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1. Psychology is:
a. the scientific study of behavior and mental processes of any living creature
b. a natural science integrating physiology and neurology
c. the study of human origins, evolution, and cultures
d. the deductive study of forms and functions of human groups
2. According to the biopsychosocial model, an inadequate diet is:
a. A biological factor
b. A psychological factor
C. A social factor
3. A psychologist is interested in finding out why married couples seemingly begin to look like each other
after several years of marriage. This psychologist is most interested in the goal of:
a. Description
b. Explanation
c. Prediction
d. Control
4. According to the biopsychosocial model, impaired reasoning and memory is:
a. A social factor
b. A biological factor
c. A psychological factor
5. According to the biopsychosocial model, having low self-efficacy is:
a. A social factor
b. A psychological factor
c. A biological factor
6. The field that studies the role of psychology in the development of physical health problems is:
a. Health Behavior Psychology
b. Psychology
c. Illness Psychology
d. Health Psychology
7. The psychoanalytic school of thought emphasizes the role of ______ in development:
a. subjective experiences, potentials, and ideals
b. physiology, genetics, biochemistry, and evolution
c. unconscious impulses, desires, and conflicts
d. external rewards and punishments
8. According to the ______, diseases either come from ______, the body, or originate as ______ , physical
changes. Such diseases may be caused by several factors (e.g. chemical imbalances, viruses, genetic
predisposition, etc.). Fill in the blanks.
a. Biomedical model, inside, external
b. Biomedical model, outside, internal
c. Hospital Model, outside, internal
d. Hospital Model, inside, external
9. Which of the following professionals in psychology has no medical training but has a doctoral degree?
a. Psychologist
b. Psychiatric Social Worker
c. Psychiatrist
d. Psychiatric Nurse
10. The biopsychosocial model suggests that:
a. A person's health behaviors are an automatic consequence of a given social context
b. A person's health is determined by the interaction of biological, psychological, and social processes
c. Psychological factors play an unimportant role in the treatment of chronic diseases
d. A healthy body is one that is free of diseases e. Pathogens and other biological factors are unimportant
when considering a person's health
11. Analyzing consciousness through introspection as well as reaction time techniques:
a. Wilhelm Wundt
b. Charles Darwin
c. William James
d. Edward Titchener
12. Which of the following is NOT a theoretical framework with ties to health psychology?
a. direct and indirect pathways between psychology and health
b. health and illness continuum
c. biomedical model
d. biopsychosocial model e. a focus on variability
13. Which perspectives is often referred to as the "third force" in psychology and focuses on a person's
freedom of choice in determining their behavior:
a. Behaviorism
b. Humanism
c. Biopsychological perspective
d. Cognitive psychology
14. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis focused on:
a. Early childhood experiences
b. Observable behavior
c. Gestalt perceptions
d. Introspection
15. According to the biopsychosocial model, stigma preventing someone from accessing treatment is:
a. A psychological factor
b. A biological factor
c. A social factor
16. Which perspective would a researcher be taking if she were studying a client's early childhood experiences
and his resulting developing self:
a. Psychodynamic
b. Behavioral
c. Cognitive
d. Evolutionary
17. According to the biopsychosocial model, poor sleep is:
a. A social factor
b. A psychological factor
c. A biological factor
18. According to the biopsychosocial model, inadequate exercise is:
a. A biological factor
b. A psychological factor
c. A social factor
19. field of psychology that concentrates on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders:
a. Health Psychology
b. Clinical Psychology
c. Developmental Psychology
d. Social Psychology
20. In the biopsychosocial (BPS) model, emotional behavior fits into the:
a. Psychological component
b. Biological component
c. Social component
d. Social and emotional component
21. Dr. Rosa identifies herself with the largest subfield of psychology, what kind of psychologist is she?
a. Counseling
b. Experimental
c. Clinical
d. School
22. The psychologist seeking to discover why sociopaths repeat destructive behavior is pursuing the scientific
goal of:
a. control
b. prediction
c. description
d. understanding
23. Which field of psychology would attribute behavior to a person's genes?
a. humanistic psychology
b. behavioral psychology
c. cognitive psychology
d. biological psychology
24. According to the biopsychosocial model, substance use/misuse is:
a. A social factor
b. A biological factor
c. A psychological factor
25. In the definition of psychology, the term behavior means:
a. Only animal behavior
b. Internal, covert processes
c. Overt actions and reactions
d. Outward behavior
26. In an experiment to study the effects of fertilizer on plants, the amount of fertilizer used on each plant
would be:
a. an irrelevant variable
b. an extraneous variable
c. the independent variable
d. the dependent variable
27. Current models of pain view pain as an automatic response to an external factor.
True or Which of the following are basic concepts in health psychology:
a. the understanding that illness can be caused by biological, psychological, and social factors
b. people are complex systems
c. All of the above
d. Social Integration
28. According to the biopsychosocial model, rumination is:
a. A social factor
b. A psychological factor
c. A biological factor
29. According to the biopsychosocial model, physical illness is:
a. A biological factor
b. A social factor
c. A psychological factor
30. According your readings on illness beliefs and mental health, stigma remains a fundamental barrier to
effective and efficient community treatment or recovery-oriented policies for mental health.
a. False
b. True
31. Placebos make patients feel better; they don’t actually get better
a. False
b. True
32. There are no negative effects of placebos
a. False
b. True
33. Placebos can reduce asthma and make wounds heal faster
a. False
b. True
34. Placebo therapy could be the end of biomedicine as we know it
a. False
b. True
35. Doctor’s can lie to patients if it is in the patient’s best interest.
a. False
b. True

