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Specialty 035. Philology, 035.041. Germanic languages, translation included

TERM IV - 2023
Examination / Module test
Speaking Assignments

Do the assignments given below/ discuss with the examiner the following issues. Give at least
15 coherent, logically arranged, and grammatically, lexically and phonetically correct
utterances concerning the matter.

1. Thousands of people round the world had a vague idea about Ukraine before the whole-
scale war that broke out on February 24, 2022. What will you tell abut them about our
country? Please mention its geographical position and size, its role in the world economy,
its people, culture and dedication to democratic values. Deliver your report to the audience.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I have the pleasure of talking with you about Ukraine, my beloved country. It has
always been a remarkable land, but in recent times it has especially captured attention of the
world. Before the terrible events that unfolded in 2022, many people were not so aware of
our history and development. However, now is the opportune moment to shed light on some
essential aspects such as the country's role in the world economy, its people and
commitment to the national values.
Geographically, Ukraine is located in Eastern Europe, sharing borders with several
countries, including Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to
the southwest and a couple of countries we don't want to mention. It is the largest country
entirely within Europe, encompassing an area of approximately 603,550 square kilometers
(about 233,032 square miles). Kyiv is the nation's capital and largest city, followed by
Dnipro, Kharkiv, and Odesa.
The landscape of Ukraine consists mostly of fertile steppes and plateaus, crossed by rivers
such as the Dnipro, Seversky Donets, Dniester and the Southern Bug as they flow south into
the Black Sea and the smaller Sea of Azov. The country's only mountains are the Carpathian
Mountains in the west, of which the highest is Hoverla at 2,061 metres (6,762 ft), and the
Crimean Mountains, in the extreme south along the coast.
When it comes to the world economy, Ukraine plays a significant role. With a population of
around 45 million people, it possesses vast agricultural resources, including fertile soils and
favorable climate conditions, making it one of the world's leading grain producers.
Additionally, Ukraine has rich deposits of natural resources, such as coal, lithium, natural
gas and oil, kaolin, timber and an abundance of arable land. Its industrial sector includes
heavy machinery, aerospace, shipbuilding, and chemical industries. In such a difficult time,
Ukraine has gained the support of other countries and continues to cooperate and provide
mutual assistance.
Moreover, Ukraine has demonstrated its commitment to democracy. Following its
independence since 1991, Ukraine has embarked on a path towards establishing a
democratic system of governance. While the journey has had its challenges, the Ukrainian
people have consistently shown their dedication to moral principles, including free and fair
elections, freedom of speech, and respect for human rights.
The people of Ukraine are diverse and multicultural, comprising various ethnic groups and
languages, Ukrainian being the official one. This cultural diversity enriches the country's
vibrant tapestry, contributing to a range of traditions, arts, literature, and cuisine that reflects
the country's history and influences from various civilizations. Ukrainians are considered a
singing and hospitable nation. And, despite great difficulties, they have maintained their
dignity, courage and sincerity, which earns them respect from all over the world.
In conclusion, Ukraine is a country that has captivated the attention of the global
community. Its geographical position, vast size, economic significance, diverse population,
rich cultural heritage, and dedication to democratic values make it a nation of great
importance and interest. As we move forward, let us remember the resilience and
determination of the Ukrainian people as they strive for a prosperous and peaceful future.
Thank you.

2. You are participating in a students’ international educational project. Tell other

participants about your native town.

3.You are participating in an international students’ conference on country studies, you’ve

prepared a report comparing the political system of Great Britain with that of Ukraine,
mention the specific role of the monarchy in Britain’s public and political life. Deliver your
report to the audience.
The political systems of the UK and Ukraine differ significantly in terms of their structure,
organization, and history.
The UK has a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy, which means that
the monarch's powers are limited and they act as a figurehead representing the country and
its traditions, while Ukraine has a semi-presidential system with a mixed presidential-
parliamentary democracy.
In the UK, the monarch is the constitutional head of state. King Charles III, formerly Prince
Charles, the Prince of Wales, is the oldest child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in 1981 and they had two sons, William and Harry,
before separating in 1992. They divorced in 1996.
In 2005, Charles finally married long-time love Camilla Parker Bowles and became king
when his mother the Queen died in 2022.
But the role of King Charles as a monarch is largely ceremonial. The British monarchy has a
long and complex history that dates back over a thousand years. The monarch's role has
evolved over time, and today the monarch has mostly symbolic duties, such as representing
the UK on the international stage, signing official documents, and presiding over events and
The real political power lies with the elected House of Commons and the House of Lords.
The UK government is led by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the monarch and
must command the support of the majority of the House of Commons. Rishi Sunak is the
UK's new prime minister. He lost to Liz Truss in September, but she resigned six weeks
later. In the latest leadership contest, Mr Sunak racked up the support of his fellow MPs
early, and fast. He crossed the 100 nominations he needed long before the deadline -
including from MPs that had previously backed Truss or Boris Johnson.
The UK also has a separate legal system, with the highest court being the Supreme Court.
In Ukraine, the President is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of
government. The current President of Ukraine is Volodymyr Zelensky, who was elected in
April 2019 and took office in May 2019.
As President, Zelensky has focused on a range of issues, including reforming the country's
political system, fighting corruption, and promoting economic growth. He has also been
involved in efforts to resolve the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, where Russians have
been fighting Ukrainian forces since 2014.
Zelensky has taken a number of steps to try to address these issues since taking office. For
example, he has proposed constitutional amendments to decentralize power and increase the
authority of local governments, and he has launched several anti-corruption initiatives,
including the creation of a new anti-corruption court.
In addition to his domestic agenda, Zelensky has been actively engaged in foreign policy,
seeking to strengthen Ukraine's relationships with its European and transatlantic partners.
The Ukrainian parliament, called the Verkhovna Rada, is unicameral and consists of 450
members who are elected for a term of four years. The parliament is responsible for passing
laws and approving the budget.
In terms of the symbols of political power, the UK is often associated with the Houses of
Parliament, which are located in the Palace of Westminster in London. The House of
Commons is represented by the green benches, while the House of Lords is represented by
the red benches. The iconic Big Ben clock tower is also located in the Palace of
Westminster and is a symbol of UK politics.
In Ukraine, the main symbol of political power is the Presidential Administration building,
which is located in Kyiv. This building houses the offices of the President and his staff, and
is often the site of political protests. The Verkhovna Rada building, located in the center of
Kiev, is also an important symbol of political power in Ukraine.
So, while both the UK and Ukraine are democratic countries, their political systems differ
significantly in terms of their structures, powers, and approach to governance.

4. As a member of an English-speaking club tell your fellow members about England giving
the details of its physical geography, mentioning its mountains, plains, rivers, natural
wonders and population trends.
England is one of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom, located in the southern
part of the British Isle. England is bounded on the north by Scotland, on the east by the
North Sea, on the south by the Strait of Dover and the English Channel, and on the west by
the Atlantic Ocean, Wales and the Irish Sea.
England's physical geography is diverse, with a mix of mountains, plains, and rivers. One of
the notable mountain ranges in England is the Pennines, which run from north to south and
separate the east and west of the country. The highest peak in England, Scafell Pike, is
located in the Lake District, which is also a mountainous region in the north-western part of
the country. Another notable range is the Cumbrian Mountains, which include the Lake
District and are home to a number of picturesque lakes and rolling hills.
In addition to the mountains, England also has several notable plains, including the Fens, a
low-lying region in the east of the country, and the Salisbury Plain, a rolling landscape in
the south. The country's coastline is also varied, with long stretches of sandy beaches in the
south and rugged cliffs in the north. The Lake District National Park is home to stunning
scenery, including mountains, lakes, and waterfalls. The Jurassic Coast, located in the
southwest of England, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is famous for its unique rock
formations and fossils.
England is home to a number of notable rivers, including the Thames, which flows through
London and is the longest river in England, as well as the Severn, the Dee, and the Tyne.
These rivers have played an important role in the country's history, serving as transportation
routes for goods and people.
In terms of natural wonders, England is home to a number of notable landmarks and
attractions, including the White Cliffs of Dover, the iconic limestone cliffs that rise up to
350 feet above the English Channel. Other notable attractions include Stonehenge, a
prehistoric stone circle in the south of the country, and Hadrian's Wall, a defensive
fortification built by the Romans in the north.
England has a population of approximately 56 million people and has experienced
significant population growth in recent years. The country has experienced a steady increase
in population since the early 2000s, largely due to immigration. However, there are
concerns about the impact of population growth on infrastructure, housing, and the
environment. England is also facing an aging population, with a growing number of people
over the age of 65. The country is highly urbanized, with over 80% of the population living
in urban areas. The largest cities in England include London, Birmingham, Manchester,
Liverpool, and Bristol.
Overall, England is a country with a rich and diverse history, culture, and geography. From
its stunning natural wonders to its bustling cities and vibrant culture, England is a
fascinating place to visit and explore.

