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Nama : Ulfatun Khasanah

NIM : P1337420423002
Kelas : 1 A
No. Absen : 02

Simple Present Tense

1. + : Ulfa go to school every morning

- : Ulfa don’t go to school every morning

? : Do Ulfa go to school every morning ?

2. + : He sleeps with a blanket

- : He doesn’t sleep with a blanket

? : Does He sleep whit a blanket ?

3. + : We watch TV together

- : We don’t watch TV together

? : Do we watch TV together ?

4. + : My Mom cooks in the kitchen

- : My Mom doesn’t cook in the kitchen

? : Does my Mom cook in the kitchen ?

5. + : I drink coffe in the morning

- : I don’t drink coffe in the morning

? : Do I drink coffe in the morning ?

6. + : We go to Campus by motorcycle
- : We don’t go to Campus by motorcycle
? : Do we go to Campus by motorcycle ?

7. + : He talks to his mother

- : He doesn’t talk to his mother

? : Does he talk to his mother ?

8. + : They eat spicy food

- : They don’t eat spicy food

? : Do they eat spicy food ?

9. + : He plays game

- : He doesn’t play game

? : Does he play game ?

10. + : They talk a lot

- : They don’t talk a lot

? : Do they talk a lot ?

Simple Continuous Tense

1. + : Ulfa is going to school right now

- : Ulfa isn’t going to school right now

? : is Ulfa going to school right now ?

2. + : He is sleeping with a blanket

- : He isn’t sleeping with a blanket

? : is He sleeping whit a blanket ?
3. + : We are watching TV together

- : We aren’t watching TV together

? : are we watching TV together ?

4. + : My Mom is cooking in the kitchen

- : My Mom isn’t cooking in the kitchen

? : is my Mom cooking in the kitchen ?

5. + : I am drinking coffe right now

- : I am not drinking coffe right now

? : am I drinking coffe right now ?

6. + : We are going to Campus by motorcycle

- : We aren’t going to Campus by motorcycle

? : are we going to Campus by motorcycle ?

7. + : He is talking to his mother

- : He isn’t talking to his mother

? : is he talking to his mother ?

8. + : They are eating spicy food

- : They aren’t eating spicy food

? : are they eating spicy food ?

9. + : He is playing game

- : He isn’t playing game

? : is he playing game ?
10. + : They are talking a lot

- : They aren’t talking a lot

? : are they talking a lot ?

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