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BANKING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM INTRODUCTION It is one of the important financial pillars of the financial sector, which plays a vital role in the economy. The main objective of the proposed online banking system project is to be automated the various activities and functions of any bank through internet. With online banking, consumers aren't required to visit a bank branch to complete most of their basic banking transactions. They can do all of this at their own convenience, wherever they want—at home, at work, or on the go. Online banking requires a computer or other device, an Internet connection, and a bank or debit card. In order to access the service, clients need to register for their bank's online banking service. In order to register, they need to create a password. Once that's done, they can use the service to do all their banking. Project objectives:- *To allow only authorized user to access various function and processed available in the system. *Reduced clerical works as most of the work done . *Locate any A/C wanted by the user by computer. *Provide greater speed & reduced time consumption. Project scope:- Banking activities are considered to be the life blood of the national economy. Without banking services, trading and business activities cannot be carried on smoothly. Banks are the distributors and protectors of liquid capital which is of vital significance to a developing country. Efficient administration of the banking system helps in the economic growth of the nation. Banking is useful to trade and commerce. SYSTEM STUDY Existing system:- The existing system work manually. The existing system has got lot of intricacies within itself and need lot of human effort and paper work. All of above the data need to be maintained on ledgers and maintaining this is a tedious and risky process. Some of negative aspects of the existing system- * Time consuming : there is a lot of time consume in the bank, whenever we open account, deposit, withdraw or pass a loan than because of many customer with his/her different purpose, than we wait for hours. * Reliability: this banking systematic not fully reliable whenever the computer system is create a problem and not work properly than sometime our data is damaged. *Less accurate: this system is not fully accurate, because sometime computerized system create a problem in working. Proposed system :- In this project we are going to explain about BANKING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. This project have facility to opening account , depositing and withdrawing money. The proposed system is computerized one. This has greater accuracy and efficiency .This take only limited time for calculation. The proposed system can be used to maintain efficiently the BANKING schedule . In large organizations employees are larger .At that time also the proposed system is useful and helpful. The system includes users administration(HR) level. Module in system :- Create account — opens a new account for the user by accepting input such as account number, name and minimum balance. Withdraw module - provides an options to withdraw amount of given account number. Deposit module - provides option to deposit some amount from given account number. Report = displays the list of all account & details of given comprising of account number, name and balance amount. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Requirement specification:- Functional requirement :- * New entry( ) : the customer can add new entries .so he/she can create a new account to store money. * Display() : in order to verify the total amount available in his/her account to do further transaction. * Deposit() : in order to add a specific amount to his/her bank account. * Withdraw () : in order to withdraw some amount of his/her bank account * Non functional requirement :- * Try :-java try block is used to enclose the code the might throw an exception .it must be used within the method. Java try block must be followed by either catch block. ° Catch :- java catch block is used to handle the exception . it must be used after the try block only. You can use multiple catch block with single try block. System requirement :- Hardware requirement *Ram :256 MB * Processor : Intel /Pentium iv * Hard disk : | Gb required ,Mouse, Keyboard Software requirement :- * Language :JAVA (JDK 1.5) * MYSQL JAVA being the platform independent language to generate the user friendly. Software system is used as FRONT —end system and MY SQL as BACK-end system, this will facilitate user in operating the system successfully. System requirement :- Hardware requirement *Ram :256 MB * Processor : Intel /Pentium iv * Hard disk : | Gb required ,Mouse, Keyboard Software requirement :- * Language :JAVA (JDK 1.5) * MYSQL JAVA being the platform independent language to generate the user friendly. Software system is used as FRONT —end system and MY SQL as BACK-end system, this will facilitate user in operating the system successfully. Data flow diagram - IMPLEMENTATION DASHBOARD WELCOME TO RIKU BANK RECORD MANAGER! Greate ecumt_ || _Owrone war cowersance |[ stow om CREATE ACCOUNT (QQ) Pease Enter count Holder Name: Cancel DEPOSIT AMOUNT tor a Value To Doposit: ox] [anc] WITHDRAW AMOUNT Amount To Withdraw: [oT] Feaneat] CURRENT BALANCE ) current Batance:0.0 (a SOFTWARE TESTING Testing techniques :- Testing is a process of executing the program with the intent of finding errors and it establishes confidence that the program does what it is suppose to do. Testing can be performed in two ways:- Unit testing :- it is testing of individual module . Before initiating unit testing , it must be ensured that the code is peer previewed. Integration testing :- Integration testing is performed after all the software units are combined together .The objective here is to test the software interfaces. Project team conducts the integration testing. Before entering integration testing , it may be ensured that code review and unit testing have been performed on the individual software modules. CONCLUSION | do not permit the project to be 100% accurate .This project help the all customer which have multiple bank account in different banks. Due to this the time customer save own time and they easily login on this site and make transaction easily .The main focus of this project is to save the customer time which have multiple bank account in different banks. The maintenance of the records is made efficient, as all the records are stored in the oracle database, through which data can be retrieved easily. We finally conclude that using this project we can provide a great interface between the user and the banking environment, thus satisfying the requirement of multiple users. it provides an efficient ways for people to involve in on-line transactions. THANK YOU

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