Cognitive MIMO-RF FSO Cooperative Relay Communication With Mobile Nodes and Imperfect Channel State Information

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Cognitive MIMO-RF/FSO Cooperative Relay

Communication With Mobile Nodes and
Imperfect Channel State Information
Neeraj Varshney , Student Member, IEEE, Aditya K. Jagannatham , Member, IEEE,
and Pramod K. Varshney , Life Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper analyzes the performance of an underlay has to be strictly regulated. This significantly affects the
cognitive radio based decode-and-forward mixed multiple-input reliability of cognitive radio systems, while also leading to
multiple-output radio frequency/free space optical cooperative unstable transmission and restricted coverage [3], [4]. The reli-
relay system with multiple mobile secondary and primary user
nodes. The effect of imperfect channel state information (CSI)
ability and data rates of cognitive RF transmissions can be
arising due to channel estimation error is also considered at significantly enhanced by employing multiple-input multiple-
the secondary user transmitters (SU-TXs) and relay on the output (MIMO) technology, through diversity and spatial
power control and symbol detection processes respectively. A multiplexing, respectively, for the same transmit power [5].
unique aspect of this paper is that both fixed and propor- Moreover, relaying using a single broadband free space opti-
tional interference power constraints are employed to limit the cal (FSO) link is a cost effective approach for increasing the
interference at the primary user receivers. Analytical results are
derived to characterize the exact and asymptotic outage and bit cognitive communication range in the presence of a primary
error probabilities of the above system under practical conditions network, while supporting high speed data transmission and
of node mobility and imperfect CSI, together with impairments not causing any additional interference to primary communi-
of the optical channel, such as path loss, atmospheric turbulence, cation over the RF bands. It is important to note that since
and pointing errors, for orthogonal space-time block coded trans- the relay communicates both with the donor cell and cogni-
mission between each SU-TX and relay. Finally, simulation results
are presented to yield various interesting insights into the system
tive terminals served by the relay, interference between the
performance such as the benefits of a midamble versus preamble access and backhaul links must be avoided [6, Fig. 18.2].
for channel estimation. Therefore, FSO technology for the backhaul links is an ideal
Index Terms—Cognitive radio, cooperative communication,
choice to avoid interference with simultaneous transmissions
imperfect CSI, MIMO, multi-user, node mobility, OSTBC, mixed in the cognitive radio network as shown in Fig. 1. Further,
RF/FSO system. multiple existing cognitive RF devices/ users can be simul-
taneously connected to the network backbone via a donor
cell or serving base-station (eNodeB) over a single broad-
I. I NTRODUCTION band FSO link for last-mile access [7]. In addition, since
ADIO frequency (RF) spectrum scarcity is a rising con- broadband FSO links enable high data rate transmission over
R cern in modern wireless cellular networks, due to the
ever increasing number of users and data intensive applica-
unlicensed optical bands, they also address the problem of
RF spectrum scarcity in the licensed bands [2]. Hence, FSO
tions in current and next generation wireless systems [1], [2]. technology is well poised for practical deployment in future
This has led to the development of the cognitive radio wireless networks towards relieving the intense pressure on the
paradigm, and specifically the underlay cognitive radio mode, existing RF spectral bands, while providing additional benefits
for enabling limited spectrum access by cognitive (or sec- such as the ability to be deployed rapidly, low costs, security,
ondary) users, while restricting the interference caused to and resilience to RF interference. Due to the above advantages
the primary network. In order to limit the interference to of FSO technology in cognitive radio network scenarios, this
the primary receivers (PU-RXs), the transmit power of the work, therefore, considers a cognitive MIMO-RF/FSO coop-
secondary RF transmitters (SU-TXs) in the underlay mode erative relay communication system. Orthogonal space-time
block coded (OSTBC) MIMO transmission is well suited for
Manuscript received December 9, 2017; revised April 11, 2018; accepted
May 30, 2018. Date of publication June 7, 2018; date of current version
practical implementation in such systems due to the associated
September 7, 2018. The associate editor coordinating the review of this low complexity of optimal maximum-likelihood decoding [8]
paper and approving it for publication was D. Cabric. (Corresponding author: while also not requiring any channel knowledge of the SU-
Neeraj Varshney.) relay links at the SU-TX nodes. However, mobility of the
N. Varshney and A. K. Jagannatham are with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India SU-TXs and PU-RXs induces Doppler [9], which leads to
(e-mail:; time-selective fading in the RF links and the ensuing degra-
P. K. Varshney is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and dation of the performance of the system. Moreover, in time
Computer Science, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244 USA (e-mail: varying scenarios, it is also difficult to obtain perfect chan-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCCN.2018.2844827 nel state information (CSI) of the cross channel link at the
2332-7731 c 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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SU-TX and cognitive link at the relay for power control and the effect of practical degradations such as time-selective fad-
symbol detection respectively. Hence, end-to-end performance ing, imperfect channel knowledge at the SU-TX and relay
analysis of underlay cognitive mixed MIMO-OSTBC RF/FSO nodes to present a comprehensive analysis that yields various
cooperative communication systems, considering also artifacts insights into the end-to-end performance of a practical system.
such as time-selective RF links arising due to node mobility
together with imperfect CSI from channel estimation error, is
critically important from a practical perspective and is, there- B. Contributions
fore, one of the central aims of the work presented in this The novel contributions of the paper including the key
paper. Next, we present a brief overview and comprehensive technical differences with respect to previous works are sum-
survey of related works in the existing literature and also marized below.
clarify our contributions. • This work analyzes the end-to-end performance of
a multi-user underlay cognitive mixed MIMO-OSTBC
RF/FSO DF cooperative system where the RF links
A. Related Work between the SU-TX and relay nodes, and SU-TX and
The work in [10] first introduced an asymmetric amplify- PU-RX nodes experience time-selective fading, while the
and-forward (AF) dual-hop RF/FSO system, where the FSO link is affected by optical channel impairments such
RF link between the source and relay, and the FSO as path loss, atmospheric turbulence, and pointing errors.
link between the relay and destination are assumed to Exact and asymptotic results are derived for the outage
be Rayleigh and Gamma-Gamma faded respectively. and bit-error probabilities incorporating also mobility of
Ansari et al. [11] and Zedini et al. [12] extended the work to SU-TXs and PU-RXs with arbitrary speeds. Further, the
include misalignment fading (pointing errors) in the FSO link effect of imperfect channel state information is also con-
for intensity modulation/direct detection (IM/DD) and hetero- sidered towards power control and symbol detection at
dyne detection schemes, respectively. Performance analysis each SU-TX and relay respectively. For symbol detec-
of a dual-hop AF RF/FSO system with Rayleigh faded RF tion, only imperfect channel knowledge is considered at
channel and generalized M-distribution faded optical channel the relay, which is estimated only once at the Lth sig-
is presented in [13]. The effects of fading, turbulence, and naling instant of each frame. For power control in the
pointing error on the outage probability, average bit error rate underlay mode, each SU-TX obtains the cross channel
(BER), and channel capacity of an asymmetric AF RF/FSO knowledge only in the beginning of each frame. Further,
system considering a Nakagami-m distributed RF link and employing the Kalman approach [24], the available esti-
Gamma-Gamma distributed FSO link with pointing errors mate is subsequently used to predict the cross channel
have been analyzed in [14]. The analysis therein has been gains at each codeword transmission in the corresponding
further extended to include the effect of outdated channel frame. In contrast, the previous work in [23] analyzed the
state information (CSI) at the relay in [15]. In contrast to AF outage performance considering only a restricted scenario
relaying considered in works such as [10]–[15], DF relaying with single static SU-TX and PU-RX nodes and perfect
based mixed RF/FSO systems have been analyzed in [7] CSI. Moreover, results were not presented therein for the
and [16]–[20]. However, none of the existing works above resulting BER performance.
consider the cognitive radio paradigm to alleviate the problem • Additionally, a novel composite power constraint, com-
of spectrum scarcity. prising of both fixed and proportional interference power
Towards alleviating spectrum scarcity, Ansari et al. [1], [2] constraints, has been employed to limit the interference
and Arezumand et al. [21] proposed and analyzed the at the PU-RXs. This plays an important role in limiting
performance of a dual-hop communication system composed the transmit power of each SU-TX from rising exces-
of asymmetric RF and FSO links for underlay cognitive sively due to inaccurate estimates of the cross-channel
networks. In [1] and [2], the presence of multiple secondary gain. However, the previous work in [23] employed only
users is assumed for transmission to the secondary base station the fixed power constraint. Hence, the derivations of the
over Rayleigh faded RF links. The work in [21] investi- cumulative distribution function (CDF) and probability
gated the performance of a system with a single SU-TX with density function (PDF) of the SU TX-relay link SNRs
independent and non-identically distributed Nakagami-m fad- considering both the fixed and proportional interference
ing RF links. The outage performance of a multi-user mixed power constraints and the resulting analysis is fundamen-
underlay RF/FSO network with multiple destination nodes has tally different in comparison to the previous works.
been analyzed in [22]. However, studies in works [1], [2], [21], • Another key contribution is that the current work presents
[22] employ an amplify-and-forward (AF) protocol at the relay a general framework to model time-selective fading in
that is not easily realizable in practice since both the RF and the SU-TX and relay links that can accommodate pilots
FSO links operate at different frequencies. The relay therefore at any arbitrary location in the block for channel esti-
has to decode the information symbol prior to modulation over mation through appropriate choice of the parameter L. It
an optical carrier. In order to overcome the above challenge, is then shown that the midamble results in a significant
our previous work in [23] proposed and analyzed the outage decrease in the outage probability of the cognitive system
performance of a DF based underlay cognitive mixed MIMO- in comparison to the preamble.
RF/FSO cooperative system with single SU-TX and PU-RX In this work, the time variation of the wireless fading chan-
nodes. However, none of the works reviewed above consider nel is captured by a first order autoregressive (AR1) Jakes

