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Apogee Impose

An Integrated Module of Apogee Prepress


doc. version: 8.0.4


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Date of Issue: July 2013

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Apogee Impose Tutorial


About This Tutorial ............................................................................................................... 7

Lesson 1 Creating a Basic Apogee Impose Job .................................................... 13

 How to create the Job and Product ...................................................................... 14

 How to edit the imposition ...................................................................................... 15
 How to define the Press for an imposition job ................................................. 16
 How to browse the Press Sheet view ................................................................... 16
 How to use the View Options palette .................................................................. 20
 How to use the Inspector ......................................................................................... 21
 How to save your changes to the imposition ................................................... 22
 How to complete the job set-up ............................................................................ 22
 How to process documents for your job ............................................................. 23

Lesson 2 Introduction to Marks ................................................................................................ 25

 How to place a Mark Set manually ...................................................................... 26

 How to add the Text Mark to a Mark Set ............................................................ 28
 How to add a Page Text Mark to all pages ........................................................ 28
 How to edit a colorbar File Mark in Press Sheet view ................................... 29

Lesson 3 Creating a Job with Several Press Sheets ....................................... 31

 How to create the Job and Product ...................................................................... 32

 How to define the imposition and Marks for the first block ....................... 33
 How to repeat the imposition for multiple Press Sheets ............................. 35
 How to complete the job set-up ............................................................................ 36
 How to input documents for your job .................................................................. 37

Lesson 4 Making Custom Folding Schemes ............................................................. 39

 How to duplicate and customize a Folding Scheme (System Overview) 40

 How to apply a Folding Scheme to a job. .......................................................... 42
 How to create and customize a Folding Scheme (in Product view) ......... 44


Lesson 5 Press Sheet Layout Rules and Binding Options ....................... 49

 How to specify Binding Options in System Overview ................................... 50

 How to specify Press Sheet Layout Rules in System Overview ................. 51
 How to create the Job and Product ...................................................................... 51
 How to complete the job set-up ........................................................................... 56
 How to input documents for your job ................................................................. 57

Lesson 6 Multiple Fold Sheets on a Press Sheet ............................................... 59

 How to create a job with a Partial Book Signature ........................................ 60

 How to repeat the same Fold Sheet on a Press Sheet .................................. 62
 How to reduce the number of plates with Work & Turn .............................. 65

Lesson 7 More about Marks ......................................................................................................... 69

 How to create the More about Marks Job ......................................................... 70

 How to change the knock-out and color of a mark ....................................... 74
 How to define pens and using them to create marks ................................... 75
 How to place marks on the front and back of a Press Sheet ..................... 80
 How to clip marks ....................................................................................................... 82
 How to handle mark conflicts (Snag List) .......................................................... 84
 How to use layers to solve conflicts .................................................................... 86
 How to place registration marks ........................................................................... 89
 How to place collation marks ................................................................................ 91
 How to place Fold Sheet cut marks ..................................................................... 93
 How to manage marks with the Mark Sets Inspector ................................... 95
 How to reset a manually modified mark ............................................................ 96
 How to re-apply modified Mark Sets ................................................................... 97
 How to re-apply Mark Sets and keep/reset on/off states .......................... 101

Lesson 8 Setting Folding Schemes for Auto Impose .................................... 105

 How to set your Folding Scheme as top pick ................................................... 106

 How to apply Folding Schemes with Auto Impose ........................................ 107

Lesson 9 Setting Auto Impose Rules ................................................................................ 113

 How to set your Auto Impose Rules .................................................................... 114

 How to apply your Auto Impose Rule .................................................................. 116

Lesson 10 Imposing Multi-Part Jobs Interactively .............................................. 123

 How to create Mark Sets for placing different colorbars ............................. 124
 How to create the Job with Cover and Body Parts ......................................... 126

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to input documents for your job ..................................................................131

Lesson 11 Auto-Imposing Multi-Part Jobs .....................................................................133

 How to create the Job with Cover and Body Parts ..........................................134
 How to input documents for your job ..................................................................138

Lesson 12 Applying Shingling ........................................................................................................141

 How to shift inner and outer pages for shingling (manual) .........................142
 How to disable shingling ..........................................................................................144
 How to scale inner and outer pages for shingling (manual) .......................146
 How to set up automatic shingling .......................................................................148

Lesson 13 Creating Unbound Jobs ............................................................................................153

 How to create a job for an Unbound Product ....................................................154

 How to create a Margin resource ..........................................................................155
 How to adapt the page size of Parts to match uploaded documents ......157
 How to place Elements for an Unbound Job interactively ...........................158
 How to place Elements using Manual Arrangement ......................................165
 How to override inner margins in Manual Arrangement ..............................169
 How to place Elements using the Positioning Palette ..................................171
 How to override inner margins when using the Repeat Tool ......................177

Lesson 14 Number-Up Binding ......................................................................................................183

 How to create a 32-page job with 2-up imposition ........................................188

 How to create a 32-page job with 2-up Come & Go imposition ...............194

Lesson 15 Fold Sheet Fitting ..........................................................................................................199

 To create a job with no Sheet Fitting (default) .................................................200

 How to apply Horizontal Sheet Fitting ................................................................202
 How to apply Vertical Sheet Fitting ......................................................................207

Lesson 16 Unbound Flat Jobs ..........................................................................................................211

 Create a new Margin resource ................................................................................212

 Create a job for an Unbound Flat Product ..........................................................212
 Adapt the page size of Elements to match uploaded documents ............215
 Place Elements for an Unbound Job interactively ..........................................216
 Arrange Elements using Manual Positioning ....................................................223
 Override inner margins in Manual Positioning ................................................227

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Manual positioning using the Positioning Palette ......................................... 230

 Set the gaps between elements (Manual Positioning) ................................. 237
 Override inner margins with the Repeat Tool (Press Sheet Layout rule) 241
 Override inner margins with the Repeat Tool (Manual Positioning) ....... 246

Lesson 17 Unbound Folded Jobs ................................................................................................ 251

 What are unbound folded products? .................................................................... 252

 Open the Pagination Schemes resource ............................................................ 253
 Create a job for an Unbound Folded Product ................................................... 257
 Fitting documents on inner panels ...................................................................... 263
 Create a custom Pagination Scheme .................................................................. 265
 Apply a custom Pagination Scheme to a job ................................................... 268
 Add Element Marks on a press sheet .................................................................. 270

Lesson 18 Auto Fit Rules for Unbound Jobs ................................................................ 275

 How does the Auto Fit resource work? ................................................................ 276

 Copy counts for an Unbound Flat Product ........................................................ 278
 Auto Fit with fewer sheets strategy ..................................................................... 280
 Auto Fit with less waste strategy .......................................................................... 284
 Auto Fit and sheet layout criteria ......................................................................... 288

Lesson 19 Web-Fed Printing ........................................................................................................... 293

 The Web Offset press type ....................................................................................... 294

 Web Press Sheet Size ................................................................................................ 296
 Web Production Schemes resource ..................................................................... 297
 Create a job for single-web production – 1 delivery ..................................... 299
 Create a job for single-web production – 2 deliveries ................................. 306
 Multi-web press sheets (terminology) ................................................................ 310
 Create a job for multi-web production ................................................................ 310
 Aligning deliveries for partial web rolls ............................................................. 317

Lesson 20 Custom Web Production Schemes ........................................................... 319

 Press manufacturer schemes .................................................................................. 319

 Create a custom Web Production Scheme – single-web press ................ 320
 Create a job combining sheet-fed and single web-fed presses ................. 333
 Create a custom Web Production Scheme – multi-web press .................. 337
 Create a job for multi-web printing ..................................................................... 342

Apogee Impose Tutorial

About This Tutorial
In this Tutorial you learn how to create a variety of imposition jobs with Apogee
Impose, an integrated module of Apogee Prepress. You will work both in interac-
tive mode and in automatic mode with the Auto Impose feature.

Who Is this Tutorial Intended For?

This tutorial has been prepared for Administrators and Operators who want to
learn about the Apogee Impose module by performing step-by-step procedures.

For some of the lessons you require the latest version of Apogee Prepress:

 Lessons 1 to 12: version 7.0 or higher

 Lessons 13 to 15: version 7.1 or higher

 Lessons 16 to 20: version 8.0 or higher

NOTE: You need an Apogee Impose license to work with the module.

You will need approximately 30 minutes to complete each lesson.

Tutorial Objectives
This Tutorial is divided into a series of lessons. In these lessons, you will review
the following:

 Creating a Basic Apogee Impose Job

 Introduction to Marks

 Creating a Job with Several Press Sheets

 Making Custom Folding Schemes

 Press Sheet Layout Rules and Binding Options


 Multiple Fold Sheets on a Press Sheet

 More about Marks

 Setting Folding Schemes for Auto Impose

 Setting Auto Impose Rules

 Imposing Multi-Part Jobs Interactively

 Auto-Imposing Multi-Part Jobs

 Applying Shingling

 Creating Unbound Jobs

 Number-Up Binding

 Fold Sheet Fitting

 Unbound Flat, Single-Sided Jobs

 Unbound Folded Jobs

 Auto Fit Rules for Unbound Jobs

 Web-Fed Printing

 Custom Web Production Schemes

Required Sample Files and Resources

You will need the following sample PDF documents which are provided with
your Apogee Prepress installation in the SupportFiles folder and also on your
DVD. Some documents and resources are provided separately with this tutorial,
in the Sample Files folder.

PDFs included with In the SupportFiles folder:

 Apogee Automate 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Control 4Pages.pdf

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Apogee Manage 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Render 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Prepress Brochure.pdf

PDFs included with tutorial In the Sample Files folder:

 Lesson 10:

 ApogeeColorbar_Gray.pdf

 Lesson 14:

 Apogee Prepress Brochure_A5.pdf

 Lessons 13 and 16:

 BusinessCard.pdf

 Compliments.pdf

 TableCard.pdf

 Datasheet.pdf

 Lesson 17:

 Apogee Prepress Brochure 8pages.PDF

 Apogee Prepress Brochure 8pages_A5.pdf

For some exercises, you will need dedicated resources which are provided with
this tutorial. These resources are installed using the Configuration Manager:

Resources included with In the Sample Files folder:

 Lesson 7: TIFF Platesetter Parameter Sets and Resources

 Lessons 19 and 20: Products, Press Sheet Layout Rule, Binding Options and
Sheet Sizes

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Keyboard Conventions
All key names are shown in capital letters. For example, the Control key is shown
as CTRL.

Keys are frequently used in combinations or sequences as shortcut keys. For

example, SHIFT+F3 means to hold down the SHIFT key while pressing F3.

Mouse Conventions
To... Do this...
Click Point to an item, and then quickly press and release the mouse
button without moving the mouse.
Double-click Point to an item, and then quickly press and release the mouse
button twice.
Context-click on Windows Click the right mouse button.
Drag Point to an item. Press and hold down the mouse button as you
move the mouse to a new location, then release the mouse but-

Using the Online Help

Apogee Prepress includes context-sensitive Online Help. This is a reference that
offers you both theoretical information on all topics and links to relevant

When Apogee Prepress is running, you can access the Online Help by doing one
of the following:

 Press F1

 Choose Help > Apogee Prepress Help

 Context-click the icon or pane in the interface for which you want informa-
tion and select Help from the context menu. The relevant Online Help page
for this item appears.

 Some dialog boxes have a question mark button (?) to open the Online Help.

