Descripción General Del Envejecimiento Facial. Cirugía Plástica Facial, 2009 25 (05), 281-284. Doi10.1055s-0029-1243075

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Overview of Facial Aging

Kenneth Beer, M.D., F.A.A.D.,1 and Jacob Beer1


Facial aging is a multidimensional, multifactorial process. The aging face has

traditionally been treated by each specialty in a different manner. However, by under-
standing the process from the perspective of different specialties, each physician may better

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treat the spectrum of facial aging. Whether or not the facial plastic surgeon injects products
to restore volume, uses lasers to resurface the epidermis and dermis, incorporates
cosmeceuticals to enhance and maintain improvements in the skin integrity and appear-
ance, or relaxes muscles with botulinum toxins, he or she can best advise patients and
address facial aging by having a functional understanding of these various modalities. With
this knowledge, the facial plastic surgeon can parse the component of facial aging that
enables him or her to correct each with the appropriate treatment.

KEYWORDS: Facial aging, laser, botulinum toxins, soft tissue augmentation, lasers,
fractional resurfacing, cosmeceuticals, facial plastic surgery

F acial aging is a complex four-dimensional issue. the skin laxity that occurs with time and environmental
Clearly, there is loss of volume, but injections of fat or stressors will respond to surgical intervention that will
filler will not make the face young. Excess skin is only restore a more youthful appearance. For others, the skin
one part of facial aging, and no amount of skin pulling laxity may be part of their genetic makeup, and removing
will restore a youthful appearance. Pigment irregularity it makes them look ‘‘plastic.’’ Thus, it is imperative not
and low light reflectance are also parts of the aging only to understand that loss of volume, pigment irreg-
process, but in isolation, improving these will not be ularity, low light reflectance, formation of static and
adequate for most patients. What then, is the best means dynamic rhytides, and facial descent are pieces of the
of understanding facial aging so that the best treatments facial aging puzzle but also to understand what the
and strategies may be employed? senior author refers to as the fourth dimension of facial
To best understand facial aging, it is helpful to aging—the individual differences seen in the person that
divorce oneself from a simplistic notion that for a given signal the world that he or she is no longer youthful.
patient, aging face is the result of a single factor that will
respond to a solitary treatment. Each patient looks old
for their own reasons and in their own way. LOSS OF VOLUME
Evaluation of the facial aging process should One of the cardinal signs of facial aging is the loss of
usually begin with a photograph of the patient when volume that occurs (Fig. 1). The volume lost is not
he or she was younger. Perhaps the individual had simply a deficit of fat or collagen but rather a subtle
prominent nasolabial folds when he or she was young interplay between bone resorption, fat atrophy, and
and filling them will not fix their facial aging but instead thinning of collagen and elastic fibers. Each of these
make them look like someone else. For many patients, contributes to loss of facial volume but in different ways.

Palm Beach Esthetic Dermatology and Laser Center, West Palm Skin Rejuvenation; Guest Editor, Kenneth Beer, M.D., F.A.A.D.
Beach, Florida. Facial Plast Surg 2009;25:281–284. Copyright # 2009 by Thieme
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Kenneth Beer, Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001,
M.D., F.A.A.D., Palm Beach Esthetic Dermatology and Laser Center, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
1500 North Dixie Highway, Suite #305, West Palm Beach, FL 33401 DOI 10.1055/s-0029-1243075. ISSN 0736-6825.

Midfacial and temporal atrophy are both frequent

sites of volume loss. For these two areas, injections with
autologous fat or with poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) can
restore a more youthful contour to the face. These injec-
tions have effects that are seen in areas distinct from where
they are placed simply because they move the face. For
instance, the nasolabial crease and the deep shadow seen
with aging are frequently ameliorated with volume resto-
ration into the zygomatic arch and the malar area.
One other area where volume loss signals aging is
the lip (Fig. 2). The redness and volume seen in
youthful, female lips has significant impact on the
appearance of the overall face. There is anthropologic
data to support that lip fullness correlates with estrogen
and progesterone levels as well as with the reproductive
capacity of the female. After menopause and the end of

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reproductive capacity, lip atrophy and perioral rhytides
signal a turning point for facial aging. Restoring volume
Figure 1 This woman has volume loss in multiple areas
to the lip using simple techniques of lip augmentation
including her jaw (mostly due to bone resorption), her cheeks can mitigate this.
(due to fat pad migration and atrophy), and her temples.


