1° Medio Inglés Ejercicios Personal Pronouns and Verb To Be Semana 12 16 Abril

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ENGLISH / 1st GRADE / 1st SEMESTER 2021 / UNIT: 0

GRADE 1st ___ DATE

I. Write the correct personal pronoun. (escribe el pronombre personal correcto)

1 How old are ….............. Sara?

2 Tom and Tim are twins. ……………. are both twelve.
3 My name is Kate. …………… am a student.
4 Peter and I are friends. …………….. like football and tennis.
5 Mike is from England. …………… likes Maths.
6 …………. is the number five bus.
7 That’s Mike’s brother. ……………. works in a supermarket.
8 My sister is called Jane. ………….. is fifteen.
9 What’s your city like? …………… is small but quiet.
10 My mum’s name is Wendy. ……………. is a nurse.
11 My parents aren’t at home. ……………. are at work.
12 Are ……………. married? No, I am single.

II. Replace all the subjects with personal pronouns and write again the sentence. (reemplaza
todos los sujetos con pronombres personales y escribe de nuevo la oración)

1. Mary likes sweets. ______________________________

2. The Browns had dinner with Tom and Ann. ___________________________________

3. John gave the flowers to his grandmother. ____________________________________

4. The cat chased the mouse. ________________________________________________

5. Sarah and I don’t like meat. _______________________________________________

6. Alan phoned Jane. __________________________________

7. Mark doesn’t like that boy. ___________________________________________

III. Complete the sentences with the correct verb to be. (completa las oraciones con el
verbo to be correcto)

0. My teacher ……………………… American.

1. We ………………… at school.
2. Where …………… my dictionary?
3. What ………… it?
4. I ………… eleven years old.
5. ………… you OK?
6. We ………… students.
7. Murray ………… my brother.
8. Susan and Sarah ………… my friends.
9. I …………… from Spain.
10. John ………… English.

IV. Reorder the sentences according to the structure learnt in class. (reordena las
oraciones de acuerdo a la estructura aprendida en clases).

1. I / not / a teacher. / am ___________________________

2. She / my mother. / is ___________________________

3. The boys / playful. / are ___________________________

4. The girl / in the room. / is ___________________________

5. We / not / are / at home. ___________________________

5. My dad / smart. / is ___________________________

6. My mother / a housewife. / is ___________________________

7. She / not / my sister. / is ___________________________

8. The teacher / angry. / is ___________________________

9. The dog / in the kennel. / is ___________________________

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