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 Redundant - no longer useful

 Prolonged - continuing for a long time or longer than usual
 Naïve – lack of experience
 Significant – worthy of attention
 Condolence - an expression of sympathy
 Repercussion – action
 Regardless – something does not matter
 Fragile – easily broken
 Fizzle out – will gradually end
 gratitude - the feeling or quality of being grateful: Synonym – thankfulness
 norms - normal or expected
 Persistent – continuing to exist
 Ambiguous – not clear
 heist – robber
 Apocalypse - destruction of the world
 Con artist - those who trick or cheat
 Realm - Domain
 Folly - foolishness
 Captivate - attract
 Intriguing - interesting
 dual - combat b/w 2 people with lethal weapons
 Emphasis - giving importance to something
 Pervasive - present everywhere
 Deliberate - consciously
 Absurd - illogical
 opting – choice
 courtesy - politeness behavior
 Aptitude – willing to learn new skills
 Giggle is laughing in a somewhat undignified or silly manner.
 considerable – large amount
 Amusing – causing of laughter
 Parley - negotiate with enemy
 Debunked - expose the falseness
 Coherent – logical and clear
 Optimist  - This person may genuinely believe that the situation is not as bad as it seems and that
things will eventually work out
 EAVESDROPPING – secretly listening to a conversation
 sophisticated - having a good understand about something
 Analogy - comparison
 Contingent - uncertain or depends
 A cliché is a phrase, expression, idea, or element that has been overused
 procurement - acquiring something through efforts
 Altering - process of changing
 conceptual - agreement of all people involved
 redeeming – VALUE, ex – the only redeeming thing is the life.
 apostasy – change of believe from one to other
 Facade - a kind of front people put up emotionally
 Provocative – cause anger
 Reminiscing – talk about the past experience that give pleasure
 Cohesive – something that sticks together