The Apogee Prepress Online Help also contains overviews of all icons, shortcuts
and variables that are used throughout the application.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: Some Tutorials are also available in HTML format. Choose

Help > Tutorial.

Related Documentation and Information

The following documents can be referred to for more information:

 Apogee Prepress Online Help

 Apogee Impose Reference Guide

 Apogee Prepress Tutorials

 Apogee Prepress Installation Guide

 Apogee Prepress Licensing Guide

Visit Apogee Network for the latest information about Apogee Prepress and inter-
esting tips, tricks and videos.

We welcome your suggestions, questions or comments about this documenta-

tion. You can send e-mail feedback to

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


1 Creating a Basic Apogee

Impose Job
In this lesson you create a basic Apogee Impose job using the resources and rules
installed by default.

First you will make a new job with a Product consisting of one part and then edit
the imposition in the main imposition windows: the Product view and Press
Sheet view.

The following job will be created:

 16 A4 pages

 nested for saddle-stitching

 Product with 1 Part

 1 Press Sheet


 How to create the Job and Product

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0001

 Job Name: basic

 Number of Pages: 16

3 Click Open.

The Job Ticket opens in the Product tab because the Impose Task Processor
is set to Apogee Impose.

At this stage you will see an error notification indicating that there are 2
problems with the Job Ticket.

4 Click the error icon to open the Problem Report.

The Product Definition and the Press Sheet Layout are both incom-
plete.These errors will be resolved after the Product has been defined in the
following steps.

5 Close the Problem Report and go to the Product tab to complete the Product
for this job.

Some fields are in red because they are required in Apogee Impose mode and
this template job is set for Apogee Impose. If the job is in another mode, these
fields would be blue because the Product has not been defined.

6 Click in the Product drop-down list and select Bound Nested Matt Coated

This is a predefined Product definition for a bound, saddle-stitched product

whose final size will be A4 and which is to be printed on matt coated paper.

In the Product pane, the settings for the Part are now changed to those of the
predefined Product definition and they are now displayed in black and no
longer in red.

7 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Bottom from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list.

This option positions the Fold Sheet in the center of the Press Sheet and
aligned along the bottom.

The error icon is no longer displayed.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to edit the imposition

1 Now that the Product is defined, click the Edit Imposition button.

The main imposition window, or Product view, is displayed.

In the Assembly pane at the top you can see that the Product consists of 1
Fold Sheet:

 FS1

 16 pages

 nested assembly indicated by the nested icon

In the Product pane below you see the other settings for the Product:

 in the Product node: bound, nested, A4

 in the Part node: Body part, stock, weight, printing colors

The Fold Sheet node has a red outline, indicating that no folding scheme has
been chosen yet.

2 Click in the Folding Scheme drop-down list in the top right corner of the Fold
Sheet node and choose F16-6 (4x2) which is for 4 by 2 pages.

The outline of the Fold Scheme node is now blue indicating that a scheme has
been selected and you see the following information in this node:

 Fold Sheet name: FS1

 Folding Scheme: 4 x 2 - F16-6

 Number of pages: 16

 Folding Sequence: up 1/2 + up 1/2 + up 1/4

The node also indicates:

 the lowest page number on the Fold Sheet

 the Fold Sheet Lay (red corner icon)

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 Click once in the Press Sheet node which is next to the Fold Sheet node.

Here you see how the Fold Sheet is positioned on the Press Sheet and the size
of the Press Sheet (1000 x 650 mm).

NOTE: The smallest press sheet size on which the Fold Sheet fits is selected
automatically by Apogee Impose.

The node also indicates:

 the Sheetwise workstyle

 Front and Back of the Press Sheet with page numbers

 the Fold Sheet Lay (red corner icon)

 the Press Sheet Lay (green corner icon)

The Press Sheet also contains an error.

4 Click the red error icon in the bottom right corner to open the Snag List.

The error indicates that a Press has not been assigned.

5 Close the Snag List.

 How to define the Press for an imposition job

 In the Product view, click in the Press Sheet node title bar (PS 1) and drag the
Press Sheet to the Large Press to assign the Press Sheet to this press.

The Press Sheet turns blue with a Parameter Set automatically selected. Now
that the Press Sheet has been assigned, all the nodes, from Product to Press,
are connected with a grey line and error indication is no longer displayed.

You will now open the Press Sheet view to examine the Press Sheet in more

 How to browse the Press Sheet view

1 In the Product view, double-click the title bar of the Press Sheet node PS1 or
one of the two sides.

The Press Sheet view is displayed.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


2 Click in the outer, white area to select the Press Sheet.

The whole Press Sheet is highlighted in light blue.

3 Click the next inner box and then choose FS1 on PS1 to select the Fold Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: Click any of the red

balloons to select a
component that may be on
top or under the selected

The Fold Sheet is highlighted in light blue and you see that it is centered
along the bottom edge of the Press Sheet, as specified in the Press Sheet
Layout rules in the Product tab.

4 Click an individual page to select a Page.

The Page is highlighted in light blue.

5 Now increase the zoom factor so the Press Sheet fills your screen and you can
take a closer look at the various elements on the Press Sheet:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: Zoom in or out of the  colorbars

Press Sheet using the zoom
tool in the Toolbar.
Alternatively, if you have a
mouse with a wheel, Press
CTRL and roll the wheel.

 Page Crop Marks for individual Pages

 Fold Line Marks that indicate where the book signature will be folded

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 A Text Mark which has been added automatically and resolved as much
as possible

 Fold Sheet Lay: the red triangle in the bottom left corner

 How to use the View Options palette

TIP: The Press Sheet view You can use this palette to check the Press Sheet rule-ups in more detail and
palettes can be switched on to resolve conflicts.
and off with buttons in the
toolbar or from the View 1 Click the Show/Hide View Options button in the Toolbar or choose
menu. Window > View Options to show the View palette.

The View palette is displayed.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


2 Double-click the color patch for the Gripper and change the color to yellow
by selecting the yellow color patch.

3 Click OK.

The Gripper is now yellow and more visible.

NOTE: These colors will be used for all Apogee Impose jobs that you open with
this Client.

4 Close the View palette and click the Product button in the Toolbar to return
to the Product view.

 How to use the Inspector

1 Click in the Large Press node and show the Inspector by clicking the i button
in the Toolbar.

TIP: Use CTRL+I to open the

Inspector or click the button
in the Toolbar.
You can see the Gripper is 11 mm.

2 Now click in the title bar of Press Sheet 1 (PS 1) and see how the settings are
displayed for PS 1.

It’s recommended to have the Inspector visible when working in the Imposi-
tion windows. It allows you to inspect and change the settings for the
selected node.

3 Click the Fold Sheet in the PS 1 node.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The Inspector shows the setting for the Fold Sheet on PS 1. Notice how the
selected pages are indicated in grey in the Product node.

4 Click a Press Sheet side (outer most box) in the PS 1 node.

The Inspector shows the setting for the Front Side on PS 1.

5 Click the FS1 in the Fold Sheet node.

The Inspector shows the setting for the Fold Sheet.

6 In the Inspector, click the grey arrow next to the node name to highlight the
selected node.

 How to save your changes to the imposition

 In the Product view, save your changes to an imposition by clicking the Close
button and then Yes in the confirmation window.

You return to the Product tab of the Job Ticket Editor and 1 Production Set
has been added in the Imposition pane.

NOTE: If you click the Submit Job button, you submit the job and go to the
Jobs Window.

 How to complete the job set-up

A few more settings are required before submitting the job.

1 Select the Plan tab.

In the Production Plan, the Large Press has been selected for the Generic
Press. This is the result of the imposition set-up performed with Apogee

Apogee Impose Tutorial


2 In the Generic Press settings, select the Type tab and you see the following
settings as defined with Apogee Impose:

 Sheet lay: right

 Gripper width: 11 mm

 Distance plate to sheet edge: 20 mm

You don’t need to change anything here.

3 Select the correct plate size and imaging size for the TIFF Platesetter -
Output and Imaging:

 Parameter set: 1130 x 907

4 Submit the Job Ticket.

 How to process documents for your job

1 Drag and drop the following PDF files onto the job you just created in the Jobs
List or in the Page Store in the Pages tab:

 Apogee Automate 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Control 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Manage 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Render 4Pages.pdf

2 In the Pages tab, wait until the documents are uploaded and drag them to the
Run List.

3 Submit the Job and check how the files are rendered in the Results tab.

4 Open PS 1 Front in Raster Preview.

5 Open the Rules Ups palette (Window > Palettes) and select the Expected
Page Size and Press Sheet Size.

You see the following:

 The Press Sheet width is less than the available plate width.

 At the bottom, the Press Sheet is offset 20 mm from the edge of the plate
as defined by the ‘Distance plate to sheet edge’ setting.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 Close Raster Preview.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


2 Introduction to Marks
In this lesson you learn how to place a Text Mark manually on a Press Sheet and
edit the setting for a colorbar File Mark. You will briefly look at the Mark
Engraver resource and see how Marks are organized in Mark Sets.

You will create/edit the following Marks:

 Run List page numbers as Text Marks in the gutters

 a colorbar File Mark


 How to place a Mark Set manually

1 In the Jobs List, context-click the Basic job that we created in a previous

2 Select Edit Imposition to open the Product view imposition window.

TIP: Select a job and press 3 Double-click the PS 1 Press Sheet to open the Press Sheet view.
CTRL+SHIFT+Enter to jump
to the imposition Product 4 Zoom into the bottom left corner of the Press Sheet.
view. 5 Open the Marks palette by clicking the button in the toolbar.

The Marks palette is displayed with three categories of marks:

 Page

 Fold Sheet

 Press Sheet

6 Select the Page Text Mark icon and drag it onto the bottom of Page 6.

The Inspector opens, displaying the settings for the mark.

You can now enter the actual text for your Mark, which will be the page
number generated by a variable.

7 In the Attributes tab, delete ‘Text Mark’ and type ‘page’ in the Text box:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


As you type, all the available variables that contain ‘page’ appear in the drop-
down list.

TIP: The variables in Apogee 8 Scroll down to the bottom of the list using the arrow and select:
Impose have a different
structure than the other  $page.rlpage
Apogee Prepress variables.
Refer to the Online Help for a This variable is added to the Text box and will generate the Run List page
list of the variables. number.

9 Change the font size to 8 pt. Do not change the other options in the Attributes
tab and select the Position tab to set the position of the Mark relative to a

10 As Anchor Point, choose the top centre position (T) and for Target choose:

 Reference: Page

 Horizontal: 0 mm, Right of Center

 Vertical: 2 mm Below Bottom Edge

TIP: Page Mark settings are The position of the mark changes immediately as you modify these settings.
similar to the Mark settings
in the Border resource.
NOTE: The initial values for Vertical and Horizontal depend on where you
dragged and placed the mark on the Press Sheet.

11 Zoom into the mark to see the actual content of the mark.

12 Zoom out of the Press Sheet so it fits into the window again by clicking the
button to the left of the slider or pressing CTRL+0.

13 Click the Conflicts tab to see the other settings for this mark.

This tab defines what will happen in the event of conflicts with other marks
or rule-ups. Leave the settings as is for this exercise.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to add the Text Mark to a Mark Set

The Inspector indicates that the mark has been Placed Manually in the
bottom right corner. This means it is not part of a Mark Set and it cannot be
used for other jobs.

