By working as a team, you can combine organized. Social mobility
and complement each other’s skills. The benefit of this is that each one of was only possible based
us contributes something and we embrace diversity. on merit gained in war or
the priesthood.



Pages 88 and 89

Clarifying Concepts Section 4 / The Aztecs

On page 88, terms like tribute

and taxes appear in the text in
activity 1. Explain that these
concepts make reference to 1. Read the text and respond. Explain
contributions that people
have to pay to a government Tributes
and which help pay for the often did
Many towns that found themselves subjects of the Aztecs gave up offerings to the sovereigns of Tenochtitlan.
running of the state. Clarify The Aztecs tended to take ownership of lands to then distribute them among other members of the
that nowadays, taxes are paid nobility. Tributes, or taxes, could be food items such as corn, beans, cocoa, and honey, or raw materials
with money, in contrast to the for construction or art, such as limestone, cotton, or feathers. They also gave as tribute already made
Aztecs’ contributions which were products such as paper, clothes, gold, and powder.
animals, food, or raw materials. Editorial Team

a. Explain how the Aztec civilization maintained itself, specifically in Tenochtitlan.

Common Mistakes
b. What were the types of tributes that Tenochtitlan received? What were they used for?
Questions a and b in activity
2 require justification. When
reviewing students’ answers,
check their explanations as a
class, and explain how they
should justify their answers. 2. Mark with a if the response is correct and an if it is incorrect. Explain your choice. Argue

a. The Aztecs were a civilization that was influenced by other peoples.

b. The calpullis had the majority of the power and made political, judicial, and economic decisions.

88 Unit 2 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Describe the political and social organization of the Aztecs

3. Complete the table by comparing the Maya and Aztec civilizations. Compare and contrast

Criteria Mayas Aztecs


Political Organization

Social Organization

Quiz Yourself
1. Imagine that you have the chance to travel back to the past. How would you describe
Aztec social organization?

2. What was a calpulli? What was its importance within the Aztec political organization?



Pages 90 and 91


5 Aztec Daily Life and Culture

Organization Connecting

UNIT 2: Aztec cultural development was possible because of the different elements
Mesoamerican Civilizations inherited from different civilizations that had existed in the same territory
they occupied. Similar to the Mayas, the Aztecs were also polytheists,
Section 5: Aztec Daily Life and Culture had two calendars, and created a system of cultivating crops that was
adapted to the natural environments they lived in.
Aztec Customs
Agriculture and Trade Aztec Customs
performed or done
The Aztec Gods Regardless of the social position that one held, the daily lives of both Aztec
men and women depended on the commands of the gods. For example,
all wars were carried out in the name of the god Huitzilopochtli. The goal
of these wars was to submit other peoples to Aztec rule or to obtain slaves
to sacrifice during religious festivals. Also, dying during war meant rising
up to a world where the warrior was protected by the gods.
In 5 Minutes Why do you think
Aztec life was harsh and had very strict rules that everyone was expected to
the Aztec heaven was
follow. Education was mandatory. However, women received an education
believed to be a place
from their mothers to learn how to do household chores. Men had two
Talk about the importance of where “the warriors
options for schooling: the calmecac, which was a boarding school for were protected by the
religion in the Aztec daily life and nobility where boys were prepared for the public positions they would gods”? Why would this
culture. Explain that, similar to hold in their adult lives, and the telpochcalli, a place where children from be seen as a reward by
Maya culture, religion was present other social groups went to school. live-in
the Aztec people?
in all Aztec activities. For that
reason, most of them were carried
out with rituals and offerings to
the gods. In the Aztec system of
Did You Know...? Activities
thought, death did not mean the
end of life, but its prolongation; If you would like to know • How are social differences
more about what life was evident in the Aztec
thus, when someone died, their
like for an Aztec child, education systems?
soul would go to another place, read the book Un dia en la
depending on the manner of • What does “daily life
vida de Chimalpopoca, niño
their death, and continue living. azteca (A Day in the Life depended on the commands
of Chimalpopoca, an Aztec of the gods” mean?
For instance, if a warrior died in
Boy), from the publishing
combat or was sacrificed in a company Zig-Zag.
ritual, his soul would travel to the
house of the Sun. Women who died
in childbirth would also travel to
the house of the Sun. Another place
that received Aztec people’s souls 90 Unit 2 / History

was Tlalocan, reserved mainly for

those who had drowned or had soc. studies 4.2.indd 90 13-02-13 15:48

otherwise been killed by water.

Mictlan was a common underworld
where most people who died
natural deaths would go.

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Characterize the culture and daily life of the Aztecs

Common Mistakes

Clarify to students that the Aztecs

Agriculture and Trade developed their agriculture due
The Aztecs’ main economic activities were agriculture and trade. Agriculture
to the system of slashing and

Conrado Giusti
developed due to the sophisticated system of slashing and logging in the logging, similar to the Mayas;
higher regions, irrigation on the plains, and the chinampas on the banks however, the Aztecs also created
of Lake Texcoco. Chinampas were man-made islands used as gardens chinampas, which were man-
that were built and then placed on the lake bed using tree trunks. These made islands used as gardens
were prepared on narrow, rectangular strips that were made with layers with fertilized soil. The chinampas
of plants from the lake. These layers continued to grow on top of each
helped extend cultivable land
other until finally leaving the land ready for cultivation.
and they were placed on lake
The land was fertilized with natural fertilizers such as guano, and the main beds. These floating gardens
crops were corn, tomatoes, cocoa, beans, chili peppers, and peppers. are a demonstration of how the
had nutrients added bird or bat droppings

Trade was run by the pochtecas, who were allowed to use well-known Aztecs were able to adapt to their
routes and trading points. Commercial activity was largely done in markets; environment and develop ways to
one of the most important was the market in Tlatelolco Plaza. Chinampas. carefully exploit it.
or trade

The Plaza of Tlatelolco

Tlatelolco has a plaza so large that it is approximately twice the size of the city of Salamanca. It is closed
in by gates all around it. There are all types of goods sold in the market, such as jewels made of gold,
silver, lead, brass, copper, tin, stone, bones, shells, snails, and feathers. There are also carved stones and
stones yet to be carved, as well as adobe, brick, and wood. There is a street where hunters sell all kinds
of birds, rabbits, deer, and small dogs. There are also streets where all types of plants like medicinal roots
and herbs plucked from the ground are sold.
Hernan Cortes. “Carta al emperador Carlos V” (Letter to Emperor Charles V), October 30th, 1520 (Adaptation).
Accessed in June 2012 from www.mexicomaxico.org

• What were the main economic activities of the Aztecs? Get C@nnected!
• What were chinampas? If you would like to know
more about the Aztecs, go
• What are the ideas or opinions of the author of this letter regarding
to the following link:
commerce in the Plaza of Tlatelolco?


soc. studies 4.2.indd 91 13-02-13 15:48


Pages 92 and 93

In 5 Minutes
Section 5 / Aztec Daily Life and Culture

Talk about the importance of

human sacrifices in Aztec religion The Aztec Gods
and beliefs. Explain that these
According to the Aztec legends, in the beginning there was only one god,
sacrifices were offered to all of Ometecuhtli, who created another pair of gods so that they would populate
their deities and that they were the universe: Tonacatecuhtli, the lord of our flesh, and Tonacacihuatl, the
the basis of the Aztec’s rituals. lady of our flesh. Both were symbols of fertility and were worshiped with
Mention Huitzilochtli (the god of offerings of ears of corn. They had four sons: Xipetotec, Tezcatlipoca,
war) who fed upon human blood, Quetzalcoatl, and Huitzilopochtli, the creators of the following worlds and
or Tlaloc (the god of lightning) all of their beings. ability to produce
children or plants
who was responsible for rains and
was a very important deity since Xipetotec: is known as
the Skinned One because
all agricultural workers depended he offered his skin, which
on his will. Also talk about the represents corn husks, to
Flower wars which were ritual humans so that they could
have food. He was the
battles that provided the Aztecs god of agriculture, fertility,
with humans to sacrifice to spring, and the creator of
the gods. the first Sun.

Tezcatlipoca: was born with

the claws and fangs of a
jaguar. He was the god of the
night sky and the inventor of
fire. He was the twin and also
the opposite of Quetzalcoatl.
Quetzalcoatl: means
feathered serpent, and he
Challenge was the god of the wind.
It was believed he was
Make a connection responsible for the invention
between “fertility” of the calendar, the arts,
and “fertilizer.” industry, and the discovery
Argue your point. of cocoa.

92 Unit 2 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Characterize the culture and daily life of the Aztecs

Common Mistakes

It is likely that students will

The Solar Calendar Key Facts think that the Sun Stone was a
Mayan invention because they
The Sun Stone symbolized the agricultural year
• War was part of life for the created a solar calendar as well.
and seasons. It was divided into 18 months Aztecs.
with 20 days and five days in which Explain that the Sun Stone was
the people lived in austere, harsh • Girls were educated created by the Aztecs to divide
conditions and did not leave home. at home while boys the agricultural year and that it
In total there were 365 days. The received different types of
education, depending on functioned as a solar calendar.
Aztecs also had a lunar calendar
their social class.
which had 260 days and regulated
the religious festivities. with little • Their main economic
activities were agriculture
and trade. The chinampas
and the market of
Tlatelolco stood out in
both of these economic
activities. Possible Difficulties
• The Aztecs were
polytheists. Their gods
were directly involved in Clarify that, although the Maya
their lives. and Aztec religions and beliefs
shared some common features,
the Aztecs had their own rituals
Tlaloc: was the god of and gods. Their everyday life was
lightning, thunder, and
regulated by religion, and Tlatoani
rain. Because of this, he
was very important to (the ruler) was considered a
agricultural workers. His divine being.
name came from Tlali,
which means land, and
Octli, which means wind.

Huitzilopochtli: was the god of Activities

war. During religious festivals, he • Which of the gods stand out
was represented by a mummified
the most to you? Why?
hummingbird that the priests carried
with them. He fed upon human blood, • Which elements of the Maya
which is why the Aztecs fought “flower culture are also seen in the
wars,” whose objective was to obtain
prisoners to be used for sacrifice.
Aztec culture?



Pages 94 and 95

In 5 Minutes Section 5 / Aztec Daily Life and Culture

With the food displayed on page

94, talk with students about the
elements that we have inherited
from the Mesoamerican peoples. 1. Use Cutout 3 on page 209 to identify food items that we inherited from the Mesoamerican peoples.
Explain that food like beans, chili Identify
peppers, peppers, corn, cocoa,
and tomatoes are only a small
portion of what we have inherited
from the Mesoamerican peoples.

beans chili peppers peppers

Clarifying Concepts

It is likely that although students

know what chocolate bars are,
corn cocoa tomatoes
they are not aware of the role
of cocoa. Explain that cocoa
beans are the base of chocolate, 2. Read the text and respond. Analyze
and that they are another food
we have inherited from the The Importance of Commerce
Mesoamerican peoples. One factor that helped the expansion of commerce was the need to satisfy the growing demands of
the nobility that continued to become richer: the pochtecas soon realized the importance of their roles.
There were 65 different types of merchants who traded in slaves, precious metals, tobacco, cocoa,
animals, paper, wheat, and other products.

Leslie Bethell. Historia de América Latina 1. América Latina colonial: la América precolombina y la Conquista (History of Latin America 1.
Colonial Latin America: Pre-Columbian America and the Conquest.) Barcelona: Critica, 1990. (Adaptation)

a. Why were the pochtecas important in both commerce and Aztec society?

94 Unit 2 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Characterize the culture and daily life of the Aztecs

b. Using examples from the text, show that the Aztecs traded in a variety of different products.


3. Write a paragraph about Aztec culture using the following concepts. Create

chinampas gods polytheism calendars

Quiz Yourself
1. Describe Aztec daily life and culture. Characterize

• Characteristics of their education:

• Characteristics of their economy:

• Characteristics of their religion:



Pages 96 and 97


Highlight the importance of Real Life Connections

reading varied historic sources to
understand the past. Explain that Working with sources helps me learn about past cultures.
students can look for different Mesoamerican societies were based on farming. Because they depended on time to calculate agricultural Cip
types of references: written, cycles, they created complex calendars based on solar and lunar cycles. These also organized celebrations
visual, or concrete objects. in honor of the gods.
Among written references, there croc

are books, journals, diaries, Cue

This band shows the twenty days of The Sun is the lord of the Earth.
newspapers, etc. Some visual the month.
references are paintings, li
drawings, pictures, or videos.
Some concrete objects are Ma

utensils, clothes, buildings, etc.

All of these references can help d
us understand and study the
distant or recent past because
they serve as evidence of a period
of time, its society, and d

its culture. Ac





The Sun Stone is the largest the M
known Aztec sculpture. In the activi
center is the face of the Sun. It know
represents the Aztec belief that This d
the universe had already passed to kee
through four worlds before the One of the four previous worlds.
current one.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Possible Difficulties

Explain that almost all remains

are potentially helpful to study
Language Skills some aspect of the past.
Depending on the object of study,
Cipactli Ehecatl Calli • Search for information about the Maya and Aztec calendars and
remains could help us understand
a set of beliefs, events, ways of
crocodile wind house – Describe one characteristic of the Maya calendar and one of life, etc. Show different types of
the Aztec calendar that stand out to you. Explain your choices. remains and references; thus,
Cuetzpallin Coatl Miquiztli
he Earth.
students can become familiarized
lizard snake death’s head
with them.

Mazatl Tochtli Atl

deer rabbit water – Which of the systems for measuring time seems more
complex to you? Why?
Itzcuintli Ozomatli Malinalli

dog monkey herbs

Acatl Ocelotl Cuauhtli

sugarcane ocelot eagle

Math Skills
Cozcaquauhtli Ollin Tecpatl
• In groups, make an annual calendar that divides time either by
the four seasons or by rainy and dry seasons.
vulture movement stone knife
• Establish the number of days in a year and group those days
Quiahuitl Xochitl into months.
• Assign a name to each month that reflects an important aspect
rain flower of that particular month.

– How many months did you calculate? How many days does
each month have?
Because the solar calendar was so exact,
the Mayas were able to organize their daily – How did you choose to separate the months? What did you
activities, record the passing of time, and name the months?
know the day to begin recounting the cycles.
This date was used as a reference to be able – Conclude: how does the ability to be able to measure time
to keep track of the passing of time. benefit a society?



Page 98

Common Mistakes
Learning Techniques
Students commonly confuse
concept maps with diagrams Organizing Information
since both help visually organize
When you do research on a certain topic, you need to choose and organize the important information. One
information. Clarify that concepts way in which you can do this is by making a concept map.
have to be linked with lines and
arrows. Also explain that diagrams Step 1. What is important?
organize information following a
When you choose information, you should Mesoamerica
hierarchy; however, they are not keep in mind that there is more than one
conceptually linked. way to represent it using a concept map. stood out because of
Remember that the important ideas and
the relationship between these should
its civilizations, such as
be understood with one simple reading.
For example:
the Mayas the Aztecs

Step 2. How do I make a concept map?

• Read the information that you will use.

• Underline the key words and expressions. Make a list of these and decide what the main
ideas are and what the secondary ideas are.
• Identify the central theme, write it down as the main concept, and circle it.
• Identify the other concepts according to how they relate to the main concept and link
them using lines and arrows.
• Add short phrases that give meaning to each arrow and line and make the text easier to
• When you finish, read the map to make sure that whoever reads it will understand it well.

Practice the technique.

1. Use Activity Card 6 to organize the information.
2. Conclude: why it is important to organize information?


Page 99 4th Grade Social Studies

The Chilean National Standardized Exam

Clarifying Concepts
Simce Strategies
Unit 2

Assist students in understanding

Example Question the concept of monotheism and
ask them to relate it to the idea
In this question, you are asked to identify a characteristic of the Maya civilization. of polytheism. Ask them the
following: if polytheism means “to
1 Which of the following was a characteristic of the Maya civilization?
believe and worship more than
A. They were monotheists. one god,” what does monotheism
B. They formed an empire. mean? Explain that mono means
one. Students should be able to
C. They had city-states.
relate all this information and
D. They grew crops on chinampas. state that monotheism is the
belief that there is only one god.

Check your answer

• Choice A is not correct, because the Maya religion was polytheist.

• Choice B is not correct, because it was the Aztecs who formed an empire.
• Choice C is correct, because the Mayas organized themselves into independent city-states that
interacted with one another through a confederation. Possible Difficulties
• Choice D is not correct, because the chinampas were created by the Aztecs.
To answer the Communication
Develop New Skills section in Develop New Skills,
Communication explain that to research means
to systematically investigate
1. Choose one of the following topics, then research and present your results to the class. a topic and to collect as much
– Maya astronomy. information as possible on that
– The importance of war for the Aztecs. subject. To do so, students should
– Why did the Mayas disappear?
– How did the Aztec Empire end?
look for facts and information in
Remember that, to do research, you must
choose relevant information and check
books, encyclopedias, newspapers,
Critical Thinking out books, magazines, and websites that journals, etc. Then they should
will give you reliable information. You can select useful data and facts.
2. Why is it important to know about the history of the use the links that we have recommended
people who inhabited this continent before us? throughout the unit.

Simce es marca registrada del Ministerio de Educación. 99


Pages 100 and 101

What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Part 1
Students should be able to locate What Did You Learn?
the Maya and Aztec civilizations.
Mark the correct answer with an .
Extra Support
Have students work with a world 1. What is the name of the region in which the Maya and Aztec civilizations were located? point

map to locate the region where A. North America. 1

the Mayas and Aztecs settled.
B. South America.
C. Mesoamerica.
Evaluation Part 2
D. The Andes.
Students should identify the
modern-day country in which the
2. In which modern-day country was the Maya civilization located? point
Maya civilization was located.
A. Panama. 1
Extra Support
B. Colombia.
Ask students to use a world
map to locate the modern-day C. Paraguay.
countries where the Maya and D. Guatemala.
Aztec civilization were located.
3. What was the main economic activity of the Mayas and Aztecs? point

Evaluation Part 3 A. Mining. 1

Students should be able to B. Trade.
understand the main economic C. Livestock Farming.
activity of the Mayas and Aztecs.
D. Agriculture.
Extra Support
Ask students to do some research 4. Which concept from the Aztecs is referred to in this description? point

on the central role of farming in These were islands created by the Aztecs to be able to grow crops and 1
the Maya and Aztec civilizations. supply the people of Tenochtitlan with food.
They should focus on the methods
A. Chinampa.
that these civilizations used, their
B. Pochteca.
products, and the relationship of
agriculture with their everyday C. Calpullis.
life. D. Slashing.


soc. studies 4.2.indd 100 13-02-13 16:00

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Unit 2
What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Part 4
Final Evaluation
Students should understand
that the description refers to the
5. Which of the following characteristics is not true about Halach Uinic? point chinampas, which was the method
A. His position was inherited. 1 that the Aztecs developed for
B. He ruled over all of the territory.
C. He ruled the city-state. Extra Support
D. He was supported by officials. Ask students to define chinampas
in their notebooks, focusing on
6. What was a difference between the political organization of the Mayas and the Aztecs? point their characteristics, location, and
A. The Mayas made up a unified state. 1
B. The Aztecs made up a unified state. Evaluation Parts 5 and 6
C. The Aztecs were ruled by the Halach Uinic. Students should identify the
D. The Mayas were ruled by the Supreme Council. characteristics of Halach Uinic
and the political differences
Read the text and answer questions 7 and 8. between the Mayas and the Aztecs.
Extra Support
This city had excellent contact with solid ground because it was linked to the lakeshore by three roads
that were wide enough to fit ten people on horseback at the same time. Furthermore, the city’s water Have students make a
supply was carefully planned and two main aqueducts carried water into the city. comparative chart, focusing on
the functions and attributions
Nigel Davis. Los antiguos reinos de Mexico (The Ancient Kingdoms of Mexico).
Mexico: Background of Economic Culture, 2004. (Adaptation)
of the main political leaders and
representatives and the Maya and
Aztec political organizations.
7. What city is the description about? point

A. Tikal. 1
B. Palenque.
C. Tenochtitlan.
D. Chichen Itza.



Pages 102 and 103

What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Parts 7 and 8

Students should be able to read 8. Which of the following is a characteristic of this city? point

the text and draw conclusions A. It was located on a lake. 1

about the characteristics of B. It was located on solid ground.
C. It was difficult to supply it with water.
Extra Support D. Its roads to get in and out were small.
Ask students to draw an Aztec
city in which there are buildings, Read the text and answer questions 9 and 10.
plazas, temples, lakes, artificial
islands, roads, and aqueducts. It was a type of autonomous clan that had a collective feel to it and shared traditions, customs, and
religion. Each one had a chief for every twenty families and another with a higher rank for every one
hundred families, whose duty it was to watch over the rest of the group.
Evaluation Parts 9 and 10 Editorial Team.
Students should be able to read
the text and draw conclusions
about the organization of the 9. What Aztec structure is described in the text? point

Aztec society, and to identify the A. Calpulli. 1

concept of calpulli.
B. Tlatoani.
Extra Support C. Calpolec.
Have students do research on D. Chinampa.
the social and political function
of the calpulli. They should 10. What was the political importance of this organizational structure? point
understand that it was the basis
A. Its chiefs ruled the empire. 1
of Aztec society.
B. It controlled the political and judicial power.
Evaluation Part 11
C. It was the foundation of Aztec social organization.
Students should understand D. It had the authority to make decisions.
characteristics of the Aztec
religion and beliefs, and identify
11. Which Aztec god received sacrifices and represented unity and war? point
their main god: Huitzilopochtili.
A. Inti. 1
Extra Support
B. Tlaloc.
Have students make files about
C. Quetzalcoatl.
the main characteristics of the
Aztec gods, their representations, D. Huitzilopochtili.
and characteristics.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Unit 2
What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Parts 12, 13, and 14

Read the text and answer questions 12, 13, and 14. Students should understand the
relationship between war, human
Flower wars, a way to find sacrificial victims to strengthen the Sun, were a sacred occupation of the Aztec sacrifices, and the Aztec religion
people and a main part of their military, social, and national life. Through warrior mysticism the Aztecs and beliefs.
practiced their unique world vision, which was founded on the concept and reality of war.
Extra Support
Miguel León-Portadilla. Aztecas-Mexicas. Desarrollo de una civilización originaria (Aztec-Mexicans.
Development of an indigenous civilization). Madrid: Algaba, 2004. (Adaptation) Ask students to write in their
notebooks the meaning of the
flower war.
12. What was the objective of the human sacrifices performed by the Aztecs? What points
was their relationship with war?


13. Show the importance of war for the Aztecs. Use three arguments based on points Look for the tests at the end of the
the text. book, or in digital format in the
Teacher’s Lounge at:

14. What was the relationship between the Aztec religion and war? points

Find T
e st 2


Digital Activities Test 2 Study Page

Explain to students that this Ask students to work on Test 2

evaluation can be done in the Study Page to prepare to take
textbook, but also online at the unit test.
www.pathway.cl, in the
Evaluations section of the
Teacher’s Lounge area.

Test 2 Study Page – Summary

Test 2 Study Page • Summary

Section 1 – The main theory on how America became populated states that groups of
nomad bands crossed from Asia to America by way of the Bering Strait.
The Populating
of America – Other theories state that there were groups of humans that arrived via Secti
maritime routes.
– The first Americans had a simple organization and hunted and gathered
their food.
Section 2 – The Mayas were located in parts of modern-day Guatemala, Mexico, and
El Salvador.
The Mayas
– They organized themselves into city-states, which interacted with each
other through a confederation.
– The head of each city was the Halach Uinic, who was advised by other
state officials.
– The society was hierarchical and divided into five groups: priests, nobility,
merchants, artisans and agricultural workers, and slaves.
– The economy was based on agriculture, usually the “slash and burn”
Section 3 – They had two calendars: one solar calendar and one lunar calendar. They
made important astronomical observations and mathematical calculations.
Development – Monumental architecture was used as an expression of power.
of the Mayas – They were polytheists and attributed natural phenomena to divine powers.

Section 4 – They were located in modern-day Mexico.

The Aztecs – The foundation of the social and political organization was the calpullis.
The head of the government was called the Tlatoani.
– The society was hierarchical. The social groups were: nobility, the
pochtecas, the macehualtin, the serfs, and the slaves.
– Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Empire. It stood out because of its
location on Lake Texcoco and the engineering employed to construct
this city.
Section 5 – The education that children received depended upon the gender and social
class of the child.
Aztec Daily
Life and – Agriculture and trade were the main economic activities.
Culture – They were polytheists and had two calendars. Their main gods were
Quetzalcoatl and Huitzilopochtli.

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Test 2 Study Page • Review

Name: Grade:

Section 1:

Trace the routes on the map that the nomadic bands took to arrive to America.
Consider all the different theories.

Draw the correct symbol.

Bering Strait Polynesian Route

Oceania Route Antarctic Route

Test 2 Study Page – Review

Test 2 Study Page • Review

Sections 2 and 3: Remov Sect
r, and
glue in
Complete the diagram about Maya organization. your

The Mayas Az

Society and
Political Organization Culture Economy



Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

emove Sections 4 and 5:

glue here
wer, a
in you
r Read the text and respond.

Aztec Civilization
Aztec control over different areas was not rigid and there were large territories
within Mesoamerica that were never conquered by them. Besides the independent
states, there were also countless mountains and valleys situated on their war paths
that never were touched by an Aztec army. The empire was more like a series of

glue here
important centers rather than a large government that extended throughout all of
the territory. To increase control over their dominion, the Aztecs especially favored
those peoples who gave the empire their support in the living beings and resources
that they needed to continue warring with their enemies.
Nigel Davies. Los antiguos reinos de Mexico (The Ancient Kingdoms of Mexico).
Mexico: Background of Economic Culture, 2004. (Adaptation)

1. Why do you think commerce was an important economic activity within the political

glue here
structure of the Aztecs?

glue here

2. Use the source to describe three characteristics of the Aztecs.

glue here

Activity Card 5

Activity Card 5
Look at the picture and answer.

1. What natural resources are being extracted?

2. What is the primary economic activity shown in the picture? Explain.

3. Describe the process of extraction that these people are doing.

Activity cards.indd 9 13-02-13 16:03

Activity Card 6 4th Grade Social Studies

Activity Card 6

Religion in Mesoamerica
For the Maya and Aztec peoples, religion According to the worldview of the Mayas
was very important. They thought that gods and Aztecs, there were good gods who gave
controlled the weather and a large part of them light, rain, corn, and abundance. These
the daily tasks of people. Also, they believed deities fought against evil divine powers, or
that successful harvests depended on the those who caused war, hunger, and misery.
intervention of gods. Priests held an important
Among the most important Maya gods were
position in society because they were the
the following: Hunab-Ku, creator of humanity;
ones who communicated with the gods.
Itzamna, god of wisdom; Yam Kaaz, god of
The mission of the priests was to interpret corn; and Chac, god of rain. Notable Aztec
the will of the gods and to know the secrets gods are Huitzilopochtli, god of the Sun and
of nature, which were treated as divine of war, and Quetzalcoatl, god of wisdom.
revelations. These caused society to believe
Both Mayas and Aztecs practiced the ritual
that gods could be generous, and on certain
of human sacrifice to honor their gods and
occasions favor the people. They could
they believed in life after death.
also be very angry at the people and cause
misfortunes to the community if, for example,
they forgot to worship.

Pages 104 and 105

Distribution of Topics in The Chilean National Standardized Exam

Evaluation Simce Mock Evaluation

Simce es marca registrada del Ministerio de Educación.

Unit 1: Geography of America Complete the information.

- Section 1: question 1
- Section 2: question 2 My name is:
- Section 4: question 4 My age is: Date:
- Section 5: question 5
- Section 6: questions 6 and 7 Mark the correct answer with an .
- Section 7: question 8
1 Which of the following countries is located in Central America?

Unit 2: Mesoamerican Civilization A. Mexico.

- Section 1: question 9 B. Ecuador.
- Section 2: questions 10, 11, 12, C. Suriname.
and 15 D. Honduras.
- Section 3: questions 15 and 16
- Section 4: questions 12, 14,
Look at the physical map of America and answer questions 2 and 3.
and 15
- Section 5: questions 13 and 15


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

4th Grade

2 What form of terrain does number 1 represent on the map?

A. Sierra Madres.
B. Brazilian Shield.
C. Isthmus of Panama.
D. Amazon River Basin.

3 What form of terrain does number 2 represent on the map?

A. Sierra Madres.
B. Guiana Shield.
C. Canadian Shield.
D. Rocky Mountains.

Read the text and answer question 4.

