D2 Watermark

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Domain 2: Asset Security Saved Comment 0 Export as PNG Share

Topic Subtopic Connection Icon Note Link 50% Theme Tips

Top secret - grave image Owner - info classifying, control selection, identify
Laws - OECD guideline, GDPR, EU-US standard, set rules of protection by senior management
Secret - serious image Privacy shield
Business owner - balance need of security control (CBA)
Confidential - damage
System owner - responsible for the
Unclassified - Available to anyone system on protection the data
with free of info act (FOIA)
Data Classifcation Controller - decide what&how data process
Confidential/Proprietary - grave
image [trade secret] Data Roles Processor - third party handling data as
behalf of owner, cloud, healthcare, bank
Private - serious damange [PII,PHI]
Custodian - day2day responsibilities
Sensitive - damage [internal network] of protection data, IT department

Public - no damage [website] Auditor - evaluate security controls

1. Create an Asset Inventory - HW (barcode, User - responsible protection of data in use, due care
RFID), SW(Software Configuration, AD,LDAP,
nmap, software license, DLP), network logs Administrator - grant access

2. Assign Ownership 1. collection - min sensitive info

Asset Classification Process
3. Classify based on value. Tips: MIX At rest - db, hard drive AES encryption (TPM, self
classification use highest level security encryption drive SED, file level encryption)

4. Protect based on classification 2. location - store In motion - tls/ssl, VPN, link encryption
(routing point), end-to-end encryption
5. Assess and Review Domain 2:
In use - RAM, caches, registers
Cloud access security broker (CASB) -
monitor user activity and central 3. maintenance - use and share, scrub
control to enforce security data and remove data

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) - EOL - no new product

endpoint, network, states (rest, 4. retention - archive. Period based (prepare to discontinue)
transit, use) on regulatory, policy. Don't keep it
if don't need it EOS - no more support
Digital right management (DRM) - (end life of product)
copyright, watermark Data protection
Data lifecyle 5. remanence - destroy. Tips: get a new
Pseudonymization - alias represents data drive is more cost effective and data
remanence is hard to get rid sometime
Tokenization - random string represents data
Erasing/Delete file (recoverable) - least
Anonymization - remove all PII data effective, data remain on drive
until can't identify subject
(Irréversible) Clearing/Sanitization - prepare for
reuse. Overwrite with random bits
marking - physical marking of asset in
human readable form Purging (not recoverable) - intensive form of
Asset handling clearing for resuse in lower security level. E.g
6. destruction zeroization, crypto shredding, degaussing
labelling - associate with security
attributes. Metadata help DLP to flag
Degaussing - tapes, magnetic disk. Not
Scoping (which) - select part of control apply to optical disk, SSD

Tailoring (fit)- modify control to Requirements Destruction (cannot reuse) - SSD acidic
align org's mission, better address spoil, shredding, incineration (burnt),
with org's environment disintegration (pieces), most secure

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