5. As a member of an English-speaking club, tell your club members about Scotland and
Wales: compare the countries areas, surface, climate, population, economy and typical
features of Scottish and Welsh national characters.
Scotland and Wales are two distinct countries that form part of the United Kingdom. While
they share certain similarities, they also have unique characteristics.
Scotland covers approximately 78 000 square kilometers. It encompasses the northern third
of the island of Great Britain and includes numerous islands, such as the Hebrides, Orkney,
and Shetland.
It contains three natural divisions: the Southern Uplands, the Central Lowlands, and the
Northern Highlands. The Highlands region is known for its majestic mountains, deep glens,
and beautiful lochs (lakes). The Lowlands, on the other hand, are characterized by rolling
hills, fertile farmland, and picturesque coastal areas. Just north of the border with England
are the southern uplands, an area of small towns, quite far apart from each other.
Scotland has a temperate maritime climate, influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf
Stream. Summers are generally cool and winters are mild, though temperatures can vary
across the country. Scotland is known for its changeable weather, with frequent rainfall and
cloudy conditions. It is often associated with misty landscapes.
Scotland has a population of approximately 5.5 million people. It is in the central plain and
the strip of east coast extending north wards from it that more than 80% of the population of
Scotland lives. The major cities include the capital city Edinburgh, the largest city Glasgow,
and Aberdeen.
Scotland has a diverse economy with various sectors contributing to its prosperity. Key
industries include oil and gas production in the North Sea. And with its mountain lakes
including Loch Ness and Loch Lomond, ancient castles, unspoiled landscape, and forest
parks, Scotland is regarded as a beautiful country, and tourism is one of its most important
The Scottish national character is often associated with a strong sense of national pride and
identity. Scots are known for their friendliness, warmth, and hospitality, often extending a
warm welcome to visitors. Scottish culture and traditions, including bagpipe music,
traditional dances like ceilidhs, kilts, tartans, and the Highland Games, are integral parts of
the national character.

Wales, on the other hand, has a smaller area of around 20,779 square kilometers and is
situated to the west of England.
It is bounded on the north by the Irish Sea, on the south by the Bristol Channel, and on the
west by St. George’s Channel. Surrounded on three sides by an attractive coastline Wales is
called a peninsula and a country of high hills and snow-capped mountains.
Wales also has a mild, oceanic climate, heavily influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. It has
mild winters and cool summers, with rainfall distributed evenly throughout the year.
Wales has a smaller population, with approximately 3.15 million people. The south-east of
the country is the most heavily populated. The majority of the population resides in urban
areas such as Cardiff, Swansea, and Newport, while rural areas showcase a more traditional
way of life.
Wales is rich in mineral wealth, producing iron, coal, copper, lead, zinc, slate, and
limestone. And historically, coal mining and steel production played a significant role in the
Welsh economy, although these industries have declined over time. Today, industries such
as manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, and services contribute to Wales' economic output.
The country is known for its scenic beauty, attracting tourists with its castles, national parks,
and coastline.
The Welsh national character is often characterized by a deep pride in the Welsh language
and culture. Welsh people are known for their love of music, particularly choral singing,
folk music, and the harp. They also have a strong sense of community and a close
connection to their Celtic heritage.
Overall, Scotland and Wales are distinct regions within the UK, each with its own
geographical features, climate, population, and economic strengths. They also have unique
cultural identities that contribute to the rich tapestry of the United Kingdom.

6. As a winner of a lottery you’ve got an opportunity to visit one of the English-speaking

countries. What country would you go to and why?
Exploring the English-speaking world is an enticing prospect for any avid traveler. With a
diverse range of countries to choose from, each with its own unique charm and attractions,
the possibilities for an unforgettable journey are endless. From the bustling metropolises of
the United States to the enchanting landscapes of New Zealand, these countries offer a
plethora of reasons to visit. However, if given the opportunity, I would undoubtedly choose
to visit the United Kingdom. This captivating nation, consisting of England, Scotland,
Wales, and Northern Ireland, entices visitors with its remarkable blend of climatic diversity,
breathtaking scenery, diverse topography, and intriguing political history.
One of the primary reasons I am drawn to the United Kingdom is its fascinating climate.
The weather in the UK is notoriously unpredictable, adding an element of surprise to any
trip. One day you might find yourself strolling through misty rain in the highlands of
Scotland, and the next day you could be basking in the sunshine on a picturesque beach in
Cornwall. This ever-changing climate ensures that every day holds a new adventure, making
it an ideal destination for those seeking variety and excitement in their travels.
Beyond its weather, the United Kingdom boasts an abundance of captivating scenery. From
the rolling hills of the English countryside to the rugged mountains of the Scottish
Highlands, the landscapes here are nothing short of breathtaking. Picture-perfect villages
with thatched cottages and quaint tea rooms transport visitors to a bygone era, while ancient
castles and ruins evoke a sense of history and wonder. Whether hiking along the dramatic
cliffs of the Jurassic Coast or exploring the mystical beauty of the Lake District, the United
Kingdom offers a stunning array of natural wonders that are sure to leave a lasting
Moreover, the topography of the United Kingdom is as diverse as it is captivating. The
rugged peaks of Snowdonia in Wales, the sprawling moors of Yorkshire, and the
picturesque lochs of Scotland all contribute to the country's remarkable topographical
variety. This geographic diversity provides endless opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts and
nature lovers. Whether you enjoy hiking, biking, kayaking, or simply immersing yourself in
the tranquility of nature, the United Kingdom offers a myriad of choices to suit every
adventurer's tastes.
Finally, the United Kingdom's political history is an aspect that greatly intrigues me. From
the Magna Carta to the Industrial Revolution, this nation has played a significant role in
shaping the modern world. Exploring historic landmarks such as the Tower of London, the
Houses of Parliament, and Edinburgh Castle not only provides a glimpse into the past but
also sheds light on the political and cultural developments that have influenced societies
worldwide. Additionally, the UK's rich literary heritage, with authors like Shakespeare,
Austen, and Dickens, provides literary enthusiasts with ample opportunities to immerse
themselves in the world of classic literature.
In conclusion, while all English-speaking countries have their own unique allure, the United
Kingdom stands out to me as a truly remarkable destination. Its ever-changing climate, awe-
inspiring scenery, diverse topography, and captivating political history make it an ideal
choice for an unforgettable adventure. Whether exploring the charming countryside,
discovering ancient castles, or delving into the pages of literary masterpieces, the United
Kingdom promises to provide a wealth of experiences that will undoubtedly leave a lasting