 Enticing - attractive
 despair - loss
 Residual - remaining after the greater part has gone
 Cognitive – process of acquiring knowledge
 Perpetual - continuing in the same way
 Imply – indicate the truth or existence of (something) by suggestion
 anticipation - process or act upon
 solitude – along or Isolated
 Obscure – not discovered or known about, uncertain
 sanction - approval or punishment
 distortion - act of changing something that appear different from reality
 Serenity - calm and peaceful mind
 eerie - strange
 Exertion – physical or mental effort
 perceptible – things that are noticed
 preconceived notion - While similar to a stereotype, fixed thoughts or beliefs that might not
necessarily be negative or harmful like stereotypes often are.
 Chuckle - is usually used with mild amusement. When a person tries to restrain a laugh, it’s
become Chuckle. His/her body starts to slightly shake and makes a little bit of clucking sound.
 intimated – to let someone know what you think in indirect way, or hint
 escalade – increase rapidly
 evade – avoid
 remediate - to correct or make right. Ex - If you accidentally ran over your neighbor's bike with
your car, you could remediate the bad situation by paying for the bike's repair.
 Trivialize - make it seem less important than it really is.
 Pertinent – relevant
 Enigma – bit of mystery
 Elude – escape form or avoid
 Intimately – in a way that involves detailed knowledge
 Absolution – forgiveness
 Eloquently – fluent
 Allude - It's a way of conveying a message or idea without going into full detail.
 Quirky – doing something in your own unique and funny way
 Remnant – small part left after the bigger part is gone
 ominous – something bad is going to happen
 Substantial – considerable
 Agitated – feeling nervous
 Detrimental – harmful and negative effect
 Synergy – 2 group are working together and doing good
 Vague – uncertain
 Plethora – large amount of something
 Juxtaposition – comparing something side by side which is contrast, like everything is fair in love
and war, means here we are comparing love and war which is total contrast
 Possession – having controlled by someone
 Fictitious – not real
 Sew – repair by making stitches with needle
 Scruple – doubt with regard to morality
 Philanthropy – desire to promote the welfare of other, like donation of money
 Incentive – a thing that motivates to encourages someone to do something
 avenue – a broad road, use – it is a great investment avenue for these people
 layman – a person who is not qualified
 adequate – satisfactory, ex – it doesn’t generate adequate amount of money
 jarring - shocking, surprising, or disturbing
 Idle – pointless, ex - the money is just left idle
 Delightful – pleasure, joy , ex – I am really delightful
 Preliminary – something that comes before something else, ex – this is preliminary round so
don’t lose.
 Eventually – finally
 Introspection – to look inside, ex – one must introspect
 Precise – accurate
 Concise – clear
 nodded – move your head down and then up
 simultaneously – at the same time
 comprehend – to understand something, ex – this is not comprehensive means its not
 empathy is about feeling with someone, while sympathy is about feeling for someone.
 Evected – forcing someone to leave
 frightening – making someone afraid or anxious
 intimidation – having a frightening
 dichotomy – comparision of 2 things which are contrast; love and peace
 remarkable – worthy of attnetion
 fortnight – once in every 15 days
 anticipation – feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the future
 imposter syndrome – when you feel like you’re not good enough
 Epiphany: A sudden realization or comprehension, often occurring when your mind is not
actively focused on a problem.
 Brainwave: A sudden and brilliant idea or inspiration that seems to come out of nowhere.
 Anticipation -
 Ascertaining
 Collates
 Caveat
 Spieling
 Anecdotal
 Jive
 Riff
 Improvise
 Trek -
 Scepticism –
 Skeptic –
 Reconciliation –
 Segue -
 Poignant -
 tethered
 elegant
 anticipation
 cognition
 calibration
 congruence
 robust
 Interpolate
 acquaintance
 Initiated
 Encroachers
 Propulsion
 Dubious
 Quirky
 Ammunition
 Subtle
 Resemble
 despised
 unrelenting
 feeble
 glance
 vivid
 strut
 agitation
 accompany
 nuance
 jaggedly
 accentuate
 vengeance
 transpired
 abrupt
 dizzying
 passivity
 idyllic
 melancholy
 methodical
 proportion
 intimate
 conviction
 refrained
 acquainted
 indebted
 exhibitions
 distil
 enriching
 psychopathology
 finesse
 oblivion
 striving
 instance
 shove it – go to hell
 plug
 acknowledge
 competence
 plundered
 pillaged
 ridden
 extraordinary
 shoestring
 disparaging
 hike
 draconian
 behoove
 anylation
 revamped
 distorted
 assert
 embed – something attached with something, ex – I have embedded this file in my notes
 condescending
 patronizing
 hesitation –
 lure
 pest of yourself
 cynics
 levied
 proliferated
 retrieve
 quadruple
 smooshed
 mushy
 hindrances
 avenue
 emulate
 apprentice
 succession
 liberation
 daunting
 temperament
 phenomena
 blossom
 emulating
 aptly
 incredulous
 rugged
 cult
 commune
 apparently
 obvious
 unfolded
 bred
 ingratiated
 lieutenant
 guillotine
 fate
 heinous
 breeze
 resentful
 beaded
 luminous
 rigorous
 hyperventilation
 arouse
 sought
 ranch
 hostile
 litigator
 adversary
 mundane
 dodging
 lush
 oasis
 austere
 glided
 eclectic
 immense
 stumble
 inhibitions
 thrive
 validity
 rebelling
 cunning
 hordes
 adequate
 hindsight
 vivacious
 amassed
 gridlock
 conviction
 fascinated
 stomachache
 seclusion
 irrevocable
 immense
 questioningly
 armored
 whereabouts
 porcelain
 rug
 facets
 enormous
 felonies
 taboos
 affirmative
 tremendous
 anticipate
 demolish
 vindictive
 enshrouded
 inflammatory
 artillery
 unsettling
 bizarre
 goon – foolish
 traumatized
 scrum
 winos
 knot
 chaotic
 unprecedented
 salmonella
 contamination
 plausible
 sabotage
 weavers
 outrageous
 despicable
 epidemic
 concrete
 implicated
 radical
 jeopardy
 connoisseur
 deportation
 ludicrous
 laryngitis
 paralegals
 rebutted
 amoral
 mores
 knack
 amassed
 apparent
 entrenched
 inmate
 remnants
 munitions
 uncanny
 commiseration
 destined
 perdition
 shunted
 trekking
 gallow
 dangling
 accustomed
 rasping
 hoarseness
 flung
 grotesque
 clung
 desperate
 reprieve
 captives
 cooped
 accommodate
 straightened
 instinctively
 grimy
 leisurely
 sinister
 inclination
 influx
 indicted
 insatiable
 nirvana
 tranquilizers
 ballots

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