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EPIDEMIOLOGY disease in a defined geographical

LEC. 1 area as a result of deliberate

→ Epidemiology is the study of how efforts.
disease is distributed in populations and - Con. Malaria (cara basmi?
the factors that influence or determine → modif lingkungan,
this distribution. protect penduduk yang
→ ask the questions, Why does a padat dengan anti nyamuk
disease develop in some people and not - Con. TBC (tropical
in others? countries)
→ rumah ceiling tinggi biar
1. To identify the etiology or cause → naikin status ekonomi
of a disease and the relevant risk dan gizi.
factors 4. Control → public policy
2. To determine the extent of intervention that restricts the
disease found in the community circulation of an infectious agent
3. To study the natural history and beyond the level that would result
prognosis of disease → the from spontaneous individual
severity of the disease behavious to protect against
4. To evaluate both existing and infection.
newly developed preventive and → Controlling (Ongoing
therapeutic measures and modes Operations) reduce incidence
of healthcare delivery. duration, prevelance, risk of
5. To provide the foundation for transmission, effect of infections,
developing public policy relating impact of social and economy.
to environmental problems. → Con. PPKM pas Covid-19


1. Extinction → target untuk - Diseases are not randomly
membasmi distributed in human populations
- The specific infectious - Disease have patterns/clues and
agent no longer exist in risk factors
nature or in the laboratory. - Why do some diseases develop
2. Eradication → Termination of all in some people and not in
transmission of infections by others?
extermination of infectious agents → Penyakit Khas (berhubungan
(masih ada penyimpanan di lab dengan genetic ataupun pola
untuk penelitian tertentu). makan yang khas pada daerah
3. Elimination → Reduction to zero tertentu
of the incidence of a specified
→ con. Penduduk Jawa lebih 2. Epidemic occurs when a disease,
cenderung terkena diabetes specific health-related behavior,
karena pola makan yang manis. or other health-related event
→ con. Suku Han lebih spreads unexpectedly or quickly
cenderung terkena nasopharynx across a specific geographical
cancer karena pola makan yang area or population.
cenderung asam pedas. → con. Cholera, measles,
malaria, dengue fever
MAJOR USE OF → grafiknya naik drastis tapi
1. Direct do preventive 3. Pandemic occurs when a disease
efforts, such as screening outbreak has spread across
programs (con. anjing countries or continents.
yang bisa cium kanker) for
early disease detection. HYPOTHESIS
2. Identify the specific factors → An educated guess based on
or characteristics that put observation or reasoning, that can be
them at high risk and then tested or supported or refuted through
try to modify those factors. investigation.
→ con. Kecelakaan → Tested the Hypothesis by collecting
banyak disebabkan oleh data observing data