7. You are a member of the students’ country-studies club. Make a report for your co-
members about Australia and New Zeeland; mention their geographical position, climate,
specific flora and fauna, mention the best-known tourist attractions.
Australia is the world's largest island and the sixth-largest country with the nearby island of
Tasmania and a number of smaller islands. The country covers an area of 77 million sq. km.
The Australian continent is bounded on the north by the Timor and Arafura seas and Torres
Strait, on the east by the Tasman and Coral Seas, on the south by Bass Strait and the Indian
Ocean and in the west by the Indian Ocean.
Australia has diverse climates due to its size. Its largest region is in the tropical belt which
includes tropical desert climate and tropical wet climate. Great parts of the interior of the
country are very dry. The northern regions experience a tropical climate with hot, humid
summers and mild winters. The continent is south of the Equator, so the seasons are the
opposite way round in that part of the world.
Australia is renowned for its unique flora and fauna, with a significant number of species
found nowhere else in the world. Iconic animals include kangaroos, koalas, wombats, emus,
and the platypus. The kangaroo is a symbol of Australia. The animals have a peculiarity -
they cannot walk backward. That is why Australia decided to depict a kangaroo on its coat
of arms, demonstrating that the country is moving only forward.
The Great Barrier Reef, located off the northeast coast, is the world's largest coral reef
system and harbors a diverse marine ecosystem. Australia's landscapes also showcase
distinctive plant life, including eucalyptus trees, wattles, banksias, and various native
Australia has vibrant cities that attract tourists from around the world. Sydney is famous for
its Sydney Opera House. This architectural marvel is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and
an iconic symbol of Australia. Its distinctive sail-like design and stunning waterfront
location make it a must-visit landmark.
Other notable attractions include The Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage site,
that offers stunning opportunities for snorkeling, scuba diving, and marine exploration.
Overall, Australia's geographical diversity, distinct flora and fauna, and iconic landmarks
make it an enticing destination for travelers from around the world.

New Zealand is a country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It consists of two
main islands, the North Island and the South Island, along with several smaller islands. It is
situated southeast of Australia and approximately 2,000 kilometers southeast of the
Australian continent.
New Zealand has a temperate maritime climate, characterized by mild, wet winters and
warm summers. However, the country's diverse geography contributes to variations in
climate across different regions. The North Island tends to be warmer, while the South
Island experiences cooler temperatures, especially in the mountainous regions.
New Zealand boasts a unique and diverse range of flora and fauna, much of which evolved
in isolation due to its geographic isolation. The country is famous for its birdlife, with the
flightless Kiwi being a national symbol. The bird embodies the unique qualities of New
Zealand's wildlife and rich cultural heritage. Other notable bird species include the kea (a
mountain parrot), the tui, and the endangered kakapo. Marine life, including seals, dolphins,
and whales, can be spotted in the surrounding waters.
The country's forests are home to diverse plant species, including the iconic silver fern,
which is a symbol of New Zealand's identity. The native forests also contain towering kauri
trees, lush ferns, and a variety of native flowers.
New Zealand offers a wealth of tourist attractions. The country's largest city, Auckland, is a
vibrant urban destination. The Sky Tower is an iconic landmark in the city. It stands at a
height of 328 meters and is the tallest freestanding structure in the Southern Hemisphere.
The tower offers panoramic views of Auckland and the surrounding areas from its
observation decks.
Also in New Zealand, tourists can explore Milford Sound, a breathtaking fjord in Fiordland
National Park, visit the geothermal wonders of Rotorua, and marvel at the stunning
landscapes of the Southern Alps and Mount Cook.
So, New Zealand offers travelers a chance to explore stunning natural landscapes, encounter
fascinating wildlife, and experience vibrant culture.

8. As a member of the students’ country-studies club you have prepared a report about the
USA. Tell your audience about the country’s geographical position, surface, rivers and
lakes, climate, and regional subdivision.
Geographically, the United States is located in North America, bordered by Canada to the
north and Mexico to the south. It spans a vast area, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the
east to the Pacific Ocean in the west. The country also includes the state of Alaska in the
northwest and the archipelago of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean.
When it comes to surface area, the United States is the fourth-largest country in the world. It
covers a vast expanse of approximately 9.8 million square kilometers, encompassing a wide
range of landscapes. It features vast plains in the Midwest, towering mountain ranges such
as the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains, and expansive coastal areas.
The United States is also a land of bountiful rivers and lakes. The northern state of
Minnesota, for example, is known as the land of 10,000 lakes. The Mississippi River,
stretching over 3,700 kilometers, is one of the most significant waterways, flowing through
the heart of the country. Other notable rivers include the Colorado, Columbia, and Hudson
Additionally, the Great Lakes, consisting of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron,
Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario, form the world's largest freshwater system, providing valuable
resources and recreational opportunities. The St. Lawrence seaway, which the United States
shares with Canada, connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean.
Due to its extensive size, the United States experiences a wide range of climates across
different regions. In general, it exhibits a diverse climatic pattern, including tropical
climates in Hawaii and southern Florida, arid and desert climates in the southwest, a
temperate climate in the majority of the country, and a subarctic climate in Alaska. Most of
the United States is in the temperate zone, with four distinct seasons and varying numbers of
hot and cold days each season, the whole northern tier of States and Alaska have extremely
cold winters.
In terms of regional subdivisions, the United States is divided into 50 states, each with its
own government and varying degrees of autonomy. The sparsely settled far-northern state of
Alaska is the largest of America’s 50 states with a land mass of about 1,5 million square
kilometers. Alaska is nearly 40 times the size of Rhode island, which is the smallest state.
These states are further grouped into different regions. These include the Northeast, known
for its historical significance and bustling cities like New York and Boston. The Midwest is
characterized by its agricultural productivity and major cities such as Chicago. The South is
renowned for its hospitality, cultural diversity, and cities like Atlanta and New Orleans. The
West, encompasses diverse landscapes, from the stunning Rocky Mountains to the vibrant
cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco. Lastly, the Pacific region, is home to natural
wonders like the rugged coastline of Oregon and the lush forests of Washington.
In conclusion, the United States of America is a vast country with a diverse geography. Its
geographical position between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, along with its expansive
surface area, abundant rivers and lakes, varying climates, and distinct regional subdivisions.

