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Volume 1, Issue 1 Newsletter: September 2011

G ov e r n o r d e G r a a f f S c h o o l

GdG News
In this Issue Opening Schoolyear New Board Governor de Graaff School Message Principle GdG School Message President Schoolboard Teacher Christina Timber-Glover Compulsory School Law
Dear Parents and Guardians, It is with great pleasure that I welcome back our returning students and wish to extend a very warm welcome to our new students and their families who have come to join our Governor de Graaff community This year three new teachers have joined Governor de Graaff, and I would like to welcome Teacher Zila, Meneer Roel and Teacher Elska. Our primary goal is to assure that your child (ren) experiences a positive and productive school year in which they will selfactualize and grow academically, emotionally, and morally. As research continuously underscores the fact that the more involved parents are in their childrens schooling the more successful students are in school, parents are invited to become involved in the school life of their children and in the life of the school. I wish your family and all our students a creative, industrious, and fulfilling 2011-2012 school year. Sincerely, Floyd Woodley, Principal


New School Board of the Governor de Graaff School

In picture L to R, Brenda v. Putten, Cherida Creebsburg, Florence Marlin. Not pictured: Gene Herbert & Wilma van Zoest

On May 31, 2011 a new school board was appointed by the Executive Council of the Public Entity St. Eustatius. The board consist of the President Ms. Cherida Creebsburg, Secretary Ms. Wilma van Zoest and the treasurer position is held by Ms. Florence Marlin. Mr. Gene Herbert and

Ms. Brenda van Putten, both members, complete this team of individuals who since being appointed have embarked on a very important task. With the implementation of the BES Education law, the school board along with the staff,

parents and all stakeholders involved have a huge challenge ahead. The GdG School Board is ready, able willing and capable to do all that is necessary to achieve all the goals and objectives that have been set.



Message from President GdG School Board

Dear Parents/Guardians, Teachers, students and other stakeholders in Education, With a feeling of hope for the future, I address you in our first newsletter. This newsletter is made by the School Board to make the first step towards a better communication between the school and home. To me, good communication is very important, so together we can provide our students with a safe climate and quality education. We want to work together with everyone on improvement in education. The input of parents/guardians is very important in this process, therefore we want to establish a platform in the form of a P.T.A. (Parent Teachers Association). Because the School Board and Management want to introduce the newsletter as part of their school policy, we would like to ask your input as well. We are therefore asking from you to submit interesting, loving and nice articles for our future newsletters. In closing, I would like to say that together we can work towards a beautiful and safe school, where our children love to go to learn and grow. We of the school board, teachers and management will work towards that and ask from you to assist wherever and whenever you can. Sincerely, Cherida Creebsburg President

He who opens a school door, closes a prison

Important Educational Changes

We would like to inform you about the changes that are lying ahead of us. These changes are the rules and laws which now are implemented for the BES Islands, in particular for the Education on the BES Islands. In March 2011, there was an Education conference held on Bonaire and during this conference the Education Agenda was made and presented to the three Islands. The strive is that in 2016 all schools from the BES Islands must be comparable to the average school in the Netherlands. The School Board of the Governor de Graaff School sees this as a great challenge, it expect everyones input, especially from the School Board and management. The beauty of this challenge is that the ultimate goal will be that all children from St. Eustatius will receive a better quality education and their possibilities and chances will increase. That is the reason that this Board will do everything in its power to make this challenge a great success. One of the changes that will slowly be implemented is the language. We as a school want to give our students a good start before they go to the secondary education. That is why a lot of attention will be given to more and better education in the Dutch language, besides a good knowledge of the English language. To reach this, we will help those students, who have arrears. We are presently busy with developing a plan to give extra language and reading education, the same counts for math. Besides that, we would also like to stimulate the creative talents of the students, with the goal to help them discover their wonderful talents.



Compulsory Education Law

In keeping with the Compulsory Education Law BES, all children on St.Eustatius must attend school. Compulsory education goes into effect from the first day of the month following a childs fourth (4th) birthday until the end of the school year in which the child turns 16 years old, or at the end of the 12th school year. Children four (4) years old are required be enrolled in and attend school. The entire primary school period counts as 8 school years, even if in reality a child completes it a shorter time.

(Part I)
of these visits and appreciates your cooperation in scheduling appointments outside of school hours when possible. When an appointment is scheduled during school hours, you are required to pick up your child at school (and bring them back). The school will not be sending any child home or to an appointment alone. When students are required to travel for medical reasons, parents must have a doctors letter stamped and signed by the school as proof of permission for travel during school time. In our next issue of GdG News we will bring you part II

Supervision The executive council of St.Eustatius supervises the adherence to Compulsory Education Law BES and has appointed a Compulsory Education Officer to perform this task. Reporting Sick If your child cannot attend school due to illness or any other reason, you are obligated to report this to the school by telephone, in person or in writing at the beginning of the school day. Informing the school of the reason for the childs absence is important, especially in cases of transmittable sickness with the potential risk of infection for other students. Visits to Doctor, dentist etc. The school must be informed

Thank You Teacher Kris

At the start of new school year we were no longer graced with the presence of Teacher Christina TimberGlover, affectionately called Teacher Kris. Teacher Kris has been with the Governor de Graaff school for the past nineteen years. As a devoted and much loved teacher she willed be missed by all at the GdG School. Teacher Kris has embarked on a new chapter in her career as a Remedial Teacher at the Expertise Center. Thank you Teacher Kris and much success.

A child miseducated is a child lost.

Parent & Teacher Involvement

Raising children is not an easy task. Children today want to be treated as equal partners and that requires a different approach of parenting. Globally you see that parents are being assisted in this through various trainings and methods. The School Board would therefore also like to offer the parents the possibility to take part in an Active Parenting training. We would like to encourage all parents/guardians to sign up for this training and to participate. Participation does not mean that your parenting skills are not good, the training is there to better equip parents, for the time we live in. We would like to involve parents in the entire process of improving our education. By setting up a P.T.A., consisting of parents/guardians & teachers we can work together to reach this goal. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to sign up for this. You can do this by filling out the attached form and submit it to one of the School Board members.

Vision & Mission

Vision To provide a place where children feel safe and learn & develop with pleasure. The personal development of children is the essence. The various talents of our children plays a central role. It is our duty that our children are properly prepared for the future and that our teachers pay extra attention to the questions they might have. Natural curiosity to the world around is most welcomed and will be nurtured. Mission To guide our children in their development to become independent, responsible adults, who within their own possibilities will bring harmony and peace in their surroundings. We want to achieve: - That all children and teachers will go to school with pleasure - That there is attention and care for all our students - That all the necessary methods and material are available for every child - That all students develop socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually - That all students get meaningful education.

Fun Facts

Antarctica is the only continent without reptiles. They have square watermelons in Japan - they stack better. Over 1,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows. Thomas Edison, light bulb inventor, was afraid of the dark. More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones. Owls are the only birds who can see the color blue. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. A flamingo can eat only when its head is upside down. Soldiers from every country salute with their right hand.

Fall break: October 10 - 14

Governor de Graaff School

Telephone: 318 2321 Fax 318 2321 Email: Fiscal z/n St. Eustatius,D.C.

We are open to suggestions and ideas that you might have to make our newsletter a success. Please submit your suggestions and/or idea(s) to Ms. Isa Glover at the Governor de Graaff School.

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