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IN 2020/2021


Reg. Number: 172108035


JULY 2021
IN 2020/2021


Submitted to
Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli and the English
Education Study Program in Particular Fullfillment for the
Requirement of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Reg. Number: 172108035


JULY 2021

Zebua, Joshua Obedience. 2021. The Descriptive Analysis of Students’ Writing

Ability in Narrative Text at The Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli
Barat in 2020/2021. Thesis, Advisors (1) Hasrat S. Harefa, S.Pd., M.Pd. and
(2) Afore Tahir Harefa, S.Pd., M.Hum.

Writing is one of the four language skills that should be mastered by students. The
syllabus of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat expects the students to be able to
compiling the narrative text in the form of personal experience. Therefore, the
purpose of the research was describing the students’ writing ability in narrative text
and the factors affecting it. The method used in the research was descriptive
qualitative. The analysis of the data was conducted by following steps. Analyzing the
quantitative data by using analytic scoring rubric from Glenceo namely,
Focus/Organization, Elaboration/Support/Style, and Grammar and Mechanics and
analyzing the qualitative data through transcripts of structure interviews.
Furthermore, the informant of the research was class VIII-A students of SMP Negeri
1 Gunungsitoli Barat which consisted of 20 students. The data were collected
through documentary data of students’ worksheets and interview both students and
English teacher. The result showed that the students’ ability in writing narrative text
was in Good category (66 score). It is proved by the findings that there were 7
students (35%) included in ‘Excellent’ category, there were 4 students (20%)
included ‘Good category, there were 3 students (15%) included ‘Fairy’ category and
category included in ‘Poor’ were 6 students (30%). As the result, the factors that
affect the students’ ability in writing narrative text were: students cognitive it was
problem organization, less motivation, lack of grammar, lack of practice and the
influence of the first language (L1) on writing in English. Regarding to the results,
the researcher suggests the English teacher, it is substantial to improve the teaching
learning process. The English Teacher encourages the students to produce better
writing by giving them much practice to write. The researcher also expects the next
researchers who want to analyze the students’ ability in writing narrative text in
different aspects of the research and making the research as the reference in the same
field to be able to cover the limitation about the research as well.

Keywords : Writing Skill, Narrative Text, Descriptive Research


As the researcher accomplishes the research, the researcher gives his deep

and immeasurable thanks to God who has bestowed blesses, strength and health upon

his study in IKIP Gunungsitoli and in finishing the thesis entitled, “The Descriptive

Analysis of Students’ Writing Ability in Narrative Text at The Eighth Grade of

SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in 2020/2021”. The thesis is presented to fulfill

one of the requirements for Scholar Degree (S-1) in IKIP Gunungsitoli, faculty of

Education of Languages and Arts, English Education Study Program.

In the process of arranging the thesis, it is not possible to be completed

without help, guidance and prayers of blessing from valuable people. The researcher

is deeply grateful to many people who supported him to finish the thesis. Hence, the

researcher wants to express his appreciation and thanks to:

1. Mr. Desman Telaumbanua, M.Pd, as the Rector of IKIP Gunungsitoli who

always motivates and supports all of the activities of the students of IKIP


2. Mr. Drs. Amin Otoni Harefa, M.Pd, as Vice Rector I, and Mr. Adrianus Zega,

S.T., M.Psi. as Vice Rector III who also gives motivation and supports to all

of students’ of IKIP Gunungsitoli.

3. Mrs. Riana, S.Pd., M.Pd as the Dean of FPBS who always gives motivation

and supports to all of students’ of English Education Study Program.

4. Ms. Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua, S.Pd., M.Pd as the Chair of English

Education Study Program and his examiner of education who always gives

helps and guides during finishing this thesis and his study in IKIP



5. Mr. Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa, S,Pd., M.Pd as secretary of English Education

Study Program and the first advisor, who always guides his by giving

wonderful input, time, motivation, suggestion to support the researcher in

finishing the thesis.

6. Mr. Afore Tahir Harefa, S.Pd, M.Hum as the second advisor and also as his

academic advisor who always gives helps, guides, advices and new

knowledges and valuable inspirations to him in studying as a student of IKIP

Gunungsitoli and finishing this thesis.

7. Mrs. Hidayati Daeli, S.Pd., M.Pd. as his examiner of study who always gives

helps and guides during finishing the thesis and her study in IKIP


8. Mr. Kristof Mathin E. Tel., S.S., M.Pd., as the examiner of research method

who provides helps, advice and solution needed by the researcher.

9. Mrs. Dra. Nursayani Maru’ao, M.Pd., Mrs. Diniati Rahmat Zebua, S.Pd and

Mrs. Bintang Rosalina Malau, S.Pd who validate the test instrument used in

the research.

10. All of the outstanding lecturers of English Education Study Program of IKIP

Gunungsitoli who have taught him with valuable knowledge during his study

in IKIP Gunungsitoli.

11. The principal and the English teacher of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat

for permitting and helping her to conduct the research and also the students of

class VIII-A for being the participants of the thesis.


12. The researcher’s lovely parents (Sorani Zebua and Happynes Sarumaha) who

always pray and give motivation, suggestion, guidance and especially

financial in studying in IKIP Gunungsitoli.

13. The researcher’s lovely families, the researcher’s brothers (Alva Charisman

Zebua, Leonard Motani Zebua, Adiwineka Zebua and Juan Prince Enid

Zebua) who always support, give suggestion and help the researcher in

studying in IKIP Gunungsitoli.

14. All his dearest and magnificent friends of class A of 2017 generation whose

name cannot be mentioned one by one in English Education Study Program

of IKIP Gunungsitoli.

Finally, the researcher realizes that the thesis still has some weakness and still

far for being perfect. Thus, he would be grateful to accept any constructive

suggestions and corrections from anyone for better thesis.

Gunungsitoli, 2021
The Researcher,

Joshua Obedience Zebua

Reg. No. 172108035

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... i

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1

A. The Background of the Study ................................................... 1

B. The Focus of the Study ............................................................. 4

C. The Purpose of the Study .......................................................... 4

D. The Significances of the Study ................................................. 4

E. The Limitation of the Study ...................................................... 5

F. The Key Terms Definition of the Study .................................. 6

G. The Research Method .............................................................. 6

1. The Research Approach and Type ...................................... 7

2. The Settings of the Study ..................................................... 8

3. The Research Data and Informant ....................................... 8

4. The Schedule of Action ....................................................... 9

5. The Procedures of Collecting Data ...................................... 9

6. The Techniques of Analyzing Data ..................................... 11

7. Checking the Validity of the Data and Research Findings .. 14

8. The Procedures of the Research ........................................... 16

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................. 18

A. The Theoretical Framework .................................................... 18

1. The Writing ........................................................................ 18

a. The Defenition of Writing ........................................... 18

b. The Process of Writing ................................................ 19


c. The Types of Writing ................................................... 20

2. The Narrative Text ............................................................. 21

a. The Defeniton of Narrative Text ................................. 21

b. The Generic Structure of Narrative Text ..................... 22

c. The Language Element of Narative Text ..................... 23

d. The Types of Narative Text .......................................... 24

3. The Factors That Affect The Student Writing

Abillity ................................................................................ 26

B. The Latest Related Research ................................................... 29

C. The Conceptual Framework .................................................... 30


A. Research Findings ..................................................................... 32

1. The Result of Documentary Data ...................................... 32

a. Focus/Organization ....................................................... 34

b. Elaboration/Support/Style ............................................. 35

c. Grammar and Mechanics .............................................. 35

2. The Result of Interview ..................................................... 36

a. Students’ Interview ....................................................... 36

b. Teacher’s Interview ...................................................... 38

B. Discussion ................................................................................. 38

1. The Analysis and Interpretation of Research Findings ............. 38

1) The Description of Students’

Ability in Writing Narrative Text ................................. 38

2) Factors Affecting the Students’


Ability in Writing Narrative Text ................................. 40

a. Factors affecting the result of

Focus/Organization aspect ............................................ 40

b. Factors affecting the result of

Elaboration/Support/Style aspect .................................. 40

c. Factors affecting the result of

Grammar and Mechanics aspect ................................... 41

2. The Research Findings Compared To

Latest Related Researches ........................................................ 42

3. The Research Findings Compared to Theories ......................... 43

4. The Research Finding Implication............................................ 44

5. Research Findings Limitation ................................................... 44

CHAPTER IV : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 46

A. Conclusions............................................................................... 46

B. Suggestions ............................................................................... 47

BIBLIOGRAPH .................................................................................................. 31

1. The Conceptual Framework of the Research ................................................. 31


1. An Example Of Students’ Interview Sheet .................................................... 10

2. Narrative Writing Analytic Scoring Rubric ................................................... 11

3. Students Ability Category in Writing Narrative Text .................................... 13

4. The Recapitulation of the Students’ Score in Writing Narrative Text ........... 33

5. The Students’ Ability Categor in Writing Narrative Text ............................ 33

6. Focus/Organization ........................................................................................ 34

7. Elaboration/Support/Style ............................................................................. 35

8. Grammar And Mechanics ............................................................................. 35

9. The Recapitulation of Students’ Responses About Focus/Organization ....... 36

10. The Recapitulation of Students’ Responses About

Elaboration/Support/Style ............................................................................ 37

11. The Recapitulation Of Students’ Responses About

Grammar and Mechanics ............................................................................... 37


Appendix 1a English Syllabus of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat ............. 1

Appendix 2 Transcript of Interview (Preliminary Data) .............................. 25
Appendix 3 Document Receipt ..................................................................... 27
Appendix 4 List of Students’ Name.............................................................. 28
Appendix 5a Documentary Validity (Validator I) .......................................... 29
Appendix 5b Documentary Validity (Validator II) ........................................ 46
Appendix 5c Documentary Validity (Validator III) ....................................... 61
Appendix 6 The Result of Students’ Narrative Text Analysis ..................... 76
Appendix 7a Students’ Interview Instrument Validity (Validator I) .............. 77
Appendix 7b Students’ Interview Instrument Validity (Validator II) ............ 85
Appendix 7c Students’ Interview Instrument Validity (Validator III) ........... 92
Appendix 8 The Responses of Students’ Interview ...................................... 99
Appendix 9 Teacher’s Interview Sheet ........................................................ 105
Appendix 10 The Responses of Teacher’s Interview .................................... 106
Appendix 11a Data and Reasearch Findings Validity (Validator I) ................ 108
Appendix 11b Data and Reasearch Findings Validity (Validator II) .............. 110
Appendix 12 Documentary of Students’ Writing Narrative Text .................. 111
Appendix 13 Students’ Attendace List .......................................................... 131
Appendix 14 Documentation ......................................................................... 133



A. The Background of the Study

English language has four skills that should mastered by students, one

of them is writing, Writing comes at the end of one‟s mastery over the other

three skills.Writing is a useful tool for discovering, thinking and delivering

meaning. Hourani (2008) in Murdliayan (2019:200) said that writing skills

must be experienced and practiced. Futhermore, Oshima and Ann (2007) in

Autilia and Theresia (2018:149) say that, writing is defined as some steps of

action that involved thinking of ideas, transferring them into words, and

reviewing until satisfied that the writing expresses exactly what the writer

wants to say to the reader.It means, Writing is as an individual behavior that

has a specific purpose which the writer takes ideas and transforms them into

our own topic and style words on a sheet paper thats visual by set of symbols.

Writing in the students’ second language can be something difficult

for students, whereas the students often write in their first language in schools.

Therefore, in the process of teaching and learning english, writing skill tends to

be the most complicated and difficult skill for the students of any level of

education. It is supported by Langan (2011) in Umar (2016:21) states, writing

is actually a skill which grows as a result of constant practices.One of the

writing that close to the learners’ subject is narrative text.Anderson (1997, p.

8) in Hariyadi (2018:65) explain that a narrative isa text that tells a story and,

in doing so, entertains the audience. So, narrative text is astory which use

spoken or written language.

Based on syllabus of 2013 curriculum of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli

Barat, especially at the eighth grade, writing is included as one of the skills that

should be taught to the students. Core competence expects the students are

capable of understanding and applying factual, conceptual and metacognitive

knowlegde based on the students’ curiosity about the science of arts, and

culture technology humanities with humanitirian, national, state, and

civilization-related causes phenomenon and events, and demonstrate the skills

of reasoning, processing and presenting creatively, productively, critically,

independently, collaboratively and communicatively, in the realm of the

concrete and abstract realm as learned in school and other sources are the same

from the theoretical point of view. Meanwhile, basic competence expects the

students are able to compiling oral and written narrative texts in the form of

personal experiences, shortly and simply, taking into account social functions,

text structure, and linguistic elements, correctly and in context.

The school has also decide the standard of criterion of the students’

achievement especially in English subject of eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1

Gunungsitoli Barat. The Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) is 70 point. It

emphasizes that if the students cannot reach the target, they will fail in

following writing subject.

However, based on an unstructure interview to the teacher of SMP

Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat on January 2021 said that the students had some

problems in writing skill. One of them was they had difficulties in writing
personal experience narrative text.The phenomenon relate of Brown in Cyntia

Puspita (2019 : 15) says that the factor influence to acquiring second language

are students’ personality factor, students’ social cultural factor, and students’

linguistic factor. For examples srudents lack of vocabulary, students’ lack of

motivation, teacher aproach ect. So, the students’ could not reach the teacher’s

expectation of the syllabus of 2013 curriculum.

From the descriptions above, the researcher conducted a descriptive

qualitative research to describe the situation of students writing ability in

narrative text. Ary (2010:295) says that, “Descriptive research studies are

designed to obtain information concerning the current status of phenomena”.

Moreover, Robbert and Knopp (2006:274) state, “Qualitative research is an

approach to social science research that emphasizes collecting descriptive data

in natural setting, uses inductive thinking, and emphasizes understanding the

subjects point of view”. Thus, descriptive qualitative is to describe a

phenomenon with investigating what rather than how and why something has


As to the theories above, the research was collecting the facts to

obtain an accurate description of exiting status but also effort to trace

interrelationship between facts that will provide a deeper insight into the

phenomena. The research was expecting to find the real ability of students'

writing narrative text and probably the reasons behind their weaknesses and


Regarding the explanation above, the researcher has found out the

eighth grade students' writing ability in narrative text by doing a research

entitled “The Descriptive Analysis of Students’ Writing Ability in

Narrative Text at The Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat

in 2020/2021”.

B. The Focus of the Study

The researcher focuses are:

1. Analyzing the students’writing ability in narrative textat the eighth grade of

SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in 2020/2021.

2. Analyzing the factors that affect the students’writing ability in narrative text

at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in 2020/2021.

Based on the focuses, the research questions are formulated in following

questions :

1. How are the students’ writing ability in narrative text at the eighth grade of

SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in 2020/2021?

2. What are the factors that affect the students’ writing ability in narrative text

at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in 2020/2021?

C. The Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to describe the students’ writing ability in

narrative text, and to describe the factors that affect thestudents’ writing ability

in narrative text at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in

D. The Significances of the Study

The significances of the research are:

1. For the researcher, as a tool and way to develop ability and experience in

describing the students’writing ability in narrative text and its factors

through descriptive analysis.

2. For other researchers, this research can be used as source and comparison

of improvement in doing research in the same field in the future.

3. For the students, by conducting the research, it shows the students’ lack of

their writing ability in narrative text, so they able to minimize their

weakness and difficulties.

4. For the teachers, it will help the teacher for look the best and suitable

components of teaching especialy in teaching writing narrative text in the

class such as strategy, material, media ect.

E. The Limitation of the Study

In conducting the study, the researcher elaborates the limitations of the

study, as follows:

1. The subject of the study is the eighth grader of SMP N 1 Gunungsitoli

Barat, especially the VIII-A Class.

2. The object of the study is the students’ writing ability in narrative text.

3. The researcher will conduct descriptive qualitative in the analysis of the

F. The Key Terms Definitions of the Study

The definition of key terms in the research as follows:

1. Writing is as an individual behavior that has a specific purpose which the

writer takesideas and transforms them into our own topic and style words

on a sheet paper thatvisual by set of symbols.

2. Narrative text is a types that tells a story that has a connected chronological

sequence and aims to entertain the readers.

3. Narrative Personal experience is a text telling a story focusing spesific

participants. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain

the readers.

G. The Research Method

In conducted the study, the researcher used the Descriptive Qualitative


Dörnyei (2007) say,

Qualitative research involves data collection procedures that result

primarily in open-ended, non-numerical data which is then analysed
primarily by statistical methods. Typical example : survey research
using a questionnaire, analysed by statistical software such as SPPJ.

Furthermore, Creswell (2014) says,

Qualitative research is an approach for exploring and understanding

the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human
problem. The process of research involves emerging questions and
procedures, data typically collected in the participant’s setting, data
analysis inductively building from particulars to general themes, and
the researcher making interpretations of the meaning of the data.
According to Gall,Gall, & Borg, 2007 in Nassaji (2015 : 129), The

goal of descriptive research is to describe a phenomenon and it’s

characteristics.This research is more concerned with what rather than how or

why something has happened.

Furhermore, Loeb et al (2017 : 1 ) says,

Descriptive analyses are central to almost every research project.

Whether the goal is to identify and describe trends and variation in
populations, create new measures of key phenomena, or simply
describe samples in studies aimed at identifying causal effects,
descriptive analyses are part of almost every empirical paper and

1. The Research Approach and Type

The approach used by the researcher to conducted the research was

inductive approach with the aim of finding the meaning that organize the facts

with an approach to make observation problem, recording all the fact

holistically scientific with the observation problem. Furthermore, there were

two types of instruments used in the research. The first was a documentary data

as primary data, which show the students’ writing narrative text. The

researcher took the result of worksheets about the students’ writing ability in

narrative text form school. The worksheets had be analyzed by the researcher.

The second was the secondary data, which contains of interview. The

secondary data is going to show the factors that influence their writing

especially in writing narrative text. The researcher conducted the interview to

the students based on the structure interview questions.

2. The Setting of the Study

The location of the study was SMP N 1 Gunungsitoli Barat that is

located on Gunungsitoli Barat. There were 31 teachers in the school, and 1 of

them was an English teacher. The school consisted of 9 classes, which 3

classes were the Eighth grade and total number of class VIII-A grade were 20


3. The Research Data and Informant

The data of the research indicates the types of data that shall be collect

and analyze by the researcher. Tracy (2020 : 6) says, “Qualitative data can be

systematically gathered, organized, interpreted, analyzed, and communicated

so as to address pressing concerns and prompt change”.

Furtheremore, Neuman (2014 :111) says,

Qualitative data are empirical. Qualitative data document real events.

They are recordings of what people say (with words, gestures, and
tone), observations of specific behaviors, studies of written
documents, or examinations of visual images. These are all concrete
aspects of the world.

In other words, the data and informant are selecting purposefully that

help the researcher to understand the problem and the research focus that have

been formulate. So, the data sources were documentary data and the interview

data that form in students’ worksheet of writing narrative text and the

transcription of the structure interview with the teacher and students. The

researcher chose 20 students of class VIII-A in the SMP N 1 Gunungsitoli

Barat as the informant. The researcher chose the class because based on the

result of unstructure interview obtained from the English teacher as the

preliminary data most of the students had a low score or did not reach point 70

as the Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) in writing narrative text.

4. Schedule of the Action

The study had been conducted from April until May 2021. The time

allocation refers to the educational calendar of SMP N 1 Gunungsitoli Barat.

5. Procedures of Collecting the Data

Creswell (2014:239) states,

The data collection of qualitative research consists of some procedures

as follows: identify the purposefully selected sites or individuals for
the proposed study, a related topic would be the number of sites and
participants to be involved in your study, indicate the types of data to
be collected, collecting information through unstructured or semi
structured observations and interviews, documents, and visual
materials, as well as establishing the protocol for recording

As the theory suggests and related to the focuses of the research, The

researcher has firstly collected the documentary data of students’ worksheet in

the context of students’ writing narrative text, and then analyzed the

docummentary data that has collected by reseacher from the teacher.

Furthermore, the researcher conducted the structure interviews with the

students and English teacher to gain information of factors that affect the

students’ in writing narative text.

a. Documentation

A valuable sources of information in qualitative research can be

documentation. Sugiyono (2008:24) state that documentation can be written

and picture by someone that can be used to obtain information. In conducted

documentation method, the researcher can provide magazines, books,

documents, ect. In the research, the documentation guide is the students’

worksheet of eighth grade of SMP N 1 Gunungsitoli Barat.

b. Interview

Interview are particulary useful for getting the story behind a

participants’ experiences. The interviewer can persue-in depth information

around the topic. The researcher conducted interview to the teacher, also to the

students. According to Cresswell (2009:181) “A qualitative interviews, the

researcher conducts face to face interview with informant. There are some

types of interview, such a single or multiple sessions interview, structured

interview, unstructured interview, and semi-structured interview”. In the

research, the researcher used structure interview. Gay, et al (2012:387) says,

“In a formal structured interview, the researcher has a specified set of questions

that elict the same information from respondents”.



Name : _______________
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative Text?
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks? Jelaskan.
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
6. The Techniques of Analyzing Data

After the data were collected, the researcher analyzed them. The data

was sources from the documentary and the transcripts of interviews. To

analyze the data, the researcher did it in two steps, as follows :

a. Analyzing the Quantitative Data

The quantitative data must be analyzed to know the students’writing

ability in narative text. The data sources from the students’ documentary

worksheet.To conducted the data collection and analysis, the researcher used

analytic scoring rubric by Glenceo (2009:17). Analytic scoring rubric has some

categories. This category can be seen in the following table.

Aspects of
Criteria of assessment
Assesment Score
Focus/Organization 9-12 5-8 0-4
 The narrative Interesting The story is Not
fulfills its purpose story interesting interesting
by telling an but may lack story and
interesting story. (generic) in detail. unclear or 0-12
not related
to the topic

 Time order is used Use time to The narrative Not used

to organize the organize the shows the time
story’s events. story’s event events, but 0-12
may lack
9-11 5-7 0-4
 The story is The story is The story is Not
appropriate to its appropriate to for some appropriate 0-11
intended audience. audience persons. to audience

Score: 35
Elaboration/Support Score
9-12 5-8 0-4
 Every sentence is Every Writing is Writing is
important to the sentences are clear but confusing,
story. strong and sentence may hard to
expressive lack variety . follow. 0-12
with varied
 Transition words Transitions Transitions Transition
help move the are mature are present. are not
story along. and graceful present.

