James Victore - Litter Poster Client Brief

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Bold & Fearless Poster Design with

James Victore


The Rules The new mayor of New York City is your brother-in-law. You have his full
Vertical format (portrait) confidence. With his trust and a good budget, he has tasked you with
6” x 9” the assignment of raising the awareness of ‘Litter’ in New York City with
300 dpi a poster campaign. Eventually you will create an entire suite or series of
jpeg posters under the guise of ‘Litter’ but first, he (‘he’ being me) wants to
see one.
No computer made work
will be accepted. Words are allowed, but just remember, this is a poster assignment—
2-dimensional works SHOW ME, don’t tell me.
only. No models or 3-D or
performance pieces. Spend your time thinking. Don’t waste time creating beautifully crafted
Do not sign your work. works, the idea should be beautiful and to the point.
Use any technique
necessary, drawing, collage, This is not an illustration course, it’s a thinking course. Form an opinion,
etc (except the computer, be specific. There are no correct solutions, there’s only your solution.
of course).
We are working in a rare atmosphere, leave the ‘professional’ concerns
submit work to: behind. This is a course on poster design, and in any commercial poster
poster@creativelive.com it’s likely that there would be a title, text, a logo etc.— let’s assume that
will be added after approval.
for live crit submit by:
Jan 13th, 2015 at 9am PST* We’re starting with the very first steps of having an idea before we run
amok with details.

Take your work as far as it needs to make a point, if it needs color, add
*after this date, upload your
work to the student gallery: One answer per student. Sorry, you gotta learn to edit your work.
Remember: All beginnings are hard.

with love, Victore

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