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Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the multi-user cognitive MIMO-RF/FSO DF cooperative system where SU-TX(j) and PU-RX(j) denote the jth secondary user
transmitter and jth primary user receiver respectively.

model. This model best captures the wireless channel for prac- T denotes the block length, and k represents the kth coded
tical scenarios with mobile nodes, as described in the work on block in a frame of Nb codeword matrices. The multi-antenna
(j )
vehicular communication [25] for wireless access in vehicu- jth PU-RX is mobile with speed νSP . The received code-
lar environments (WAVE) related studies. Also, this has been (j )
word YSR [k ] ∈ CNR ×T at the relay corresponding to the
well researched for mobile-to-mobile communication scenar-
transmission by the jth SU-TX is given as
ios in [26] and channel models based on the Jakes Doppler 
 (j )
power spectrum have been proposed in [27]. The widespread  P
popularity and appeal of this model is demonstrated by its use (j )  S ,k (j ) (j ) (j )
YSR [k ] = H [k ]XSR [k ] + WSR [k ], (1)
in several related existing works on cooperative communica- Rc NS SR
tion with mobile nodes such as [28]–[32]. Further, the work (j ) (j )
in [33] has verified the applicability of the AR1 model, estab- where PS ,k is the jth SU-TX transmit power and HSR [k ] ∈
lishing its theoretical accuracy. Thus, the AR1 Jakes model is CNR ×NS denotes the Rayleigh1 fading MIMO channel matrix
best suited to capture the behavior of the time-selective chan- between the jth SU-TX and the relay. Similar to [36], the
nel towards performance analysis in wireless scenarios with additive white Gaussian noise plus primary user interference
(j )
node mobility. matrix WSR [k ] ∈ CNR ×T comprises of entries that are mod-
eled as independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) complex
C. Notations and Organization Gaussian random variables with mean zero and variance η0 .
In the second phase, the relay retransmits the decoded sym-
The complete list of notations and mathematical functions bols of each SU-TX to the desired eNodeB over an FSO link
used in this work is given in Table I. The rest of the paper after modulating over an optical carrier. The optical channel
is organized as follows. The system model for the cogni- for the FSO link corresponding to the jth SU-TX transmission
tive network with SU-TX and PU-RX nodes mobility, and of the nth symbol of the kth coded block can be modeled as
imperfect channel estimates is presented in Section II. Exact [37, eq. (2)]
and asymptotic results are derived for the outage and bit
(j ) (j ) (j ) (j )
error probabilities in Section III and Section IV respectively. HRD [n, k ] = Hl [n, k ]Hp [n, k ]Ha [n, k ], (2)
Simulation results under various node mobility scenarios are (j )
presented in Section V, followed by conclusions in Section VI. where n∈ {1, 2, . . . , B }, Hl [n, k ] is the deterministic path
(j )
loss, Hp [n, k ] represents the misalignment fading due to
(j )
II. C OGNITIVE S YSTEM M ODEL pointing errors, and Ha [n, k ] represents the atmospheric
Consider a multi-user underlay cognitive mixed MIMO- turbulence-induced fading modeled using the Gamma-Gamma
RF/FSO DF cooperative relay network as shown in Fig. 1, distribution.
where multiple SU-TXs transmit the information symbols at 1 As stated in [34], the links between the SU-TX and PU-RX, SU-TX
the same time using the orthogonal spectral resources of the and relay can be assumed to be independent Rayleigh fading for the sce-
narios when SU-TX is far away from the PU-RX and relay. Further, note
primary network. Each SU-TX employs NS transmit anten- that for Nakagami-m fading links, the expressions for the CDF and the PDF
nas, and each of the PU-RX nodes and relay have NP and of the resulting instantaneous received SNR in (12) with imperfect channel
NR receive antennas respectively. In this system, end-to-end estimates are analytically intractable, since the entries of the effective time-
cognitive communication with multiple SU-TXs is carried out selective channel matrices H (j ) [L] and H
 (j ) [k ] are distributed as the sum of
in two phases. In the first phase, each of the mobile SU-TXs Nakagami-m and circularly symmetric complex Gaussian random variables.
Therefore, closed-form expressions for the outage and error probabilities con-
communicate with the relay where the jth SU-TX moving at a sidering time-selective Nakagami-m fading SU TX-PU RX and SU TX-relay
(j ) (j )
speed of νSR , transmits an OSTBC block XSR [k ] ∈ CNS ×T links with imperfect channel estimates cannot be easily obtained. However, a
B complete analysis for the outage probability over time-selective Nakagami-m
of rate Rc = T to the relay node using the spectral resource fading links with perfect channel estimates and the results is given in the
of the jth primary user, where a block encodes B symbols, technical report [35]. These results are not included here for brevity.