9-11 5-7 0-4

 Enough details are Setting and Setting and Setting and
provided to characters are Characters characters 0-11
describe the setting detail. are not detail. are
and characters. distraction
Score: 35
Grammar and
8-10 5-7 0-4 Score
 The writing is free Spellings are A few arrors Distracti ng 10
of misspelling. generally in spelling errors in
correct. spelling
 Sentences are Punctuati on A few errors Distract ing 10
punctuated and in punatuatio errors in
correctly. The capitalizatioa n and punctuation
words are re generally capitalizati and
capitalized correct. on. capitalizatio
correctly. n.
 A narrative text Used past A few errors Errors in 10
usually uses past tense in tenses tenses
tense. correctly
Score: 30
To determining the students writing ability, the researcher categorized

the students’ scores into four categories adapted from Purwanto in Sulityo

(2013) it can be seen in the table below:


Score range Category

80-100 Excellent
65-79 Good
56-64 Fair
< 55 Poor

b. Analyzing the Qualitative Data

After the quantitative data were analyzed, the researcher continued to

analyze the qualitative data obtained from the transcripts of structure

interviews. Gay et al (2012:467) say, “One way to proceed with analysis is to

follow three iterative, or repeating, steps: reading/memoing, describing what is

going on in the setting, and classifying research data”.

1) Reading and Memoing

The step focuses on becoming familiar with the data and identifying

potential themes. The researcher read and write memos about observation

sheets and the transcripts of interviews to get an initial sense of the data and

identifying the themes.That’s means, the researcher highlight some important

answer from the students that used to get some information about their opinion

in writing narrative text.

2) Describing

The step focuses on examining the data deeply to provide detailed

descriptions of the setting, participants, and activity. In the step, the researcher

analyze comprehensive descriptions of the participants, the setting, and the

phenomenon studied to convey the rich complexity of the research. So, the aim

of this step is to describe all important things about the data such as

participants’ environment, activity and so on.

3) Classifying

The step focuses on categorizing and coding pieces of data and

grouping them into themes. In the step, the researcher categorized all of the

collected data into some classifications or categories. The researcher examine

and compare all data, one to another to categorize them. For the interview data

the researcher classified based on the order of student’s interview. Then, for the

students’ worksheet, the researcher classified the writing result based on the

scoring rubric by Glenceo. The researcher will examine and compare all data,

one to another to categorize them.

7. Checking the Validity of the Data and Research Findings

Checking the validity of the data is an important thing to do in

conducting a research. As Gay et al (2012:391) state, “In qualitative research,

validity is the degree to which qualitative data accurately gauge what we are

trying to measure”. Moreover, Sireci and Faulkner-Bond (2014:100) say, “The

validity of an assessment is described as the degree to which evidence and

theory support the interpretation of test scores entailed by their proposed use”.
Guba (1981:17) says that, “There are four criteria for research

trustworthiness, namely credibility, transferability, dependability and

conformability, are favored as a means to evaluate research validity”.

a. Credibility

Credibility is shown when participants reveal that the research

transcript is truly an experience of its own. Lincoln and Guba (1985:17) state,

“Credibility refres to the believability or truth in reasearch findings.

Creadibility can also be achieved by persisten observation and triangulation of

data. Creadibility helps in ensuring internal validity of the research findings”.

In the research, the researcher used triangulation method by integrating three

data sources namely documentary data of writing narrative text, the result of

teacher’sand students’ interview.

b. Transferability

Transferability refers to the degree to which the result of qualitative

research can be transfered to other contexts with other respondents, it is the

interpretive equivalent of generalizability. Bitsch in Anney (2014:276), saying

that in tranferability, the researcher facilitates the transferability judgment by a

potential user through thick description and purposeful sampling. In this

research, the researcher provides a detailed description of the settings and the

context in which research is conducted to give the readers enough information

to judge the applicability of the findings to other setting.

c. Dependability

Lincoln and Guba in Korstjensand and Moser (2018:121) state,

“Dependability refers to stability of finding over time. Dependability involves

parcipants’ evaluation of findings, interpretation and recommendations of

study such that all are supported by the data as received from participants of

the study”. Therefore, it is important to state the prinsiples and criteria used to

select participants and detail the participants’ main characteristic so that the

trasferability of the result to other contexts can be assessed.

d. Confirmability

Confirmability refers to the degree to which the results of an inquiry

could be confirmed or corroborated by other researchers, (Baxter and Eyles) in

Anney (2014:279). Confirmability is concerned with establishing that the data

and interpretations of the findings are not figments of the inquirer’s

imagination, but are clearly derived from the data. The result is obtained from

the process.

8. Procedures of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher conducted some procedure

to obtain the result as follows:

a. The researcher asked permission to the principal of SMP N 1 Gunungsitoli

Barat to do the research.

b. The researcher conducted unstracture interview to the English teacher as

preliminary data.

c. The researcher asked the informant and the number of informant of the

d. The researcher made a schedule with the English teacher of SMP N 1

Gunungsitoli Barat to collect the documentary data from the teacher.

e. The researcher came to school to collect the documentary data from teacher.

f. After collecting the documentary data, the researcher analyzed them.

g. The researcher arranged list of question to interview the students and

English teacher and then validated by the validators.

h. The researcher conducted structure interview to get the information about

the causes with the students and English teacher.

i. The researcher analyzed the data and classified them based on the students’

and English teacher answer.

j. The researcher validated the research findings to the validators.

k. The researcher took the conclusion and made interpretation of the research.


A. Theoretical Framework

1. Writing

a. The Definition of Writing

Language has four skills that should mastered by students, one of

them is writing, Writing comes at the end of one’s mastery over the other three

skills. writing is a useful tool for discovering, thinking and delivering meaning.

Hourani (2008) in Murdliayan(2019 : 200) says that, writing skills must be

experienced and practiced. Furthermore, Oshima and Ann (2007) in Autilia

and Theresia(2018 : 149) say, writing is defined as some steps of action that

involved thinking of ideas, transferring them into words, and reviewing until

satisfied that the writing expresses exactly what the writer wants to say to the

reader. It means, Writing is as an individual behavior that has a specific

purpose which the writer takesideas and transforms them into our own topic

and style words on a sheet paper thats visual by set of symbols.

By good writing the readers can be relax, interacting with the feelings

and thoughts, obtain information, and improve the science

knowledge.According to Brown (2001) in Autila (2018:150), writing skill is an

ability to write naturally, coherently, grammatically, fluently, authentically and

purposively. In this definition, Brown states that writing skill as an ability of

writer to write with fluent, as natural as possible with the accuracy of grammar,


the coherent and authentic ideas and has clear purpose of writing and

reader in mind.

b. The Process of Writing

The stages of the writing process are generally divided into six

activities including: prewriting, outlining, drafting, revising, editing, and


1. Prewriting

Prewriting activity is planning the content of the essay and organizing

it (Graham, 2006 in Mustika et al 2018 : 207). It means that, prewriting is a

topic idea that would be basic to write information and it’s still abstract. After

that, the writer can organize their idea on the paper as a draft or outline such as

choosing topic, using experience and observation, reading, and freewriting.

2. Outlining

Outlining is aprocess where the writer to write keyword that would be

object of scientific work. the purpose of the technique is help the writer to

write systematic paragraph and focus in a topic that have been chosen by the

writer. Moreover, the writer just write the point of the topic.

3. Drafting

Johnson (2008, p.179) in Mustika et al (2018 : 207). describes

drafting as ‘the writer’s first attempt to capture ideas on paper.’ It means

Drafting is a process where the writer complete their paragraph or essay with

new idea. The purpose this strategy to help the reader easy understand the

information. Besides, in drafting process the writer began with introduction,

body paragraph, and conclusion.


4. Revising

Johnson (2008) in Mustika et al (2018 : 207) says revising is calls this

the heart of the writing process since a writer could revise and convert the

piece many times at this stage. Support by Grave 1983 in Mustika et al (2018 :

207) recommends that students should take a chance to think and determine

which draft they think is suitable to develop their piece.

5. Editing

Johnson (2008) in Mustika et al (2018 : 207) suggests always asking

editors to do the ‘proofreading’ activity. This editor role can be done by the

writer’s friend or the teacher. This part is for correcting the grammar, spelling,

and punctuation errors.

6. Publishing

This is where students’ writing is shared with the audience (Johnson,

2008) Mustika et al (2018 : 207).

c. The Types of Writing

Writing has a types that must be learned. Generally types of writing

has four styles, they are descriptive, narrative ,argumentative, expository.

Moreover, the fourth types of writing would be explained in below :

1. Descriptive

Descriptive text is a types of text that explain about description of

something. The object that are usually discussed in descriptive text are people,

animal, things. The purpose of descriptive text is to inform about the condition

and characteristic of the object to th e reader.


2. Narrative

Narrative text is a text that explain about telling story and telling the

cronological that happened. The purpose of this text are entertain the reader

and this text can also bring the reader in the story. This text usually telling

about fable, legend, myth, faitytale. Moreover, the explanation would be

countinued in next point.

3. Argumentative

Argumentative is a text where the content of paragraph show the

controversial for the reader. Besides, the content of argumentative text contains

pro and contra from the information that have been shared by the writer.

4. Expository

Expository is a text that tells a information to the reader. Thus, the

content of this text contain persuasive element. Moreover, this text purpose the

reader believe and practice based on the paragraph that have been explained in

paragraph of expository text.

2. Narrative Text

a. The Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a famous text in English learning activity. Then,

narrative text is a paragraph or essay that telling story or cronological the

accident. The content of narrative was made very interesting because this text

aims to entertain the reader. Morever, the reader can bring out in the story and

they can imagine that the story really happened in reality. As Asriani (2018:59)

says, “Narrative text is a spoken or written text to communicate a massage,


which is use to interpret its meaning in the story”. Furthermore, Anderson in

Marzona and Ikhsan (2019:36) state that, arrative text is English text type that

has a purpose to entertain the reader or listener. The story can be imaginative

and factual.From the some theory above it can be conclude narrative text is a

story that made to entertain the reader. Moreover, the reader can felt the srory

from the characteristic there. Besides, to make the reader interesting with the

topic, the writer have to make the story with illustration. Therefore, the reader

can felt the story like in real life.

b. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Anderson in Lubis (2016:5) say that, the generic structure of narrative

text is as follows:

1) Orientation/ Exposition

The readers are introduced to the main characters and possibly some

minor characters. Some indication is generally given of where the action is

located and when it is taking place.

2) Complication/ Rising Action

The complication is pushed along by a serious of events, during which

we usually expect some sort of complication or problem to arise. It just would

not be so interesting if something unexpcted did not happen. Thiscomplication

will involve tha main charcters and oven serves to (temporally) toward them

from reaching their goal.


3) Sequence of event? Climax

This is where the narrator tells how the character reacts to the

comlication. It includes their feeling and what they do. The event can be told in

chronological order (the order in which they happen) or with flashback. The

audiens is given the narrator‟s poiunt of view.

4) Resolution/ Falling Action

In this part, the implication may be resolved for better or worse, but it

is rarely left completely unresolved (although this is of course possible in

certain tyoes of narrative which leaves us wondering „How did it end”?)

5) Re-orientation

It is an optional closure of event.

c. Language Element of Narrative Text

According to Djuharie in Lubis (2016:9),the language elements use in

writing narrative paragraph are nouns, individual participant, past tense,

conjunction, action verb, and saying verb.

1) Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place or thing. Budi is our

teacher There is a table in the class I saw a man in the market

2) Individual participant Individual participant means that the subject who

takes part in a situation or the story of specific subject. Such as story about

snow white, Prophet Muhammad, MalinKundang.

3) Past Tense The simple past is used of a complete action that happened at

one specific time in the past.


4) Conjunction Conjunction is a word which used to join one word to another

word, or one sentence to another sentence.

5) Action verb The action verb divided into two forms.

 Regular verb is a verb which has a normal inflection or normally added

by “ed” or “d” to the infinitive.

 Irregular verb is a verb which does not have a normal inflection or

normally added by “ed”d” to the infinitive form.

6) Saying verb It is about verb which to show the report or say such as said,

told promised, thought, understood.

d. Types of Narative Text

There are many different types of narrative texts, according to Neo in

Lubis (2016:6):

a) Humor : is one of that aims to make audience laugh as a part of telling story

b) Romance : tells of two lovers who overcome difficulties to end up together

c) Theoriticalfiction : is the text tells about the facts or past events that has

historical value.

d) Fantasy : is the text include like fairy tale, legend, fable

e) Science Fiction : the setting involving science and technology

f) Diary Novels: is the text presented like diary entries

g) Personal Experience: is a story which was experienced firsthand by the

narrator that person telling the story.

In the research, the researcher used personal experience as the type of

the text and as the example following:


Keep an Eye on the Sky

I was in gym class when my teacher suggested we go outside and play
softball. As we made our way out to the field, my stomach turned into a
giant knot of fear.

Softball is just not my game. I have a knack for always getting hit in the head
by the ball. It doesn’t matter where I’m standing. The ball just seems to find

Sequence of event
My teammates gave me a glove and put me way out in left field. I didn’t
complain. I just wanted to make sure I knew when gym class ended so
wouldn’t be left behind.

Nothing happened the first three innings. Well, things happened but not
in my little part of the softball field. I started daydreaming. The next
thing I knew, I heard the sound of ball whizzing through the air. I put up
my glove to protect my head, and amazing thing happened. I caught the
ball in my glove! Not only did I catch the ball, but I helped my team to

I was a hero to my classmates for the rest of the day. And I learned
something. I may not always see the flying balsstht come my way, but I
can always take a chance and try to catch one.

31/Personal%20narative%20sample.Pdf. (Accesed on 14 February 2021)

3. The Factors That Affect The Student Writing Skill

There are three factors affecting the students ability in writing

Narrative text based on Nile et al (2015) International Journal of English

Language Teaching:

1. Cognitive Problem

 Content Problem: Learners of English as a second or foreign language also

face problem of exploring ideas and thought to communicate with others.

According to Leki in Nile et al (2015) this could be because of the

traditional methods teachers use to teach writing for spelling, punctuation,

and mastering grammar. It suggest that teachers should encourage students

to focus on the message, ideas or thoughts they wish to convey rather than

grammar, spelling, punctuation and others.

 Problem Organization: Learners have the problem of structuring the

paragraph, topic development of paragraph, structuring the whole discourse

and a theme in a discourse. Raimes states that other problem of organization

in student writing is the difficulty of differentiating a topic and supporting

ideas or generalizations and specific detail.

2. Grammatical Problems

Learners have a number of Problems in their attempts to write in the

second language. “as verbs take different forms depending on tense and

subject they are used with, they create problems for second language writing


3. Lack of Practice

Writing is essentially a creative process and good writers must learn to

communicate their ideas clearly to an unseen audience. This takes a lot of

practice. Writing does not come naturally but rather gained through

continuous effort and much practice. In addition, learners must take the

responsibility for their learning if meaningful learning is to take place.


Furthermore, according to Nacira in Asiah et al (2020:88) stated the

factors that hamper students to write can be from two sources, teacher's side

and students' side. They are:

1. From the teacher

a. The use of methods and techniques that are relevant to teach writing.

Teachers' main task is choosing the best classroom technique. This

latter is the day-to-day business of every writing teacher. Selecting these

techniques depend on their suitability with class, students' levels, and the

approach underlying the curriculum and teaching. (Nacira, 2010: 63).

b. Teacher's motivation for students to write.

There is no teacher teaches in the same way under the same

conditions. Accordingly, the teachers have some crucial tasks to perform to

help the students become better-good writers. Harmer (2007: 41) stated that

"the main task of the teacher is to motivate and provoke the students." In other

words, student writers often find themselves "lost for words" especially when

dealing with creative writing.

c. Teacher's corrective feedback and reinforcement.

Feedback is very important in teaching a foreign language; in

teaching, feedback refers to comments or other information that learners

receive concerning their success on learning tasks or tests, either from the

teacher or other persons.

d. Teacher's responses to students' written production

When responding to students’ work, it means that the teachers react,

to the content and the way the piece of writing is constructed, supportively by

giving suggestions, asking questions, etc. and not grading the work or judging

it as a finished product. Moreover, the teacher tells the students how well they

are going so far; by making comments concerning the correct use of language

and suggesting other ways to improve writing.

2. From the students

a. Lack of motivation

Motivation is strongly related to achievement, and learners' motivation

makes the mission easier and more pleasant for both teachers and learners. In

this case, motivation makes writing pleasant and enjoyable.

b. Lack of reading

Reading and writing are two skills that are separated, for reading is a

passive activity while writing is a productive one, they are nonetheless

complementary and can be closely developed. Furthermore, reading in the

classroom is understood as the appropriate input for the acquisition of writing

skills for it is generally assumed that reading passages will somehow function

as primary models for which writing can be learned or at least inferred

c. The influence of the first language (L 1) on writing in English.

Writing conventions differ from one language to another. In any way,

not any person is a naturally gifted writer. Writing is a skill that can be learned,

practiced, and mastered. Writing remains the most difficult skill to be mastered

even for native speakers. It can be caused that writing is a very complex

cognitive activity in which writers must show control over content, format,

sentence, structure, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and letter formation, i.e.,

control at the sentence level


B. The Latest Related Research

As has been previously mentioned, this study aims The Descriptive

Analysis of students’ Writing Ability In Narrative Text at the Eighth Grade.

The researcher conducts a research about The Descriptive Analysis especially

students’ writing ability in narrative text. Thus , the researcher also includes

previous study to support and strengthen this research.

The first study is from Nurhidayah (2017). Searching about “An

Analysis On The students’ ability in Writing Narrative Text at The Grade IX

MTs Ali Imron Medan” in his research focus on to find out how the students’

written in the narrative texts, to find out the problems faced by the studentsof

MTs Ali Imron Medan the academic 2016/2017 is written in the narrative texts,

and to find out the solution of the problems.The research used the descriptive

analysis toward class IX-A which consists of 39 students. The result showed

thatthe mastery on writing of narrative text class IX Junior High School MTs

Ali Imron Medanacademic year 2016/2017 is categorized into good score. The

problems that faced by the students in language feature of written narrative text

are they did not listen the material attentively given the teacher, the students

only got the information from what they read at glance and based on their

experiences before.

The second study is from Noviani at all(2015). Searching about

“Students’ Problems in Writing Generic Structure of Narrative Text at Second

Grade SMAN 1 Sungai Rumbai Dharmasraya” in his research focus onto

determine students’ problems in writing generic structure of narrative text.The

research usedqualitative research toward class IPS which consists of 50


students. The result showed thatthe students' problems in writing generic

structure of narrative text at second grade students with major of IPS in SMA

Negeri 1 Sungai Rumbai Dharmasraya is generic structure orientation 35

students from 50 students had problems, the students do not provide

information when and where the story took place, who and what is included in

the story. In complication, 39 students from 50 students had problems, the

students do not write the beginning of the problem telling the story appeared,

and the students are not told how the crisis or climax to these problems. In

terms of resolution 40 students from 50 students had problems, students are not

told how the problems was resolved whether to be happy or sad ending.

C. Conceptual Framework

The study departed from the researcher's desire to determine the

students' ability in writing narrative text. As a researcher, the researcher got

information from the syllabus of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat that

narrative text is one type of text taught in schools. So, the researchers choose

this school to conduct this research.

In the study, researchers used documantary as primary data, then

interview scripts as secondary data. After the data was collected, the

researchers analyzed the data. And after the step, the researcher described and

interpreted the data by make a report. Researchers report real situations that

occur in the field based on the results of data analysis without making changes

or adjusting the situation and the results of the data.


The researcher conducted the research by using the following concept:

The Researcher

Barat Writing Sylabus

Descriptive Preliminary
Analysis Data


QuantitativeData QualitativeData

DocumentaryData Interview

Students’ writing The factors that influence

narrative text students’ writing narrative text

Analysis Describe

Generic Affecting
structure factor


Figure 1: The Conceptual Framework of the Research



C. Research Findings

1. The Result of Documentary Data

Based on the research design, the researcher took the documentary

from students to answered the first focus of the research. After the researcher

taked the documentary from school, the researcher validated the result of

documentary with one of the researcher’s lecturer as internal validates and two

English teacher as external validates. They are considered as the experienced

validators because they teach English frequently.

In taking the documentary, the researcher collaborated with English

teacher to collected it from students. The documentary collected on Friday, 23

April 2021. The documentary was done by the students when they were

learning text narrative in the form of personal experience in second semester.

After collecting the students’ documentary (worksheet), the researcher

conducted a scoring of the students’ narrative text based on the scoring rubric

by Glenceo (2009:17) namely Focus / Organization, Elaboration / Support /

Style, and Grammar and Mechanics. The students’ score are seen on the next






No Students Name Aspects of Writting

1. Ade Marcela Zebua 12 18 24 54
2. Agnes Zebua 35 28 25 88
3. Anastasya M. Zebua 29 27 24 80
4. Angellis Sandy S. Zega 27 23 17 67
5. Apolonia Zalukhu 17 19 21 57
6. Chrisyane C. Telaumbanua 35 34 17 86
7. Cindy P. Telaumbanua 19 14 20 53
8. Damvanus Zebua 22 23 20 65
9. Danniella C. Zebua 22 19 24 65
10. Darius telaumbanua 35 25 19 79
11. Fifteen Gisela Zebua 16 15 18 49
12. Gracelia Masa R. Zebua 35 35 20 90
13. Herman Yanto Mendrofa 11 12 17 40
14. Hotman Zebua 7 9 12 28
15. Incan Riang Zebua 16 16 25 57
16. Joice Marlin Halawa 35 28 17 80
17. Kasih Chrisnine Zebua 12 23 21 56
18. Lesta Lena zebua 16 14 17 47
19. Mosawato S. Zebua 35 26 20 81
20. Mulia A.Telaumbanua 35 34 28 97
After presenting the research findings of the research, the researcher

categorized the students’ scores into four categories. It can be seen in the table





Number of
Score range Category Percentage
80-100 Excellent 7 35%
65-79 Good 4 20%
56-64 Fair 3 15%
< 55 Poor 6 30%
Total 20 100%



20% Poor

Graphic 1: The Students’ Ability in Narrative Text

From the Graphic above, it is shown that there were 7 students (35%)

included in ‘Excellent’ category, there were 4 students (20%) included ‘Good

category, there were 3 students (15%) included ‘Fair’ category and category

included in ‘Poor’ were 6 students (30%). From the explanation above, it is

stated that the students’ ability in writting narrative text was in Good Category.

