Pre Test IPHP

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Pre-Test in Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and analyze each statement/question carefully. On your answer sheet, write the letter of
the best answer.

1.It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings and actions and learn from
A. reflection B. questioning C. wondering D. reasoning
2. What is the science and art of correct thinking?
A. Ethics B. Aesthetics C. Metaphysics D. Logic
3. The type of philosophical reflection which trains the mind to think logically. Also it is the ability of the mind to
construct and evaluate arguments
A. Secondary reflection B. Tertiary reflection C. Primary reflection D. all of the above
4. One of the triumvirate Greek philosophers who pioneered a method of argument called dialectic.
A. Plato B. Socrates C. Pythagoras D. Aristotle
5. It is considered as the process of thinking about something in a logical way in order to form a conclusion or
A. reasoning B. Proposition C. argument D. Reflection
6. In our daily lives we encounter events, situations or issues that we need to ponder and think deeply. This activity
which requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings and actions and learn from experience is related to
the concept of:
A. philosophical reflection C. philosophical wondering
B. philosophical questioning D. philosophical reasoning
7. Imagine that you are in Boracay walking with Thales. He is convincing you that the only reality is water. Would you
believe in him?
A. No, because I had my own belief.
B. Yes, because Thales belongs to the school of monists which believes that only one kind of stuff exists.
C. Either yes or no, I will have my own investigation that is based on the data and reason presented.
D. Neither yes nor no until it is proven true.
8. According to Gabriel Marcel this type of reflection enables us to look deeper into our experiences and see the
bigger picture of reality.
A. Secondary reflection B. Tertiary reflection C. Primary reflection D. all of the above
9. Identify which statement describes the difference between holism and partial thinking.
A. Holism is a perspective that looks at the “big picture” while partial thinking focuses on the specific aspect of the
B. Holism is a perspective that looks at the specific aspects of the situation while partial thinking looks at the big
C. Holism requires us to focus on a certain aspect of the problem while partial thinking requires us to have an open
D. All of the above
10. According to the importance of studying philosophy, what can it offer us?
A. Know the different philosophers and their philosophies in life?
B. See the downs and lows in the development and history of philosophy.
C. Survey the achievements of the different philosophers in various periods of history.
D. Enhances our minds, understand what we encounter every day, and value our judgement.
11. Beliefs and statements are true if they are consistent with actual state of affairs.
A. correspondence B. coherence C. pragmatic D. deflationary
12. Beliefs that lead to the best "payoff", that are the best justification of our actions that promote success, are truths.
A. pragmatic theory B. semantic theory C. correspondence theory D. coherence theory
13. Check the headline information fair, objective, and moderate
A. It’s time to consider other means of cash aid distribution
B. Other countries around the world have much better means in cash aid distribution
C. Government vows to faster distribution of coronavirus aid
D. We can also learn lesson from Vietnam how they distribute their cash aid
14. Statements are true on the degree to which it "hangs together" with all the other beliefs in a system of beliefs.
A. pragmatic B. coherence C. deflationary D. correspondence
15. The five senses are useful tools to verify the truthfulness of propositions.
A. coherence theory B. pragmatic theory C. correspondence theory D. semantic theory
16. Why do we need epistemology?
A. To overcome poverty B. To acquire and validate knowledge
C. To become geniuses D. To succeed in life
17. Knowledge is ultimately grounded on___________.
A. Emotions B. Convictions C. Beliefs D. Sense perception
18. Philosophers who believed that knowledge is based on sense perception.
A. Idealists B. Rationalists C. Empiricists D. Nominalists
19. Identify which of the following statements is factual?
1. My brother arrived at 11 pm.
2. My brother always come home late because he is a good for nothing individual.
3. Man is a living organism.
4. Free trade simply promotes the selfish greed of businessmen.
A. 1 and 4 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 4
20. Identify which statements above are mere opinions.
A. 1 and 3 B. 2 and 4 C. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 4
21. Marie is very cheerful and friendly to her classmates. What aspect of the human person is being described in the
a. Cognitive Self b. Physical Self c. Psychological Self d. Sociological Self
22. A criminal who have committed a very heinous offense can still be considered a human person despite of his
cruelty and inhumane act. The statement is ___________.
a. True, the dignity is still retained in spite of his actions because it is his inherent right.
b. False, the dignity of humans are removed once they don’t treat other people just and right.
c. Neither a nor b
d. None of the above
23. Carlo is a tall person with brown hair and brown eyes. What aspect of the human person is being described in the
a. Cognitive Self b. Physical Self c. Psychological Self d. Sociological Self
24. Which of the following is NOT an essential component of the human person?
a. Conscience b. Mind c. Soul d. Spirit
25. It is the term used to describe humans who are not just mere humans different from animals but with inherent birth
rights and exact origin of his/her classification.
a. Human being b. Human creature c. Human nature d. Human person
26. It is a general term which refers to the deepest and natural behavior of a person that distinguish human from
animals. It consists of collective traits that formed and considered the very essence of humanity.
a. Human being b. Human nature c. Man d. Person
27. This is a way of taking care of the animals by means of breeding and reproduction.
a. Alienation b. Domestication c. Gathering d. Hunting
28. James told us that his grandparents were products of a society that deals with the importance of owning a land.
Which among the forms of society where James’ grandparents live?
a. Agricultural b. Feudal c. Horticulture d. Industrial
29. The Western countries are known to be the pioneer of industrial revolution, meanwhile, the Philippines is known
for ________.
a. Agricultural b. Horticulture c. Industrial d. Post Industrial
30. Which among the forms of society deals with the use of specialized
machinery for the mass production of goods and services?
a. Horticulture b. Hunting and Gathering c. Industrial d. Post Industrial
31. Marico is a seasoned historian who loves to tell stories about the significant exit of agricultural society after the
emergence of technology which eventually led to another form of society. Which among the forms of society does
Marico refer to?
a. Horticulture b. Hunting and Gathering c. Industrial d. Post Industrial
32. Miguel is known as the best breeder and producer of livestock in his town where he took care of animals to be the
best available food in the market. Which among the following traditional activity where Miguel’s work falls under to?
a. Alienation b. Domestication c. Gathering d. Hunting
33. Shey shared a story of her grandparents about the importance of owning a land during their time. Which among
the form of society where Shey’s grandparents is referring to?
a. Agricultural b. Feudal c. Horticulture d. Industrial
34. Ara told us that Western Countries are known to be the pioneer of Industrial revolution. She is a pure Filipino by
blood but was born and raised in Europe. Can you help Ara be informed of what her country (Philippines) is known
a. Agricultural b. Horticulture c. Industrial d. Post Industrial
35. Rose is still looking for an answer of which form of society deals with the use of specialized machinery
a. Agricultural b. Horticulture c. Industrial d. Post Industrial

II. Directions: Write the word “TRUE” if the statement is correct and “FALSE” if not.

36. Freedom is just an idea, a manifestation of the concept of past philosophers, but the reality is we are not free.
37. Causal determinism dictates that the body is physical, every event involving the body is determined.
38. For Aristotle, Social Contract is surrendering some rights or contract that binds with others under the gov’t
39. The commitment of volition is not always associated with emotions, as well as logic.
40. For Hobbes, our freedom should be in constant love and therefore follows truthfulness and goodness.

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