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Gp,q (x | ab1 ,...,a
) [39] are given as [40, Eqs. (4), (5)]

ξ2 3,0 x 1/θ

ξ 2 + 1
fγ (j ) [n,k ] (x ) = G αβ
ξ 2 , α, β ,
RD θx Γ(α)Γ(β) 1,3 μθ


3θ,1 Θ 2

1, Θ 3
Fγ (j ) [n,k ] (x ) = Θ1 Gθ+1,3θ+1 x , (4)
RD μθ
Θ 4 , 0
where θ = 1 for heterodyne detection and θ = 2 for
IM/DD, and μθ is the average electrical SNR [40]. The
large-scale and small-scale scintillation parameters respec-
tively are α and β, and ξ = we /2σs , where we is the
equivalent beam-width radius and σs is the standard deviation
of the pointing error displacement at the receiver. The relevant
α+β−2 ξ 2 (αβ)θ
quantities in (4) are Θ1 = (2π)θθ−1 Γ(α)Γ(β) , Θ2 = θ2θ ,
2 2
Θ3 = ξ θ+1 , . . . , ξ θ+θ is a group of θ terms, and Θ4 =
ξ2 ξ 2 +θ−1 α
θ ,..., θ , θ , . . . , α+θ−1
θ , βθ , . . . , β+θ−1
θ is a group of
3θ terms.
It is important to note that the transmission over the FSO
link in the second phase does not create any interference to the
PU-RXs owing to the highly directional nature of the optical
beam. However, to prevent the interference at the jth PU-
RX from exceeding an acceptable threshold PA in the first
phase, the jth SU-TX transmit power must satisfy the pro-
portional and fixed interference power constraints, similar to
works [3], [4], [41], as given below

(j )
if ||H  (j ) [k ]||2 ≤ PA ,
⎨ PM SP F (j )
(j ) PM
PS ,k = (5)

if ||  (j ) [k ]||2 > PA .

⎩  (j ) SP F (j )
||HSP [k ]||2F PM
(j )
The quantity PM denotes the maximum transmit power avail-
able at the jth SU-TX, while ||H  (j ) [k ]||2 denotes the estimate
of the jth SU TX-jth PU RX channel gain available at the
jth SU-TX. Note that in the proportional interference power
constraint, the interference power at the jth PU-RX is pro-
(j )
Let the quantities , A, q, and  f denote the photodetec- portional to the maximum transmit power PM [3]. On the
tor responsivity, photodetector area, standard electronic charge, other hand, under the fixed interference power constraint, the
and the noise equivalent bandwidth of the receiver respec- peak interference power PA at the jth PU-RX is fixed and
(j )
tively. For coherent heterodyne detection, the instantaneous independent of the maximum transmit power PM available
SNR of the FSO link is given from [38, Eq. (2)] as at the jth SU-TX [4]. In practice, it is difficult to obtain
(j )
γRD [n, k ] ≈ qA
(j ) the knowledge of the cross channel H  (j ) [k ] at each signal-
f HRD [n, k ]. On the other hand, for inten- SP
sity modulation/direct detection (IM/DD) at the eNodeB, ing instant k = 1, 2, . . . , Nb due to the time-varying nature
(j ) of the jth PU RX-jth SU TX link. This work, therefore,
the instantaneous SNR of the FSO link is γRD [n, k ] =
(Aζ)2  (j ) 2 considers that the jth SU-TX estimates the cross channel
HRD [n, k ] [38, Eq. (4)], where (j )
2f (qAIb +2kb Tk Fn /RL ) HSP [1] ∈ CNP ×NS only at the beginning of each frame,
I b denotes the background light irradiance, kb represents the
with the estimate H  (j ) [1] = H(j ) [1] + H(j ) [1], where
Boltzmann’s constant, T k , ζ, F n , RL denote the temperature in SP SP ,SP
(j )
Kelvin, modulation index, thermal noise enhancement factor H,SP [1] ∈ CNP ×NS represents the estimation error. The
due to amplifier noise, and the load resistance respectively. The (j ) (j )
(j ) entries of HSP [1] and H,SP [1] are modeled as i.i.d. com-
PDF and CDF of γRD [n, k ] in terms of Meijer’s G-function2 2
plex Gaussian random variables with variances δSP ,j and
σSP ,j respectively. Imperfect channel knowledge at the jth
2 The Meijer’s G-function can be readily evaluated using MATLAB
l,m a ,...,a
SU-TX can be obtained through limited feedback from the
and the corresponding command for evaluating Gp,q (x | b1 ,...,b p ) jth PU-RX similar to works such as [42] and [43]. Further,
1 q
with l = 3, m = 1, p = 2, and q = 4 is given as, dou-
ble(evalin(symengine, sprintf(’meijerG(3, 1,[%d,%d], [%d,%d,%d,%d],%d)’,
similar to the Kalman approach, the available channel knowl-
a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 , b3 , b4 , x ))). edge H  (j ) [1] at the jth SU-TX is subsequently used to obtain

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the cross channel gains at k = 1,2, . . . , Nb signaling instants  (j ) [L]−H(j ) [L] in (7) and substituting the resulting expres-
(j )  (j ) [k ]||2 = ρ2(k −1) ||H
 (j ) [1]||2 , where ρSP ,j (j )
as, GSP ,k = ||H SP F SP ,j SP F sion for HSR [k ] in (1), the received codeword matrix can be
denotes the correlation parameter for the jth SU TX-jth PU RX determined as
link. Also, as derived in detail in [9], the correlation coefficient ⎧
ρ for the Jakes model is derived by computing the expected ⎪

(j )
PS ,k L−k (j )

⎪ ρ  [L]X(j ) [k ]
correlation over a large number of multipath components with ⎪
⎪ R c NS SR,j SR SR

⎨ (j )
angles of arrival uniformly distributed in [ − π, π]. Thus, it (j ) 
+ W [k ], if 1 ≤ k < L,
YSR [k ] =  (j ) SR (8)
also inherently captures the direction of arrival of the mobile ⎪
⎪ PS ,k k −L (j ) (j )

users, as justified by [33], and is employed by several related ⎪
⎪ Rc NS ρSR,j HSR [L]XSR [k ]

⎩ (j )
works such as [32] and the references therein. +W  [k ], if L ≤ k ≤ Nb ,
Moreover, the MIMO channel between the jth SU-TX and
relay also experiences time-selective fading due to the mobile where the effective noise matrices W (j ) [k ] and W (j ) [k ] are
nature of the jth SU-TX. Therefore, it is often difficult to given as
obtain the instantaneous CSI corresponding to each transmit- 
(j ) (j )
ted codeword matrix XSR [k ], 1 ≤ k ≤ Nb at the relay for PS ,k L−k (j )
symbol detection. Consequently, it is assumed that the relay  (j ) [k ] = W(j ) [k ] −
W ρ H
(j )
[L]XSR [k ]
Rc NS SR,j ,SR
node has only imperfect knowledge of the channel matrix 
(j )
 (j ) [L] = H(j ) [L] + H(j ) [L], estimated once at the Lth sig-
H PS ,k (1 − ρ2SR,j ) L−1
 (j ) (j )
SR SR ,SR + ρn−k
SR,j ESR [n]XSR [k ],
naling instant of each frame and is subsequently employed Rc N S
(j ) n=k
to detect each codeword XSR [k ], 1 ≤ k ≤ Nb in the corre- (9)
(j ) 
sponding frame. The entries of the true channel matrix HSR [L] (j )
PS ,k
(j )
and the error matrix H,SR [L] are modeled as i.i.d. complex  (j ) [k ] = W(j ) [k ] −
W ρk −L H
(j ) (j )
[L]XSR [k ]
Rc NS SR,j ,SR
Gaussian random variables with variances δSR,j 2 and σ2SR ,j 
(j ) k
respectively. It is important to mention that the above assump- PS ,k (1 − ρ2SR,j )  −n (j ) (j )
+ ρkSR,j ESR [n]XSR [k ].
tion is a valid one since the receiver tracking loop in a typical Rc N S n=L+1
wireless system cannot estimate the MIMO channel in each
signaling period k due to the significantly higher pilot over-
head such a scheme would incur. Also, note that in contrast
to the works in [32] and [44] and the references therein, the III. O UTAGE P ROBABILITY A NALYSIS
proposed model is more general and can accommodate both a Using (8), employing an analysis similar to that for OSTBC
preamble or midamble for channel estimation through appro- with fixed nodes in [45, eq. (3)], the effective instantaneous
priate choice of the parameter L. The basic AR1 process to SNR for the n th symbol of the kth codeword matrix at the
model a time-selective fading SISO wireless channel is given relay can be obtained as
in [32, Eq. (4)]. Using this, the time-selective fading model
(j )  (j )
for the jth SU TX-relay MIMO link at time instant k can be (j ) PS ,k ρ2i 2
SR,j ||HSR [L]||F
determined as γSR [n, k ] = (j )
, (11)
⎧ Rc NS η0,k
⎪ (j )
⎪ ρSR,j

HSR [k + 1] where i = L−k for 1 ≤ k < L and i = k −L for L ≤ k ≤ Nb .