It can be seen from the students mean score obtained 66 score.

Meanwhile, the result of the students’ category on each aspects of

writing shown on the next page:


a) Focus/Organization

Number of
Score range Category Percentage

35-28 Excellent 8 40%

27-20 Good 3 15%

19-12 Fair 7 35%

< 11 Poor 2 10%

Total 20 100%

Based on the table above in focuse/organization showed, there were 8

(40%) students included in excellent category, there were 3 (15%) students

included in good category, there were 7 (35%) students included in Fair

category and there were 2 (10%) students included in poor.

b) Elaboration/Support/Style

Number of
Score range Category Percentage

35-28 Excellent 5 25%

27-20 Good 6 30%

19-12 Fair 8 40%

< 11 Poor 1 5%

Total 20 100%
Based on the table above showed, there were 5 (25%) students

included in excellent category, there were 6 (30%) students included in good

category, there were 8 (40%) students included in fair category and there were

1 (5%) students included in poor.


c) Grammar and Mechanics

Number of
Score range Category Percentage

30-25 Excellent 3 15%

24-20 Good 9 45%

19-15 Fair 7 35%

< 14 Poor 1 5%

Total 20 100%
Based on the table above showed, there were 3 (15%) students

included in excellent category, there were 9 (45%) students included in good

category, there were 7 (35%) students included in fair category and there were

1 (5%) students included in poor.

2. The Result of Interview

a. Students’ Interview

Based on the research design, the researcher conducted the interview

to the students in answering the second focus of the research. The researcher

conducted the interview to the students on Friday, 30 April 2021. In

conducting the interview, the researcher cooperated with the English teacher to

lead to the students in answering the questions. After collected the students’

interview sheets, the researcher counted and made the recapitulation of the

students’ responses in table on the next page




NO Excellent Category Good Category Fair- Poor Category
Faced problem about
Understand the generic Little problem with
1 less understanding the
structure of the text less of idea
structural text
Little difficult in
Less interesting to
2 writing the
study the material
Difficult to write
3 complication and
Lack of practice




NO Excellent Category Good Category Fair- Poor Category

Understand the Little problem with Didn’t understand
1 supporting in writing mastering about supporting in
narrative text vocabulary writing narrative text
Didn’t focus to study
2 because less interest to
study the material.



NO Excellent Category Good Category Fair- Poor Category
Understand the Little problem with Difficult used simple
grammar and formula of simple past past tense
mechanics in writing tense
narrative text
Little problem of Could not differentiated
vocabulary especially English form and
miss spelling word Indonesia language form
and punctuations mechanic
Difficult to follow the
material of narrative text
especially in used simple
past tense
Less interest

b. Teacher’s Interview

On Friday, 30 April 2021. The researcher conducted interview to the

teacher by using structured interview question. The researcher aimed did

interview to gain more informasion what the factor were affecting the students’

writing to answered the second focus of the research.

Conclusion of teacher’ interview, the teacher said there were 80% of

students interest to study of narrative text, and only some of students were less

interest to study the material. The general difficulties that faced by the

students’ were in developing their idea, used time, did misspelling, and used

past tense. Moreover, the teacher said that event they faced all of that

difficulties, most of them interest and understood the writing narrative text.

Based on the teacher statement above, it could be concluded the main

things that affect the students ability was the students understanding about the

narrative text and the way of their writing narrative text.

D. Discussion

1. The Analysis and Interpretation of Research Findings

1) The Description of Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text

Based on the data presented in Table 5 and Graphic 1, as well as the

explanation of Research findings. Fair to poor category were classified as a low

score, excellent to good category were classified as a high score. In general,

there were 7 students (35%) included in ‘Excellent’ category, there were 4

students (20%) included ‘Good category, there were 3 students (15%) included

‘Fairy’ category and category included in ‘Poor’ were 6 students (30%).

Through the result, the research classified 11 students as high and 9 students

classified as low. So, the result indicated that the students’ ability in writing

narrative text was high because from the students mean score obtained 66 score

which was in good category.

Furthermore, the result of the students’ category on each aspects of

writing showed that, in Focus/Organization aspect, there were 8 (40%) students

included in excellent category, there were 3 (15%) students included in good

category, there were 7 (35%) students included in fair category and there were

2 (10%) students included in poor. Through the result, there were 11 students

as high and 9 students as low. It is indicated that the students had a good

category in writing narrative text based on the focus/organization aspect.

The result of another aspect showed that, there were 5 (25%) students

included in excellent category, there were 6 (30%) students included in good

category, there were 8 (40%) students included in fair category and there were

1 (5%) students included in poor for the Elaboration/Support/Style aspect.

Through the result, there were 11 students as high and 9 students as low. It is

indicated that the students had a good category in writing narrative text based

on the Elaboration/Support/Style aspect.

Furthermore, the result of the Grammar and Mechanics aspect showed

that, there were 3 (15%) students included in excellent category, there were 9

(45%) students included in good category, there were 7 (35%) students

included in fair category and there were 1 (5%) students included in poor.

Through the result, there were 12 students as high and 8 students as low. It is

indicated that the students had a good category in writing narrative text based

on the Grammar and Mechanics aspect.

2) Factors Affecting the Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text

a. Factors Affecting the Result of Focus/Organization Aspect

Based on the students’ responses presented in Table 8, there were some

reasons that affecting the students’ ability in Focus/Organization aspect. Some

students who achieved excellent category stated that they understand the

generic structure of the text. In another hand, some students who achieved the

good category stated that they had little problem with expressing the idea.

Another students say that they had little difficult in writing the complication.

Furthermore, some students who achieved fair and poor category say that they

faced problem about less understanding the structural text, another students say

that they were less interesting to study the material and some of students say

that it was difficult for them to write complication and resolution. Another

reason was they were lack of practice in writing a text.

b. Factors Affecting The Result of Elaboration/Support/Style Aspect

Based on the students’ responses presented in Table 9, there were

some reasons that affecting the students’ ability in Elaboration/Support/Style

aspect. Some students who achieved the excellent category said that they

understand how to support their writing narrative text. In another hand, some

students who achieved the good category stated that they have little problem

with mastering vocabulary so they could not express their idea to write the

narrative text. Furthermore, some students who achieved fair and poor category

stated that they were did not understand how to support their writing and

another say that they did not focus to study because less interest to study the


c. Factors Affecting The Result Of Grammar And Mechanics Aspect

Based on the students’ responses presented in Table 10, there were

some reasons that affecting the students’ ability in Grammar and Mechanics

aspect. Some students who achieved the excellent category said that they

understand the grammar and mechanics in writing narrative text. In another


hand, some students who achieved the good category stated that they had little

problem with formula of simple past tense, little problem of vocabulary

especially miss spelling word and punctuations. Furthermore, some students

who achieved fair and poor category stated that it was difficult for the students

to use the simple past tense, another students stated that they could not

differentiated English form and Indonesia language form in writing narrative

text and difficult to follow the material of narrative text especially in used

simple past tense.

Based on the result of students’ and teacher’s interview, it could be

concluded there were some factors that affect the students’ ability in writing

narrative text namely : content and problem organization, lack of grammar,

lack of practice , lack motivation and the influence of the first language (L1) on

writing in English. It is supported by Nile et al (2015) stated that there some

problems that affect students writing ability: Cognitive Problem, Grammatical

Problems and Lack of Practice. Furthermore, according to Nacira in Asiah et al

(2020:88) stated that factors that hamper students to write were: lack of

motivation and the influence of the first language (L 1) on writing in English.

2. The Research Findings Versus Latest Related Researches

Comparing to the latest related researches that had been stated in

Chapter II, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference of the

research with the latest related researchers, the difference lies on the result of

the research. The result of the research showed that the students’ ability in

writing narrative text was in Good Category (66 score). Furthermore, the

factors that affecting students’ writing ability in narrative text were: students

cognitive it was problem organization, less motivation, lack of grammar , lack

of practice and the influence of the first language (L1) on writing in English.

The first study is from Nurhidayah (2017). Searching about “An

Analysis On The students’ ability in Writing Narrative Text at The Grade IX

MTs Ali Imron Medan” in his research focus on to find out how the students’

written in the narrative texts, to find out the problems faced by the students of

MTs Ali Imron Medan the academic 2016/2017 is written in the narrative texts,

and to find out the solution of the problems. The result showed tha tthe mastery

on writing of narrative text class IX Junior High School MTs Ali Imron Medan

academic year 2016/2017 is categorized into good score. The problems that

faced by the students in language feature of written narrative text are they did

not listen the material attentively given the teacher, the students only got the

information from what they read at glance and based on their experiences


The second study is from Noviani at all (2015). Searching about

“Students’ Problems in Writing Generic Structure of Narrative Text at Second

Grade SMAN 1 Sungai Rumbai Dharmasraya” in his research focus on to

determine students’ problems in writing generic structure of narrative text. The

result showed that the students' problems in writing generic structure of

narrative text at second grade students with major of IPS in SMA Negeri 1

Sungai Rumbai Dharmasraya is generic structure orientation 35 students from

50 students had problems, the students do not provide information when and

where the story took place, who and what is included in the story. In

complication, 39 students from 50 students had problems, the students do not

write the beginning of the problem telling the story appeared, and the students

are not told how the crisis or climax to these problems. In terms of resolution

40 students from 50 students had problems, students are not told how the

problems was resolved whether to be happy or sad ending.

3. The Research Findings Versus Theories

After getting the result of the research, the researcher compared it with

the theory of the research. In the students’ worksheets of writing narrative text,

it had been found the students’ ability in writing narrative text and the factors

that affect their ability. Since the procedure of the research and the concept of

writing narrative text was followed and conducted toward the students

documentary and interview. Because the researcher wanted to describe the

students’ ability, the researcher conducted a descriptive qualitative research.

Atmowardoyo (2018:198) says, “Descriptive research is defined as a research

method used to describe the existing phenomena as accurately as possible”.

But, there was a theory contrasted the fact found by the researcher in the field.

Theory According to Richards and Renandya in Asiah (2020: 85) there is no

doubt that writing is the most difficult skill for second language learners to

master. But in fact, the result of the students worksheets it was found that the

students’ ability in writing narrative text was in good category, thats mean

writing isn’t always the most difficult skill but writing is easy in some ways .

4. The Research Finding Implication

The research findings showed that descriptive analysis has the

significant towards the analysis of the students’ writing ability in narrative text

and factors affecting it. For the students, by conducting the research, it shows

the students about the level of their ability and understading about narrative

text. This enables the students to know the level of their ability and lead them

to increase their ability in learning narrative text.

Also for the English teacher, the research has some implication. The

research findings show the teacher the students’ progress in learning as well as

the the level of their ability and the factors that affecting it. It will improve and

encourage the teachers’ ability and knowledge for looking the best and suitable

components of teaching narrative text in the class such as strategy, material,

media etc.

5. Research Findings Limitation

In conducting the research, the researcher had some limitations that

the research findings as follows :

a. The research realized that procesess of the research was no completed well,

cause of the limited experinces, full of weaknesses and surely needed

improvements in the future researchers.

b. The limitation of the instruments used to collect the data made the obtained

data was still not perfect, expecially the rubric to analyze the data, due to the

researcher found there was not article aspect in rubric scoring.



C. Conclusions

Dealing with the result of the research from the students worksheet

and interview, it could be concluded that the ability of students of class VIII-A

at SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in writing narrative text was in Good

category. It is proved by the findings that there were 7 students (35%) included

in ‘Excellent’ category, there were 4 students (20%) included ‘Good category,

there were 3 students (15%) included ‘Fair’ category and category included in

‘Poor’ were 6 students (30%). Through the result, the research classified 11

students as high and 9 students classified as low. So, the result indicated that

the students’ ability in writing narrative text was high because from the

students mean score obtained 66 score which was in good category.

The research findings also indicate that the major factors that affecting

the students ability in writing narrative text were: students cognitive it was

problem organization, less motivation, lack of grammar, lack of practice and

the influence of the first language (L1) on writing in English.


B. Suggestions

Based on the result of the research, there are some suggestion

proposed by researcher namely : the English teacher should pay attentions in

engaging the students more in teaching learning activities. The English Teacher

encourages their students to produce better writing by giving them much

practice to write. In addition, the students should read more and practice to

write more to increase their ability in writing especially narrative text and the

students should learn more simple past tense, structure of narrative text,

proponents of narrative text such as transition word, and do not hesitate to ask

the teacher if they have difficulties on it. For the further researchers who want

to analyze the students’ writing ability in different aspects of the research and

making the research as the reference in the same field to be able to cover the

limitation about the research as well. Especially in determining the indicators

used as research indicators in order to used more complete indicators so that

students’ writing assessments were better.


Asiah et al, (2020). A Study on The Students’ Factor Difficulty in Writing

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Autilia Rani and Theresia Melati, 2018. Improving Students’ Writing Skill of
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Narative Text Of 42 State Smk In Jakarta.
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Gay, Lorraine R., Mills, Geoffrey E., Airasian, Peter W. 2012. EDUCATIONAL
RESEARCH: Competencies for Analysis and Aplications (10th Ed.).
Pearson, New York.
Glenceo, 2009. Writing Assessment and Evaluation Rubric, California: MCGrew
Loeb et al, 2017. Descriptive Ananlysis in Education : a Guide for
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Lubis R.Fahmey. 2016. Narrative Text. English Education. Vol 4. No 2.
Murdliyana, 2019. An Analysis of the Grammatical Errors in Narrative
WritingMade by Eleventh-grade Students. JIE (Journal of Islamic
Education), Volume 24, Number 1.
MustikaGilanget al.2018.Students’ Writing Process for Project Ibunka: ACase
Study of EFL Writers. JELTL (Journal of English Language Teaching and
Linguistics).Vol. 3(3)
Nassaji Hosien, 2015. Qualitative and descriptiveresearch: Data type versus data
analysis. SAGE, Volume 19(2), Number 129- 132.


Neuman W. Lawrence. 2014. Basic of Social Research : Qualitative and

Quantitative Approach. PEARSON.
Noviani Tika. 2015. Students’ Problems in Writing Generic Structure of Narrative
Text at Second Grade SMAN 1 Sungai Rumbai Dharmasraya.
Sulistyo Irwan. 2013. An Analysis Of Generic Structure Of Narrative Text
Written By The Tenth Year Students Of Sma Yasiha Gubug. Vol. 4,
Tracy Sarah J. 2020. Qualitative Research Methods : Collecting Edvidaence,
Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact. WILEY BLACKWELL.
Umar, 2016. An Analysis Of Errors On The Using Simple PastIn Writing A
Narrative Text. Gane Ç Swara Vol.10 No.1

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP N 1 Gunungsitoli Barat
Kelas / Semester : VIII / I & II
Tahun Pelajaran : 2020 / 2021

 KI1 dan KI2: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya serta Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin,
santun, percaya diri, peduli, dan bertanggung jawab dalam berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan,
keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, dan kawasan regional.
 KI3: Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif pada tingkat teknis dan spesifik
sederhana berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan, dan kenegaraan terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
 KI4: Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, dan
komunikatif, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut
pandang teori.

Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi Sosial 3.1.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Menyimak, 12  Buku  Lisan
struktur teks, dan unsur Menjaga
social dan unsur menirukan, dan JP bahasa  Tertulis
kebahasaan dari ungkapan  Penugasa
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
kebahasaan teks interaksi hubungan meminta perhatian memperagakan inggris n
interpersonal lisan dan tulis interpersonal 3.1.2 Menyebutkan ungkapan beberapa contoh  Kamus  Unjuk
yang melibatkan tindakan dengan guru dan meminta perhatian percakapan, bahasa kerja
meminta perhatian, teman 3.1.3 Merespon ungkapan dengan ucapan inggris  Produk
mengecek pemahaman,
 Struktur Teks
meminta perhatian dan tekanan kata  Interne  Portofoli
menghargai kinerja, 3.1.4 Mengidentifikasi fungsi yang benar t o
meminta dan - Memulai social dan unsur - Mengidentifikasi
mengungkapkan pendapat, - Menanggapi kebahasaan dari ungkapan ungkapan yang
serta menanggapinya, (diharapkan/di mengecek pemahaman sedang dipelajari
sesuai dengan konteks luar dugaan) 3.1.5 Menyebutkan ungkapan - Menanyakan hal-
penggunaannya  Unsur Kebahasaan mengecek pemahaman hal yang tidak
4.1 Menyusun teks interaksi 3.1.6 Merespon ungkapan diketahui atau
- Ungkapan a.l. mengecek pemahaman
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang berbeda
Excuse me, Is it
sangat pendek dan 3.1.7 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Menentukan
clear?, Great, I social dan
sederhana yang melibatkan ungkapan yang
think so., dsb. unsurkebahasaan dari
tindakan meminta tepat secara
- Ucapan, tekanan ungkapan menghargai lisan/tulis dari
perhatian, mengecek kata, intonasi,
pemahaman, menghargai kinerja yang baik berbagai situasi
ejaan, tanda 3.1.8 Menyebutkan ungkapan lain yang serupa
kinerja, serta meminta dan baca, dan tulisan
mengungkapkan pendapat, menghargai kinerja yang - Membiasakan
tangan baik
dan menanggapinya dengan menerapkan yang
memperhatikan fungsi  Topik 3.1.9 Merespon ungkapan sedang dipelajari
sosial, struktur teks, dan Interaksi antara menghargai kinerja yang dalam interaksi
unsur kebahasaan yang peserta didik dan baik dengan guru dan
benar dan sesuai konteks guru di dalam dan 3.1.10 Mengidentifikasi fungsi teman secara
di luar kelas yang social dan unsur alami di dalam
tindakan meminta kebahasaan dari meminta dan di luar kelas
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
perhatian, dan mengungkapkan - Melakukan
mengecek pendapat refleksi tentang
pemahaman, 3.1.11 Menyebutkan proses dan hasil
menghargai ungkapan meminta dan belajar
kinerja, meminta mengungkapkan pendapat
dan 3.1.12 Merespon ungkapan
mengungkapkan meminta dan
pendapat yang mengungkapkan pendapat
menumbuhkan 4.1.1 Menulis teks lisan
perilaku yang sederhana untuk
termuat di KI mengucapkan dan
merespon ungkapan
meminta perhatian.
4.1.2 Menulis teks lisan
sederhana untuk
mengucapkan dan
merespon ungkapan
mengecek pemahaman
4.1.3 Menulis teks lisan
sederhana untuk
mengucapkan dan
merespon ungkapan
menghargai kinerja yang
4.1.4 Menulis teks lisan
sederhana untuk
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
mengucapkan dan
merespon ungkapan
meminta dan
mengungkapkan pendapat.

