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Name: Cardo Dalisay Date: 09/05/2023

Section: BSA 3A

A. Preparation of the patient. Half an hour before the examination, in-patients are given a
subcutaneous injection of 1 ml of pethidine. The patients are fasting and have been informed of
the examination before their arrival at the Department. Out-patients are instructed to take no
food in the morning, and on arrival at the Department are given a tablet of 25 mg of pethidine
and 5 g of syrupus codeicus fortior. Children receive the same medication in smaller dosage but
if young or uncooperative are examined under general anaesthesia.
B. Examination (duration 15 to 20 minutes). (1) Local anaesthesia: 5 drops of a 1 oleo solution of
adrenaline are added to 5 ml of a 4 yo solution of cocaine. 3 ml of this mixture is poured into a
de Vilbiss spray and 1 ml sucked into a Record syringe fitted with a curved blunt needle (larynx
needle). Two curved swabs are placed in the remainder of the cocaine. The patient is placed on
a chair facing the examiner, and while the patient pulls on his protruding tongue with his fingers,
the pharyngeal wall is anaesthetized by spraying. Under constant control in the larynx mirror the
two swabs are then pressed into both pyriform recesses, where they are held for one minute;
the contents of the Record syringe are then allowed to fall drop by drop down between the
vocal cords.

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