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Cells are the basic building blocks of all animals and plants.
● All living things are made up of cells.
● Most cells are so small that you can only see them with a
● Cells have different components and each performs its own
function within the cell.
Nucleus controls what happens in the cell. It contains DNA, the genetic
information that cells need to grow and reproduce.
It is a jelly-like substance in which chemical reactions happen.
Cell membrane
Chloroplasts (chlorophyll)
Differences Between animal and plant cells
1. Animal cell has 2-3 small vacuoles while plant cell has a huge central
2. Vacuole in plant cell has a tonoplast and cell sap which are absent in animal
3. Animal cell doesnt have a cell wall while plant cell has a cell wall.
4. Plant cells they have a definite and regular shape while animal cells are
irregular in shape.
5. Plant cells have chloroplasts while animal cells dont have chloroplasts.
6. In plant cells nucleus is on the side while in animal cell nucleus is in the
7. In plant cells cell membrane is present inside the cell wall while in animal cell
it is the outermost covering.
Prokaryotic Cell (Bacteria)

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