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi sosial 3.2.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Menyimak, 8 JP  Buku  Lisan
struktur teks, dan unsur social dan unsur membaca, dan bahasa  Tertulis
kebahasaan teks interaksi kebahasaan dari memberi menirukan, guru inggris  Penugasa
transaksional lisan dan tulis dan meminta informasi membacakan  Kamus n
terkait kemampuan dan
yang melibatkan tindakan mengajak, dan beberapa teks bahasa  Unjuk
memberi dan meminta kemauan pendek berisi inggris
sebagainya . kerja
informasi terkait 3.2.2. Menyebutkan ungkapan kemampuan dan Internet  Produk
kemampuan dan kemauan,  Struktur teks tindakan memberi dan kemauan, dengan
meminta informasi terkait Portofolio
melakukan suatu tindakan, - Memulai ucapan dan
sesuai dengan konteks - Menanggapi kemampuan tekanan kata yang
penggunaannya. (diharapkan/di 3.2.3. Menyebutkan ungkapan benar
(Perhatikan unsur luar dugaan) tindakan memberi dan - Menanyakan hal-
kebahasaan can, will) meminta informasi terkait hal yang tidak
 Unsur kebahasaan kemauan diketahui atau
4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan tulis - Ungkapan yang berbeda
sangat pendek dan kemampuan dan 4.2.1 Menulis teks lisan dan - Menentukan
kemauan yang tulis sederhana untuk modal yang tepat
sederhana yang melibatkan
sesuai, dengan mengucapkan memberi untuk diisikan ke
tindakan memberi dan
modal: can, will. dan meminta informasi dalam kalimat-
meminta informasi terkait
- Nomina singular terkait kemampuan dan kalimat rumpang
kemampuan dan kemauan,
dan plural kemauan, melakukan - Bertanya jawab
melakukan suatu tindakan,
dengan atau suatu tindakan. dengan teman
dengan memperhatikan
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, tanpa a, the, this, tentang
dan unsur kebahasaan yang those, my, their, kemampuan dan
benar dan sesuai konteks dsb. kemauan masing-
- Ucapan, tekanan masing untuk
kata, intonasi, melakukan
ejaan, tanda tindakan-tindakan
baca, dan tulisan tertentu
tangan - Memaparkan
hasil temuannya
 Topik
dalam bentuk teks
Interaksi antara pendek tentang
peserta didik di temannya dan
dalam dan di luar mempresentasika
kelas yang n di kelompok
melibatkan lain diikuti tanya
kemampuan dan jawab
kemauan - Melakukan
melakukan refleksi tentang
tindakan yang proses dan hasil
dapat belajarnya
perilaku yang
termuat di KI

3.3 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi sosial 3.3.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Menyimak, 12  Buku -
struktur teks, dan unsur social dan unsur membaca, dan JP bahasa
kebahasaan teks interaksi kebahasaan dari memberi menirukan, guru inggris
melarang, dan
transaksional lisan dan tulis dan meminta informasi membacakan  Kamus
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
yang melibatkan tindakan menghimbau. terkait kemampuan dan beberapa bahasa
memberi dan meminta kemauan percakapan, inggris
 Struktur teks
informasi terkait keharusan, 3.3.2 Menyebutkan ungkapan dengan ucapan  Interne
larangan, dan himbauan, - Memulai tindakan memberi dan dan tekanan kata t
sesuai dengan konteks - Menanggapi meminta informasi terkait yang benar
penggunaannya (Perhatikan (diharapkan/di keharusan sesuai dengan - Menanyakan hal-
unsur kebahasaan must, luar dugaan) konteks hal yang tidak
should)  Unsur kebahasaan 3.3.3 Menyebutkan ungkapan diketahui atau
4.3 Menyusun teks interaksi tindakan memberi dan yang berbeda
- Ungkapan meminta informasi terkait - Menentukan
transaksional lisan dan tulis keharusan,
sangat pendek dan larangan sesuai dengan modal yang tepat
larangan, konteks untuk diisikan ke
sederhana yang melibatkan himbauan
tindakan memberi dan 3.3.4 Menyebutkan ungkapan dalam kalimat-
dengan modal tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait kalimat rumpang
must, (don’t) meminta informasi terkait - Diberikan
keharusan, larangan, dan have to...,
himbauan, dengan himbauan sesuai dengan beberapa kasus,
should, konteks
memperhatikan fungsi bertanya jawab
- Nomina singular dengan teman
sosial, struktur teks, dan dan plural
unsur kebahasaan yang 4.3.1 Menulis teks lisan dan tentang
dengan atau keharusan,
benar dan sesuai konteks tanpa a, the, tulis sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan larangan,
this, those, my, himbauan
their, dsb. memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait melakukan
- Ucapan, tekanan tindakan-tindakan
kata, intonasi, keharusan, larangan, dan
himbauan, dengan tertentu
ejaan, tanda
memperhatikan fungsi - Memaparkan
baca, dan tulisan hasil temuannya
sosial, struktur teks, dan
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
tangan unsur kebahasaan yang dalam bentuk teks
benar dan sesuai konteks pendek tentang
 Topik
temannya dan
Interaksi antara mempresentasika
peserta didik dan n di kelompok
guru di dalam dan lain diikuti tanya
di luar kelas yang jawab
melibatkan - Melakukan
keharusan, refleksi tentang
larangan, proses dan hasil
himbauan yang belajarnya
perilaku yang
termuat di KI

3.4 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi sosial 3.4.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Menyimak, 8 JP  Buku  Lisan
struktur teks, dan unsur Menjaga
social dan unsur menirukan, dan bahasa  Tertulis
kebahasaan teks interaksi hubungan
kebahasaan dari memberi memperagakan inggris  Penugasa
interpersonal lisan dan tulis dan meminta informasi beberapa contoh  Kamus n
yang melibatkan tindakan dengan guru dan
terkait menyuruh, percakapan, bahasa  Unjuk
menyuruh, mengajak, mengajak, meminta ijin, dengan ucapan inggris kerja
meminta ijin, serta serta menanggapinya, dan tekanan kata  Interne  Produk
menanggapinya, sesuai  Struktur teks sesuai dengan konteks yang benar t Portofolio
dengan konteks - Memulai penggunaannya - Mengidentifikasi
penggunaannya - Menanggapi 3.4.2 Menyebutkan ungkapan ungkapan yang
(diharapkan/di tindakan memberi dan sedang dipelajari
4.4 Menyusun teks interaksi
meminta informasi terkait - Menanyakan hal-
interpersonal lisan dan tulis
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
sangat pendek dan luar dugaan) ungkapan menyuruh sesuai hal yang tidak
sederhana yang melibatkan dengan konteks diketahui atau
 Unsur Kebahasaan
tindakan menyuruh, 3.4.3 Menyebutkan ungkapan yang berbeda
mengajak, meminta ijin, - Ungkapan a.l tindakan memberi dan - Menentukan
dan menanggapinya dengan let’s ..., can you meminta informasi terkait ungkapan yang
memperhatikan fungsi ..., would you ungkapan mengajak sesuai tepat secara
sosial, struktur teks, dan like ..., may I, dengan konteks lisan/tulis dari
unsur kebahasaan yang please. 3.4.4 Menyebutkan ungkapan berbagai situasi
benar dan sesuai konteks - Nomina singular tindakan memberi dan lain yang serupa
dan plural meminta informasi terkait - Membiasakan
dengan atau ungkapan meminta ijin menerapkan yang
tanpa a, the, sesuai dengan konteks sedang dipelajari
this, those, my, 3.4.5 Menanggapi teks interaksi dalam interaksi
their, dsb. interpersonal lisan dan dengan guru dan
- Ucapan, tekanan tulis yang melibatkan teman secara
kata, intonasi, tindakan menyuruh, alami di dalam
ejaan, tanda mengajak, dan meminta dan di luar kelas
baca, dan tulisan ijin, sesuai dengan konteks - Melakukan
tangan penggunaannya refleksi tentang
 Topik proses dan hasil
4.4.1 Menulis teks lisan dan belajar
Interaksi antara tulis sederhana yang
guru dan peserta melibatkan tindakan
didk di dalam dan menyuruh, mengajak,
di luar kelas yang meminta ijin, dan
melibatkan menanggapinya dengan
tindakan memperhatikan fungsi
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
mengajak, sosial, struktur teks, dan
meminta ijin yang unsur kebahasaan yang
dapat benar dan sesuai konteks
perilaku yang
termuat di KI

3.5 Membandingkan fungsi  Fungsi sosial 3.5.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Mencermati dan 12  Buku  Lisan
sosial, struktur teks, dan Menjaga hubungan
social dan unsur menemukan JP bahasa  Tertulis
unsur kebahasaan beberapa interpersonal
kebahasaan teks khusus perbedaan dan inggris  Penugasa
teks khusus dalam bentuk dalam bentuk greeting persamaan dari  Kamus n
dengan guru dan
greeting card, dengan teman.
card, dengan memberi dan beberapa greeting bahasa  Unjuk
memberi dan meminta meminta informasi terkait card untuk hari inggris kerja
informasi terkait dengan  Struktur Teks dengan hari-hari spesial spesial tertentu  Interne  Produk
hari-hari spesial, sesuai Teks greeting card 3.5.2 Menyebutkan teks Kartu - Mengidentifikasi t Portofolio
dengan konteks dapat mencakup ucapan selamat (Greeting dan menyebutkan
penggunaannya - Identifikasi Cards) terkait dengan hari- ucapan selamat
(nama peristiwa, hari spesial yang ada dengan
4.5 Menyusun teks khusus
hari istimewa) 3.5.3 Merespon teks Kartu ucapan dan
dalam bentuk greeting card,
bersifat khusus ucapan selamat (Greeting tekanan kata yang
sangat pendek dan
- Ungkapan Cards) terkait dengan hari- benar
sederhana, terkait hari-hari
khusus yang hari spesial - Mencermati dan
spesial dengan
relevan 3.5.4 Menyebutkan teks menemukan
memperhatikan fungsi
- Gambar, hiasan, Undangan pribadi perbedaan dan
sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan, secara komposisi warna persamaan dari
4.5.1 Menulis informasi rinci beberapa greeting
benar dan sesuai konteks  Unsur Kebahasaan yang terdapat pada teks card untuk event
- Ungkapan a.l. greeting card
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
Congratulations 4.5.2 Menulis teks khusus dalam lain
. Well done. bentuk greeting card sangat - Mengidentifikasi
Good job., dll. pendek dan sederhana, perbedaan dan
- Ucapan, tekanan terkait hari-hari spesial persamaan, dan
kata, intonasi, dengan memperhatikan memberikan
ejaan, tanda fungsi sosial, struktur teks, penilaiannya
baca, dan tulisan dan unsur kebahasaan, - Membuat
tangan secara benar dan sesuai greeting card
konteks terkait hari
 Topik
istimewa yang
Peristiwa, relevan dengan
peringatan ulang peserta didik saat
tahun, naik kelas, itu.
kejuaraan dsb. - Melakukan
yang dapat refleksi tentang
menumbuhkan proses dan hasil
perilaku yang belajarnya
termuat di KI

3.6 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi sosial 3.6.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Menyimak dan 12  Buku  Lisan
struktur teks, dan unsur Menyebutkan, social dan unsur menirukan guru JP bahasa  Tertulis
kebahasaan teks interaksi mendeskripsikan, kebahasaan teks interaksi menanyakan dan inggris  Penugasa
transaksional lisan dan tulis membuat transaksional lisan dan menyebutkan  Kamus n
yang melibatkan tindakan inventaris, dan tulis yang melibatkan keberadaan bahasa  Unjuk
memberi dan meminta sebagainya. orang, benda, inggris kerja
tindakan memberi dan
informasi terkait binatang di  Interne  Produk
keberadaan orang, benda,  Struktur teks meminta informasi terkait rumah, sekolah, t Portofolio
binatang, sesuai dengan - Memulai keberadaan orang, benda, dan sekitarnya,
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
konteks penggunaannya. - Menanggapi binatang, sesuai dengan dengan tata
(Perhatikan unsur (diharapkan/di konteks penggunaannya bahasa, ucapan
kebahasaan there is/are) luar dugaan) 3.6.2 Menyebutkan tindakan dan tekanan kata
4.6 Menyusun teks interaksi yang benar
 Unsur Kebahasaan memberi dan meminta
transaksional lisan dan tulis - Mencermati
- Ungkapan informasi terkait beberapa teks
sangat pendek dan
dengan There keberadaan orang, sesuai pendek tentang
sederhana yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan is/are dengan konteks situasi suatu
meminta informasi terkait - Kata jumlah penggunaannya tempat dengan
keberadaan orang, benda, yang tidak 3.6.3 Menyebutkan tindakan menyebutkan
binatang, dengan tertentu: little, keberadaan
memberi dan meminta
memperhatikan fungsi few, some, many, orang, benda,
much, a lot (of). informasi terkait benda,
sosial, struktur teks, dan binatang dan
- Frasa kata sesuai dengan konteks jumlahnya untuk
unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks depan: in, on, penggunaannya kemudian
under, in front 3.6.4 Menyebutkan tindakan membaca dengan
of, below, above, memberi dan meminta ucapan dan
dan lain lain. informasi terkait binatang, tekanan kata yang
- Ucapan, tekanan benar
sesuai dengan konteks
kata, intonasi, - Mengisikan
ejaan, tanda penggunaannya
dengan ungkapan
baca, dan tulisan jumlah yang tepat
tangan 4.6.1 Menulis teks interaksi pada kalimat-
 Topik transaksional lisan dan kalimat rumpang
tulis sangat pendek dan - Membuat teks
Keberadaan orang, pendek untuk
binatang, benda, di sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan mendeskripsikan
kelas, sekolah,
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
rumah, dan memberi dan meminta rumah masing-
sekitarnya yang informasi terkait masing dan
dapat keberadaan orang, benda, sekitarnya dengan
menumbuhkan menyebutkan
binatang, dengan
perilaku yang keberaan orang,
termuat di KI memperhatikan fungsi benda, binatang
sosial, struktur teks, dan dan jumlahnya,
unsur kebahasaan yang dengan ejaan dan
benar dan sesuai konteks tanda baca yang
- Mempresentasika
n di kelompok
lain dan bertanya
jawab tentang isi
- Melakukan
refleksi tentang
proses dan hasil

3.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi sosial 3.7.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Menyimak dan 8 JP  Buku  Lisan
struktur teks, dan unsur Menjelaskan, social dan unsur menirukan guru bahasa  Tertulis
kebahasaan teks interaksi mendeskripsikan kebahasaan teks interaksi membacakan inggris  Penugasa
transaksional lisan dan tulis transaksional lisan dan teks-teks pendek  Kamus n
yang melibatkan tindakan  Struktur teks dan sederhana bahasa  Unjuk
tulis yang melibatkan
memberi dan meminta - Memulai tentang kejadian inggris kerja
tindakan memberi dan
informasi terkait keadaan/ - Menanggapi rutin yang  Interne  Produk
meminta informasi terkait
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian (diharapkan/di keadaan/ merupakan t Portofolio
yang dilakukan/terjadi luar dugaan) tindakan/kegiatan/ kebenaran umum
secara rutin atau merupakan yang sangat
 Unsur kebahasaan kejadian yang
kebenaran umum, sesuai dikenal peserta
- Kalimat dilakukan/terjadi secara
dengan konteks didik, dengan
penggunaannya. deklaratif dan rutin atau merupakan ucapan dan
(Perhatikan unsur interogatif dalam kebenaran umum, sesuai tekanan kata yang
kebahasaan simple present Simple Present dengan konteks benar
tense) Tense. penggunaannya - Mengidentifikasi
4.7 Menyusun teks interaksi - Adverbia: 3.7.2 Menyebutkan teks lisan ungkapan-
always, often, ungkapan yang
transaksional lisan dan tulis dan tulis memberi dan
sangat pendek dan sometimes, menunjukkan
never, usually, meminta informasi terkait
sederhana yang melibatkan kejadian rutin
every keadaan yang dalam teks
tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait - Nomina singular dilakukan/terjadi secara - Menanyakan
keadaan/ ndakan/ kegiatan/ dan plural rutin atau merupakan tentang kejadian
kejadian yang dengan atau kebenaran umum rutin yang serupa
dilakukan/terjadi secara tanpa a, the, this, 3.7.3 Menyebutkan teks lisan dengan yang
rutin atau merupakan those, my, their, disebutkan dalam
dsb. dan tulis memberi dan
kebenaran umum, dengan teks pada konteks
- Ucapan, tekanan meminta informasi terkait
memperhatikan fungsi lain
kata, intonasi, tindakan yang - Bertanya jawab
sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan yang ejaan, tanda dilakukan/terjadi secara tentang kegiatan
benar dan sesuai konteks baca, dan tulisan rutin atau merupakan rutin yang biasa,
tangan kebenaran umum sering, kadang-
 Topik 3.7.4 Menyebutkan teks lisan kadang, biasanya,
dan tulis memberi dan tidak pernah
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
sehari-hari dan meminta informasi terkait mereka lakukan
kebenaran umum kegiatan yang sebagai anggota
yang dapat dilakukan/terjadi secara keluarga dan
menumbuhkan remaja sekolah
rutin atau merupakan
perilaku yang menegah
termuat di KI kebenaran umum - Mengumpulkan
3.7.5 Menyebutkan teks lisan informasi tentang
dan tulis memberi dan hal-hal yang
meminta informasi terkait biasa, sering,
kejadian yang kadang-kadang,
dilakukan/terjadi secara biasanya
dilakukan di
rutin atau merupakan
kebenaran umum untuk membuat
teks-teks pendek
4.7.1 Menulis teks interaksi dan sederhana
transaksional lisan dan - Saling menyimak
tulis sangat pendek dan dan bertanya
sederhana yang jawab tentang
teks masing-
melibatkan tindakan
masing dengan
memberi dan meminta teman-temannya
informasi terkait keadaan/ - Melakukan
ndakan/ kegiatan/ kejadian refleksi tentang
yang dilakukan/terjadi proses dan hasil
secara rutin atau belajarnya
merupakan kebenaran
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
umum, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks dan
unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks
3.8 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi sosial 3.8.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Menyimak dan 8 JP  Buku  Lisan
struktur teks, dan unsur Menjelaskan, social dan unsur menirukan guru bahasa  Tertulis
kebahasaan teks interaksi mendeskripsikan kebahasaan teks interaksi menyebutkan inggris  Penugasa
transaksional lisan dan tulis transaksional lisan dan tindakan,  Kamus n
yang melibatkan tindakan  Struktur teks kegiatan yang bahasa  Unjuk
tulis yang melibatkan
memberi dan meminta - Memulai sedang dilakukan inggris kerja
tindakan memberi dan
informasi terkait - Menanggapi di kelas, sekolah,  Interne  Produk
keadaan/tindakan/ meminta informasi terkait dan rumah pada
(diharapkan/di t Portofolio
kegiatan/kejadian yang luar dugaan) keadaan/tindakan/ saat diucapkan,
sedang dilakukan/ kegiatan/kejadian yang dengan ucapan
berlangsung saat diucapkan,  Unsur kebahasaan sedang dilakukan/ dan tekanan kata
sesuai dengan konteks - Kalimat berlangsung saat yang benar
deklaratif dan
penggunaannya. diucapkan, sesuai dengan - Mengidentifikasi
(Perhatikan unsur interogatif dalam ungkapan-
Present konteks penggunaannya
kebahasaan present ungkapan yang
continuous tense) Continuous 3.8.2 Menyebutkan teks lisan menunjukkan
4.8 Menyusun teks interaksi Tense dan tulis memberi dan kejadian yang
transaksional lisan dan tulis - Adverbia: now meminta informasi terkait sedang terjadi
sangat pendek dan - Nomina singular keadaan yang - Bertanya jawab
sederhana yang melibatkan dan plural dilakukan/terjadi pada saat untuk mengetahui
tindakan memberi dan dengan atau tindakan,
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
meminta informasi terkait tanpa a, the, this, 3.8.3 Menyebutkan teks lisan kegiatan yang
keadaan/tindakan/kegiatan/ those, my, their, dan tulis memberi dan sedang dilakukan
kejadian yang sedang dsb. meminta informasi terkait oleh anggota
dilakukan/ berlangsung saat - Ucapan, tekanan tindakan yang
keluarga mereka
diucapkan, dengan kata, intonasi, - Menyebutkan
memperhatikan fungsi ejaan, tanda dilakukan/terjadi pada saat tindakan,
sosial, struktur teks, dan baca, dan tulisan diucapkan kegiatan yang
unsur kebahasaan yang tangan 3.8.4 Menyebutkan teks lisan sedang dilakukan
benar dan sesuai konteks dan tulis memberi dan yang tampak pada
 Topik
meminta informasi terkait tampilan visual
Kegiatan dan (a.l. gambar,
kejadian yang kegiatan yang
sedang dilakukan/terjadi pada saat
- Membuat teks
berlangsung di diucapkan pendek
rumah, sekolah 3.8.5 Menyebutkan teks lisan berdasarkan
dan sekitarnya dan tulis memberi dan tampilan visual
yang dapat meminta informasi terkait lainnya
kejadian yang - Saling menyimak
perilaku yang dan bertanya
termuat di KI dilakukan/terjadi pada saat
jawab tentang
teks masing-
masing dengan
4.8.1 Menulis teks interaksi teman-temannya
transaksional lisan dan - Melakukan
tulis sangat pendek dan refleksi tentang
sederhana yang proses dan hasil
melibatkan tindakan belajarnya
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait
/kejadian yang sedang
dilakukan/ berlangsung
saat diucapkan, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai konteks
3.9 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi sosial 3.9.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Menyimak dan 8 JP  Buku  Lisan
struktur teks, dan unsur Mengidentifikasi, social dan unsur menirukan guru bahasa  Tertulis
kebahasaan teks interaksi mengenalkan, kebahasaan teks interaksi membaca inggris  Penugasa
transaksional lisan dan tulis memuji, transaksional lisan dan interaksi yang  Kamus n
yang melibatkan tindakan mengkritik, tulis yang melibatkan menggambarkan bahasa  Unjuk
memberi dan meminta mengagumi. perbandingan inggris kerja
tindakan memberi dan
informasi terkait jumlah dan sifat  Interne  Produk
perbandingan jumlah dan  Struktur teks meminta informasi terkait orang, benda, t Portofolio
sifat orang, binatang, - Memulai perbandingan jumlah dan binatang, dengan
benda, sesuai dengan - Menanggapi sifat orang, binatang, ucapan dan
konteks penggunaannya (diharapkan/di benda, sesuai dengan tekanan kata yang
(Perhatikan unsur luar dugaan) konteks penggunaannya benar
kebahasaan degree of - Menjawab
comparison)  Unsur kebahasaan 3.9.2. Menyebutkan teks lisan pertanyaan
- Kalimat dan tulis memberi dan
4.9 Menyusun teks interaksi dengan
perbandingan meminta informasi terkait
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
transaksional lisan dan tulis positif, perbandingan jumlah dan menggunakan
sangat pendek dan komparatif dan sifat orang sesuai dengan informasi yang
sederhana yang melibatkan superlatif konteks penggunaannya terdapat dalam
tindakan memberi dan dengan: as ... as, tekjs, secara lisan.
3.9.3. Menyebutkan teks lisan
meminta informasi terkait -er, -est, more - Mendeskripsikan
perbandingan jumlah dan ..., the most ... dan tulis memberi dan perbandingan
sifat orang, binatang, - Perbandingan meminta informasi terkait jumlah dan sifat
benda, dengan jumlah: more, perbandingan jumlah dan orang, benda,
memperhatikan fungsi fewer, less sifat binatang sesuai binatang yang
sosial, struktur teks, dan - Nomina singular dengan konteks tampak dalam
unsur kebahasaan yang dan plural penggunaannya dua gambar yang
benar dan sesuai konteks dengan atau berbeda
3.9.4. Menyebutkan teks lisan
tanpa a, the, this, - Bertanya jawab
those, my, their, dan tulis memberi dan untuk
dsb. meminta informasi terkait membandingkan
- Ucapan, tekanan perbandingan jumlah dan orang, benda,
kata, intonasi, sifat benda sesuai dengan binatang yang
ejaan, tanda konteks penggunaannya mereka ketahui di
baca, dan tulisan rumah, sekolah
tangan dan sekitarnya
4.9.1 Menulis teks interaksi
- Membuat
 Topik transaksional lisan dan beberapa teks
Perbandingan tulis sangat pendek dan pendek dan
orang, benda, sederhana yang sederhana
binatang di kelas, melibatkan tindakan membandingkan
sekolah, rumah, orang, benda,
memberi dan meminta
dan sekitarnya binatang yang
informasi terkait
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
yang dapat perbandingan jumlah dan mereka ketahui
menumbuhkan sifat orang, binatang, - Saling menyimak
perilaku yang benda, dengan dan bertanya
termuat di KI jawab tentang
memperhatikan fungsi
teks masing-
sosial, struktur teks, dan masing dengan
unsur kebahasaan yang teman-temannya
benar dan sesuai konteks - Melakukan
refleksi tentang
proses dan hasil
3.10.1Mengidentifikasi 12  Buku  Lisan
3.10 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi sosial  Mengamati
struktur teks, dan unsur fungsi social, struktur Siswa JP bahasa  Tertulis
kebahasaan dari teks naratif
Memperoleh teks dan unsur menyalin inggris  Penugasa
hiburan, menghibur  Kamus n
berbentuk personal kebahasaan teks dengan tulisan
experience , sesuai dengan
dan mengajarkan
narative berbentuk tangan yang bahasa  Unjuk
nilai-nilai luhur inggris kerja
konteks penggunaannya personal experience rapi beberapa
melalui cerita Interne  Produk
4.11 Menangkap makna secara lisan dan tulis, sesuai personal
pribadi. t Portofoli
kontekstual terkait teks experience,
dengan konteks o
pendek dan
naratif, berbentuk  Struktur text penggunaannya
personal experience lisan sederhana dari
(gagasan utama dan 3.11.1 Mengidentifikasi
dan tulis, pendek dan berbagai
informasi rinci)
sifat/karakteristik tokoh sumber,
a. Memperkenalkan dalm personal dengan
tokoh, tempat, experience pendek dan menggunakan
4.12 Menyusun teks narative waktu, terjadinya ejaan dan
sederhana sesuai
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
lisan dan tulis berbentuk cerita (orientasi). dengan konteks tanda baca
personal experience, sangat penggunaannya dengan benar.
b. Memberikan
pendek dan sederhana,
penilaian 3.11.2 Memahami makna  Siswa
dengan memperhatikan
(evaluasi) secara kontekstual teks membaca dan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
tentang situasi narative berbentuk mendengarkan
dan unsur kebahasaan,
dan kondisi personal experience personal
secara benar dan sesuai
terjadinya cerita. lisan dan tulis, sangat experience
c. Memaparkan tersebut untuk
pendek dan sederhana
krisis yang memahami isi
3.11.3 Menentukan gagasan pesannya.
terjadi terhadap utaman dan informasi
tokoh utama
rinci dari teks narative  Dengan
(komplikasi) bimbingan
berbentuk personal guru, siswa
d. Memaparkan experience secara lisan
akhir cerita, di mengidentifika
dan tulis si fungsi
mana krisis
berakhir 3.11.4 Memahami kosakata sosialnya,
(resolusi) dengan baru dari teks narative struktur teks
bahagia atau berbentuk personal (termasuk a.l.
sedih gagasan utama
experience secara lisan
dan informasi
e. Memberikan dan tulis rinci) dari
alasan atau 4.12.1 Membuat teks teks setiap personal
komentar umum narative berbentuk experience
(reorientasi), personal experience tersebut.
opsional. lisan dan tulis, sangat
pendek dan sederhana,  Dengan
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
 Unsur dengan memperhatikan bimbingan dan
kebahasaan fungsi sosial, struktur arahan guru,
teks, dan unsur siswa
(1) Tata bahasa:
Simple Past kebahasaan, secara
tense, Past benar dan sesuai mempertanyaka
Continuous konteks n tentang
fungsi sosial,
(2) Kalimat struktur teks,
langung dan dan unsur
tidak langsung kebahasaan dari
setiap personal
(3) Kosa kata:
experience l
tokoh orang
personal  Secara
experience, kolaboratif,
tempat dan siswa mencari
benda-benda dan
terkait tokoh mengumpulan
(4) Adverbia beberapa
penghubung personal
waktu: first, experience
then, after pendek dan
that, before, at sederhana dari
last, finally, berbagai
dsb. sumber,
termasuk dari
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
(5) Adverbia dan internet, film,
frasa koran, majalah,
preposisional buku teks, dsb.
 Siswa
waktu: a long
time ago, one
rujukan dari
day, in the
morning, the
next day,
termasuk buku
teks, untuk
(6) Penggunaan fungsi sosial,
nominal struktur teks,
singular dan dan unsur
plural secara kebahasaan
tepat, dengan dari personal
atau tanpa a, experience.
the, this, those,
my, their, dsb  Siswa
secara tepat membaca
dalam frasa semua fabel
nominal yang telah
terkumpul tsb.,
(7) Ucapan, secara lebih
tekanan kata, cermat dengan
intonasi cara
(8) Ejaan dan mengidentifika
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
tanda baca si dan
(9) Tulisan tangan
- fungsi
 Topik sosial setiap
Cerita yang
memberikan - tokoh,
keteladanan tempat,
tentang perilaku waktu,
jujur, disiplin, terjadinya
percaya diri, cerita
kerjasama, dan
- krisis yang
bertanggung jawab.
- akhir cerita
di mana
- komentar
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
jika ada)
- kosa kata,
tata bahasa,
kata, ejaan,
tanda baca
 Siswa
n fungsi sosial,
struktur teks,
dan unsur
kebahasaan dari
beberapa fabel
yang telah
dari berbagai
sumber tersebut
di atas.
 Siswa
(feedback) dari
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
guru dan teman
tentang hasil
analisis mereka
tentang fungsi
sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur
yang digunakan
dalam personal
experience l
yang mereka