1 Click the cog wheel in the bottom left corner and choose Add to Mark Set >
New, and type PageInfo as Name for the new Mark Set.

The Mark Engraver opens and a new Mark Set with the default name
PageInfo is created in the Name column. Note that this Mark Set has 1 Mark
at the moment, i.e. the Page Mark you created earlier.

TIP: In this lesson we place 2 Select the PageInfo Mark Set.

the marks manually,
however, you can set In the bottom pane you can see the conditions for placing this Mark Set: it will
conditions here to let only be placed manually. This is also indicated by the maroon Mark Set icon.
Apogee Impose place mark The green Mark Set icon indicates the Mark Set will always be placed.
sets automatically.

3 Close the Mark Engraver and you see that the Inspector now indicates that the
mark is placed by a Mark Set.

4 Close the Inspector and zoom out of the Press Sheet so it fits into the window
again (CTRL+0).

 How to add a Page Text Mark to all pages

1 Open the Mark Sets Inspector by clicking the button in the toolbar.

The Mark Sets Inspector is displayed and you see the PageInfo Mark Set is
selected but greyed out. This means that it is not applied on all pages.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


2 Clear the PageInfo box and re-select it to apply this Mark Set to all pages on
the press sheet.

3 Close the Mark Sets inspector.

 How to edit a colorbar File Mark in Press Sheet view

Let’s take a closer look at the colorbar on this Press Sheet.

1 Zoom into top right corner of the Press Sheet.

2 Open the Inspector and select the colorbar.

3 In the Position tab, check the following:

 Target Reference: Fold sheets block

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: A Fold Sheet Block is  Target Vertical: 5 mm Above Top Edge

the area surrounding
multiple Fold Sheets  Clip Horizontally Margin 5 mm
positioned on a single Press
Sheet. If there is only one  Clip Vertically Margin 0 mm
Fold Sheet, the Fold Sheet
Block is equal to the Fold This means the colorbar is clipped exactly 5 mm from the edge of the Press
Sheet. Sheet as indicated by the red shaded area.

4 Click outside the colorbar or Press Sheet to deselect the colorbar and make
this clipped area more visible.

5 To see how the colorbar will be printed on the Press Sheet, open the View
Options palette and clear the Hidden marks check box.

NOTE: If you select the colorbar, the entire bar is displayed with clipped areas,
regardless of the View Options.

6 Go back to the Inspector Attributes tab and clear Clip at cell boundaries.

In this case the colorbar is clipped exactly 5 mm from the edge, and not at the
nearest color patch boundary within the colorbar.

7 Undo the last action (CTRL+Z) to select Clip at cell boundaries again and
submit the job.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 Creating a Job with

Several Press Sheets
In this lesson you create the imposition for a Press Sheet and then reuse the
settings for other Press Sheets in the job with the Repeat Imposition feature.

The following job will be created:

 48 A4 pages

 3 x 16-page perfect bound book signatures

 Product with 1 Part

 3 Press Sheets with the same imposition settings


 How to create the Job and Product

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter the admin information:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0002

 Job Name: Multiple Press Sheets

3 We can also define the Product in the Quick Fill pane:

 Bound stacked matt coated A4

 Number of Pages: 48

This is a predefined Product definition for a perfect bound A4 product that is

to be printed on matt coated paper.

4 Click Open.

The Job Ticket opens in the Product tab because the plan has an Impose Task
Processor. In addition, this TP is set to Apogee Impose.

In the Product pane, the settings for the Part as defined in the Quick Fill pane
are displayed in the first row of the table. There is one Part called Body.

We still need to complete the Product for this job and resolve the problem
indicated by the Problem Report.

5 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Bottom from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

This option positions the Fold Sheet in the center of the Press Sheet and
aligned along the bottom.

The error is no longer displayed.

6 Now that the Product is defined, click the Edit Imposition button.

The main imposition window, or Product view, is displayed.

In the Assembly pane at the top you can see that the Product consists of 1
Fold Sheet:

 FS1:

 48 pages

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 stacked assembly

7 For this job you want 3 blocks of 16 pages. Select the Split Assembly button
in the toolbar to divide the 48 pages.

8 Hover over the 48-page block with the tool and click first to split into 2 blocks
(16/32) and then again to create a third block.

TIP: Press and hold the ALT Notice that the Fold Sheets in the Product pane below have also been split and
key to activate the Split you now have 3 blocks:
Assembly tool temporarily.
 FS1

 FS2

 FS3

The Assembly blocks and the Fold Sheet nodes have a red outline, indicating
that a folding scheme still has to be chosen.

9 Click the Select button to switch off the Split Assembly tool.

 How to define the imposition and Marks for the first block
1 For the first Fold Sheet, FS1, choose the following scheme from the list:

 F16-6 (4x2)

2 Apogee Impose can choose a sheet size, however, we will make a new Press
Sheet size for this job. In the Press Sheet size drop-down list, choose the New
option to create a new Press Sheet size.

TIP: Press Sheet Sizes are a The Sheet Size window is displayed.
resource of the Apogee
Prepress system. 3 Enter the following Name:

 1050 x 675

4 Enter the following Size:

 1050 mm x 675 mm

Apogee Impose Tutorial


5 Click OK.

The new size is added to the list and selected.

6 Again in the PS 1 Press Sheet node, change the workstyle from the default
Sheetwise to Perfecting so that the Back of Press Sheet 1 is rotated 180
degrees for printing in perfecting style.

The different workstyle means the Press Sheet Lay (green corner icon) and
the Fold Sheet Lay (red corner icon) change position.

7 Drag PS 1 Press Sheet to the Large Press.

Notice how the red outline of the PS node has turned blue and the nodes for
PS 1 are all connected with a grey line.

8 Double-click the PS 1 Press Sheet to open the Press Sheet view and complete
the imposition settings for this sheet.

9 Open the Mark Sets Inspector by clicking the button in the Toolbar.

The Mark Sets Inspector is displayed with all the available Mark Sets for each

The default Marks used for this job have the check box selected.

10 Select the following additional Mark Sets:

 PageInfo: the mark for page numbers as created in a previous lesson

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This Mark Set adds the mark to all the pages, on the front and the back of the
Press Sheet.

11 Locate all the marks placed by this Marks Set by selecting one of the marks
and then clicking the arrow next to the mark name. You need to choose Same
positions in the Expand selection drop-down list.

If the marks are not visible, check that Mark Preview is selected in the View

12 Return to the Product view by clicking the Product button in the bottom left

 How to repeat the imposition for multiple Press Sheets

Apogee Impose has a feature that enables you to reuse the imposition settings of
the first Press Sheet for other Press Sheets in the job.

1 In the Product view, choose Edit > Repeat Imposition to apply the same
imposition to the other book signatures.

The Repeat Imposed Press Sheet dialog box opens.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


2 Choose PS 1 to ‘Body’ Part to reuse the settings of PS 1 for PS 2 and PS 3 and

click Repeat.

The settings that will be repeated are:

 Press Sheet Size

 Workstyle

 Folding Scheme

 Press Assignment

 Mark Sets

Now that the 3 Press Sheets have been assigned, all the nodes, from Product
to Press, are connected with a grey line to the Large Press.

3 Save your changes to an imposition by clicking the Close button.

You return to the Product tab of the Job Ticket Editor and 1 Production Set
with 3 book signatures has been added in the Imposition pane.

 How to complete the job set-up

A few more settings are required before submitting the job.

1 Select the Plan tab.

In the Production Plan, the Large Press has been selected for the Generic
Press. This is the result of the imposition set-up performed with Apogee

2 Select the correct plate size and imaging size for the TIFF Platesetter -
Output and Image:

 Parameter set: 1130 x 907

3 Unlock the PDF Render - Separate settings and choose Convert to Process
Colors. Save this set as CMYK.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: Setting CMYK in the Part Editor does not imply that spot colors will be
converted. This has to be set here.

4 Submit the Job Ticket.

 How to input documents for your job

1 Drag and drop the following PDF files onto the job you just created in the Jobs
List or in the Page Store in the Pages tab:

 Apogee Automate 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Control 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Manage 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Render 4Pages.pdf

 ApogeePrepress Brochure.pdf

2 In the Pages tab, wait until the documents are uploaded and drag them to the
Run List.

3 Submit the Job and check how the files are rendered in the Results tab.

All 3 book signatures are processed using the same imposition arrangement
and marks.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


4 Making Custom Folding

In this lesson you create custom Folding Schemes and apply these schemes to a
previously created job. Folding Schemes are created in the Folding Schemes
resource of the Impose Task Processor in System Overview or in the main Apogee
Impose windows.

The following Folding Schemes will be reviewed in this lesson:

 a 16-6 Folding Scheme with Head to Head page arrangement and standard
folding sequence

 a 16-6 Folding Scheme with Foot to Foot page arrangement and standard
folding sequence

 a new 16-6 Folding Scheme with non-standard folding sequence


 How to duplicate and customize a Folding Scheme (System Overview)

1 In the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and then
the Folding Schemes resource.

Every Apogee Prepress installation has a default set of folding schemes that
you can see in this resource. The Default Schemes Set contains the standard
CIP4 Fold Catalogs which are classified for the different number of pages (2,
4, 6, 8, 10, etc.). The default page arrangement for each scheme is Head to

2 Click the Folding Schemes for 16 pages in the middle column and select the
F16-6 Folding Scheme in the list on the right.

TIP: F16-6 is the standard The arrangement of the pages is shown in the grid in the Page Arrangement
designation of the CIP4 Fold pane below the list, together with the Folding Sequence, i.e. the sequence
Catalog for 16 pages that is to be followed to physically fold the Fold Sheet.
arranged in a grid with 2
rows and 4 columns.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 A special notation and colors are used to describe the folding sequence. For
this particular folding scheme, the following folding actions are performed if
we look at the Top of the sheet:

 f1: first fold across and upward, along the green line (half the width of the

 f2: second fold up and upward, along the full red line (half the height of
the sheet)

 f3: third fold is across and upward, along the full blue line (a quarter of the
original width)

The top page after folding is page 16, as indicated by the blue triangle, and
the bottom page is page 1 as indicated by the yellow color of the page in the
page arrangement grid.

The binding edge is on the left side and the default page arrangement is ‘Head
to Head’. This means the book signature will be jogged to the heads of the
pages on the binding machine.

4 Unlock the Folding Schemes, duplicate the F16-6 scheme and with the F16-
6_ Copy scheme selected, click the edit button to change the name to F16-6

At the bottom of the dialog box, change the default page arrangement to Foot
to Foot.

The page arrangement changes and the heads of the pages are no longer
against the red folding lines. Now you see the foot of the pages against the red

Apogee Impose Tutorial


folding lines and the lowest page (p. 1) is now on top of the folded book

The Binding Edge and the location of the pages have changed. In other words,
you can have 2 different Folding Schemes with the same Folding Sequence.

5 Click the Save button to save your changes to the new Folding Scheme.

Your new Folding Scheme is added to the end of the list.

6 Close the Folding Scheme resource.

 How to apply a Folding Scheme to a job.

