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Name__________________________ Atmosphere and Potential of Change – Study Guide

1. Explain the following:

a. Atmosphere

b. The Greenhouse Effect

c. Greenhouse Gases (which gases, what is their effect)

d. Trace Gases

e. Ozone

f. Is the composition of air consistent?

g. Is air an element, compound, or mixture? How do you know?

2. Create a pie chart to represent the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. Be sure to list the
percent, names, and all trace gases.
3. Use the graph to answer the following questions about carbon dioxide.

4. Use the graph to answer the following questions about emissions.

5. Describe the negative effects of the following human activities.
a. When humans burn coal, oil and gas (fossil fuels) to generate electricity or drive our cars

b. Too much use of fertilizers which contain nitrous oxide

c. Refrigeration agents and other industrial processes emits halocarbons (CFCs)

6. Which greenhouse gas is contributing the most to global warming?

7 What human activities contribute to giving off Carbon dioxide and contributing to global
Carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere overtime

An increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contributes to an increase in global average

temperature. Describe the contribution that continually increasing the number of automobiles
in use would have on global average temperature and its rate of change.
An increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere contributes to an increase in global average
temperature. Describe the contribution that continually increasing the number of automobiles in
use would have on global average temperature and its rate of change.

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