 Siswa
pendek dan
sederhana yang
telah dibacanya
kepada teman-
dengan cara
antara lain
menyalin dan
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
menerbitkan di
bertanya jawab,
tentang isi
experience, dsb.
 Siswa berupaya
menulis dengan
ejaan dan tanda
baca yang
benar, serta
tulisan yang
jelas dan rapi.

3.11 Menerapkan fungsi sosial,  Fungsi sosial 3.11.3 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Membaca dan 12  Buku  Lisan
struktur teks, dan unsur Melaporkan, social dan unsur mencermati teks- JP bahasa  Tertulis
kebahasaan teks interaksi menceritakan, kebahasaan teks teks pendek dan inggris  Penugasa
transaksional lisan dan menjelaskankejadi interaksi transaksional sederhana tentang  Kamus n
tulis yang melibatkan an yang lisan dan tulis yang beberapa bahasa  Unjuk
tindakan memberi dan dilakukan/terjadi, kejadian, kegiatan inggris kerja
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
meminta informasi terkait di waktu lampau. melibatkan tindakan yang terjadi di  Interne  Produk
keadaan/ tindakan/ memberi dan meminta masa lampau t
 Struktur teks Portofolio
kegiatan/ kejadian yang informasi terkait - Melengkapi
dilakukan/terjadi, rutin
- Memulai keadaan/ tindakan/
maupun tidak rutin, atau kalimat dengan
menjadi kebenaran umum - Menanggapi kegiatan/ kejadian yang jawaban berupa
di waktu lampau, sesuai (diharapkan/di dilakukan/terjadi, rutin ungkapan-
dengan konteks luar dugaan) maupun tidak rutin, atau ungkapan yang
penggunaannya.  Unsur kebahasaan menjadi kebenaran diambil teks,
(Perhatikan unsur umum di waktu lampau, dengan ejaan dan
kebahasaan simple past - Kalimat tanda baca yang
deklaratif dan sesuai dengan konteks
tense) benar
interogatif dalam penggunaannya
4.11 Menyusun teks interaksi - Bertanya jawab
bentuk Simple 3.11.4 Menyebutkan teks lisan
transaksional lisan dan tentang
Past Tense dan tulis memberi dan
tulis sangat pendek dan kegiatan/peristiw
- Nomina singular meminta informasi a di waktu
sederhana yang dan plural
melibatkan tindakan terkait keadaan yang lampau yang
dengan atau mereka dan
memberi dan meminta tanpa a, the, this, dilakukan/terjadi, rutin
informasi terkait keadaan/ maupun tidak rutin, atau anggota keluarga
those, my, their, atau temannya
tindakan/kegiatan/ dsb. menjadi kebenaran
kejadian yang alami
- Ucapan, tekanan umum di waktu lampau - Mengumpulkan
dilakukan/terjadi, rutin kata, intonasi,
maupun tidak rutin, atau 3.11.5 Menyebutkan teks lisan informasi tentang
ejaan, tanda dan tulis tulis memberi beberapa
menjadi kebenaran umum baca, dan tulisan
di waktu lampau, dengan dan meminta informasi peristiwa atau
tangan kegiatan di waktu
memperhatikan fungsi terkait tindakan yang
sosial, struktur teks, dan  Topik dilakukan/terjadi, rutin lampau untuk
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
unsur kebahasaan yang Kegiatan, tindakan maupun tidak rutin, atau membuat teks-
benar dan sesuai konteks yang (rutin) terjadi menjadi kebenaran teks pendek dan
di masa lalu di umum di waktu lampau sederhana
sekolah, rumah,
3.11.6 Menyebutkan teks lisan - Saling
dan sekitarnya mempresentasika
yang dapat dan tulis memberi dan n, menyimak dan
menumbuhkan meminta informasi bertanya jawab
perilaku yang terkait kegiatan yang tentang teks
termuat di KI dilakukan/terjadi, rutin masing-masing
maupun tidak rutin, atau dengan teman-
menjadi kebenaran temannya, secara
lisan, dengan
umum di waktu lampau
ucapan dan
3.11.7 Menyebutkan teks lisan tekanan kata yang
dan tulis memberi dan benar
meminta informasi - Melakukan
terkait kejadian yang refleksi tentang
dilakukan/terjadi, rutin proses dan hasil
maupun tidak rutin, atau belajarnya
menjadi kebenaran
umum di waktu lampau
4.12.2 Menulis teks interaksi
transaksional lisan dan
tulis sangat pendek dan
sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait
kejadian yang
dilakukan/terjadi, rutin
maupun tidak rutin, atau
menjadi kebenaran
umum di waktu lampau,
dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai konteks
3.12 Membandingkan fungsi  Fungsi sosial 3.12.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Menyimak guru 8 JP  Buku  Lisan
sosial, struktur teks, dan Melaporkan, social dan unsur membaca bahasa  Tertulis
unsur kebahasaan mengambil kebahasaan beberapa beberapa teks inggris  Penugasa
beberapa teks personal teladan, teks personal recount recount tentang  Kamus n
recount lisan dan tulis membanggakan lisan dan tulis dengan pengalaman bahasa  Unjuk
dengan memberi dan pribadi seseorang inggris kerja
 Struktur teks memberi dan meminta
meminta informasi terkait - Bertanya jawab  Interne  Produk
pengalaman pribadi di Dapat mencakup informasi terkait tentang kejadian, t Portofolio
waktu lampau, pendek - orientasi pengalaman pribadi di kegiatan yang
dan sederhana, sesuai - urutan waktu lampau, pendek dialami secara
dengan konteks kejadian/kegiata dan sederhana, sesuai kronologis
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
penggunaannya n dengan konteks - Menggunakan
4.12.1 Menangkap makna secara - orientasi ulang penggunaannya bagan alir untuk
kontekstual terkait fungsi mempelajari alur
 Unsur kebahasaan 3.12.2 Menyebutkan beberapa
sosial, struktur teks, dan teks personal recount cerita
unsur kebahasaan teks - Kalimat - Didektekan guru,
deklaratif dan lisan dan tulis dengan menuliskan teks-
recount lisan dan tulis,
interogatif dalam memberi dan meminta teks pendek
sangat pendek dan
sederhana, terkait Simple Past informasi terkait tersebut dengan
pengalaman pribadi di tense pengalaman pribadi di tulisan tangan.
waktu lampau (personal - Adverbia dan waktu lampau, pendek - Melengkapi
recount) frasa ringkasan
dan sederhana
preposisional pengalaman tsb.
4.11.2 Menyusun teks recount penujuk waktu: 3.12.3 Memperesentasikan
lisan dan tulis, sangat dengan kalimat-
yesterday, last teks recount kalimat yang
pendek dan sederhana, month, an hour 4.12.1 Menulis makna secara
terkait pengalaman diambil teks,
ago, dan kontekstual terkait dengan ejaan dan
pribadi di waktu lampau sebagainya.
(personal recount), fungsi sosial, struktur tanda baca yang
- Adverbia teks, dan unsur benar
dengan memperhatikan penghubung
fungsi sosial, struktur kebahasaan teks - Mengumpulkan
waktu: first, informasi tentang
teks, dan unsur then, after that, recount lisan dan tulis,
kebahasaan, secara benar pengalaman
before, at last, sangat pendek dan pribadi di waktu
dan sesuai konteks finally, dan sederhana lampau untuk
sebagainya. 4.12.2 Membuat teks recount membuat teks-
- Nomina singular lisan dan tulis, sangat teks pendek dan
dan plural sederhana
pendek dan sederhana,
dengan atau - Saling
terkait pengalaman
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
tanpa a, the, this, pribadi di waktu mempresentasika
those, my, their, lampau (personal n, menyimak dan
dsb. recount), dengan bertanya jawab
- Ucapan, tekanan memperhatikan fungsi
tentang teks
kata, intonasi, masing-masing
ejaan, tanda sosial, struktur teks, dengan teman-
baca, dan tulisan dan unsur kebahasaan, temannya, secara
tangan secara benar dan sesuai lisan, dengan
konteks ucapan dan
 Topik
tekanan kata yang
Peristiwa, benar
pengalaman yang - Melakukan
terjadi di sekolah, refleksi tentang
rumah, dan yang proses dan hasil
dapat belajarnya
perilaku yang
termuat di KI

3.13 Membandingkan fungsi  Fungsi sosial 3.13.1 Mengidentifikasi fungsi - Membaca dengan 8 JP  Buku  Lisan
sosial, struktur teks, dan Memberi social dan unsur suara lantang bahasa  Tertulis
unsur kebahasaan informasi tindakan kebahasaan beberapa teks setiap inggris  Penugasa
beberapa teks khusus dilaksanakan khusus dalam bentuk pengumuman/  Kamus n
dalam bentuk pesan sesuai yang pesan singkat dan pemberitahuan, bahasa  Unjuk
singkat dan pengumuman/ diharapkan. dengan ucapan inggris kerja
pemberitahuan (notice), dan tekanan kata  Interne  Produk
dengan memberi dan  Struktur text pemberitahuan (notice), yang benar t Portofolio
meminta informasi terkait Dapat mencakup: dengan memberi dan - Menyimak untuk
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
kegiatan sekolah, sesuai - Judul atau tujuan meminta informasi terkait menemukan
dengan konteks pengumuman kegiatan sekolah, sesuai perbedaan dan
penggunaannya - Informasi rinci dengan konteks persamaan dari
4.13. Teks pesan singkat dan yang beberapa
pengumuman/pemberitah diumumkan pengumuman/
3.13.2 Menjelaskan teks pemberitahuan
uan (notice)  Unsur kebahasaan khusus dalam bentuk pendek dan
4.13.1 Menangkap makna secara - Ungkapan- pesan singkat dan sederhana,
kontekstual terkait dengan ungkapan yang pengumuman/ dengan
fungsi sosial, struktur lazim digunakan pemberitahuan (notice) menggunakan
teks, dan unsur dalam
3.13.3 Menyebutkan teks tabel analisis
kebahasaan pesan singkat pengumuman - Mempelajari
dan pengumuman/ yang berbeda- khusus dalam bentuk
contoh dan
pemberitahuan (notice) beda pesan singkat dengan kemudian
lisan dan tulis, sangat - Nomina singular memberi dan meminta mempresentasika
pendek dan sederhana, dan plural informasi terkait kegiatan n hasil analisis
terkait kegiatan sekolah dengan atau sekolah tersebut di atas
4.13.2 Menyusun teks khusus tanpa a, the, this, secara lisan,
3.13.4 Menyebutkan teks
dalam bentuk pesan those, my, their, dengan ucapan
singkat dan dsb. khusus dalam bentuk
dan tekanan kata
pengumuman/pemberitah - Ucapan, tekanan pengumuman/
yang benar
uan (notice), sangat kata, intonasi, pemberitahuan (notice) - Membuat
pendek dan sederhana, ejaan, tanda dengan memberi dan pengumuman/
terkait kegiatan sekolah, baca, dan tulisan meminta informasi terkait pemberitahuan
dengan memperhatikan tangan kegiatan sekolah yang lazim dibuat
fungsi sosial, struktur di kelas dan
teks, dan unsur  Topik
3.13.5 Memperesentasikan sekolah, untuk
kebahasaan, secara benar Kegiatan,
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar
dan sesuai konteks kejadian, Teks pesan singkat dan kemudian
peristiwa, dan hal pengumuman/pemberitahu ditempel di
penting bagi an (notice) dinding kelas
peserta didik dan
3.13.6 Meulis makna secara - Melakukan
guru yang dapat refleksi tentang
menumbuhkan kontekstual terkait dengan proses dan hasil
perilaku yang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, belajarnya
termuat di KI dan unsur kebahasaan
pesan singkat dan
 Multimedia
Layout dan
dekorasi yang pemberitahuan (notice)
membuat tampilan lisan dan tulis, sangat
teks lebih pendek dan sederhana
menarik. 3.13.7 Membuat teks khusus
dalam bentuk pesan
singkat dan
an (notice), sangat pendek
dan sederhana, terkait
kegiatan sekolah, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan, secara
benar dan sesuai konteks
Kegiatan Sumber
Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pembelajaran Indikator i Penilaian
Pembelajaran belajar

3.14 Menafsirkan fungsi sosial  Fungsi sosial 3.14.1 Menggali fungsi sosial - Membaca, 4 JP  Buku  Lisan
dan unsur kebahasaan Mengembangkan dan unsur kebahasaan menyimak, dan bahasa  Tertulis
dalam lirik lagu terkait nilai-nilai dalam lirik lagu terkait menirukan lirik inggris  Penugasa
kehidupan remaja kehidupan dan kehidupan remaja lagu secara lisan  Kamus n
SMP/MTs karakter yang SMP/MTs - Menanyakan hal- bahasa  Unjuk
4.14 Menangkap makna secara positif hal yang tidak inggris kerja
3.14.2 Menyebutkan pesan
kontekstual terkait dengan diketahui atau  Interne  Produk
fungsi sosial dan unsur  Unsur kebahasaan moral dalam lagu dan berbeda t Portofolio
kebahasaan lirik lagu - Kosa kata dan menghargai lagu sebagai - Menyebutkan
terkait kehidupan remaja tata bahasa karya Seni sesuai pesan yang terkait
SMP/MTs dalam lirik lagu konteks dengan bagian-
- Ucapan, tekanan 3.14.3 Merespon lagu dan bagian tertentu
kata, intonasi, memahami pesan moral - Melakukan
ejaan, tanda refleksi tentang
lagu serta menghargai
baca, dan tulisan proses dan hasil
tangan lagu sebagai karya Seni belajarnya
sesuai konteks
 Topik
3.14.4 Menulis makna secara
Hal-hal yang dapat
kontekstual terkait
keteladanan dan dengan fungsi sosial dan
menumbuhkan unsur kebahasaan lirik
perilaku yang lagu terkait kehidupan
termuat di KI. remaja SMP/MTs
Appendix 2

Transkrip Wawancara

(Pre-Observasi/ Unstructure Interview)

Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 25 Januari 2021

Peneliti : Joshua Obedience Zebua
Guru B.ING : Diniati Rahmat Zebua, S.Pd

Peneliti : Selamat pagi Bu.

Guru : Selamat pagi. Silahkan duduk, apa yang bisa saya bantu

Peneliti : Jadi begini Bu, saat ini saya sedang menyusun proposal penelitian tentang
kemampuan siswa dalam menulis/ writing khususnya di narrative text. Jadi
maksud kedatangan saya disini yaitu untuk melakukan wawancara kepada
Ibu berkaitan dengan situasi siswa dalam menulis teks narasi khususnya
dalam kemampuan mereka menulis narrative text.

Guru : Boleh, kira kira apa pertanyaannya?

Peneliti : Terimakasih Bu. Jadi pertanyaannya apakah materi teks narasi sudah di
ajarkan kepada siswa?

Guru : Saya sudah mengajarkan materi tersebut kepada siswa di kelas 8.

Peneliti : Apakah Ibu sudah memberikan evaluasi kepada siswa tentang materi
tersebut dan bagaimana Ibu mengevaluasi mereka?

Guru : Ya jelas sudah. Saya mengevaluasi mereka dalam bentuk saya memberika
essay tes yang berisikan tentang teks narasi. Jadi dalam tes tersebut saya
mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan terkait dari isi cerita. Dan juga saya
memberikan mereka tugas rumah untuk membuat satu narrative personal
experience yang artinya teks tentang pengalaman menarik yang dialami

Peneliti : Bagaimana hasil dari tes yang Ibu berikan kepada siswa tersebut?

Guru : Hasilnya bisa dikatakan masih jauh dari apa yang kita harapkan. Banyak
dari mereka yang mendapatkan nilai di bawah KKM (point 70)

Peneliti : Apa saja kelemahan siswa yang Ibu tau berdasarkan hasil tes tersebut?

Guru : Menurut saya kebayakan siswa masih perlu banyak belajar, dimana mereka
sering menggabung dua bahasa dalam tulisan mereka dan juga tatanan
penulisan mereka kacau, mereka tidak bisa mengaplikasikan penggunaan
past tense, padahal teks narasi menggunakan padanan bahasa past tense.
Dan kebanyakan dari mereka sulit dalam memulai suatu cerita mereka
terkadang langsung menceritakan masalah dari tulisan mereka sehingga
alur cerita tidak enak dibaca melompat-lompat dan membingungkan.

Peneliti : Menurut Ibu, apa faktor yang membuat siswa lemah dalam hal-hal yang
Ibu sebutkan barusan?

Guru : Menurut saya itu dipengaruhi karena siswa jarang berlatih menulis dalam
bahasa inggris khususnya teks narasi, sehingga saat di berikan tes mereka
kewalahan dan terasa sangat sulit bagi mereka, selanjutnya kurangnya kosa
kata yang dimiliki siswa. Kosa kata sangat membantu kita dalam menulis
lebih baik. Dan juga kebanyakan siswa tidak memahami bagaimana alur
dari teks narasi yang membuat mereka susah dalam memulai menulis dari

Peneliti : Baik Bu trimaksih untuk respon yang sangat baik dari Ibu selama saya
mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. Saya rasa itu saja yang bisa saya
tanyakan dari Ibu. Terimakasih untuk waktu yang sudah Ibu luangkan
untuk saya.

Guru : Iya sama-sama. Semoga penelitiannya berjalan dengan lancar dan tetap

Peneliti : Baik Bu terimakasih.