1 In the Jobs window, duplicate the Multiple Press Sheets job you created in
a previous lesson and change the details as follows:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0004

 Job Name: Custom Folding Schemes

2 In the Product tab, choose Edit Imposition.

The Product view opens and you see that all the Press Sheets have the same
Folding Scheme selected: F16-6, with a ‘Head to Head’ page arrangement.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 The top page of the folded book signature (blue triangle) is on the Back of
the Press Sheet

 The lowest page number (bright yellow) is also on the Back

 In the Fold Sheet node, the lowest page is wrong-reading, again indicating
that the lowest page number is on the Back of the Press Sheet

This means that after printing the Back of the Press Sheet, the lowest page is
on the top of the sheet and you need to turn the sheets before starting the
folding process.

3 In the first Fold Sheet node (FS1), choose the F16-6 F2F Folding Scheme you
created previously, from the drop-down list.

Notice how the page arrangement changes to Foot to Foot with the page that
is on top after folding and the lowest page number on the Back of the press

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to create and customize a Folding Scheme (in Product view)

Folding Schemes can also be created in the main Apogee Impose windows. We
will now create a custom scheme with a custom folding sequence that is not
available in the standard CIP4 Fold Catalogs.

1 With your job opened in Product view, click the Folding Scheme drop-down
list in the FS1 Fold Sheet node, and choose New at the bottom of the list.

2 In the Folding Scheme dialog box, enter a name for your new scheme, e.g.

In the Page Arrangement pane, you have two buttons that can be used to
arrange your pages on the Fold Sheet:

 click the left cursor button to enter the page numbers in the grid using
your keyboard

 click the right pointer button to hover over the grid and click to enter a

For this exercise, we will use the second method.

3 Click the right Page Arrangement button and you see the cursor now has a
hash sign (#) indicating that the tool is active.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


4 Hover over the bottom right cell of the Top grid to place the first page.

Page number “1” is displayed on the Top and page number “2” is automati-
cally placed on the Bottom.

5 Click to confirm.

6 Hover over the bottom left cell of the Top grid to place pages 3 and 4, and
click to confirm.

7 Repeat until all the pages are placed as indicated below:

When the last page is assigned, the folding sequence is automatically

displayed next to the grid in the Page Arrangement pane, and also in the

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Folding Scheme pane together with the default Head to Head page

So you now have a Folding Scheme with:

 the highest page as the top page of the book signature after folding (blue

 the lowest page on the Front of the Press Sheet (bright yellow)

 the pages are Head to Head

8 Click Save to add this scheme to your list of Folding Schemes

The new Folding Scheme is automatically applied to FS1.

9 To apply the same scheme to all Fold Sheet nodes, press CTRL+A to select all
the FS nodes; open the Inspector with CTRL+I; and choose your new scheme
F16-CustomFoldingSequence from the Folding Scheme drop-down list.

10 Click the Submit Job button and check how the new Folding Scheme is
applied to the rendered Press Sheets in the Results tab.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


All 3 book signatures are processed using the new Folding Scheme F16-
CustomFoldingSequence.Compare the page arrangement with your results
from the previous lesson.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


5 Press Sheet Layout Rules

and Binding Options
In this lesson you take a closer look at how the Fold Sheet and the individual
pages are positioned on the Press Sheet. This is specified in the Press Sheet
Layout Rules and the Binding Options which are both resources of the Impose
Task Processor.

You will review the following:

 the Binding Options and Press Sheet Layout Rules resources

 modify the Press Sheet Layout Rules to place the Fold Sheet at a fixed
distance from the Leading Edge

 change the gutter dimensions in the Apogee Impose windows

 apply your changes to all the Press Sheets of a job


 How to specify Binding Options in System Overview

1 In the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and then
the Binding Options resource.

Every Apogee Prepress installation has a default set of options that you can
see in this resource. Two default sets are provided: one for stacked jobs (e.g.
perfect bound) and one for nested jobs (e.g. saddle-stitched).

2 For this lesson, choose the Nested Binding Options, the first in the list,
because we are going to create a saddle-stitched job.

3 Unlock the settings and take a closer look:

 Overfold: The overfold is a small area of the folded sheet that sticks out so
it can be grabbed by a gripper; for this lesson, the overfold is 3 mm located
on the side of the lowest folios so it can be put on the saddle of the binding

 Page trim margins: the margins that are cut away when the pages are
trimmed. The margin for this lesson is 8 mm, so the gutter between pages
with trim margins is equal to 16 mm.

4 Leave the settings as they were and close the Binding Options dialog box.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to specify Press Sheet Layout Rules in System Overview

1 In the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and then
the Press Sheet Layout Rules resource.

Up to now we used the default Center Bottom rule which aligns the edge of
the Fold Sheet with the gripper area on the Press Sheet. This is not always

We are now going to create a new rule which sets a fixed distance between
the edge of the page and the Leading Edge of the Press Sheet.

2 Unlock the settings, duplicate the Center Bottom rule and rename it

3 In the Vertical Alignment drop-down lists, choose Page Trim to Leading


4 Leave the Offset as 21 mm and the other settings as they were, and close the
Press Sheet Layout Rules resource.

 How to create the Job and Product

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter the admin information:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0005

 Job Name: Fold Sheet Positioning

3 We can also define the Product in the Quick Fill pane:

 Bound Nested Matt coated A4

 Number of Pages: 48

This is a predefined Product definition for a saddle-stitched bound A4

product that is to be printed on matt coated paper.

4 Click Open.

The Job Ticket opens in the Product tab because the plan has an Impose Task
Processor. In addition, this TP is set to Apogee Impose.

In the Product pane, the settings for the Part as defined in the Quick Fill pane
are displayed in the first row of the table. There is one Part called Body.

We still need to complete the Product for this job and resolve the problem
indicated by the Problem Report.

5 In the Imposition pane, choose the Press Sheet Layout Rule you just created,
Trim2PressSheetEdge21, from the Press Sheet Layout drop-down list on the

The notification is no longer displayed.

6 Now that the Product is defined, click the Edit Imposition button.

The main imposition window, or Product view, is displayed.

In the Assembly pane at the top you can see that the Product consists of 1
Fold Sheet:

 FS1:

 48 pages

 nested assembly

7 For this job you want 3 book blocks of 16 pages. Select the Split Assembly
button in the toolbar to divide the 48 pages.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


8 Hover over the 48-page block with the tool and click first to split the block
into 2 blocks (16/32) and then again to create a third block.

TIP: Press and hold the ALT Notice that the Fold Sheets in the Product pane below have also been split and
key to activate the Split you now have 3 Fold Sheets:
Assembly tool, or ALT+CTRL
to split the assembly in  FS1
equal blocks.
 FS2

 FS3

The Assembly blocks and the Fold Sheet nodes have a red outline, indicating
that a folding scheme still has to be chosen.

9 Click the Select button to switch off the Split Assembly tool.

1 For the first Fold Sheet, FS1, choose the following scheme from the list:

 F16-6 (4x2)

2 In the Press Sheet size drop-down list, choose the following Press Sheet size:

 1000 x 650

3 Drag the Press Sheet on to the Large Press.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


4 Double-click PS1 to open it in Press Sheet view so we can see how the Fold
Sheet is positioned in more detail and make some measurements.

5 In the Press Sheet view, click the measurement tool in the toolbar, and then
click in one of the pages of the Fold Sheet.

6 Now click in the Leading Edge for a second reference point for the

The distance from the Page Trim to the edge of the Press Sheet is 21 mm as
specified by the Offset in the Press Sheet Layout Rule.

NOTE: The Leading Edge is the bottom edge of the Press Sheet on the Front

TIP: To reset the 7 To check the Overfold, zoom in to the left edge of the Fold Sheet.
measurements tool, click
the Clear Measurements 8 Hover over the edge of the Fold Sheet and double-click in the Overfold area
button in the toolbar or press which is indicated in light red to display the measurement.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The distance i s 3 mm as specified in the Binding Options.

9 Now click in two adjacent pages with a Page Trim to check the gutter.

The gutter is 16 mm or 2 x 8 mm

10 If you need to change the gutter size, select the Face Trim with the Selection

11 Open the Inspector and change the Face Trim size between pages 43 and 42
to 20 mm for this lesson.

The gutter automatically changes to 40 mm.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


12 Return to the Product view.

13 In the Product view, choose Edit > Repeat Imposition to apply the same
imposition to the other blocks.

The Repeat Imposed Press Sheet dialog box opens.

14 Choose ‘Body’ Part in the To drop-down list to reuse PS 1 settings for PS 2

and PS 3.

15 Double-click the PS2 Press Sheet to check the gutter in the Product view.

16 Click the Close button.

You return to the Product tab of the Job Ticket Editor and 1 Production Set
with 3 book signatures has been added in the Imposition pane.

 How to complete the job set-up

A few more settings are required before submitting the job.

1 Select the Plan tab.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


2 Select the correct plate size and imaging size for the TIFF Platesetter -
Output and Image:

 1130 x 907

3 For the PDF Render - Separate settings, choose the CMYK parameter set.

4 Submit the Job Ticket.

 How to input documents for your job

1 Drag and drop the following PDF files onto the job you just created in the Jobs
List or in the Page Store in the Pages tab:

 Apogee Automate 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Control 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Manage 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Render 4Pages.pdf

 ApogeePrepress Brochure.pdf

2 In the Pages tab, wait until the documents are uploaded and drag them to the
Run List.

3 Submit the Job and check how the files are rendered in the Results tab.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


All 3 book signatures are processed using the same imposition arrangement
and with the modified gutter size.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 Multiple Fold Sheets on a

Press Sheet
In this lesson you create a job which requires the same Fold Sheet to be repeated
on a Press Sheet in order to maximize the available space on the Press Sheet and
reduce the press run length.These kinds of jobs are also referred to as Multiple
Section, Multiple Delivery, Multiple Book Signatures or N-up jobs. You subse-
quently change the workstyle to reduce the number of plates.

You will review the following:

 create a job with a so-called Partial Book Signature

 reduce the press run length by repeating a Fold Sheet on a Press Sheet

 reduce the number of plates by changing the workstyle

NOTE: It is also possible to place different Fold Sheets on a single Press Sheet,
however, this is not discussed in this lesson.


 How to create a job with a Partial Book Signature

1 In the Jobs window, duplicate the Fold Sheet Positioning job you created in
a previous lesson and change the details as follows:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0006

 Job Name: Multiple Fold Sheets

2 In the Product tab, change the number of pages for the job to 40.

3 Click the Edit Imposition button and click Yes in the dialog box that is
displayed to warn you that you have reduced the number of positions in the
Run List.

The main imposition window, or Product view, is displayed.

In the Assembly pane at the top you can see that the Product consists of 3
Fold Sheets:

 FS1: 16 pages

 FS2: 16 pages

 FS3: 8 pages

The first 2 Fold Sheets have been assigned the F16-6 Folding Scheme and are
assigned to their respective Press Sheets.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The FS3 Assembly block and Fold Sheet node have a red outline, indicating
that a folding scheme still has to be assigned. This smaller Fold Sheet is
referred to as a Partial Book Signature.

4 It’s not desirable to have the Partial Book Signature at the end of the assembly
so move FS3 between FS1 and FS3 by dragging the FS3 block and releasing
the mouse button when you see the insertion bar between the other two

FS3 is now FS2 and the Fold Sheet nodes are rearranged accordingly.

5 For the 8-page Fold Sheet, FS2, choose the following scheme from the list:

 F8-7 (2x2)

Apogee Impose automatically changes the Press Sheet size to fit a smaller
Fold Sheet

Apogee Impose Tutorial


However, we want to use the same Press Sheet size for the Large Press.