⎨ + 1 − ρ2 E(j ) [k ], if 1 ≤ k < L, (j )
(j ) SR,j SR The effective noise power η0,k is given as,
HSR [k ] = (j )

⎪ ρSR,jHSR [k − 1]  

⎪ (j ) 2i (j ) 2i

⎩ + 1 − ρ2 E(j ) [k ], if L < k ≤ Nb , (j ) P S ,k ρSR,j
P S ,k 1 − ρ SR,j
SR,j SR η0,k = η0 + σ̃2SR ,j + σ̃e2SR ,j ,
Rc N S Rc N S

L−k (j )
ρSR,j HSR [L] + 1 − ρSR,j 2 where the quantities σ̃2SR ,j and σ̃e2SR ,j are defined as,

⎪ L−1
 n−k (j ) Na σ2SR ,j and Na σe2SR ,j respectively. The parameter Na

⎨ × ρSR,j ESR [n], if 1 ≤ k < L, denotes the number of nonzero symbol transmissions per code-
= n=k  word instant. For example, Na = NS = 2 for the Alamouti
−L (j )

⎪ ρkSR,j HSR [L] + 1 − ρ2SR,j OSTBC and Na = NS = 3 for the rate Rc = 12 code Gc3 [8].

⎪ k
 Further, considering the power constraints given in (5), the

⎪ × −n (j )
ρkSR,j ESR [n], if L < k ≤ Nb ,
⎩ above expression can be simplified as
n=L+1 ⎧
(7) ⎪ (j )  (j )
α1,k ||H 2  (j ) [k ]||2 ≤ PA ,

⎪ SR [L]||F if ||H SP F (j )
⎨ PM
where ρSR,j is the correlation parameter for the jth SU (j )
γSR [n, k ] = (j )  (j )
α2,k ||H 2
(j ) ⎪
⎪ SR [L]||F  (j ) [k ]||2 > PA ,
TX-relay link and the entries of ESR [n] ∈ CNR ×NS are ⎪
⎪ if ||H
⎩  (j ) (j ) SP F (j )
modeled as circularly symmetric complex Gaussian random ||HSP [k ]||2F + α3,k PM
(j )
variables with variance σe2SR ,j . Employing now HSR [L] = (12)

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where the various quantities are defined as and relay can be expressed as
(j )
(j ) PM ρ2i (j )
α1,k = SR,j
, α2,k = J Nb 
Rc NS η0 +PM ρ2i 2 (j ) 2i 2 (j ) 1  (j )
SR,j σ̃SR ,j +PM (1−ρSR,j )σ̃eSR ,j Pr((γth )) = Pr γmin [n, k ] ≤ γth
PA ρSR,j (j ) PA ρSR,j σ̃ ,j +PA (1−ρ2i
2i 2 2
SR,j )σ̃eSR ,j
, and α = SR
. j =1 k =1 n=1
Rc NS η0 3,k Rc NS η0
J Nb 
Result below gives the cumulative distribution function 1 
(j )
(CDF) and probability density function (PDF) of γSR [n, k ]. = F (j ) (γ ),
JNb B γmin [n,k ] th
Theorem 1: The CDF F (j ) (x ) and PDF f (j ) (x ) j =1 k =1 n=1
γSR [n,k ] γSR [n,k ]
(j ) (j ) (j ) (j )
of the SNR γSR [n, k ] for the jth SU TX-relay link are given as where γmin [n, k ] = min{γSR [n, k ], γRD [n, k ]} denotes the
end-to-end SNR and F (j ) (·) represents the CDF of
γmin [n,k ]
(j )
γmin [n, k ] given below [23, eq. (11)]
F (j )
γSR [n,k ]
(x ) % &
⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ F (j ) (γth ) = 1 − 1 − F (j ) (γth )
γmin [n,k ] γSR [n,k ]
1 ⎣ 1 x PA % &
= γ ⎝τ1 , (j ) ⎠γ ⎝τ2 , ⎠
Γ(τ2 ) Γ(τ1 ) 2
α1,k δ̃SR,j 2
(j )
,j ,k PM × 1 − F (j ) (γth ) , (15)
⎧  ⎛ ⎞ γRD [n,k ]

⎨ (j )
x α3,k
1 1 (γ ) and F (j ) (γ ) denote the CDFs
+ τ 2 J τ2 ; − exp⎝− (j ) ⎠ where F (j )
γSR [n,k ] th γRD [n,k ] th
δ̃SP ⎩ 2
δ̃SP ,j ,k
α2,k δ̃SR,j
,j ,k of the SNRs of the jth SU TX-relay and relay-
 eNodeB links and are given in (13) and (4) respec-
1 −1
(j ) tively. Further, the asymptotic outage analysis is given
×  m α3,k
(j )2 c
m=0 α2,k δ̃SR,j m! c=0 below.
⎛ ⎞⎫⎤

1 x A. Asymptotic Outage Floor Analysis
× J ⎝τ2 + c; + ⎠ ⎦, (13)
δ̃SP ,j ,k
(j ) 2
α2,k δ̃SR,j ⎭ In the high electrical SNR regime of the FSO
f (j ) (x ) link, the Meijer’s G-function in (4) reduces to zero
γSR [n,k ]
⎡ ⎛ ⎞ [46, eq. (]. Therefore, the outage floor
1 1 PA corresponding to a high value of μθ and a fixed value of PA
=  τ 1 ⎣  τ1 γ ⎝τ2 , (j )

