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UBCx BUSMKTG1x – Introduction to Marketing

Course Structure and Recommended Schedule for Completion

Module Content Verified Learner Deliverables

1. Welcome
a. Welcome to the Course
b. About the Course (4:47)
c. Course Information
d. Recommended Schedule
Introduction e. Code of Conduct
f. Grading Entry Survey
Recommended g. Using the edX Platform
Completion: End of h. Study Tips
Week 1 i. Using the Discussion Forums
j. Learner Expectations
2. Course Team
a. Instructional Team
b. Contact Us
3. Your Biography

1. Introduction
2. Pre-Activity 1
3. The Changing Nature of Marketing (09:15)
4. Marketing Fundamentals and Tools (02:55)
Module 1: The
5. Constant versus Changing Elements of Marketing (02:38)
Changing Nature of (PART) Pre-Activity 1
6. Check Your Understanding 1
7. Discussion 1 The Nature of Marketing (CYU) 2 Check Your Understanding Quizzes
8. Understanding the Rules of the Game: A Story about Chocolate (10:12)
(PART) 2 Discussions
9. Tools for the Dynamic Game: The 3Cs, SWOT Analysis, PEST Framework
(11:29) (ACT) Activity 1
10. Check Your Understanding 2
End of Week 1
11. Discussion 2 PEST
12. Module 1 Takeaways and Discussion (4:52)
13. Activity 1 SWOT
14. Module 1 Required/Optional Readings

Note: PART = Participation, CYU = Check Your Understanding (Quiz), ACT = Activity, FINAL = Final Exam
Module Content Verified Learner Deliverables
1. Introduction
2. Pre-Activity 2
3. Getting to Know Your Consumer (9:22)
4. Objectives of Market Research (3:24)
5. Types of Market Research (8:34)
Module 2: Market
6. Check Your Understanding 3
Research, (PART) Pre-Activity 2
7. Discussion 3 Market Segmentation
Segmentation and
8. Consumer Segments: (CYU) 2 Check Your Understanding Quizzes
a. BMW Films – Powder Keg (13:54)
(PART) 2 Discussions
b. BMW Films – Star (9:03)
c. BMW Films – Consumer Segments (11:03) (ACT) Activity 2
9. Approaches for Segmenting the Market (7:55)
End of Week 2
10. Check Your Understanding 4
11. Discussion 4 Market Research
12. Module 2 Takeaways and Discussion (7:31)
13. Activity 2 Segmentation
14. Module 2 Required/Optional Readings

1. Introduction
2. Pre-Activity 3
3. Competitive Positioning: A Table of Two Pills (11:00)
4. Identifying Points of Parity and Difference (4:06) (PART) Pre-Activity 3
Module 3:
5. Using the Brand Positioning Statement Framework (3:20)
Positioning and (CYU) 2 Check Your Understanding Quizzes
6. Check Your Understanding 5
Value Propositions,
7. Discussion 5 BPS (PART) 2 Discussions
8. Redefining the Product Through Your Value Proposition (6:40)
9. Product Levels: Considerations for Defining Your Product (3:40) (ACT) Activity 3
10. Product Lifecycle (3:58)
11. Check Your Understanding 6
End of Week 3 Mid-Course Survey
12. Discussion 6 Positioning
13. Module 3 Takeaways and Discussion (7:07)
14. Activity 3 Positioning
15. Module 3 Required/Optional Readings

Note: PART = Participation, CYU = Check Your Understanding (Quiz), ACT = Activity, FINAL = Final Exam
Module Content Verified Learner Deliverables
1. Introduction
2. Pre-Activity 4
3. What Does Your Brand Say to Your Consumers? (5:07)
4. Understanding Stories, Experiences and Conversations Around Your
Brand (3:26)
5. Brand Identity Versus Brand Image: Intended and External Perceptions
6. The Brand Identity Model: How People Understand Brands (3:15)
7. Emotional Ties with Brands (2:10)
Module 4: 8. Check Your Understanding 7 (PART) Pre-Activity 4
Branding, Pricing 9. Discussion 7 Brand Identity Model
(CYU) 2 Check Your Understanding Quizzes
10. Pricing Strategies (4:56)
Recommended 11. Considerations Around Pricing Choices: Pricing Sensitivity (2:27) (PART) 2 Discussions
completion: 12. Considerations Around Pricing: Skimming and Penetration Approaches
(ACT) Activity 4
End of Week 4 (4:43)
13. Considerations Around Pricing: Tiered, Dynamic, and Pricing
Discrimination (5:27)
14. Considerations Around Pricing: Strategies for Effective Pricing Changes
15. Check Your Understanding 8
16. Discussion 8 Pricing
17. Module 4 Takeaways and Discussion (8:24)
18. Activity 4 Branding
19. Module 4 Required/Optional Readings

Note: PART = Participation, CYU = Check Your Understanding (Quiz), ACT = Activity, FINAL = Final Exam
Module Content Verified Learner Deliverables
1. Introduction
2. Pre-Activity 5
3. Disruption and Distribution Strategy: The Amazon Story (5:44)
Module 5: 4. Direct and Indirect Access (2:25)
Distribution, 5. Channel Partners and Economics (5:14)
Integrated 6. Dynamics of Intermediation (3:39) (PART) Pre-Activity 5
Marketing 7. Check Your Understanding 9
(CYU) 2 Check Your Understanding Quizzes
Communication 8. Discussion 9 Distribution
(IMC) 9. Communicating the Value Proposition to Consumers: The Dove Story (PART) 2 Discussions
(ACT) Activity 5
Recommended 10. IMC Options, the AIDA Model, and Push vs. Pull Approaches (6:24)
completion: 11. Check Your Understanding 10
End of Week 5 12. Discussion 10 AIDA Model
13. Module 5 Takeaways and Discussion (8:40)
14. Activity 5 Distribution, IMC
15. Module 5 Required/Optional Readings

1. Introduction
2. Pre-Activity 6
3. Paid, Owned, and Earned Media (2:32)
Module 6: Social 4. The Impact of Social Media: United Breaks Guitars (3:36) (PART) Pre-Activity 6
Media, 5. Monitoring and Facilitating Online Conversations (6:13)
(CYU) 2 Check Your Understanding Quizzes
Measurement and 6. Check Your Understanding 11
Conclusion 7. Discussion 11 Segmentation on Social Media (PART) 2 Discussions
8. Looking Ahead to New Trends in Marketing (4:07)
(ACT) Activity 6
Recommended 9. Fitting Together the Pieces into a Marketing Process (5:34)
completion: 10. Check Your Understanding 12
End of Week 6 11. Discussion 12 Measure of Success Post-Course Survey
12. Module 6 Takeaways and Discussion (9:15)
13. Activity 6 Social Media
14. Module 6 Required/Optional Readings

(FINAL) Final Exam (Verified Only)

Note: PART = Participation, CYU = Check Your Understanding (Quiz), ACT = Activity, FINAL = Final Exam

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