This river is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The recognition for this is shared by Peru, Bolivia,
Brazil, Ecuador, Suriname, Venezuela, Guyana, and French Guiana. The basin of this river is the most
significant in South America. It is also the longest basin and the one with the most water.
Editorial Team

4 What river is being described?

A. Parana River.
B. Orinoco River.
C. Amazon River.
D. Rio de la Plata.


Pages 106 and 107

Simce Mock Evaluation MR

5 Which form of terrain located in South America functions as a divider of climates?

A. The Pampa.
B. Brazilian Shield.
C. Guiana Shield.
D. Andes Mountain Range.

Read the text and answer question 6.

Peter has tried to find a better job so he can maintain his family. To be able to do this, he has decided
to go to the capital and live there for a while.

6 What demographic concept is described in this situation?

A. Death.
B. Emigration.
C. Immigration.
D. Growth.

7 Regarding the population distribution in America, which is correct?

A. There is a high population density in urban areas.

B. There is a large population found in rural areas.
C. The population is concentrated in mountainous regions at a high altitude.
D. There is a high population density in the Caribbean.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

4th Grade

8 Which of the following shows a correct relationship between climate and landscape?
A. Mediterranean climate – steppe.
B. Warm climate – Amazonian rainforest.
C. Cold climate – a lot of vegetation.
D. Temperate climate – permanent presence of snow.

9 Which theory about the populating of America is described here?

They crossed from Asia to America without realizing it. Due to the effects of the ice age, a natural
passage formed between two continents, and it is probable that humans crossed over it without
knowing they had done so.
Editorial Team
A. Route through Oceania.
B. Route from Antarctica.
C. Route from Polynesia.
D. Route via the Bering Strait.

10 Which civilization is described here?

This was an American civilization that was located in the modern-day countries of Mexico,
Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. They built cities such as Chichen Itza, Palenque, and
Tikal. The peak of their development occurred between the 4th and 9th centuries.
Editorial Team
A. Incas.
B. Mayas.
C. Aztecs.
D. Olmecs.


Eval soc4-1.indd 107 13-02-13 16:04

Pages 108 and 109

Simce Mock Evaluation MR

11 Which is a characteristic of the Maya civilization?

A. They settled in the middle of a large lake.
B. The foundation of their political organization was the city-state.
C. They maintained their power by invading their neighbors.
D. They created a network of roads to improve communication.

12 In which cultural region were the Mayas and Aztecs located?

A. Andean Region.
B. Mesoamerica.
C. South America.
D. Central America.

Read the text and answer question 13.

They were pieces of artificial ground built on the lakes and canals and irrigated by the surrounding
waters. It is not known if they were really “floating gardens.” In spite of the many references to mobile
gardens that floated in the water, the majority of studies reject this idea. It is known, though, that they
were built in all of the lakes of the valley, including Lake Texcoco.
Charles Gibson. Los aztecas bajo el dominio español (The Aztecs under Spanish Rule), 1519-1810. Mexico: 21st Century, 1964.

13 Which technological advancement is described in the fragment?

A. Calmecac.
B. Chinampa.
C. Macehualtin.
D. Tenochtitlan.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

4th Grade

Read the text and answer question 14.

The term “calpulli” means “large home,” and is used to refer to social units of the Aztec society which
were made up of a group of fictitious relatives. In other words, these were people who believed they
were all descendents of the same ancestor. The chief of these groups was the calpullec. He came
from within the same family and was selected by the other members of the calpulli. He held this
position for his entire life.
Osvaldo Silva. Civilizaciones prehispánicas de América (Pre-Columbian Civilizations in America) Santiago: Universitaria, 2006.

14 What conclusion can you draw from the text?

A. The calpulli was a group of people chosen by the Tlatoani.
B. The calpulli was a military group led by the calpullec.
C. The calpulli was a social organization based on familial relationships.
D. The calpulli was in charge of ruling the Aztecs.

Answer the questions.

15 Describe two similarities between the Aztecs and the Mayas.

16 Explain the contributions the Mayas made to Astronomy and Mathematics.


Answer Key
Unit 2
Pages 64-65 What Do You Know?

a. Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, and part of Honduras.
b. Mexico.
c. Students should understand and be able to differentiate between both concepts. Civilization can refer to the
material and technological developments carried out by a society that can be measured by the society’s scientific,
technical, and economic knowledge. Culture can be understood as a particular way of life of a people, a period,
or a group, as well as the works and practices of intellectual and especially artistic activity.

Section 1
Page 66 Practicing

1. Humans would have followed two maritime routes that allowed them to reach America: the Oceanic route,
in which humans could have crossed the Pacific Ocean on rafts and arrived at the southern tip of South
America, and the Polynesian route, in which humans could have travelled by ships from Polynesia to the
coasts of America.

Page 67 Summarizing

2. Students should represent the lives of the first Americans in a text or drawing. To evaluate them, check if
students refer to some characteristics of the first Americans, like their nomadic way of life (hunting, gathering
fruits), their huts, early division of labor, etc.

Quiz Yourself

1. The most accepted theory that explains how America was populated by humans is the Bering Strait theory
in which it is stated that the Bering Strait was covered with ice during the ice age, which helped people and
animals pass from Asia to America.
2. The development of agriculture allowed groups to become sedentary. This development was achieved after
observing the cycles of vegetables, cereals, and fruits. This permitted people to create systems of cultivation
and harvest. After mastering this, they could also domesticate animals. As a result, they became sedentary.

4th Grade Social Studies

Section 2
Page 68 Activities

• The existence of city-states and confederations in the Maya civilization can help us understand the independence
of the different cities that composed this society. It allowed them to have their own dialect and control
over their territories. Moreover, the existence of confederations meant that there was political agreement
between the different cities for a specific purpose (military defense), and that all of them maintained their
independence. It was the League of Mayapan which united the cities Chichen Itza, Mayapan, and Uxmal.
• After the League of Mayapan ended, political power was divided into small dominions that were led by a
Halach Uinic (head leader of a city-state), who was helped by officials such as Ah Holpop (political and
religious delegate), Nacom (head military chief), Ahuacan (head priest), the Tupiles (who kept public order
and upheld the law), Bataboob (governors of smaller cities), and Ah Cuch Caboob (chiefs of the towns that
surrounded the cities).

Page 69 Activities

• The groups that had the most privileges were the priests, the nobility (war chiefs and government officials),
and merchants. The only possible way to become part of this group was through birth, and its members
lived from what agricultural workers produced because the workers had to pay to the nobility a third of
their production.
• The Maya society is represented as a pyramid because it shows its members’ hierarchy. At the bottom of
the pyramid are the less privileged people, and at the top, the most privileged, small, and powerful group
of people.

Page 70 Activities

• The Maya agricultural work was based on the slash-and-burn method, which meant taking out the wild
plants, drying the ground, burning the leftover branches, planting seeds, and then waiting for it to rain to
be able to harvest the corn. The problem with this method is that the soil loses its minerals. For this reason,
the Mayas built their houses close to these lands and waited for the appropriate time to be able to plant
again; this prevented the population from settling around urban centers.
• The Mayas planted corn (the primary food item), cotton, sweet potatoes, yucca, and cocoa. Their agricultural
work was based on the slash-and-burn method.

Activity Card 5

1. Agricultural and forestry resources are being extracted. People are collecting cotton, rubber, and cocoa.
2. It is possible to infer from the image that the main economic activities in Maya society were agriculture
and natural resources extraction.
3. People are extracting the main natural resources in the Maya society. These raw materials were
extracted from plants (cotton) and trees (cocoa and rubber).

Page 71 Activities

• Maya daily life was structured by their economic activities: the day began when women rose to prepare a
breakfast of corn tortillas. Then, men and their sons would go to the fields to pick corn and hunt animals.
Women would weave cotton and cook during the day. When the men returned home, they would eat, and
then work on carving objects from wood or jade.
• Women would be in charge of preparing meals and of weaving cotton. Men would focus on harvesting
vegetables and hunting animals. Also, they would occupy their time by carving objects.

Page 72 Practicing

Nobility Artisans and agricultural workers Slaves

The nobility was a group Artisans and agricultural workers Slaves were the least privileged
that controlled the political made up the majority of the group. They were prisoners
power. It was only possible Maya society. Artisans had the of war, criminals, or children
to become part of this group responsibility of creating objects of slaves. Most of them were
through birth. War chiefs and that the nobility used in their used as sacrifices during the
government officials made up homes. Agricultural workers lived Maya rituals.
this group. in the surrounding areas of the
cities and had to pay a third of
their produce to the nobility; thus,
farmers had to maintain them.

a. Maya society had a hierarchical organization because there was a powerful minority that had all the
political control, which was the nobility. They were maintained by the farmers, and they could also use
some luxurious accessories produced by artisans.

4th Grade Social Studies

2. Civilization is:
the political, material, and technological development carried out by a society
a. a complex and central political system.
b. the production of scientific, technical, economic, and cultural knowledge.

Section 3
Page 74 Activities

• The Mayas made important astronomical observations, created a numerical system (which included the
concept of empty, or zero) and made some mathematical advances, used their own hieroglyphic writing
system to record events, and created a solar calendar.
• The Mayas reached a level of great cultural development because they could understand and scientifically
discover facts about nature and the world, such as their astronomical observations, mathematical calculations,
writing system, calendars, and architecture.

Page 75 Activities

• The Mayas built important ceremonial centers and used them as the headquarters of the city-state. These
expressed their political and religious power. They also functioned as temples.
• Their large pyramids were used as temples, palaces, and astronomical observatories.

Page 77 Activities

• People were created after many failed attempts by the Maya gods. First, the gods created the animals, but
they did not have a voice to praise the gods; thus, the gods created a person out of clay, but this did not
have intelligence. Consequently, they tried again and made people out of wood, but these did not have
hearts or memory; after this, the gods created people from straw, but these could not communicate. Finally,
the Maya gods made true humans out of white and yellow corn.
• The main Maya god is Itzam Na, the lizard god, who is the architect and creator of the universe and the
world. Other gods are Kukulcan (a two-headed snake), that shows the passing of the Sun through the sky,
and Venus, whose skull represented sacrifices.

Page 78 Practicing

1. This activity aims to foster students’ research skills. They should choose a Maya city and find its current
location, which will help them exercise spatial and temporal location. They should also identify buildings that
stand out in this city and state some general and important characteristics of the chosen city. The drawing
should represent the city’s architecture and planning.
a. The text presents the development of astrology and the use of mathematical knowledge. It explains the
predictions of the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets. All of these predictions have been proven

Page 79 Summarizing

1. Zero: the Mayas created complex mathematical calculations and a numerical system that was based on
the number twenty. This system included the concept of empty, or zero, and it allowed them to work with
large quantities.
2. Monuments: Their knowledge of architecture allowed them to build monumental buildings that expressed
their political and religious power.
3. Kukulcan: Two-headed snake god that represents the passing of the Sun through the sky.
4. Tikal: urban center and archeological site with temples that are more than 70 meters high. It was declared
a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979, and is located in the Peten region, Guatemala.
5. Venus: Goddess whose skull represented the sacrifices.
6. Pyramids: They stood out within the cities and were used as temples, palaces, and astronomical observatories.
7. Calendar: In the Maya system of thought, time was an essential idea, which is why two calendars were
created by this society. One was a solar calendar that had 365 days and regulated both civil and agricultural
activities; the other was a lunar calendar with 260 days and regulated religious activities.

4th Grade Social Studies

1. The Mayas developed complex knowledge of mathematics

and astronomy. They created a numerical system based on
astronomy and the number twenty which allowed them to work with large
mathematics quantities. In astronomy, they could predict the movements
of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon. They also created
two separate calendars: one lunar and one solar.

The Mayas were polytheists, meaning they believed in

various gods. They conceived the universe as divided into
Maya Culture beliefs three parts: the sky, the Earth, and the underworlds. Also,
they believed that the gods created people after many

Due to their advanced technical and mathematical

knowledge, the Mayas were able to built important
architecture buildings. Their main monuments were pyramids that
functioned as temples, palaces, and astronomical

Pages 80-81 Let’s Check

Complete the table about the Maya social organization.


What were the different social groups? The social groups were the following: priests, the nobility, merchants,
artisans and agricultural workers, and slaves.

Who governed? Mention two roles Within every city-state, there was a political leader named Halach Uinic.
that this person had. Among his responsibilities, he had to designate the Bataboob (rulers in
smaller cities) and uphold the law.

Mention one characteristic of the artisans Artisans made clothes and objects that the nobility wore to signal their social
and one of the agricultural workers. class. The agricultural workers had to pay a third of their produce to the

1. The Maya city-states were independent and had their own dialects and territorial control. They had great
monuments, such as pyramids, that functioned as temples, palaces, and astronomical observatories.

2. The Mayas achieved great advances in mathematics and astronomy. They created a numerical system based
on the number twenty which allowed them to work with large quantities. In Astronomy, they could predict
the movements of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon.
3. The Mayas solved the problem of not having enough land for cultivation with two techniques: shifting cultivation
(to work the land temporarily and then abandon it), and the slash-and-burn method (cut down and burn
forests to create fields).
4. A consequence of the gradual erosion of the fertile lands that the Maya people had to face was that they had
to expand their territory and build their houses far from the cities.

Section 4
Page 82 Activities
• It is said that the Aztecs were made up of a combination of cultures from Mesoamerica because they were influenced
by the Mesoamerican peoples that had settled in the region: the Teotihuacan and the Toltec.
• The Aztecs came from a hunting, nomadic people that traveled from the north of the central high plains of Mexico;
and, around the year 1200, they settled on the plateau of this area on the banks of Lake Texcoco.

Page 83 Activities

• The calpullis were the main unit of Aztec organization. These were clans of families who were descendants
of the same mythological ancestor. They were owners of a plot of land, and had some independence with
their own schools and temples.
• The Tlatoani worked with the Supreme Council (made up of members of the nobility), judges, priests
(Cihuacoatl), and warrior chiefs (Calpolec).

Page 84 Activities
• The Aztec society was very rigid and social mobility was almost impossible; however, this was only achieved
by merit or prestige earned through a military career or priesthood.
• Slaves were at the bottom of the Aztec society. They did not have rights and were controlled by their masters.
Many of them were used as offerings during religious sacrifices.

Page 85 Practicing

a. War was a crucial element in Aztec society and politics, and, consequently, warrior training was of extreme
importance. A warrior was very well regarded and to be part of the military was an honor; for this reason,
boys were taught from early childhood to become warriors.

4th Grade Social Studies

b. Aztec boys could not be raised in their parents’ homes because they had to be taught how to fight and
become warriors.


2. The Tlatoani was the highest authority and he was a military chief, supreme
judge, and representative judge. He shared his power with the Supreme
Political Council (which was made up of the capullec). There was also the Cihuacoatl
(chief of the priests) and the Calpolec (authority and warrior chief).
Aztec society was very rigid and hierarchically organized. At the top of
the social organization was the Tlatoani, then the nobility and merchants,
and the people were made up of agricultural workers, laborers, and
artisans. The lowest social position was held by serfs and slaves.

Page 86 Activities

• Tenochtitlan was the Aztec capital, and it stands out because of its large buildings and urban design. It was
founded in 1320 on an artificially expanded island on Lake Texcoco. The city had a network of canals used
by canoes, aqueducts that supplied the city with fresh water, public fountains, and a drainage system. Its
center was formed by two large ceremonial grounds with large pyramids dedicated to their gods, plazas,
temples, palaces, areas to play ball, and administrative centers. In the center, the market of Tlateloco was
• Students should mention the ancient prophesy that led the Aztecs to found Tenochtitlan and explain how
the city was planned and built.

Page 88 Practicing
a. The Aztec civilization, specifically in Tenochtitlan, maintained itself with tributes. These were usually paid
by towns that were subject to Aztec power.
b. The sovereigns of Tenochtitlan would receive food, raw materials for construction, crafts, paper, clothes,
or minerals as tributes.
a. The Aztecs were influenced by the Teotihuacan and the Toltecs.
b. The Calpulli was made up of the capullec. All the capullec gathered in the Supreme Council to help the
Tlatoani, who was the highest authority.

Page 89 Summarizing

Criteria Mayas Aztecs
Location The Yucatan Peninsula (part of Current Mexico.
Mexico), Belize, Guatemala, El
Salvador, and part of Honduras.

Political Organization Political power was divided into The Tlatoani was the highest authority and
independent and confederate city- was a military chief, supreme judge, and
states which were lead by a Halach representative judge. He shared his power
Uinic (head leader of a city-state), with the Supreme Council (which was made
who was helped by officials such as up of capullec). There was also Cihuacoatl
Ah Holpop (political and religious (chief of the priests) and the Calpolec
delegate), Nacom (head military (authority and warrior chief). There were also
chief), Ahuacan (head priest), the calpullis, which were the main unit of Aztec
Tupiles (who kept public order and organization. These were clans of families who
upheld the law), Bataboob (governors were descendants of the same mythological
of smaller cities), and Ah Cuch ancestor. They owned a plot of land, and had
Caboob (chiefs of the towns that some independence with their own schools
surrounded the cities). and temples.

Social Organization Maya society was rigid and The Aztec society was rigid and hierarchically
hierarchically organized and divided organized. At the top of the social organization
into five groups. At the top of their was the Tlatoani, then the nobility and
society were the priests, then the merchants; the people were made up of
nobility and merchants; followed by agricultural workers, laborers, and artisans.
the artisans and agricultural workers, The lowest social position was held by serfs
and finally the slaves. and slaves.

Quiz Yourself

1. Students should describe Aztec society as rigid and hierarchically organized, with marked classes and with
almost impossible social mobility. This was only achieved by merit or prestige.
2. The calpullis were the main unit of Aztec organization. These were clans of families who were descendants
of the same mythological ancestor. They were owners of a plot of land, and had some independence with
their own schools and temples. The head of a callpulli was a calpullec, who was part of the Supreme Council,
which helped the Tlatoni.

4th Grade Social Studies

Section 5
Page 90 Activities
• Education was mandatory; however, this depended on social position and gender. For instance, women received
an education from their mothers to learn how to do household chores. Men, if they were nobles, were sent to the
calmecac, a boarding school that prepared them for the public position they would hold in their adult lives; and if
the boys were from other social position, they would be sent to the telpochcalli, a military school.
• “Daily life depended on the commands of the gods” means that religion was fundamental in the Aztec daily life.
Regardless of the social position, the daily lives of both Aztec men and women were regulated by their religious
beliefs. Moreover, religion gave meaning to their lives.

Page 91 Activities
• The Aztec’s main economic activities were agriculture and trade. Similar to the Mayas, the Aztecs developed
their agriculture based on the slash-and-burn method, but they also created the chinampas. Commercial
activities were largely done in markets.
• The chinampas were man-made islands used as gardens that were built and then placed on the lake
bed of the Texcoco. The land of the chinampas was fertilized with guano and their main crops were corn,
tomatoes, cocoa, beans, chili peppers, and peppers.
• The author (Hernán Cortés) describes the Plaza of Tlatelolco as a large place, with a great variety of goods,
such as jewels, animals, herbs, etc.

Page 93 Activities

• Students should be able to choose and explain their option. Their argumentation should be based on the
descriptions given in the texts and on the illustrations.
• Students should refer to polytheism and the existence of lunar and solar calendars.

Pages 94-95 Practicing

a. The pochtecas were important in Aztec commerce and society because they were merchants who traded
in slaves, metals, tobacco, cocoa, animals, paper, wheat, and other products.
b. Students should quote the last part of the text where it says: precious metals, tobacco, cocoa, animals,
paper, wheat, and other products.

Answer Key
Page 95 Summarizing

3. Students should summarize some aspects of Aztec culture using the concepts that appear in this activity and
focusing on their economy and beliefs. Students should be able to explain that Aztec society was complex
and that they tried to adapt and control their environment, as they made chinampas (artificial islands on which
they were able to farm). Also they should be able to refer to the influences of other societies (their polytheism),
or the creation of Aztec calendars.

Quiz Yourself
• Characteristics of their education: Education was mandatory; however, it depended on gender and social
position. The nobility had their own schools, and women were educated by their mothers.
• Characteristics of their economy: The main economic activities were agriculture and commerce.
• Characteristics of their religion: They were polytheists, they believed in gods that were related to nature and
war. They had rituals and sacrifices, and followed a lunar and solar calendar.

Pages 96-97 Real Life Connections

Language Skills
• Mayas and Aztecs had two calendars, a solar (365 days) and a lunar (260 days) that organized their
civil and religious time. Both calendars measured a larger cycle, the creation of the universe. The Aztecs
represented both calendars in the Sun Stone, which in its center is the face of the Sun.
• The Aztecs inherited this calendar from the Mayas on which they were able to keep track of the passing
of time. They should base their answers on textual and digital references.

Math Skills
• Students should apply the knowledge acquired in this unit. When making an annual calendar, they should
understand the criterion they will use to divide time into days, months, and years.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 98 Learning Techniques

1. Students should be able to organize the information present in a text by making a concept map. It is important
that students should be able to understand the parts that compose a concept map: main concept, sub
concepts, themes, and characteristics. All of these have to be linked with lines and arrows.

Religion in Mesoamerica

in their

Main priests system of thought

it was there were
believed that

the gods were important good gods


bad gods
time they communicated
with gods

life interpreted the gods’


agriculture knew the secrets of the


life after death

sacrificed humans

2. Students should conclude that it is important to organize information because this helps deal with information
and visualize its contents.

Answer Key
Page 99 Simce Strategies

Develop New Skills

1. Students should develop these skills by doing research on historical subjects. Students should become
familiarized with choosing and selecting relevant information from books, magazines, and websites. Also, their
oral expression should be fostered since after they have finished, they should present their work to the class.
2. Students should develop their critical thinking skills, reflecting on the purpose of history. They should understand
that knowing about ancient American civilizations is very important because it will help them appreciate and
respect other ways of life, cultures, and our relationship with them.

Pages 100-103 What Did You Learn?

12. The Aztecs believed that human sacrifices would make the Sun stronger; thus, they normally carried out
flower wars in which they tried to find sacrificial victims.
13. War was very important for the Aztecs because it helped them find sacrificial victims, which were offered to
the gods. Consequently, war was not only related to the military sphere, but involved their social, national,
cultural, and religious matters. In fact, it was a basis for their system of thought.
14. War and religion in Aztec society were closely related because the former was the means by which Aztecs
could find victims for their sacrifices that were offered to their gods. Thus, war was considered a ritual, and,
as such, an important complement to their religion.

4th Grade Social Studies

Test 2 Study Page – Review

Sections 2 and 3

The Mayas

Society and Culture

Political Organization Economy

Political power was divided The Maya society was rigid The Maya economy was
into independent and and hierarchically organized based on agriculture
confederate city-states and divided into five groups. and commerce. Their
that were lead by a Halach At the top of their society agricultural work used the
Uinic (head leader of a city- were the priests, then the slash-and-burn method.
state), who was helped by nobility and merchants, The Mayas planted corn
officials such as Ah Holpop followed by the artisans and (their primary food item),
(political and religious agricultural workers, and cotton, sweet potatoes,
delegate), Nacom (head finally the slaves. yucca, and cocoa, and
military chief), Ahuacan extracted rubber.
(head priest), the Tupiles The Mayas developed com-
(who kept public order and plex knowledge of mathe-
upheld the law), Bataboob matics and astronomy, built
(governors of smaller cities), enormous temples, and
and Ah Cuch Caboob created their own writing
(chiefs of the towns that system.
surrounded the cities).

Sections 4 and 5
1. The Aztecs established important military relationships with some peoples that surrounded Tenochtitlan.
This allowed pochtecas to move freely throughout the Aztec territory and be able to barter their goods with
other peoples.
2. Aztecs established treaties with some peoples that were close to their cities. The Aztec empire was a series
of important centers rather than a large government. To increase their control over their dominion, the Aztecs
favored people who supported the empire rather than resisting it.

Answer Key
Simce Mock Evaluation
15. The Aztecs inherited many elements and characteristics from the Mayas. Among them were their polytheism
and use of calendars: a solar calendar (365 days) and a lunar calendar (260 days). Also, both civilizations
built monumental buildings, such as pyramids, temples, etc.
16. The Mayas created a numerical system that was based on the number twenty, and predicted the movements
of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon.

4th Grade Social Studies


Pages 110 and 111

Digital Activities Unit 3

To begin the unit, use the
presentation found in the
Multimedia Presentation section
The Incas and the
in the Teacher’s Lounge at
www.pathway.cl. Indigenous Peoples of Chile
Key Words





In this unit you will learn to:

• understand the Inca civilization by considering its location and social and political situation.
• characterize the culture of the Inca civilization.
• identify the primary characteristics of the indigenous peoples of Chile.
• value cultural development and past cultures in Chilean territory.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Initial Evaluation

With students, analyze the

What Do You Know? Initial Evaluation
picture on pages 110 and 111
and talk about the landscape
1. Identify the image that matches each and the people who appear
description and circle it in the matching color.
there. Ask question such as:
a. The Sapa Inca, or “Great Inca,” was What geographical features are
always dressed in elaborate clothing and present in the picture? How is
covered with symbols of power. He was the landscape? Are there signs
carried on the shoulders of his followers of agricultural development
because it was believed that if he touched
and livestock production in the
the ground it would cause an earthquake.
picture? To what civilization do you
b. The chasquis, or messengers, were young think these people belong? Who
men that would run through the empire
delivering messages to the Great Inca.
is the main person in the picture?
How is he dressed? Why do you
c. The Incas lived on land that was not flat,
so to cultivate crops they created terraces
think he is being carried?
on the slopes of the hills.

2. Mark the modern-day countries that formed

part of the Inca territory with a and those
that did not with an . Possible Difficulties
Bolivia Ecuador
Students might have difficulties
Chile Peru identifying the modern-day
countries that formed part of
Brazil Argentina the Inca territory. Help them in
answering this activity and show
3. Mark the indigenous peoples of Chile that students a political map. Locate
were influenced by the Incas with a and Peru on the map and explain
those that were not with an . that the Incas originated in this
country. Explain that the Inca
Atacamas Mapuche civilization expanded from there.
Chono Diaguitas

Selk’nam Changos


Soc studies 4.3.indd 111 13-02-13 16:12


Pages 112 and 113


1 The Incas
Organization Connecting
Inca Territory
UNIT 3: The Incas were one of the largest South American civilizations
The Incas and the Indigenous to live on the American continent in the past. Their culture
Peoples of Chile has amazed those who later settled in the same territory.

Section 1: The Incas Geographic Location

Geographic Location The Inca civilization was located in the southwestern part
Political Organization of South America, in parts of modern-day Colombia, Peru,
Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. The backbone of this large
Social Organization
territory was the Andes Mountain Range. The capital was
Road and Courier Systems the city of Cuzco, which means the navel of the world in
Cultivation Methods the Quechua language, and from there each Great Inca or
ruler expanded the Inca territory. belly button

The area under Inca influence was called Tahuantinsuyo.

It was divided into four zones or “suyos,” according to the
four cardinal directions:

• Chinchaysuyo was the region located to the northwest INCAPROVINCES


Possible Difficulties of Cuzco, from the northern coast of Peru into Ecuador.

• Kontisuyo was the area made up of the southern coast KK

Students might find it difficult to of Peru to the southwest of Cuzco. R. Chubut

Modern-day cities

relate the Tahuantinsuyo territory • Kollasuyo was the region located south of Cuzco and ALTITUDE

to modern-day countries when included the northern parts of Chile and Argentina. 3,000toto6,000
6,000 K
3,000 Modern-day cities
looking at the map on page 112, • Anitsuyo was the region located in the jungle and mountainous
250 600
in meters

0 0toto250
250 3,000 to 6,000

because the map displayed is not regions to the east of Cuzco.

1,000 to 3,000
600 to 1,000
250 to 600

a current political map. To assist 0 to 250

with this, have students work

with an atlas and identify each Activities
country that made up the Did You Know...?
• What region of
Inca Empire. Inca territory covered a very large area because Tahuantinsuyo did
each time the Great Inca died, the wealth and land Northern Chile belong to?
he had accumulated in his life were not inherited
by his successor. Instead, the next Great Inca had • Why do you think the
to make his own fortune and conquer his own Incas divided their
land, each time farther and farther from Cuzco. territory?