9. You have won a prize from a tourist agency, which enables you a visit to one of the
natural wonders of the USA to your choice. Which one would you choose: Niagara Falls,
the Grand Canyon or Yellow Stone National Park or another one? Motivate your answer by
mentioning the attractions of the chosen sight.
The United States is blessed with an abundance of awe-inspiring natural wonders that
captivate the imagination and leave visitors in awe of the earth's grandeur. From the
towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains to the pristine beaches of Hawaii, the country
boasts a remarkable array of breathtaking landscapes. Among these remarkable wonders,
two destinations that particularly beckon me are Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon. These
iconic sites are renowned for their majestic beauty, incredible geological formations, and
captivating histories.
Niagara Falls, located on the border between the United States and Canada, is a
mesmerizing spectacle of nature. The falls consist of three distinct cascades: the Horseshoe
Falls, American Falls, and Bridal Veil Falls. The sheer volume of water cascading over the
falls is awe-inspiring, creating a thunderous roar and a mist that blankets the surrounding
area. The sight of the rushing water, combined with the vibrant rainbows that frequently
grace the falls, is truly a sight to behold. Additionally, visitors can partake in various
activities, such as boat tours, to experience the falls up close and even venture behind the
cascading waters.
The climate in Niagara Falls varies throughout the year, with warm summers and cold
winters. The region experiences moderate rainfall, which contributes to the lush greenery
that surrounds the falls. The stunning scenery, with its towering cliffs, verdant forests, and
vibrant floral displays, adds to the allure of this natural wonder. The changing seasons also
offer different perspectives, with the icy beauty of winter and the vibrant colors of fall
creating unique photographic opportunities.
Moving to the Southwest, the Grand Canyon is a geological marvel that never fails to leave
visitors speechless. Carved by the mighty Colorado River over millions of years, this
immense chasm stretches for 277 miles and reaches depths of over a mile. The canyon's
sheer size and intricate rock formations, colored in breathtaking hues of red, orange, and
brown, make it one of the most mesmerizing natural wonders on Earth. Standing on the rim
and gazing into the vast expanse is an experience that invokes a sense of insignificance and
reverence for the power of nature.
The climate in the Grand Canyon region is characterized by hot summers and cool winters.
The temperature fluctuations throughout the day create stunning light displays and ever-
changing shadows that dance across the canyon walls. Whether hiking along the rim,
descending into the canyon on a mule, or soaring above it in a helicopter, the Grand Canyon
offers numerous opportunities for exploration and adventure.
In conclusion, while the United States boasts an array of natural wonders, Niagara Falls and
the Grand Canyon stand out as two exceptional destinations that hold a special allure. From
the thundering power of the falls to the majestic beauty of the canyon, these sites offer
unrivaled natural splendor. The diverse climates, captivating scenery, and rich histories
make them enduringly popular and bucket-list-worthy destinations for travelers seeking to
immerse themselves in the awe-inspiring beauty of the natural world.
10. Imagine you won a grant which allows you a year of studies in one of the US
universities (the ivy league included). Which state, city or town will you prefer to live and
study in? (Mention the factors like climate, scenery, closeness to natural and cultural
attractions, cultural context or possibility to gain any other specific experience.
The United States is renowned for its diverse and prestigious higher education institutions,
offering a wide range of academic programs and research opportunities. From Ivy League
universities such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton to renowned public institutions like the
University of California system and the University of Michigan, American universities
provide students with a rich educational experience, fostering intellectual growth,
innovation, and global perspectives. However, I would definitely choose Harvard and now I
am going to elaborate on my decision.
Harvard University, nestled in the vibrant city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, offers an
unparalleled experience that extends far beyond its academic excellence. One compelling
reason to choose Harvard is its enviable location. The region experiences the full spectrum
of seasons, providing a diverse climate for students to immerse themselves in. The crisp,
colorful autumns offer a breathtaking backdrop as students stroll through Harvard Yard,
surrounded by picturesque foliage. Winters bring a charming snowy landscape, perfect for
cozying up in the iconic Harvard libraries and engaging in deep intellectual pursuits. As
spring blossoms, the campus transforms into a blooming oasis, inviting students to study
under the shade of cherry blossom trees and revel in the beauty of nature.
Beyond the campus boundaries, Harvard's proximity to a plethora of natural and cultural
attractions is a significant advantage. New England's stunning landscapes, including the
picturesque Cape Cod and the majestic White Mountains, are just a short distance away.
Students have the opportunity to explore coastal towns, embark on hiking adventures, and
enjoy outdoor activities like skiing or sailing. The region's rich history and cultural heritage
are reflected in iconic landmarks such as the historic Freedom Trail in nearby Boston, where
students can trace the footsteps of American revolutionaries and delve into the nation's past.
Harvard's location also places students in the heart of a vibrant cultural context. The Boston
metropolitan area boasts a thriving arts scene, offering world-class museums, galleries, and
theaters. Students can attend captivating performances at the Boston Symphony Orchestra,
witness thought-provoking exhibits at the Museum of Fine Arts, or immerse themselves in
contemporary art at the Institute of Contemporary Art. The city's diverse neighborhoods
provide a rich tapestry of cultures, offering a plethora of cuisines, festivals, and events that
broaden students' cultural horizons.
Furthermore, Harvard University itself is a hub of diverse experiences. The university
attracts a remarkable array of talented and ambitious individuals from around the globe,
fostering a stimulating intellectual and social community. Students have the opportunity to
engage in spirited discussions, collaborate on groundbreaking research, and form lifelong
connections with peers who share a passion for knowledge and personal growth. Harvard's
extensive network of alumni, comprising leaders in various fields, offers unparalleled
opportunities for mentorship, internships, and career advancement.
In conclusion, Harvard University's allure extends well beyond its academic prestige. The
captivating climate, scenic surroundings, proximity to natural and cultural attractions,
vibrant cultural context, and the potential for diverse experiences make Harvard an enticing
destination for those seeking a transformative educational journey.
11. You have won a prize from a tourist agency, which enables you one day visit to London.
Where would you go in the first place and what would you like to see? Support your answer
by giving the information about the chosen historical sites or modern attractions.
London is a city with a rich history and a diverse range of attractions, making it one of the
most popular tourist destinations in the world. As a huge fan of the city, I would like to visit
many places within a day.
First I would like to see The Tower of London. It is a historic castle located on the north
bank of the River Thames in central London. It was originally built in the 11th century by
William the Conqueror as a fortress to protect London and as a royal palace. Over the years,
the Tower has been used for various purposes, including as a prison, a treasury, a
menagerie, and as the home of the Crown Jewels of England. Today, the Tower is a popular
tourist attraction and is home to many exhibitions and displays, including the Crown Jewels,
the Yeoman Warders and the Royal Armouries. Visitors can also see the White Tower,
which is the oldest part of the complex, and the Tower Green, where many executions took
After seeing The Tower of London, I would head straight to the 30 St Mary Axe, which is a
skyscraper located in the financial district of London. It is more commonly known as "The
Gherkin" because of its unique shape, which resembles a cucumber or a pickle. The building
was completed in 2003 and is 180 meters tall with 41 floors. The Gherkin was designed by
the British architect Norman Foster and is considered one of the most recognizable and
iconic buildings in London's skyline. The building is primarily used for commercial
purposes and is home to various businesses. The Gherkin is a popular tourist attraction and
is open to the public for events and exhibitions.
I wouldn’t miss the chance to take a ride on The London Eye, a giant Ferris wheel located
on the south bank of the River Thames. It was originally built in 1999 as a temporary
structure to celebrate the new millennium, but due to its popularity, it has since become a
permanent fixture in the city. The London Eye stands at 135 meters, making it one of the
largest Ferris wheels in the world. The attraction offers stunning views of the city, including
famous landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, and St. Paul's Cathedral. The
London Eye is open year-round, and visitors can enjoy spectacular views of the city during
the day or at night. In addition to the standard ride, the London Eye offers a range of
experiences, including private capsules for special occasions, a champagne experience, and
even a 4D cinema experience that provides an immersive view of London's history and
It would be a shame not to visit Trafalgar Square, which is a public square located in the
heart of London. It was constructed in the early 19th century to commemorate the Battle of
Trafalgar. The square has since become a popular tourist destination and is known for its
iconic landmarks and cultural events. At the centre of Trafalgar Square is Nelson's Column,
a 52-meter tall monument erected in honour of Horatio Nelson, who died during the Battle
of Trafalgar. Surrounding the column are four bronze lions, which were added to the square
in the 19th century. The square is also home to the National Gallery, one of the world's most
famous art museums, which contains works by renowned artists such as Van Gogh, and Da
Everyone would die to see The Palace of Westminster in real life. It is also known as the
Houses of Parliament and is a historic building. It is the meeting place of the United
Kingdom's two parliamentary houses, the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and
is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. The Palace of Westminster was
originally built in the 11th century and has been rebuilt and expanded several times over the
centuries. The building's iconic Gothic Revival architecture was designed by Sir Charles
Barry and was completed in the mid-19th century after a devastating fire destroyed much of
the previous structure. The palace is home to a number of notable features, including the
House of Commons Chamber and the House of Lords Chamber, where members of the
upper house of Parliament sit. Other notable features of the palace include Westminster
Hall, a medieval hall that dates back to the 11th century, and the Clock Tower, which
houses the famous Big Ben bell.
London is a vibrant and diverse city with a rich history and a wealth of attractions, making it
an ideal destination for travellers from all over the world. Visitors can also enjoy the city's
vibrant culture, cuisine, and nightlife, as well as its beautiful parks and outdoor spaces. With
a variety of accommodations, transportation options, and activities to choose from, London
is a must-visit destination that never fails to impress.

