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TCB, Security

Domain 3.1 Secure Design, TCB, Security Model,

Model, Se...
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Threat modelling - reduce security defects,

severity of remaining defects

#TCSEC (orange book) - earliest, US Defense DoD address

Least Privilege - only rights to perform job
military requirement for os, NO network book. classes A1
verified , B1-3, C1-2, D minimal protection
Defense in depth - compartment, segmentation,
lattice, zone, protection ring Trusted Network Interpretation (TNI) - Red book

Fail secure/close - lock access after failure #ITSEC - EU separate functionality and assurance
Secure default
Fail safe/open - door open (human safety) Goal: test security of product,
identify and remove vulnerabilities
Separation of duties (SoD) - >1 person to complete a task , prevent fraud
protection profile - security requirements (what)
Keep it simple (KISS) - least is power Select Control
Secure Design
Common Criteria security target - doc describe ToE + requirement (how)
Zero trust - authenticate every request
target of evaluation (ToE) -
Privacy by design system/product to be tested (which)

Trust but verify - 1. authentication to secured EAL 7 level - Func Struc Meth M Semi S Form
environment --> 2. generic access control
certification - tested security control meet standard (internal audit)
Shared responsibility - customer + cloud
verification - third party/external audit
zero-knowledge proof - proof knowledge of fact to
another without revealing the fact accreditation - management formally accept

split knowledge - info/privilege to perform Executing types (Multitasking, Multiprocessing,

operation divided among multiple users Multiprogramming, Multithreading)

Trusted computing base - hw+sw+control form a trusted base.

single-state (one security level), multistate - multiple security level

Security perimeter - boundary separte TCB from outside

Protection Rings (0 - kernel/privilege, 1- OS, 2 - Driver, 3 - Application)
Properties: invoke everytime, cannot Process states (Ready, running, waiting, supervisory, stopped)
alter (temper), small enough to verify Reference monitor (Laws) - validate access

Operation modes (user-limited instruction, privilege - controlled operation)

Security kernel (Police) - implement reference monitor

Programmable PROM
Simple security - No read up Read-only memory
(ROM) - non-volatile
Bell-LaPadula (confidentiality, Erasable EPROM - ultraviolet PROM, Electronically EPROM
* security - No write down
MAC, lattice) - ^
Primary memory - Static (flip-flop, faster),
strong star - can read/write on same level Domain 3.1 Secure Random access memory Dynamic (capacitor, slower, cheaper)
Design, TCB, Memory (RAM) - volatile
Simple integrity - No read down Security Model, Cache ram - L1,L2...improved performance
Select Control,
* integrity - No write up Biba (integrity, MAC, lattice) - \ Hardware
Secondary memory - non-volatile, ssd, magnetic tapes, flash
drive, CD Data not immediately available to CPU
Invocation - prevent invoke higher level subject Hardware
Virtual memory - pagefile, swapfile
Clark-Wilson (integrity) - subject access object through program
(access triple), SoD, auditing, well-fromed transaction primary - same as memory

Brewer Nash/Chinese Wall - conflict of interest in 2 secondary - first read into primary
parties; restrict access based on previous activity memory before cpu can use the data
Non-inteference - High security A should not interfere Security Model
(way to formalize random access storage - read any point
Low security B (not seen). Prevent covert channel
security policy)
sequential access storage - require
Take-grant (Confidentiality) - how
scanning all before desired location
rights pass among subjects/objects)-
take, grant, create, remove rule
TEMPEST - spying info through leaking
electromagnetic emanations, sounds,
Information flow - design of bell+biba, brewer nash,
flow btw different security levels
countermeasure: Faraday cage, white noise
(broadcast false traffic), Control Zone
State machine - Finite state machine (FSIM) system always
secure no matter of state; Bell, Biba, Sutherland
Input/output - monitor, printer, keyboard, modem (eavesdropping, tapping)
Goguen–Meseguer - predermined action on predetermined objects
Firmware - software stored on a ROM chip that
contains basic instruction to start a pc
Graham-Denning (DAC owner) - matrix based, secure creation of
subject&objects, assign specific rights (how), 8 rules
Dedicated mode - all
Harrison-Ruzzo-Ullman (DAC owner) - edit access right of subject (how)
System high - X need to know
Sutherland - prevent covert channel Security Mode
Comparted - X access approval, X need to know
virtualization - host one or more OS within a host computer
Multilevel- ntg
endorsement key - created when
TPM is manufacture (permanent) trusted platform module (TPM) - a chip covert timing - exchange info by
in motherboard to store encrypted key exerting some amount of control.
(authenticate laptop) user types using a specific
storage root key - created when Covert channel - pass info rhythm of Morse code
user takes ownership of TPM over a hidden path
Security capacities of IS
hardware security module (HSM) - cryptoprocessor covert storage - space accessed by 2 processes
used to manage/store digital encryption key that have different security label

interface - restrict action based on privilege maintenance hook - backdoor, provide developers with easy access

fault tolerance
Domain 3.2: Information System Saved Comment 0 Export as PNG Share

