Case Study Nr. 5 (Finals)

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Question: You are the lead lawyer of Ayala Corporation the company

president/ceo received an allegation of sexual harassment from ivana alawi,

whom the company invited as a host to their party. ivana alawi has 5 million
social media followers, would you investigate the allegation as the lead lawyer of
the company?

Answer: As the lawyer of the company the first responsibility that I am concern is
with the company, I will first talk to ivana and asked her of what really happened
and talk to the involved person that harassed her sexually and try to investigate it
that won’t cause any media commotion given the fact that she is a public

I will make an agreement to her that the incident won’t spread in social media
and will not be bias in investigating what really happened. Then if the allegation
is true, we will promise to file the complaint or make appropriate action on the

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