can be determined as
(j ) 2
Γ(τ1 )Γ(τ2 ) δ̃SR,j α1,k δ̃SP ,j ,k PM
J Nb  B
⎛ ⎞ 1 
x 1
lim Pr((γth )) = F (j ) (γth ), (16)
× x τ1 −1 exp⎝− ⎠+    τ 2 μθ →∞ JNb B j =1 k =1 n=1 γSR [n,k ]
(j ) 2 (j ) τ1
α1,k δ̃SR,j α2,k 2
δ̃SP ,j ,k (j )
⎛ ⎞  where the CDF of the jth SU TX-relay link SNR γSR [n, k ]
(j ) τ1  τ1 −c
x α3,k  τ1 (j ) is given in (13). On the other hand, the outage floor corre-
× x τ1 −1 exp⎝− (j ) ⎠ α3,k
α2,k δ̃SR,j c sponding to high average SNR values of the cognitive SU
⎛ ⎞⎤ TX-relay RF links (when PA → ∞) and a fixed value of μθ
x 1 ⎠⎦ can be obtained as
× J ⎝τ2 + c; (j )
+ 2
, (14)
α2,k δ̃SR,j δ̃SP ,j ,k lim Pr((γth ))
PA →∞
J Nb  B ' % &
= × 1 − 1 − F (j ) (γ )
Γ(a)  JNb B γSR [n,k ] th
where J (a; b) = b a exp(− bP(jA) ) a−1 1 bPA l
l=0 l! ( P (j ) ) , γ(·, ·) is
j =1 k =1 n=1
% &(
the lower incomplete Gamma function [39, Eq. (8.350.1)], and × 1 − F (j ) (γth ) , (17)
the various terms are defined as, τ1 = NS NR , τ2 = NS NP , γRD [n,k ]
2 2 2(k −1) 2
δ̃SR,j = δSR,j + σ2SR ,j , and δ̃SP
,j ,k = ρSP ,j δSP ,j +
(j )
where the CDF of received SNR γRD [n, k ] is given in (4)
2(k −1)
ρSP ,j σ2SP ,j . (j )
and the CDF of the SNR γSR [n, k ] for the jth SU TX-relay
Proof: Given in [35, Appendix A]. link when PA → ∞ can be derived using (12) as
Now, using (4) and (13), the outage probability at the des-  
(j )
tination eNodeB corresponding to the transmission of a frame F (j ) (γth ) = Pr γSR [n, k ] ≤ γth
γSR [n,k ]
of N b codeword matrices by each of the J SU-TXs can be ⎛ ⎞
(j ) γ th
derived as follows. = Pr⎝GSR,L ≤ (j ) ⎠
Let γth denote the threshold for SNR outage at the destina- α1,k
tion node and (γth ) denote the corresponding outage event. ⎛ ⎞
Therefore, the net outage probability Pr((γth )) for the cog- 1 γ
nitive network considering the mobile nature of the SU-TXs = γ ⎝τ1 , (j ) th ⎠. (18)
Γ(τ1 ) α δ̃ 2
and PU-RXs, and imperfect channel estimates at the SU-TXs 1,k SR,j

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IV. P ROBABILITY OF E RROR A NALYSIS and the closed-form expressions for integrals L1 and L3 , as
Similar to outage analysis, the average probability of error derived in [35, Appendix B], are given in (25) and (26) as
for the cognitive network considering the mobile nature of the shown at the top of the next page, respectively. The func-
SU-TXs and PU-RXs, and imperfect channel estimates at the tion G−,−:−,−:−,− (−) in (26) is the Generalized Meijer’s
SU-TXs and relay can be expressed as G-function of two variables.3 This function is an exten-
J Nb 
B sion of the Meijer’s G-function and has been widely utilized
1  (j ) to represent the product of three Meijer’s G-functions in a
Pe = Pe [n, k ], (19)
JNb B closed-form.
j =1 k =1 n=1
(j )
where Pe [n, k ]
denotes the average probability of error for A. Asymptotic Error Floor
the nth symbol of the kth coded block transmitted by the jth
(j ) In the high electrical SNR regime of the FSO link, one
SU-TX and can be derived using the CDF of γmin [n, k ] in (15) can neglect the terms L2 and L3 in (23) since all the
as[47, Eq. (21)]
) ∞ Meijer’s G-functions in (24) and (26) reduce to zero [46, Eq.
(j )
Pe [n, k ] = −

Pe (x )F (j ) (x )dx , (20) (] when μθ approaches ∞. Therefore, the
0 γmin [n,k ] error floor corresponding to a high value of μθ and a fixed
 value of PA can be determined by considering the dominant
where Pe (x) is the first order derivative of the conditional
term L1 in (23) and substituting the resulting expression for
error probability. The conditional error probability for a given (j )
SNR γ considering both coherent and non-coherent binary Pe [n, k ] in (19) as
modulation schemes is [47, Eq. (25)] Nb 
Γ(a, bγ) lim P e = L1 , (27)
Pe (γ) = , (21) μθ →∞ 2JNb B Γ(b)
2Γ(a) j =1 k =1 n=1

where Γ(·, ·) is the upper incomplete Gamma function where the closed-form expression for L1 is given in (25). On
[39, Eq. (8.350.2)] and the constants (a, b) are defined as, the other hand, the error floor corresponding to high average
(a, b) = (0.5, 1) for binary phase shift keying (BPSK), (a, SNR values of the cognitive SU TX-relay RF links (when
b) = (0.5, 0.5) for binary frequency shift keying (BFSK), PA → ∞) and a fixed value of μθ can be obtained as
(a, b) = (1, 1) for Differential BPSK (DBPSK) and (a, b) J Nb B
= (1, 0.5) for non-coherent BFSK (NCBFSK) modulation lim P e =
schemes. Differentiating (21) with respect to γ and substi- PA →∞ 2JNb B Γ(b)
j =1 k =1 n=1
tuting the resulting expression in (20), the average probability ⎡
(j ) τ 1 −1
of error Pe [n, k ] can be written as ⎢ 1 1
× ⎣Γ(a)b −a − × l κ
) ∞ l! (j ) 2
(j ) ba l=0 α1,k δ̃SR,j
Pe [n, k ] = e −bx x a−1 F (j ) (x )dx . (22) 
2Γ(a) 0 γmin [n,k ]
× Γ(a + l ) − Θ1
Employing (15), the above expression can be further simpli- ⎤
fied as   
⎡ 3θ,2 Θ2 −1  −a − l + 1, 1, Θ3 ⎥
× Gθ+2,3θ+1 κ  ⎦,
⎢ μθ Θ4 , 0
(j ) ba ⎢ ⎢

Pe [n, k ] = ⎢ e −bx x a−1 Fγ (j ) [n,k ] (x )dx (28)
2Γ(a) ⎢ 0 SR
Δ where κ = b + 1 . The detailed derivation for (28) is
=L1 (j ) 2
 α1,k δ̃SR,j

+ e −bx x a−1 Fγ (j ) [n,k ] (x )dx given in [35, Appendix C].
0 RD

For simulation purposes, the transmission of the rate Rc =
⎥ 1 code G 3 [8] is considered by J = 5 SU-TXs with the other
 ∞ ⎥ 2 c
−bx a−1 ⎥ parameters set as follows. Number of antennas NS = 3, NR =
− e x Fγ (j ) [n,k ] (x )Fγ (j ) [n,k ] (x )dx ⎥,
⎥ 2 2

⎦ NP = 2, average gains δSR,j = δSP ,j = 1, ∀j , SNR outage
=L3 threshold γth = 3 dB, frame length Nb = 50, peak trans-
(j )
(23) mit power PM = 27 dBW, ∀j , and noise plus interference
power η0 = 1, which is valid for large scale networks
where the integral L2 can be directly simplified using the
when the PU-TX is located far away from the secondary
integral identity [39, Eq. (7.813.1)] as
) ∞ 
network [3], [4], [41], [52], [53]. The correlation parameter ρi
Δ −bx a−1 3θ,1 Θ2

1, Θ3 corresponding to the relative speed of νi can be obtained by

L2 = Θ 1 e x Gθ+1,3θ+1 x
0 μθ Θ4 , 0

3 The complete Mathematica and MATLAB implementation codes for the
3θ,2 Θ2

−a + 1, 1, Θ3
= Θ1 b −a Gθ+2,3θ+1 , (24) Generalized Meijer’s G-function of two variables can be found in [48] and [49]
μθ b
Θ4 , 0 respectively.