6 In the Press Sheet node, choose the following size:

 1000 x 650 mm

7 Drag the Press Sheet on to the Large Press

The Fold Sheet is now assigned to a large Press Sheet and to the Large Press
but we are not using the maximum available space on the Press Sheet. This
will be remedied by repeating the same Fold Sheet on the Press Sheet and
consequently reducing the press run length for this book signature by 50%.

 How to repeat the same Fold Sheet on a Press Sheet

Repeating the same Fold Sheet on a larger Press Sheets reduces the press run

1 Click FS2 in the PS2 Press Sheet node and then click the Rotate
Counterclockwise button in the toolbar to rotate the Fold Sheet on the Press

NOTE: The Rotate buttons are only activated when you select a Fold Sheet on
a Press Sheet.

2 Drag the FS2 Fold Sheet from the FS node on to the PS2 Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The Fold Sheet does not have the correct orientation to be placed next to the
Fold Sheet which is already on the Press Sheet.

3 To rotate the Fold Sheet while dragging it on the Press Sheet, press the space

You can release the mouse button and the second instance of FS2 is placed
next to the first instance of FS2 on PS.

Alternatively, you can use the Repeat Tool to achieve the same results.

4 Press CTRL+Z to undo the previous actions so you only have one instance of
the FS2 Fold Sheet on the Press Sheet.

5 Select the Repeat Tool in the toolbar ...

... and select the FS2 Fold Sheet on the PS2 Press Sheet.

6 Hover over the blue border to reveal a blue arrow.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


7 Drag the arrow to the right until you see x2, indicating that two instances of
the Fold Sheet will be placed on the Press Sheet.

8 Release the mouse button.

The Press Sheet now has the same Fold Sheet twice and we have maximized
the use of the available space.

9 Click the Submit Job button.

In the Results tab you’ll see that PS2 has 2 identical Fold Sheets, corre-
sponding with the Partial Book Signature of 8 pages.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The other two Press Sheets have 16 pages each.

 How to reduce the number of plates with Work & Turn

1 In the Jobs window, duplicate the Multiple Fold Sheets. job you created in
a previous lesson, and rename the job name to Multiple Fold Sheets W&T.

2 In the Aministration tab, press CTRL+SHIFT+Enter to open the Apogee

Impose module. This is the same as clicking the Edit Imposition button in the
Product tab.

TIP: When editing a job, The main imposition window, or Product view, is displayed.
Press CTRL+SHIFT+Enter to
jump to the imposition 3 In the PS2 node, change the workstyle from Sheetwise to Work & Turn.
Product view from any of the
Apogee Prepress windows.

The Work & Turn workstyle puts the front and the back of the Fold Sheet
together on each side of the Press Sheet so it’s not possible to repeat the Fold

4 Delete one of the Fold Sheets from the Press Sheet as follows:

Select the FS2 Fold Sheet on the Press Sheet and press the Delete button.


Drag the FS2 Fold Sheet outside the Press Sheet node.

You now have a single Fold Sheet on the Work & Turn Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The maximum available area on the PS2 Press Sheet is used and the front and
back of this book signature are identical. This Partial Book Signature can be
printed with 50% fewer plates.

5 Click the Submit Job button.

In the Results tab you’ll see that PS2 requires 1 set of plates while PS1 and PS3
each require 2 sets of plates.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


7 More about Marks

Apogee Impose organizes marks in Mark Sets. These are collections of marks that
can be used for all jobs. They allow you to place marks on the various Press Sheet
components, automatically using conditions, or manually. You can also create
and place marks for individual jobs or Press Sheets.

You will review the following:

 use the Marks Inspector to change a mark placed by a Mark Set and place new

 handle mark conflicts using the Snag List and create new layers

 work with the Mark Sets Inspector


 How to create the More about Marks Job

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter the admin information:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0007

 Job Name: More about Marks

3 We can also define the Product in the Quick Fill pane:

 Bound nested matt coated A4

 Number of Pages: 20

This is a predefined Product definition for a perfect bound A4 product that is

to be printed on matt coated paper.

4 Click Open.

The Job Ticket opens in the Product tab because the plan has an Impose Task
Processor. In addition, this TP is set to Apogee Impose.

5 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Bottom from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

The notification is no longer displayed.

6 Now that the Product is defined, click the Edit Imposition button.

The main imposition window, or Product view, is displayed.

In the Assembly pane at the top you can see that the Product consists of 1
Fold Sheet:

7 For this job you want 1 block of 4 pages and 2 blocks of 8 pages. Select the
Split Assembly button in the toolbar to divide the 20 pages.

TIP: Press and hold the ALT The Assembly blocks and the Fold Sheet nodes have a red outline, indicating
key to activate the Split that a folding scheme still has to be chosen. The workstyle also has to be
Assembly tool. selected.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


8 Complete the product set-up as follows:

 FS1: F4-1 Folding Scheme and Work & Turn workstyle, Small Press

 FS2: F8-7 Folding Scheme and Perfecting workstyle, Small Press

9 To apply the PageInfo Marks Set to PS1 and PS2, open the Mark Sets
Inspector and with both Press Sheet nodes selected, choose PageInfo in the
Page category.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


10 Repeat the set-up for PS3 using the Repeat Imposition command

Select PS 3 and repeat the imposition of PS 2.

11 Click the Close button to close the Product view.

12 In the Plan tab, select the correct plate size and imaging size for the TIFF
Platesetter - Output and Image:

 Parameter set: 750 x 600

13 Submit the Job and drag and drop the following PDF file onto the job you just
created in the Jobs List or in the Page Store in the Pages tab:

 ApogeePrepress Brochure.pdf

14 In the Pages tab, wait until the documents are uploaded and drag the
following pages to the corresponding positions in the Run List:

 Page 3

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Page 6

 Page 15

 Page 18

These are the pages for the back of PS2.

15 Submit the Job and check how the files are rendered in the Results tab.

16 Open PS2 Back in Raster Preview and zoom into the bottom of page 15 with
only Cyan ink visible.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The PageInfo mark is knocked out and rendered at 100% in all process colors.

 How to change the knock-out and color of a mark

Now you will change the mark settings to print the PageInfo mark in all process
colors at 40%, with the intention of saving ink.

1 Select the More about Marks job in the Job List and press
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to open the job in Apogee Impose.

2 Open PS2 in the Press Sheet view and also open the Inspector.

3 Click in the PageInfo mark at the bottom of page 15 to display its settings in
the Inspector.

4 In the Attributes tab of the Inspector, change the following settings:

 Color: *:40 (shorthand for all colors at 40% coverage)

 Extend: Left/Right and Top/Bottom: 2mm (a border of 2mm is created

around the mark content

5 Close the Marks Inspector and submit the job.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 When the job is processed, open PS2 Back again in Raster Preview and zoom
in to check how the mark has been rendered.

Leave all inks visible and you see how the mark is now rendered using 40% of
all four process colors, with an extended knock-out area.

 How to define pens and using them to create marks

All marks that consist of lines, e.g. crop marks and line marks, can use a variety
of pens to draw different styles of lines (dashed, dotted, etc.). First you create
some new pens in the Mark Engraver and then you apply these new pens to
marks and place them on the Press Sheet.

1 In the System Overview, choose the Impose TP and then the Mark Engraver

2 Click the cog wheel button and choose Manage Pens from the drop-down

The Mark Engraver Preferences dialog box is displayed with a list of the avail-
able pens.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 Click the + button to start creating a new 1 pts solid line pen and choose the
following settings:

 Name: 1 pts solid line

 Width: 1 pts

 Color: *

4 Click the + button to start creating a new 1 pts dashed line pen and choose
the following settings:

 Name: 1 pts dashed line

 Width: 1 pts

 Color: *

 Dashed line (selected): dash: 6 pts and gap: 2 pts

A preview of each line is displayed below the settings.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Your new pens are now also included in the list of pens on the left.

5 Close the Preferences and the Mark Engraver and return to the job you
created earlier to work with these new pens.

TIP: Select the job you We will now place three new Press Sheet Line Marks manually and these
created earlier in the Run marks will use the available pens.
List and then PS2 Back in the
Results tab, and press 6 Open the Marks palette by clicking the button in the toolbar or pressing
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to open CTRL+M and make sure the Inspector is open (CTRL+M).
it directly in Press Sheet 7 Place the new marks by dragging the Line Mark icon from the Press Sheet
view. category in the Marks palette onto the Press Sheet, between the colorbar and
the Gripper area.

8 Apply the following settings in the Inspector for the first line mark:

 Attributes tab:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Length: 650 mm (equal to the width of the Press Sheet)

 Pen: 1 pts solid line

 Position tab:

 Anchor position: bottom left

 Horizontal: 0 mm

 Right of Left Edge (to align the mark with the left side of the sheet)

 Vertical: 30 mm Below Top Edge

NOTE: Remember that you are working on the Back of a Press Sheet so the Top
Edge is actually displayed at the bottom of your screen.

You now have a solid line along the entire width of the Press Sheet.

9 Drag the Line Mark icon under the first line and apply the following settings
in the Inspector for the second line mark:

 Attributes tab:

 Length: 650 mm (equal to the width of the Press Sheet)

 Pen: Register 0.25 pts

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Position tab:

 Anchor position: bottom left

 Horizontal: 0 mm

 Right of Left Edge (to align the mark with the left side of the sheet)

 Vertical: 20 mm Below Top Edge

You now have a second solid line along the entire width of the Press Sheet.

10 Drag the Line Mark icon under the first line and apply the following settings
in the Inspector for the third line mark:

TIP: Refer to Mark Engraver  Attributes tab:

in the Online Help for more
details about these settings  Length: 650 mm (equal to the width of the Press Sheet)
for the different marks.
 Pen: 1 pts dashed line

 Position tab:

 Anchor position: bottom left

 Horizontal: 0 mm

 Right of Left Edge (to align the mark with the left side of the sheet)

 Vertical: 15 mm Below Top Edge

You now have three lines in different styles along the entire width of the Press
Sheet, between the colorbar and the Gripper.

11 In the View palette, clear the Mark Box and then zoom into the area, for
example 8x, to see the different lines.

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1 Solid line pen

2 Register line pen
3 Dashed line pen

NOTE: The Register line pen is only 0.25 pts so you need to zoom in at least 8x
to see it without the mark box selected.

 How to place marks on the front and back of a Press Sheet

Most marks need to be printed on both sides of a Press Sheet. Let’s take a look at
the options for mirroring the position and/or the content.

1 Select the dashed line mark on the Press Sheet PS2 Back you edited earlier
and open the Inspector.

2 Choose the following settings in the Position tab:

 Print on: Both sides

 Mirror Position on back

Apogee Impose Tutorial


These settings put the line mark along the same edge of the Press Sheet on
both sides, in this case along the Top edge.

3 Click the Turn Sheet button in the toolbar ...

... and check that the line mark appears along the Top edge on the other side
of the Press Sheet.

TIP: Print on Both Sides and 4 Now clear the Mirror Position on back check box and you see the line mark
Mirror Position on Back are jumps to the Bottom edge of the Press Sheet.
the default settings.
Remember that you are viewing the Back of Press Sheet 2. Clearing the
Mirror Position on back check box places the mark along the opposite edge
of the Press Sheet. Use the Turn Sheet button to check that the mark is still
along the Top edge on the Front of the Press Sheet.

5 Select the Mirror Position on back check box again to put the mark back
along the Top edge.

6 Now select the colorbar so we can see the effect of mirroring the content of a
mark (this is not possible with a line).