ngantuk → bikin tempat → Established the association

istirahat yang banyak +

Notes! Facts
→ Risk Factors = probabilitas (belum → swept Europe in the early 1800s
pasti penyebabnya) → Epidemics in London, Paris, NY
→ diagnosis of diseases are done by → 7000 died in London
DIFFERENT DISTRIBUTIONS based - Nausea + dizziness
on the degree to which it has spread - Violent vomiting and diarrhea
1. Endemic occurs when a disease - Extreme muscle cramps
spreads and is consistently - Insatiable thirst → cardiovascular
present but limited to a particular collapse → death
→ grafik naik konstan
→ con. Chicken pox
Beliefs about the transmission of Notes!
Cholera → Menteri kesehatan Dr Endang
- Person to person through meninggal dunia karena kanker
‘Miasmas’ → mysterious vapors paru-paru
from cemeteries and swamps.
John Snow’s Hypothesis dang
→ learned that the symptoms were
gastrointestinal not pulmonary → TUGAS EPI INTRODUCTION
reasoned that the disease might be
transmitted by water or food. ASSOCIATION OF FLU SHOT AND
→ He conducted a landmark series of DYSTONIA
studies which:
1. Test his hypothesis about mode FACTS
of transmission penceganan → flu shots (influenza vaccines) are
2. Lead to an intervention vaccines that protect against the four
→ He determined a certain company of influenza viruses that research indicates
water pumps that supplied a certain will be most common during the
area of London's population that upcoming season (sept and oct).
became victims to cholera and had them → Indications for vaccination = all
removed. children aged 6 through 59 months
→ founded that cholera was caused by and all adults above 50 years old.
a bacteria called Vibrio cholera → The most common way that flu
vaccines are made is using an
Significance of John Snow’s egg-based manufacturing process
Endeavors → Manufacturers of cell-based
1. Proposed a hypothesis for how quadrivalent vaccines for the 2023-2024
cholera was transmitted based on season should include these four virus
observation and reason. strains: an A/Wisconsin/67/2022
2. He tested the hypothesis by (H1N1)pdm09-like virus; an
collecting data systematically and A/Darwin/6/2021 (H3N2)-like virus; a
comparing groups of people. B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria
3. Established an association lineage)-like virus
↓ between drinking water from
Cada exposure
pumps and victims to cholera. → Dystonia = a state of abnormal
outcomes4. Argued for an intervention that muscle tone resulting in muscular
prevented more cases. spasm and abnormal posture, typically
due to neurological disease or a side
effect of drug therapy.
→ neurological movement disorder that preceded by an injury to the affected
causes spasm that can be painful. body part.
→ commonly affects people in their 40s → story was picked up by anti-vaxxed to
and 50s and is frequently referred to as exploit and campaign
adult-onset dystonia.
→ affects women 3x as much Sumber:
→ causes of Dystonia → Some ex.php/the-dystonia-flu-shot-case/
causes of acquired dystonia include
birth injury (stroke) (including hypoxia, a ystonia/common-misunderstandings/#:~:
lack of oxygen to the brain, and text=REALITY%3A%20There%20is%20
neonatal brain hemorrhage), certain no%20evidence,dystonia%E2%80%9D
infections, reactions to certain drugs, %20following%20a%20flu%20immuniza
heavy metal or carbon monoxide tion.
poisoning, trauma, or stroke.
→ asosiasi tapi bukan kausalitas
→ triggers of Dystonia → the disease (berhubungan tapi belum tentu sebab
can be inherited, acquired or idiopathic akibat)
(no known cause). → dystonia can be caused by
psychologically where excessive mental
Desiree Jennings Case pressure can cause physical symptoms
→ healthy until she received the like dystonia (anxiety when getting flu
seasonal flu vaccine shots)
→ 10 days later she developed a severe
respiratory illness (flu) TUGAS 2
→ developed a neurological reaction
where she had difficulty speaking, DO YOU RECOMMEND QUITTING
walking with involuntary muscle EXERCISE IF I WANT TO AVOID A
contractions and contortions. HEART ATTACK?

→ movements seen in the video are not FACTS

compatible of those with dystonia but → Heart attacks (myocardial
more to psychogenic dystonia infarction) happens when a part of the
→ Fixed dystonia means that the muscle doesn't get enough blood.
affected body part is stuck in the → The more time that passes without
abnormal posture at rest, whereas treatment to restore blood flow, the
mobile dystonia presents as repetitive, greater the damage to the heart muscle.
prolonged twisting movements. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the
Psychogenic dystonia more commonly main cause of heart attack.
manifests as fixed dystonia and may be
→ penyumbatan mendadak yang terjadi moderate-to-vigorous physical activity
pada arteries. gain some health benefits.
→ safety measures should be
→ symptoms include = chest pain or implemented while exercising to
discomfort, feeling weak, light-headed or maximize the benefits of exercise.
faint, pain or discomfort in one or both
arms or shoulders, shortness of breath → risks of physical inactivity > than
excessive exercise
→ Coronary artery disease = happens → memperhitungkan batasan heart rate
when coronary arteries struggle to pada olahraga
supply the heart with enough blood,
oxygen and nutrients → otot yang menebal karena excessive
→ 82% of people who die of CAD are exercise jadi jantung bekerja lebih
65 or older kencang dan suddenly stops (sudden
cardiac arrest)
→ Exercise can cause blood pressure
to rise due to increased cardiovascular LEC. 2
demand and oxygen uptake from EPIDEMIOLOGY FUNDAMENTAL
working muscles. ASSUMPTIONS
→ In most cases, damage done from 1. Human disease does not occur at
high blood pressure (HBP or random, there are factors or
hypertension) occurs over time. Left determinants which can increase
undetected or uncontrolled, high blood or decrease the likelihood of
pressure can lead to: Heart attack — disease.
High blood pressure damages 2. The casual and preventive
arteries that can become blocked and factors (determinants) can be
prevent blood flow to the heart muscle. identified by systematic
investigation of populations or
CASE ARTIS MENINGGAL USAI OR subgroups within the population.
→ Fundamental measurement:
→ intense exercise can lead to high frequency of disease ->
estimate and compare
blood pressure which with other - To estimate risk
supporting factors can cause a heart - To compare risk
attack → Distribution: PPT