Gunungsitoli, 2021

Acknowledged by:

The Headmaster English Teacher Researcher

Drs. Aperieli Zendrato Diniati Rahmat Zebua, S.Pd Joshua O. Zebua

PEMBINA Tk. I Nip. 19770426 200502 2 001 NIM. 172108035
Nip. 19612804 199003 1 005
Appendix 3

The researcher will use a documentary as the instrument in gaining the data

of students’ ability in writing narrative text. It means, the narrative text has been

already made by 20 students of SMP N 1 Gunungsitoli barat. Related to the

focuses of the research, the researcher will analyze the generic structure in

students’ writing narrative text and the researcher collect the documentary data

from teacher thats form in worksheet students’ writing narrative text.

Appendix 4

List of Students’ Name

Class : VIII-A

Day/ Date :

Male Female
21. Ade Marcela Zebua Male
22. Agnes Zebua Female
23. Anastasya M. Zebua Female
24. Angellis Sandy S. Zega Female
25. Apolonia Zalukhu Male
26. Chrisyane C. Telaumbanua Female
27. Cindy P. Telaumbanua Female
28. Damvanus Zebua Male
29. Danniella C. Zebua Male
30. Darius telaumbanua Male
31. Fifteen Gisela Zebua Female
32. Gracelia Masa R. Zebua Female
33. Herman Yanto Mendrofa Male
34. Hotman Zebua Male
35. Incan Riang Zebua Male
36. Joice Marlin Halawa Male
37. Kasih Chrisnine Zebua Female
38. Lesta Lena zebua Female
39. Mosawato S. Zebua Male
40. Mulia A.Telaumbanua Male
Appendix 5a


Analytic result
Focus/Organization Elaboration/Support/Style Grammar and Mechanics
The Enough
The story The are A
narrative Time order Every Transition details are
Text fulfills its is used to
sentence is words help provided
writing punctuated narrative Valid
appropriat is free correctly. text
purpose by organize the important move the to describe
e to its of The words usually
telling an story’s to the story the setting
intended misspe are uses past
interesting events. story. along. and
audience. lling. capitalized tense.
story characters.
Name: Mosawato S. Zebua 12 12 11 8 11 7 8 8 4

Scout competition

on a sunny day, we are from hawk

teamand 4 other team do the scout
competition in forest whichhave location
in sihare'o village. I am leader from hawk
team. Before competition started, we was
given the instruction by committe to
prepare allequipments scout which

In the beginning all walking better,

however in the middle of the road a lot of
trace mark which is closing over by
otherteam. Even, trace mark directed
toward wrong way (,)so that wewas being
lost and faced a lot of weads,so that
some of my team members get incision

After a few moments being lost and we

were discussed how to found the
solusionand Iremeinded that we have a
map from committewhich its map field in
the form of symbol-symbol scout.

After finding right direction, we return

to continue the trace so that we arrive at
the line finish and got the second winner.
After all of team arrive manyreport that
trace mark has broked. so thatcommitte
find that regu which arrive first is
destroyed the trace mark and they
weredisqulifed,so that we become the
first winner.
Score 81
Name: Chrisyane Caroline 12 12 11 12 11 11 6 7 4

School at home

In the early period of pandemic, i was 7

grade junior high school, some of school
did not conduct the teaching learning
proses at the school to obey the protocol
health so that, the study performed at
home or called as luring.

The first I feel sadly with the condition

like this because mecannot come to meet
with my clasmate however long time I
waonted and very enjoying that situation
learn at home. (,)Because i have many
activty that ican do at home. (,)Such as
play mobile game and look on the
televise, so thatI am over passmy home
work from school and because that
affecting my score are down. Knowing
the situation my parent very disappointed
also angry to me and also impound my

Knowing the situation, ipromise to learn

hard and use my gedjed better and the
last moment of my division rapport class
iget the fourth rage.

Score 86
Name : Gracelia Masa Riang Zebua 12 12 11 12 12 11 6 7 7

Holyday in uncle house

One day, my mother invited me to

celebrate new year in my uncle house. Im
very happy and we going to my uncle
house at the afternoon. In there we were
talking and joke.

When we want to back in my home, my

uncle ask me to stay in there in a few
days and my mother agree. In there i
have many activities, one of them is i
learn how to ride motorcycle. In the
beginning everything its okeyi felt ican
ride the motarcycle. (,) but suddenly
because im very exitedi lost my balance
and hit my uncle house.

My uncle very panicand brought me to

the hospital and i got medical reatment,
luckly the doctor said that i’m just got a
little injuries. Hear the situation my uncle
and my mother advice me to more be
carefulin the next time.

Score 90
Name: Darius telaumbanua 12 12 11 4 11 10 6 6 7
Playing football

Early entering the school i grade 8 junior

high school semerter 1. I invited by my
classmate to play football in field
independence. In the begining(,) I refuse
their invitation because of my condition
is not well, as well as my mother send
out for that after school i have to direcly
back to home.

How ever,they non-stoped to invited me

and I just listen go and follow to play at
ball in field independence. In minddel(,) i
get injuried in stomach so that I cannot
stand up and I was being carried back to
home by my friend.

At arrival at home(,) my mother is panic

and ask my circumstance and
afterwards(,)I am in bringing to worker
squeeze to get massage. After several
hours later, then I return in good
conditions and I get advised by my
mother to remind the advise of parent
and i realize that was mistake myself.
Score 79
Name : Joice Marlin Halawa 12 12 11 7 10 11 9 4 4

My holiday in granpa’s and grandma’s


On holidays, my mother took us to go on

vocation at the granpa’s and grandma’s
haouse in Foa......We prepared everything
needed while on vocation there. When
we got there, grandpa and grandma
greeted us very well..... We eat very
delicious food.

In the next day, grandpa and grandma

invite us go to rice field, in there ilook
many people who working to harvest the
rice fields.(,) My mother also help
grandpa and grandma to harvest their rice
field.(,) Because iwas very curious,i also
helped.(,) I took the knife that was in my
grandma’s bag. However, because i
didint know how to harvest rice, the knfe
hurt my hand, causing a lot of blood.(,) I
cried so lodly that it was heard by
grandpa ,grandma and(,) my mother.
(,)My mother immediately tied the part
of the hand that was injured to avoid
much blood out.

Because the accident my mother and i

immediately returned to my grandpa’s
house to treat the wound on my hand.
Whilei was there i was very happy
because i could see a beautiful view of
the rice fields.

Name : Agnes Zebua 12 12 11 8 11 9 9 9 7


On the weekend (,)my family and I went

on vacation at the museum. After we got
there, I saw a lot of animals such as, (x)
rabbits, snakes, crocodiles and many
more..... My two brothers and I played on
the swings while my father and mother
sat relaxed.

After finishing playing on the swing, I

took my two younger siblings to swim on
the edge of the seas. While swimming,
suddenly one of my younger siblings was
carried away by the ocean currents. I was
very scared and shouted for help to the
people who were around it. They also
quickly helped save my sister. Luckily
my sister was saved. I am very grateful
that my sister was saved.

After that, we went straight back

home..... My mother and father scolded
and advised me not to do such a thing
again without asking their permision.

Score 88
Name : Anastasya Methani Zebua 9 9 11 9 8 10 9 7 8

Trip At Pulau Seribu

Several years ago, when my family and I

were still living in Tangerang, we planed
to take a vacation to Pulau Seribu. On
our way through Tanjung Priok, along
the way I saw very beautiful sceenery.

When we got there(,) we walked around

the beach, caught fish and played
bicycles....There were very many people
who visited the place. But while I was
eating(,) suddenly someone took my
mom's bag.(,)... The man immediately
ran fast and left the location.(,)... Dad
desperately tried to catch up but he lost
track of the person.

My mother was very upset and angry.

However, my father tried to calm things
down and said there was nothing to
regret, we just need to be more careful
Score 80
Name : Angellis Sandy Saputra Zega 8 8 11 7 7 9 8 5 4

Scout Experiences

My friends and I used toparticipate in

scouting activities.(,) I am very happy to
follow the teachingsof the seniors. (,)
After that we discused holding a
ceremony, we discussed what equipment
we would use.

.....The day we have been waiting for has

arrived. We carry out these activities.(,)
But in the middle of the activity I
experienced cramps in the stomach.(,)....I
was in so much pain that(,).... I couldn't
stand up. Because of this situation, I was
immediately taken to the hospital and
was not allowed to return to the activity
due to my unfavorable situation...... I am
very sad and hope that this situation will
not be repeated when I follow Persami in
the future.
Score 67
Name : Damvanus Zebua 6 5 11 8 10 5 7 6 7

Fishing experiences

One day we went fishing in the river. We

brought all the necessaryequipmente.
When we got there we
immediatelychosea place to sit.(,) While
waiting for the catch, suddenly one of my
friends pushed me and fell in the
river.(.)....I angrily climbed back to the
mainland and immediatelybeat the
person(,) so we turned around.(,) But my
other friends eased the disputer and asked
that we shake hands and forgive each
Score 65
Name :Mulia Anakezya Telaumbanua 12 12 11 11 12 11 10 10 8

Fear Hollyday At Pandemic

A year ago when I was in the first grade

of junior high school, there was a lot of
news about a deadly disease outbreak on
social media, television, news from the
village and even news from schools that
required everyone to take a break due to
the corona virus. And there are also lots
of new rules that have emerged, one of
which is social-distancing, in which
everyone must isolate themselves at
home during this pandemic.

After a few weeks of vacation at home, I

started to feel bored and wanted to go out
with my friends to the museum, at first
my parents weren't allowed to because of
the dangers of this virus, but I convinced
my parents to keep my distance and wear
a mask. Then my friends and I arrived at
the museum and spent time there. After
coming from the museum the next day I
was sick with fever and flu, both my
parents were very panicked and took me
to the hospital, and I was done a rapid
test and there it said I was positive there
was a virus in my body whether it was
corona or not and that really added the
worries of my parents. Making sure I was
exposed to corona-19, I did the last test,
which was a swab. And we were isolated
as a family in the Soliga hotel and there I
was very scared because my parents and
I wasin different rooms.

After a few days, I received news from

the results of the swab test that I was not
exposed to covid 19 but just a common
cold and I was grateful for that, and we
came out of isolation on the 14th day and
I told my parents that when we were in
my museum and my friend was
swimming and that's the reason why I
could catch a cold. My parents laughed
with a sigh.

Score 97
Name : Apolonia Zalukhu 5 5 7 7 5 7 8 7 6

Experiences at first time schooling

after pandemic seas

One day, iwas going to school with all of

my friends, couse this was the first time
after pandemic we were schooling and all
of us shared experiences each other when
schooling off couse pendemic and the
point was we were only at home becouse
we are afraid go out home.

At first schooling(,) i realled happy

couse i meet again with all of my friends
after a couple mount ago we stay at home
and right now we full fill this firts
moment with laugh and jokes.
Score 57
Name : Kasih Chrisnine Zebua 4 4 4 7 4 12 7 7 7

My Hollyday At Village

A few months ago, my family and I went

for a walk at my grandmother's house, in
the village. Living there was really fun
because my family and I could do many
fun things together, one of which was
swimming in the river. The river we
visited was very clear and very beautiful.
And this is my first time coming to the
Score 56
Name : Cindy Puspita Telaumbanua 5 5 9 4 0 10 5 8 7

My Experiences Shcooling Off

On a day off I came to the museum, on

that day I could see some very many
kinds of animals. The types of animals in
the form of monkeys, berds, snackes and
others. There I also saw objects from
ancient times, as well as various places
that can be found such as swiming pools.
At the museum, I got various experiences
by getting to know various kinds of
animals and the origin of ancient objects.
So that I cananderstand the various types
in the museum.
Score 53
Name : Incan Riang Zebua 4 5 7 6 5 5 10 6 9

My trip experiences at taman kota

One day I went to my uncle's house for a

walk. When we got there, uncle took us
for a walk to the city park. We left with
happy hearts. Once there we went around
to see the sights, and also went to the
children's toy area to play with our
younger siblings and also take photos.
After that(,) we went to the seaside to
enjoy the wind blowing.

Score 57
Name : Hotman Zebua 0 5 2 4 0 5 4 3 5

My Schooling off experiencen at

pendemic term

One day i going to mareket to shope,after

at market i saw people lumpuh. Aferi saw
him, i feel sorrowful becous of him
Score 28
Name : Danniella Cantika Zebua 6 7 9 7 4 8 10 7 7

Cross of love

When I was 13 years old, I went to North

Tapanuli where my brother lived for a
vacation. They lived in a city called
Tarutung. Tarutung is not a very big city,
and after I stayed there for two days, I
went to a tourist spot called the cross of
love. On the cross of love I saw a very
large statue of a cross, and to get to the
statue of the cross we have to climb quite
a lot of stairs. On every journey up the
stairs, there are also tombstones
containing biblical verses. There is also a
separate room to be used as a prayer
room. I am very happy to be able to visit
in such a beautiful place.
Score 65
Name : Herman Yanto Mendrofa 2 5 4 7 0 5 5 6 6


My experience during the pandemic, I

was on vocation at my grandparents'
house in the village. There aremany
peoplewho are very
Score 40
Name : Fifteen Gisela Zebua 4 5 7 7 2 6 7 5 6

My holiday activity

In my holiday moment(,) spend more

time at home. I do activities such as
reading novels on my cellphone. I often
read novels because the stories are very
interesting. Before reading the novel I
also often made cakes. I like to make
cakes from natural ingredients such as
bananas, cassava and sweet potatoes.
Score 49
Name : Ade Marcela Zebua 4 4 4 8 5 5 10 7 7

Stay at home

When I was in grade 8, semester 1, we

were studying at home because of the
corona virus that hit the country and even
the earth. We can only learn through the
LKPD that the teachers gave us. I miss
my friends. We leave the house still
wearing masks, washing our hands and
keeping our distance so that the virus
does not spread. Luckily in the second
semester we entered the pretentious but
divided into two shifts. I entered the first
shift and I was very happy even though I
couldn't all gather.
Score 54
Name : Lesta lena Zebua 4 5 7 6 2 6 7 6 4

Hollyday at granma home

In January, my family and I went for a

walk to my grandmother's house in the
village. Staying there is very very
pleasant,because my family and I can do
many things together. One of them is
swimming in the river and playing
Score 47

Gunungsitoli, 2021
Validator I,

Dra.Nursayani Maru’ao, M.Pd

NIDN. 0101066003
Appendix 5b


Analytic result
Focus/Organization Elaboration/Support/Style Grammar and Mechanics
The Enough
The story The are A
narrative Time order Every Transition details are
Text fulfills its is used to
sentence is words help provided
writin punctuated narrative Valid
appropriat g is correctly. text
purpose by organize the important move the to describe
e to its free of The words usually
telling an story’s to the story the setting
intended misspe are uses past
interesting events. story. along. and
audience. lling. capitalized tense.
story characters.
Name: Mosawato S. Zebua 12 12 11 8 11 7 8 8 4

Scout competition

on a sunny day, we are from hawk

teamand 4 other team do the scout
competition in forest whichhave
location in sihare'o village. I am leader
from hawk team. Before competition
started, we was given the instruction by
committe to prepare allequipments scout
which needed

In the beginning all walking better,

however in the middle of the road a lot
of trace mark which is closing over by
otherteam. Even, trace mark directed
toward wrong way (,)so that wewas
being lost and faced a lot of weads,so
that some of my team members get
incision hurt.

After a few moments being lost and we

were discussed how to found the
solusionand Iremeinded that we have a
map from committewhich its map field
in the form of symbol-symbol scout.

After finding right direction, we return

to continue the trace so that we arrive at
the line finish and got the second winner.
After all of team arrive manyreport that
trace mark has broked. so thatcommitte
find that regu which arrive first is
destroyed the trace mark and they
weredisqulifed,so that we become the
first winner.
Score 81
Name: Chrisyane Caroline 12 12 11 12 11 11 6 7 4

School at home

In the early period of pandemic, i was 7

grade junior high school, some of school
did not conduct the teaching learning
proses at the school to obey the protocol
health so that, the study performed at
home or called as luring.

The first I feel sadly with the condition

like this because mecannot come to meet
with my clasmate however long time I
waonted and very enjoying that situation
learn at home. (,)Because i have many
activty that ican do at home. (,)Such as
play mobile game and look on the
televise, so thatI am over passmy home
work from school and because that
affecting my score are down. Knowing
the situation my parent very
disappointed also angry to me and also
impound my gedjed.

Knowing the situation, ipromise to learn

hard and use my gedjed better and the
last moment of my division rapport class
iget the fourth rage.

Score 86
Name : Gracelia Masa Riang Zebua 12 12 11 12 12 11 6 7 7

Holyday in uncle house

One day, my mother invited me to

celebrate new year in my uncle house.
Im very happy and we going to my uncle
house at the afternoon. In there we were
talking and joke.

When we want to back in my home, my

uncle ask me to stay in there in a few
days and my mother agree. In there i
have many activities, one of them is i
learn how to ride motorcycle. In the
beginning everything its okeyi felt ican
ride the motarcycle. (,) but suddenly
because im very exitedi lost my balance
and hit my uncle house.

My uncle very panicand brought me to

the hospital and i got medical reatment,
luckly the doctor said that i’m just got a
little injuries. Hear the situation my
uncle and my mother advice me to more
be carefulin the next time.

Score 90
Name: Darius telaumbanua 12 12 11 4 11 10 6 6 7
Playing football

Early entering the school i grade 8 junior

high school semerter 1. I invited by my
classmate to play football in field
independence. In the begining(,) I refuse
their invitation because of my condition
is not well, as well as my mother send
out for that after school i have to direcly
back to home.

How ever,they non-stoped to invited me

and I just listen go and follow to play at
ball in field independence. In minddel(,)
i get injuried in stomach so that I cannot
stand up and I was being carried back to
home by my friend.

At arrival at home(,) my mother is panic

and ask my circumstance and
afterwards(,)I am in bringing to worker
squeeze to get massage. After several
hours later, then I return in good
conditions and I get advised by my
mother to remind the advise of parent
and i realize that was mistake myself.
Score 79
Name : Joice Marlin Halawa 12 12 11 7 10 11 9 4 4

My holiday in granpa’s and

grandma’s haouse

On holidays, my mother took us to go on

vocation at the granpa’s and grandma’s
haouse in Foa......We prepared
everything needed while on vocation
there. When we got there, grandpa and
grandma greeted us very well..... We eat
very delicious food.

In the next day, grandpa and grandma

invite us go to rice field, in there ilook
many people who working to harvest the
rice fields.(,) My mother also help
grandpa and grandma to harvest their
rice field.(,) Because iwas very curious,i
also helped.(,) I took the knife that was
in my grandma’s bag. However, because
i didint know how to harvest rice, the
knfe hurt my hand, causing a lot of
blood.(,) I cried so lodly that it was heard
by grandpa ,grandma and(,) my mother.
(,)My mother immediately tied the part
of the hand that was injured to avoid
much blood out.

Because the accident my mother and i

immediately returned to my grandpa’s
house to treat the wound on my hand.
Whilei was there i was very happy
because i could see a beautiful view of
the rice fields.

Name : Agnes Zebua 12 12 11 8 11 9 9 9 7


On the weekend (,)my family and I went

on vacation at the museum. After we got
there, I saw a lot of animals such as, (x)
rabbits, snakes, crocodiles and many
more..... My two brothers and I played
on the swings while my father and
mother sat relaxed.

After finishing playing on the swing, I

took my two younger siblings to swim
on the edge of the seas. While
swimming, suddenly one of my younger
siblings was carried away by the ocean
currents. I was very scared and shouted
for help to the people who were around
it. They also quickly helped save my
sister. Luckily my sister was saved. I am
very grateful that my sister was saved.

After that, we went straight back

home..... My mother and father scolded
and advised me not to do such a thing
again without asking their permision.

Score 88
Name : Anastasya Methani Zebua 9 9 11 9 8 10 9 7 8

Trip At Pulau Seribu

Several years ago, when my family and I

were still living in Tangerang, we planed
to take a vacation to Pulau Seribu. On
our way through Tanjung Priok, along
the way I saw very beautiful sceenery.

When we got there(,) we walked around

the beach, caught fish and played
bicycles....There were very many people
who visited the place. But while I was
eating(,) suddenly someone took my
mom's bag.(,)... The man immediately
ran fast and left the location.(,)... Dad
desperately tried to catch up but he lost
track of the person.

My mother was very upset and angry.

However, my father tried to calm things
down and said there was nothing to
regret, we just need to be more careful
Score 80

Name : Angellis Sandy Saputra Zega 8 8 11 7 7 9 8 5 4

Scout Experiences

My friends and I used toparticipate in

scouting activities.(,) I am very happy to
follow the teachingsof the seniors. (,)
After that we discused holding a
ceremony, we discussed what equipment
we would use.

.....The day we have been waiting for has

arrived. We carry out these activities.(,)
But in the middle of the activity I
experienced cramps in the stomach.(,)....I
was in so much pain that(,).... I couldn't
stand up. Because of this situation, I was
immediately taken to the hospital and
was not allowed to return to the activity
due to my unfavorable situation...... I am
very sad and hope that this situation will
not be repeated when I follow Persami in
the future.
Score 67

Name : Damvanus Zebua 6 5 11 8 10 5 7 6 7

Fishing experiences

One day we went fishing in the river. We

brought all the necessaryequipmente.
When we got there we
immediatelychosea place to sit.(,) While
waiting for the catch, suddenly one of
my friends pushed me and fell in the
river.(.)....I angrily climbed back to the
mainland and immediatelybeat the
person(,) so we turned around.(,) But my
other friends eased the disputer and
asked that we shake hands and forgive
each other.
Score 65

Name :Mulia Anakezya Telaumbanua 12 12 11 11 12 11 10 10 8

Fear Hollyday At Pandemic

A year ago when I was in the first grade

of junior high school, there was a lot of
news about a deadly disease outbreak on
social media, television, news from the
village and even news from schools that
required everyone to take a break due to
the corona virus. And there are also lots
of new rules that have emerged, one of
which is social-distancing, in which
everyone must isolate themselves at
home during this pandemic.