7 In the Position tab of the Inspector, set as follows:

 Mirror Position on back check box is selected

 Mirror Content on back check box is not selected.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Inspect the other side of the Press Sheet with the Light Table tool and you see
that the color patches change position because the content of the mark is not

8 Now select the Mirror Content on back check box.

Inspect the other side of the Press Sheet with the Light Table tool and you see
that the color patches no longer change position which means the content of
this mark has been mirrored on the other side of the Press Sheet.

9 Clear the Mirror Content on back check box again to reset the mark.

 How to clip marks

You may want to clip a mark, for example so it does not run off the Press Sheet.
We’ll look at the line marks you created earlier to explain this.

1 Select the solid line and review the settings in the Position tab of the

The default reference for clipping is the Target Reference used to position
the mark, in this case the Press Sheet. The Horizontal Margin is set to 0 mm.

2 Select another component, e.g. a Page, to see the clipping margin.

The solid line aligns with the edge of the Press Sheet because it is set to 0 mm.

3 In the Clip Mark To drop-down list, choose Fold sheets block to change the
reference point for clipping the mark.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: The area of the Fold Sheets Block is the same as the area of the Fold
Sheet if you only have a single Fold Sheet on your Press Sheet.

4 Select another component, e.g. a Page, to see how the clipping margin has

The solid line now aligns with the Fold Sheet Block.

TIP: Show/hide Hidden 5 Change the reference for clipping and the horizontal margin for the other two
Marks in the View palette to line marks:
better view the clippings.
for the register line mark:

 Clip Horizontally with Margin 10 mm and in the Clip Mark To drop-down

list, choose Fold sheets block: this means the mark is clipped 10 mm from
the edge of the Fold Sheets Block.

for the dashed line mark:

 Clip Horizontally with Margin -10 mm and in the Clip Mark To drop-
down list, choose Fold sheets block: this means the mark extends 10 mm
beyond the width of the Fold Sheet Block.

This is how the three lines should be displayed:

1 Solid line with horizontal margin
set to 0 mm
2 Register line with horizontal
margin set to 10 mm
3 Dashed line with horizontal
margin set to -10 mm

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: Apogee Prepress has an additional clipping setting in the Imposition

resource of the Apogee Prepress System. This setting is referred to as trimming
and affects all imposition jobs and not only Apogee Impose.

 How to handle mark conflicts (Snag List)

The placing of marks on the Press Sheet may result in conflicts with the other
content. Marks that are set for clipping will be clipped and printed by default
while marks that overlap the content of the Press Sheet will generate an error that
needs to be remedied before proceeding.

You can choose how you want these conflicts to be resolved as discussed below.

1 Select the solid line mark on the job you created earlier and open the
Conflicts tab in the Inspector.

The default setting for clipped marks is that the mark is clipped and printed:
Print clipped.

2 Select the Notify check box for clipping.

The Snag List icon is displayed in the bottom right corner.

3 Open the Snag List to review the clipping conflicts. Click the grey arrows to
locate the Line Marks that created the conflicts on the Press Sheet.

4 Choose Do Not Print from the drop-down list and note that the Snag List
notification now states that the mark will not be printed.

5 Choose Fail from the drop-down list and the Snag List now adds 2 errors
stating that the conflict has to be resolved before submitting the job.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 Reset to Print clipped and clear the Notify check box to continue this

7 To see what happens when a mark overlaps the Press Sheet content, drag the
solid line you created earlier onto the pages.

The Snag List immediately displays 4 errors to indicate that the mark now
runs into the content of 4 pages, 2 on the Front and 2 on the Back of the Press

8 To continue the exercise, drag the same line into the bleed area, just below
the pages. Set Page bleed to Print and Notify in the Conflicts tab of the

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The Snag List immediately displays 4 notifications to indicate that the mark
now runs into the bleed of 4 pages, 2 on the Front and 2 on the Back of the
Press Sheet. However, this time the mark will be printed.

9 Submit the job and open PS2 Back in Raster Preview to check that the line is
rendered in the bleed area.

The line mark has been rendered on top of the actual content, as expected.

 How to use layers to solve conflicts

Now let’s set the line to be printed under the overlapping content. This can be
done by putting the mark on a different layer.

1 Return to the Press Sheet view of PS 2 Back and select the solid line again.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


2 In the Position tab of the Inspector, choose Bottom Marks in the Layers drop-
down list.

3 Submit the job and open PS2 Back in Raster Preview to check that the line is
rendered under the bleed area, on a different layer.

The line is only rendered in the bleed area where there is no other overlap-
ping content.

Now let’s create some additional layers to put our marks on.

4 In the System Overview, choose the Impose TP and then the Mark Engraver

5 Click the cog wheel button and choose Manage Layers from the drop-down

The Mark Engraver Preferences dialog box is displayed with the 3 default

 Top marks: a layer for marks that you want to put on top of the page

 (Page content): the reference layer with the actual content; you cannot
put marks on this layer

 Bottom marks: a layer for marks that you want to put under the content

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 Click the + button and then double-click the name to create the following
new layers for rendering your marks:

 BelowTopButOnTopOfContent

 OnTopOfBottomButBelowContent

7 Use the arrow buttons to sort the marks so you have the following order:

This sequence defines the printing order of the layers.

The layers are now available in the Mark Engraver to be used to place marks
automatically, or for the manual marks you created earlier.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to place registration marks

Registration marks are typically placed on the Press Sheet but can also be put on
the Fold Sheet if you want.

1 Return to the job you created earlier and open PS1 in Press Sheet view, open
the Marks palette by clicking the button in the toolbar or pressing CTRL+M,
and make sure the Inspector is open (CTRL+I).

TIP: Select the job you We will now place Registration Marks manually.
created earlier and then
press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER 2 Drag the Registration Mark icon from the Press Sheet category in the Marks
with PS1 Front selected in palette onto the Press Sheet, along the left edge. In fact, you can drop the
the Results tab, to open it mark anywhere on the Press Sheet as we will subsequently position the mark
directly in Press Sheet view. using the Inspector.

3 With the Registration Mark still selected, make the following settings in the
Attributes tab of the Inspector:

 Mark: RegMark_Square_Outline.pdf

NOTE: Registration mark files can be added to the default list. Click the
Open File Marks button to open the Marks resource where you can import
additional marks (PDFs are recommended).

 Position: in all corners and in the middle of the left and right edges

 6 mm from left/right

 60 mm from top/bottom

Apogee Impose Tutorial


As you complete these settings, the marks are placed accordingly on the Press
Sheets and you now have 3 registration marks along each side of the Press
Sheet. Press the grey button at the top of the Inspector to locate the position
of these 6 marks.

4 We can now save this Mark for use on other Press Sheets by clicking the
cogwheel and choosing Add to New Mark Set > New; name the Mark Set
Registration Mark.

5 To apply this Mark Set to the other Press Sheets, go to the Product view by
clicking the Product button in the bottom left corner, and open the Mark Sets
Inspector (CTRL+SHIFT+I).

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 Select the PS2 and PS3 nodes and then select the Registration Mark check box
in the Press Sheet category of the Mark Sets Inspector.

7 Check that the newly created registration marks have been duplicated as
expected and for example open PS2 Back in Press Sheet view.

8 Submit the job and check the rendered result.

 How to place collation marks

Collation marks are used to provide visual inspection for the correct assembly of
publications consisting of more than one book signature. In this exercise we will
place an existing Collation Mark Set on the Fold Sheets.

1 Return to the job you created earlier and open it in Product view with the
Mark Sets Inspector also open (CTRL+SHIFT+I).

2 Select the three Press Sheet nodes and select the Collation Mark check box
in the Fold Sheet category of the Mark Sets Inspector.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This is the Collation Mark Set provided with Apogee Impose; you can create
additional ones as required.

3 Open for example PS2 Back in Press Sheet view to inspect the collation mark.

Take a closer look at the settings in the Inspector:

 Attributes tab: settings for how the stepped block or shuttle is displayed,
with or without an index number; the index number corresponds with the
Fold Sheet number

 Position tab: if the target is set to Automatically, the mark is positioned in

the spine for Stacked Assemblies and in the jog (one but last fold) for
Nested Assemblies. You can also set the target to Overfold to print the
mark in the overfold area, and choose a layer.

4 Close the Apogee Impose windows and go to the Pages tab in the Job Ticket
Editor to add pages and complete the Run List.

5 In the Plan tab, unlock the PDF Render - Separate settings and choose
Convert to Process and save this set as CMYK.

6 Submit the job.

7 After processing, inspect the collation marks in Raster Preview. Open the
three Press Sheets to check the index number and stepped position of the
collation mark.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Note that the mark is only on the back of Press Sheets PS2 and PS3.

 How to place Fold Sheet cut marks

In this exercise you will add the default Fold Sheet cut marks manually to PS1.
These marks indicate the boundaries of the Fold Sheet(s) on the Press Sheet.

1 Return to the job you created earlier and open PS1 in Press Sheet view, open
the Mark Sets Inspector by clicking the button in the toolbar or pressing
CTRL+SHIFT+I, and make sure the View palette is open.

2 Zoom into the bottom left corner and in the View palette, clear the Fold Sheet
Block check box and the Fold Sheet check box so it’s easier to see the Cut
Marks you will add.

At this stage, you only see the Page Crop Marks.

3 In the Mark Sets Inspector, select Cut Marks in the Fold Sheet category.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


4 With the Cut Mark still selected, zoom back out so you can see the entire Press

TIP: Press CTRL+0 to zoom

in or out and make the Press
Sheet fit in the current

On this particular Press Sheet, you will see Cut Marks in the 4 corners of FS1
which is assigned twice to the Press Sheet; in other words, a total of 8 Cut
Marks are placed.

5 Submit the job.

6 After processing, inspect the cut marks in Raster Preview. Open PS1 to check
the presence of the marks. Remember that you only put the Cut Marks on

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to manage marks with the Mark Sets Inspector

Various marks can be placed automatically and/or manually on the different
Press Sheets of your job. You can use the Mark Sets Inspector to obtain an
overview for the entire job.

1 Return to the job you created earlier and open it in Product view with the
Mark Sets Inspector also open (CTRL+SHIFT+I).

2 Select the three Press Sheet nodes and review the Mark Sets Inspector.

Figure 7.1: Explanation of Mark Sets Inspector with multiple Press Sheets selected

• Crop Marks: applied always (green
icon) to all pages
• PageInfo: can only be applied manu-
ally (maroon icon)
Fold Sheet:
• Collation Mark: can only be applied
• Cut Mark: can only be applied manu-
ally; the check box has a mixed state
(grey selector) because it is not
applied to all the selected Press
• Fold Marks: applied always (green
icon) but only to PS 1
Press Sheet:
• 650x500: applied conditionally (grey
icon), only if Small Press is assigned
• 1000x650: applied conditionally
(grey icon), only if Large Press is
• Registration Mark: can only be
applied manually (maroon icon)

3 Mark Sets that were applied conditionally or always can be removed

manually. For example, select the PS2 node and clear the 650x500 check box
in the Press Sheet category. Select all three Press Sheet nodes again and this
mark now has a mixed state: it is only applied to two of the three Press Sheets.

4 Submit the job.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to reset a manually modified mark

Marks placed by Mark Sets can be modified and you may want to revert to the
original settings.