→ Being physically active can improve - Who gets it (characteristics of

your brain health, help manage weight, victims)?
reduce the risk of disease, strengthen - Where does the disease occur?
bones and muscles, and improve your - When (occurrence over time)?
ability to do everyday activities. Adults - How a disease would be
who sit less and do any amount of distributed if whistles caused it.
3W → Who, Where, When → CON. ZIKA VIRUS
PPT → Place, Person, Time - Disebarkan dengan gigitan
→ The study of the distribution and nyamuk di Brazil (membawa zika
determinants of health and disease virus) yang ada kontak dengan
frequency in human populations. ibu hamil.
- Ibu tidak mengalami gejala,
HIPPOCRATES (460-377 BC) namun anak dapat mengidap
→ greek physician known as the ‘Father deformitas kepala (microcephaly
of Medicine’ → ciri khas)
→ Wrote the ‘Hippocratic Oath’ → a - Nyamuk tersebut suka hidup di
code of conduct for doctors and the air bersih sehingga mengalami
basis of all medical practice today peningkatan saat perubahan
→ believed that illness and disease was musim karena banyak genangan
not caused by evil spirits air.
→ stressed the importance of good diet, - Grafik kapal kuda → grafik
fresh air, cleanliness and exercise penyakit yang terus meningkat
→ learned by OBSERVATION namun dapat turun tiba-tiba (day
4) → bahaya karena pasien
→ Epidemiology studies how diseases sudah merasa oke terus shock.
→ MASA INKUBASI = masa kontak → CON. STROKE
dengan kuman sampai muncul gejala - Ditemukan pola dalam 100 orang
penyakit (signs and symptoms). yang mengidap stroke, mayoritas
memiliki HBP → disebut risk
IMPORTANCE OF DATA ANALYSIS factor/probabilitas.
- Hypothesis yang bagus harus - Smoking, poor diet, physical
bisa dibuktikan inactivity


- Ada ciri khas (pattern) yang → masyarakat lebih pengen ke dukun
dapat terlihat pada korban down daripada ke dokter buat masalah
syndrome tanpa melihat ras, persalinan dll → karena lebih murah +
suku dll. bisa nyicil + diurus sampai dimandiin
- Faktor resiko seorang dengan bayi dll.
down syndrome → kelainan → what should we do? → don't get rid of
genetik (susah + mahal diperiksa) midwives completely but educate them
- Usia saat kehamilan wanita on safe and sterile birth procedures.
menjadi acuan (semakin tua,
semakin tinggi probabilitas untuk
punya anak down syndrome).
- BubonicPlagueac re

KASUS BLACK DEATH die (fingers toes nose)

→ 25-33% of the European population → Vitamin C deficiency = abnormal
died collagen synthesis
→ adanya pemetaan yang penting SYMPTOMS:
untuk dilihat (con. Zona hijau, merah, - Capillaries become fragile
oren saat COVID) (rupture easily)
→ MITOS = caused by God’s - Purple blotches on skin
Punishment (ada benjolan di belakang - Hemorrhage into muscles, joints,
kepala), poisoning by the Jews, contact digestive organs
with lepers, walking in the sun, Miasmas - Bleeding, swollen gums, anemia
(polusi). - Jaundice, edema, fever,
→ TRUE CAUSE = Yersinia pestis convulsions, heart failure →
(bacteria spread by rodents and fleas). death
→ Rodents and Fleas (VEKTOR) → → Lord Anson’s global expedition
pembawa agent penyakit 1740-1744 → banyak yang meninggal di
→ High population density kapal
(ENVIRONMENT) → James Lind, a scottish naval surgeon
→ Poor sanitation and hygiene (HOST) conducted a trial where they had
→ harus tau pola/rantainya biar bisa tau different people who had scury to try
cara mutusinnya different remedies → those who got
-> failed in evaluating oranges and lemons got fit.
testing them