After a few weeks of vacation at home, I

started to feel bored and wanted to go
out with my friends to the museum, at
first my parents weren't allowed to
because of the dangers of this virus, but I
convinced my parents to keep my
distance and wear a mask. Then my
friends and I arrived at the museum and
spent time there. After coming from the
museum the next day I was sick with
fever and flu, both my parents were very
panicked and took me to the hospital,
and I was done a rapid test and there it
said I was positive there was a virus in
my body whether it was corona or not
and that really added the worries of my
parents. Making sure I was exposed to
corona-19, I did the last test, which was
a swab. And we were isolated as a
family in the Soliga hotel and there I was
very scared because my parents and I
wasin different rooms.
After a few days, I received news from
the results of the swab test that I was not
exposed to covid 19 but just a common
cold and I was grateful for that, and we
came out of isolation on the 14th day and
I told my parents that when we were in
my museum and my friend was
swimming and that's the reason why I
could catch a cold. My parents laughed
with a sigh.

Score 97

Name : Apolonia Zalukhu 5 5 7 7 5 7 8 7 6

Experiences at first time schooling

after pandemic seas

One day, iwas going to school with all of

my friends, couse this was the first time
after pandemic we were schooling and
all of us shared experiences each other
when schooling off couse pendemic and
the point was we were only at home
becouse we are afraid go out home.

At first schooling(,) i realled happy

couse i meet again with all of my friends
after a couple mount ago we stay at
home and right now we full fill this firts
moment with laugh and jokes.
Score 57

Name : Kasih Chrisnine Zebua 4 4 4 7 4 12 7 7 7

My Hollyday At Village

A few months ago, my family and I went

for a walk at my grandmother's house, in
the village. Living there was really fun
because my family and I could do many
fun things together, one of which was
swimming in the river. The river we
visited was very clear and very beautiful.
And this is my first time coming to the
Score 56

Name : Cindy Puspita Telaumbanua 5 5 9 4 0 10 5 8 7

My Experiences Shcooling Off

On a day off I came to the museum, on

that day I could see some very many
kinds of animals. The types of animals in
the form of monkeys, berds, snackes and
others. There I also saw objects from
ancient times, as well as various places
that can be found such as swiming pools.
At the museum, I got various
experiences by getting to know various
kinds of animals and the origin of
ancient objects. So that I cananderstand
the various types in the museum.
Score 53
Name : Incan Riang Zebua 4 5 7 6 5 5 10 6 9

My trip experiences at taman kota

One day I went to my uncle's house for a

walk. When we got there, uncle took us
for a walk to the city park. We left with
happy hearts. Once there we went
around to see the sights, and also went to
the children's toy area to play with our
younger siblings and also take photos.
After that(,) we went to the seaside to
enjoy the wind blowing.

Score 57
Name : Hotman Zebua 0 5 2 4 0 5 4 3 5

My Schooling off experiencen at

pendemic term

One day i going to mareket to

shope,after at market i saw people
lumpuh. Aferi saw him, i feel sorrowful
becous of him situation.
Score 28
Name : Danniella Cantika Zebua 6 7 9 7 4 8 10 7 7

Cross of love

When I was 13 years old, I went to North

Tapanuli where my brother lived for a
vacation. They lived in a city called
Tarutung. Tarutung is not a very big city,
and after I stayed there for two days, I
went to a tourist spot called the cross of
love. On the cross of love I saw a very
large statue of a cross, and to get to the
statue of the cross we have to climb quite
a lot of stairs. On every journey up the
stairs, there are also tombstones
containing biblical verses. There is also a
separate room to be used as a prayer
room. I am very happy to be able to visit
in such a beautiful place.
Score 65
Name : Herman Yanto Mendrofa 2 5 4 7 0 5 5 6 6


My experience during the pandemic, I

was on vocation at my grandparents'
house in the village. There aremany
peoplewho are very
Score 40
Name : Fifteen Gisela Zebua 4 5 7 7 2 6 7 5 6

My holiday activity

In my holiday moment(,) spend more

time at home. I do activities such as
reading novels on my cellphone. I often
read novels because the stories are very
interesting. Before reading the novel I
also often made cakes. I like to make
cakes from natural ingredients such as
bananas, cassava and sweet potatoes.
Score 49
Name : Ade Marcela Zebua 4 4 4 8 5 5 10 7 7

Stay at home

When I was in grade 8, semester 1, we

were studying at home because of the
corona virus that hit the country and
even the earth. We can only learn
through the LKPD that the teachers gave
us. I miss my friends. We leave the
house still wearing masks, washing our
hands and keeping our distance so that
the virus does not spread. Luckily in the
second semester we entered the
pretentious but divided into two shifts. I
entered the first shift and I was very
happy even though I couldn't all gather.
Score 54
Name : Lesta lena Zebua 4 5 7 6 2 6 7 6 4

Hollyday at granma home

In January, my family and I went for a

walk to my grandmother's house in the
village. Staying there is very very
pleasant,because my family and I can do
many things together. One of them is
swimming in the river and playing
Score 47

Gunungsitoli, 2021
Validator II,

Diniati Rahmat Zebua, S.Pd

Nip. 19770426 20050 2 001
Appendix 5c


Analytic result
Focus/Organization Elaboration/Support/Style Grammar and Mechanics
The Enough
The story The are A
narrative Time order Every Transition details are
Text fulfills its is used to
sentence is words help provided to
writing punctuated narrative Valid
appropriat is free correctly. text
purpose by organize the important move the describe
e to its of The words usually
telling an story’s to the story the setting
intended misspel are uses past
interesting events. story. along. and
audience. ling. capitalized tense.
story characters.
Name: Mosawato S. Zebua 12 12 11 8 11 7 8 8 4

Scout competition

on a sunny day, we are from hawk

teamand 4 other team do the scout
competition in forest whichhave location
in sihare'o village. I am leader from hawk
team. Before competition started, we was
given the instruction by committe to
prepare allequipments scout which

In the beginning all walking better,

however in the middle of the road a lot of
trace mark which is closing over by
otherteam. Even, trace mark directed
toward wrong way (,)so that wewas being
lost and faced a lot of weads,so that some
of my team members get incision hurt.

After a few moments being lost and we

were discussed how to found the
solusionand Iremeinded that we have a
map from committewhich its map field in
the form of symbol-symbol scout.

After finding right direction, we return to

continue the trace so that we arrive at the
line finish and got the second winner.
After all of team arrive manyreport that
trace mark has broked. so thatcommitte
find that regu which arrive first is
destroyed the trace mark and they
weredisqulifed,so that we become the
first winner.
Score 81
Name: Chrisyane Caroline 12 12 11 12 11 11 6 7 4

School at home

In the early period of pandemic, i was 7

grade junior high school, some of school
did not conduct the teaching learning
proses at the school to obey the protocol
health so that, the study performed at
home or called as luring.
The first I feel sadly with the condition
like this because mecannot come to meet
with my clasmate however long time I
waonted and very enjoying that situation
learn at home. (,)Because i have many
activty that ican do at home. (,)Such as
play mobile game and look on the
televise, so thatI am over passmy home
work from school and because that
affecting my score are down. Knowing
the situation my parent very disappointed
also angry to me and also impound my

Knowing the situation, ipromise to learn

hard and use my gedjed better and the last
moment of my division rapport class iget
the fourth rage.

Score 86
Name : Gracelia Masa Riang Zebua 12 12 11 12 12 11 6 7 7

Holyday in uncle house

One day, my mother invited me to

celebrate new year in my uncle house. Im
very happy and we going to my uncle
house at the afternoon. In there we were
talking and joke.

When we want to back in my home, my

uncle ask me to stay in there in a few
days and my mother agree. In there i have
many activities, one of them is i learn
how to ride motorcycle. In the beginning
everything its okeyi felt ican ride the
motarcycle. (,) but suddenly because im
very exitedi lost my balance and hit my
uncle house.

My uncle very panicand brought me to

the hospital and i got medical reatment,
luckly the doctor said that i’m just got a
little injuries. Hear the situation my uncle
and my mother advice me to more be
carefulin the next time.

Score 90
Name: Darius telaumbanua 12 12 11 4 11 10 6 6 7

Playing football
Early entering the school i grade 8 junior
high school semerter 1. I invited by my
classmate to play football in field
independence. In the begining(,) I refuse
their invitation because of my condition
is not well, as well as my mother send out
for that after school i have to direcly back
to home.

How ever,they non-stoped to invited me

and I just listen go and follow to play at
ball in field independence. In minddel(,) i
get injuried in stomach so that I cannot
stand up and I was being carried back to
home by my friend.

At arrival at home(,) my mother is panic

and ask my circumstance and
afterwards(,)I am in bringing to worker
squeeze to get massage. After several
hours later, then I return in good
conditions and I get advised by my
mother to remind the advise of parent and
i realize that was mistake myself.
Score 79
Name : Joice Marlin Halawa 12 12 11 7 10 11 9 4 4

My holiday in granpa’s and grandma’s


On holidays, my mother took us to go on

vocation at the granpa’s and grandma’s
haouse in Foa......We prepared everything
needed while on vocation there. When we
got there, grandpa and grandma greeted
us very well..... We eat very delicious

In the next day, grandpa and grandma

invite us go to rice field, in there ilook
many people who working to harvest the
rice fields.(,) My mother also help
grandpa and grandma to harvest their rice
field.(,) Because iwas very curious,i also
helped.(,) I took the knife that was in my
grandma’s bag. However, because i didint
know how to harvest rice, the knfe hurt
my hand, causing a lot of blood.(,) I cried
so lodly that it was heard by grandpa
,grandma and(,) my mother. (,)My mother
immediately tied the part of the hand that
was injured to avoid much blood out.

Because the accident my mother and i

immediately returned to my grandpa’s
house to treat the wound on my hand.
Whilei was there i was very happy
because i could see a beautiful view of
the rice fields.

Name : Agnes Zebua 12 12 11 8 11 9 9 9 7


On the weekend (,)my family and I went

on vacation at the museum. After we got
there, I saw a lot of animals such as, (x)
rabbits, snakes, crocodiles and many
more..... My two brothers and I played on
the swings while my father and mother
sat relaxed.

After finishing playing on the swing, I

took my two younger siblings to swim on
the edge of the seas. While swimming,
suddenly one of my younger siblings was
carried away by the ocean currents. I was
very scared and shouted for help to the
people who were around it. They also
quickly helped save my sister. Luckily
my sister was saved. I am very grateful
that my sister was saved.

After that, we went straight back home.....

My mother and father scolded and
advised me not to do such a thing again
without asking their permision.

Score 88
Name : Anastasya Methani Zebua 9 9 11 9 8 10 9 7 8

Trip At Pulau Seribu

Several years ago, when my family and I

were still living in Tangerang, we planed
to take a vacation to Pulau Seribu. On our
way through Tanjung Priok, along the
way I saw very beautiful sceenery.

When we got there(,) we walked around

the beach, caught fish and played
bicycles....There were very many people
who visited the place. But while I was
eating(,) suddenly someone took my
mom's bag.(,)... The man immediately ran
fast and left the location.(,)... Dad
desperately tried to catch up but he lost
track of the person.

My mother was very upset and angry.

However, my father tried to calm things
down and said there was nothing to
regret, we just need to be more careful
Score 80

Name : Angellis Sandy Saputra Zega 8 8 11 7 7 9 8 5 4

Scout Experiences

My friends and I used toparticipate in

scouting activities.(,) I am very happy to
follow the teachingsof the seniors. (,)
After that we discused holding a
ceremony, we discussed what equipment
we would use.

.....The day we have been waiting for has

arrived. We carry out these activities.(,)
But in the middle of the activity I
experienced cramps in the stomach.(,)....I
was in so much pain that(,).... I couldn't
stand up. Because of this situation, I was
immediately taken to the hospital and was
not allowed to return to the activity due to
my unfavorable situation...... I am very
sad and hope that this situation will not be
repeated when I follow Persami in the
Score 67

Name : Damvanus Zebua 6 5 11 8 10 5 7 6 7

Fishing experiences

One day we went fishing in the river. We

brought all the necessaryequipmente.
When we got there we
immediatelychosea place to sit.(,) While
waiting for the catch, suddenly one of my
friends pushed me and fell in the
river.(.)....I angrily climbed back to the
mainland and immediatelybeat the
person(,) so we turned around.(,) But my
other friends eased the disputer and asked
that we shake hands and forgive each
Score 65

Name :Mulia Anakezya Telaumbanua 12 12 11 11 12 11 10 10 8

Fear Hollyday At Pandemic

A year ago when I was in the first grade

of junior high school, there was a lot of
news about a deadly disease outbreak on
social media, television, news from the
village and even news from schools that
required everyone to take a break due to
the corona virus. And there are also lots
of new rules that have emerged, one of
which is social-distancing, in which
everyone must isolate themselves at home
during this pandemic.

After a few weeks of vacation at home, I

started to feel bored and wanted to go out
with my friends to the museum, at first
my parents weren't allowed to because of
the dangers of this virus, but I convinced
my parents to keep my distance and wear
a mask. Then my friends and I arrived at
the museum and spent time there. After
coming from the museum the next day I
was sick with fever and flu, both my
parents were very panicked and took me
to the hospital, and I was done a rapid test
and there it said I was positive there was
a virus in my body whether it was corona
or not and that really added the worries of
my parents. Making sure I was exposed to
corona-19, I did the last test, which was a
swab. And we were isolated as a family
in the Soliga hotel and there I was very
scared because my parents and I wasin
different rooms.
After a few days, I received news from
the results of the swab test that I was not
exposed to covid 19 but just a common
cold and I was grateful for that, and we
came out of isolation on the 14th day and
I told my parents that when we were in
my museum and my friend was
swimming and that's the reason why I
could catch a cold. My parents laughed
with a sigh.

Score 97

Name : Apolonia Zalukhu 5 5 7 7 5 7 8 7 6

Experiences at first time schooling

after pandemic seas

One day, iwas going to school with all of

my friends, couse this was the first time
after pandemic we were schooling and all
of us shared experiences each other when
schooling off couse pendemic and the
point was we were only at home becouse
we are afraid go out home.

At first schooling(,) i realled happy couse

i meet again with all of my friends after a
couple mount ago we stay at home and
right now we full fill this firts moment
with laugh and jokes.
Score 57

Name : Kasih Chrisnine Zebua 4 4 4 7 4 12 7 7 7

My Hollyday At Village

A few months ago, my family and I went

for a walk at my grandmother's house, in
the village. Living there was really fun
because my family and I could do many
fun things together, one of which was
swimming in the river. The river we
visited was very clear and very beautiful.
And this is my first time coming to the
Score 56

Name : Cindy Puspita Telaumbanua 5 5 9 4 0 10 5 8 7

My Experiences Shcooling Off

On a day off I came to the museum, on

that day I could see some very many
kinds of animals. The types of animals in
the form of monkeys, berds, snackes and
others. There I also saw objects from
ancient times, as well as various places
that can be found such as swiming pools.
At the museum, I got various experiences
by getting to know various kinds of
animals and the origin of ancient objects.
So that I cananderstand the various types
in the museum.
Score 53
Name : Incan Riang Zebua 4 5 7 6 5 5 10 6 9

My trip experiences at taman kota

One day I went to my uncle's house for a

walk. When we got there, uncle took us
for a walk to the city park. We left with
happy hearts. Once there we went around
to see the sights, and also went to the
children's toy area to play with our
younger siblings and also take photos.
After that(,) we went to the seaside to
enjoy the wind blowing.

Score 57
Name : Hotman Zebua 0 5 2 4 0 5 4 3 5

My Schooling off experiencen at

pendemic term

One day i going to mareket to shope,after

at market i saw people lumpuh. Aferi saw
him, i feel sorrowful becous of him
Score 28
Name : Danniella Cantika Zebua 6 7 9 7 4 8 10 7 7

Cross of love

When I was 13 years old, I went to North

Tapanuli where my brother lived for a
vacation. They lived in a city called
Tarutung. Tarutung is not a very big city,
and after I stayed there for two days, I
went to a tourist spot called the cross of
love. On the cross of love I saw a very
large statue of a cross, and to get to the
statue of the cross we have to climb quite
a lot of stairs. On every journey up the
stairs, there are also tombstones
containing biblical verses. There is also a
separate room to be used as a prayer
room. I am very happy to be able to visit
in such a beautiful place.
Score 65
Name : Herman Yanto Mendrofa 2 5 4 7 0 5 5 6 6


My experience during the pandemic, I

was on vocation at my grandparents'
house in the village. There aremany
peoplewho are very
Score 40
Name : Fifteen Gisela Zebua 4 5 7 7 2 6 7 5 6

My holiday activity

In my holiday moment(,) spend more

time at home. I do activities such as
reading novels on my cellphone. I often
read novels because the stories are very
interesting. Before reading the novel I
also often made cakes. I like to make
cakes from natural ingredients such as
bananas, cassava and sweet potatoes.
Score 49
Name : Ade Marcela Zebua 4 4 4 8 5 5 10 7 7

Stay at home

When I was in grade 8, semester 1, we

were studying at home because of the
corona virus that hit the country and even
the earth. We can only learn through the
LKPD that the teachers gave us. I miss
my friends. We leave the house still
wearing masks, washing our hands and
keeping our distance so that the virus
does not spread. Luckily in the second
semester we entered the pretentious but
divided into two shifts. I entered the first
shift and I was very happy even though I
couldn't all gather.
Score 54
Name : Lesta lena Zebua 4 5 7 6 2 6 7 6 4

Hollyday at granma home

In January, my family and I went for a

walk to my grandmother's house in the
village. Staying there is very very
pleasant,because my family and I can do
many things together. One of them is
swimming in the river and playing
Score 47

Gunungsitoli, 2021
Validator III,

Bintang Rosalina Malau, S.Pd

Nip. 19631018 199509 2 001
Appendix 6


No Students Name Aspects of Writting

41. Ade Marcela Zebua 12 18 24 54
42. Agnes Zebua 35 28 25 88
43. Anastasya M. Zebua 29 27 24 80
44. Angellis Sandy S. Zega 27 23 17 67
45. Apolonia Zalukhu 17 19 21 57
46. Chrisyane C. Telaumbanua 35 34 17 86
47. Cindy P. Telaumbanua 19 14 20 53
48. Damvanus Zebua 22 23 20 65
49. Danniella C. Zebua 22 19 24 65
50. Darius telaumbanua 35 25 19 79
51. Fifteen Gisela Zebua 16 15 18 49
52. Gracelia Masa R. Zebua 35 35 20 90
53. Herman Yanto Mendrofa 11 12 17 40
54. Hotman Zebua 7 9 12 28
55. Incan Riang Zebua 16 16 25 57
56. Joice Marlin Halawa 35 28 17 80
57. Kasih Chrisnine Zebua 12 23 21 56
58. Lesta Lena zebua 16 14 17 47
59. Mosawato S. Zebua 35 26 20 81
60. Mulia A.Telaumbanua 35 34 28 97

Gunungsitoli, 2021

Acknowledged by:

The Headmaster English Teacher Researcher

Drs. Aperieli Zendrato Diniati Rahmat Zebua, S.Pd Joshua O. Zebua

PEMBINA Tk. I Nip. 19770426 200502 2 001 NIM. 172108035
Nip. 19612804 199003 1 005


Subject : English
Material : Narrative Text
Researcher : Joshua Obedience Zebua

List of Students
No The List Of Questions Valid
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Ade Marcela Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Agnes Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
Anastasya Methani 2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
Zebua penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Angellis Sandy Jelaskan.
Saputra Zega 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Apolonia Zalukhu
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
Chrisyane Caroline
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Cindy Puspita Jelaskan.
Telaumbanua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Damvanus Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
Danniella Cantika dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Zebua Jelaskan.
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Darius telaumbanua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Fifteen Gisela Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
Gracelia Masa Riang
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
Herman Yanto 1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
Mendrofa Text?
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Hotman Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
Incan Riang Zebua dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
Joice Marlin Halawa
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Kasih Chrisnine Jelaskan.
Zebua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
Lesta Lena zebua
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
Mosawato S. Zebua penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Mulia Anakezya Jelaskan.
Telaumbanua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.

Gunungsitoli, 2021

Validator I,

Dra. Nursayani Maru’ao, M.Pd

NIDN. 0101066003


Subject : English
Material : Narrative Text
Researcher : Joshua Obedience Zebua

List of Students
No The List Of Questions Valid
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Ade Marcela Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Agnes Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
Anastasya Methani dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Zebua Jelaskan.
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Angellis Sandy Jelaskan.
Saputra Zega 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Apolonia Zalukhu
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
Chrisyane Caroline 1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
Telaumbanua Text?
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Cindy Puspita Jelaskan.
Telaumbanua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Damvanus Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
Danniella Cantika 2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
Zebua penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Darius telaumbanua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Fifteen Gisela Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
Gracelia Masa Riang 2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
Zebua penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Herman Yanto Jelaskan.
Mendrofa 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Hotman Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
Incan Riang Zebua 3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Joice Marlin Halawa
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Kasih Chrisnine Jelaskan.
Zebua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Lesta Lena zebua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Mosawato S. Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Mulia Anakezya Jelaskan.
Telaumbanua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.

Gunungsitoli, 2021

Validator II,

Diniati Rahmat Zebua, S.Pd

Nip. 19770426 200502 2 001



Subject : English
Material : Narrative Text
Researcher : Joshua Obedience Zebua

List of Students
No The List Of Questions Valid
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Ade Marcela Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
Agnes Zebua 3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
Anastasya Methani dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Zebua Jelaskan.
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
92 Text?
penulisan Narrative
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Angellis Sandy Jelaskan.
Saputra Zega 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
Apolonia Zalukhu
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
Chrisyane Caroline dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Telaumbanua Jelaskan.
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Cindy Puspita Jelaskan.
Telaumbanua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Damvanus Zebua Jelaskan.
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Danniella Cantika Jelaskan.
Zebua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Darius telaumbanua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Fifteen Gisela Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
Gracelia Masa Riang 1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
Zebua Text?
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Herman Yanto Jelaskan.
Mendrofa 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Hotman Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
Incan Riang Zebua Text?
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Joice Marlin Halawa
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Kasih Chrisnine Jelaskan.
Zebua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
Lesta Lena zebua
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Mosawato S. Zebua
4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.
1. Apakah anda sering menulis Narrative
2. Apakah anda memahami susunan dari
penulisan Narrative Text? Jelaskan.
3. Apakah anda memahami apa saja yang
menjadi bagian-bagian pendukung
dalam penulisan Narrative Teks?
Mulia Anakezya Jelaskan.
Telaumbanua 4. Apakah anda memahami penggunaan
grammar simple past tense dalam
penulisan Narrative Text?
5. Apakah anda memahami mekanik
penulisan Narrative Text (Seperti
mengeja kata, tatacara penggunaan
huruf besar dan penggunaan tanda
baca? Jelaskan.