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Table- relation

Row - tuple, cardinality

large scale parallel data system -

Column - attribute, degree
symmetric, asymmetric, massive

Keys: Primary key, Candidate key (sets grid computing - form of parallel
of attribute to uniquely identify), Server based system
distributed. Loss of privacy
Alternate key (2nd PK), Foreign key

peer to peer - no central management,

Object oriented DB - use data+function workloads shared, BitTorrent
in code accessible

Distributed control system (DCS) -

Hierarchical DB - tree. [DNS] large scale env, process driven

Relational DB - relationship btw Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) -

DB Types
records in table by using PK Industry control system standalone device, data gathering & event drive, large
geographic area. NEVER designed for internet
NoSQL - key value pair
Programmable logic controller (PLCs) -
Flat file DB - store info as lines of single purpose
text in a file [host file]
Distributed system - client-server,
Atomicity - all or nothing (COMMIT) collection of individual system work security issues: unauthorized,
together. [blockchain] eavesdropping, lack of monitoring
Consistency - rules of data type
Database 3 components: compute, network, storage
ACID Model High performing computing - complex
Isolation - 2 transaction processes calculation
separate use case: RTOS, research lab

Durability - completed transaction (preserve) Private - dedicate resource to an

organization (cloud in your data center,
Aggregation - data from multiple legacy, compliance)
source to create sensitive info
Attack Public - multi tenant, manage by external
Inference - deduce by using several CSP (pay as your go, agility, scalability)
deployment model
piece of info
Hybrid - sensitive in private,
semantic integrity - data type non-sensitve info in public
Domain 3.2:
cell suppression - hide individual db field Information System Community - share infra with multiple
org on common needs
Polyinstantiation -identical PK
contain different data in different Defense SaaS (browser) - customer manage identity, data, endpoint
classficaiton level
IaaS (compute) - customer manage OS
level above. CSP manage networking,
Noise and perturbation - insert false
service model hypervisor, server, data center
data to redirect confidentiality
PaaS (deploy custom code) - customer manage
app & data. CSP manage db, os, networking,
Removing data - 1FF - logically hypervisor, server, data center
data, 2NF partly depend PK, 3NF not
depend on PK Normalization Cloud access security broker (CASB) - security policy enforcement

Expert - if..condition Internet of thing (IoT) - internet security issues: access, encryption.
connected device Keep device up to date
Machine learning - supervised learning Knowledge-Based System
Fog computing -centralised processing of data
Edge- CDN collected by distributed sensor
Neural network - imitate biological reasoning

Attack surface: user, physical,

Applet: code object form server to client.
sensor, output, processor
Java applet-sandbox, ActiveX-digital cert
Client-Based System
Microcontroller - small computer Raspberry Pi, Arduino
Embedded system - add to existing open source 8 bit, field programmable gate array (FPGA) -
mechanical system flexible used in ICS
single point of failure, bypass control,
buffer overflow (ADLR), TOCTOU
security concern: limited network, unable process high
emanation end encryption, difficult patch, do not use
TEMPEST (shielding) against Van Eck authentication, supply chain issues
phreaking, white noise, control
zone, faraday cage
Static system - static env dont change. E.g check in kiosk at airport, ATM

covert channel vulnerabilities in system

Network enabled device

aggregation & inference (Polyinstantion)

Cyber-Physical system

salami - rounding down the last few digit

incremental attack
Data diddling - small, random changes
Domain 3.3 Virtualization Saved Comment 0 Export as PNG Share

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Infrastructure as Code

hypervisor - VMM -
create/manage/operate virtual machine mobile device management - full drive
encryption, remote wiping, device
Virtualized System authentication, device lockout, app
Hypervisor I - install on bare metal

Hypervisor II - install on top of host (Virtual Box)

Bring your own device (BYOD) - staff
use his phone
Virtual Software
Domain 3.3 Corporate-owned, Personally Enabled
Virtualized Networking Mobile device
Virtualization (COPE) - company phone but use for
both personal and work matter
Software Defined everything - replacing Deployment
software with virutalization Choose your own device (CYOD) - provide
list of approved devices to select
Virtualization Security Management -
protect host, backup, VM sprawl, Corporate-owned Mobile Strategry
sensitive data within VM, unauthorized (COMS) - company phone for work
access to hypervisor purpose only