12. You are planning to spend a week with your friend in New York. Suggest your
companion the list of the world-familiar sights you are willing to see and explain why they
are worth visiting.
New York is comparatively large, but there is hardly a city in the USA where such a rich
variety of breathtaking tourist traps can be found.
Manhattan Island is the central part of New York and the heart of the business and
commercial life. The elegance of the well-known Battery Park is the prettiest gem in the
USA. People from around the world visit it for a view of the city's past. There is something
peculiarly soothing in wandering and admiring the beautiful waterfront, modern haphazard
sculptures, exploring rare plants, and enjoying the calm atmosphere.
Battery Park is one of the best places to see the most striking aspect of the city – the Statue
of Liberty, which was a gift from France on the centenary of American independence. It is
one of the world's largest statues, standing just under 152 feet tall from the base to the torch,
and weighing approximately 450,000 pounds. An elevator carries visitors to the observation
deck on the pedestal, which may also be reached by the stairway, where everyone is
impressed to take photos of the remoted picturesque scenery of the whole city, even its outer
dormitory suburbs.
The 13-mile Broadway Street is lined with several coffee shops, restaurants, and shopping
centers, always jostled by the hawkers and hordes of tourists and charts the thrilling story of
The junction of Broadway, Seventh Avenue, and 42nd Street forms the splendor of Times
Square, which is the preeminent American venue for advances in huge, bright electric
billboards and advertisements. Every year around midnight on December 31, more than
750,000 people gather in Times Square to see the traditional descent of the Big Apple,
which symbolizes the arrival of the New Year.
The exposition of the American Museum of Natural History constitutes the scientific,
historical and cultural legacy of the world from antiquity to the present day. No other
museum contains more than 40 exhibition halls, displaying a portion of the institution's 32
million specimens of plants, animals, fossils, skeletons, minerals, rocks, meteorites, human
remains, and cultural artifacts, many in lifelike dioramas.
New York’s hyperactive rush draws people here that would make you think you were in the
future, so you will never run out of things to explore.
13. As a member of the English-speaking club you have prepared a report about the capital
of the USA. Deliver your report about Washington to the audience.
Washington is the most northwestern state in the continental United States. It sits on the
Pacific Ocean and borders the states of Oregon and Idaho and the Canadian province of
British Columbia.
When you think of Washington, you might think of US President George Washington,
Starbucks Coffee Company, and beautiful scenery. But these are just a handful of things that
the state is known for.
Washington is the 13th most populous and the 18th most extensive of the 50 states of the
United States. It is in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The state attained
statehood on November 11, 1889, becoming the 42nd State to join the union. The
abbreviation for Washington is WA.
Located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, Washington's capital is
Olympia, but its largest and most famous city is Seattle. And while the state is known as the
second-largest wine producer in the United States, it's probably more famous for coffee
since the first Starbucks opened at Pike Place Market in 1971.
So, the state is located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, and it is known
for its diverse and varied geography. The state is home to a range of geological features,
including mountains, volcanoes, and coastlines. It is also know for its high tech industries
and outdoor recreation.
Washington State is divided into several regions and sections for administrative and
geographic purposes. The state is divided into 39 counties, which are further divided into
cities and towns. This state is also divided into several regions, such as the Puget Sound
region, the Eastern Washington region, and the Olympic Peninsula region.
The Cascade Mountain Range runs through the western part of the state. The Olympic
Mountains, located on the Olympic Peninsula, are also a notable feature of the state’s
In addition to its mountains, Washington State also has a number of rivers and lakes,
including the Columbia River, which forms much of the state’s eastern border. The Puget
Sound region, located in the northwestern part of the state, is known for its intricate network
of waterways, including the Puget Sound itself, which is an inlet of the Pacific Ocean.
Overall, the geology of Washington state is characterized by its rugged and varied
landscape, which is the result of millions of years of geological processes.
To sum it up, Washington State is a diverse and beautiful place. From its snowy mountain
peaks to its lush forests and pristine coastline, there's something for everyone in the
Evergreen State.
14. Together with your fellow students you are planning a holiday tour round a number of
European countries. Express your opinion concerning the advantages and disadvantages of
various means of transport.
When considering the means of transport for such a journey, there are several options
available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
One of the most popular means of travel is air transportation. Airplanes provide fast and
efficient travel, allowing you to cover long distances in a short amount of time. This can be
advantageous when visiting multiple European countries, as it saves time and allows for
more exploration. However, air travel can be costly, especially during peak seasons, and it
may restrict your ability to immerse yourself in the local culture as you're quickly moving
from one destination to another.
Another option is traveling by train. Europe has an extensive rail network, making train
journeys convenient and enjoyable. Train travel offers the opportunity to witness
picturesque landscapes and experience the local charm of each country. It also allows for
more flexibility in terms of planning, as train stations are usually located in the city center,
making it easier to access accommodation and attractions. However, train travel can be
time-consuming for longer distances, and tickets may be expensive depending on the route
and class of travel.
For a more adventurous and budget-friendly option, traveling by bus can be a suitable
choice. Buses provide a cost-effective means of transportation, and many companies offer
various routes within Europe. They often operate overnight, allowing you to save on
accommodation costs and maximize your time for sightseeing. However, bus journeys can
be lengthy, uncomfortable, and less convenient compared to other modes of transport.
If you prefer a more independent and flexible approach, renting a car can be advantageous.
It allows you to explore off-the-beaten-path destinations and experience the freedom of
creating your own itinerary. Renting a car also provides convenience in terms of storage for
luggage and the ability to travel at your own pace. However, it is essential to consider the
costs associated with renting a car, including fuel, tolls, parking, and insurance.
Additionally, navigating unfamiliar roads and dealing with traffic can be challenging in
certain European cities.
When making your decision, it is crucial to consider the distance between destinations, your
budget, time constraints, and personal preferences. A combination of different means of
transport can also be a viable option, depending on your itinerary. Ultimately, the choice of
transportation should align with your goals for the trip, ensuring a balance between
efficiency, affordability, and the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and

15. In the 21st century common people started flying into space; engineers are discussing the
possibility of constructing some sort of hyper loop intercity connections. Can you say any
words in support of traditional trains, or must they go into history? Consider the pros and
corns of railway transport and possibility of its modernization.

When discussing the future of traditional trains in the 21st century, it goes without saying
that there are both pros and cons to consider. While the idea of hyper loop intercity
connections and space travel may seem exciting and futuristic, it's important to recognize
the value and potential of railway transport. However, modernizing the railway system is
easier said than done, as it requires significant investment and infrastructure updates.
(They say: there is nothing like travel by air; it is more comfortable, more convenient and of
course far quicker than any other method. There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or
car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.
Besides, flying is a thrilling thing. With a train you have speed, comfort and pleasure
combined. From the comfortable corner seat of a railway carriage you have a splendid view
of the whole countryside. If you are hungry, you can have a meal in the dining-car; and if
the journey is a long one you can have a bed in a sleeper. )
Firstly, let's address the advantages of traditional trains. Railways have been a reliable and
efficient mode of transportation for centuries, transporting both goods and passengers across
long distances. Trains offer a high carrying capacity, allowing for the transportation of large
volumes of cargo or numerous passengers in a single journey. Additionally, trains have a
lower environmental impact compared to other forms of transportation, as they produce
fewer emissions per passenger or ton of goods transported.
Furthermore, railways provide an opportunity for economic development and regional
connectivity. They can connect remote areas, smaller towns, and rural communities,
facilitating trade and commerce. Moreover, trains offer a comfortable and safe travel
experience, with amenities such as dining cars, sleeper cabins, and spacious seating options.
On the other hand, there are certain drawbacks and challenges associated with traditional
trains. One of the main concerns is speed. Trains are generally slower compared to air travel
or potential hyper loop systems. This can be a disadvantage for time-sensitive journeys or
for those who prioritize rapid transit. Additionally, the maintenance and upkeep of railway
infrastructure can be costly, especially when it comes to maintaining extensive networks.
When considering the modernization of railways, it is crucial to address these challenges.
Upgrading the existing railway systems with advanced technology and faster trains can
enhance their competitiveness. Implementing high-speed rail networks, improving signaling
systems, and utilizing more energy-efficient trains are possible steps towards modernization.
However, we must also acknowledge that modernizing the railway system requires
substantial investments and coordination among different stakeholders, including
governments, railway operators, and private investors. It is like trying to pull down old
structures and build new ones simultaneously, without causing disruption or compromising
In conclusion, while the prospects of hyper loop intercity connections and space travel are
intriguing, it is premature to dismiss traditional trains altogether. Railways have a rich
history and offer numerous advantages such as reliability, high capacity, and environmental
sustainability. The modernization of the railway system should be pursued to address
challenges related to speed, infrastructure, and technology. Like a bull in a china shop, we
must navigate the delicate process of updating and improving railways while preserving
their strengths and considering the needs of both passengers and freight transport.
Therefore, before we sing praises solely for futuristic modes of transportation, it is essential
to learn from the past and recognize the potential of traditional trains in the 21st century.

