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John Carlo Logronio

Sarah Lemire said, “graduation marks the end of one era and the beginning of a new one. This bittersweet

moment is filled with all kinds of emotions for graduates and their loved ones, ranging from sad goodbyes to happy tears

to excitement for what lies ahead.” Some of you, the 10th Graders are to remain, and we, the seniors of batch 2023 of

Comon High School, are to thread new paths outside CHS. 

Our batch, just like everyone else’s, experienced many ups and downs, but despite everything, we never lost the

connection we have over time. Many moments have given us happiness and hope but some things have given us stresses

or struggles in our busy days of philosophizing our learning goals. It's great to think that we are here at a point where we

can say that all the efforts we exerted to achieve merit and a happy end were worth it. Now, as we are to embark to a new

chapter of our vitality, we niether know what will happen to us nor what are the things that await us. All we know is that

we have to continue the battles that we have but to be resumed in a new field, new environment, and with a new set of

people. But no matter what transpires, if we fail to conquer all the hindrances in the direction that we are supposed to take

off, the most important thing that we must remember and embark on in our hearts is that; a CHSian never quits, never

surrenders and always always finds solutions and pushes through. Surely we will leave this school with heavy hearts but

this institution equipped us with enthusiasm, goals, love, and dreams necessary for the next phase of life and the future.

There will never be a year like this, so now, we hereby assert this is our last will and testament. 

With the guidance of our beloved teachers, the wisdom and learnings that we earned will never be lost nor

replaced, we now pass on to the incoming senior high school students, the talents and interests of our class with the

expectancy that, before leaving, pursue those things we have left undone. 

As we finished this six-year of disentangle and glee, we hereby leave this last will to our successors... the 10th


• The unique and beautiful voice of Shaine Vhe Bodoso and Janell Bongalos 

• The flexibility and great performance on the dance floor of Janell Bongalos and Daymae Balbastro, 

• The unappeasable athletic ardor of Zeus Everiel Lalap, Ryan Brondial,  John Paul Beren, Janell Bongalos, RJ

Bueza and Rocky Bunao

• The love for literature and poetic skills of yours truly, John Carlo Logronio

• The willingness and initiation to solve problems of Reah Mae Blando  

• The unceasing joy, exuberance, and fun of Leslie Gonzales, Fredilyn Bueno, Cristine Olicia, Julie Ann

Bongalon, John Andre Royo, Jan Vincent Beren, Ryan Brondial, John Paul Beren and Zeus Everiel Lalap

• The extravagant showiness and glamour of Janell Bongalos and Jan Cris Buisa 

• The competence of being able to lead a group of Daymae Balbastro, Reah Mae Blando and John Carlo


• The ability to solve complicated Mathematical problems of Ryan Brondial, Nilo Bunao, Rocky Bunao and RJ


• And finally, the unrivaled artistic skills of Anna Lea Broncano and Jan Cris Buisa

To the 10th Graders, we leave these qualities to your batch. We leave you the obligation as well as the privilege,

the laughter and pressure, the hardship and happiness, the accomplishment and disappointments, and all the things we

went through. Enjoy every moment of your life, time is like a moving train– quick and fast. We didn't realize that time

was running so fast, we are now facing a successful end with full of gratitude. But there is also a glimpse of sadness

because of the truth that we will be separated, all the moments we’ve had will become memories. When I and the group

were given a task to study Buddhism, I accidentally crafted a very short yet meaningful quote... “The only thing that is

permanent in this world is impermanence.” That is true, everything is just temporary so I tell you to enjoy every single

day of your life in this school with your classmates, friends, teachers, and even your loved ones inside the campus and be

grateful for all of what you've got and what you’ve done. 

To our school, we are forever thankful for allowing us to undergo high school through the visions and ideals

strengthened in this institution. 

Lastly, we designate and appoint our beloved principal, Sir Domingo Seth C. Botalon, the faculty members, and

all senior class advisers to be the executors of this last will and testament. 

In witness, whereof, on this memorable Juniors and Seniors Ball 2023, I, John Carlo B. Logronio, now append my

signature on this testament, this 7th day of July, in the Year Two Thousand Twenty-Three at Comon High School. 

Thank you.

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