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good evening everyone, I'm glad to see y'all, especially to our panelists.

And to our Research

Advicer, good evening. We will introduce our selves first, my name is Justine Paul Quismundo,
I'm Kristine Barquilla, I'm Christmarie Corral, and I'm Asia Mae Pasquito. And we will defend our
Research conducted in the title of Perceptions of Safe Spaces Act on the Self-awareness to the
selected grade 11 HUMSS students.

If you have noticed the words of Safe Spaces Act, This act is deals with sexual harassment in
public places, private places, streets, school, or even in a social media.

1. What is your topic, and why did you choose it? Our topic is all about the Safe Spaces Act
which deals in sexual harassment. We chose this study, to give an information to the current
grade 11 humss students if they are already having a prior knowledge in this act. beside from
that, we will contribute to our school and society to avoid any types of harassment because of
the act the we conducted
2. What are the key findings of your study? The key findings in our research are the survey
answered on that manuscript. And the conclusion that we present in the presentation.
3. What was your hypothesis, and how did you form it? Our hypothesis is IPO or the acronyms
of input, process, output. we formulate our input based on our statement of the problem,
process is taken in our research surveyed and output is the result of our research conducted
which is determined.
4. What is the background of your study? Actually, we have no background yet since our
Research title is a newly law or bill, however Risa Hontiveros as the principal author of the Safe
Spaces Act, Rep. Act No. 11313 which includes sexual harassment in public places, private
places, streets and even in school.
5. Who formed the sample group of your study, and why did you choose this population? I'm
the one who made our Research sample, and we chose sample sampling method/technique
because it is easier to gather the data and saves money also.
6. Why did you come up your respondents? We divided our respondents through percentage,
here in Pasay West, we have 5 sections under humanities and social sciences strands. All of the
average of HUMSS students are 276, and we divided into 10% in the population of it, therefore
our conducted respondents are 28 under 5 sections of HUMSS strands.
7. What is the purpose of this study? The goal of this study is to determine the perceptions of
grade 11 humss students in safe spaces act.
8. What is the focus of our study? The focus of our study is only grade 11 humss students and
the sector of Safe spaces Act in terms of school.
9. What is the scope of your study? This study limits the coverage to grade 11 HUMSS students
10. Who will be most interested in your research? A person who interested in our Research
are those people that helping this act, such as women and LGBTQIA+ members.

11. What gaps did you intend to bridge with your research? Since the law is a newly
published in the year of 2019, there have no gaps yet.
12. Why your research is significant? Since our research is about the law, it is contributed to the
society because it will prevent the cases of sexual harassment in any types of it.

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