112 Unit 3 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Characterize the social and political organization of the Incas

In 5 Minutes

Discuss the Coya, the Sapa Inca’s

Political Organization main wife. In order to marry the
Sapa Inca, she had to be part of
The Inca civilization maintained a policy of conquest. This means they Inca Organization
the nobility of Cusco; sometimes,
spent a lot of time trying to conquer new lands, either by war or trying
to have the people give the land over to them. When taking over a new she would be the Inca’s sister
territory,, the Incas imposed their culture on the peoples they conquered. because their bloodline had to be
These peoples had to learn the official language called Quechua, maintained. Although the Coya did
practice the official religion, and worship the Sun God, or Inti. not have direct political power, she
The Inca territory also included a network of paths or roads that had influence over the Sapa Inca’s
were used by the tucuyricuy or “the one who sees all,” who
decisions. Her role was mainly
traveled in disguise throughout Tahuantinsuyo, enforcing the
laws of the Incas. forced them related to rituals and religious
to accept matters because she was a sacred
At the head of the government was the Sapa Inca, or Great figure. The Coya represented the
Inca, also known as the Great One. He was the representative
Moon and the Sapa Inca, the Sun.
of the gods on Earth, and the ruler of all: land, animals,
plants, and people. He was responsible for administration,
organizing public works, and supplying the people with
what they needed, as he decided what food to grow and in
what quantity. The Great Inca could have many wives, but
his main wife or coya was his sister. In order to produce
the next ruler they believed they had to keep the bloodline
pure and the order of succession hereditary. passed from
parent to child

There was also a council that advised the Great Inca. This
council was made up of the Great Inca’s son (the heir to power),
the governing officials from each suyo, the high priest, the army
general, and a wise man who educated the upper class. The political
structure of the Incas also included a person called the apunchic,
or provincial governor, who could make administrative decisions and
administer justice. At the community level there was the ayllu, or a group
of families whose high leader was the curaca. The curaca was in charge
of collecting tributes or taxes and administering justice.
The Incan language was called
of an area away
from the city Quechua. Many words that we
use in Chile today come from
Activities this language, such as
chasquilla, guagua, cancha,
• What do you think about the Great Inca using the tucuyricuy to poroto, and choclo
control the people?
• What responsibilities and authority did the Great Inca have?



Pages 114 and 115

Common Mistakes
Section 1 / The Incas

Students might confuse the

yanaconas with slaves. Explain Social Organization
that the yanaconas were not
The social structure of the Incas was a hierarchical pyramid. Did You Know...?
slaves, but individuals who
worked for the nobility or the The mita was a system of public
State in a great variety of service every citizen of the empire
had to do. It was used to build
occupations. Sometimes the Inca important buildings, roads, and
State would hire them and send other infrastructure for the State.
them to different regions of the
The nobility were
Tahuantinsuyo. Also, they could made up of priests,
own property and sometimes had army leaders, high The royalty were the
their own farms. government officials, Sapa Inca and his family.
and the curacas. This was the highest
They had certain position in their society.
privileges like having
more than one wife,
not having to pay
taxes, and using The peasants and
status symbols to conquered peoples
demonstrate their were part of the
power. ayllus. They were the
main workforce and
were obligated to be
monogamous and to
live a simple life. They
In 5 Minutes The yanaconas
had to work for the
State by serving in the
were servants for armed forces for a
life. They did basic while, or working the
Talk about the mit’a (as it was domestic jobs land to pay the mita.
spelled in Quechua) with students. and also higher
Explain that it was a system of marry only
one person
public service that every Inca
citizen had to do. It was used to
carry out projects such as public
building, build roads, or work the The social organization of the Incas was based on reciprocity and • Explain what reciprocity and
government lands. In the mit’a, redistribution. For example, all members of the community participated redistribution mean.
the government transported many in farming or agricultural work, and the products would be distributed
people to perform various public among the participants. Also, the ayllus received products from different • What are the characteristics
parts of the empire as a reward for their work. of the yanaconas?
works. Men of 18 to 50 years old
were required to participate in
the mit’a.
114 Unit 3 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Characterize the social and political organization of the Incas

Clarifying Concepts

Practicing Two key concepts that may help

students understand the Inca
1. Look at the diagram of reciprocity and redistribution and explain the concept using your own words. political, social, and religious
organization are reciprocity and
CES TO redistribution. Reciprocity can
GRE be understood as “a mutual or
The curaca cooperative interchange of favors
gives a record of
the distributed
or privileges between two parts.”
The curaca gives
products to the For example, if a person or group
The Great part of his products
Great Inca. to the Great Inca. of people helped another group,
Inca gives
gifts to the The curaca the latter would have to reward
curaca. redistributes that work. Redistribution can
OR gifts to the
ST community.
be understood as, “the state
HE or manner of being distributed
RODUCTS TO THE AYLLUS again.” For instance, in the Inca
society this occurred with the food
that was produced, which was
distributed or spread among
the society.

Digital Activities
2. Explain the structure and characteristics of each group in Inca society. Explain
3. Describe the political organization of the Incas. Describe Ask students to learn more about
the Incas by visiting



Pages 116 and 117

In 5 Minutes Section 1 / The Incas

With students, talk about

Pachacutec or Pachacuti Inca Road and Courier Systems
Yupanqui, who was the ninth joining together
The Incas had a very large territory, so to help administrative organization,
Sapa Inca and responsible for communication, and connections between the different regions, a network Inca Road Network
transforming the Inca territory into of roads and messengers was created. Even before the consolidation
the Tahuantinsuyu or Inca Empire. of Tahuantinsuyo there were roads, thanks to the first Great Inca,
He conquered many territories Pachacutec. These roads were the start of the great roads
and many Andean peoples, after to come, because Pachacutec realized that they were
which he was regarded as “son of a way to keep the conquered peoples under control.
the Sun.” He led a very important The system of roads was built as a network that
military campaign against the extended from Cuzco to the farthest towns in the
Chanca people with whom the territory, covering more than 50,000 kilometers in
all directions. The State owned the roads as well
Inca had sovereignty disputes.
as the bridges and shelters. It employed people
Pachacuti is the first Sapa Inca to maintain and patrol the roads, and restrict the
whose life has been documented common people from moving freely on them.
The shelters or resting stations were an important
part of the system. The Incas called them tambos,
and they were located every 20 kilometers so that
officials and soldiers could rest and stock up on
supplies. They also had to feed the llamas they
used to transport heavy cargo. They used llamas
because they did not yet know about the wheel.
This network of roads allowed for a courier system
that used chasquis, or messengers. These men were
trained to run quickly and for long periods of time to deliver
and receive news and messages from different places all
over Tahuantinsuyo. The chasquis would run from one tambo to
another, where they would find another messenger ready to relieve the
previous one. The message would be passed on like this until it reached
the Great Inca. take over for

Activities Fun Fact!

• Why was it important for the Great Inca to have a network of roads The mascot for the
and a courier system? 2004 America Cup held
• What was the role of the chasquis? in Peru was a chasqui.

116 Unit 3 / History

Soc studies 4.3.indd 116 13-02-13 16:13

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Possible Difficulties
Characterize the social and political organization of the Incas

Show students some pictures

Cultivation Methods in which they can observe some
Challenge quipus. Emphasize that quipus
The most important economic activity of the Incas was agriculture. Although
some of the older indigenous peoples had already developed and used
(or khipus) were knotted-string
Do you eat any of the foods
advanced ways of farming, the Incas took this knowledge and made it that the Incas used to
devices that were used for
better. In this way they were able to use the soil to its best advantage grow? What is your favorite recording both statistical and
and overcome problems caused by the geography and diverse climate. way to eat it? Write a recipe narrative information. Incas used
Different products were cultivated in each region, and the administration that uses one of these this device to keep track of the
was responsible for distributing them throughout the territory. The most foods. Make sure to include
mit’a, to take a census of their
common products were: potatoes, corn, beans, chili peppers, tomatoes, clear directions and draw a
picture. population, and to record various
peanuts, cotton, and quinoa.
kinds of information.
Lissette Campos

Agricultural production
was created on a system of
terraces that were built on
the slopes of the mountains
or hills. All of these terraces
together formed large steps
on which crops were grown.
With this system, they were
able to use water more
efficiently. This was because
there were canals that
Agricultural terraces, Peru. brought water through the
different levels of the terraces.
In order to monitor agricultural production, how much food was stored, Clarifying Concepts
the fulfillment of the mita, the number of inhabitants, and other important
information, the Incas created a recording system called the quipu. This
was a rope that had different colored ropes tied to it with different types
Explain how the Incas used
of knots that represented numbers. terraces to farm the land. Talk
about the fact that the Incas
Key Facts Activities created terraces on the slopes of
• Explain how the people mountains or hills to be able to
• The Incas lived in South America, with the Andes
of these Andean towns farm in places in which it was
Mountain Range as the backbone of their empire, and
created Tahuantinsuyo. came up with a solution hard to do so due to geographical
• Their political organization revolved around the figure of to the problem of having features, such as hills and
the Sapa Inca, or Great Inca, and had a hierarchical social no flat land to cultivate. mountains. Besides being a
system. system that allowed the Incas
• The Inca civilization developed a large system of roads and • Which of the crops grown
couriers in which the chasqui played an important role. by the Incas do you eat to work the land, it also enabled
• The principal economic activity was agriculture. They on a regular basis? them to use water more efficiently
grew their crops on terraces on the hills. because there were canals
that brought water through the
117 different levels of the terraces.


Pages 118 and 119

Clarifying Concepts Section 1 / The Incas

In activity 1 in Practicing, the

word tambo appears. Remind
students that tambos were inns
where chasquis could rest. The 1. Complete the paragraph about the system of roads and couriers with the given words. Identify
tambos were built at the side
of the roads, and they were chasquis control Great Inca couriers tambos roads
also used as warehouses. The
distance between tambos was
The network of roads and system of couriers were elements that allowed the Great Inca
approximately 20 to 30 kilometers.
to administer and have control over the conquered peoples. On each road at a certain distance
there were tambos where travelers could rest, stock up, and feed their llamas. The courier
system used chasquis , who were young men who ran from tambo to tambo with messages to
deliver to the emperor.

2. Match each image with the correct description. Relate

An official who Cultivation method A recording

delivered messages that was developed system used to
and transported cargo on the slopes of keep accounts
throughout the roads mountains and hills. and record facts.
of Tahuantinsuyo.

118 Unit 3 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Characterize the social and political organization of the Incas

Possible Difficulties

Summarizing In activity 1 of Quiz Yourself, ask

students to hierarchically order
3. Complete the diagram with information about the Inca civilization. Organize the concepts before writing. This
way, they will understand and be
The Inca administration
able to use the words easily
and coherently.

road and courier systems an accounting system

that were made up of… that was made up of…

Quiz Yourself
1. Describe the social and political organization of the Incas using the following concepts.

ayllu the Sapa Inca hierarchy Tahuantinsuyo yanaconas



Pages 120 and 121


2 Culture and Daily Life

Organization Connecting

UNIT 3: The Inca Civilization reached a high level of development in many different crafts done
by hand
The Incas and the Indigenous areas, such as in architecture and artisanal trades. Many of their achievements
Peoples of Chile make up part of our world heritage. These accomplishments were made
possible by the hard work of the women and men of Tahuantinsuyo.
Section 2: Culture and Daily Life
Roles and Occupations Roles and Occupations
The Inca Religion The men that were not part of the ruling class were farmers,
meaning they worked the land, while others were artisans
Machu Picchu and Inca Architecture or fishermen. Those that were between 18 and 50 years
old worked a few months out of the year for the State, as
miners, soldiers, or construction workers building public
works like buildings and roads. Those who were talented
in a trade or art could ask the Great Inca for permission
to develop their skill, as long as they worked only for him.
The Inca women, on the other hand, were in an inferior
Possible Difficulties position to that of the men. The wives of agricultural workers
sometimes helped their husbands with farm or field work,
When observing the picture on but usually they performed domestic chores. Since they also
did the weaving and made chicha, they were considered
page 120, ask the following
part of the work force. The women of nobility had the same
questions to have students domestic and weaving chores, but they had more time to
describe it: What natural elements socialize. Also, some women worked in temples or religious
can be seen in the picture? What centers or were wives of the Great Inca.
do the people in the picture look
like? What are they doing? Then try
to focus on contextual information: Activities
Who is the artist of the illustration? A drawing of potato planting. Illustration by Felipe Guamán Poma
• What were the different jobs for men and women? de Ayala in Nueva crónica y buen goberierno (New Chronicle and
What is the name of the book? Good Government), from the 15th and 16th centuries.
When was it published? • What was the women’s position in society in
The Incas did their agricultural work with the help of a tool
called a chaquitaqlla, a type of plow.

Word Focus
Many of the Pre-Inca and Inca inhabitants believed that the world around them was alive
and therefore sacred. Any especially beautiful or impressive natural setting, man-made
structure, or burial site was considered a sacred location or huaca.

120 Unit 3 / History

Soc studies 4.3.indd 120 13-02-13 16:13

In 5 Minutes

Talk about the importance of Felipe Guamán Poma

de Ayala, who was born in the mid 15th C. Explain
that he was a Quechua nobleman and that he worked
as a translator for the Spanish colonizers and as a
chronicler. He is known for his book New Chronicle and
Good Government, in which he wrote about Inca history
previous to the Spanish conquest, and denounced the
abuses committed by the Spanish after colonization.

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the Inca culture

Clarifying Concepts

Explain that an ecosystem is “a

The Inca Religion system formed by the interaction
of a community of organisms with
The official Inca religion was based on worshiping their ancestors and
nature. Each ayllu had its own ancestor protector, and they worshiped his their physical environment.” In
or her mummified body along with various important objects. Inti, the god of the Sun, other words, an ecosystem is a
was the most important group of living beings (animals,
The Pachamama and the Inca Relationship with Nature of the gods. They offered
plants, human beings, natural
him gold, silver, and
Every year on the first day of August, the descendants of the Incas present livestock. In his temple, resources, etc.) that coexist based
offerings to the Pachamama. They make a hole in the ground where they put the virgins of the Sun on their mutual interaction.
food, fermented drinks like chicha, and incenses that clean the environment served and worshiped
and people of bad spirits. During this ceremony they renew their promise him. They also sacrificed
to protect the ecosystems around them. in his honor criminals
that had been sentenced
Corikente, or Viracocha was the god that created the universe. He was considered to death.
“Wizard Bird,” to be the Master of the World, and the nobility worshiped him.
knew the
present and the
future. He was
as a golden
whose feathers
were used to
make the Great
Inca’s crown.

Mama Killa was

the goddess of
the Moon and the
protector of women.
She was the sister
and wife of Inti.
Pachamama or Mother
Earth was the goddess The Incas divided their world into three parts. The world above, or janan pacha, was a
responsible for making higher place which could only be reached through the senses; the world here, or kay
the land fertile. pacha, was identified with Mother Earth and the huacas; and the world below, or uku
pacha, was where the dead lived and the seeds for new life were cultivated.

• Use the text to show that there are still ways in which the Pachamama is worshiped today.
• Deduce why the Incas worshiped the elements of nature.


Pages 122 and 123

Common Mistakes
Section 2 / Culture and Daily Life

Students might mistake Machu

Picchu with the capital of Machu Picchu and Inca Architecture
Tahuantinsuyo, Cusco. To avoid In the 11th century, the Incas founded the city of Cuzco, which would
this confusion, explain that Machu become the capital of Tahuantinsuyo. However, Cuzco is not the only
Picchu is an Inca sanctuary with example of Inca architecture. Throughout the entire Andean region there
remains of their temples and are various Inca ruins or remains, such as the huacas, which are temples, Machu Picchu
religious buildings; however, this tombs, mummies, sacred places, animals, and idols worshiped by the was designed around a
ayllus. However, Machu Picchu is the most prominent example of their large rectangular plaza that
site was never their capital. In bordered three large areas. The
architecture. It is located about 100 kilometers from Cuzco and is one of
contrast to Cusco, which was first was where people lived, the
the main examples of Inca architecture and engineering.
greatly modified by the Spanish second was used for religious
worship, and the third for
colonizers, Machu Picchu has agriculture.
not suffered great architectural
changes - it has only been only There are stairs leading up from
the main plaza to the highest point
reconstructed. of the city and the area where the
religious buildings are located, like
the Temple of Three Windows.

Key Facts
• Work was distributed
among the Incas
Clarifying Concepts according to gender
and social class.
• Their religion was
Clarify that in the Andean culture, based on nature
a huaca or waqa was an object and the worship of
that was revered due to its sacred
• Their architecture
significance. A waqa could be a and engineering
temple, a natural location, or a helped them find
precious object. The Incas believed a solution to the
that the Earth and its objects were difficulties of living
in the Andean region.
sacred; thus, most of them were
carriers of Earth’s spirits.
Get C@nnected!
To find out more about
Machu Picchu, go to

122 Unit 3 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the Inca culture

In 5 Minutes

Explain the difference between

a city and a town, using the
The Intihuatana, which Building Walls capital of Tahuantinsuyo and the
means “the place where
the Sun is tied down,” The Incas created their own Inca town, Machu Picchu as an
is a religious building style of shaping rocks to build example. State that the main city
walls. One example is the “twelve
that is also a sundial, or In the residential area of the Incas was Cusco because
solar clock. The Sun was angle stone” which displays the
we see typical houses.
technique of carving rocks into it was their political, religious,
worshiped in this temple. They were normally
rectangular and built of
irregular shapes and sizes, which and cultural capital. A special
makes the walls more stable. characteristic of the urban plan
stone with a straw roof.
of Cusco is that it was designed

Sergio Marambio
by Pachacuti to be in the shape
of a puma, their sacred animal.
The perfect layout In contrast, Machu Picchu was
of the streets is one
of the things that
a town, or llacta, in which less
the Incas were people lived. These people would
very good at while spend a short period of time
developing cities.
Hanging Bridges
there, have a specific job, or learn
By constructing hanging bridges,
an occupation, and then leave.
they were able to cross the high Consequently, in these llactas,
precipices between mountains. there were many buildings which
Some of these bridges still exist
could be occupied by these
today, like the Queshuachaca
Bridge located a few miles away workers. Due to its proximity to
from Cuzco. cliffs Cusco, Machu Picchu might have
been the Inca emperor Pachacuti’s

The Incas were great builders.
They constructed a network of
roads that the chasquis traveled.
The area used for agriculture stands out because of
its terraces and irrigation system that was adapted
perfectly to Andean geography.



Pages 124 and 125

In 5 Minutes Section 2 / Culture and Daily Life

Tell students that the aim of

activity 1 in Practicing is to
develop their skills in analyzing
historical references. Mention that 1. Look at the illustrations and complete the fact card. Analyze
some historians first approach
references in a descriptive way,
by asking temporal and spatial
contextual questions such as
the following: What is the year
of publication? Who wrote or
made this reference? Where was
it first published? These types
of descriptions help to gain
contextual knowledge.
Agricultural workers planting.
Illustration by Felipe Guamán Poma
An Inca with a quipu. Illustration de Ayala, in “Nueva cronica y buen
by Felipe Guamán Poma de gobierno”(“New Chronicle and Good
Ayala, in “Nueva cronica y buen Government”), 16th-17th centuries.
gobierno”(“New Chronicle and Good
Government”), 16th-17th centuries.



Names of the illustrations:

People shown:

Description of what they are doing:

124 Unit 3 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the Inca culture

Possible Difficulties

Summarizing In Summarizing in activity

2, guide students’ reading,
2. Read the text and answer. Explain highlighting some points that
are related to religion. For
The Importance of the Sun instance, share that worshipping
Myths about the Sun have been widespread since the beginning of time. The Sun is considered to be the or assigning special importance
provider of good things to man and responsible for making the land fertile. We cannot understand the to the Sun is a feature of many
history of America without mentioning the meaning of the myths about the Sun in the lives of humans. cultures, and that in the Incas
The indigenous peoples of America built their most important temples and did human sacrifices in it is also possible to find this
honor of the Sun.
type of veneration because their
Javier Ocampo. “Mitos y creencias en los procesos de cambio de América Latina” (“Myths and beliefs in the processes of change in Latin
America”), in América Latina en sus ideas (“In the ideas of Latin America”). Buenos Aires: 21st Century, 2006. (Adaptation) most important god was Inti (the
Sun god), who was related to the
Earth’s fecundity.
a. How is the text related to what you have learned about the Inca religion?

Aclarando conceptos

Quiz Yourself En la fuente escrita de la

página 125 se utiliza la palabra
1. Mark the correct statements with a and the incorrect statements with an . “fecundidad”. Explique a los
Then, explain your choice.
estudiantes que fecundar es
Yes No Why? sinónimo de fertilizar. En el texto
se utiliza aludiendo a que el Sol
The religion of Tahuantinsuyo was based
mejoraría la producción agrícola.
on elements of nature.

The only god was the Sun god, Inti, and it

was prohibited to worship other gods.

Machu Picchu was a religious center

and the capital of Tahuantinsuyo.



Pages 126 and 127

Let’s Check!

Evaluation Parts 1 and 2

After looking at the map on Let’s Check!
page 126, students should be
able to identify the modern-day
Look at the map and answer questions 1 and 2.
countries that included parts
of the Tahuantinsuyo and also 1. What modern-day countries included points

understand and explain the parts of Tahuantinsuyo?

importance of the chasquis
for communication in the Inca
Extra Support
Have students work with a
blank map of South America,
in which they should identify
2. How were the chasquis and the points
the territories that were part network of roads important for
of the Tahuantinsuyo, color its 4
communication in Tahuantinsuyo?
four Suyus, and make their own Use examples from the map to explain.

Evaluation Parts 3 and 4 INCA PROVINCES

Students should recognize two R. Chubut


functions of the quipus presented K

Modern-day cities

in the text. ALTITUDE

in meters
3,000 to 6,000
1,000 to 3,000

Extra Support
600 to 1,000
250 to 600
0 to 250

Have students closely read the

text, take notes, underline, and Read the fragment and answer questions 3 and 4.
reread it.
The Importance of the Quipus decoded, found
the meaning to
Besides containing numerical information, it is also thought that the quipus had literary information
that has still not been deciphered. Even though no system of writing has been found in Tahuantinsuyo,
they did record and organize things in a very detailed and methodical way. These knots were the only
precise method of spreading information about the census, agricultural reserves, mining production, or
the number of workers, among other things.
Hugo Cabrera, Haret Rosu, Luis Torres and Juan Treviño. “La codificación de los quipus inkas” (“The codification of the Inca quipus”)
(Adaptation). Accessed in August 2012 from www.revistaciencia.amc.edu.mx


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Let’s Check!
Unit 3

Evaluation Parts 5 and 6

Intermediate Evaluation Students should identify the
duties of the ayllus and the curaca
3. Why were the quipus important? Write two examples of the type of information they points
in the Inca political organization
recorded. and draw a conclusion about the
3 Inca power structure.
Extra Support
Ask students to make files
to describe the Inca political
organization and power structure.
4. Can it be concluded that the Incas developed a system of writing? Support your points

Look at the image and answer questions 5 and 6.

5. What were the duties of the ayllus and the points


6. Write one conclusion you can make about points

the Inca power structure.
Digital Activities

Explain to students that this

evaluation can be done in the
textbook but also online at
www.pathway.cl, in the
Evaluations section in the
Teacher’s Lounge area.

Soc studies 4.3.indd 127 13-02-13 16:14


Pages 128 and 129


3 Indigenous Peoples of Northern Chile

Organization Connecting

UNIT 3: As in the rest of America, in modern-day Chile different groups of indigenous

The Incas and the Indigenous people lived here before us. Some of these groups have disappeared
Peoples of Chile completely, while others still exist today. The Aymara, Atacamas, Diaguitas,
and Changos lived in the northern part of Chile. All of them were conquered
Section 3: Indigenous Peoples of Northern by the Incas and possess elements of the Andean culture.
The Aymara The Aymara
The Atacamas The Aymara people still exist today in the altiplano of the extreme north
of Chile and in parts of Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina. Using a system of
The Changos terraces, they were able to cultivate products such as potatoes, beans,
The Diaguitas squash, corn, and quinoa. Their homes did not have windows, their walls
were made of adobe over stones, and their roofs were made of mud and
straw. Today, their remaining descendants have a successful weaving
business using wool from llamas, alpacas, and vicuñas.

La cultura entretenida, TVN

Their societal organization was based on male
superiority over women. Also, society was
Clarifying Concepts controlled through the bonds between family
members that were built during family events.
Each community was organized into an ayllu,
Explain to students that the textile whose leader was the curaca.
industry, or weaving business,
Their beliefs, gods, and celebrations were all
is mainly concerned with the
directly related to agriculture and livestock
production and design of clothes. farming. Just like the Incas, they worshiped
Their main resources can be the dead and nature. Their celebrations were
plant-derived (like cotton), rituals that expressed their respect for the Earth
animal-derived (wool), or artificial. and for their relationships between each other.

Aymara New Year, June 2006.

• Work with Activity Card 7.
• Write three Aymara characteristics that show Inca influence.
• Explain the Aymara religious beliefs and their relationship to the Earth.

128 Unit 3 / History

Soc studies 4.3.indd 128 13-02-13 16:14

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of Northern Chile

In 5 Minutes

Talk about the Tiwanaku

Atacamas civilization, which was settled
in what now is Peru, Bolivia,
The Atacamas, also called the Atacameños,
lived in the puna of Atacama and the Andes Chile, and Argentina between
Mountain Range, in the modern-day regions of 1500 B.C. to 900 A.C. Its capital
Tarapaca and Antofagasta. The most well-known city, called Tiwanaku, was
place where you can see the influences of their located on the shores of Lake
culture is San Pedro de Atacama. Titicaca, close to La Paz, Bolivia.
The Atacamas’ way of life was tied to agriculture. Tiwanaku, the city, functioned as
Their crops were planted on terraces and watered a religious and political center,
using an irrigation system that allowed them to and its remains can still be
grow potatoes, quinoa, beans, and corn. They also had llama and alpaca visited in Bolivia, where there
livestock. This allowed them to transport their products to other towns or
are monumental buildings. This
trade them for other items. For example, they traded with the inhabitants
of the coast for fish and other seafood. civilization developed agriculture
and bartered goods with different
They had their own language called Kunza, which is now extinct. They
peoples in the area.
organized themselves into groups of families that formed a small community.
Each community was protected by pukaras, or defensive fortresses from
which they could guard or attack if necessary.
protect from danger

Due to the influence of the Tiwanaku and Inca peoples, the Atacamas
developed artisanal ceramics and used gold, silver, and bronze to make
jewelry and decorations, like plates and disks that they would place over
their chests.
The Atacamas believed in the afterlife, and had rituals and ceremonies
dedicated to nature. They adopted Inti the Sun god and worshiped him
Possible Difficulties
as well. Funerals were an important part of their spiritual world view. They
dressed the dead in fine clothes and buried them with their jewelry and
other precious objects. high quality The first activity on page 129
might be difficult for students
to answer because they have
Activities to deduce the reason for the
• Deduce the objective of Atacamas to trade with other
Did You Know...? trading goods with other peoples. To answer this, guide
peoples. students to focus on the
Tiwanaku was a culture that began on the altiplano, near
Lake Titicaca, in modern-day Bolivia. This culture achieved • Why do you think the geographical features and climate
a high level of social and cultural development and Atacamas adopted the worship of the Atacamas’ region. This will
extended into parts of Chile, Peru, and Argentina. of Inti as part of their culture? help them realize that terrain
and climate influence people’s
129 economic activities.

Soc studies 4.3.indd 129 13-02-13 16:14

Pages 130 and 131

Clarifying Concepts Section 3 / Indigenous Peoples of Northern Chile

Explain that cave paintings

are artistic representations The Changos
or paintings on cave walls or
The Changos were a nomadic people that inhabited a large part of the Did You Know...?
ceilings that were produced by northern coast of Chile, in between modern-day Atacama and Coquimbo.
indigenous peoples. In America, In Northern Chile there
The Changos’ way of life was influenced by their proximity to the Pacific
are a lot of examples of
there are many cave paintings Ocean. They sailed on small rafts made of inflated sea lion skin. They
cave paintings. In these
that were produced during the also used sea lion bones to make harpoons, which they used along with paintings, the peoples of
Pre-Columbian age. Some theories nets made from plant fibers to fish. In order to travel long distances, they the past were represented
used boats made of tree trunks. While on land, they lived in huts made of
explain that these paintings by marine animals, birds,
animal skin and whale bones. The advantage of this type of housing was and children.
can be related to certain rituals, that they could easily take it down and move it from one place to another.
while others ascribe them a
communicative purpose. The Changos grouped themselves socially in bands or small communities
of family members. They worshiped their ancestors and buried them with
their valuable objects. They ate fish, shellfish, and other seafood. They
also traded with the peoples farther inland and in the mountains, so they
also had access to other products, like potatoes and corn.
In their daily life the Changos wore wool hats decorated with feathers.
Their blankets were made of sea lion skin or bird skin. They frequently
wore jewelry made of shells, bones, and the teeth of marine animals. They
also made ceramic objects and created cave paintings.
Sedentary peoples lived
their life in one place and
were usually farmers.
Nomadic peoples traveled
from place to place and
were usually hunters.