→ No concept of testing hypotheses in a EPIDEMIOLOGIC TRIAD OF DISEASE

systematic way in groups of people. → Disease is produced by exposure of
(harus ada evidence yang back up the a susceptible host to a noxious agent in
hypotheses). the presence of environmental factors
→ No structured way of evaluating that aid or hinder agents of disease.
information. → penting untuk tahu agar dapat
→ ASOSIASI BUKAN KAUSALITAS = mutusin rantainya.
berhubungan tapi belum tentu bersifat
sebab akibat
→ asks the question “what factors were ->
Faktor Korban

associated with the disease?”


-> sansbat agent

→ Flu akan terus mutasi → butuh

penanganan yang terus berevolusi
→ T Cells yang sudah bisa kenalin dan
buat perlindungan
[virus sautee Santor lingung an
AGENT → Penyebab Penyakit 2. To detect
1. Biological (bakteri,virus) 3. To test
2. Chemical (poison, alcohol, 4. To isolate
smoke) 5. To treat
3. Physical (trauma, fire)
4. Nutrition (lack, excess) TYPES OF MODELING
VEKTOR → pembawa agent
HOST → Factors from the victim
- Age, sex, race, genes, medical
history, customs, backgrounds
ENVIRONMENT → faktor lingkungan
- Temperature, altitude, housing,
water, food, pollution, noise, etc.


1. Reservoir of infection

source - The source of an
infectious agent
2. Carrier OTG

- An individual who carries

an infectious agent without
manifesting symptoms, yet
who can transmit the
Host → manusia (dipakaikan masker +
agent to another
ppkm biar ga ketemu dengan agent)
Agent → Virus COVID-19
3. Fomites inanimate ventors

Vektor → udara
↓ - Any inanimate object
X Environment → mengadakan semprot
contaminated capable of being an
- COK-

gaada desinfektan rutin Intervention (pencegahans

clothings. arum
sinulasi crowded

intermediate in the indirect


transmission of an
infectious agent.
US dan IHR) the
4. DESCRIPTIVE EPI -> answerson t
1. To prevent cra

BY - Examining the distribution
2. To detect
PDR of a disease in a
3. To respond
population and observing
the basic features of its
1. To trace WHO
-> community health survey