Bone loss makes the jaw, cheeks, and chin recede during AGING
the fifth and sixth decades of life. Outwardly, this may be The surface of the skin changes dramatically with age.
seen as lack of support around the mouth and zygoma. Frequently, the hallmarks of facial aging include pig-
Without this structure, the skin begins to hang and sag ment irregularities, formation of actinic keratoses, telan-
resulting in jowls, redundant nasolabial creases, and giectasias, and other superficial changes that affect the
other signs of aging. Some attempts to compensate for
this change have resulted in jaw, chin, and cheek im-
plants that move the skin and soft tissue into a more
cephalad direction. However, these frequently lack the
subtlety required for an ideal outcome. Injections with
calcium hydroxylapatite, thick hyaluronic acids, or other
structure fillers such as porcine collagen fibers can help to
buttress the face in ways that implants cannot, and these
injectables may be useful for facial contouring.

Figure 2 Atrophic lips with perioral rhytides are another

cardinal sign of aging. The atrophy of the lips in women is tied
to genetic, environmental (smoking and ultraviolet damage),
and hormonal milieu. Thus, loss of volume and show of the Figure 3 Many patients will present with several signs of
mucous membranous component is linked with loss of aging but point to the ‘‘barnacles’’ that mark them as old.
reproductive capacity and age. Treating these will improve their overall appearance.

reflectance of light and perception of youthfulness. aging. Surgically addressing the jowls may involve re-
‘‘Moles’’ (frequently seborrheic keratoses that are easily moval of excess skin and tightening of the superficial
treated) crop up, and patients begin to feel like they are muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS). Plication of the
turning into their parents or grandparents (Fig. 3). platysmal bands and/or removal of excess neck skin can
These, as well as skin cancers that tend to form with make a dramatic difference in the appearance of patients
facial aging, are the most obvious manifestations. Facial sagging in the lower face. Nonsurgical tightening of
plastic surgeons need to be aware of the role the growths this area may also be achieved, albeit to a lesser degree,
have in both appearance and self-perception of the by energy sources such as Thermage (Sotto Lasers,
patient. Removing the lesions can be accomplished using Hayward, CA) and also by the collagen stimulation
a variety of modalities including laser, liquid nitrogen, or achieved by injections of poly L lactic acid (PLLA).
electrosurgery or with a referral to a dermatologist. Suspending facial structures with sutures or other
Pigmentary irregularity may be the result of suspension instrumentation has largely been nonproduc-
hyperpigmentation due to melanin, hypopigmentation tive for the cosmetic patient. Primarily, this has been due
due to disease or scarring, or erythema from telangiec- to the failure of the materials used rather than of the
tasias. Melanin may be corrected (assuming that it is potential for vertical nonsurgical lifting. Future develop-
due to a benign process) with lasers, prescription ments that use biodegradable materials such as poly