• Explain what you think life
was like in a Chango band.
• Write two differences
between the lives of the
Atacamas and the lives of
Raft made of sea lion skin used by the Changos. the Changos.

130 Unit 3 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

In 5 Minutes
Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of Northern Chile

Discuss Diaguita pottery. Explain

The Diaguitas that pottery is an occupation in
which vases, pots, bowls, plates,
The Diaguitas lived in the valleys in the modern-day regions of Atacama
and Coquimbo, between the Copiapo and Choapa Rivers. They developed
or sculptures are produced. These
various activities such as agriculture, livestock farming, hunting, and crafts are usually made with clay.
fishing. They grew crops such as corn, beans, potatoes, quinoa, Among the Chilean indigenous
squash, and cotton. They used a system of terraces, but their people, the Diaguita’s pottery
irrigation system was not as advanced as that of the Atacamas. stands out for its vases, plates,
Since they were a sedentary people, they grouped themselves and pitchers decorated with
into small villages, and maintained active trade with the shapes, and white, red, green,
Changos. As a result of the Inca influence, the valleys and black colors. Some of their
were divided. In each area there was a leader who had designs and shapes were based
more livestock and land than others. on animals, humans, or abstract
Their religion was also based on the worship of nature, figures, such as the jarro pato
especially the Sun and the Moon. Their archeological (duck pitcher), or the jarro zapato
remains show they believed in an afterlife because (shoe pitcher).
they buried their dead with utensils, valuable objects,
and food.
Among the art forms of this group of people, pottery
stands out. The Diaguitas made clay containers that they
decorated with shapes and white, red, green, and black
colors. The most common pottery was the jarro pato, or “duck
pitcher,” used for rituals and ceremonies, and the jarro zapato,
or “shoe pitcher,” used for daily activities. They also created art using
copper and bronze and sometimes gold and silver. Diaguita pottery maker.

• How was the commercial
Key Facts
exchange between the
• The Aymara, Atacamas, and Diaguitas developed northern peoples useful?
agriculture and raised livestock.
• Why was nature so
• The Inca influence is seen in their religion and use of
terrace farming. important to the peoples
• There was an important commercial exchange between of the past?
the peoples located inland and those located on the coast.


Soc studies 4.3.indd 131 13-02-13 16:14


Pages 132 and 133

In 5 Minutes Section 3 / Indigenous Peoples of Northern Chile

Explain that mummification is

to make a body into a mummy
by embalming and drying it,
either naturally or artificially. 1. In your own words, define the following concepts and relate them to what you learned in the unit.
For many Pre-Columbian Define, Relate
peoples, mummification was
a. Terraces:
part of their religion; that is why
many mummies are dressed in
distinctive clothes and jewelry,
and buried with food and
sometimes animals. This was b. Pottery:
done because it was believed that
after death, people would begin
another journey, and they should
not go alone or without certain
possessions. c. Cave paintings:

2. Read the text and answer. Analyze

People from the Past

When I was a girl, the whole world used to talk about Miss Chile. However, it wasn’t Cecilia Bolocco
they were talking about, but rather an Atacama woman whose perfectly mummified body was the star
exhibit of the Padre Gustavo Le Paige Museum. Today, she and 48 other mummies rest far away from
the thousands of visitors that come each year to visit. This museum is located in the same place in
which this thousand year old culture was able to flourish, despite living in the driest desert in the world.
The decision to remove the bodies from behind the glass at the museums came from the international
movement to give more respect to the heritage of indigenous peoples, obviously including their ancestors.
Lynda Álvarez. “Crisálida Museo Padre Le Paige” (Adaptation) Accessed in August 2012 from www.sanpedrodeatacama.travel

a. Why are the mummies of Atacama no longer on public display?

132 Unit 3 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of Northern Chile

Clarifying Concepts

Clarify that heritage is anything

b. Why is it important to respect the heritage of indigenous peoples? that can be passed down from
preceding generations. It can be
any material or immaterial thing,
including practices, beliefs, or
goods that belong to a person,
people, or nation.

3. Match the indigenous people with their description. Write the letter in the correct box. Relate

A Aymara C Changos

B Atacamas D Diaguitas

They were influenced by the Inca and Tiwanaku cultures. They built forts called
B pukaras and spoke Kunza, a language that is now extinct.
They were a nomadic group that moved along a large part of the northern coast
C of Chile. They sailed the ocean on small rafts made from sea lion skin.
Inca influence gave them the idea to divide their territory into zones. They stood
D out because of their pottery and they made the jarro zapato and jarro pato.
These indigenous people still exist today. They live in the extreme north of Chile
A and parts of Bolivia, Peru, and Argentina.

Quiz Yourself
1. Complete Activity Card 8.
2. Describe one of the cultures from Northern Chile. Give evidence of two ways they were influenced by
the Incas.



Pages 134 and 135


4 Indigenous Peoples of Central and

Organization Southern Chile
UNIT 3: Connecting
The Incas and the Indigenous
Peoples of Chile The peoples of Central and Southern Chile, from the Aconcagua River Did You Know...?
Section 4: Indigenous Peoples of Central to the Island of Chiloe, have all been categorized as being of Mapuche
The Incas also spread
ethnicity. However, each group had different cultural characteristics.
and Southern Chile their culture through
Among these groups were the Picunche, Huilliche, and Pewenche, who
• Pueblo pikunche a policy of forced
inhabited the north, south, and east of Mapuche territory, respectively. resettlement called the
• Los pewenche y williche in the order given mitma or mitimaes. Once
The Picunche People an area and its people
• Pueblo mapuche
The Picunche lived in Northern and Central Chile, in the modern-day were conquered, the
• Chonos Sapa Inca would force
regions of Coquimbo and Biobio. Picunche means people of the north.
family groups from other
• Los kawésqar y aónikenk Due to their location, they were strongly influenced by the Diaguitas, Incas,
areas of the Inca Empire
• Selk’nam
and Mapuche. They were an agricultural society that made pottery and
to move to the newly
led a sedentary way of life. conquered territory. This
• Yaganes long, narrow holes
Agriculture was their main activity. They used a system of irrigation ditches meant that loyal citizens,
that allowed them to grow corn, beans, potatoes, squash, and peppers. Inca customs, language,
technology, and others
They also raised guanacos for their meat and for wool. The Diaguitas
moved into an area.
influence led them to make ceramic products, like tools for farming.
This is one of the main
The Picunche organized their society in small villages, with about 30 reasons the indigenous
people in each. They built houses out of wood and plant fibers, and then peoples of Chile displayed
covered them with mud and reeds. Each family was independent from strong influences from
In 5 Minutes the others. The father was the head of the family, followed by the oldest the Incas.
son. Only in times of conflict did they choose a leader or cacique to lead
the other men in the village. Education
Link the indigenous people’s through Values
location with their names using The Picunche believed in a life after death, but their burial areas were
a map. This way, students should simple. In order to honor their dead, they built small mounds on top of The indigenous peoples had a very
their tombs with dirt and stones. deep understanding of nature. They
be able to understand that the took care of the land, water, plants,
Pikunche were in the north, and animals because they knew they
between the Aconcagua and Itata Activities depended on them for survival.
Rivers; the Pewenche, to the east, • Why does Picunche mean people of the north? Who were they to the It is important for us to protect
north of? nature, because we rely
in the Andes Mountain Range; on nature for the things
the Williche, to the south, in the • What characteristics made the Picunche different from other peoples? that we need to live.
modern-day Los Ríos and Los Why?
Lagos regions; and the Mapuche,
in the south-center, in modern-day
Araucanía. 134 Unit 3 / History

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of Central and Southern Chile
Clarifying Concepts

Explain to students that in

The Pewenche and Huilliche Peoples the Mapuche society, the most
important political authority is
The Pewenche people lived in the mountainous region between the Maule
River and the Lonquimay Volcano in the modern-day regions of Maule the lonko, who is the head of
and Araucania. Originally they were hunters and gatherers. What they the lof (community or group of
gathered most was the pehuén or pine nut, the fruit of araucaria trees. families). Explain that in contrast
Their name means men of the pehuén. to the Andean peoples, the
In order to hunt guanacos, ñandues, and deer, they used a boleadora, Mapuche never centralized their
which was made of animal intestines and leather with rocks tied to the political power in one person;
ends. They exchanged products by trading with the other peoples. To therefore, there were as many pu
protect themselves from the cold, they covered their bodies in animal lonko (lonkos) as pu lof (lofs or
fat and clothing made from leather. Their homes were built using animal families).
skins and branches.
They organized themselves in bands, and the leader of the family was
called a lonko. Their religion was based on the understanding that the
land was inherited and only loaned to them temporarily. Therefore, they
had to care for it and protect it, and not sell it or lose it.
The Huilliche, or people of the south, lived in the intermediate depression
between the Tolten River and the Reloncavi Sound. They had similar
characteristics to the Picunche, in that they grew crops like corn and
potatoes, and raised guanacos and huemules for meat, leather, and wool.
Their settlement in Chiloe allowed them to develop fishing using boats
made of wood planks and bark called dalcas.
long, thick boards

The Huilliche society was made up of tribes or levo, which did not
have a central leader. Their homes were built with branches and lasted
approximately ten years.

• Write down two differences between the Pewenche and Huilliche
• Define lonko and levo.

Word Focus A Huilliche person cultivating corn and potatoes.

Boleadoras are throwing weapons made of connected cords

with weights tied to the ends. They can have up to eight
cords or as few as two.


Soc studies 4.3.indd 135 13-02-13 16:14


Pages 136 and 137

Clarifying Concepts Section 4 / Indigenous Peoples of Central and Southern Chile

Clarify the difference between

a lonko and a toki. In the The Mapuche People
Mapuche society and within
The Mapuche people lived in the areas located between the Itata and Did You Know...?
every community or lof, the most Tolten Rivers, in the modern-day regions of Biobio and Araucania. The
important political figure is the foundation of their society was the lof, a group of families with a common The Mapuche people
lonko. Since there was no central were able to stop the
ancestor. They had a leader called a lonko, who was in charge of various
Inca expansion, which
political power, whenever the lof and acted as a moderator in their discussions. Only during times of
meant the territory of
Mapuche faced a conflict, many war did they select a higher leader, called a toqui, who would step down Tahuantinsuyo only
lonkos from different lofs would from his position at the end of the war. reached the Maule River.
meet and elect a toki. The toki Today, the Mapuche are the largest group of indigenous people in Chile.
is a temporal military leader The relationship they have built with the rest of the country has
who organizes and commands allowed them to practice activities they did not do before. In the
past they raised llamas and vicuñas and grew corn, potatoes,
strategies for war, and whose
quinoa, squash, peppers, and beans. They also hunted
political power ceases when the guanacos and birds and gathered fruits like pine nuts,
conflict is solved. strawberries, and berries from the murto tree. They
used these products to trade for marine resources.
The Mapuche made baskets from plant fiber, and
pots from ceramic, stone, wood, and leather to store
their food. They wore a chamal, which was a long
tunic tied at the waist. Their homes, called rucas,
were made with wooden posts, and the roofs were
made of straw or reeds. Inside their homes there was
a fireplace, where the family gathered to cook, eat,
Possible Difficulties and share their stories and wisdom. Every so often
they would move to a different area in order to hunt or
Explain to students that, before gather food, so they were considered semi-sedentary.
the Spanish colonization, the Even today, the Mapuche have ceremonies and myths
Mapuche did not practice which demonstrate a deep understanding of nature.
agriculture, but spent much time The machi officiates as a priest and doctor over two main
in one place gathering fruits and ceremonies. The nguillatun is a religious ceremony asking for
the health and well-being of the people, as well as for rain and a
hunting. Usually, they would move
good harvest. The machitun is used to cure sick people by expelling
on from a place when there were bad spirits.
scarce resources and would look
for another location. Activities
• What is the difference between lonko and toqui?
• Why are the Mapuche considered semi-sedentary?

136 Unit 3 / History

Soc studies 4.3.indd 136 13-02-13 16:14

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of Central and Southern Chile
Common Mistakes

Practicing Students might consider all

the peoples that are part of
1. Read the text and answer. Explain the Mapuche society as similar
and not take their individual
Are They All Part of the Mapuche People? differences into account. To avoid
From Aconcagua to Chiloe the people spoke the same language, and they were accustomed to calling this, have students carefully read
themselves Mapuche, or people of the land. However, historians believe that they had additional names the text on page 137 and focus
according to their geographic location. Those that lived north of the Itata River were called Picunche, on their differences. This will help
those that lived between the Itata and Tolten Rivers were Mapuche, and those that lived between the
Itata River and the Island of Chiloe were Huilliche. Even though they had some things in common, such
students work and understand
as their shared language, they were culturally different. diversity within indigenous
Sergio Villalobos. Historia de Chile (History of Chile). Santiago: Universitaria, 1998. (Adaptation)

a. Why can these groups be considered different even though they shared the same language?

b. Give an example that shows that there were differences between the peoples that lived between
Aconcagua and Chiloe.


2. Underline the statements that are false. Then, correct them and write the new statements in your
notebook. Understand
a. In times of war, the Huilliche chose a toqui.
b. The Pewenche were called by that name because they gathered pehuén (pine nuts).
c. The Picunche successfully resisted the expansion of the Incas.
d. The Mapuche lived in the mountainous region and in Chiloe.


Pages 138 and 139

In 5 Minutes
Section 4 / Indigenous Peoples of Central and Southern Chile

Talk about the fact that many of

the indigenous people of the Far
South are extinct nowadays. A Connecting
group is considered to be extinct Indigenous People of the Far South
when there are no remaining
native speakers of the language In the extreme south of Chile, between the Aysen and Magallanes
Regions, the indigenous peoples led a different way of life. They were
and when their beliefs, traditions,
nomads, canoeists, hunters, and sea gatherers. This region is made up
and culture have disappeared, and of archipelagos, islands, and channels, and is very cold and often has
their people gone. Consequently, strong winds. These characteristics led these peoples to develop certain
the Chonos, the Aonikenk, the adaptations to the environment.
Selk’nam are extinct. Among the
Yaghan, there is only one living The Chono
full-blooded person whose name The Chono lived on the Islands of Chiloe and the Taitao Peninsula in the
is Cristina Calderón. Currently, Lagos and Aysen Regions. They traveled in boats called dalcas, which had
many Kaweskar live in Puerto three curved planks connected by rope made of cane bark and sealed
Edén, a small hamlet in Natales, with natural materials. The dalcas could carry a family group of up to ten
people and, if the wind was favorable, they used sails.
in Magalles Region. Word Focus
The authority in this group of people was the father of the family. The
An archipelago is a
men were responsible for fishing and hunting sea lions (which gave them
chain or group of islands
meat, fat, oil, skins, and bones). They were also in charge of building the
that are close together.
homes they lived in when they were not in their canoes. The women were Indonesia, Japan, and
divers and gatherers of shellfish, seaweed, mushrooms, eggs, and wood. New Zealand are all
Even though in some places they grew corn and potatoes, the Chono did archipelagos.
not develop a sedentary way of life. For hunting they made tools, spears,
daggers, and hatchets from bone, wood, and stone. They also wove nets,
baskets, and blankets out of plant fiber. Fun Fact!
Common Mistakes
Their spiritual beliefs were founded in magic and rituals, like not throwing The potatoes that the
away the shells of shellfish they ate or leaving their dead in caves. Another whole world eats today
Students might think that as the expression of their religion was to paint their faces red, black, or brown, are native to the Chiloe
and their bodies all white. Archipelago region.
Chonos developed agriculture,
they could have settled and led
a sedentary way of life. Explain
that although they worked the Activities
land and harvested potatoes, the • Describe the characteristics of the geography and climate in the
Chonos did not stay in one place; regions of the extreme south.
therefore, they did not have a • Demonstrate that the Chono were a nomadic people.
sedentary way of life.

138 Unit 3 / History

Soc studies 4.3.indd 138 13-02-13 16:14

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of Central and Southern Chile
Possible Difficulties

Explain that the canoe was a

The Kaweskar and the Aonikenk central element in the Kawesqar
nomadic life. They spent most of
The Kaweskar were nomads, gatherers, and canoeists. They lived in
the modern-day regions of Aysen and Magallanes, between the Chonos their time in canoes which had an
Archipelago and the Strait of Magellan. Today, their descendants live mostly open fire in the center that they
in Puerto Eden, although others live in Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales. used to cook and keep warm. For
The women were in charge of diving for and gathering shellfish. They were
this reason, the Kawesqar used
able to stay under the cold water of the Pacific Ocean for many minutes their canoes not only as a mode of
at a time. The canoes they used were a mode of transportation and also transportation and to fish, but as
a mobile, temporary home. They were built using tree bark and were a mobile, temporary home.
very wide in order to hold an entire family. A family consisted of a man,
one or two wives, their children, and a dog. In the center of the canoe
there was an open fire used to cook and keep warm. When they were on
land, they built tents in a cone shape, using branches, grass, and animal
skin for the base and coverings. To protect themselves from the cold they
The indigenous peoples who used
covered their bodies in sea lion fat. canoes had different types of boats.
The first canoe is from the Chono, and
The Aonikenk lived on the Patagonian steppes. They organized themselves the second is from the Kaweskar.
into bands of hunters and gatherers, with a leader who directed where
they would set up camps. One of the most important animals for them
was the guanaco. They used its meat for food, and its skin to make the
tents they used as homes. The women were responsible for domestic
duties like cooking, taking care of the children, and leatherworking, while
the men hunted and made weapons and tools.
They believed in good and bad spirits and in life after death. As in other
indigenous groups, shamans were very important and were called upon
to cure illnesses, get rid of bad spirits, and predict the weather.

Get C@nnected!
If you want to know more
about the indigenous peoples
of Chile go to
Activities www.pathway.com/soc/407
• Explain why the Kaweskar canoe was considered a home as well as a to see photographs, cartoons,
mode of transportation. and more information about
these cultures.
• How did these peoples deal with the weather and climate conditions?


Soc studies 4.3.indd 139 13-02-13 16:14


Pages 140 and 141

In 5 Minutes
Section 4 / Indigenous Peoples of Central and Southern Chile

Talk about the central role of

religious practices and beliefs in The Selk’nam People
the Selk’nam culture that can be The Selk’nam people lived on the island of Tierra de Fuego, in the
seen in their creation myths and modern-day Magallanes Region and the Chilean Antarctic. Selk’nam
complex rituals. The Selk’nam is the name these people gave themselves. However, they were also
believed in Temáukel, a great known as the Onas, the name given to them by another indigenous
supernatural and omnipresent group, the Yaghan.
entity whose power was infinite The Selk’nam organized their society into groups of between 25 and
and universal. One of their main 30 family members. They lived in defined areas called haruwen,
rituals was the Hain, which whose borders were to be respected by other groups, and hunting
was a rite of initiation for boys for guanaco in a different area could end in confrontation. In each
haruwen the inhabitants had the right to hunt, fish, gather fruits,
and an educational experience
and gather materials to make their homes and tools. One family
that was based on the belief group was only allowed in the area of another to trade or celebrate
that in the past there was a communal ceremonies like whale hunting.
predominance of women. The
The Selk’nam were nomadic, and therefore their homes were made
Hain is a representation of the
of wood and animal skin. The styles of homes varied: some were
power of men; thus, women were cone-shaped, others circular, and some were left open to let air in.
not invited to participate. The Their society did not have a leader as all adults had authority. One
most important aspect of the of their most well-known ceremonies is the hain, an initiation for
ceremony resided in the fact that young men passing into adulthood. This ceremony re-created the
boys were to symbolically become myth of man’s triumph over women, and the objective was for the
boys to become well-behaved adults.
men; thus, the ceremony worked
as an initiation of the men into a The shamans or priests, wise-men, and prophets all had a central
masculine brotherhood. role in this society. The Selk’nam had a very elaborate mythology
that explained the function of natural, historical, and social events.
Things like the division between the land of the north and the south,
territorial distribution, the rise of the family bloodlines, atmospheric
phenomena, and the origin and behavior of animals were all explained
in this way.

• Explain the importance of the borders of each haruwen. The Selk’nam used guanaco skins to protect
themselves from the Patagonian cold.
• What was the hain? What was its objective?

140 Unit 3 / History

Soc studies 4.3.indd 140 13-02-13 16:14

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of Central and Southern Chile
Clarifying Concepts

Explain to students that many

The Yaghan indigenous peoples used harpoons
to fish, and that they hunted small
The Yaghan inhabited the most southern region of Chile, between the
Beagle Channel and Cape Horn, in the modern-day Magallanes Region and fish as well as marine mammals
the Chilean Antarctic. This area is full of channels and fjords. The climate such as whales. The Yaghan
caused the Yaghan to cover their bodies with animal skins or sea lion fat. created long harpoons, around
They organized themselves socially into small family groups with the father
3 meters long, with a pointed head
in charge. The men built canoes and hunted animals like sea lions, whales, made of fish bones.
and otters. The women built the houses, kept a fire burning, prepared
food, and gathered shellfish.
The tools and weapons they used for hunting and fishing were harpoons
made of bone, wood, and stone. They also made baskets out of plant fiber
and used tree bark to transport water. The Yaghan spent a lot of time at
sea, so the canoes they made were very important. When on land, they
lived in circular tents made of wood and branches and covered with more
branches and animal skins. Inside the tent they dug into the ground to
protect themselves from the wind and the cold, and they always had a
fire burning. Education
The Yaghan believed in an all-powerful, invisible being called
through Values
Watauinewa, the creator of humans and nature. The healers or
shamans were also very important. They were Explain that the indigenous
believed to be able to cure illnesses and call on peoples of the Far South had very
the spirits. They believed in a life after death complex religions and systems of
and they buried their dead wrapped in animal thought. Their lives were governed
by these ideas and they always
took care of nature.
The Yaghan women were in charge of
gathering shellfish.

Key Facts Activities

• The indigenous peoples of Central Chile and the South • What evidence can
were sedentary farmers. you give of how the
• The indigenous peoples of the Far South of Chile were Yaghan adapted to their
nomads, canoeists, gatherers, and hunters of marine environment?
• In general, the indigenous peoples believed in a life after • What were the jobs of the
death, and society was usually organized into family men and women?


Soc studies 4.3.indd 141 13-02-13 16:14

Pages 142 and 143

Possible Difficulties
Section 4 / Indigenous Peoples of Central and Southern Chile

In activity 2 on page 142, read

the text and question as a
class. Highlight the importance Practicing
of ceremonies and rituals for 1. Complete each statement. Relate
the Selk’nam people, and their
relationship with the environment. Chono Selk’nam Kaweskar Yaghan

a. The Chonos traveled in dalcas and planted crops sporadically, but they were not

b. The Yaganes inhabited the most southern region of Chile, despite the cold and rain.

Clarifying Concepts c. The Selk’nam practiced an initiation ceremony for boys called the hain.

d. The Kawésqar women gathered shellfish and could spend many minutes underneath the
Explain that a legend is a cold water.
traditional narration in which
2. Read the fragment and answer. Analyze
fiction and non-fiction are parts
of the story. In general, legends
Kamshout and Autumn
try to explain natural phenomena.
Kamshout was a young Selk’nam boy who took a long journey as part of the rites of the hain. The boy
The actions that take place in
returned to his people even when nobody thought he would, and he told them of his travels to a marvelous
this type of narration can be land in the far north. He told them that the forests there were never-ending, and in the autumn the leaves
magical, supernatural, or realistic, changed color and fell to the ground, only to return greener in the spring. No one believed his story and
and their main protagonists are everyone made fun of him. The young boy was so angry that he left again. A while later he reappeared,
human beings. In contrast, myths but this time in the form of a great parrot with green feathers on his back and red feathers on his chest.
He was now called Kerrhprrh because of the sound he made. He flew over the trees dyeing the leaves
have demigods or gods as main with his red feathers and making them fall to the ground. All the people were scared the trees would die,
characters. but in the spring the leaves returned bright green, showing that Kamshout had told them the truth. Ever
since, parrots sit in trees to laugh at those who did not believe their mythical ancestor, Kamshout.
(Editorial team adaptation)

a. What elements of the Selk’nam culture are seen in this legend?

142 Unit 3 / History

Soc studies 4.3.indd 142 13-02-13 16:14

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of Central and Southern Chile
Common Mistakes

In activity 1 on page 143, explain

3. Look for the names of the groups of indigenous peoples you have studied. Classify them by region. Classify that only the Pikunche and the
Williche led a sedentary way of
Summarizing life, prior to Spanish colonization.
Clarify that the Mapuche, in those
L A Y M A R A T C P I H G Northern times, were semi-sedentary, and
the Pewenche were nomads.
Aymara, Atacamas, Changos,
N A S E L K N A M V T I A and Diaguitas.
A A J M A P U C H E G L O Central

G M K A W E S K A R U I P Picunche, Pewenche, Huilliche,

H A V P I C U N C H E C A and Mapuche.
N O B A O N I K E N K E R Southern

S S P E W E N C H E E P L Chonos, Kaweskar, Aonikenk,

G S D C B H Y W Z B A V D Selk’nam, and Yaghan.

Quiz Yourself
1. What was the way of life of the indigenous peoples of Central Chile?

2. Describe how the people of Central, the South, and the Far South of Chile adapted to their
environments. What were the difficulties they faced?



Pages 144 and 145


Explain that agricultural

Real Life Connections
techniques help us to understand Learning about different agricultural techniques helps me understand
how people plan, create
ways to adapt to the environment.
strategies, and adapt to different
environments, climates, and The Andean peoples developed farming technology that helped them to make the most of their natural
terrains. Comment that, in fact, resources. They adapted well to the environment.
it is these last factors that are
more influential in a people’s Agriculture on the Coast
agriculture since natural
features such as rain, sun, and The coastal region of modern-day Peru is a place with little water. The valleys are the only suitable
places to grow crops. This forced the indigenous peoples of the past to develop agricultural
humidity directly affect farming.
techniques that made the most of the geographic and climatic limitations.
It is possible to conclude that
Andean societies developed
their agricultural techniques as Irrigation Canals
influenced by the terrain and This is a system that

Victoria Pinto
climate (terraces), or that coastal allows water to be
transported through
peoples did the same with their narrow canals to flat
lands, as they built irrigation areas with little water.

This is the use of
organic elements
This is a system that
such as seagull
extracts underground acamac, Lima.
View from the ruins of Pach droppings to make
water using deep wells
the land more fertile.
that are connected by
underground canals.

Information in

• Why did the Andean people have to develop agricultural techniques?

• In your notebook, make a chart showing the different Andean regions and their agricultural techniques.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Possible Difficulties

In Language Skills on page 145,

students should be able to write
a small text in which they explain
Agriculture on the Altiplano and draw conclusions about the
On the altiplano, the scarcity of water, the steep and irregular terrain, and the variations in weather relationship between Andean
made farming difficult. In order to manage these difficulties, the indigenous peoples of the past used culture and agriculture, as well
different techniques: as between Andean peoples and
nature. Students might find this
Lissette Campos

activity difficult; however, they

Cochas have to first order the information.
Cochas are artificial lakes that Before writing, ask them to make a
fill with rainwater, water from chart in which they hierarchically
rivers, or from melting ice.
order the information in the text.
The water that accumulates
is carried by canals to water
crops and grass for livestock.

Agriculture has always been

a central element for the
Andean peoples because it
has important social, natural,
and religious aspects. Farming
preserves nature while
supporting the lives of the
people in the communities.
Andenes de Moray, Cusco.

These are terraces that make it possible to grow crops on the hillside.
Raised walls are built and then filled with dirt and watered by canals.

Language Skills

• Explain the connection between Andean culture and agriculture.

• Deduce why the agricultural techniques invented by the Andean peoples are an example of their
relationship with nature.
• Write two paragraphs with your conclusions.



Page 146

Common Mistakes
Learning Techniques
Assist activity 1 in Learning
Techniques and explain some Making Diagrams
criteria that students can use to
Diagrams are graphic organizers that represent the main ideas of a text or a topic and show how they are
organize the information in Activity related.
Card 9.
Why make a diagram? It shows the most important aspects of a topic you want to study.

First, you have to read the text you are going to study and find the main
How is a diagram
idea. Then, you should underline the principal ideas of each paragraph
and see how they are connected and how they connect to the main idea.