16. Traveling by air is getting more dangerous than a decade ago. Consider the pros and
cons of travelling by air, mention the most common threats the passengers can face on board
the liner. Do you think these things will stop people from using airplanes? Motivate your
While it is important to acknowledge that the perception of safety can vary among
individuals, we can't really claim that traveling by air is becoming more dangerous than a
decade ago. In fact, aviation safety has been improving steadily over the years. Nonetheless,
it is valuable to discuss the advantages and disadvantages as well as possible danger
passengers may face on board, and whether these factors are likely to deter people from
using airplanes.
So, the first advantage is that air travel allows people to reach their destinations worldwide
much faster compared to other means of transport, particularly for long distances. This
enables greater travel possibilities and promotes international trade and tourism. Secondly,
the aviation industry is highly regulated and implements stringent safety protocols,
including rigorous maintenance, crew training, and security measures. Moreover, modern
aircraft offer comfortable seating, in-flight entertainment, and various onboard amenities.
However, the disadvantages are still worth mentioning. First of all, airfare can be relatively
expensive, particularly for last-minute bookings or peak travel periods. Long flights may
often lead to discomfort, conflicts between passengers, jet lag, and what's more, potential
health risks. As air travel contributes to carbon emissions and climate change, it is a
growing concern in the context of sustainability.
In addition, people can sometimes be exposed to danger on an aircraft, but they're under the
control of the flying crew and airport workers as well. While rare, mechanical failures can
occur. However, regular maintenance and strict regulations minimize the risks, and
advanced safety systems ensure swift identification and rectification of issues. Although
turbulence is relatively common during flights, modern aircraft are designed to withstand it,
and incidents of severe turbulence causing injuries are not common. And finally, acts of
terrorism. Though highly publicized, they remain extremely rare due to increased security
measures, stringent screenings, and intelligence efforts.
Considering the pros and cons, as well as the common threats, it is unlikely that these
factors will significantly deter people from using airplanes. Many people are terrified of
flying, but the convenience, efficiency, and safety measures associated with air travel
continue to outweigh the perceived risks. Additionally, ongoing advancements in
technology, stricter safety regulations, and increased security measures contribute to the
overall improvement of air travel safety.

17. In a company of friends you are sharing your travel experiences. Recollect and tell in
details the funniest memories of flying by air plane / travelling by train.
18. A group of American volunteers are going to visit Ukraine this summer. As a would-be
interpreter you are supposed to take them around Kyiv. Which tourist attractions would you
recommend them to see in the Ukrainian capital? Choose at least two “must see” places and
talk about them in detail.
As your current guide, I would highly recommend visiting Khreshchatyk and Maidan
Nezalezhnosti, Andriivskyi Descent, as well as Politeknichnyi institute.
To begin with, Khreshchatyk holds significant historical and cultural importance in Ukraine
as it has been the site of numerous important events. Most notably, it was the epicenter of
the 2004 Orange Revolution and the 2013-2014 Euromaidan protests, both of which played
crucial roles in Ukraine's path towards independence and democracy. The square is adorned
with monuments, including the Independence Monument, which symbolizes the country's
freedom. Visiting Khreshchatyk and Maidan Nezalezhnosti allows you to experience the
heart of Kyiv, immerse yourself in its history, and witness the resilience and spirit of the
Ukrainian people. Additionally, the area is surrounded by notable buildings, such as the
magnificent Kyiv City State Administration and the Ukrainian House, which often host
cultural events and exhibitions.
The second magnificent site is Andriivskyi Descent, also known as Andriyivsky Uzviz, is a
charming and historic street in Kyiv. It is famous for its artistic atmosphere, cobblestone
pavement, and unique architecture. The descent connects the Upper Town with the historic
neighborhood of Podil, offering stunning views of the Dnipro River and the cityscape.
Andriivskyi Uzviz is lined with numerous art galleries, souvenir shops, and craft stalls,
making it a perfect place to explore Ukrainian art and culture. You can find traditional
crafts, such as embroidered clothing, wooden carvings, and pottery, along with
contemporary artwork by local artists. The descent is also home to the iconic St. Andrew's
Church, a stunning Baroque masterpiece that stands atop a hill and provides a breathtaking
backdrop for the area.
And finally, I'd love to share with you one more wonderful spot Politeknichnyi institutite is
one of Ukraine's leading technical universities. Founded in 1898, it has a rich history and is
renowned for its contributions to science and technology. When visiting KPI University,
you can explore its beautiful campus, which features a blend of architectural styles. The
main building, known as the Red Building, is an iconic structure with its red- brick facade
and neo-Gothic elements. The University also houses several interesting museums and
landmarks, such as Scientists' Alley and a collection of aircraft. Adjacent to the University
campus is the Polytechnic Park. It's a perfect place for leisurely walks, picnics, or simply
enjoying nature. The park is especially picturesque during the spring and summer months
when flowers are in full bloom. Additionally, the park features recreational facilities such as
sports fields, playgrounds, and outdoor fitness equipment. It's a great place to engage in
various activities, such as jogging, cycling, or playing sports.
While Khreshchatyk and Maidan Nezalezhnosti showcase the city's modern and historical
significance, Andriivskyi Descent gives a glimpse into the artistic and cultural side of Kyiv.
And the green oasis of the mysterious Polytechnichnyi university provides a tranquil escape
from the bustling city.

19. Tell your English-speaking friend about your most memorable experience of going to the
theatre. Recollect the performance you watched and the cast whose acting you enjoyed.
Well, our family has a sort of a tradition: when we travel to another city, we always try to
attend a local theatre. This was also the case on our visit to Chernivtsi.The Olha Kobylianska
Music and Drama Theatre immediately captivates with its breathtaking interior. The grand
chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling emit a soft, warm glow, casting a magical ambiance
throughout the hall. The walls of red and gold adorned with intricate moldings and elegant
draperies create a sense of timeless elegance.
We were thrilled to be there and were eagerly waiting to watch the renowned play, "Сватання
на Гончарівці" ("Courtship on Goncharivka"). The house had been sold out. Taking my seat
in the box, I observed the stage, adorned with an elaborate set design that transported me to a
charming Ukrainian village. The attention to detail was impeccable, with a picturesque
landscape of rolling hills, quaint cottages, and a greatly crafted village square. Beautifully
decorated scenery helped to better perceive the folklore colouring and created a realistic and
immersive world.
As the lights dimmed, the anticipation in the air was palpable. The play began, and I found
myself completely engrossed in the story. The talented cast was at its best with incredible
skill, conviction and passion. The play itself is a delightful blend of love, humor, and the
complexities of village life. The clever dialogue, witty banter, and clever plot twists kept me
on the edge of my seat throughout the performance. The underlying themes of love, tradition,
and social expectations resonated deeply within me. That evening at the drama theatre in
Chernivtsi was nothing short of extraordinary.