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⎛ ⎞ ⎛  ⎞  

b −a ⎝ PA ⎠ 1,2 ⎝ 1  −a + 1, 1
 ⎠ +  Γ(a)b
1 1
L1 = γ τ2 , G2,2  τ ,0 τ2 J τ2 ; 2 −
Γ(τ1 )Γ(τ2 ) 2 (j )
δ̃SP ,j ,k PM
(j ) 2

α1,k δ̃SR,j b 1 2
δ̃SP Γ(τ2 ) δ̃SP ,j ,k Γ(τ 2)
,j ,k
  ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞l  c−l
m  (j ) m−c
1 −1 m τ2 +c−1
1 P A 1 P
⎝ A ⎠
,j ,k
×  m α3,k Γ(τ2 + c) exp⎝− ⎠
(j ) 2
m=0 α2,k δ̃SR,j m! c=0 c 2
δ̃SP P
(j ) l ! P (j ) Γ(τ2 + c − l )
,j ,k M l=0 M
⎛ ⎞−a−m ⎛ ⎛ ⎞−1   ⎞
(j ) 
α3,k P 1,2 ⎜ 2 (j ) (j ) 2 PA  −a − m + 1, −τ2 − c + l + 1⎟
× ⎝ (j ) + (j ) (jA) + b⎠ G2,1 ⎝δ̃SP ,j ,k ⎝α3,k + bα2,k δ̃SR,j + (j )⎠  ⎠.
α2,k δ̃SR,j 2
PM α2,k δ̃SR,j  0
 a ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
(j ) 2
Θ1 α1,k δ̃SR,j    (j ) 2
P −a − τ + 1, −a + 1  −  1, Θ  (j ) 2 Θ 2 α 1,k δ̃ SR,j
L3 = γ ⎝τ2 , A ⎠G 1,1:1,0:3θ,1 ⎝ 1   3 ⎠
Γ(τ1 )Γ(τ2 ) 2 (j ) 2,1:0,1:θ+1,3θ+1 −a  0  Θ , 0 bα1,k δ̃SR,j , μθ
δ̃SP P
,j ,k M
     τ1 −1
Θ1 b −a
1 3θ,2 Θ2  −a + 1, 1, Θ3 Θ1 1
+ τ2 J τ2 ; 2 Gθ+2,3θ+1 −  m
δ̃ 2 Γ(τ ) δ̃ μθ b  Θ4 , 0 Γ(τ2 ) (j )
α δ̃ 2
m=0 m!
SP ,j ,k 2 SP ,j ,k 2,k SR,j
  ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞l  c−l ⎛ ⎞a+m
2 (j ) 2
m  (j ) m−c
m τ2 +c−1
δ̃SP α2,k δ̃SR,j
⎝ P A ⎠ 1 ⎝ P A ⎠ ,j ,k
⎝ ⎠
× α3,k Γ(τ2 + c) exp −
c δ̃ 2 P
(j ) l ! P
(j ) Γ(τ 2 + c − l ) δ̃ 2
SP ,j ,k M l=0 M SP ,j ,k
⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞
   (j ) 2
1,1:1,0:3θ,1 −a − m + 1  −  1, Θ3  1 (j ) 2 (j ) P Θ 2 α 2,k δ̃ SR,j
× G1,1:0,1:θ+1,3θ+1 ⎝    ⎝bα δ̃SR,j + α3,k + (jA) ⎠, ⎠. (26)
−a − m − l + τ2 + c  0  Θ4 , 0  δ̃ 2 2,k
P μθ δ̃ 2
SP ,j ,k M SP ,j ,k

using the standard Jake’s model [9] as, ρi = J0 2πf c νi
Rs c , without compromising the performance of the primary user.
where J0 (·) is the zeroth-order Bessel function of the first One can also observe that OSTBC based transmissions over
kind, the carrier frequency and symbol rate are set as fc = 5.9 the MIMO SU TX-relay links with DF cooperation outper-
GHz and Rs = 9.5 kbps respectively. Further, similar to [23], forms the SISO system with variable gain relaying proposed
it is assumed that the FSO link experiences atmospheric tur- in [2] in moderate and high SNR regimes. However, the system
bulence with Cn2 ∈ {3 × 10−14 , 1 × 10−13 } m−2/3 , link performance with either the SU-TXs mobile or each SU-
length L ∈ {1, 2} km, θ = 1, aperture radius r = 0.1 m, and TX and PU-TX static is marginally worse in the low SNR
laser wavelength λ = 1.55 × 10−6 m. Under these conditions, regime due to power normalization by the factor RC NS where
the various parameters for the FSO link with moderate and NS = 3 and RC = 1/2. Moreover, for the scenario when only
strong atmospheric turbulence are set as, (α = 5.4181, β = the PU-RXs are mobile, significant performance improvement
3.7916, Hl = 0.9033, ξ = 1.6758) and (α = 5.0711, β = can also be seen in the low SNR regime. Further, a key utility
1.1547, Hl = 0.8159, ξ = 1.6885) respectively. of the above results in the context of practical system design is
Fig. 2(a) shows the outage probability versus the received to determine a suitable interference margin in the link budget
power limit PA at the PU-RXs for different speeds of the for the primary-user to meet a desired level of outage prob-
SU-TXs and PU-RXs with σe2SR ,j = 1, ∀j and perfect chan- ability in a fading channel. Since the transmit power of the
nel estimates. It can be observed that the system performance secondary users is limited by the interference threshold of the
degrades for the scenario when only the SU-TXs are mobile as primary users, it cannot be increased arbitrarily to include a
compared to the one in which each of the SU-TX and PU-RX fade margin and is tied to the interference threshold PA of
nodes are static. Moreover, the probability of outage increases the primary users. Hence, the required interference margins
with the speed of the SU-TXs since higher speeds result in in both the moderate and strong turbulence regimes and the
lower values of the correlation parameter ρSR,j leading to a corresponding results are described in detail in the technical
significant reduction in the effective SNRs at the relay. On the report in [35].
other hand, interestingly, the system performance can be seen Fig. 2(b) demonstrates the impact of the imperfect CSI
to be better for the scenario with only the PU-RXs mobile in obtained at the beginning of each frame, i.e., L = 1, where
comparison to the scenarios with either the SU-TXs mobile or σ2SR ,j = σ2SR , σ2SP ,j = σ2SP , ∀j . It can be observed that
each SU-TX and PU-RX static. Also, the outage probabilities the outage probability for the scenario with only the SU-TXs
in the low and moderate SNR regimes further decrease with mobile increases with increasing variance of channel estima-
increasing speed of the PU-RXs. This interesting result is due tion error at the relay. Further, in contrast to the previous
to the fact that high speed of the PU-RX results in a progres- observation wherein high mobile speed of the PU-RXs results
sive reduction in the cross channel gain of the time-selective in a performance improvement, imperfect channel estimates of
SU TX-PU RX link as can be seen from Section II. Hence, the time-selective SU TX-PU RX link at the SU-TX degrade
from the comprehensive power constraint in (5) it follows the outage performance. Moreover, the probability of outage
that the transmit power of the underlay SU can be increased further increases in the low and moderate SNR regimes as the

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Fig. 4. Impact of distance on outage performance with moderate atmo-

spheric turbulence, PA = 15 dB, L = 1, NS = NR = 3, NP = 2, and
γ̄RD = 20 dB.