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strength bleaching products such as tretinoin or hydro- lactic acid, collagen, or other products may have poten-
quinone, or with cosmeceuticals. Intense pulsed lights tial to perform better than the nylon sutures used in prior
are frequently employed to treat this condition because iterations. Placement of these sutures may eventually be
the broad spectrum of light emitted will improve not guided with endoscopic visualization, which could be a
only brown pigment but also red pigment. Combining marked improvement over the blind insertions used
these with photoprotection and topical treatments can previously. Replacing stretched suspensory ligaments
make a dramatic difference in the appearance of the with artificial materials holds the potential to reverse
skin. some of the major aspects of facial descent, and it will be
Light reflectance has significant impact on the worthwhile to observe as this technology develops.
appearance of the skin. Frequently, the importance of
this facet of facial aging is not adequately addressed. In
addition to the health risk posed by actinic keratoses, LINE FORMATION
they also scatter light unevenly. This latter factor con- As Hemingway, in The Old Man and the Sea, writes of
tributes to the low light reflectance seen in photodam- the ‘‘deep wrinkles’’ that mark Santiago, many of our
aged skin. Treatment of these lesions, whether by topical patients are marked as being old by the wrinkles on
5-fluorouracil, imiquimod, photodynamic therapy, their faces. These wrinkles may be static (present at
chemical peels, or laser treatment, has significant impact rest) or dynamic (dependent on muscle movement).
on the appearance of the skin.1 Indeed, simply eradicat- Many patients with facial aging present with wrinkles
ing the actinic keratoses in a patient with Fitzpatrick I that are combinations of static and dynamic. The
to III skin will make a dramatic difference in their treatment of dynamic wrinkles has involved the use
appearance. of botulinum toxins for more than a decade, whereas
the treatment of static rhytides has been addressed
with soft tissue augmentation products for more than
FACIAL DESCENT two decades. One new opportunity for physicians
One of the sentinel events associated with facial aging is dealing with facial aging is the plethora of new
descent of the mid and lower face. As elegantly outlined materials available for relaxing muscles and filling lines
by Rohrich et al, the midfacial fat pads descend from the as well as newer techniques used to combine these two
zygomatic and periorbital areas.2 These pads also assume methods.
different conformations and frequently become smaller Dynamic lines are best visualized by observing
or less rounded. The caudad migration contributes to the glabella and periorbital rhytides in a young person.
the formation of the nasolabial crease and also to the The muscles that act upon the glabella will crease the
‘‘jowling’’ seen with facial aging. Facial plastic surgery skin, but once relaxed, the skin retains the elasticity to
that repositions this fat pad or that restores an atrophic return to its prior state. As facial aging progresses the
midfacial fat pad can have dramatic results for facial elasticity of the skin decreases and the lines become
rejuvenation. Moving the midfacial fat structures in a etched in. To fix these latter rhytides, it is necessary to
cephalad direction with the use of a midface lift can use a filler to return the skin to its unwrinkled con-
markedly improve the nasolabial crease without any formation.
direct filling of this region. Dynamic lines may be adequately treated with
Facial descent also affects the lower third of the injections of botulinum toxins. At the present time, there
face and creates another significant stigmata of facial are two type A toxins approved (Botox and Dysport).

Whereas it is beyond the scope of this review to elaborate but also increase the duration (and thus the patient
upon the similarities and differences between these satisfaction) dramatically.
products, it shall suffice to say that each physician using
them should be aware of the differences in onset,
diffusion, and dilution required to obtain consistent, CONCLUSION
optimal patient outcomes. These products remain Any worthwhile overview of facial aging will present
among the products that are consistently rated with some of the different facets that are responsible for
high satisfaction by patients, and it is likely that as looking old. The job of physicians engaged in treating
more of these products are brought to market, their facial aging is to understand not only what causes the
use will continue to grow. face to appear old but also the various opportunities to
Static rhytides require volume correction to ef- address them. Whether surgical intervention, injections,
face them. As the list of products available for this lasers, or topical products are used, combination ap-
purpose grows, it becomes increasingly confusing which proaches that treat the underlying problems will benefit
ones are best for which facets of facial aging. The senior the patients we care for.
author prefers to use thicker, structural molecules for
sculpting and lifting (including Radiesse, Perlane, and

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Evolence) and more flexible molecules (including REFERENCES
Restylane, Prevelle Silk, and Juvederm) for filling fine
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synergistic effects of botulinum toxins with fillers can combination compared with NASHA (Restylane) alone in
dramatically improve some of the major features of facial severe glabellar rhytides in adult female subjects: treatment of
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