Four-Day, Flextime and Telecommuting

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Four-day workweek

A four-day workweek is a compressed work schedule where the employees work only four days

a week and get three days off with no reduction in pay. This arrangement calls for a typical

working week, but employees are expected to work four days a week instead of the usual five. At

the same time, it doesn’t involve increasing the number of working hours per day. The employee

still engages for seven-to-eight hours a day. Hence, it demands a shorter workweek along with

reduced hours. Some pros of the Four-day workweek may include

i. Increased productivity.

ii. Fewer sick days; Employees not only take fewer sick days but are generally more


iii. Improved employee retention.

iv. Increased in sales volume and revenue

Some cons of the Four-day workweek may include

i. The risk is expensive. The most glaring drawback for employers is the costly risk that

workers fail to meet their work requirements.

ii. Not all industries can participate.

iii. There might be un-utilized labor.

iv. Workers put in the same hours anyway.

v. Certain industries might suffer.


Flextime most often refers to the business practice of allowing your employees to start and end

their workday at different times. The number of hours does not change in most cases, and neither

does the amount of required work. Basically, Flextime is a flexible hours schedule that allows

workers to alter their workday and decide/adjust their start and finish times.

Some pros of the Flex-time may include;

i. Employees may become even more motivated, since they want to make sure that they

don’t risk losing a job that has given them the flexibility they need. Thus, Flextime

increases job satisfaction among employees.

ii. It can also make positions within your company more attractive to qualified potential

employees. Basically, Flextime can draw talent to your company.

Some cons of the Flex-time may include

i. Flextime can hurt communication among employees and management. When

employees spend less time in the same space together, there are also fewer

opportunities to socialize and bond, which can further harm communication, as well

as collaboration and company culture.

ii. Some employees will not know how to use or take advantage of flextime. Everything

from basic communication to collaborative projects can be disrupted by the lack of


Telecommuting is the combination of in-office and remote work. Telecommuting employees

often work for a set number of days from the office or home. That is to say, they must live

locally to be able to travel to the offices. Telecommuting is a positive practice as it allows the

freedom of remote work and the structure of in-office hours as well.

Some pros of Telecommuting may include;

i. It is easier to focus without the usual workplace distractions.

ii. There are no transportation costs.

iii. It can provide a better balance of work and personal pursuits.

iv. Employers may save money on real estate and other overhead expenses.

v. It has shown to be more productive for many employees.

vi. People can work at their own pace without pressure.

Some cons of Telecommuting may include;

i. The employee has less personal contact with managers and coworkers, hindering


ii. It can be more difficult for managers to supervise someone working from home.

iii. The worker may have more disruptions at home, resulting in reduced productivity.

iv. You might miss the social aspect of working with peers.

v. Having a remote workplace could jeopardize security for the company.

The nature of business affects the generation of employment opportunities thereby leading to

growth of the economy. Most often it brings about industrial and economic development of the

country and the organization as a whole. I Employees have endless needs, and to satisfy these we
need business activities. It is the purpose of business to provide the economy and the society

with the goods and services it requires. All economic, commercial and trading activities are parts

of a business. Age, gender, and marriage indirectly influence the commute mode choice of

preferred working period. Also, the cost of travel mode has little effect on commute mode choice

since some may consider the traveling expenses to work and back and other expenses to be

incurred, this will make an employee to make the decision to work from home or choose the

telecommuting type of work.

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