Activity Card 9 Are all diagrams the Each diagram has different content and can be different depending on
same? who makes it.
In the first paragraph, the concept
of descendants is used. Explain to Remember that there are many diagram models. In order to connect your ideas you can use lines,
students that this word means “a arrows, or boxes.
person related to some ancestors • Aymara
or race either by blood, history, or • Atacamas
self-ascription.” • Changos
• Diaguitas

• Picunche
Indigenous • Pewenche
Central and
Peoples of • Mapuche
Chile • Huilliche

• Chono
• Kaweskar
Far South • Aonikenk
• Selk’nam
• Yaghan

Practicing the Technique

1. Make a diagram based on the text on Activity Card 9.
2. Conclude: what is the purpose of making a diagram?


Page 147 4th Grade Social Studies

The Chilean National Standardized Exam

Possible Difficulties
Simce Strategies
Unit 3

In Simce Strategies, students

Example Question should be encouraged to focus
on the previous question when
In this question they ask you to analyze an illustrated historical source from America’s past. completing activities on this page.
1 Looking at the drawing, what aspect from
America’s past do you see?

A. Type of government.
B. Agricultural techniques. An illustration of cultivating
potatoes by Felipe Guamán
C. War strategies. Poma de Ayala in Nueva
crónica y buen gobierno, siglos
D. Commercial trade. XVI-XVII (New Chronicle and
Good Government, 16th- 17 th

Check Your Answer

• Option A is incorrect, because the source does not refer to the type of government.
• Option B is correct, because it shows people farming, the principal activity of the Andean world.
• Option C is incorrect, because there are no military objects in the drawing.
• Option D is incorrect, because the drawing does not show commercial trade.

Develop New Skills

Source Analysis
1. Look at the image again and answer in your notebook.
a. Around what century was the drawing done?
b. Who is the artist? In what book was it published?
c. What do you think was the author’s objective?
2. Research who Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala was, when and where he was born, what his cultural
background was, and why he wrote Nueva crónica y buen gobierno. Present your findings on the class
bulletin board.

Simce es marca registrada del Ministerio de Educación. 147

Pages 148 and 149

What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Part 1
Students should recognize What Did You Learn?
modern-day countries that made
up part of Tahuantinsuyo. Mark the correct answer with an .
Extra Support 1. Which of the following countries made up part of Tahuantinsuyo? point

Ask students to locate the 1

A. Peru.
countries that made up the Inca
civilization on a world map. B. Brazil.
C. Mexico.
Evaluation Part 2 D. Venezuela.
Students should recognize
the quipus as a way to record 2. What form of record keeping did the Incas use to administer resources and store point
important information?
information that the Incas used 1
to administer resources and store A. Ayllus.
important information. B. Quipus.
Extra Support C. Tambos.
If students have not become D. Chasquis.
familiarized with forms of Inca
3. What was one of the elements of unity and control that Tahuantinsuyo had? point
record keeping, like the quipu,
ask them to research tools and A. The network of roads. 1
utensils that they used. B. Commercial activity.
C. Cultivation techniques.
Evaluation Part 3
D. The founding of cities.
Students should identify the
network of roads as an element 4. What social group is being described? point
of unity and control that the
Tahuantinsuyo had.
These people were servants for life. They did many different jobs, from domestic
Extra Support tasks to construction and even personal tasks for the Great Inca.
Editorial team
Have students make a chart in
which they organize the different
mechanisms the Inca had to A. Nobility. C. Yanaconas.
unify and control their territory.
B. Mitimaes. D. Farmers.
Students should consider: the
chasquis, the network of roads,
their language and official
religion, and the importance of 148
the curaca as an intermediary
between the Sapa Inca and the
ayllus, or communities.
What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Parts 4 and 5 Extra Support

Students should understand the Ask students to make charts in
hierarchical order of the Inca power which they explain the Inca political
structure. organization (Sapa Inca-curaca-ayllu)
and their social organization.

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

What Did You Learn?

Unit 3

Evaluation Part 6
Final Evaluation Students should recognize the
Inca cultivation technique shown
5. What was the hierarchical order in the Inca political structure? point in the photograph.
A. Great Inca - Ayllu - Curaca. 1 Extra Support
B. Curaca - Great Inca - Ayllu. Ask students to make files for
C. Great Inca - Curaca - Ayllu. each cultivation technique
developed by the Incas. They
D. Curaca - Ayllu - Great Inca.
should do so following these
criteria: name, location,
Look at the photograph and answer question 6.
description, usefulness, and a
6. What Inca cultivation technique is shown in the photograph? point representative drawing.

Lissette Campos
A. Terraces. Evaluation Part 7
B. Chinampa. Students should identify the
C. Drip irrigation. Atacama as the people that were
D. Irrigation canals. influenced by the Incas.
Extra Support
Have students make a map of
Chile on which they represent the
7. Which of the following indigenous peoples was influenced by the Incas? point Inca influence and the relationship
between the Atacama and the
A. Chono. 1 Tahuantinsuyo.
B. Huilliche.
C. Mapuche. Evaluation Part 8
D. Atacamas. Students should understand
agriculture as a common element
8. What do the Aymara, Atacama, and Diaguitas have in common? point between the Aymara, Aymara, and
A. Their official language is Quechua. 1 Diaguitas.
B. Their main activity was agriculture. Extra Support
C. They fished and gathered shellfish. Ask students to make comparative
D. They lived in the Andes Mountains. charts with common elements
between the Aymara, the Atacama,
and the Diaguitas, focusing on
location, way of life, economic
149 activities, religion, and culture.

Soc studies 4.3.indd 149 13-02-13 16:35

Pages 150 and 151

What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Part 9
Students should understand Look at the photo and answer question 9.
that the purpose of pukaras
for the Atacama was to defend
Extra Support
Ask students to do some research
on the purpose of pukaras.

Evaluation Part 10
Students should recognize that
the Mapuche people never had a
central political system.
Extra Support
Ask students to explain why the
Mapuche did not have a central Pukara de Quitor.

political system using two

concepts: lonko and toqui. 9. What was the purpose of these structures built by the Atacamas? point

A. They were used to defend themselves. 1

B. They were the headquarters of the authorities.
C. They were temples dedicated to the gods.
D. They were cultivation techniques.

10. Which of these indigenous peoples never had a political system? point

A. Changos. 1
B. Yaghan.
C. Diaguitas.
D. Mapuche.


Soc studies 4.3.indd 150 13-02-13 16:35

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

What Did You Learn?

Unit 3

Evaluation Part 11
Read the text and answer question 11. Students should identify
characteristics of the Selk’nam
Young boys were separated from their mothers to initiate them into adulthood with a people after reading the text.
ritual. During the hain, all the boys went through a training process in which they were
taught religious traditions, ethical behavior, and hunting techniques. Extra Support
Editorial team Ask students to explain the Hain
rituals in their notebook.

11. Which group of indigenous people practices this tradition? point Evaluation Part 12
Students should describe two
A. Yaghan. 1
common elements between the
B. Selk’nam. indigenous peoples of the South
C. Kaweskar. and those of Central Chile.
D. Aonikenk. Extra Support
Ask students to make a
Answer questions 12 and 13. comparative chart with the
12. Describe two common elements between the indigenous peoples of the South and points
following criteria: location, way of
those of Central Chile. life, economic activities, religion,
2 and culture.

Evaluation Part 13
Students should explain the
importance of the Pachamama to
the Andean peoples.
13. What was the importance of Pachamama, or Mother Earth, for the Andean peoples? points
Extra Support
Highlight the importance of
the Pachamama to the Andean
societies using the information
on page 121. Relate it to the
indigenous peoples from Northern
Find T
Chile and explain that they are
st 3
Study part of the Andean culture and
Page were influenced by the Incas.


Evaluation Digital Activities Test 3 Study Page

Look for the A and B tests at the Explain to students that this Ask students to work on Test 3
end of the book, or online at the evaluation can be done in the Study Page to prepare to take the
Teacher’s Lounge at: textbook but also online at unit test.
www.pathway.cl. www.pathway.cl, in the
Evaluations section in the
Teacher’s Lounge area.

Test 3 Study Page – Summary

Test 3 Study Page • Summary

Indigenous Peoples

Andean Region Chile
– All sedentary,
The Incas North except the
Aymara – Influenced by
Highlights the Incas.
– They
road systems Changos
agriculture and
the Changos
the chasquis Diaguitas

the quipus Central and – Farmed and

Southern gathered food.
cultivation on terraces
– Organized in
family units. 1.
architecture Pewenche – The Picunche
Mapuche influenced by
the Incas.
Organization Huilliche

Sapa Inca, or Great

Inca, as the head of Far South – Bands formed 2.
the government by families.
Chono – Hunters and
hierarchical society 3.
polytheist religion – Nomads.
worshiped nature


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Test 3 Study Page • Review

Name: Grade:

Section 1:

Read the text and answer.

The Incas formed part of one of the largest and richest American civilizations.
Their process of expansion and consolidation was achieved by making Quechua
the official language and Inti the official god of worship, although the conquered
peoples were still allowed to keep their own religions. Also, they created a large
network of roads where workers and the army were able to move quickly from one
place to another. The Great Inca relied on his courier system, which allowed him to
receive the most important news and in turn to make decisions more rapidly and
maintain direct contact with the leaders or curacas of the people under his rule.
Editorial Team

1. What title would you give the text? Why?

2. Underline the elements that allowed Tahuantinsuyo to control the conquered

peoples in .

3. Use the text to explain the Inca political structure.

Test 3 Study Page – Review

Test 3 Study Page • Review

Section 2: Sect

The Pachamama
The Andean people believed that the Earth and all activities related to it were
sacred. So, the Pachamama or Mother Earth was considered a very important
goddess, since she was associated with the productive capacity of the land and
was a sacred provider of food.
Editorial Team

The Sun god, as is evident, was the most favored god. Coricancha, the temple
dedicated to him, was the most beautiful and majestic in the city. Many buildings
all over Tahuantinsuyo were built in honor of Inti, and his presence was valued 2.
and felt across all of the Andean territory.
Patricia Temoche. Breve historia de los incas (A Short History of the Incas).
Madrid: Nowtilus, 2008. (Adaptation)

1. Explain why Inti and Pachamama were so important to the Incas.

2. Use examples to demonstrate how the Incas worshiped nature and were

r, and
glue in

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Sections 3 and 4:

glue here
1. Write three characteristics about the indigenous peoples from each region.

Central and
Northern Far South

glue here
2. Select one of the indigenous peoples and write about their habitat, way of life,
productive activities, and beliefs.

glue here
glue here

wer, a
in you
glue here

Activity Card 7

Activity Card 7
Indigenous Peoples of Chile
Look at the map and answer.
Chilean waters

1. Write the indigenous peoples of Chile that you

know of and a brief description of them.

Easter Island




2. Which indigenous people or peoples live in the

region where you live?





Chilean waters



Activity cards.indd 13 13-02-13 16:37

Activity Card 8 4th Grade Social Studies

Activity Card 8
Compare the indigenous peoples of the north of Chile.

Way of Life




Activity cards.indd 15 13-02-13 16:37

Activity Card 9

Activity Card 9
Read the document and develop a diagram.

The Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations reached parts to lower parts of the land. Along its
a complex level of development in different path, the water transported nutrients coming
areas such as science, architecture, crafts, from the plants that grew in the higher parts
and medicine. Many of their achievements of the land.
are part of our world heritage, and the
Drying Food. The Incas created a way to
heritage of the countries of Latin America,
store food for long periods of time. They were
where there are still large populations of
able to take advantage of the differences in
descendants of indigenous peoples, many
temperature between day and night in order
of which have conserved their languages,
to dry foods such as cochayuyo, charqui,
beliefs, and worldviews.
and chuño.
Monumental Buildings. The Mayas, Aztecs,
and Incas, built important temples and
buildings in their cities, representing their
religious beliefs and high level of technological,
engineering, and astronomical development.
Examples of this are the Maya ruins of Tikal
and Chichen Itza.
Religious Expressions. Many of the beliefs
Some of the most notable achievements of and religious celebrations of the indigenous
these three civilizations are: peoples are still practiced by their descendants.
This is the case with Inti Raymi, which
Terraced Farms. These were developed
is celebrated during the winter solstice.
primarily by the Andean cultures, or those that
During this Inca celebration, a new cycle
were located around the Andes Mountains,
of nature, or beginning of a new Sun, is
such as the Incas. This system allowed large
commemorated. They also give thanks to
pieces of land to be irrigated without using
nature and the Sun for life.
very much water, as it flowed from higher

Activity cards.indd 17 13-02-13 16:38

Vocabulary Card 4th Grade Social Studies

File Units 2 and 3

2 Vocabulary
lo entiendes
1. Define the concept in your own words.
Students should mention previous ideas.

Cómo lo
lo aplicas

2. presente
Apply it
2. Mark the correct options with an .
is something that people created. is a manifestation of art, ways of life,

• and beliefs.

simply exists without the need to is the same in all societies.

be created. presente

Explain it
Cómo lo explicas
Students should define the concept using previous work.
Cómo lo explicas


Answer Key
Unit 3
Section 1
Page 112 Activities

• Students should identify the territory of the Tahuantinsuyo, its division into four zones, or suyos, and Northern
Chile as part of the Kollasuyo.
• Students should hypothesize about the Inca administration, their religion, and military power, among other
possible explanations for the division of the Inca territory. It is important that students argue their answers.

Page 113 Activities

• Students should state their opinion about a subject that could be polemic because the tucuyricuy were
agents of the Sapa Inca who travelled in disguise all over the Empire enforcing the laws of the Incas. When
answering, students should refer to this fact, either agreeing or disagreeing with the tucuyricuy’s functions.
• In order for students to answer this question, they should understand the Sapa Inca’s main function and
powers to help them grasp the central organization of the Inca’s political system. The Sapa Inca was the
representative of the gods on Earth and ruled over all: land, animals, plants, and people. He was responsible
for administration (organizing public works, and supplying the people with food), military affairs, and religion.

Page 114 Activities

• After reading the texts on page 114, students should be able to understand and explain what reciprocity
and redistribution mean in the Inca and Andean context. This is important because human relationships
were based on giving and receiving goods and services. Similarly, the products that could be obtained
were distributed among the people of the Inca Empire.
• This question is focused on the students’ recognition of the characteristics of the Yanaconas. Students
should be able to describe them after reading the text. The Yanaconas were workers and had different
occupations, from basic domestic jobs to higher administrative jobs.

Page 115 Practicing

1. Students should be able to recognize reciprocity and redistribution in the diagram that shows the relationship
between ayllus, curacas, and the Sapa Inca. They should explain the main relationships in the Tahuantinsuyo
and take into account the relationship between the ayllus and the curacas, between the curacas and the
Sapa Inka, and between the Sapa Inca and the ayllus.

4th Grade Social Studies

2. Students should be able to recognize the hierarchical and pyramidal social structure of the Inca society. The
highest position was held by the Sapa Inca and his family, who composed the royalty. Then, the nobility were
made up of priests, army leaders, high government officials, and the curacas; they had privileges such as
being able to have more than wife, being exempt from paying taxes, or being able to use status symbols to
demonstrate their power. In the third position were the peasants and conquered peoples. They were part of
the ayllus and the main workforce. Lastly, the yanaconas were workers who worked for the State and had
various occupations; they were not slaves.
3. Students should describe the political organization of the Inca civilization. They should write about the Sapa
Inca, who was the representative of the gods on Earth, and ruler of all; he was responsible for administration,
military affairs, and religion. He was advised by a council, which was made up of the Great Inca’s son, the
governing officials from each suyo, the highest priest, the army general, and a wise person. The political
structure of the Incas also included a person called the apunchic, or principal governor, who could make
administrative decisions and administer justice. At the community level, there was the ayllu, or a group of
families, whose high leader was the curaca. Also, there was the tucuyricuy, who traveled in disguise throughout
Tahuantinsuyo, enforcing the laws of the Incas.

Page 116 Activities

• Students should be able to understand two characteristic elements of the Tahuantinsuyo: the system of
roads and the courier system. Students should explain that due to these two systems, the Incas were able
to keep the conquered peoples under control. It also helped them deliver and receive news and messages
from different places all over Tahuantinsuyo very quickly.
• Students should understand and be able to characterize who the chasquis were. Students should explain
that the chasquis were trained men who could run quickly for long periods of time to deliver and receive
news and messages from different places all over Tahuantinsuyo.

Page 117 Activities

• Students should be able to explain the Incas’ advanced ways of farming and how they adapted agriculture
to their terrain. Students should write about the Andean zone and its geographical features, and how the
Incas were able to create a system of terraces by which they could develop their agricultural production.
These terraces formed large steps on which crops were grown; also, they were able to use water more
efficiently because there were canals that brought water through the different levels of the terraces.

Page 119 Summarizing

1. Students should be able to explain the road network and the courier system, as well as the importance of
keeping records of information relevant to the Empire. They should mention that the system of roads and
couriers was a network of roads on which people could travel with their animals, and where chasquis could
run quickly and receive and deliver messages. The Inca recording system was based on the quipu, which
was a rope that had different colored ropes tied to it with different types of knots that represented numbers.
Using the quipu, the Incas could monitor agricultural production, how much food was stored, the fulfillment
of the mita, the number of inhabitants, and any other relevant information.
Quiz Yourself

1. Students should summarize the contents reviewed in this unit on Inca political and social organization.
Also, they should exercise their writing and analytical skills. The political concepts they have to use are:
Tahuantinsuyo, the Sapa Inca, and ayllu; and the political concepts: hierarchy and yanaconas. Students
should respond with something similar to the following: The Inca political organization was based on an
Empire called Tahuantinsuyo, with the Sapa Inca as its leader and representative of the gods on Earth and
ruler of all things. At the community level, there was the curaca, who was the leader of the ayllus, or groups
of families. The social structure of the Incas was hierarchically organized: the Sapa Inca and his family were
in the highest position, and in the lowest were the yanaconas, who were the workers of the Inca State.

Section 2
Page 120 Activities

• Students should read page 120 and use the information from the text. Students should be able to understand
that in the Inca society, work was divided by gender and social position. Thus, men who were not part of
the ruling class were farmers, artisan fishermen, miners, soldiers, or construction workers, while those who
were talented in an art or trade could ask the Sapa Inca to develop their skill and worked for him. The Inca
women helped their husbands with farm work or field work, but they usually performed domestic chores
because they weaved and made chichi.
• Students should answer that women in the Inca society were in an inferior position to that of men.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 121 Activities

• Students should understand that there are Inca descendants who worship the Pachamama. They should
focus on the following information: Every year on the first day of August the descendants of the Incas
present offerings to the Pachamama. They make a hole in the ground where they place food, fermented
drinks like chichi, and incenses that clean the environment and people of bad spirits. During this ceremony
they renew their promise to protect the ecosystems around them.
• Students should infer why the Incas worshipped nature. Answers must refer to the development of the Inca
agriculture and conclude that without the Sun, rain, and the land, the Incas would not have been able to
achieve their development.

Page 124 Practica

Author: Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala
Century: 16th and 17th
Illustrations: the first illustration, “An Inca with a quipu”; the second, “Agricultural workers planting.”
People shown: In the first illustration, there is a Sapa Inca; while, in the second, there are three farmers
(a man and two women).
Description of what they are doing: In the first image, there is an Inca with a quipu (possibly reading information).
In the second image, there are three people working the land or, specifically, sowing the land.

Page 125 Summarizing

a. Students should relate the information in the text (most of the indigenous peoples of America worship the
Sun) with the Inca religion. Consequently, students should be able to explain that the Incas also worshiped
the Sun because they believed in Inti, who was responsible for the Earth’s fecundity. Their answers must
deal with the relationship between nature and religion, and the Inca’s belief in Inti.

Quiz Yourself
Yes / The religion of Tahuantinsuyo was based on elements of nature since the Incas believed in Inti,
Pachamama, and Mama Killa.
No / The Inca were polytheists; thus, they believed in many gods. Inti was not the only god; however, it was
the only god that had to be worshiped.
No / Even though Machu Picchu was a religious center, it was not the capital of the Tahuantinsuyo. Cusco
was the capital of the Inca Empire.

Pages 126-127 Let’s Check

2. Students should work with the map and be able to locate the Tahuantinsuyo indicating the following modern-
day countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile.
3. Students should explain that the chasquis and the network of roads were important in the Tahuantinsuyo
because, using these, the Sapa Inca was able to receive news and control the Inca territory.
4. Students should explain that the quipus were used for recording both statistical and narrative information
such as the census, agricultural reserves, mining production, the number of workers, etc.
5. Students should be able to conclude after reading the text that the Incas might have developed a system of
writing; however, it has never been found.
6. Students should mention that the ayllus were the basis of the Inca society, and that they were a group of
families with a common land and whose high leader was the curaca. The land of the ayllus was farmed and
developed as a community and the products were distributed among the participants because the Inca social
organization was based on reciprocity and redistribution.
7. Students should state that the Inca power structure was hierarchically ordered. Consequently, the relationship
between the ayllus and the Sapa Inca was mediated by the curaca, who was in charge of collecting tributes
or taxes and administering justice.

4th Grade Social Studies

Section 3
Page 128 Activities

Activity Card 7
• Students should recognize some indigenous peoples that they know. Their description should be based
on the indigenous peoples’ location or their culture.
• Students should recognize their region and the indigenous peoples that used to live or still live in there.
They should also make their own legend for the map.
• Students should understand the influence of the Inca on the Aymara and identify three characteristics,
like the following: they used the system of terraces to work the land, their organization into ayllus, and their
belief in the dead and nature.
• Students should be able to identify elements of the Aymara religious beliefs and their relationship to the
Earth. Therefore, their answers must focus on the Aymara beliefs which were directly related to agriculture
and livestock farming. Their celebrations were rituals that expressed their respect for the Earth and for their
relationships between each other.

Page 129 Activities

• Students should be able to explain that the Atacamas’ way of life was tied to agriculture and llama and
alpaca livestock. These animals allowed them to transport their products to other towns or trade them for
other items that they did not produce. For example, they traded potatoes, quinoa, beans, corn, or their
livestock, for fish and other seafood with the inhabitants of the coast.
• Students should understand that the Atacamas were influenced by the Inca Empire; consequently, they
had to adopt the worship of Inti.

Page 130 Activities

• Students should be able to imagine the Changos’ everyday life. The Changos were a nomadic people who
lived most of the time on their rafts. They ate fish, shellfish, and hunted sea lions. Sea lion skins were used
to make their rafts and their bones to make harpoons. While on land, they lived in huts made of animal
skin and whale bones. The Changos traded with the peoples farther inland and in the mountains, so they
had access to other products, such as potatoes and corn. They wore wool hats decorated with feathers,
as well as jewelry made of shells, bones, and the teeth of marine animals. They also made ceramic objects
and created cave paintings.
• Students should be able to establish differences between the Atacamas and the Changos. They must
mention that the Changos were nomads, thus, they were gatherers, while the Atacamas were sedentary
and their main economic activities were agriculture and livestock.

Page 131 Activities

a. Students should understand how the commercial exchange between the northern peoples was. They
must explain that the Atacamas and the Diaguitas traded with the Changos so they could have a greater
variety of products.
b. Students should be able to understand that nature was very important to these peoples because their
relationship with their environment was very close. They produced their food, clothing, jewelry, and houses
from natural resources that they carefully extracted from nature.

Page 132-133 Practicing

a. Terrazas: sistema de cultivo que permitió ampliar las tierras cultivables, ya que se adaptó el medio natural
cordillerano a la producción agrícola, técnica ocupada por los pueblos pertenecientes a la cultura andina.
b. Pottery: occupation by which some indigenous people, such as the Diaguita, made clay containers that
were decorated with different shapes. Among the Diaguita pottery, their most common works were the
jarro pato and the jarro zapato.
c. Cave painting: artistic representations or paintings on cave walls or ceilings that were produced by indigenous
peoples. In Chile, the Chonos had paintings that represented marine animals, birds, and children.
a. Students should explain that the mummies of Atacama are no longer on public display as a sign of respect
to the heritage of indigenous peoples.
b. Students should relate the decision of not having the mummies on public display with the respect that
should be given to the indigenous peoples’ heritage. Students should understand that, as heritage is an
important element of the past, it has to be respected.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 133 Quiz Yourself

Activity Card 8

Criteria Aymara Atacameños Changos Diaguitas

Geographic Altiplano of the extreme Puna of Atacama and Northern Coast of Valleys in the
location north of Chile. the Andes Mountain Chile, in between modern-day regions
Ranges, in modern- modern-day Atacama of Atacama and
day Tarapaca and and Coquimbo. Coquimbo, between
Antofagasta regions. the Copiapo and
Choapa Rivers.

Lifestyle Sedentary Sedentary Nomad Sedentary

Economic Using a system of Their crops were They ate fish, shellfish,They performed
activities terraces, they were able planted on terraces and other seafood; they various activities
to cultivate products and watered using also traded with the such as agriculture,
such as potatoes, an irrigation system peoples farther inland livestock farming,
beans, squash, corn, that allowed them to and in the mountains. hunting, and fishing;
and quinoa. grow potatoes, quinoa, they also grew crops
beans, and corn. such as corn, beans,
potatoes, quinoa,
squash, and cotton.
Religion Their beliefs, gods, They believed in the They worshiped their They worshiped
and celebrations were afterlife, and had ancestors and buried nature, especially the
all directly related rituals and ceremonies them with their valuable Sun and the Moon.
to agriculture and dedicated to nature. objects.
livestock farming. They adopted Inti, the
Sun god, and worshiped
Cultural Similar to their They developed They made ceramic They practiced
expressions ancestors today, artisanal ceramics and objects and created pottery and made
the Aymara have a used gold, silver, and cave paintings. clay containers that
successful weaving bronze to make jewelry were decorated with
business using wool and decorations. shapes and white,
from llamas, alpacas, red, green, and black
and vicuñas. colors.

2. Students should be able to describe one of the cultures from Northern Chile and give evidence of two ways
they were influenced by the Incas. Students must focus on the indigenous people’s agricultural development
(terraces), their worship of Inti, the dead, and nature. Students can also mention social organization, based
on ayllus and led by a curaca, or they can refer to the pottery production of this people.

Section 4
Page 134 Activities

• Students should be able to understand the Picunche’s location. To do so, they should recognize the Mapuche
division of territory and state that Pichuche means people of the north because they live in Northern and
Central Chile.
• Students should be able to identify characteristics that differentiate the Pichunche from other peoples.
Among them, students must identify the influence that the Picunche received from the Diaguita, Incas,
and Mapuche.

Page 135 Activities

• Students should compare the Pewenche and the Huilliche peoples and establish their differences. Students
should differentiate their location and state that the Pewenche lived in the mountainous region between the
Maule River and the Lonquimay Volcan, while the Huilliche lived in the intermediate depression between
the Tolten River and the Reloncavi Sound. While the Pewenche were hunters and gatherers, the Huilliche
fished using boats made of wood planks and bark called dalcas.
• Students should understand that the lonko was the leader of the family, and that the levo was a group of
tribes which did not have a central leader.

Page 136 Activities

• Students should state that a lonko is the leader of a lof, or community, and that a toque was an elected
military chief during times of war.
• Students should address a particular characteristic of the Mapuche people. The Mapuche are considered
semi-sedentary because they raised llamas and vicuñas, as well as grew various crops; however, they would
sometimes move to a different area in order to hunt or gather food.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 137 Practicing

a. Students should be able to use the information from the text and answer: although all these peoples share
the same language, they are diverse and there are differences among them.
b. Students should refer to the Mapuche people as a diverse and large indigenous group that has differences
among its groups. For instance, in Pre-Columbian times, the Pewenche led a nomadic way of life, while
the Huilliche led a sedentary life.

a. In times of war, the Mapuche chose a toque.
c. The Picunche did not resist the expansion of the Incas.
d. The Huilliche lived in the mountainous region and in Chiloe.

Page 138 Activities

• Students should identify the geography and climate in the regions of the extreme south. They must describe
it as made up of archipelagos, islands, and channels, and as being very cold and often with strong winds.
• Students should be able to understand and explain why the Chono were a nomadic people. Consequently,
they should state that they traveled in boats called dalcas, which could carry a family group of up to ten
people. The Chono did not have a sedentary way of life and they fished, hunted, and gathered food.

Page 139 Activities

• Students should understand that the Kaweskar canoe was considered a home as well as a mode of
transportation because they lived between the Chonos Archipelago and the Strait of Magellan and spent
most of their lives in their boats. These canoes were built using tree bark and were wide in order to hold
an entire family, which consisted of a man, one or two wives, their children, and a dog. In the center of the
canoe there was an open fire used to cook and keep warm.
• Students should be able to explain that the Kaweskar dealt with the weather and climate conditions with
an open fire in the center of their canoes. When they were on land, they built tents in a cone shape, using
branches, grass, and animal skins. To protect their bodies from the cold, they covered their bodies in sea
lion fat.