Containerization - eliminate duplication of

OS element in a virutal machine

Serverless - CSP manage platform, server

Domain 3.4: Cryptography (Symmetric,
(Symmetric, Asymmetric...
Asymmetric, Saved Comment 0 Export as PNG Share

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Cryptography - Science

Cryptosystem - All in one sw, hw, algo,key

Cryptology - study Pros - fast

Cryptanalysis - decrypt/break Cons - out of band key distribution, no

nonrepudiation, only confidentiality, algorithm is
not scalable, key must generate often
Kerckhoff’s principle - algorithm is
public, key is secret
keys require = n(n-1) / 2
PAIN - privacy, authenticity,
Key clustering - same plain text with different
integrity, non-repudiation use case: encrypt bulk data
keys generate same cipher
Key space - range of key value *AES (Rijndael)- 128B, 128/192/256 key, 10, 12, 14 rounds

One way function - math's output value #ECB - block, same encrypted block
but can't get input value
CBC - block, IV, chain (error propagate),
Initialization Vector (IV) - is a random bit string (a nonce) that is unencrypted text XORed
XORed with the message, reducing predictability and repeatability.
CFB - stream, IV, chain (error
Work function/work factor - measure strength of propagate)
Symmetric - a
cryptography, effort to decrypt msg #DES - 64B, 56 key
shared secret key
OFB - stream, IV, NO ERROR, XOR
Strength factor: algorithm, secrecy of plaintext with a seed value
key, key length, IV, random key
CTR - stream, IV, NO ERROR, use
Dual control - 2 separate increment counter instead of seed
function/process for key recovery
Galois counter mode - adds authentication
Split knowledge - 2 separate pieces of knowledge
Key management 3DES - 64B, 112 (more effective security), 168 key
Key escrow - third party hold the key Domain 3.4:
and release with condition Modern
Cryptography IDEA - PGP, 64B, 128 key
crypto (at
least 128
Rules: key length, store secure, key random, key lifetime Asymmetric, Blowfish - alternative to DES, IDEA but faster, variable
bits long)
on sensitivity of data, backup key, destroy key Quantum) lengh keys up to 448 bit

Transposition (scytale) - REARRANGE letters #Skipjack/clipper - US government, escrow of keys

Substituition (Caesar) - RREPLACE letter #RC4,5,6 - RC4 is stream cipher 40-2048 bit, WEP,
WPA, SSL (no longer secure)
Vigenere - polyalphabetic substitution
Old crypto Pros - easy key distribution, integrity,
One time pad - authentication, nonrepudiation
Requirement - random, pad protected, unbreakable
used only once, key as long as msg (vernam) Cons: Slow, small data

Enigma machine/purple machine - WWII keys require = n * 2

Confusion (substitution) - use case: PKI (verify identity), encrypt keys

relationship is complicated
Block cipher - text divide into blocks *RSA (factoring of large prime number) - Use in digital
Diffusion (transposition) - change in and encrypt one block at a time. Asymmetric - receiver's
signature, key distribution, encryption
plaintext results in multiple changes public key encrypt +
through ciphertext receiver's private key
decrypt ElGamal (discrete)- free to use but double
size of message, SLOWEST
Pros - quickly, scale, real time VoIP
Stream cipher - operate one Elliptic Curve (discrete), more efficient than RSA
Cons: less secure (RC4), require lot character/bit a time (256 bits = 3072 bits in RSA). Use in encryption, digital
randomness, processing power signature, key exchange

security: asymmetric like RSA, DH could be broken. Stream Diffie-Hellman (discrete)- key exchange, middle man
cipher least vulnerable. Lattice offer some resistance attack. Use in SSL, TLS, SSH, IPSec, PKI

not for encrypt, solves key distribution problem Quantum - replace binary
#Knapsack - obsolete
with multidimensional
quantum bits (qubits)
Grover's algo - computer speeds up to attack with halve the key length

Shor's algo - easily break all public key algo based on factoring and discrete logorithm problem
Domain 3.5 Cryptography (HASH,
HMAC, digital
digital sig...
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TPM - full disk encryption

Pretty good privacy (PGP) - web of trust

Integrity only Email S/MIME - RSA, x509 exchange key

5 requirement: input any length-->fix length output. key exchange - RSA, DH, ECDH
Easy to compute, one way, collision free
authentication - RSA, DSA, ECDSA
Attack: collision (2 different doc produce same
hash)--> birthday attack
Applied Web TLS/SSL encryption - AES, 3DES
Hash (MD)
#SHA1- 160 bit,224,256,512,384 message digest
hash - SHA
#MD5 - 512 block
HAVAL - faster than MD5 with 3 rounds used
link encryption - secure tunnel btw 2
points (nodes)
RIPEMD, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160 (remain secure)
Network Circuit encryption, IPSec
end-to-end encryption - btw client and
Integrity, authentication, server. Data is encrypted at origin
non-repudiation (NO CONFIDENTIALITY) and decrypt at destination
Digital Signature (Digests)
To sign/create - sender's private key encrypt hash brute force - try all possible key

