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A Review on Global Warming Potential, Challenges and Opportunities of Renewable

Hydrogen Production Technologies

Since ago, Global warming potential had been discussed by the expert in 1997 the
introduction of Tokyo Protocol to the recent United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference of
the Parties (COP26). Hydrogen is one of source demand for clean energy production that having a
low-carbon energy which does not emit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and replace current use of
natural gas (e.g fossil natural gas, coral) that needed in industrial sectors.
In the beginning Hydrogen source was produced from fossil fuel with carbon capture,
utilization and storage (CCUS) that called non-renewable hydrogen but, as we know used fossil fuel
potential produce emission. In order to minimize the emissions from hydrogen production, expert
replacing fossil fuel with renewable sources is essential water electrolysis hydrogen. In 2021 CCUS
and water electrolysis hydrogen increasing 20% production 630 Mt (millions tones), each 94 Mt
hydrogen there 1 hydrogen Mt low emission while 2020 only 0.7% production 90 Mt non-
renewable hydrogen, of course there were Various low-emission hydrogen production technologies
are available, water electrolysis, renewable electricity, around 70 ongoing projects renewable-
sourced hydrogen production in Germany.
However, these low-emission technologies only share about 1% of the current global
hydrogen production. There were some reason that hinder expanding of renewable hydrogen such
as high manufacturing cost renewable water electrolysis is currently about 6–16 times higher than
natural gas-based hydrogen, lack of infrastructure for stable supply and transmission of the
hydrogen, Storage of hydrogen is also considered as challenging due to requires specifically
designed storage tanks that can withstand high pressure.
Chatting and cheating: Ensuring academic integrity in the era of Chat GPT
What is Chat GPT and when did it emerge?

In 2021, Chat GPT is variant of the GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) was introduced
as artificial intelligence language model developed by Open AI specifically designed to generate
human-like text in a conversational style that having Ability to perform a wide range of language
tasks, including translation, summarization, question answering, and text generation, with little or
no specific task training, due to GPT-3 is notable for its size with 175 billion parameters, making it
one of the largest language models currently available. Behind the ability of AI, raising concerns
about the potential uses and impacts of AI in the field of language processing. GPT-3 has been
shown to be able to translate between languages with high levels of accuracy, and to generate
summaries of long documents that are coherent and informative. GPT-3 has also been used to create
chat bots that can hold conversations with users and answer questions, demonstrating its ability to
understand and respond to natural language inputs. This has led to concerns about the potential for
GPT-3 to be used to create ‘fake news’ or to manipulate public opinion (Floridi & Chiriatti,

Let’s look Side of academic, (Li & Xing, Citation2021) said, One of the main advantages of
artificial intelligence language model is that they provide a platform for asynchronous
communication. This feature has been found to increase student engagement and collaboration, as it
allows students to post questions and discuss topics without having to be present at the same time.
Chat GPT could be used to grade assignments and provide feedback to students in real-time,
allowing for a more efficient and personalized learning experience (J. Gao, Citation2021; Roscoe et
al., Citation2017; Zawacki-Richter et al., Citation2019). For example, GPT-3 could be used to
grade essays or other written assignments, freeing up instructors to focus on more high-level tasks
like providing feedback and support to students. GPT-3 could also be used to grade exams or
quizzes more quickly and accurately, allowing for more timely feedback to students (Gierl et al.,

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