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Q1- Sustainability refers to the ability to meet present needs without compromising the ability of

future generations to meet their own needs. In the context of agriculture, sustainability involves
practices that ensure the long-term health of the environment, society, and economy. This can
include techniques that promote soil health, conserve water, and reduce the use of harmful

i- Ratooning: Ratooning is the agricultural practice of allowing a crop plant (such as sugarcane)
to regrow after the initial harvest from the same root system.

ii- Harvesting: Harvesting is the process of gathering mature crops from the field, typically done
when the crops are at their peak of ripeness and ready for consumption or further processing.

iii- Threshing: Threshing is the step in agriculture where the edible part of grain (such as wheat
or rice) is separated from the husk or chaff through methods like beating, rubbing, or using

Q3- Cash-crop farming has the potential to contribute significantly to Pakistan's agricultural
development through various channels. Firstly, by cultivating cash crops, the country can
experience a boost in economic growth as these crops often yield substantial revenue from
international markets. Moreover, the practice creates employment opportunities along the
supply chain, particularly benefiting rural communities and addressing unemployment concerns.
Additionally, the successful cultivation of cash crops can augment foreign exchange reserves
through increased exports. However, it's essential to consider potential drawbacks. Relying
solely on cash crops might lead to the neglect of essential food crops, posing a threat to food
security. Intensive farming of cash crops could exacerbate environmental issues such as
resource overuse, soil degradation, and excessive pesticide application. Furthermore, the
inherent price volatility in the global market can result in unpredictable incomes for farmers
heavily dependent on cash crops. Therefore, a balanced approach that prioritizes food security,
sustainability, and crop diversification is crucial for Pakistan's comprehensive agricultural

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