To verify - sender's public key to decrypt singature cipher text

authentication, integrity, (NO ciphertext only

most difficult attack, modern crypto
NON-REPUDIATION), shared secret key guarded this attack
message + secret key --> MAC value plaintext + corresponding ciphertext
Domain 3.5 Cryptography known plaintext
DSA,RSA, ECDSA Digital signature standard (DSS) (HASH, HMAC, digital
signature, PKI, hybrid, vulnerable: linear cryptanalysis
cryptanalytic Attack)
authentication, confidentiality, chosen plaintext ciphertext-plaintext pair (cryptosystem)
integrity, non-repudiation

piece of ciphertext (same cipher text msg)=

cert X.509 - version, serial number,
get decrypted plaintext
signature algo, issuer, subject public key chosen ciphertext

CA - issue cert, RA - verify and register, vulnerable: RSA

CRL - contain list of revoke cert (serial Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
number), OSCP - real time. certificate frequency analysis (eng letter) - transportation
stapling as OSCP is burden
site channel - monitor power, timing, radiation/emission
Cryptanalytic Attack
cert file: DER, PFX (Binary); PEM, P7B (Text) -
.der & .crt, .pem & crt, .pfx & .p12 implementation attack - exploit weakness in software,
protocol, encryption algorithm
cert recipient verify cert using CA's public key
fault injection - external fault like electric, temperature (physical attack)
symmetric (encrypt msg) + asymmetric (encrypt key)
timing - how long cryptographic operation
1. client browser https://www
man in the middle - fools both parties into communicating with attacker
2. server send its public key instead of directly with each other

Hybrid (TLS) differential cryptoanalysis

3. client browser generates a symmetric session key

4. client use server's public key to encrypt the replay attack - replay a valid session
symmetric key and sends it to server
pass the hash - windows active directory where attacker
5. server uses its private key to decrypt the symmetry key resubmit cached authentication token. Use mimikatz tool

ransomware - encrypt victim's file and ask for payment to unlock

Meet in the middle - 2DES, 3DES, 2 rounds of encryption

Domain 3.6 Site and facility Saved Comment 0 Export as PNG Share

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power(fault, blackout), high voltage (spike,

HVAC surge), low voltage (sag/dip, brownout)
natural access control
Electromagnetic interference (EMI)
natural surveillance - uneasy Crime Prevention Through Noise
Environmental Design (CPTED) Radio frequency interference (RFI)
natural territorial reinforcement -
area feel cared Voltage 1k - monitor, 1.5k hard drive, 2k-system

1.Deter UPS - momentary/short/temporary

2.Deny Generator - longer/sustained


3.Detect Dual power supplies - for critical network device

Functional in order and concern on power supply
Fence - 8 feet deter intruder
Light - 8 feet high with 2 feet candle power
Temperature - 60-75F (15-23C)
Wiring closet - locks, area tidy, no
flammable item, cctv, log entries, do Humiditty - 40-60% (high-corrosion, low- static electricity
not give keys
wet pipe - full of water
wave - microwave
Domain 3.6 Site and facility dry pipe - compressed gas, closed sprinkler head, filled
capacitance - electrical or magnetic Server room - away from water, gas, with compressed air until the sprinkler heads open
smartcards and badges, motion
photoelectric - light detector, alarm Water preauction system (most appropriaple) - closed sprinkler
head, 2 stage detection (1.detect and fill with water, 2.
heat then sprinkler head opened)
infrared - heat

Media storage - locked cabinet, deluge system - large volume of water, sprinkler head
custodian, entry, drive sanitization, open, empty until a fire alarm sound
integrity check
CO2 - effective but risk to human
Evidence storage - dedicated storage system,
keep storage offline, block internet, limit Gas Halon - non environment friendly
access, encrypt all dataset, hash
FE-13, FM-200, Inergen- safe for human (recommded)
Restricted and work area security - walls, clean desk,
only authorized access A - common combustibles (water or acid)

electronic combination lock/cipher lock B - liquid (gas or soda acid)

key card, biometric, conventional C - electrical (gas)
lock, pick-and-bump resistant lock
D - metal (dry powder)
Window K - cooking (alkaline)
glass break
detection (flame, smoke, heat): ionization,
photoelectrial, dual

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