probability in comparison to the preamble, i.e., L = 1 consid-

ered in [28]–[32], [44], and [54]. This is owing to the fact that
in contrast to midamble, the error in preamble progressively
increases from k = 1 to k = Nb due to the time selective nature
of the link. Thus a midamble, which is a readily employable
strategy, yields a substantial reduction in the outage probabil-
ity in comparison to the preamble for the same pilot overhead.
One can also observe that in comparison to moderate atmo-
spheric turbulence, strong atmospheric turbulence in FSO link
significantly degrades the end-to-end system performance.
Fig. 2. Outage performance of a cognitive DF MIMO-RF/FSO DF
cooperative system with average relay-eNodeB SNR γ̄RD = 20 dB. Fig. 4 demonstrates the impact of distance on outage
performance, where the presence of single SU-TX and PU-
2 −α 2 −α
RX nodes is considered with δSR = dSR , δSP = dSP ,
α = 2.5 is the path loss exponent and dSR , dSP denote the
distances between the SU-TX and relay, and the SU-TX and
PU-RX, respectively. Firstly, one can observe that the end-
to-end system performance severely degrades as the distance
dSR between the SU-TX and relay increases. It is worth
noting that the system experiences outage with probability
1.6 × 10−3 for dSP = 1 and dSR = 2. Interestingly, as the
distance dSP between the SU-TX and PU-RX increases from
1 to 5, the system experiences the same outage for a higher
value of dSR ≈ 10.5. This is owing to the fact that as dSP
increases, it decreases the cross channel gain, which enables
an increase in the SU-TX transmit power in the underlay mode
Fig. 3. Outage performance of a cognitive mixed MIMO-RF/FSO DF
that supports signal reception at a large distance dSR for the
cooperative system with average relay-eNodeB SNR γ̄RD = 20 dB. same outage. Further, it can also be seen in Fig. 4(b) that the
outage performance significantly improves as dSP increases
and experiences a floor for large values of dSP since the
variance of channel estimation error, i.e., σ2SP increases. The end-to-end performance is limited by the FSO link.
variance of channel estimation error, i.e., σ2SR can be seen to Fig. 5 demonstrates the impact of number of antennas (NR )
have a significant impact on the outage probability. At outage at the relay on the end-to-end outage performance of the
probability 2 × 10−3 , the interference threshold at the primary system for various values of the interference threshold PA .
user has to be raised by approximately 3 dB as σ2SR increases For this simulation, the SU-TXs and PU-RXs are assumed to
from 0 to 0.05. Therefore, it is essential to design efficient be mobile with speed 17 mph, σeSR,j 2 = 1, ∀j , and imper-
schemes for channel estimation as well as pilot placement, fect channel estimates are considered at the relay, SU-TXs
with σSR,j 2
= σSP
which reduce the deterioration of the system outage probability ,j = 0.1, ∀j . It can be observed in Fig. 5
for the same pilot overhead. that the system performance can be significantly enhanced by
Fig. 3 illustrates the effect of preamble versus midamble increasing the number of antennas at the relay. For example,
for channel estimation at the relay where the midamble, i.e., the outage probability with PA = 10 dB reduces from 0.1
L = 25 can be seen to result in a significantly lower outage to 0.001 as NR increases from 2 to 4. However, the system

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Fig. 5. Impact of number of antennas (NR ) on outage performance Fig. 7. Error performance of a cognitive DF MIMO-RF/FSO DF cooperative
with moderate atmospheric turbulence and average relay-eNodeB SNR system with γ̄RD = PA = 20 dB, strong turbulence (α = 5.0711, β =
γ̄RD = 20 dB. 1.1547, Hl = 0.8159), and (a) fixed standard deviation of the pointing error
displacement σs (b) fixed beam-width radius we .

Fig. 6. Error performance of a cognitive DF MIMO-RF/FSO DF cooperative Fig. 8. Outage performance of the primary network in the presence of
system with average relay-eNodeB SNR γ̄RD = 20 dB. cognitive transmission with static nodes, perfect channel estimates, PM =
10 dBW, and fixed primary transmit power PU = 20 dBW.

experiences an outage floor as NR increases further. This is

owing to the fact that the end-to-end system performance is The impact of FSO link pointing errors on the end-to-end
dominated by the FSO link. error rate performance is further analyzed in Fig. 7, where the
The error rate performance of the cognitive RF/FSO trans- SU-TXs are assumed to be mobile with a speed of 40 mph and
mission with moderate atmospheric turbulence is demonstrated only imperfect channel estimates are available at the SU-TXs
in Fig. 6 under various node mobility conditions, where imper- and relay with σ2SR ,j = σ2SP ,j = 0.05, ∀j at the beginning of
fect channel estimates are assumed to be available using each frame. It can be clearly seen that end-to-end performance
preamble with σ2SR ,j = σ2SP ,j = 0.05, ∀j . Firstly, it can significantly degrades with the increase in standard deviation
be seen that the analytical values obtained using (19) exactly σs of the pointing error displacement. On the other hand, the
match with the simulated ones, thus validating the analytical performance can be significantly enhanced by increasing the
framework derived. Second, similar to outage performance, beam-width radius we .
improvement in the end-to-end probability of error can also Finally, Fig. 8 demonstrates the impact of cognitive trans-
be observed for the scenario when only the PU-RXs are mission on the outage performance of the primary 2×2 MIMO
mobile. Further, one can also observe that the cognitive system network wherein the Alamouti code is used for transmission
performance experiences the error floor derived in (28) at high with fixed transmit power PU = 20 dB. It can be clearly seen
values of PA . For the scenarios when either each of the SU- that the outage performance of the primary network signifi-
TX and PU-RX nodes are static or only PU-RXs are mobile, cantly degrades as the peak interference power PA increases.
the system experiences an asymptotic floor at high PA due to This is due to the fact that a high value of PA results in high
the weak FSO link, as can be seen in Fig. 6. However, for interference at the primary receiver. Fig. 8 also compares the
the scenario when only the SU-TXs are mobile with 25 or performance with that of our existing scheme proposed in [23],
45 mph, the end-to-end system performance is dominated by which considers only the fixed interference power constraint
the cognitive RF link and experiences the floor due to SU-TX for the cognitive transmission, while neglecting the propor-
mobility. tional interference power constraint. The proposed scheme

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[1] I. S. Ansari, M. M. Abdallah, M.-S. Alouini, and K. A. Qaraqe, “Outage MIMO-RF/FSO cooperative relay networks,” IEEE Commun. Lett.,
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[6] E. Dahlman, S. Parkvall, and J. Skold, 4G: LTE/LTE-Advanced [29] Y. Khattabi and M. M. Matalgah, “Performance analysis of AF coop-
for Mobile Broadband. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Academic, erative networks with time-varying links: Outage probability,” in Proc.
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[7] N. I. Miridakis, M. Matthaiou, and G. K. Karagiannidis, “Multiuser [30] Y. Khattabi and M. M. Matalgah, “Conventional AF cooperative proto-
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[8] V. Tarokh, H. Jafarkhani, and A. R. Calderbank, “Space-time block 2015, pp. 13–18.
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Nov. 1, 2011. vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 427–434, Jan. 2016.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on February 21,2022 at 17:29:17 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

