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Agent Safety/Defense
Avast Mobile App Training 8/16/2023
Being a Successful Part Time Agent & Growing Your Referral Business
Brokermint Q&A MONTHLY
CE Class: Fair Housing
CE Class: Foreclosures and Short Sales
CE Class: Home Inspections
CE Class: Home Warranty
CE Class: Risk Management
Cold Calling
Commercial Sales Intro - RANDY
Contract to Close?
Contracts 9/13/2023
ELEVATE (multi-week class for agents)
FOUNDATIONS (multi-week class for agents)
Foundations and Structural Issues 7/26/2023 L&L with AFS
Geo-Targeting / Farming
Goal Setting (First of the Year) - RANDY
Handling Rejection
Healthy Habits of Highly Sucessful Agents (Heather) 7/20/2023 - No Attendees
Home Inspections: Writing Foolproof Repair Requests
How to find Business in a Down Market
kvCORE & Lead Conversion
Listing Presentations
Mortgage Process
Negotiating 9/19/2023 R
Net Sheets / HUD 7/13/2023 RB
New Construction - Building Process - RANDY 8/21/2023
New Construction - Sales - RANDY 8/23/2023
Reasons Agents Fail and What to Avoid
Secrets to Success
Situation Solving 8/30/2023 Round Table
Social Media & Ways to Market Yourself - RANDY 9/5/2023 RB
Tax Planning
Transaction Broker vs. Dual Agency 8/9/2023 - RECORDED
Understanding Title

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