1 Return to the job you created earlier and open PS2 Front in Press Sheet view
and make sure the Inspector is open (CTRL+I).

2 Locate and select the Page Mark at the bottom of page 5.

This mark was placed by the PageInfo Mark Set.

3 Now turn the Press Sheet (CTRL+T) and locate the same mark under
page 15.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In the Inspector you see that the settings are different because we changed
the Knock-out settings in an earlier exercise.

NOTE: If you change the settings of a mark placed by a Mark Set, there is no
visual indication of this.

4 Click the cogwheel and choose Reset.

The settings have now reverted to the original settings of the Mark Set.

5 To continue the exercise, undo the last action (CTRL+Z) so you have the
PageInfo mark with knock-out again.

6 Close the job.

 How to re-apply modified Mark Sets

If you modify a Mark Set, the changes are not applied to marks that have already
been placed by the Mark Set, even when you close and re-open Apogee Impose,
or submit the job. This safety mechanism can be overridden with the Re-apply
Mark Sets feature.

NOTE: This feature only affects marks which are placed automatically by a Mark
Set, and not manually placed marks.

In this exercise you will:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 create a new Mark Set with a condition for applying it to all jobs

 create a new job and check the mark is applied

 modify the Mark Set and review the behavior on the Press Sheet

1 In the System Overview, choose the Impose TP, then the Mark Engraver
resource, and create a new Mark Set in the Press Sheet Marks category with
the following settings:

 Name: Rectangular Mark

 Condition: Always

2 In this Mark Set, create a new Mark with the following settings:


 Name: Rectangle Mark

 Width: 4 mm

 Height: 4 mm

 leave other settings as is


 Target Reference: Press Sheet

 Target Horizontal: 4 mm Right of Left Edge

 Target Vertical: 50 mm Above Bottom Edge

 leave other settings as is

3 Close the Mark Engraver.

You have now created a Mark Set that will always place a Rectangle Mark of
4 mm by 4 mm on all Press Sheets for all jobs.

4 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

5 In the Quick Fill pane, define the job as follows:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0007

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Job Name: Re-apply Mark Sets

 Bound nested matt coated A4

 Number of Pages: 16

6 Click Open.

7 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Bottom from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

8 Edit the imposition as follows:

 2 assembly blocks of 8 pages

 FS1: F8-7 (2x2), assign to Small Press

 FS2: use Repeat Imposed Press Sheet feature

9 Open PS1 Front in Press Sheet view and zoom into the bottom left corner to
check that the Rectangle Mark has been applied.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The Rectangle Mark has been placed by the Mark Set as expected because the
condition was set to Always. This mark is on all the Press Sheets.

10 Now return to the Mark Engraver resource in System Overview.

TIP: With the mark selected, 11 Modify the Rectangle Mark as follows:
click the cog wheel in the
Inspector and select Open in Attributes:
the Mark Engraver.
 Width: 10 mm

 Height: 10 mm

 leave other settings as is


 Target Horizontal: 1 mm Right of Left Edge

12 Close the Mark Engraver.

You have now changed the position of the Rectangle Mark and made it larger:
10 mm by 10 mm.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


13 Go back to the Press Sheet view and you see that the settings for the Rectangle
Mark have not been updated.

14 Submit the job and re-open it in Press Sheet view and you see that settings
still haven’t been updated.

Apogee Impose does not update marks which have already been placed by a
Mark Set.

You now have two options to update the mark.

15 With the mark selected, click the cogwheel in the Inspector and choose Reset.

This option will reset the mark you have selected but only on PS1. Click Next
Sheet and you see that the small mark is still applied.


16 Choose Edit > Re-apply all Mark Sets (CTRL+SHIFT+M) to update all the
marks placed by all Mark Sets on all Press Sheets.

The mark is now larger and placed closer to the edge of the sheet as expected.

 How to re-apply Mark Sets and keep/reset on/off states

If you remove a Mark Set for a particular Press Sheet using the Mark Sets
Inspector, Apogee Impose asks whether you want to reset of keep this state when
re-applying Marks Sets with the Re-apply Mark Sets feature.

1 Go back to the Mark Engraver resource, and modify the Rectangle Mark as
follows to move it higher along the edge:


 Target Vertical: 240 mm Above Bottom Edge

2 In the job you just created, open PS2 Front in Product view.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 Before re-applying the Mark Set, clear the Rectangle Mark check box in the
Marks Sets Inspector.

This will remove the mark on PS2 only.

4 Choose Edit > Re-apply All Mark Sets (CTRL+SHIFT+M).

This command normally updates all the marks placed by all Mark Sets
immediately on all Press Sheets. However, Apogee Impose detects that a
Mark Set has been set to off and the Re-apply Mark Sets dialog box is
displayed with two options:

 Reset States: will put back the mark you removed earlier on PS2

 Keep States: leaves the states unchanged

5 Click Keep States and review both of your Press Sheets using the Previous
Sheet and Next Sheet buttons.

 PS1: the mark is still applied and updated

 PS2: the mark has not be applied

6 Choose Edit > Re-apply All Mark Sets (CTRL+SHIFT+M) again, and now
click Reset States and review both of your Press Sheets again.

 PS1: the mark is still applied

 PS2: the mark has been re-applied

7 Submit the job to finish the exercise.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


8 Setting Folding Schemes

for Auto Impose
In lesson 4 you created a custom Folding Scheme that you applied interactively
to all the Press Sheets of a 48-page job. You will now set up Apogee Impose so
that this custom Folding Scheme is applied automatically, effectively saving you
time to create the imposition.

In this lesson you will:

 set the custom Folding Scheme as the preferred Folding Scheme for your jobs
(top pick) in System Overview

 use the Auto Impose feature in the Job Ticket Editor to apply the same
Folding Scheme to all the Press Sheets of the job


 How to set your Folding Scheme as top pick

1 In the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and then
the Folding Schemes resource.

2 In the Default Set, select the schemes for 16 pages.

The folding scheme listed in the right column are variations for putting 16
pages on a Fold Sheet.

3 Select the F16-CustomFoldingSequence you created in a previous lesson and

use the Up button or Move to Top button to move this scheme to the top of
the list.

By moving this scheme to the top of the list, you have effectively made this the
top pick for 16-page Fold Sheets and this is indicated in the middle column.

NOTE: Make sure your top pick scheme is enabled for use in the right column
(check box selected), otherwise it will not appear in the middle column.

4 Close the Folding Schemes resource.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to apply Folding Schemes with Auto Impose

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, define the job as follows:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0008

 Job Name: Auto Impose

 Bound stacked matt coated A4

 Number of Pages: 48

3 Click Open.

4 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Bottom from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

5 Now start the automatic imposition feature by clicking the Auto Impose

The Auto Impose dialog box is displayed with a summary of the Product that
consists of one part.

An essential parameter for Auto Impose is the Press that will be used to print
the Product. It’s essential because the imposition to be created depends on the
size of the Press Sheet which in turn depends on the size of the Press.

6 In the Print on pane, choose the following:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Press: Large Press

 Sheet Size: 1000 x 650

 Main Workstyle: Perfecting

7 In the Folding scheme selection pane, leave the Default Set as is. This is the
set we want to use and the one we modified earlier.

8 Leave the Largest First Auto Impose Rule as is. The effect of this parameter
is explained in a following lesson.

9 Click Impose to start the automatic imposition.

The Product view is opened showing the imposition for all the Press Sheets.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Let’s review what Apogee Impose has done for us:

 the assembly has been split into 3 blocks of 16 pages: this is because
16xA4 pages is the maximum number of pages to fit on the chosen Press
Sheet size.

 the F-16 CustomFoldingSequence is used as Folding Scheme because this

is what we set as top pick for 16 page blocks in the Folding Schemes

 each Press Sheet has the Perfecting workstyle

 all Press Sheets are assigned to the Large Press

Apogee Impose has automatically generated the same imposition as the one
you created interactively in a previous exercise.

10 Click the Close button to confirm the imposition and close the Product view.

NOTE: You could submit the job here but we want to complete the job set-up

11 Now complete the set-up with the same settings as in the job you created

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 plate size and imaging size for the TIFF Platesetter - Output and Image:
1130 x 907 parameter set

 PDF Render - Separate: CMYK parameter set.

12 Submit the Job Ticket.

13 Drag and drop the following PDF files onto the job you just created in the Jobs
List or in the Page Store in the Pages tab:

 Apogee Automate 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Control 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Manage 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Render 4Pages.pdf

 ApogeePrepress Brochure.pdf

14 In the Pages tab, wait until the documents are uploaded and drag them to the
Run List.

15 Submit the Job and compare how the files are rendered in the Results tab
with the results from the job your imposed interactively.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The job is rendered with the same imposition arrangement as the job you
created interactively in lesson 4.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


9 Setting Auto Impose

In lesson 6 you applied different workstyles to a 40-page job interactively, first to
reduce the press run length and subsequently to reduce the number of plates to
be imaged.

This was a job with a partial book signature, i.e. a book signature which is smaller
than the other book signatures. You will now set up Apogee Impose so that each
Press Sheet is assigned the desired workstyle automatically and you save time
creating the imposition.

In this lesson you will:

 review how the Auto Impose Rules resource works

 create Auto Impose Rules to make Apogee Impose process a partial book
signature using the desired workstyle


 How to set your Auto Impose Rules

1 In the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and then
the Auto Impose Rules resource.

The Auto Impose Rules dialog box is displayed with the default rules.

The rules you set here relate to:

 how the Fold Sheets are placed on Press Sheets: you can set priorities and
a strictness for following the placement rules

TIP: Refer to Auto Impose  whether an Alternative workstyle is preferred if the job contains N-up or
Rules Overview in the Online partial book signatures
Help for more details about
these settings.  the order of the book signatures in the Assembly and where to put partial
book signatures

2 For example, select the Largest First, W&T rule and unlock the settings to
review the options.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The name of this rule indicates that the Largest Book Signature will be the
first in the Assembly and Work & Turn workstyle is to be used if possible for
partial book signatures.

3 In the Placing fold sheets pane, click the Lowest Folio rule in the list on the
left and then click in the strictness drop-down list to review the options.

The strictness is set to Do not consider.

4 With Lowest Folio still selected, choose Must be met in the strictness list.

The Lowest Folio rule jumps to the top of the Priority list and now has the
Meet priority.

This setting means that the first priority of Apogee Impose will be to place the
Fold Sheets so the lowest folio page is on the Back.

5 Reset this rule to Do not consider and the Lowest folio rule jumps back to the
bottom of the list.

6 Leave this rule as is.

Now let’s create a new Auto Impose Rule.

7 Click the + button to create a new rule in the list.

8 Change the default name of the rule to Partial Sig last but one.

9 Leave the strictness setting for the placement rules on Do not consider.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


10 For this exercise, we do not want an alternative workstyle for partial book
signatures so clear the If possible, print N-up or partial book signatures
using check box.

11 However, we do have a preference for the order of the book signatures in the
assembly, so in the Assembly pane, set the following parameters:

 Signature order: Largest First

 Partial signatures: Keep away from edge by 1 full signature

12 Close the Auto Impose Rules resource.

 How to apply your Auto Impose Rule

For this exercise you will create a 40 page job with 2 full book signatures and 1
partial book signature.

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, define the job as follows:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Order number: studentname-impose-0009

 Job Name: Auto Impose Rules

 Bound nested matt coated A4

 Number of Pages: 40

3 Click Open.

4 In the Imposition pane, choose Trim2PressSheetEdge21 from the Press

Sheet Layout drop-down list on the right.