20. Speak of an English book you have recently read for your home reading classes. Give
brief information about the author, identify the genre of this piece of literature, summarise
the plot of the book and speak about the character you like most.
«The Great Gatsby» is a story about colossal, desperate ambitions and desires that can either
give a second wind, opening new horizons and prospects, or mercilessly break human life,
leading into depths of bottomless hope. Although initially, this book seems to be shallow,
extravagant, and unbelievably overestimated, only closer to the end you can feel and grasp
its genuine moral grandeur.
The story appears to be Nick Carraway's reflection on the events of spring 1922, particularly
focusing on the person named Gatsby. The roman starts with Nick moving to the East Egg,
hoping to enhance his career as a bond trader, and his occasional visit to his well-to-do
cousin Daisy living nearby with her husband. An innocuous meeting turns into a highly
intriguing opening, fueling curiosity toward a mysterious millionaire Gatsby known as a
chief neighborhood's party ghost and bon vivant. Majestic and flamboyant Gatsby's
mansion, situated on hand, doubts by its odd vastness, while Nick, being soon invited to one
of the parties, gets a chance to experience a posh, fashionable celebration and clarify the
matter, getting acquainted with its host. Meanwhile, the author debunks the myth about
candid, decent aristocracy, demonstrating Tom Buchanan's disgraceful romance with lower-
status Myrtle. As the story unfolds, Nick finds out lots of unfathomable rumors about Jay
but still stays by his side, providing help for his tet-a-tet meeting with Daisy Buchanan.
Trusting Nick like the closest fellow, Jay sheds light on his past, mentioning even his poor
origin, thus, revealing his strong affection toward Nick's cousin. Staying literally a step from
his cherished dream, Gatsby hopes for Daisy to be determined enough to split up with her
callous husband. However, his beloved doesn't live up to his expectations and, believing in
Tom's dirty accusations, chooses stable social status and wealth. Again. Having committed a
crime, she cowardly flees, therefore, consciously dooming Jay to die.
The roman explains one elementary fact - being tempted by mind- blowing prosperity,
people are interested in you only till you can share this wealth with them, and not a moment

21. Musical is of truly American origin. It tells a simple story with a happy ending. Have
you seen any musical on the stage or on TV? Does this genre of art appeal to you? Why? /
why not?

Musical theater, as a distinct genre, emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the
United States and reached its pinnacle during the "Golden Age" of Broadway in the mid-
20th century. During this time, American composers, lyricists, and playwrights developed a
unique style of storytelling through music and dance, creating iconic shows that have had a
lasting impact on the art form.
Many of the early American musicals drew inspiration from European operettas, vaudeville,
and burlesque traditions, and they incorporated elements from various cultures.
Furthermore, the influence of immigrant communities, such as Jewish composers and
African-American performers, played a significant role in shaping the American musical
theater landscape.
I've watched only one musical on TV, and it's called Jersey Boys. It’s the story of one of the
most famous rock and roll bands, The Four Seasons. Through the story, we learn of their
rise to fame throughout the 1960s, their personal lives, and the band’s eventual break up. I
loved the style of storytelling which was divided into 4 seasons and narrated by each
member of the band. However, I wasn’t familiar with all of The Four Seasons' music, I still
really enjoyed the show and how the songs fit the context of the story. By the way, the
actors who played the Jersey Boys were fantastic. Their moves were very suave and their
harmonies were flawless.
Personally, I relish musicals for several reasons:
Musicals offer a unique way of storytelling. The integration of music, lyrics, dance, and
dialogue allows for a multi-dimensional narrative experience. Songs can convey emotions
and advance the plot, while choreographed dance numbers can add energy, excitement, and
visual spectacle. The combination of these elements creates a rich and engaging storytelling
Musicals provide an escape from reality and transport me to different worlds. They offer a
form of entertainment that allows me to immerse myself in a captivating story, away from
the stresses and demands of everyday life.

22. Having visited a theatre for the first time in your life you are impressed by its interior.
Share your impressions with your friend, who has never been to the theatre yet, persuading
him to join you next time.
I have visited a theatre for the first time in my life, and I am greatly impressed by its
To begin with, there are two main parts of this theatre. They are the stage and the
auditorium. The hall is separated from the stage by the orchestra. At the sides of the stage
are the wings. There is also an intricate system of lights (footlights and toplights) that
illuminates the stage.
Talking more in detail about its interior, it’s worthy of note that the seats on the ground
floor are called “stalls” (those nearer the stage are “orchestra stalls”). The passages between
the rows of stalls are “the gang-ways”. The raised back part of the ground floor is “the pit”,
while the small compartments nearer the stage are “the boxes”. Then follow the dress-circle,
the balconies and, finally, the “gallery”.
The best seats at theatres are those in the stalls, the circle and the upper circle. Then comes
the pit, and last of all, the gallery, where the seats are cheapest. Boxes, of course, are the
most expensive.
The play I have watched was magnificently staged. Everything was done on the most lavish
scale. Theatrical scenery was bright and colorful, and the cast was just amazing. I didn't
even notice how time passed and the performance ended.
So, if you come to watch a play in this theatre, you will enjoy yourself thoroughly from the
moment the curtain goes up to the end of the last act. I hope you will join me next time.

23. As a member of the English-speaking club you’ve prepared a talk about the population
of the USA and specific features of American national character. Give your talk to your
fellow members.
24. As a member of the English-speaking club you’ve prepared a talk about holidays and
celebrations in Great Britain. Give your talk to your fellow members. (дівчат в цьому
майже все с джипити не нашла вообще вюнітах про холідейс)
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, I would like to talk to you about holidays and celebrations in Great Britain. As we
know, every culture has its own unique way of celebrating special occasions, and the British
are no exception. So, let's dive into the fascinating world of British holidays and traditions.

First and foremost, one of the most iconic holidays in Great Britain is, of course, Christmas.
Christmas in the UK is celebrated with great enthusiasm and excitement. It is a time when
families come together, exchange gifts, and enjoy a festive feast. Traditional Christmas
decorations such as Christmas trees, wreaths, and mistletoe can be found in many British
homes. Carol singing is also a popular activity during this time, and you'll often hear
carolers spreading holiday cheer in the streets.

Another significant holiday in Britain is Easter. Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ
and is celebrated with religious observances as well as secular customs. One of the most
famous Easter traditions in the UK is the Easter egg hunt, where children search for hidden
chocolate eggs. Hot cross buns, a sweet spiced bun with a cross on top, are also enjoyed
during this time.

Moving on to another celebrated event in Britain, we have Guy Fawkes Night, also known
as Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night. This holiday commemorates the failed Gunpowder
Plot of 1605, where Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. On the 5th
of November, people gather around bonfires, set off fireworks, and burn effigies of Guy
Fawkes. It's a thrilling spectacle filled with lights, colors, and loud explosions.

Now, let's not forget about the Queen's Birthday. This is a significant occasion for the
British, as it celebrates the reigning monarch's birthday. The Queen's Birthday is marked
with various events and festivities, including parades, concerts, and gun salutes. It's a time
when the nation comes together to honor and show their respect for the royal family.

Lastly, I want to mention St. Patrick's Day, even though it's primarily celebrated in Ireland,
it has gained popularity across the UK. On the 17th of March, people dress in green, attend
parades, and enjoy Irish music and dance. Pubs and bars often serve traditional Irish drinks,
such as Guinness, and the atmosphere is lively and full of merriment.

In conclusion, Great Britain has a rich tapestry of holidays and celebrations that reflect its
history, culture, and traditions. From Christmas to Guy Fawkes Night, each occasion brings
people together and allows them to express their joy and appreciation. So, whether you're
enjoying a festive feast, watching fireworks, or singing carols, British holidays are sure to
leave a lasting impression.

Thank you for listening, and I hope you found this talk about holidays and celebrations in
Great Britain informative and enjoyable.
25. You have won a prize from a tourist agency, which enables you 10 days of a Caribbean
cruise or an expedition to the Himalayas. Which one will you choose? Mention the
attractions and threats of both kinds of holidays.
Winning a prize from a tourist agency is an exciting opportunity, but deciding between a
Caribbean cruise and an expedition to the Himalayas can be a daunting task. Both options
offer unique attractions and potential threats, making the decision challenging. Personally I
would prefer a Caribbean cruise and I’ll explain why.
A Caribbean cruise promises sun-kissed beaches, turquoise waters, vibrant culture, and a
relaxing atmosphere. Here are some attractions and threats associated with this tropical
If we talk about attractions, I would mention the following. Firstly, it is Pristine Beaches.
The Caribbean boasts stunning white-sand beaches like those found in Jamaica, the
Bahamas, and Barbados. Relaxing under swaying palm trees, indulging in water sports, and
enjoying the clear waters are all enticing experiences. Then, Rich Culture: The Caribbean
islands are a melting pot of diverse cultures influenced by African, European, and
indigenous traditions. Visitors can immerse themselves in lively music, dance, and delicious
cuisine. And finally, Island Hopping. This Caribbean cruise allows you to explore multiple
islands, each with its own distinct charm. From the historic landmarks of Puerto Rico to the
lush rainforests of Dominica, there's always something new to discover.
It is also impossible not to mention the many different water activities. For example,
snorkeling, scuba diving, jet skiing, and sailing are just a few of the water-based activities
available in the Caribbean. The region's coral reefs and abundant marine life offer incredible
opportunities for underwater exploration.
However, there are also many threats. First of all, the Caribbean is susceptible to hurricanes,
with the official hurricane season lasting from June to November. While cruise lines have
measures in place to reroute or reschedule itineraries, there is still a risk of encountering
adverse weather conditions.