[33] H. S. Wang and P.-C. Chang, “On verifying the first-order Markovian Neeraj Varshney (S’10) received the B.Tech. degree
assumption for a Rayleigh fading channel model,” IEEE Trans. Veh. in electronics and communication engineering from
Technol., vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 353–357, May 1996. Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, India,
[34] M. Hanif, H.-C. Yang, and M.-S. Alouini, “Receive antenna selection in 2008 and the M.Tech. degree in electronics
for underlay cognitive radio with instantaneous interference constraint,” and communication engineering from the Jaypee
IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 738–742, Jun. 2015. Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India,
[35] N. Varshney, A. K. Jagannatham, and P. K. Varshney, “Technical in 2011. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree
report: Cognitive MIMO-RF/FSO cooperative relay communica- with the Electrical Engineering Department, Indian
tion with mobile nodes and imperfect channel state informa- Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. Since 2018,
tion,” IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, India, Rep., 2017, [Online]. Available: he has been a Visiting Research Fellow with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
[36] G. Bansal, M. J. Hossain, and V. K. Bhargava, “Optimal and sub- Science, Syracuse University, NY, USA. His research interests are in signal
optimal power allocation schemes for OFDM-based cognitive radio processing, communications, and networks which include digital communi-
systems,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 4710–4718, cation, MIMO technology, molecular communication. From 2011 to 2012,
Nov. 2008. he was a Project Research Fellow with the Jaypee Institute of Information
[37] A. A. Farid and S. Hranilovic, “Outage capacity optimization for free- Technology.
space optical links with pointing errors,” J. Lightw. Technol, vol. 25,
no. 7, pp. 1702–1710, Jul. 2007. Aditya K. Jagannatham (S’04–M’05) received
[38] M. Niu, J. Cheng, and J. F. Holzman, “Error rate performance com- the bachelor’s degree from the Indian Institute
parison of coherent and subcarrier intensity modulated optical wireless of Technology Bombay and the M.S. and
communications,” IEEE/OSA J.Opt. Commun. Netw., vol. 5, no. 6, Ph.D. degrees from the University of California
pp. 554–564, Jun. 2013. at San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA. From
[39] A. Jeffrey and D. Zwillinger, Table of Integrals, Series, and Products. 2007 to 2009, he was employed as a Senior
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Academic, 2007. Wireless Systems Engineer with Qualcomm Inc.,
[40] I. S. Ansari, M.-S. Alouini, and F. Yilmaz. (2013). A Unified San Diego, where he researched on developing 3G
Performance Analysis of Free-Space Optical Links Over Gamma- UMTS/WCDMA/HSDPA mobile chipsets as part
Gamma Turbulence Channels With Pointing Errors. [Online]. Available: of the Qualcomm CDMA technologies division. His research interests are in the area of next-generation
[41] C. Zhong, T. Ratnarajah, and K.-K. Wong, “Outage analysis of decode- wireless communications and networking, sensor and ad-hoc networks, digital
and-forward cognitive dual-hop systems with the interference constraint video processing for wireless systems, wireless 3G/4G cellular standards,
in Nakagami-m fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 60, and CDMA/OFDM/MIMO wireless technologies. He has contributed to the
no. 6, pp. 2875–2879, Jul. 2011. 802.11n high throughput wireless LAN standard. Since 2009, he has been a
[42] P. J. Smith, P. A. Dmochowski, H. A. Suraweera, and M. Shafi, “The Faculty Member with the Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Kanpur,
effects of limited channel knowledge on cognitive radio system capac- where he is currently an Associate Professor, and is also associated with
ity,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 927–933, Feb. the BSNL-IITK Telecom Center of Excellence. He has also delivered a set
2013. of video lectures on advanced 3G and 4G wireless mobile communications
[43] W. Jaafar, T. Ohtsuki, W. Ajib, and D. Haccoun, “Impact of the CSI on for the Ministry of Human Resource Development funded initiative National
the performance of cognitive relay networks with partial relay selection,” Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning. He was a recipient of the
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 673–684, Feb. 2016. CAL(IT)2 fellowship for pursuing graduate studies at the University of
[44] N. Varshney and A. K. Jagannatham, “MIMO-STBC based multiple California at San Diego, the Upendra Patel Achievement Award for his
relay cooperative communication over time-selective Rayleigh fading efforts towards developing HSDPA/HSUPA/HSPA+ WCDMA technologies
links with imperfect channel estimates,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., at Qualcomm in 2009, the P.K. Kelkar Young Faculty Research Fellowship
vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 6009–6025, Jul. 2017. from 2012 to 2015 for excellence in research at IIT Kanpur, and the Gopal
[45] B. K. Chalise and L. Vandendorpe, “Outage probability analysis of a Das Bhandari Memorial Distinguished Teacher Award for the year 2012 and
MIMO relay channel with orthogonal space-time block codes,” IEEE 2013 for excellence in teaching.
Commun. Lett., vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 280–282, Apr. 2008.
[46] The Wolfarm Functions Site. [Online]. Available: Pramod K. Varshney (S’72–M’77–SM’82–F’97–
http:/ LF’18) was born in Allahabad, India, in 1952.
[47] J. M. Romero-Jerez and A. J. Goldsmith, “Performance of multichannel He received the B.S. degree (Hons.) in electrical
reception with transmit antenna selection in arbitrarily distributed engineering and computer science and the M.S.
Nagakami fading channels,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
no. 4, pp. 2006–2013, Apr. 2009. the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign,
[48] I. S. Ansari, S. Al-Ahmadi, F. Yilmaz, M.-S. Alouini, and Champaign, IL, USA, in 1972, 1974, and 1976,
H. Yanikomeroglu, “A new formula for the BER of binary modula- respectively, and the Doctor of Engineering degree
tions with dual-branch selection over Generalized-K composite fading (honoris causa) from Drexel University in 2014.
channels,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 2654–2658, Oct. Since 1976, he has been with Syracuse University,
2011. Syracuse, NY, USA, where he is currently a
[49] H. Chergui, M. Benjillali, and S. Saoudi, “Performance analysis of Distinguished Professor of electrical engineering and computer science and
project-and-forward relaying in mixed MIMO-pinhole and Rayleigh the Director of the Center for Advanced Systems and Engineering and served
dual-hop channel,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 610–613, as the Associate Chair of the Department from 1993 to 1996. He is also an
Mar. 2016. Adjunct Professor of radiology with Upstate Medical University, Syracuse.
[50] M. Shah, “On generalizations of some results and their applications,” He has published extensively. He has authored a book entitled Distributed
Collectanea Mathematica, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 249–266, 1973. Detection and Data Fusion (New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997). His current
[51] B. L. Sharma and R. F. A. Abiodun, “Generating function for generalized research interests are in distributed sensor networks and data fusion, detec-
function of two variables,” in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 46, no. 1, tion and estimation theory, wireless communications, image processing, radar
pp. 69–72, 1974. signal processing, and remote sensing. He was a recipient of the 1981 ASEE
[52] J. Lee, H. Wang, J. G. Andrews, and D. Hong, “Outage probability Dow Outstanding Young Faculty Award, the IEEE 2012 Judith A. Resnik
of cognitive relay networks with interference constraints,” IEEE Trans. Award, the ECE Distinguished Alumni Award from UIUC in 2015, and the
Wireless Commun., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 390–395, Feb. 2011. Third Millennium Medal from the IEEE and the Chancellor’s Citation for
[53] H. Ding, J. Ge, D. B. da Costa, and Z. Jiang, “Asymptotic analysis of exceptional academic achievement at Syracuse University in 2000. He was
cooperative diversity systems with relay selection in a spectrum-sharing the Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Data Fusion of the P ROCEEDINGS
scenario,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 457–472, Feb. OF THE IEEE in 1997. He is on the Editorial Board of the Journal on
2011. Advances in Information Fusion. He was the President of International Society
[54] A. K. Meshram, D. S. Gurjar, and P. K. Upadhyay, “Joint impact of Information Fusion in 2001. He was a James Scholar, a Bronze Tablet
of nodes-mobility and channel estimation error on the performance Senior, and a fellow while at the University of Illinois. He is a member of
of two-way relay systems,” Phys. Commun., vol. 23, pp. 103–113, Tau Beta Pi. He was elected to the grade of fellow of the IEEE in 1997 for
Jun. 2017. his contributions in the area of distributed detection and data fusion.

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