Gunungsitoli, 2021

Validator III,

Bintang Rosalina Malau, S.Pd

Nip. 19631018 199509 2 001

Appendix 8


Subject : English
Material : Narrative Text
Researcher : Joshua Obedience Zebua

List of Students
No Students’ Responses
1. Saya tidak sering menulis teks tentang narrative hanya jika
ada tugas dari meteri tersebut.
2. Saya kurang memahami susunan dalam menulis teks
narrative saya hanya menulis apa yang ada dalam pikiran
saya tanpa memperhatikan susunan dari teks tersebut.
3. Saya kurang memahami apa saja yang menjadi bagian-
bagian pendukung dalam menulis sebuah teks narrative
Ade Marcela Zebua
teks. Saya hanya memahami tempat/ lokasi sebagai bagian
pendukung dalam menulis teks narrative.
4. Saya kurang bisa membedakan penggunaan simple past
tense. Karena saya kurang memahami pola penulisannya.
5. Ya saya cukup mengerti, karena hal itu sering dipelajari
seperti bagaimana mengeja kata yang benar kegunaan dari
tanda baca dan kapan pemakain huruf capital di setiap kata.
1. Saya tidak terlalu sering menulis teks narrative hanya jika
sedang mempelajari materi tersebut.
2. Saya memahaminya karena sudah di ajarkan pada saat
mempelajari materi tersebut.
Agnes Zebua
3. Saya memahaminya
4. Saya memahaminya
5. Saya memahaminya karena saya sudah mempelajari hal
1. Sebenarnya tidak terlalu sering hanya jika sedang belajar
materi tersebut.
2. Saya memahaminya karena materi tersebut pernah kami
3. Ya saya cukup memahaminya seperti, penambahan kata
penghubung, tempat dan waktu kejadian dan variasi dalam
penulisan kalimatnya. Namun walaupun demikian saya
Anastasya Methani memiliki kendala dalam mengvariasi setiap kalimat yang
Zebua saya gunakan dalam menulis narrative teks karena saya
tidak banyak menguasai kosakata sehingga saya hanya bisa
menggunakan kata-kata yang saya kuasai saja.
4. Saya kesulitan dalam menentukan penggunaan simple past
tense dalam menulis narrative. karena saya tidak begitu
mengerti bagaimana pola perubahan dari simple present ke
simple past.
5. Saya cukup memahaminya namun karena keterbatasan
vocabulary ada beberapa kesalahan dalam penulisan kata
dan juga saya kurang bisa menempatkan tanda baca yang

benar di setiap kalimatnya.
1. Saya tidak terlalu sering menulis teks narrative.
2. Saya cukup memahaminya namun walaupun demikian saya
kurang bisa membuat cerita tersebut terlihat menarik
karena saya keterbatasan dalam mengembangkan ide.
3. Saya cukup memahaminya namun saya tidak memiliki
banyak kosakata untuk mengembangkan kalimatnya.
Angellis Sandy 4. Saya sangat sulit menggunakan simple past tense dalam
Saputra Zega menulis teks narrative karena saya tidak tau pola penulisan
yang benar.
5. Saya kurang memahaminya karena mekanik penulisan
dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa inggris sangat berbeda.
Saya kesulitan dalam menyusun kalimat yang benar
bahkan ada banyak kesalahan dalam penulisan kosakata
dan pemakaian tanda baca.
1. Tidak terlalu sering karena saya kurang tertarik dalam
menulis teks narrative.
2. Saya kurang memahaminya saya hanya asal menulis apa
yang ada dalam pikiran saya.
3. Saya tidak memahaminya sama sekali.
Apolonia Zalukhu
4. Hal tersebut sangat sulit untuk saya pahami karena
materinya cukup sulit.
5. Saya kurang memahaminya karena dalam bentuk bahasa
inggris jadi saya kesulitan dalam menulis kalimat yang
1. Sebenarnya tidak terlalu sering tapi itu adalah salahsatu
materi kesukaan saya.
2. Ya saya memahaminya karena kami pernah mempelajari
materi tersebut.
Chrisyane Caroline 3. Ya saya memahaminya, dalam menulis narrative text harus
Telaumbanua disertai dengan keterangan waktu dan tempat terjadinya
suatu cerita sehingga cerita tersebut bisa lebih menarik.
4. Saya kurang memahaminya karena saya kesulitan dalam
memahami rumusnya.
5. Saya kurang memahaminya karena teksnya dalam bentuk
bahasa inggris jadi saya kesulitan dalam menulis kalimat
secara benar dan tepat.
1. Tidak terlalu sering
2. Saya tidak memahaminya karena saya tidak tertarik untuk
mempelajari materi tersebut.
3. Tidak memahaminya karena saya tidak terlalu focus untuk
Cindy Puspita mempelarinya.
Telaumbanua 4. Saya kurang memahaminya materi simple past tense
merupakan materi yang sulit untuk saya ikuti atau pahami.
5. Saya kurang paham bagaimana sistematika penulisan teks
1. Tidak terlalu sering karena kami jarang mempelajari materi
Damvanus Zebua
2. Saya cukup memahaminya namun saya kurang paham cara
penulisan di bagian complication (masalah)
3. Saya cukup memahaminya namun saya kesulitan dalam
mengembangkan isi teks cerita karena saya tidak
mempunyai banyak kosakata.
4. Saya cukup memahaminya namun ada beberapa kata atau
kalimat yang tidak bisa saya ubah ke past tense.
5. Saya cukup memahaminya namun ada beberapa kesalahan
dalam penggunaan tanda baca. Karena saya kurang
memahami cara penggunaan tanda baca tersebut dalam
bahasa inggris.
1. Saya tidak terlalu sering menulis teks narrative
2. Ya saya cukup memahaminya namun saya tidak terlalu
bisa menyusun teks secara benar karena saya tidak bisa
mengembangkan isi sebuah cerita.
Danniella Cantika 3. Saya kurang memahaminya karena saya kekurangan
Zebua vocabulary untuk membuat teks tersebut lebih menarik.
4. Saya cukup memahaminya namun ada beberapa kalimat
atau kata yang tidak saya mengerti untuk dijadikan ke
dalam bentuk simple past
5. Saya cukup memahaminya.
1. Tidak terlalu sering menulis teks narrative hanya jika
sedang dipelajarin saja.
2. Saya memahaminya. Karena saya pernah mempelajarinya.
3. Saya cukup memahaminya namun saya kesulitan dalam
mengembangkan isi ceritanya karena saya kekurangan
Darius telaumbanua kosakata.
4. Saya cukup memahaminya namun ada beberapa kalimat
yang sulit untuk saya ubah ke dalam past tense karena saya
tidak tau bagaimana perubahannya.
5. Saya cukup memahaminya namun saya kesulitan dalam
menentukan pola penulisan yang benar.
1. Tidak terlalu sering
2. Kurang memahaminya karena saya tidak focus
memperhatikan pengajaran oleh guru ketika mempelajari
materi tersebut.
Fifteen Gisela Zebua 3. Kurang memahaminya karena kurang focus saat belajar.
4. Kurang memahami karena saya kesulitan memahami
5. Saya kurang memahaminya karena tatacara penulisan teks
dalam bahasa inggris sangat susah.
1. Saya sangat suka belajar bahasa inggris karena orang tua
saya guru bahasa inggris, jadi saya sering berlatih menulis
dirumah apalagi jika ada tugas.
2. saya mengerti susunan dari teks narasi dimana ada
Gracelia Masa Riang orientasion, complication, resolusion dan reorientation.
3. Ya saya memahaminya didalam narative teks kita harus
menggunakan kata penghubung agar ceritanya bisa enak
4. Penggunaan simple past tense umum sudah saya mengerti
beberapa hanya ada beberapa yang tidak begitu saya
5. Ia saya mengerti penggunaan tanda baca.
1. Saya menulis teks narasi klo ada tugas saja.
2. Saya hanya tahu bagian awalnya saja, karena saya tidak
memiliki banyak ide untuk melanjutkannya.
Herman Yanto 3. Saya kurang mengerti bagian pendukung dari teks narasi
Mendrofa 4. Saya tidak begitu tahu simple past tense karena pengajaran
dari ibu guru sangat membosankan.
5. Saya hanya tahu penggunaan dari tanda-tanda baca
selebihnya saya kurang mengerti.
1. Saya tidak suka menulis teks narasi karena saya tidak
mengerti saya baru 1 kali menulis teks narasi
2. Saya tidak mengerti bagian dari teks narasi karena saya
tidak tertarik
Hotman Zebua 3. saya tahu apa saja pendukang didalam teks narasi
4. Saya tidak suka belajar simple past tense karena saya tidak
tahu rumusnya, rumusnya terlalu sulit.
5. Saya tidak tahu banyak kosa kata bahasa inggris sehingga
saya terhambat dalam menysusun kalimat.
1. Saya baru 1 kali mencoba menulis teks narasi
2. Sejauh ini sih saya tidak begitu mengerti penulisan teks
Incan Riang Zebua
3. Menurut saya bagian bagian teks narasi berupa judul dan
tanda baca tapi saya tidak tahu yang lainnya.
4. Menggunakan simple past tense biasanya saya
menggunakan kamus yang berada ditengah-tengah kamus
5. Saya tidak mengerti cara penggunaan tanda baca dalam
teks narasi.
1. Saya tidak sering menulis teks narratie hanya jika ada
materi tersebut.
Joice Marlin Halawa 2. Saya memahami susunan dari isi teks.
3. Saya memahaminya karena saya pernah mempelajarinya.
4. Saya kurang memahaminya karena rumusnya terlalu rumit.
5. Saya kurang memahaminya karena mekanis penulisan
narrative teks dalam bahasa inggris sangat sulit.
1. Saya tidak suka menulis karena kurang menarik
2. Saya tidak begitu tahu susunan teks narasi.
3. Saya sih mengerti beberapa seperti penghubung kata hanya
Kasih Chrisnine
saya tidak tahu cara menggunakannya.
4. Menurut saya penggunaan past tense rumit
5. Penggunaan tanda baca sih saya tahu tapi terkadang saya
tidak begitu memperhatikannya.
1. Saya tidak sering menulis cerita narasi karena saya kurang
2. Saya tidak mengerti susunan teks narasi kecuali orientasi
saya mengerti.
3. Saya tidak begitu suka teks narasi karena waktu itu
pengajaran ibu guru kurang menarik
Lesta Lena zebua
4. Saya tidak begitu tahu tentang susunan kalimat dalam
bahasa inggris
5. Saya ingat sedikit waktu kelas 1 kami diajari oleh ibu guru
tentang tanda tanda baca.
1. Saya tidak begitu sering menulis narrative teks, hanya jika
ada tugas saja dari sekolah, hanya saya sangat menyukai
jika ada tugas dari sekolah saya mengerjakannya dengan
2. Saya mengerti susunan dari teks narasi, disana ada
orientasi sebagai pendahuluan, ada complikasi, ada
Mosawato S. Zebua penyelesaian masalah dan terakhir ada juga penutup atau
resolusion .
3. Didalam teks narasi harus ada penghubung kata.
4. Menurut saya sih saya sudah bisa menggunakan simple
past tense
5. Saya tidak begitu tahu vocabulary, hanya saya bisa melihat
kamus untuk membantu saya.
1. Saya sudah beberapa kali membuat cerita narasi khususnya
narasi pengalaman pribadi karena tugas dari ibu guru, saya
sangat suka mengerjakan tugas tersebut karena saya bisa
mengekspresikan pemangalaman saya.
2. Awalnya saya bingung karena waktu itu pengajaran ibu
guru kurang menarik sehingga saya bingung, akan tetapi
saya bertanya kepada abang saya dan dia menjelakan
sehingga saya mengerti apa saja susunan dari teks narasi
Mulia Anakezya 3. Ya saya mengerti didalam cerita kita harus menjelaskan
Telaumbanua setiap kejadian dan menggunakan penghubung kata
sehingga cerita lebih enak dibaca
4. Saya mengerti penggunaan kalimat simple past tense hanya
bagian rumit past tense yang lain saya biasanya bertanya
kepada abang saya
5. Biasanya sih saya juga menggunakan kamus untuk
memastikan kata yang saya tulis tereja dengan benar, dan
tanda baca juga sewaktu masih kelas 1 smp kami sudah
diajari oleh ibu guru.

Gunungsitoli, 2021

Acknowledged by:

The Headmaster English Teacher Researcher

Drs. Aperieli Zendrato Diniati Rahmat Zebua, S.Pd Joshua O. Zebua

PEMBINA Tk. I Nip. 19770426 200502 2 001 NIM. 172108035
Nip. 19612804 199003 1 005
Appendix 9


1. Seberapa tertarikkah siswa dalam mempelajari materi teks narative text?

Jawab :

2. Apa saja strategi yang Ibu gunakan dalam mengajarkan meteri teks bacaan?
Jawab :

3. Apa saja kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa dalam mempelajari teks bacaan khususnya
dalam menulis sebuah isi teks narrative?
Jawab :

4. Apa tindakan yang Ibu lakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa?
Jawab :
Appendix 10


1. Seberapa tertarikkah siswa dalam mempelajari materi teks narative text?

Jawab :

2. Apa saja strategi yang Ibu gunakan dalam mengajarkan meteri teks bacaan?
Jawab :

3. Apa saja kesulitan yang di hadapi siswa dalam mempelajari teks bacaan khususnya
dalam menulis sebuah isi teks narrative?
Jawab :

4. Apa tindakan yang Ibu lakukan untuk mengatasi kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa?
Jawab :
Appendix 11a

The Researcher : Joshua Obedience Zebua

Informant : VIII-A
Shool : SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat
The Research Title : The Descriptive Analysis of Students’ Writing Ability in
Narative Text at The Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1
Gunungsitoli Barat in 2020/2021

Principles Steps Criterions
Purposeful sampling
Time sampling
Reflectixivity (field journal)
Data Disciplined subjectivity
Collection Prolonged engagement in the field
Persistent observation
Peer debriefing
representation of
Data Triangulation (methods, sources,
Analysis researchers, theories)
Referential adequacy
Structural coherence
Writing up Member checking
Using quotes
Transferability Design Purposeful sampling
(Fit within Thick description
contexts outside Comparison of sample to
the study demographic data
Writing up

Dependability Low inference descriptions,
(Minimization of mechanically recorded data
idiosyncrasies in Audit check
interpretation; Tringulation, inquiry audit
Variability Thick description of methods
tracked to Data A stepwise replication technique
identifiable Analysis A code-recode procedure
sources) Peer examination, Multiple
Writing up researchers
Confirmability Audit traiil
(Extent to which Data
collection Field notes, reports, journal/
biases, notebook
motivations, Ethics
interests or
perpectives of the Systematic coding and data reduction
inquirer influence analysis
True findings free
of biases

Gunungsitoli, April 2021

Validator I

Dra. Nursayani
Maru’ao, M.Pd

NIDN. 0101066003
Appendix 11b



The Researcher : Joshua Obedience Zebua

Informant : VIII-A
Shool : SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat
The Research Title : The Descriptive Analysis of Students’ Writing Ability in
Narative Text at The Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1
Gunungsitoli Barat in 2020/2021

Principles Steps Criterions
Purposeful sampling
Time sampling
Reflectixivity (field journal)
Data Disciplined subjectivity
Collection Prolonged engagement in the field
Persistent observation
Peer debriefing
representation of
Data Triangulation (methods, sources,
Analysis researchers, theories)
Referential adequacy
Structural coherence
Writing up Member checking
Using quotes
Transferability Design Purposeful sampling
(Fit within Thick description
contexts outside Comparison of sample to
the study demographic data
Writing up

Dependability Low inference descriptions,
(Minimization of mechanically recorded data
idiosyncrasies in Audit check
interpretation; Tringulation, inquiry audit
Variability Thick description of methods
tracked to Data A stepwise replication technique
identifiable Analysis A code-recode procedure
sources) Peer examination, Multiple
Writing up researchers
Confirmability Data Audit traiil
(Extent to which collection Field notes, reports, journal/ notebook
biases, Ethics
interests or Systematic coding and data reduction
perpectives of the analysis
inquirer influence
True findings free
of biases

April 2021

Acknowledged by:
The Handmaster English Teacher Researcher

Drs. Aperieli Zendrato Diniati Rahmat Zebua, S.Pd Joshua O.

PEMBINA Tk. I Nip. 19770426 200502 2 001 NIM.
Nip. 19612804 199003 1 005

The Research Title : The Descriptive Analysis of Students’ Writing Ability in Narrative Text at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat in

The Researcher : Joshua Obedience Zebua

Research site : SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat

Principles Steps Description Evidence
It is as seen in Chapter I, Research Data and Informant (page 8) and
Purposeful sampling in Appendix 4 and 6. The informants were 20 eighth grade students
of SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat
Time sampling It is as seen in Appendix 2,4,8,10, 11
Reflexivity (field
The field note has been checked.
As seen in Chapter I, Procedures of the Research (page 16) have
Disciplined subjectivity been followed accordingly by the researcher as the subject of the
research evidenced by the provided appendices.
Credibility It is as seen in Chapter I, Procedures of the Research on page 16,
the researcher has met and interacted with the informant when
Data Collection
Prolonged engagement selecting the research informant, taking preliminary data, giving the
in the field test of explanation text, and doing interview to find the factors
affecting the students ability in writing explanation text based on
the generic structure or as in Appendix 1, 8, 10, 11, and 13
It is as seen in Chapter I, Procedures of the Research on page 16 as
Persistent observation well as in Appendix 1, 8, 10, 11, and 13 in which the observations
have been made accordingly.
Data Analysis Peer debriefing As admitted by the researcher, he already asked for thoughts on her
research to her college friends (Popi Hura, and Aslina Nazara).
These have been checked as seen in Chapter I, Research Method
(page 6-17), Chapter II, Theoretical Framework (page 18-28),
(methods, sources,
Chapter II, Latest Related Researches (page 39-30) as well as
researchers, theories)
Bibliography on page 48-49.
It is as seen in the Bibliography, the references and quotes have
Referential adequacy
been checked and already valid.
It is as seen in Chapter I, Procedures of the Research (page 16) have
Structural coherence been followed by the researcher accordingly and supported by all
appendices (Appendix 1-14).
Writing Up
Member checking It is seen from informant data in Appendix 8, 12, and 13 that have
U been checked.
Using quotes It is can be seen in thoroughly chapter I and II.
The informant has been selected properly as the researcher
determined the informant (the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri
1 Gunungsitoli) who has been given the test of narrative text for the
Purposeful sampling
Design researcher to be analyzed, (Appendix 7, 12).
The descriptions about the researcher, the informant, and the
Thick description
validators can be seen in Appendix 7, and in Chapter III on page 32.
Writing Up
Comparison of sample It is as seen in Chapter III, on page 42 (The Research Findings
to demographic data versus the Latest Related Researches).
Low inference It is as seen in Appendix 8, and 12
Audit check As seen in advice cards by the researcher’s Advisor I & II.
Triangulation, inquiry The research has been checked and validated by three validators (1
Data Collection
audit lecturer & two English teachers) which fulfill the triangulation,
inquiry audit (Chapter III, page 32).
Thick description of As seen in Chapter I, Background of the Research (page 1), and
methods Research Method (page 6-16).
A stepwise replication The research findings are the result of the replicable research
Data Analysis
technique process by the researcher as the procedures of the research (Chapter
1, page 16) have been checked and proved by the provided
A code-recode The researcher has used the coding by aspect of writing (Chapter III
procedure on page 33) that can be seen in Appendix 5a, 5b, 5c and 6.
As admitted by the researcher, he already asked for thoughts on his
Peer examination
research to his college friends (Popi Hura, and Aslina Nazara).
To The researcher has followed through the progression of events
and decisions made as well as the data, findings, interpretations to
Audit trail arrive at comparable findings as checked in the draft and all
Data Collection appendices which can be proven from the approved paper works
starting from the proposal title submission until end of the research.
Field notes, reports,
Confirmability The field note has been checked.
As seen in Letter of Information on Research Implementation by
Ethics the Researcher from SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat that explains
Data Analysis the researcher has conducted the research well.
Systematic coding and It is as seen in all appendices and in Chapter IV (A. Conclusion on
data reduction page 46).
Appendix 14


The researcher was interviewing The researcher was asking permission

the English teacher (Preliminary to the principal of SMP Swasta
Data) Masyarakat Damai to do the research.

The researcher was receiving documentary from English Teacher

The researcher was interviewing the students
The researcher was interviewing the students


The researcher was interviewing The students of the eighth grade of

the English Teacher SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat

The researcher was asking his The researcher was asking his
colleges’ thought about the colleges’ thought about the
research research

Joshua Obedience Zebua (also known as Joshua) was

born in Telukdalam, on 21th November 1999. He is the

fifth child from 4 siblings from a couple of Sorani

Zebua (Father), Happynes Sarumaha (mother). He

started his education from elementary school in SDN

02 Telukdalam in 2005. Then after graduated from elementary school in 2011, he

continued his education to junior high school in SMP Swasta BNKP Telukdalam

at the same year. He graduated in junior high school in 2014. After graduated

from junior high school, he continued his education in SMA Negeri 1 Telukdalam

and chosen “Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam” department. He studied for 3 years and

graduated in 2017. At the same years he chose to continue his education in IKIP

Gunungsitoli, and chosen “English Education Study Program” because he liked to

study English language and he thought that being an English teacher will give his

a lot of possibility in getting works. Another reason was because he saw that his

should master English to be able to follow and being competitivable in the

development of the world.

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