Answer Key
Page 140 Activities

• Students should explain the importance of the borders of every haruwen because these were areas that
organized the Selk’nam society. Each group respected other families’ haruwen because hunting for guanaco
in a different area could end in conflict. In each haruwen the inhabitants had the right to hunt, fish, and
gather fruits and other materials to make their homes and tools. One family group was only allowed in the
area of another to trade or celebrate communal ceremonies like whale hunting.
• The hain was one of the Selk’nam’s most well-known ceremonies, and was an initiation for young men
passing into adulthood. This ceremony re-created the myth of man’s triumph over women, and the objective
was for the boys to become well-behaved adults.

Page 141 Activities

• Students should be able to distinguish how the Yaghan adapted to their environment; consequently, they
should explain that the Yaghan environment is full of channels and fjords and its climate very cold, rainy,
and windy. The Yaghan covered their bodies with animal skin or sea lion fat.
• Students should understand that the Yaghan’s economic and domestic activities were divided by gender.
The men built canoes and hunted animals like sea lions, whales, and otters. The women built the houses,
kept a fire burning, prepared food, and gathered shellfish.

Page 142 Practica

a. Students should be able to identify elements of the Selk’nam culture in the “Kamshout and Autumn”
legend. They should refer to the Hain ritual and to their relationship with nature.

Page 143 Quiz Yourself

1. Students should recognize the way of life of the indigenous peoples of Central Chile. Some of them had a
sedentary way of life, such as the Pichunche and Huilliche, while others were nomads, like the Pehuenche,
or semi-sedentary, like the Mapuche.
2. Students should be able to establish a relationship between the indigenous peoples’ culture and their
environments. To do so, they should explain that their relationship was based on adapting to their environment’s
geographical features and climate. Therefore, they should refer to the difficulties that the indigenous peoples
of the Far South had to face (channels, fjords, cold, and windy and rainy climate).

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 144-145 Connections

Information in Action
• After reading page 144, students should be able to understand that the Andean peoples adapted well to
their environment because they developed farming technology according to their geographical features
and climate. For example, in the coastal region of modern-day Peru, there is little water; this forced the
indigenous peoples to develop agricultural techniques that could cope with the geographic and climatic
• Students should make a chart with the following criteria: agricultural techniques/ region: North/ irrigation
canals/ reservoirs/ fertilizers. Region: altiplano/ cochas/ terraces.

Language Skills
• Students should be able to explain the connection between Andean culture and agriculture, basing their
answers on the unit contents and on the text. Students should mention that, because the Andean peoples
led a sedentary way of life, they had to develop farming technology. Consequently, these peoples adapted
to their natural environment and geographical features and developed their culture and society according
to them. This can be seen in their religion.
• Students should deduce why the agricultural techniques invented by the Andean peoples are an example
of their relationship with nature. Students should conclude that their farming techniques were developed
and adapted to the environment in which they lived: altiplano, coastal, and desert. They should refer to the
andenes, or terraces, that make it possible to grow crops on the hillside.
• Students should develop their linguistic skills as they draw and write their conclusions from the text.

Page 146 Learning Techniques

1. Making a diagram, students should develop the skill of organizing information. From Activity Card 9, they
should organize the information as follows: American Civilization/Maya, Aztec, Inca/Agriculture: andenes/
Desiccate animals /Monumental buildings/ Religion.
2. Students should conclude that making a diagram allows them to organize and hierarchically order information
from a text. This will help them have a broader understanding of the information.

Answer Key
Page 147 Simce Strategies

Develop New Skills

a. 16th and 17th Century
b. Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala. Nueva crónica y buen gobierno (New Chronicle and Good Government)
c. Students should conclude that the author’s objective is to record the Inca’s agricultural activities, especially
harvesting. They should also mention their division of work.
2. Students should develop their research and communication skills. They should use different references when

Page 148 - 151 What Did You Learn?

12. Students should answer that these peoples were not influenced by the Incas, with the exception of the
Picunche. Similarly, students should state that all these peoples adapted to their environment and developed
their ways of life according to geographical features and climate.
13. Students should refer to some aspects of the Andean peoples’ religion and explain that Pachamama, or
Mother Earth, is a goddess responsible for making the land fertile.

4th Grade Social Studies

Test 3 Study Page – Review

Section 1
1. After reading the text, students should find a suitable and representative title, and they should support their
answer. A possible title could be The Creation of the Inca Civilization, because the text focuses on the way
in which the civilization was formed.
2. Students should mention that the Inca political structure was made up of the Sapa Inca, the curacas, and
the people.

Section 2
1. Students should be able to understand the importance of religion and gods for the Inca people, after reading
the text. In the case of the Pachamama, this goddess is important because she is responsible for making the
land fertile; or Inti, to whom the Inca built enormous buildings.
2. Students should understand the Inca’s polytheism by focusing on their worship of more than one god, such
as Pachamama and Inti. Also they should refer to the relationship between their gods, religion, and nature.

Section 3 and 4

Nort Central and South South Austral

There were peoples who There were peoples who Nomadic peoples that
developed agriculture and developed agriculture and hunted and gathered.
others who gathered. others who gathered.
They protected themselves
They were influenced by They were organized in from the cold with animal
the Inca. family groups or lofs. skin and fat.
They traded their goods. They bordered the Inca The people from the Far
Empire. South used their canoes as
temporary homes.

2. Students should choose an indigenous people and describe their characteristics. This should help them
develop their summarizing, writing, and communication skills.

Pages 152 and 153

In 5 Minutes

Read the objectives on page

Our Organization and
152 and ask students to mention
some relevant information about
the unit contents. For example,
Who is the president of Chile? Do
you know the name of the mayor?
Do you know any members of
Participation in Society
congress? After listening to their
answers, explain to students that
all these people are part of the
political system of Chile, and that
they were elected.

Digital Activities

To begin the unit, use the

presentation found in the
Multimedia Presentation section
in the Teacher’s Lounge at

In this unit you will learn to:

• identify the important figures within the political organization of Chile, how they are elected,
and what they do.
• recognize the rights of children in everyday life.
• participate in the community by resolving conflict through discussion.
• value living in a society and respecting people.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Initial Evaluation

With students, observe the

What Do You Know? Initial Evaluation
picture on pages 152 and 153
and focus on each scene that is
1. Circle the scene with the color of the corresponding illustrated. Ask questions such
as the following: What elements
Key Words a. Right to health. are present in the picture? Is it an
b. Right to education. urban or rural space? Why? What
opinion rights are being respected?
c. Right to recreation.
political party Mention the rights that can be
2. Look at the picture. Write three situations that identified in the image, such as
harmony show the rights of children being respected. the right to education, to health,
conflict to free time, to family, and to
a. Right to have a family. express oneself.
municipality Explain students that living
b. Right to protection.
together in harmony is the ideal
c. Right to education. interaction between people and
that it is based on respect and
3. Look at the picture and describe how the people responsibility.
are living together in harmony.

4. Why is it important to participate in the community?

Use an example from the picture to explain your




Pages 154 and 155


1 Political Organization
Organization Connecting

UNIT 4: Each country is a large community in which many people live together. Did You Know...?
Our Organization and Participation In order to coexist and avoid disrespecting others, we have to organize
in Society ourselves socially and politically. For this reason, countries establish Democracy first began in the
governmental systems or regimes. One of these systems is democracy. city of Athens, in Ancient
Section 1: Political Organization live together Greece, where only a few
in peace men elected the city leaders
What is democracy? by voting. Citizen rights only
What is democracy?
Democracy in Chile applied to free Athenian
Today, the majority of countries in the world have adopted democracy. men, excluding women,
Power of the State This is a type of government where people participate actively in political foreigners, and slaves.
life. For example, they vote to elect representatives that govern or make
decisions in plebiscites. In addition, citizens can run for a public office
with the support of a political party or independently. Word Focus
Democracy is more than just a political system the State uses to organize A political party is an
itself. It is also a system that promotes and respects the rights of the people. organization that wants to
This is why we are all able to assert our rights, such as the freedom to influence the policies of a
move around, to state our opinions, and to meet with whomever we choose. government. The people in
this organization usually
All rights are written out in a Constitution, also known as the most have similar beliefs and
Clarifying Concepts important set of laws of a country. It establishes the principles that guide political philosophies,
the rest of the laws of a country. It also establishes the type of State and and try to have their
government of the country, how representatives are elected, and the rights own members elected to
Explain that a public office is an and obligations of the citizens, among other subjects. government positions.
occupation primarily related to
governmental activities carried
out in public departments and
agencies. For example, people
who work at ministries, city halls,
schools, or public hospitals all
work in public office. There are
other public office occupations;
public servants have to be elected Activities
in order to work in positions such • What is democracy?
as president, congressman, People exercising their • Does Chile have a
major, etc. right to vote. Why is it
democratic system? Argue
important for people to
participate? your point of view.

154 Unit 4 / Civics

Soc Studies 4.4.indd 154 13-02-13 16:47

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Characterize the important figures within the political organization of Chile

Possible Difficulties

Students might not understand

Democracy in Chile the characteristics of suffrage in
the right to vote
Chile (universal, secret, direct,
Chile has a representative democracy,, which means that the people elect Word Focus
the authorities to represent them through suffrage or voting. The elections
and voluntary). To strengthen
for the public offices of president and deputy and municipal elections A ballot is what is used to these concepts, ask students to
are held every four years, and for senators every eight years. There is cast votes in an election. write their definitions in their
It can be paper or on a
also another form of participation through voting, called a plebiscite.In notebooks.
computer, or even small
this case, leaders ask the people to make a decision on an important
balls or pieces of pottery
issue and then vote if they are for or against a proposal about that issue.
in other cultures.
Suffrage is universal, secret, direct, and since 2012, voluntary. This
means that any person that meets the requirements and wishes to vote
may do so regardless of their economic, social, or cultural background. In
addition, only the voter truly knows for whom they voted, as voting takes
place in a private booth and with a secret ballot. Voters directly elect their
authorities, and the candidate with the majority of the votes wins.
Who cannot vote in Chile? Foreigners who are not permanent residents You must be 18 years or
of Chile or who have lived in the country for less than five years, children older, and either be Chilean
under the age of 18, those who are legally considered mentally unable, or a foreign resident who
has lived in Chile for more
and people who have been in jail for more than three years and one day than five years, in order
are all unable to vote. to vote. In 2012, voting
became voluntary, and now
every person of voting age is
automatically enrolled in the
electoral registry.

Did You Know...?

For a long time women Activities
did not have the right to • Describe the
vote. In Chile, women have characteristics of suffrage.
had the right to vote in
municipal elections since • What do you think about
1935 and in presidential people younger than 18
elections since 1949. not being allowed to vote?



Pages 156 and 157

Clarifying Concepts Section 1 / Political Organization

Explain that in Chile, the

president is the head of State Powers of the State
and government. Highlight
Today, some democracies, like that of Chile, are considered a republic. This Challenge
these characteristics, explaining is a system wherein the powers of the State are separate and independent
that being the head of State of each other. These separate branches of power are the executive branch, Who is the head of State
symbolically represents the which is in charge of the country’s administration and is represented by in England? Why do you
think this person is not the
country abroad, while the head the president and his or her ministers; the legislative branch, which is
head of the government
of government administers and represented by the National Congress and focuses on the creation of
as well?
makes the necessary decisions laws and monitoring the other two branches; and the judicial branch,
led by the Supreme Court, which applies justice. Only the executive and
for the country. The president of legislative branches hold positions of popular vote, meaning they are
the Republic has the authority to elected by citizens.
make political decisions to fulfill
Characteristics of the Executive Branch
the country’s needs.
The president of the The president cannot The president must be Once in office, the president
Republic heads the be re-elected. To run elected by popular, direct appoints the ministers of
executive branch and is for this position, he or vote and by an absolute State who will help him or her
the highest authority of she must be Chilean, majority, which is more govern. They must be people
the country. He or she be older than 35, and than half of all votes. If no the president trusts since they
is head of the State and be a citizen with the one receives a majority, are in charge of the ministries,
government. This is a right to vote. a second election is held such as the Ministry of Labor,
four year position. between the two candidates the Ministry of Transportation,
with the most votes. and the Ministry of Education.

In 5 Minutes

Explain that according to the

Constitution of 1980, the President
can make laws; call referendums
or popular consultations;
declare martial law; appoint In Chile, the president is the head of State and the Activities
and remove ministers of State, government. However, there are other countries, like
• Why is the separation of
Spain or England, where these roles are separate. The
undersecretaries, intendants, and head of State is who represents the country abroad, while the powers of the State
governors; appoint ambassadors; the head of government administrates and makes the necessary?
grant individual pardon; conduct necessary decisions for the country.
• What do you think about the
political relations with foreign ministers not being elected
nations and international by the people?
organizations; appoint and remove
Commanders-in-Chief of the Army,
Navy, Air Force, and the Director 156 Unit 4 / Civics

of Carabineros; command the

air, sea, and land forces; and
watch over the collection of public
revenue, among other functions.

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Characterize the important figures within the political organization of Chile

Common Mistakes

Practicing A common mistake that students

might make is to believe that
1. Write the characteristic of suffrage that each picture represents. Identify State ministers are elected by the
people. Remind them that they are
appointed by the president.

secret direct universal

2. Read the situation and answer. Analyze

Amelia is 33 years old and dreams of becoming the president of Chile. She actively participates in a
center for mothers, and although she never finished high school, she knows how to read and write.
a. If the presidential elections were this year, would Amelia be able to run as a presidential candidate?
Why or why not?


3. Mark the statements that are correct with a and the incorrect statements with an . Explain your
choice. Argue
a. All authorities in Chile are elected through voting.

b. The Constitution is the most important set of laws of a country.

c. Democracy allows the people to elect their representatives.



Pages 158 and 159

Clarifying Concepts
Section 1 / Political Organization

Clarify the concept of law. Explain

that a law, according to the Oxford
Dictionary, is “a rule or system
of rules recognized by a country All societies need rules or laws that establish what is allowed
or community as governing the and not allowed. The legislative branch is responsible for
actions of its members.” If they do creating the laws that govern the country, in addition to
not follow the law, people can overseeing and monitoring the actions of the government.
This includes the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies,
be punished.
whose members discuss and vote on laws. Together they
form the National Congress, whose headquarters is located
in the city of Valparaiso. National Congress, Valparaiso.

Common Mistakes
National Congress Chile is divided into 60
electoral districts and 19
Talk about the functions of the Chamber of senatorial constituencies. The
National Congress, which means, electoral districts are made
Members Made up of 38 senators. Chile Made up of 120 members. up of various comunas that
the Senate and the Chambers of are all next to each other.
is divided into 19 senatorial Chile is divided into 60 electoral
Deputies. Members of Congress constituencies or districts, districts, and two deputies The majority of senatorial
can approve or reject treaties constituencies cover entire
and each district elects two are elected from each district.
regions, except in the
submitted by the president, make senators. voting districts
cases of the most densely
a pronouncement on the state of Length of Term Senators serve eight-year terms Deputies serve four-year populated regions, which
siege (either accepting or rejecting are divided into two, and
and can be re-elected. Half terms and can be re-elected
the Tarapaca and Arica and
it), and announce the elected of the Senate changes every indefinitely. Parinacota Regions, which
president by the people. four years: in one election the without limit make up one single district.
senators from odd-numbered
The exclusive powers of the
districts change, and in the
Senate are to take cognizance of next one the even-numbered
the accusations presented by the districts change.
Chamber of Deputies, to decide
Requirements Must be a citizen with the Must be a citizen with the
on the admissibility of judicial right to vote, possess a middle right to vote, be older than
actions which any individual would school education, and be older 21, have a middle school
attempt to bring against any than 35. education, and have lived • How many deputies are
Minister of State, to lend or deny its in the electoral district they elected per district?
consent to actions of the President wish to represent for at
• Discuss with your teacher
least two years before the
of the Republic in cases required why laws are important
by the Constitution or by the law, to for a community.
grant its approval for the President
of the Republic to leave the country
for a period exceeding thirty days 158 Unit 4 / Civics
or during the last ninety days of his
term, to declare the incapacity of
the President of the Republic when
a physical or mental impediment The exclusive powers of the Chamber on by not less than ten and no more
prevents him from performing his of Deputies are to control the than twenty of its members against
duties, and to, likewise, declare in Government’s actions and adopt the president of the Republic,
case of demission of the President agreements or suggest observations ministers of State, Judges of the
of the Republic, and to give its to be transmitted in writing to the Higher Courts of Justice, Generals or
opinion to the President of the President of the Republic; it can also Admirals, Intendants, and Governors.
Republic in cases when requested. declare whether accusations should
or should not be accepted if voted

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Characterize the important figures within the political organization of Chile

Possible Difficulties

Explain that in order to be a

Municipal Elections candidate for mayor or councilor,
a person must have lived in the
The area you live in is part of a comuna whose administration is the Key Facts
responsibility of a municipality. The municipality is led by a mayor, who
comuna for at least two years
is advised and overseen by a municipal council made up of councilors. • Democracy is a system before the election. Since a
All are elected by popular vote every four years and can be re-elected. of government where all municipality is the basis of the
The task of the municipality is to satisfy the demands of the inhabitants, people participate. political and social organization
• All people that fulfill the
to ensure participation in the development of the country, to provide goods
requirements may vote
of a comuna, candidates should
and basic services like health and education, and to create and take care know and be immersed in the
in a democracy.
of recreation areas, among other things.
• In Chile, suffrage is comuna’s everyday life.
In order to be a candidate for mayor, a person must be a citizen with the universal, secret, direct,
right to vote, have completed middle school, and have lived in the comuna and voluntary.
for at least two years before the election, among other things. Candidates • The republic establishes a
for councilor must fulfill the same requirements except they do not need separation of the powers
of the State into different
to have a middle school education.
Some of the goods and services that are the responsibility of the municipality • The majority of public
are: offices are elected by
popular vote.
• cleanliness and appearance of the comuna.
• public school education. Word Focus
• cultural development in libraries, theaters, and cultural centers. A comuna is a town, area,
or section of a city that the
• public health clinics. government has established
• job skills and training. for governmental purposes.
In places with many people,
• sports and recreation. such as Santiago, it can be a
neighborhood or district. In
• environmental protection. places with few people, like
• emergency and disaster aid. in the countryside, it can be
an entire town.

Did You Know...?

There are 346 comunas in
Chile. They are grouped
• Why is it a requirement that candidates for mayor and councilor be into 54 provinces. These
residents of the region their comuna belongs to? provinces are grouped into
15 regions.
• Have you ever participated in an activity organized by your
municipality? What was it like? comuna < province < region


Soc Studies 4.4.indd 159 13-02-13 16:48

Pages 160 and 161

Clarifying Concepts Section 1 / Political Organization

Explain that to bully means “to

intimidate or frighten someone.”

1. Read the news article and respond. Understand

The Law Has Passed

Today, the Chamber of Deputies approved a law sanctioning student violence in schools. Deputies voted
in favor of the proposed law that now awaits final approval from the Senate. The Minister of Education
appeared to be happy with the approval, and said that he was worried about what is happening in schools.
He states that, “there was a legal void, and we are catching up with the legislation of the most modern
countries.” Moreover, he pointed out that this law “allows the Ministry of Education to be able to intervene
in and fine those schools that do not take bullying seriously.”
empty space

Educar Chile. “Conoce detalles del proyecto de ley contra el bullying” (“Know the details of the proposed law against bullying”), May 12,
2011 (Adaptation). Accessed in July 2012 from www.educarchile.cl

a. Which branches of State are mentioned in this article? What do they do?

b. Why did the Minister of Education give his opinion on this law?

c. Why is it important for authorities to be concerned with bullying in schools?

160 Unit 4 / Civics

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Characterize the important figures within the political organization of Chile

Common Mistakes

Summarizing Students might confuse

responsibilities with requisites
2. Complete the sentences with the following words. Relate to run for a public office.
Explain that responsibilities are
suffrage democracy State president obligations that have to be carried
out, while requisites are some
a. democracy is a system of government that promotes active participation of the people. minimal criteria that people have
to fulfill in order to run for
b. In Chile, suffrage is universal, secret, direct, and voluntary. an office.
c. The branches of the State are divided into three: executive, legislative, and judicial.

d. According to the Constitution, the president must be elected by popular and direct
vote and by an absolute majority.

Quiz Yourself
1. Complete the chart.

Criteria President Senators Mayors

Branch of the

Members and
length of term

and duties



Pages 162 and 163


2 The Rights of Children

Organization Connecting

UNIT 4: Children’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of August. Do you know
Our Organization and Participation why children have a day dedicated just to them? This day was created
in Society to raise awareness about the rights that all children are entitled to simply
because of the fact that they were born.
Section 2: The Rights of Children
Human Rights and Rights of the Child Human Rights and Rights of the Child
Convention on the Rights of the Child For society to function properly, laws and standards are established
that organize daily life. When these laws grant guarantees to a group
Rights in Everyday Life
or community, they are called rights. Due to war, violence, and poverty
throughout history, some people fought to establish essential conditions
that do not threaten respect for human beings. Therefore, in 1948, human
rights were recognized. formally

Possible Difficulties Afterwards, people realized that children and adolescents had their own
unique characteristics that should be protected. In 1959, many countries
signed the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, with the hope that the
It is likely that students might not lives of children and adolescents would improve.
understand the characteristics of Human rights, like the rights of children, are inherent to human beings.
What rights are vulnerable during a war?

human rights (inherent, universal, This means that all people have these rights simply because of the fact that
inalienable, and indivisible). they are born as humans. This also means that these rights are universal,
Therefore, have students define since they are granted regardless of nationality, age, gender, or economic
these concepts in their notebooks. or cultural background. In addition, they are inalienable and indivisible,
which means they cannot be taken away, denied, or separated.
Fun Fact!
One hundred ninety-three
countries have signed the
Declaration of the Rights
At first, political and civil rights were recognized, like the of the Child.
right to life, freedom of opinion, and freedom of religion.
Then, economic and cultural rights were recognized,
such as the right to work and to participate in cultural life.
Did You Know...?
If you want to know about the
rights of the Child, read the
Digital Activities Activities book Cuentos de los derechos
del niño (Stories on the Rights of
• Why is it important to respect the rights of people?
the Child) by Saul Schkolnik
Ask students to visit
• What do you think about rights being inherent and universal? and published by Zig Zag.
www.pathway.cl to strengthen
their understanding of the Rights
of the Child. 162 Unit 4 / Civics

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the rights of children in everyday life

Clarifying Concepts

Sometimes students believe that

Convention on the Rights of the Child assembled or the Convention on the Rights
came together
The Convention on the Rights of the Child convened in 1989 in order to
of the Child is the same as
ratify the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Its objective was for every the Declaration of the Rights
country that signed the declaration to promise to incorporate the rights of the Child. Clarify that both
into their laws, and to make sure these rights are fulfilled. The convention proclamations seek to protect
declared that every person under the age of 18 needs care and protection children; however, the Declaration
from adults and the State. of the Rights of the Child was
written in 1925, and was known as
the Declaration of Geneva. It was
Like human rights, children possess these rights simply proclaimed to prevent children
because they are children, regardless of their religion, from working in factories and to
ethnic origin, language, or cultural or economic ensure their access to education.
background. Therefore, no child or adolescent may
be treated unjustly because of what they think or Nonetheless, although these
say, what their family is like, what their parents do, or proclamations were enforceable
because of a disability. under international law, they were
only guidelines for the countries to
Adults must protect the best interests follow. In 1989, the Convention on
of children and think about how the Rights of the Child was signed
their decisions affect them. A and, in this case, the nations that
country’s laws must support this
principle to ensure the dignity subscribed to this legislation are
and proper development of bound to it by international law.
children and adolescents. It is
necessary for people to be aware
that children have the right to express
their opinions, ideas, and points of view,
and to voice their opinions when decisions affect them.

Common Mistakes

Get C@nnected!
A common mistake that students
Activities might make is to believe that
If you want to learn only the government should
• Do you think that the rights of children are respected today? Use
more about the rights of
examples to support your opinion. ensure that children’s rights are
children, go to
• How can the rights of children be exercised and protected? www.pathway.cl/soc/408
respected. Explain that it is not
only the government that has to
• Give two examples of how the rights of a child could be violated.
guarantee that these rights are
exercised, but every person has to
respect and exercise them.


Páginas 164 y 165

through Values Section 2 / The Rights of Children

Clarify that children’s rights aim

to ensure that all children have Rights in Everyday Life
the same opportunities, are not
discriminated against, and have Right
access to education, health, and to housing
recreation. State that children’s
rights promote democratic
values, such as a proper and
equal development, freedom to When reading the newspaper, we
express their opinions, ideas,
and points of view, and respect exercise our right to information.
diversity. All of these are intended Right
to shape a more inclusive and to education Every time we discuss something, we exercise
participative society.
our right to freedom of expression.

to a family
In 5 Minutes
If children are studying, they are

With students, discuss the fact respecting their right to education.

that all rights establish normative When we have a home, we
rules about what is allowed and exercise our right to housing.
owed to people. However, these
rights have to be respected by
Right to freedom Right Right Right to
institutions as well as by people.
of expression to information to food play and recreation
For instance, if the government
ensures that all children have
access to education, parents
should exercise this right and send
their children to school, assist in
their education, and teach them to
always respect their classmates
and teachers. 164 Unit 4 / Civics

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the rights of children in everyday life

Clarifying Concepts

Explain the concept of

discrimination and relate it with
Key Facts
the right to not be discriminated
• Rights are guarantees against. Discrimination is
protected by the law. the prejudicial treatment
The image represents the • Human rights and the
rights of children are of an individual based on
right to food. inherent, universal, characteristics such as ethnicity,
inalienable, and religion, nationality, political
indivisible. orientation, sexual orientation,
• The Convention on
the Rights of the Child
etc. Discrimination can be
established that adults expressed in many ways, such as
and the State are violence, and exclusion, among
responsible for making others; and always affects
sure that these rights
relationships negatively. Therefore,
If children play marks the right are fulfilled.
• Children have the right children have the right to not be
to recreation. to express their opinion discriminated against or excluded.
and to be respected.

• Use Cutout 4 from page
209 to identify the rights
When a child has the right to pictured.
ill health. • Explain the rights of
children represented by
each picture.

Right to protection
Right to not be Right to a name
Right to health against child labor
discriminated against and a nationality



Pages 166 and 167

Possible Difficulties Section 2 / The Rights of Children

For activity 1 in Practicing, tell

students that the explanation
has to be related to the rights
identified. 1. Mark the situations that respect the rights of the child with a and those that do not with an . Explain
your choice. Argue

Situation Yes No Explanation

Andy is 12 years old. His family is very poor,
so he must work weekends at a street market
in order to contribute money to the family.

Sophia is 8 years old and lives in the

countryside. She and her sister must walk
two hours to get to school.

Fran is 10 years old. She felt sick in gym

class, so her teacher took her to the nurse’s
office and called her mother to come take
her to the doctor.

Simon is 11 years old and a foreigner. He

just arrived in Santiago and has few friends
because most of the kids tease him about
his accent.

2. Answer the questions. Explain

a. What does it mean that rights are universal, inalienable, and indivisible?

b. Write three ways to promote the rights of children in your school.

166 Unit 4 / Civics

Soc Studies 4.4.indd 166 13-02-13 16:48

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Identify the rights of children in everyday life

Clarifying Concepts

Summarizing Explain that in the text – The

Convention on the Rights of
3. Read the text and respond. Analyze the Child— on page 167, child
is understood as every human
Article 1. For the purposes of the present Convention, a child is every human being below the being below the age of 18 years.
age of 18 years unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is reached earlier. Clarify that in many countries,
Article 2. States shall respect and ensure the rights listed in this Convention for each child within 18 is the age when people
their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child’s or his or her parent’s become responsible for their acts
or legal guardian’s race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic under the law system. In some
or social origin, property, disability, birth, or other status. countries, legal status as an
Convention on the Rights of the Child, signed by the United Nations General Assembly, New York City, November 20, 1989. adult is reached at the age of 16,
(Adaptation) in others at 21.

a. Who is responsible for guaranteeing and promoting the rights of the child?

b. Which of the articles expresses the principle of non-discrimination? Explain.

Quiz Yourself
1. Describe one situation in which the State protects the rights of children.

2. Make a poster that explains a typical day in your life. Point out situations where the rights of the child are
present. Present your poster to the class.


Pages 168 and 169

Let’s Check!

Chart Evaluation
Students should compare a Let’s Check!
president, senator, deputy, and
mayor, using as criteria the Complete the chart.
length of their term and two main
responsibilities. Authority Length of Term Two Responsibilities
Extra Support President
Students should make a concept points

map of the main public office 3

occupations that are elected by
the people in Chile.