distribution (time, place, covid krn banyak kerjaan disni (pusat
person) ekonomi pemerintah dll)
- Typical study designs:
community health survey. TUGAS LEC 2
answers the question
5. ANALYTIC EPI - why how? and
↓ - Testing a specific
cohort, hypothesis about the MASTECTOMY → A mastectomy is
case control relationship of a disease to surgery to remove a breast. Sometimes
experimental. a specific cause by other tissues near the breast, such as
conducting an lymph nodes, are also removed.
epidemiologic study.
- Typical study designs: → high risk women for breast cancer →
cohort, case-control, BRCA gene
experimental design → A mastectomy is used to remove all
breast tissue if you have breast cancer
KASUS PENYAKIT KARENA Pb or are at very high risk of developing it.
→ Penyakitan karena cat → bau cat, You may have a mastectomy to remove
kontak fiisk cat (mainly → masuk/nular one breast (unilateral mastectomy) or
lwt pencernaan/mulut) both breasts (bilateral mastectomy).
→ dengue → harihari inkubasi
→ keracunan makan → jam → A preventive (prophylactic) or
risk-reducing mastectomy involves
EPI CURVE removing both of your breasts and
→ Describes significantly reduces your risk of
- Start, end, duration developing breast cancer in the future.
- Peak
- Importance PROS
- Atypical cases - treat breast cancer and reduce
→ Helps to develop hypotheses the chances of developing the
- Incubation period condition in the small number of
- Etiological agent infectious pathogen.
contain a
expected to
women who have a high risk.
- Type of source - By removing as much breast
- Type of transmission tissue as possible, a mastectomy
- Time of exposure can reduce your risk of breast
cancer by up to 90%-95%
→ Grafik naik turun → single cause → CONS
infectious disease - Mastectomy takes longer and is
→ Penyebaran disease berhubungan more extensive than lumpectomy,
dengan mobilitas → jakarta plg byk with more post-surgery side
effects and a longer recuperation - You're pregnant and radiation
time. creates an unacceptable risk to
- Mastectomy means a permanent your unborn child.
loss of your breast. - You've had a lumpectomy, but
- You are likely to have additional cancer is still present at the
surgeries to reconstruct your edges (margin) of the operated
breast after mastectomy. area and there is concern about
- Irreversible (gabisa nyusui + cancer extending elsewhere in
punya anak) the breast.
- You carry a gene mutation that
SIDE EFFECTS gives you a high risk of
- Bleeding developing a second cancer in
- Infection your breast.
- Pain - You have a large tumor relative to
- Swelling (lymphedema) in your the overall size of your breast.
arm if you have an axillary node You may not have enough
dissection healthy tissue left after a
- Formation of hard scar tissue at lumpectomy to achieve an
the surgical site acceptable cosmetic result.
- Shoulder pain and stiffness - You have a connective tissue
- Numbness, particularly under disease, such as scleroderma or
your arm, from lymph node lupus, and may not tolerate the
removal side effects of radiation to the
- Buildup of blood in the surgical skin.
site (hematoma)
- You have two or more tumors in
separate areas of the breast.
- You have widespread or
malignant-appearing calcium
deposits (microcalcifications)
throughout the breast that have
been determined to be cancer
after a breast biopsy.
- You've previously had radiation
treatment to the breast region
and the breast cancer has
recurred in the breast.
EPID LEC 3 Interpret → to give the meaning of,
explain, or make clear.
Chain of Transmission → how the
disease spread? (orang yang terlibat

1. Causal → cause and effect (ada
sebab yang menghasilkan
sebuah akibat)

Association → things that are Con. Kena bersih (droplets) →

associated are linked in some way that dapet COVID-19
makes them turn up together. (turn up
together). → turn up together bukan 2. Chance → kebetulan yang terjadi
berarti causal (harus bisa nyari konsistensi
(bandingin penelitian ini dengan
→ 2 variables that are linked in some penelitian orang lain → hasilnya
way that makes them turn up together
sama ga? → kalo ngga →
but have no actual relationship to one
another CHANCE!)

Causal → Cause and effect (anything Con. chance → drowning rises,

that produces an effect) → how can we ice cream sales rises (kebetulan
prove? kalo summer makin banyak
→ Exposure and Outcome (disease) orang berenang makin banyak
orang beli es krim = tidak ada
X Descriptive Epidemiology → cause and effect langsung)
Formulates Hypothesis (identify high
and risk factors dari outcome) serta 3. Confounding → ada faktor
examine menjawab pertanyaan: rancu lain (a third factor yang
- Place bisa make it appear that an
- Person observed exposure causes an
- Time outcome (faktor yang ga keliatan/
ga diobserve tp berhub dengan
Analytical Epidemiology → Tests
Hypothesis faktor pertama)
4. Reverse Time Order → the
→ ask the questions (why and how) hypothesized time order of an
Cause → anything that produces exposure and an outcome is
actually reversed and the
Risk Factor → An exposure that
outcome really comes before the
increases the likelihood of a specific
outcome exposure
-- outcome
→ design study pada penelitian: information in a study →
variable ga konsisten
Cross Sectional (weak) =
melihat exposure dengan Notes!
outcome secara
Validity → 100% bener
bersamaan (buka tubuh
ngeliat organ secara Reliable → bisa bener bisa ngga
langsung) —> sulit bedain Other Factors can Change Apparent
sebab akibat Disease Frequency Over Years
aut loss
- Cohort Study -> (Mid) = tO 1. Change in incidence due to
exp- ↓ penelitian mulai dari follow up environmental or life-style
exposure (peneliatan changes (epidemic of obesity)
relative (weakness) 2. Improved
Misce bandingin variable yang diagnosis may
terus diikutin sampe dapet increase cases reported even if
incidence is not changing (PSA)
ep outcome)
T o exp 3. Change in record keeping
at i- Case Control (Mid) =
kasus diliat/mulai dari accuracy
odds B
outcome —> nyari 4. Improved treatment may
historynya yang bisa decrease mortality rates.
menjadi faktor pendukung 5. Change in the age distribution
of a population can produce
→ design study paling kuat = changes in the overall rate of
Randomised Controlled Trial disease, even though
5. Bias → a faulty assumption in a age-specific rates are not
study that makes things appear changing.
differently from how they really Relative Risk → a way of showing the
- Selection Bias = a faulty I relationship between two risks
perbanding an a peluang

