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Ladies and gentlemen,

I am here to talk about our topic today, which is Covid-19 lockdowns do more harm than
good. And I’m totally agreeing with that. While lockdowns were initially implemented as a
necessary measure to control the spread of the corona virus, they have also brought with
them several negative consequences that are worth discussing.

I’m starting my points with lockdowns have led to a significant increase in mental health
issues. The isolation and lack of social interaction that come with lockdowns have left many
people feeling lonely, anxious, and depressed. The lack of routine and purpose, along with
financial instability, have also contributed to increased levels of stress and anxiety. As an
example, many workers in Singapore were unable to return to their home countries
because of the lockdown. This caused many of them to miss their family members, their
children, their spouse.

Furthermore, lockdowns have had a severe impact on the economy of a country and it’s
civilians. Many small businesses have been forced to close their doors, resulting in job
losses and financial hardship for many individuals and families. The ripple effect of this
economic downturn is likely to be felt for years to come. Even though they started small
online businesses, it didn’t went well for most of them.

Thirdly, lockdowns have disrupted education and learning for millions of students around
the world. While some schools and universities have adapted to remote learning, many
students have faced challenges with technology, internet access, and lack of socialization,
leading to a potential decline in academic performance.

Fourthly, lockdowns have increased levels of domestic violence and child abuse. With
families forced to stay at home for extended periods of time, tensions and stress levels
have risen, leading to an increase in violence and abuse within households.

Lastly, lockdowns have had an impact on physical health, with many people unable to access
routine medical care or regular exercise. This has resulted in delayed diagnoses and
treatment for some medical conditions, and an increase in sedentary behavior, which can
have long-term health consequences.

In conclusion, I end my speech by saying Covid-19 lockdowns definitely do more harm than
good. That’s all by me.Thank you.

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