Evaluation Part 1 points

Students should define 3

democracy and republic.
Extra Support Deputy
If students cannot define the points
concept of democracy and
republic on their own, ask them 3
to look up democracy in the
glossary at the back of the book Mayor
and republic in the dictionary points
and to compare them with the
ones in the unit. Then, have them 3
summarize both and write their
own definitions.
Answer questions 1 and 2.

1. Define the concepts of democracy and republic. points


Soc Studies 4.4.indd 168 13-02-13 16:48

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Let’s Check!
Unit 4

Evaluation Part 2
Intermediate Evaluation Students should why it is
important to organize a country
2. Why is it important to organize a country using laws and a system of government? points
using laws and a system of
Extra Support
Ask students to research the
political organizations in Chile.

Look at the pictures and answer questions 3 and 4. Evaluation Parts 3 and 4
Students should understand that
in the pictures, there are some
children’s rights that are not being
respected. They should explain
who is responsible for protecting
children and recognize what
institutions should ensure their
Extra Support
Ask students to make a poster
about children’s rights and the
3. Who is responsible for protecting children from these types of situations? What points
institutions that work for their
institution helps with this task?
3 respect and fulfillment. Also
they should state ways in which
children’s rights should not be
infringed upon.

4. Which right is threatened in the situations above? How can these situations be points

Digital Activities

Explain that this evaluation can

169 be done in the textbook but also
online at www.pathway.cl, in
Soc Studies 4.4.indd 169 13-02-13 16:48 the Evaluations section in the
Teacher’s Lounge area.

Pages 170 and 171


3 Participation in the Community

Organization Connecting

UNIT 4: In a society it is important that everyone has the possibility to achieve their Word Focus
Our Organization and Participation goals and satisfy their needs. This is made possible through participation in
A dialogue is a discussion
in Society things like the family, the school, cultural, sports, or political organizations,
between two or more
the neighborhood, the comuna, and the country.
people. Its purpose is to
Section 3: Participation in Community exchange opinions and
Why is society organized? Why is society organized? explore different subjects.

Children Also Participate In order to live together peacefully, people have had to search for different
types of organization to do this most effectively. This is achieved through
Conflict is a Part of Life the establishment of a society. A society is a group of people who work
How to Participate in the Community together to reach goals that are very difficult to obtain individually.
When we live in a society,
not all of our needs can be
In order to satisfy their needs, people participate in different social settings,
satisfied. If satisfying one
such as sports clubs, neighborhood meetings, mother’s centers, and other person’s needs threatens the
community organizations. rights of someone else, the
Participating allows us to take good of one person is being
Clarifying Concepts action in a positive way and valued over the well-being of
achieve goals through mutual the community.
support and solidarity.
Explain the concept of dialogue
and its central function in human To achieve a community’s
relationships. Clarify that dialogue goals, it is necessary to work
is a conversation between two or with other people and act in a
more people, in which they share respectful way. For example, Dialogue is fundamental in organizing and resolving
if your class wants to carry
and discuss their viewpoints.
out a project that will benefit Do you participate or have you ever participated in an
Because dialogues are instances everyone, it should be discussed
organization? What was it like?

in which people are able to in a class meeting where everyone has a chance to express their opinion. Challenge
exchange their opinions and ideas, Discussion or dialogue is fundamental in any community since it allows
Look through your school
they are the basis for interaction us to live together in harmony.
newspaper, the city
in a society. newspaper, on bulletin
boards, and at street
flyers to find examples of
community participation.
Activities Show three to the class
and explain how they are
• Why is it necessary for society to be organized?
examples of community
• Why is respect important for participation? participation.

170 Unit 4 / Civics

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Participating in the community and living together peacefully

In 5 Minutes

Explain that, as communities are

Children Also Participate composed by people who share
Activities common traits, they can be found
Not only adults participate in the community: children and adolescents
can also participate. Their age, their legal status, and their characteristics • Do you know of any types in different levels of a society.
do not allow them to work or expose themselves to any type of danger. of community participation For instance, a family is a small
However, children and adolescents can participate in communities where that children can be community, and a country is a
their moral, mental, and physical integrity is not threatened. involved in? big community, with millions
• Evaluate why it is of people as its members.
important for children Therefore, the use of the concept
The first community that every person
participates in is the family. Children and and adolescents to of community is always open
adults have the right to participate in a family. actively participate in the to variations in numbers and
As people get older, they participate in school. community. characteristics.
This is where bonds are made with classmates.
Also, there are representative organizations like
the student center and student government,
and it is possible to join committees or work Tip
on projects that help solve problems within the
Some organizations will
school community.
let you volunteer if you
go with an older sibling
or parent.
In addition, children can join other
groups, such as sports clubs,
art classes in cultural centers, Possible Difficulties
environmental groups, or the
Boy or Girl Scouts. Children
and adolescents can satisfy Ask students to explain
their needs, develop skills, and
contribute to the community
the relationship between
through these organizations. participation, dialogue,
and community.

Word Focus
Physical integrity is the right a person has to decide what
happens to their body. It also means that any actions by
another person that hurt our bodies are wrong and possibly
criminal. According to the text, are there any types of
participation that could be dangerous to children?



Pages 172 and 173

Clarifying Concepts Section 3 / Participation in the Community

Clarify the concept of respect and

its relation to participating in a Conflict is a Part of Life
community. Respect is a feeling
Although the objective of community life is satisfying the needs of its
of appreciation of other people members, living together is not always harmonious. Many times the
no matter their opinion or stance. interactions between people cause conflicts which arise from different
Respect is associated with values interests or needs. Conflicts are a part of everyday life and they are not
such as courtesy, patience, and necessarily something negative. Instead, they can represent an opportunity
tolerance. Generally, children are to start a dialogue and come to an agreement.
asked to respect adults to show
them that respect is a universal A conflict is a difference of opinion
value that should be present between two or more people that happens
across all society, regardless within a community. This allows people
to become aware of their differences and
of people’s age. In community then to commit to searching for a solution.
interaction, respect is the basis
for any dialogue or interaction that
is established because it helps
avoid conflicts.

To reach a solution to a conflict peacefully, it is necessary for the

people involved to accept and respect the differences that exist
between them, and recognize the diversity of interests and needs
they have. Sometimes the members of a community have the same
objective but cannot agree on how to achieve it. This is how conflicts
can arise. When this happens, it is important to not get angry or
become aggressive. It is always better to think and talk about how to
find a solution.

The best solution to a problem that divides a group depends on certain

things: people’s attitudes, how aware they are of the cause of the
Common Mistakes conflict, and whether they want to find a solution that overcomes it.

A common mistake is to associate

conflict with violence and physical
aggression, and to regard conflict Activities
as negative and exceptional. Education through Values • What are conflicts? Why do
Explain that a conflict is a they happen?
When we disagree with another person it is important to understand that
difference of opinion between two we can have differences, but we should always be respectful and treat • How can conflicts be
or more people who have different other people how we would like to be treated. resolved? Use an example
opinions and who cannot reach a from everyday life to answer.
172 Unit 4 / Civics

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Participating in the community and living together peacefully

Possible Difficulties

Practicing Present a conflict to students

and have them find a solution for
1. Look at each situation and answer the questions in the chart. Explain it. Then, remind them to apply
Is this action good this methodology to solve their
Situation What are they doing? for the community? everyday conflicts.
Why or why not?
They are recycling. Yes, because it helps take
care of our environment.

They are playing. Yes, because play and

recreation is a right.


2. Read the text and determine which communities the boy participates in. Analyze

Hello! I’m Jerome, and even though I’m only 10 years old, I live a very busy life. At school I’m the
class treasurer, and I’m also part of a recycling committee. I play soccer with my neighborhood
sports club twice a week, and on Saturdays I go with my family to an environmental group that
promotes activities like planting trees, picking up the trash in plazas, and handing out flyers so
that people will take care of the environment.
a. School
b. Recycling Committee
c. Neighborhood sports club
d. Environmental group



Pathway 174 and 175

Clarifying Concepts Section 3 / Participation in the Community

With students, discuss the

different ways to participate in
the community. Among them, The steps: first we saw who was
mention making projects focused How to Participate in the Community willing to be part of the group. Then,
we divided the work and decided how
on solving community needs or
long the project would last.
problems. Clarify that a project is In class, we realized that the
a plan or intended scheme to carry smallest children were being pushed
out an idea, research, or task. around and taken advantage of by
the bigger kids when they were
playing during recess.

We got together and made

a list of how we could solve
the problem. We all had a We picked the idea that seemed
lot of ideas. best to us: creating a committee
that watches over and prevents
younger children from having
accidents during recess.

Steps for Working on a Project

1. Identify a problem in the school community that you and your
classmates can fix.
2. Write a list of possible solutions.
3. Choose one of the solutions, keeping in mind the time and
resources you have available. If you cannot agree on a solution,
take a vote.

174 Unit 4 / Civics

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Participating in the community and living together peacefully

Possible Difficulties

Using all of the previous To help students work on a project,

We put the project into action
information, we made a
and got good results. pose a problem or need in the
school community that has to
be fulfilled and have students
discuss possible solutions. Then,
ask them to choose a solution on
which they could work.

We started a campaign where

We requested a meeting with we hung posters and handed
the principal. We showed her out flyers to our classmates
the report, and she liked our so that they were informed of
initiative a lot and gave us the problem and could be more
permission to do it. careful with the smaller children.

Key Facts
• A society is a group
of people that works
together to reach goals,
satisfy needs, and
develop interests.
• It is important that all of
the members of a society
find opportunities to
participate, since this is
an important part of life
4. Establish the steps of the project. in a community.
5. Write a simple report with the name of the project, the identified • Children can participate
problem, the proposed solution, and the steps. in different communities,
like the family, school,
6. Ask for authorization to put the project into action from an and groups that have
authority figure at your school. After receiving approval, it is similar interests.
necessary to create a campaign in order to inform the rest of • Conflict is part of life in
the school community about your initiative. a community. It should
7. Do the project and then write a final report. be resolved through



Pages 176 and 177

Clarifying Concepts Section 3 / Participation in the Community

Explain that tolerance is the

basis for understanding ideas,
beliefs, and actions of other
people, even though we might not 1. Color the words associated with participation in a community . Identify
agree with them. On the contrary,
aggressiveness is the act of honesty anger freedom lies tolerance
behaving violently and
with hostility. justice respect aggressiveness dialogue selfishness

violence rage cooperation peace happiness

2. Read the situations and determine what the conflict is and how it can be solved. Analyze
Possible Difficulties
Situation Conflict Solution

Explain that a requisite to solve For the end of year field

trip, Anthony’s class
a conflict is that the involved
does not know if they
parties are open to come to want to go to the pool
an agreement. or to the countryside.
A student in the class
knows of a house they
can use for free in the
countryside, but several
students do not want
to go.
Karen lost her flute
in music class. She
accused her classmate
of taking it, but he
said that it was not
true, and that Karen
always blames him
for everything.

176 Unit 4 / Civics

Soc Studies 4.4.indd 176 13-02-13 16:48

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Common Mistakes
Participating in the community and living together peacefully

Summarizing A common mistake that

people make is to think that in
3. Mark the correct statements with a and the incorrect statements with an . Explain your choice. Argue participating in a community,
one’s own benefit is more
a. You have to impose your own attitudes in a conflict, without considering the well-being of the
community. important than that of others,
when, in fact, they should focus on
the whole community’s well-being.

b. Because children are minors, they cannot participate in the community except for in their
families and at school.

c. Participation is a way for people to take part in, be a part of, and be taken into account in
their community.

Quiz Yourself

1. How is it possible to participate in the community? Use what you see around you to explain.

2. What is the relationship between conflicts and life in a community?



Pages 178 and 179


With students, discuss the Real Life Connections

benefits of resolving conflicts
because this helps people live Resolving conflicts helps me live with others peacefully.
peacefully. To resolve them,
people have to be open to come Do We Resolve Conflicts?
to an agreement; then, they must
Conflicts come from needs and interests. We all have needs: biological, economic, ideological,
identify the causes of the conflict,
emotional…as long as people’s needs are compatible, there is no problem. The process of
its consequences, and then agree conflict begins when the needs of some people are not satisfied, or when the needs of some
on a solution. In this process, clash with the needs of others. This causes a problem. If it is not resolved, or worse, not
the roles of dialogue, tolerance, confronted, it ends up becoming a crisis that is usually destructive for those involved, even
and respect are fundamental though it doesn’t have to be. By considering conflicts as crises, this causes us to wait until this
because, this way, violence and stage to address the conflict. However, this is usually the worst moment to do this, because none
of the conditions that help it to be solved are present. In addition, this idea also invites violence,
aggressiveness are avoided.
since it is as if someone were saying: if you do not start a violent crisis, there is no conflict and
we will not pay attention to you. Furthermore, it means that when a conflict is addressed, only the
consequences are considered, and the causes of the situation are not explored. It is necessary to
intervene at the start of the problem, and to try to satisfy needs and interests without waiting for
violent acts to arise.
Paco Cascón. Apuntes sobre educar en y para el conflicto y la convivencia. (“Notes on educating about conflicts and coexistence”).
Andalucia Educativa Magazine. February 2006.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Possible Difficulties

In the activities to develop skills

Action on page 176, students should
Information in
write a story about a conflict
• When does the conflict begin? What happens if a conflict is not resolved at the right time? and its resolution. Before writing
the story, ask students to make
a sketch with the following
elements: what conflict is, how it
is resolved, and who the conflict
is between.
• What steps should be taken to resolve a conflict?

Language Skills

• Write a story about a conflict and its resolution, keeping in mind the following elements:
– what the conflict is. – how it is resolved. – who the conflict is between.

• Use this space to brainstorm the main ideas.



Page 180

In 5 Minutes
Learning Techniques
With students, discuss that
magazines and newspapers are Analyzing a News Article Fragment
publications that inform people
The purpose of the news is to give us information. The news communicates topics of current interest to the
because the events they cover are community and helps us understand the world around us. To analyze it you should ask certain questions.
usually relevant to a community.
There are regional, community,
and national newspapers and
magazines that cover different
events. Clarify that there are
communities that have created
their own mass media to
disseminate their own relevant Sub-title Girl Wins Contest
information, such as communal
radios, regional newspapers, etc. Where did it Girl from Puerto Montt will play with the maestro Lang Lang.
A young pianist from Puerto Montt will him in concert. Catalina has studied
What happened? play with the Chinese master pianist piano every Friday since the age of
Lang Lang this coming June 15th 10. Now, she will travel to Germany,
Who was in Germany. Catalina and 60 other where the best symphonies in Europe
Clarifying Concepts involved? children from across the country are coming together along with a
participated in a contest by uploading total of 50 other children from 11
How did it a video to the Internet of themselves countries.
Students are likely to confuse happen? performing Beethoven’s “Fur Elise.”
Biobio Chile. “Niña Chilena de 13 años gana
the question “what happened?” Why did
Lang Lang selected Catalina and two concurso y tocará junto a pianista chino Lang
Lang”(Thirteen year-old Chilean girl wins contest
with “why did it happen?” Explain it happen? other Chilean children to play with
and will play with the Chinese pianist Lang Lang),
that “what happened?” refers to June 10 th , 2012 (Adapted). Accessed in June
2012 from www.biobiochile.cl.
When did it
the main event, while “why did it
happen?” focuses on the reasons
that caused an event.

1. Use Activity Card 10 to analyze the article above.
2. Conclude: will it be useful for you to analyze news articles when you have to do
research? Why or why not?


Page 181 4th Grade Social Studies

The Chilean National Standardized Exam

Possible Difficulties
Simce Strategies
Unit 4

In the activities in Simce

Example Question Strategies, remind students that
when they explain and defend
In this question you are asked to identify the function of one of the branches of the State. a point, they should base their
reasons on the contents studied.
1 A law has been proposed that would make education mandatory until middle school.
Which institution is in charge of approving this law?

A. The National Congress.

B. The Justice Tribunals.
C. The Ministry of Education.
D. The Government of the Republic.
This question was taken from the question bank available online at www.simce.cl.

Review Your Answer

• Option A is correct because those in charge of creating laws are the senators and deputies, who make
up the National Congress.
• Option B is incorrect because the Justice Tribunals are in charge of administering justice.
• Option C is incorrect because the Ministry of Education is in charge of ensuring the right to education by
managing the educational system.
• Option D is incorrect because the government is in charge of the country’s administration.

Develop New Skills

Critical Thinking
1. What does it mean that Chile is a democratic republic?
2. What would happen if people did not actively participate in their community?
3. Choose a government institution. Research its members and responsibilities. Then, present your
findings to the class.

Simce es marca registrada del Ministerio de Educación. 181

Soc Studies 4.4.indd 181 13-02-13 16:48


Pages 182 and 183

What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Part 1
Students should recognize the What Did You Learn?
president of Chile as representing
the executive branch of the State. Mark the correct answer with an .
Extra Support 1. In Chile, the president is the highest authority. Which branch of the State does he or point

Ask students to make a file she represent?

with the characteristics of the
A. Parliamentary.
executive branch.
B. Legislative.

Evaluation Part 2 C. Executive.

Students should understand that D. Judicial.
ministers are not elected by vote.
2. Which of the following authorities is not elected by vote? point

Extra Support 1
A. Mayors.
Students should make a
B. Ministers.
comparative chart with political
authorities and discriminate if C. Deputies.
they are elected by vote or not. D. Senators.

3. Which is the responsibility of the municipality? point

Evaluation Part 3
Students should identify ensuring A. Oversee the branches of the State. 1
the cleanliness and maintenance B. Apply laws using the courts.
of the comuna as the C. Ensure the cleanliness and maintenance of the comuna.
responsibility of the municipality.
D. Create development policies for the country.
Extra Support
4. Which of the following options is a senator’s or deputy’s duty? point
Have students make a poster
with the following characteristics: A. Appoint and remove ministers. 1
name of the comuna in which the B. Administer justice and apply the law.
school is located, name of the C. Deliver social and legal aid.
mayor, and the responsibilities of
D. Create the laws that govern the country.
the municipality.

Evaluation Part 4
Students should understand the
creation of laws that govern the
country as part of a senator’s or
deputy’s duty. 182

Extra Support
Soc Studies 4.4.indd 182 13-02-13 16:48

Ask students to research the

main characteristics of the
legislative branch.

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

What Did You Learn?

Unit 4

Evaluation Part 5
Final Evaluation Students should understand
that to work with the president
5. Who works with the president of the Republic in the different administrative areas point of the Republic in the different
of the executive branch? administrative areas is the
A. Ministers. ministers’ responsibility.
B. Deputies. Extra Support
C. Senators. Have students read the pages on
D. Councilors. which this is discussed and then
answer the following question:
6. What does it mean that suffrage is universal in Chile? point Why are the ministers appointed
A. Everyone has the right to vote. 1 by the president and not elected
by vote?
B. People can vote after the age of 15.
C. Only those that know how to read and write may vote.
Evaluation Part 6
D. Those who vote should enroll themselves in the Electoral Service. Students should understand that
suffrage is universal in Chile
Choose the concepts that correctly complete question 7. because everyone has the right
to vote.
7. The government and the administration of the country are the responsibility of point
Extra Support
the , who is elected through , 1 To ensure that students
and serves years in office. understand the characteristics of
A. minister – suffrage – eight. suffrage in Chile, have them make
B. mayor – president – eight. a file on it.
C. president – suffrage – four.
Evaluation Part 7
D. deputy – president – four.
Students should understand how
8. Which of the following options is not a characteristic of rights? point
the president is elected and the
number of years of service.
A. They are divisible. 1
Extra Support
B. They are inherent.
Have students write the
C. They are universal.
characteristics of the executive
D. They are inalienable. branch.

Evaluation Part 8
183 Students should identify the
characteristics of human rights.
Soc Studies 4.4.indd 183 13-02-13 16:48
Extra Support
Notes To ensure that students
understand the main
characteristics of human rights,
have them write their importance
and meaning.

Pages 184 and 185

What Did You Learn?

Evaluation Part 9
Students should understand Read the text and answer question 9.
that one of the functions of
the Chilean State is to concern The State is at the service of the individual, and its goal is to promote the common
good. To this effect, it must contribute to the creation of the social conditions which
itself with personal and social permit each and every one of the members of the national community to achieve the
development. greatest possible spiritual and material fulfillment, with full respect for the rights and
guarantees established by this Constitution.
Extra Support
Political Constitution of Chile. Article 1. (Fragment)
Ask students to underline the
part in the text in which they can 9. Which of the following statements represents what you read in the text? point
understand one of the functions
of the State. A. The State should promote political participation. 1
B. The State should concern itself with personal and social development.
Evaluation Part 10 C. The State should provide us all with economic goods.
Students should understand D. The State should respect the rights of the people.
the central role of dialogue in
community life. 10. How can we ensure we live together peacefully in the community? point

Extra Support A. Accepting the decisions that others make. 1

Have students make a drawing in B. Imposing your own decisions on others.
which they illustrate a community C. Promoting dialogue and respect for all.
in which nobody listens to any D. Arguing your point of view until you convince others.
other person.
11. Which of the following is one of the rights of the child? point

Evaluation Parts 11, 12, and 13 A. The right to vote. 1

Students should understand and
B. The right to work freely.
identify some children’s rights.
C. The right to propaganda.
Extra Support
D. The right to non-discrimination.
Ask students to research the
history of the Rights of the Child 12. Look at the following picture and mark the right it represents. point

(Declaration of the Rights of the A. The right to health. 1

Child and the Convention on the
B. The right to education.
Rights of the Child) and the main
rights. C. The right to protection.
D. The right to information.


Soc Studies 4.4.indd 184 13-02-13 16:49

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

What Did You Learn?

Unit 4

Evaluation Part 14
13. What is the Convention on the Rights of the Child? points Students should state their
2 opinions about automatic voter
enrollment and voluntary voting.
Extra Support
Students should research how this
14. What do you think about automatic voter enrollment and voluntary voting? points
system has been implemented in
other countries and compare it to
2 the Chilean system.

Evaluation Parts 15, 16, 17,

and 18
Students should identify the
Indicate which political authority performs each of the following functions. points president as the leader of the
State, Congress as an institution
15. Acts as the leader of the State: president.
in charge of creating laws, the
16. Institution in charge of creating laws: Congress. legislative branch as the overseers
Legislative. of the acts of the government, and
17. Oversees the acts of the government:
the ministers as contributing to
18. They contribute to the administration of the executive branch: ministers. the administration of the executive
branch. They should compare the
Complete the comparison chart. Find T different branches of the State,
est 4
Study focusing on their responsibilities
Which institution/institutions Page and the institutions that represent
Branch What is its responsibility?
represent it?
executive points
Extra Support
2 Have students make a concept
map in their notebooks about the
legislative points
branches of the State and their
2 functions.

judicial points


Digital Activities Evaluation Test 4 Study Page

Explain to students that this Look for the A and B tests at the Ask students to work on Test 4
evaluation can be done in the end of the book, or online at the Study Page to prepare to take the
textbook but also online at Teacher’s Lounge at: unit test.
www.pathway.cl, in the www.pathway.cl.
Evaluations section in the
Teacher’s Lounge area.

Test 4 Study Page – Summary

Test 4 Study Page • Summary

– Democracy is a system of government. It allows the people to participate in the decisions
made in their community.
– Political participation is exercised through suffrage, plebiscites, and the nomination of
candidates for a popular election. Look
– Chile is a republic, which means it has separate branches of State.
– The executive branch is in charge of the administration of the country, and its representative
is the president of the Republic, who is the head of State and the head of the government.
– The legislative branch creates laws and oversees the other branches of the State. Its
members are senators and deputies, who make up the National Congress.
– The judicial branch applies laws and is composed of the Justice Tribunals.
– Comunas are subdivisions of the Chilean territory. They were created to facilitate
administration and to solve problems. They are led by mayors.

– The Declaration on the Rights of the Child was signed a few years after the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. It was ratified at the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
– Rights are universal, indivisible, and inalienable. All children possess rights simply because
they were born.
– Rights are present in each moment and in everything that we do.

– A community is organized in order to achieve the objectives that an individual cannot
achieve alone. It is necessary that society organizes itself so that the rights of the people are
not threatened. 1. C
– Conflicts are a part of life in a community. They arise from the diversity of needs and
interests that people have.
2. N
– It is important to resolve conflicts through dialogue and agreements. o

Despl 4.4.indd 1

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Test 4 Study Page • Review

Name: Grade:

Section 1:

Look at the scenes and circle the services that the municipality provides for the
inhabitants of the comuna.


Answer the questions.

1. Considering that Chile is a democracy, how can the people participate in the
political life of the country?

2. Name two responsibilities for each one of the following public offices: president
of the Republic, senators, deputies, mayors.

13-02-13 17:11

Test 4 Study Page – Review

Test 4 Study Page • Review

Section 2: Sect

Write which right of the child is represented by each picture.

Right to play and recreate




Right to education


Right to health



r, and
glue in
Right to food your

Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

Section 3:

glue here
Complete the sentences with the correct word.

conflict participation communities society

1. Community participation allows individuals to change their

surroundings. They can achieve both group and personal goals.

glue here
2. In groups of people conflict is always present, since it is a part
of everyday life. It should be resolved through dialogue.

3. Children and adolescents participate in different communities

like their family and their school.

4. society is a group where people achieve their collective

glue here
objectives and satisfy their needs.

Answer the questions.

1. Why are communities organized?

glue here

2. What can happen when communities are not organized?

, and
lue in
glue here

Activity Card 10

Activity Card 10
Analyze the article.

The campaign “Atacama in Solidarity,” which

officially began on Tuesday in a unique joint
effort with various organizations in the region,
will continue with a clear show of solidarity with
the victims of the February 27 th earthquake.
It is worth noting that this important initiative,
which goes to help the most devastated regions,
has the support of the municipality, the Unión
Comunal de Juntas de Vecinos, Un Techo para
Chile, and the National Youth Institute, among other institutions.
The Atacama Daily. “Copiapó se pone la mano en el corazón con campaña solidaria” (“Copiapo puts its hand on its
heart with a solidarity campaign”), March 4, 2010 (Adaptation). Accessed in July, 2012 from

• What happened? • How did it happen?

• Who participated? • Why did it happen?

• When did it happen? • Where did it happen?

Vocabulary File 3 4th Grade Social Studies

File Unit 4

3 Vocabulary
Cómo lo
lo entiendes
1. Define the concept in your own words.
Students should mention previous content.

Cómo lo
lo aplicas

2. presente
Apply it
2. Mark the correct options with an .
Democracy is:
a synonym for a republic. a system that promotes participation.

a system in which there are periodic a system that restricts participation.
elections through universal and equal

Explain it presente
Cómo lo explicas
Students should be able to define this concept with the contents of the unit.
Cómo lo explicas


Pages 186 and 187

Distribution of Topics in The Chilean National Standardized Exam

Evaluation Simce Mock Evaluation

Simce es marca registrada del Ministerio de Educación.

Unit 3: The Inca and the Complete the information.

Indigenous Peoples of Chile
- Section 1: questions 1 and 2 My name is:
- Section 2: question 3
My age is: Date:
- Section 3: question 4
- Section 4: questions 5, 6, 7, 8,
Mark the correct option with an .
and 9
1 What did the Incas do to have complete control over economic production?
Unit 4: Our Organization and
A. They established a hieroglyphic writing system.
Participation in Society
B. They created a currency system using seeds.
- Section 1: questions 10, 11, 12,
13, 14, and 15 C. They used quipus to keep track of production.

- Section 2: question 16 D. They established a system of tributes paid directly to the Sapa Inca.

- Section 3: questions 17 and 18

Read the text and answer question 2.

The messenger would watch attentively from his relief post, ready to run. He would look in the direction
from which the other messenger would arrive. As soon as the white feathers of the neighboring messenger
would appear, he would run out to meet him. The arriving messenger would begin announcing his
messages out loud from far away, which meant the message had typically already been delivered by
the time the two messengers reached each other. If this were not the case, they would run together
for a bit until the message had been memorized by the new messenger.
Juan Gargurevich. La comunicacion imposible. (Impossible Communication). Lima: Fondo editorial de la UNMSN, 2002. (Adaptation)

2 Which person from Tahuantinsuyo is described in the fragment?

A. Curaca.
B. Mitayo.
C. Chasqui.
D. Sapa Inca.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

4th Grade

3 Which was one of the demands that the Incas imposed on the peoples they conquered?

A. They had to worship Inti, the Sun god.

B. They had to provide prisoners to be sacrificed.
C. They had to worship all of the Inca gods.
D. They had to found cities in the name of the Great Inca.

4 Read the following description and determine which indigenous people from Chile are
being described.
They were a people located in the valleys of the north, between the Copiapo and Choapa
Rivers. They stood out for their pottery which was decorated in white, red, and black, and for
creating jarros pato and jarros zapato.