Moreover, like any travel destination, the Caribbean carries potential health risks. Mosquito-
borne diseases, such as Zika and dengue fever, are a concern in some areas. It is advisable to
take appropriate precautions and stay informed about potential health hazards.
In conclusion, a Caribbean cruise offers a captivating blend of attractions and potential
threats. The allure of sun-kissed beaches, turquoise waters, and a vibrant culture make it an
enticing choice for travelers. The opportunity to relax under swaying palm trees, indulge in
water sports, and explore multiple islands with their own unique charm adds to the appeal.
The region's abundant marine life and coral reefs also provide incredible opportunities for
underwater exploration and adventure. However, it is important to be aware of the potential
threat of hurricanes during the official hurricane season, which lasts from June to
November. While cruise lines have measures in place to mitigate risks, there is still a
possibility of encountering adverse weather conditions. Despite this, the allure of the
Caribbean's attractions and the chance to experience its rich culture and natural beauty make
a Caribbean cruise a memorable and enticing choice for many travelers.


If we talk about the Himalayas, it offers breathtaking landscapes, spiritual enlightenment,
and an opportunity to challenge oneself amidst towering peaks. Let's explore the attractions
and threats associated with this adventurous journey:
If we talk about attractions, I would mention the following. Firstly, Majestic Mountains. The
Himalayas are home to some of the highest peaks in the world, including Mount Everest.
The awe-inspiring vistas, snow-capped peaks, and serene valleys create a surreal and
humbling experience. Then, the Himalayas offer unparalleled opportunities for trekking
enthusiasts. From the popular trails of Nepal's Annapurna Circuit to the remote regions of
Ladakh in India, there are routes suited for all levels of experience. Finally, the Himalayas
have long been revered as a spiritual haven. Places like Rishikesh in India and Bhutan's
Tiger's Nest monastery provide a serene environment for meditation, yoga, and self-
However, there are also many threats. First of all, the Himalayas are known for their high
altitudes, and altitude sickness can be a significant concern. It occurs when the body doesn't
adjust well to the decreased oxygen levels at higher altitudes. Symptoms can range from
mild to severe and may include headaches, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. It's crucial to
acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and follow expert advice to minimize the risk.
Also, trekking or exploring the Himalayas often involves strenuous physical activity,
especially if you plan to ascend to higher altitudes. It's essential to be in good physical
condition and undertake necessary training before embarking on the expedition. Lack of
fitness can lead to fatigue, injuries, or other health complications during the trip.
Moreover, the Himalayas are subject to unpredictable and harsh weather conditions. You
may encounter heavy snowfall, blizzards, avalanches, or storms, especially in higher
altitudes. These conditions can pose risks to safety, disrupt travel plans, and make certain
areas inaccessible. Always stay updated on weather forecasts, follow the guidance of
experienced guides, and be prepared with appropriate clothing and equipment.
In conclusion, the Himalayas serve as a spiritual haven, with tranquil places for meditation
and self-reflection. They offer an extraordinary journey filled with attractions and
challenges. The majestic mountains, with their awe-inspiring landscapes, snow-capped
peaks, and serene valleys, provide a humbling and breathtaking experience. The region also
caters to trekking enthusiasts of all levels, offering a variety of routes and trails that
showcase its natural beauty

26. You are a member of an English-speaking club. Tell the group of English-speaking students
visiting KNLU about the history of Ukrainian theatre.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the English-speaking club and our visiting students
from KNLU, today I have the pleasure of shedding light on the captivating history of Ukrainian
theatre. This topic holds immense significance as it unravels the rich cultural heritage of Ukraine
through the performing arts.
To begin with, Ukrainian theatre has a long and illustrious history, dating back centuries. Its origins
can be traced to traditional folk performances that were an integral part of Ukrainian culture. These
folk performances, often characterized by vibrant costumes, lively music, and engaging storytelling,
provided entertainment and served as a medium for expressing the hopes, dreams, and struggles of
the Ukrainian people.
Mykola Starytsky, an outstanding Ukrainian actor, director, and theater worker, lived and worked in
Kyiv for many years. Starting from 1893, he performed annually on Kyiv stages as part of a touring
company alongside the talented actress Maria Zankovetska.
It was in Kyiv, at the Troitsky People's House, that the performances of the first permanent
Ukrainian theater took place. The theater was founded in 1906 in Poltava, with Mykola Starytsky
being one of its founders. Initially, the company was itinerant as it did not have its own venue. The
theater's productions were warmly received by all layers of the Ukrainian people, including the
Mykola Starytsky created many unique characters in productions based on the works of prominent
Ukrainian writers and playwrights such as Karpenko-Karyi, Lesya Ukrainka, Starytsky, Gogol, and
others. He also carried out directing work in the theater.
The foundation of the theater's repertoire consisted of Ukrainian classics, but productions of plays
by Russian and foreign authors were also staged.
A lot of attention was given to theatrical props. Beautifully decorated scenery helped to perceive the
historical background and folkloric coloring better. Costume sketches for actors were created by
renowned artists.
Considerable importance was also given to musical accompaniment. This is evidenced by the fact
that music for the performances was composed by such composers as M. Lysenko and K. Stetsenko.
Interestingly, even the extras were dressed in Ukrainian national costumes to create a unique
Ukrainian coloring.

As the centuries progressed, Ukrainian theatre evolved and adapted to changing societal dynamics.
Notably, the 19th and 20th centuries witnessed significant developments in Ukrainian drama and
the emergence of professional theatre troupes. One of the prominent milestones in Ukrainian theatre
history was the establishment of the first professional Ukrainian theatre, known as the Shevchenko
National Academic Drama Theatre, in Kyiv in 1920. This institution laid the foundation for a
thriving theatre scene in Ukraine.
Furthermore, it is important to mention the role of the Kyiv National Opera House and the Lviv
National Opera House in promoting performing arts in Ukraine. These esteemed institutions have
not only hosted captivating opera and ballet performances but have also nurtured talented actors,
musicians, and dancers who continue to enrich Ukrainian theatre to this day.
While exploring Ukrainian theatre history, one cannot overlook the valuable contributions of the
Ukrainian Philharmonic Orchestra and other musical ensembles. These orchestras, through their
exceptional performances, have mesmerized audiences with their harmonious symphonies and
breathtaking musical interpretations. The synergy between theatre and music has undoubtedly
enhanced the overall theatrical experience and captivated audiences both nationally and
Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that the history of Ukrainian theatre has not been
without its challenges. The tumultuous political and social landscape of Ukraine has sometimes
posed obstacles to the development of theatre. However, the resilience and determination of
Ukrainian artists have consistently triumphed over adversity, allowing Ukrainian theatre to flourish
even in the face of difficulties.
In conclusion, the history of Ukrainian theatre is a testament to the creative spirit and artistic talent
of the Ukrainian people. It showcases the vibrant tapestry of their culture and serves as a platform
for expressing their collective voice. Through the performing arts, Ukrainian theatre has not only
entertained audiences but has also brought people together, fostering a sense of unity and shared
identity. We hope that our presentation today has shed light on the intriguing journey of Ukrainian
theatre and has ignited your curiosity to delve deeper into this captivating art form. Thank you.

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