1- a 2- a 3- c 4- c 5- b 6- d 7- c 8- a 9- a 10- b

11- a 12- c 13- b 14- a 15- a 16- a 17- c 18- a 19- b 20- d

21- a 22- d 23- d 24- b 25- b 26- c 27- a 28- b 29- a 30- b

31- a 32- a 33- b 34- a 35- a 36- 37- 38- 39- 40-
Placebo Effect-Questions with Answers
1- What is a placebo?
A: A placebo is a substance or treatment of no intended therapeutic value.
2- Common placebos include what?
A: Inert tablets (like sugar pills), inert injections (like saline), sham surgery, and
other procedures.
3- In drug testing and medical research, a placebo can be made to resemble an active
medication or therapy so that it functions as a what?
A: A control.
4- This is to prevent the recipient(s) or others from knowing (with their consent)
whether a treatment is what?
A: Active or inactive, as expectations about efficacy can influence results.
5- In a clinical trial any change in the placebo arm is known as what?
A: The placebo response and the difference between this and the result of no
treatment is the placebo effect.
6- A placebo may be given to a person in a clinical context in order to deceive the
recipient into thinking what?
A: That it is an active treatment.
7- The use of placebos as treatment in clinical medicine is ethically problematic as it
introduces what into the doctor–patient relationship?
A: Deception and dishonesty.
8- Placebos have no impact on disease itself; they can only affect the person's what?
A: Perception of their own condition.
9- In a clinical trial, a placebo response is what?
A: The measured response of subjects to a placebo.
10- What is the placebo effect?
A: The placebo effect is the difference between that response, and no treatment.
11- It is also part of the recorded response to any what?
A: Active medical intervention.
12- Any measurable placebo effect is termed what?
A: Either objective (e.g. lowered blood pressure) or subjective (e.g. a lowered
perception of pain).
13- Placebos have no meaningful what?
A: Therapeutic worth.
14- They have no effect on disease and can only affect some people's what?
A: Subjective judgment of their symptoms.
15- Children seem to have greater response than whom to placebos?
A: Adults.
16- Negative consequence is that placebos can what?
A: They can cause side-effects associated with real treatment.
17- Withdrawal symptoms can also occur when?
A: After placebo treatment.
18- While placebo-controlled trials might provide information about the effectiveness of
a treatment, what does it deny some patients?
A: What could be the best available (if unproven) treatment.
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19- Informed consent is usually required for a study to be considered what?
A: Ethical, including the disclosure that some test subjects will receive placebo
20- The ethics of placebo-controlled studies have been debated in the revision process
of what?
A: The Declaration of Helsinki.
21- Of particular concern has been the difference between trials comparing inert
placebos with experimental treatments, versus what?
A: Comparing the best available treatment with an experimental treatment.
22- Some suggest that existing medical treatments should be used instead of placebos,
to avoid what?
A: Having some patients not receive medicine during the trial.

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