assumption in a study → tells us the number of times one risk

because of a systematic is larger or smaller than another
difference in how subjects
→ rate of condition among exposed
were chosen to be in the
divided by rate of condition among
study (kelompok yang
dipakai dalam studi tidak
mewakili populasi) → risk of an outcome in one group
- Information Bias = any divided by the outcome of another
systematic difference from group.
the truth that arises in the
→ relative risk = 1 (the exposure is not
collection, recall, recording
associated with the outcome)
and handling of
→ relative risk > 1 (the exposure is RISK = Odds/(1+Odds)
associated with an increase in the
Odds = Risk/(1-Risk)

→ relative risk < 1 (the exposure is

associated with a decrease in the

pengault dull barn penyebab

→ Qualitative/Kategorial
- Ordinal

→ Quantitatif/Numerical

- Interval
- Skala Ratio


- Nominal → hanya 1 tingkat (jenis

kelamin, goldar)
Odds Ratio = (Odds Case/Odds Control) - Ordinal → Bertingkat (ada yang
lebih kurang, tidak ada kali lipat
PR and OR (kelas pendidikan, tingkat cancer)
- Interval → ada tingkat, memiliki
kelipatan, no absolute 0
(temperature in fahrenheit)
- Ratio → ada tingkat, memiliki
kelipatan, absolute 0 (time, berat,

untuk menuns un
↳ Istilah kedoktekan
penyahit penyenta selain
yung sedang dideRita.

life expectancy
hematian di suatu umur
3 cara melihat
epid Relative RISK -> hubungan antar pelhang
Rumus 2

disease exposed
Relative -

t un exposed
case control studies -

case b
CONAROI exposure, a

- a C -



Relative RISK

control odds R (
case odds Odds Ratio: odds disease 1 no differences

a odds non-disease R<1 ( decreases


I RY C increase s
=2 x

Odds Ratio I
case odds

odds RISK




Rish/ proportion =
1 a
Ratio of male:male

An investigator seeks out cases of a particular disease that she wishes
to study. She then recruits people who do not have this disease from
the same population. For each study participant, she researches past
exposures of those who do not have the disease. What type of study
design is this? Select one:
senaligus (kombinah paparan)
a. Cross sectional -> mengunur beberapa variabel

terballulogin a
dengan menggunakan
b. Case Control (neutrin
analisis hub
penyamt dull barn

c. Experimental Study Introduce intervention and study the effects.


d. Cohort nentuin penyebab

-> penyalt

To assess the association between Kawasaki syndrome (KS) and carpet

shampoo, investigators conducted a case-control study with 100 cases
(children with KS) aand 100 controls (children without KS). Among the
children with KS, 50 had a history of recent exposure to carpet
shampoo. Among the controls, the number with a recent history of
exposure to carpet shampoo was 25. For this study, the odds ratio was:
select one: 25

disease -> 100 -> to + odds cust
a. 3.0
b. 0.3
c. 1.6
no disease wo -

d. 6.1 50
r it
the relative risk is the incidence in the non-exposed divided by the
- -

incidence in the exposed
A. True relationship between kisks. 2

B. False

w er

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