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t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means Pre and Post GROUP A

Variable 1 Variable 2 In comparing the two sets of data, as P is less than alpha value
Mean 5.86666667 6.6
Variance 1.12380952 0.68571429
Observations 15 15
Pearson Corre0.74858624
Hypothesized 0
df 14
t Stat -4.03589662
P(T<=t) one-ta0.00061333
t Critical one- 1.76131014
P(T<=t) two-ta0.00122666
t Critical two- 2.14478669
data, as P is less than alpha value of 0.05, (5%) we can reject the null hypothesis, and state that there is some difference betwe
at there is some difference between pre and post test scores which are indicative of a larger population.
t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means PRE & Post Group B

Variable 1 Variable 2 Again as P Value is significant lower than Alpha 0.05 the chang
Mean 5.86666667 6.86666667
Variance 0.83809524 0.6952381
Observations 15 15
Pearson Corre0.72364444
Hypothesized 0
df 14
t Stat -5.91607978
P(T<=t) one-ta 1.8809E-05
t Critical one- 1.76131014
P(T<=t) two-ta 3.7618E-05
t Critical two- 2.14478669
lower than Alpha 0.05 the change in scores is extremely likely to be due to the intervention
Rhythm Test Scores
Group A Pre-Intervention Post Intervention
1 7 7
2 5 6
3 5 6
4 6 6
5 4 6
6 4 5
7 6 6
8 7 8
9 7 7
10 6 7
11 6 6
12 7 8
13 7 7
14 5 7
15 6 7
Group B
16 5 6
17 5 6
18 6 7
19 5 6
20 6 6
21 7 7
22 6 8
23 4 6
24 5 6
25 6 7
26 7 8
27 7 8
28 6 8
29 6 7
30 7 7

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