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The graph above shows the stock price of four technology companies between

2011 and 2016.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.

The line graph displays the stock values of four different high-tech corporations from
2011 to 2016.

Facebook started the period with a stock market valuation of approximately 7,500 and
this consistently moved up in value year on year to reach a peak of around 20,000 in
2016. Yahoo began the recorded period with a very similar value to Facebook, but in
contrast, its stock devalued every year, until it reached a low of about 2,500 in 2016.

Apple stock was valued at just below 5,000 in 2011 and this jumped dramatically to
nearly 35,000 the following year, before plummeting to around 7,000 in 2013. It
recovered slightly in 2014 to around 12,000 and subsequently fell to a price of just over
5,000 in 2016. Google’s shares remained at around 1,000 for the entire period.

Overall, Facebook’s value steadily increased, while Yahoo’s decreased. Apple’s stock
price fluctuated wildly throughout the period and Google’s stayed relatively unchanged.
1. Does the introduction use the same words as mentioned in the question? If not,
how are they different?
2. Which companies are mentioned in the second paragraph?
3. What can be the second paragraph called?
4. Which companies are mentioned in the third paragraph?
5. What can be the third paragraph called?
6. Does the essay contain a conclusion?
7. Where is the overview of the essay?
8. What key features did you notice in the chart?
9. Did you find the opinions of the writer in the essay?

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