Editorial Team

A. Aymara.
B. Changos.
C. Diaguitas.
D. Atacamas.

5 Which is a characteristic of the Mapuche’s political organization?

A. They did not have a centralized power.

B. They made alliances with neighboring peoples.
C. They had political units headed by a toqui.
D. They were a unified people governed by a lonko.


Pages 188 and 189

Simce Mock Evaluation MR

6 Regarding the indigenous peoples of Chile, which description is correct?

A. Picunche: agricultural people.

B. Mapuche: unified people.
C. Pewenche: fishing people.
D. Selk’nam: mountain people.

7 Considering that the influence of the Incas reached the modern-day region of Maule,
which indigenous people were not influenced by the Incas?

A. Aymara.
B. Yahgan.
C. Diaguitas.
D. Atacamas.

Read the text and answer question 8.

They were organized socially into small groups which were made up of a few families. The elders and
shamans were the ones who had authority. Similar to the Yaghan, they had an initiation ceremony for
young men called the hain. During this ceremony, the young men were frightened by masked and
painted supernatural beings, and they were taught the secret doctrine.
Susana Frank. Pueblos originarios de América (Indigenous Peoples of America). Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Sol, 2008. (Adaptation)

8 Which indigenous people from the Far South are described here?

A. Yaghan.
B. Selk’nam.
C. Aonikenk.
D. Kaweskar.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

4th Grade

9 What did the Yaghan and the Kaweskar have in common?

A. They were canoeists.

B. They worked in agriculture.
C. They were hunters and gatherers.
D. The women dived for shellfish.

10 What does it mean that Chile has a democracy?

A. The head of State has complete power.
B. There is universal, equal, and secret voting.
C. The people’s only form of participation is through voting.
D. Public offices are elected by the president.

11 Which of the statements describes a democratic action?

A. Battling crime.
B. Limiting participation of the people.
C. Creating ways for the people to participate.
D. Making authoritarian decisions.

12 Which authority is chosen by direct voting by the people?

A. Mayor.
B. Minister.
C. Intendant.
D. Governor.


Pages 190 and 191

Simce Mock Evaluation MR

13 Which institution is made up of 120 members who are responsible for monitoring the
acts of the government, among other things?

A. Ministries.
B. Supreme Court.
C. National Congress.
D. Chamber of Deputies.

14 Which is the main responsibility of the executive branch?

A. Create laws.
B. Apply laws.
C. Govern the country.
D. Uphold the law.

15 What institution is being described here?

This is the governing body in charge of administering a comuna. It is headed by a mayor
who leads a Council. Its objective is to fulfill the needs of the community and ensure the
community is participating and contributing to the development of the country.

Editorial Team
A. Municipality.
B. Ministry.
C. National Congress.
D. Justice Tribunals.


Answer Key and Suggestions 4th Grade Social Studies

4th Grade

Read the text and answer question 16.

According to reports from the United Nations, in 2006 there were more than 250,000 children involved
in armed conflict, whether as a part of government forces, paramilitary groups, or armed opposition.
Even though the recruitment and use of children in armed conflicts is more widespread in Africa,
minors are also used as soldiers in Asia and some regions of Latin America, Europe, and the Middle
East. During their service in these armed groups, the children suffer from physical and psychological
abuse from their superiors, which makes it difficult for them to grow to be physically, mentally, and
socially healthy adults.
Entre culturas. “Niños y niñas soldados, una infancia sin derechos” (“Child soldiers, a childhood without rights”), November 19 th,
2007. (Adaptation) Accessed in August of 2012 from www.entreculturas.org

16 What conclusion can you draw from the text?

A. Governments use children as soldiers.
B. Children being used as soldiers is a problem of the past.
C. When a child is used as a soldier, his or her rights are threatened.
D. The United Nations values the use of children as soldiers.

Answer the questions.

17 Why is it necessary for communities to organize themselves?

18 Why do conflicts happen? How should they be resolved?


Answer Key
Unit 4
Page 153 What Do You Know?
3. There are scenes in the picture on page 152 and 153 that illustrate a community that lives together in harmony. The
police officer is guiding traffic, students are participating in homeroom, there are services that fulfill the community’s
needs and people respect others’ rights, such as to health, education, and security.
4. Students should value participation in the community and should regard it as an instance in which people
fulfill their needs, as well as reach collective goals. The picture shows students taking part in the discussion
of a matter related to their school; a mother and her child (who are part of a family community); and most of
the people are participating in their community.

Section 1
Page 154 Activities

• Democracy is a type of government in which people participate actively in political life; for example, they
vote to elect representatives that govern or can even run for a public office themselves (as citizens).
• Students should understand that Chile has a democratic system because – among other things – people
elect their representatives by voting.

Question Related to the Picture

• Because it allows participating in a political system, changing it, and expressing one’s views.

Page 155 Activities

• In Chile, suffrage is universal, secret, direct, and voluntary. Universal means that any person that meets the
requirements and wishes to vote may do so regardless of their economic, social, or cultural background.
Secret refers to the fact that only the voter knows for whom they voted; direct means that voters directly
elect their authorities; and voluntary means that nobody is obliged to vote.
• Students should give their opinions on people younger than 18 not being allowed to vote.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 156 Activities

• The different powers of State are separate in order to establish equilibrium between its branches and to
avoid abuse of power in office.
• Students should be able to explain their reasons when giving their opinions. Some of them might state
that because the ministers are the president’s secretaries in specific matters, they have to be trusted by
the president. Others might think that because ministers work on public matters that are important for the
country’s development, they should be elected by vote.

Page 157 Practicing

a. Amelia isn’t able to run as a presidential candidate because she is only 33 and a person has to be older
than 35 to do so.

a. Not all authorities in Chile are elected through voting, for instance, ministers, intendants, and governors.
b. The Constitution is the most important set of laws of a country because it regulates the country and all
other laws.
c. In a democracy, citizens can elect their representatives by voting.

Page 158 Activities

• In Chile there are 120 deputies and 60 electoral districts; each district elects two deputies.
• Laws are relevant for a community because they regulate the actions of a community.

Page 159 Activities

• It is a requirement that candidates for mayor and councilor be residents of the region their comuna belongs
to because they have to be immersed and familiarized with the community’s everyday life and its problems.
• Students should be able to relate a personal experience with an activity organized by their municipality.

Page 160 Practicing
a. Students should answer that the branches of State mentioned in the article are the legislative branch
(Chamber of Deputies and Senators) and the executive branch (Ministry of Education). The legislative
branch makes and discusses laws that govern the country and the executive branch is in charge of the
government, country, and its representation abroad.
b. The Minister of Education gives his opinion because the Chamber of Deputies approved a law sanctioning
student violence in schools.
c. Students should state reasons why it is important that authorities focus on issues like bullying. They should
also refer to making laws that help everybody.

Page 161 Quiz Yourself

Criteria President Senators Mayors
Branch of the Executive branch Legislative branch They are not part of the
State State branches.

Members and This is a four year position and There are 38 senators, two This is a four-year position,
length of term they cannot be re-elected. for each district. It is an eight and they can be re-elected.
The president is assisted by year position which allows
ministers. re-election.

Responsibilities Some responsibilities are being Make and approve laws. Ensure participation in the
and duties head of the State and head of development of the comuna
government. and satisfy the demands of
the inhabitants.

4th Grade Social Studies

Section 2
Page 162 Activities

• Due to war, violence, and poverty throughout history, some people demanded essential conditions that do
not threaten respect for human beings; thus, in 1948, universal human rights were recognized.
• Students should understand that human rights are inherent to people simply because of the fact that
they are born humans, and universal because they are granted regardless of nationality, age, gender, or
economic or cultural background.

Question related to the picture

• During wartime, the right to life, liberty, opinion, and to live in peace, among others, are violated.

Page 163 Activities

• Students should be able to understand that many countries signed the convention and incorporated the
rights into their laws to ensure these rights are respected.
• Students should understand that the rights of children are exercised and protected when they are treated
justly and with dignity, protected by their family, and when others do not inflict harm on them.
• The rights of a child are violated whenever an adult does not protect the best interests of children or does
not take their opinions into account. Other examples can be when children are not treated justly, or not
respected due to their opinions or some kind of physical or psychological characteristic.

Page 166 Practica

a. Human rights are inherent, universal, inalienable, and indivisible. They are inherent because people have
these rights because they are born humans; universal because they are granted without exception; and
inalienable and indivisible because they cannot be taken away, denied, or separated.
b. Students should give examples of three ways to promote the rights of children at school. They could state
that students should not discriminate against anyone, that everybody has the right to give their opinion, etc.

Page 167 Summarizing
a. According to the text, the States should guarantee the respect and exercise of the rights of the Child.
b. The second article expresses the principle of non-discrimination since it explains that “the State shall
respect and ensure the rights for each child within their jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind,
regardless of the child’s or her or his parent’s or legal guardian’s race, color, sex, language, religion, political
or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth, or other status.”

Quiz Yourself
1. Students should answer that the State ensures children’s rights by building schools and hospitals, where
children can have access to education and health.
2. Students should recognize the rights of children in their everyday life, either as being respected or violated.
Guide their work focusing on situations present in their homes, schools, and neighborhoods.

Page 168-169 Let’s Check

Complete the chart

Authorities Length of term Two Responsibilities

President 4 years Appoint ministers and govern the country.

Senator 8 years Create laws, discuss and pass laws, and monitor the functioning
of the government.

Deputy 4 years Create laws, discuss and pass laws, and monitor the functioning
of the government.

Mayor 4 years Provide goods and basic services to the citizens and satisfy
their demands.

4th Grade Social Studies

1. Democracy is a type of government in which people participate actively in political life; for example, they vote
to elect representatives that govern or can run for a public office. A republic is a system wherein the powers
of the State are separate and independent of each other.
2. Students should be able to reflect on the importance of laws and systems of government because they regulate
people’s actions. Laws are systems of rules recognized by a country or community as governing the actions
of its members. A system of government also leads people.
3. Students should answer that the pictures show children working. After recognizing that, they should identify
the government and their parents as responsible for respecting and exercising children’s rights.
4. Students should identify that the right to protection against child labor is being threatened. Students should
be able to state that these situations can be prevented if there is more access to education.

Section 3
Page 170 Activities

• Students should state that it is necessary for societies to be organized because this way, people can live
together peacefully and create their own communities.
• Students should identify respect as an important element for participation because it regulates relationships
between people and allows people to express their opinions.

Question related to the picture

• Students should tell if they have ever participated in an organization and explain their experience in one
of them.

Page 171 Activities

• Students should mention that children can participate in communities where their moral, mental, and
physical integrity are not threatened. For example, they can participate in schools, a student center or
student government, sports clubs, art classes, environmental groups, etc.

• Students should be able to conclude why it is important for children and adolescents to actively participate
in the community. Active participation in a community means that there is an active relationship between

Page 172 Activities

• Conflicts are differences of opinion between two or more people that happen within a community. They are
sometimes caused by interaction between people and allow them to become aware of their differences.
• To reach a solution to a conflict peacefully, it is necessary for the people involved to accept and respect
the differences that exist between them, and recognize the diversity of interests and needs they have. It
is important to not get angry or become aggressive because it is always more productive to think and talk
about how to find a solution.

Page 174-175 Steps for Working on a Project

• Students should identify a problem that they are able to solve. It is important that they use good resources
and that their project is feasible. In their report, they should state their objectives, the development of the
project, and the consequences of it.

Page 176 Practicing

Situation Conflict Solution
To the end of year tour, The class does not agree on where to A possible solution is that all the students
during Antonio does not know go for the end of year field trip. can vote and accept the result.
whether to go to the countryside
or a pool. A member of the
course can get a free house
in the country, but many do
not want to go.
To Karen was lost his flute in The conflict arises due to the lost flute, A possible solution is to establish a dialogue
music classes. He accused but the text also shows that the two girls between the students, thus they can overcome
his partner bank, but she said do not get along well. their differences.
it was a lie and that Karen
always blamed everything.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 177 Summarizing

a. To resolve conflicts, people must always consider the well-being of the community.
b. Because children are minors, they cannot participate in communities where their moral, mental, or physical
integrity is threatened.
c. Participation is a way for people to take part in, be part of, and be taken into account in their community.

Quiz Yourself

1. Children and adolescents can actively contribute to the community by working on projects and always
considering the well-being of the community. Students should give examples based on their experience.
2. Whenever there are relationships between people in a community, there is the likelihood that differences and
conflicts will arise since they are part of our everyday community life.

Page 178-179 Connection

Information in Action
• A conflict begins when there is a difference of opinion between two or more people. If the conflict is not
resolved with the aid of dialogue and respect, it can divide people.
• The steps to be taken to follow a conflict are to identify the problem, understand the causes of the problem,
and find possible solutions for the conflict.

Language Skills
• Students should be able to develop their language skills by writing a story about a conflict and using the
following elements: what the conflict is, how it is resolved, and between whom the conflict is.

Page 180 Learning Techniques

Activity Card 10
1. What happened?
The campaign “Atacama in Solidarity” began.
2. Who participated?
The municipality of Atacama, the Unión Comunal de Juntas de Vecinos, Un Techo para Chile, and the
National Youth Institute, among other institutions.
3. When did it happen?
March 4, 2010.
4. How did it happen?
The city of Copiapó adhered to the campaign “Atacama in Solidarity” to help the victims of the
5. Why did it happen?
The campaign “Atacama in Solidarity” has the purpose of supporting the victims of the earthquake.
6. Where did it happen?
In Copiapó.
2. Analyzing news articles helps us understand the world around us because they are a good source of information.

Page 181 Simce Strategies

1. Students should answer that a democracy is a type of government in which people participate actively in
political life; for example, they vote to elect representatives that govern or can run for a public office. Also, a
republic is a system wherein the powers of the State are separate and independent of each other. This means
that in Chile, people can elect their representatives and participate in the political system.
2. Answers may vary; however, they should answer according to the contents that have been reviewed in the
unit. Therefore, they should refer to the fact that if people did not participate in their community, they would
be isolated and it would be harder to live peacefully.
3. Students should develop their communication skills in this activity. To do so, they should specify which
government institution they have chosen, its functions, and the people who participate in it. Their work should
be presented to the class.

4th Grade Social Studies

Page 182-185 What Did You Learn?

13. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a human rights treaty passed in 1989 in order to ratify the
Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Its objective is to have every country that signed the declaration
incorporate the rights into their laws.
14. Students should value automatic voter enrollment and voluntary voting as mechanisms that invite people to
participate in Chilean democracy.

Complete the comparison chart.

Which institution/institutions
Branch What is its responsibility?
represent it?
executive In charge of the country’s government. Represented by the president.

legislative In charge of making laws that regulate the country. The National Congress (Senators and Deputies).

judicial In charge of applying justice. Supreme Court and smaller courts.

Answer Key
Test 4 Study Page – Review
Section 1
1. People can participate in the political life of the country in different ways: elections and having the right to
suffrage, being part of a political party, running for public office, etc.
2. The president of the Republic is the head of the executive branch, as well as the head of the State; as such,
he governs and represents the country. Senators and deputies make laws and monitor the government’s
actions. Mayors administer municipalities and fulfill their communities’ needs.

Section 3
1. Organization is very important in communities because it helps people live peacefully; this way, they can fulfill
their common needs, establish relationships, etc.
2. When communities are not organized, people are more prone to have differences and conflicts, it is hard to
have dialogue, and there is no respect between people.

Simce Strategies
Vocabulary File 3

17. Organization within communities is necessary to solve problems, create bonds between people, and foster
participation of members in collective projects.
18. Conflicts happen when there are differences of opinion between people. They should always be resolved
with dialogue, respect, and agreements.

4th Grade Social Studies


• Part 1: Core Curriculum and ICT
• Part 2: Annual Lesson Plan Proposal
• Part 3: Examples of Daily Lesson Plans

Part 1: Core Curriculum and ICT

I. Objetivos de Aprendizaje Transversales

“Los Objetivos de Aprendizaje Transversales se logran mediante las experiencias en
las clases, en los recreos y en las fiestas escolares, entre otras instancias de la vida
escolar. Deben ser promovidos en estos espacios a partir de los aprendizajes de las
asignaturas, los ritos y normas de la escuela, los símbolos, los modales, el ejemplo de
los adultos y las dinámicas de participación y convivencia, entre otros aspectos.
Uno de estos objetivos se relaciona con las tecnologías de la información y la comuni-
cación (TIC). El propósito general del trabajo educativo en esta dimensión es proveer
a todos los alumnos y las alumnas de las herramientas que les permitirán manejar el
“mundo digital” y desarrollarse en él, utilizando de manera competente y responsable
estas tecnologías”.1 Los Objetivos de Aprendizaje para esta dimensión son:

• Buscar, acceder y evaluar la calidad y la pertinencia de la información de diversas

fuentes virtuales. (Número 28)

Experiencia complementaria:
Trabajar con los estudiantes la búsqueda de distintos espacios de consultas
confiables y pertinentes en la red.

Experiencia de integración curricular TIC:

Investigar sobre algunos aspectos culturales del siglo XIX, como los avances en
educación y la fundación de instituciones, el aporte de intelectuales y científicos
nacionales y extranjeros, las primeras mujeres en obtener títulos universitarios y el
impacto en la sociedad de la llegada del ferrocarril y de otros avances tecnológicos,
entre otros. (Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, 6º básico).

• Utilizar TIC que resuelvan las necesidades de información, comunicación,

expresión y creación dentro del entorno educativo y social inmediato. (Número 29)

Experiencia complementaria:
Utilizar sistemas de gestión educativa (SGE) o correos electrónicos para comunicar a
profesores, padres y estudiantes información fundamental en el funcionamiento de la
comunidad escolar.

Bases Curriculares 2012, Educación Básica, Mineduc.

4th Grade Social Studies

Experiencia de integración curricular TIC:

“Expresarse de manera coherente y articulada sobre temas de su interés” (Lenguaje
y Comunicación, 4º básico). Uso de Glogster (www.glogster.com), herramienta para
la creación de pósteres o infografías. Tiene un perfil profesor y un perfil estudiante.

• Utilizar aplicaciones para presentar, representar, analizar y modelar información

y situaciones, comunicar ideas y argumentos, comprender y resolver problemas
de manera eficiente y efectiva, aprovechando múltiples medios (texto, imagen,
audio y video). (Número 30)

Experiencia complementaria:
Enseñar a utilizar adecuadamente Prezi (www.prezi.com) u otros soportes digitales.

Experiencia de integración curricular TIC:

“Crear, representar y continuar una variedad de patrones numéricos y completar los
elementos faltantes, de manera manual y/o usando software educativo” (Matemática,
2º básico). Buscar software o aplicaciones educativas para que los estudiantes creen
patrones numéricos, privilegiando aquellas que entreguen retroalimentación.

• Participar en redes virtuales de comunicación y en redes ciudadanas de

participación e información, con aportes creativos y pertinentes. (Número 31)

Experiencia complementaria:
Creación de comunidades virtuales o participación en redes sociales educativas para
generar espacios de interacción y retroalimentación con la comunidad escolar.

Experiencia de integración curricular TIC:

“Escribir, revisar y editar sus textos para satisfacer un propósito y transmitir sus ideas
con claridad” (Lenguaje y Comunicación, 5º básico).
Creación y uso de un blog para comunicar ideas y opiniones, como una instancia de
retroalimentación con otros.

• Hacer un uso consciente y responsable de las tecnologías de la información y
la comunicación, aplicando criterios de autocuidado y cuidado de los otros en
la comunicación virtual, y respetando el derecho a la privacidad y la propiedad
intelectual. (Número 32)

Experiencia complementaria:
Trabajar de manera transversal la temática del derecho a la privacidad y a la propiedad

Experiencia integración curricular TIC:

“Investigar en diversas fuentes (imágenes, medios audiovisuales, TIC, gráficos, textos
y otras) sobre algunos temas relacionados con el presente de los pueblos indígenas
americanos” (Historia y Geografía, 4º básico). Trabajar adecuadamente el derecho a
la propiedad privada y a la propiedad intelectual, evaluando como criterio el plagio o
el uso adecuado de citas textuales extraídas de otras fuentes.

II. Indicaciones curriculares sobre uso de TIC en Historia, Geografía y

Ciencias Sociales
“Esta habilidad (comunicación) busca reforzar en los estudiantes la capacidad de
transmitir a otros de forma clara, respetuosa y deferente los resultados de sus obser-
vaciones, descripciones, análisis o investigaciones, por medio de distintas formas de
expresión oral y escrita.

Para ello, es importante desarrollar la capacidad de hablar y de escribir de forma

correcta, así como promover el diálogo y la disposición a recibir y escuchar opiniones
diferentes de las propias. Igualmente importante es que se familiaricen con el uso y el
manejo de diversos recursos y TIC, que les permitan elaborar estrategias más precisas
para apoyar la comunicación de sus ideas”.1

Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, Bases Curriculares 2012, Educación Básica, Mineduc

4th Grade Social Studies

Grade Description

1st There are no suggested ICT activities.

2nd There are no suggested ICT activities.

Number 5. Research a topic related to the civilizations that have been studied (heroes,
3rd gods, cities, homes, clothing, tools, etc.) and use different sources (books, graphic
sources, the Internet). Then, present the contents.

Number 5. Do some research using different sources (pictures, audiovisual, the Inter-
net, graphics, texts, etc) on topics related to the American indigenous peoples today.
4th For instance, research their role in today’s society, the influence of Maya, Aztec, or Inca
civilizations on their former countries, their influence on food dishes or contemporary

Number 22. Inform yourself and give your opinion on relevant topics or subjects of
5th interest in your country and the world (politics, environment, sports, arts and music,
etc.). Use newspapers and the Internet.

Number 26. Inform yourself and give your opinion on relevant topics or topics of interest
6 th
in your country and the world (politics, environment, sports, arts and music, etc.). Use
newspapers and the Internet.

Appendix 2: Proposed Annual Plan for 4th Grade Social Studies

LEarnInG ObjECTIvE U1 U2 U3 U4

Identify general characteristics of America.


Identify characteristics of the North American terrain.

Recognize the characteristics of the terrain of Central and South America.


Describe the climate and hydrography of North America.

Describe the climate and hydrography of Central and South America.


Identify the demographic characteristics of America.

Recognize economic characteristics and natural resources in America.


Recognize the theories of American settlement.

Describe Maya social and political organization.


Identify characteristics of the Maya culture.

Describe Aztec social and political organization.


Characterize Aztec culture and daily life.

Characterize Inca political and social organization.


Identify the cultural characteristics of the Incas.

Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of the north of Chile.


Identify the characteristics of the first inhabitants of Central and Southern Chile.

Characterize the actors in the political organization of Chile.

Identify children’s rights in situations of everyday life.


Participate in the community, maintaining a spirit of harmony.

13 8 8 7
weeks weeks weeks weeks

Note: This plan takes into consideration the content in the units of the textbook. It does not incorporate
evaluations the teacher may wish to give by unit, semester, or year.

Lesson Plan
Grade: 4 Class: 1 Date:
Subject: Social Studies Core Curriculum: Geography Unit 1: Geography of America
Time: 90 minutes
Appendix 3: Lesson Plans

Class Goal: Learn the location of America and the reasons for the subdivision of the American continent.

Skills (Disciplinary and Cognitive) Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives

Sequential and Spatial Thought Cognitive Dimension
• Apply spatial categories, such as location. • Identify, process, and summarize information from different
Analysis and Working with References references and organize the more relevant information in a topic
• Find useful information from written references and maps. or problem.
Critical Thinking Proactivity and Work
• Express justified opinions on topics of their own interest. • Take care of their natural environment and its resources.
• Present themes orally, visually, or in written form with their

Learning Objectives Contents

• Identify general characteristics of America. Section 1: America
• Why We Divide America

Students are able to…
• Locate places in America on a map.
• Understand why America is divided into subcontinents and identify them.
• Summarize in a comparative chart the contents of the class.

4th Grade Social Studies

Lesson plan SS4.indd 3 28-02-13 16:17

Lesson Plan

Beginning – Warm-up (15 minutes) Resources

• With the picture on page 12 and 13, discuss the geography of America. Ask: What continent on planet Earth can be Student’s Book:
seen in the picture? What do the colors represent? Can you locate Chile? What geographical features are represented? pages 12 and 13
• Use What Do You Know? questions to activate students’ previous knowledge and then to link it to America’s
geographical features, such as its subcontinents, terrain, landscapes, climates, etc.

Class Development (60 minutes)

• Write on the board the following question: Why do we divide America?
Student’s Book:
• Ask students to read pages 14 and 15. Then, discuss America’s location and its subcontinents, countries, and
pages 14 and 15
• Explain the causes for this division. Highlight the historical cause for America’s division: its colonial past. Using the
map on page 14, give geographical and cultural characteristics of the subcontinents.
• After reading the text, have students make a comparative chart of the Americas using the following criteria: location,
colonial power that controlled it, language, countries.
Digital book
• Ask students to answer activities on pages 14 and 15, and then to check their answers as a class.

Closing – Activity (15 minutes)

• Ask students to briefly answer in their notebooks the following: Why do we divide America? Check their answers and
discuss them as a class. Activity Card 1
• Ensure that students identify the three subcontinents, their limits, and countries.

Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives

• Use digital materials from www.pathway.cl to locate American countries.
Use of Concrete Objects

Lesson plan SS4.indd 5 28-02-13 16:17

Lesson Plan
Grade: 4 Class: 1 Date:
Subject: Social Studies Core Curriculum: Geography Unit 1: Geography of America
Time: 45 minutes

Class Goal: Understand how to use a map.

Skills (Disciplinary and Cognitive) Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives

Sequential and Spatial Thought Cognitive Dimension
• Apply spatial categories, such as location. • Identify, process, and summarize information from different
Analysis and Working with References references and organize the more relevant information in a topic
• Find useful information from written references and maps. or problem.
Critical Thinking Proactivity and Work
• Express justified opinions on topics of their own interest. • Take care of their natural environment and its resources.
• Present themes orally, visually, or in written form with their

Learning Objectives Contents

• Identify general characteristics of America. Section 1: America
• Why We Divide America

Students are able to…
• Understand the system of geographic coordinates.
• Identify meridians, parallels, the Greenwich meridian, and the Equator.
• Understand and use the concepts latitude and longitude.
• Understand the division of planet Earth into northern and southern hemispheres, and orient and occident.
• Locate places on the map using geographic coordinates.

Lesson plan SS4.indd 7 28-02-13 16:17

4th Grade Social Studies
Lesson Plan

Beginning – Warm-up (10 minutes) Resources

• Explain that every subject has its own technique, and that students should become familiarized with the technical Student’s Book:
knowledge of Geography. page 58
• Explain that one of the focuses of Geography is work with maps; thus, it is important to know how to read them. This
will help students be able to locate themselves in any point on Earth.

Class Development (30 minutes)

• Ask students to read page 58.
• Check students’ work and ensure they identify parallels, meridians, and the divisions of both hemispheres.
• Discuss and study in depth the concepts of geographic coordinates and their importance to locating oneself in space.
• Highlight the difference between parallels and meridians; latitude and longitude; northern and southern hemisphere;
Activity Card 3
oriental and occidental hemispheres.
• With students, check the activities.

Closing – Activity (5 minutes)

• Work as a class.
• Assist students’ understanding and application of geographic location asking them to locate some places on the map.
• Discuss the importance of geographic location and the usefulness of geographic coordinates to locate places.

Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives

Use of Concrete Objects

Lesson plan SS4.indd 9 28-02-13 16:17

Lesson Plan
Grade: 4 Class: 1 Date:
Subject: Social Studies Core Curriculum: Geography Unit 1: Geography of America
Time: 90 minutes

Class Goal: Learn the Terrain of North America

Skills (Disciplinary and Cognitive) Interdisciplinary Learning Objectives

Sequential and Spatial Thought Cognitive Dimension
• Apply spatial categories, such as location. • Identify, process, and summarize information from different
Analysis and Working with References references and organize the more relevant information in a topic
• Find useful information from written references and maps. or problem.
Critical Thinking Proactivity and Work
• Express justified opinions on topics of their own interest. • Take care of their natural environment and its resources.
• Present themes orally, visually, or in written form with their

Learning Objectives Contents

• Identify general characteristics of America. Section 2: The Terrain of North America
• The Terrain of North America

Students are able to…
• Identify the North American subcontinent and its countries.
• Characterize North American terrain, considering its mountain ranges, plateaus, and valleys.
• Identify the geographical features of North America.
• Infer the relationship between a natural and a social environment.

Lesson plan SS4.indd 11 28-02-13 16:17
Social Studies

Teacher’s Guide

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