5 Now start the automatic imposition feature by clicking the Auto Impose

The Auto Impose dialog box is displayed with a summary of the Product that
consists of one part.

6 In the Print on pane, choose the following:

 Press: Large Press

 Sheet Size: 1000 x 650

 Main Workstyle: Sheetwise

7 In the Folding scheme selection pane, leave the Default Set as is. This is the
set we want to use and the one we modified in a previous lesson.

8 In the Auto Impose Rule drop-down list, choose the rule you just created:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Partial Sig last but one

9 Click Impose to start the automatic imposition.

The Product view is opened showing the imposition for all the Press Sheets.

Let’s review what Apogee Impose has done for us:

 the assembly has been split into 2 blocks of 16 pages and one smaller block
of 8 pages (partial book signature); the partial book signature is the last
but one book signature.

 the F-16 CustomFoldingSequence is used as Folding Scheme for the two

full book signatures because this is what we set as top pick for 16-page
blocks in the Folding Schemes resource (see previous lesson).

 the F-8-7 scheme is used as Folding Scheme for the partial book signature
to fit the Fold Sheet twice on the Press Sheet with Sheetwise workstyle.

 each Press Sheet, including the partial book signature, has the Sheetwise
workstyle because we cleared the Alternative workstyle option in the Auto
Impose Rule

 all Press Sheets are assigned to the Large Press; each Press Sheet has a
Front and Back which means a total of 6 x 4 plates need to be imaged.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose has automatically generated the same imposition as the one
you created interactively in a previous exercise.

10 Click the Close button to confirm the imposition and close the Product view.

11 Now complete the set-up with the same settings as in the job you created

 plate size and imaging size for the TIFF Platesetter - Output and Image:
1130 x 907 parameter set

 PDF Render - Separate: CMYK parameter set.

12 Submit the Job Ticket.

13 Drag and drop the following PDF files onto the job you just created in the Jobs
List or in the Page Store in the Pages tab:

 Apogee Automate 4Pages.pdf

 Apogee Render 4Pages.pdf

 ApogeePrepress Brochure.pdf

14 In the Pages tab, wait until the documents are uploaded and drag them to the
Run List.

15 Submit the Job and compare how the files are rendered in the Results tab
with the results from the job your imposed interactively in lesson 6.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The job is rendered with the same imposition arrangement as the job you
created interactively:

 you have 6 Press Sheet sides.

 the partial book signature is placed twice on PS2 so the press run length
for this Press Sheet is reduced by 50%.

16 Go back to the Auto Impose Rules resource, duplicate the Partial Sig last but
one rule and create a rule called Partial Sig W&T last but one and now select
Work &Turn as alternative workstyle for partial book signatures by selecting
the If possible, print N-up or partial book signatures using check box.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This will reduce the number of Press Sheets and plates required to print the

17 Duplicate the job you just processed and in the Administration tab, enter:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0099

 Job Name: Auto Impose Rules W&T

18 In the Product tab, click the Auto Impose button and choose your new rule,
Partial Sig W&T last but one in the Auto Impose dialog box.

19 Submit the job.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The job is rendered with the same imposition arrangement as the job you
created interactively:

 you have 5 Press Sheet sides.

 the partial book signature is placed once on PS 2 so the press run length for
this Press Sheet will be the same as for the other sheets but the number of
plates for this book signature is reduced by 50%.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


10 Imposing Multi-Part Jobs

In this lesson you create a multi-part job consisting of a cover in CMYK and a
body part in gray, and then set the imposition interactively using the Apogee
Impose module.

Before proceeding with the job set-up, you will create a new Mark Set that
applies a grayscale colorbar to a single-color press sheet.

The following job will be created interactively:

 Product with 36 A4 pages

 1 4-page cover part in CMYK

 1 body part in gray consisting of 2 16-page book signatures

 CMYK and grayscale colorbars

NOTE: You can find more detailed information about setting up multi-part jobs in
the Creating Multi-Part Jobs tutorial.


 How to create Mark Sets for placing different colorbars

With this procedure you create a Mark Set that automatically places a CMYK
colorbar on the Press Sheet of 4-color parts and one that places a grayscale
colorbar on single-color parts.

1 In the System Overview, open the Marks resource of the Impose task

2 Click the Import button and browse to the following colorbar file:

 ApogeeColorbar_Gray.pdf

NOTE: This file is not provided but you can use a colorbar file of your choice.

3 Click Open to add this grayscale colorbar to your Marks resource list and then
close the Marks resource.

4 Open the Mark Engraver and choose the 1000x650 Mark Set in the Press
Sheet Marks category.

Take a closer look at this Mark Set:

 Condition: automatically applied when the Large Press is chosen

5 Select the ApogeeColorbar.pdf mark in the Marks column and in the

Attributes tab you can see that this is a colorbar for CMYK jobs

6 Now select the 1000x650 Mark Set again and extend the condition so that
the Mark Set is only applied for CMYK jobs; click the + button and add the
following condition:

 $press_sheet.side.process_colors: can be selected in the drop-down list

 equals

 4

Apogee Impose Tutorial


We now have a colorbar for the CMYK part of our job but we still need a
grayscale colorbar for the gray body part.

7 With the 1000x650 Mark Set still selected, click the duplicate button above
the column and name the duplicate set 1000x650 Gray.

For this Mark Set, set the second condition so it is used for parts to be
rendered with one color:

 $press_sheet.side.process_colors

 equals

 1

8 In the Marks list, highlight the ApogeeColorbar.pdf and on the Attributes

tab, browse to the ApogeeColorbar_Gray.pdf file you imported earlier in the
Marks resource.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This grayscale colorbar will be used automatically for single-color Press

Sheets on the Large Press.

9 Close the Mark Engraver.

 How to create the Job with Cover and Body Parts

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter the following information:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0010

 Job Name: Multi-Part

 Bound nested matt coated A4

 Number of Pages: 36

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 Select the Cover check box and click Open to start the new job.

In the Product pane, you see that two parts have been created, one for the
Cover and one for the Body.

At this stage, both parts are set to be printed in CMYK, as inherited from the
product definition.

4 To print the Body part in gray, open the Part editor for the Body part and
select Grayscale from the Colors drop-down list.

5 Click OK to close the Part editor.

6 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Bottom from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

7 Now that the Product is defined, click the Edit Imposition button.

The main imposition window, or Product view, is displayed.

In the Assembly pane at the top you can see that Apogee Impose created 1 4-
page block to be printed in full color CMYK and a second 32-page block to be
printed in gray.

We shall now fine-tune the imposition and split the Body part into two 16-
page blocks.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: Press and hold the ALT 8 Select the Split Assembly button in the toolbar and hover over the 32-page
key to activate the Split block with the tool and click to split into 2 book signatures (16/16)
Assembly tool temporarily.

Notice that the Fold Sheets in the Product pane below have also been split and
you now have 3 blocks:

 FS1: Cover part pages 36, 1, 2, 35

 FS2: Body part pages 3 to 10 and pages 27 to 34

 FS3: Body part pages 11 to 26

9 Complete the imposition as follows:

 FS1: F4-1 Folding Scheme; 650 x 500 mm Press Sheet size; Work & Turn
workstyle; rotate the Fold Sheet counter-clockwise on the PS1 Press
Sheet; assign PS1 to the Large Press

 FS2: F16-6 Folding Scheme; 1000 x 650 mm Press Sheet size; Perfecting
workstyle; assign PS2 to the Large Press

 FS3: select PS2 and use the Repeat Imposition command to repeat these
settings for PS3

In the Press nodes, you see that the Cover production set is automatically
configured to use the Large Press CMYK parameter set and 4 plates will be
produced. The Body production set will use the Large Press Gray parameter
set and only one plate will be produced.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: You can select a different Press parameter set by clicking the drop-
down list. Parameter sets between brackets are not compatible with the part

Now let’s take a closer look at the colorbars on the Press Sheets.

10 Double-click the PS1 Press Sheet node to open it in Press Sheet view and
select the colorbar at the top of the sheet. This is a colorbar for CMYK printing.

11 Open the Inspector and you see that this colorbar was placed automatically
by the 1000x650 Mark Set because it is a CMYK press sheet.

12 Click the Next Sheet button in the toolbar to go to PS2 and select the

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This grayscale colorbar was placed automatically by the 1000x650 Gray

Mark Set. Remember that we set the condition so that this grayscale colorbar
would be used for single-color sheets.

13 Click the Close button to return to the Product view.

Apogee Impose has updated the imposition with two Production Sets with a
total of 3 Press Sheets:

 Cover production set for printing the Cover press sheet (PS1) in CMYK on
the Large Press

 Body production set for printing 2 Body press sheets (PS2 and PS3) in gray
only on the Large Press

14 Before submitting the job, go to the Plan tab to complete the job set up.

The blue line in the plan indicates that different parameter sets are used for
the different production sets, in this case the Cover set and the Body set, and
the parameter sets are set to (mixed).

15 Click the Generic Press.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The Large Press CMYK and Large Press Gray parameter sets have already
been selected in accordance with the imposition set-up.

A few other parameter sets still need to be set:

16 Select the correct plate size and imaging size for the TIFF Platesetter -
Output and Image:

 parameter set: 1130 x 907

17 Go to the PDF Render - Separate, unlock the settings and select Convert to
Process Colors for both the Cover and the Body sets.

18 Submit the Job .

 How to input documents for your job

1 Drag and drop the following PDF files onto the job you just created in the Jobs
List or in the Page Store in the Pages tab:

 Apogee Automate 4Pages.pdf

 ApogeePrepress Brochure.pdf (32 pages)

TIP: Click the Cover and 2 In the Pages tab, wait until the documents are uploaded and drag the 4-page
Body filter buttons to see PDF to the Cover and the 32-page PDF to the Body part in the Run List.
only the pages of the
specified part in the Run List. 3 Submit the Job and open PS1 Front and PS2 Front in Raster Preview when
they have been processed.

PS1 is rendered in full color with a CMYK colorbar and PS2 is rendered in gray
with a grayscale colorbar.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


PS3 is also rendered in gray.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


11 Auto-Imposing Multi-Part
In this lesson you create a multi-part job consisting of a cover in CMYK and a
body part in gray. This job is identical to the one you created earlier in interactive
mode (Lesson 10) but uses the Auto Impose feature to speed up the imposition

The following job will be created using the Auto Impose feature:

 Product with 36 A4 pages in 3 parts

 1 cover part in full color; 4 pages

 2 body parts to be printed with Black only; 32 pages in total

 CMYK and grayscale colorbars

NOTE: You can find more detailed information about setting up multi-part jobs in
the Creating Multi-Part Jobs tutorial.


 How to create the Job with Cover and Body Parts

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter the following information:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0011

 Job Name: Auto-Impose Multi-Part

 Bound nested matt coated A4

 Number of Pages: 36

3 Select the Cover check box and click Open to start the new job.

In the Product pane, you see that two parts have been created, one for the
Cover and one for the Body.

At this stage, both parts are set to be printed in CMYK, as inherited from the
product definition.

4 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Bottom from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

5 Now that the Product is defined, click the Auto Impose button.

The Auto Impose window is displayed.

You see that the Part table only has one line with both the Body and Cover.
This is because both parts are set to be printed on the same paper stock and in

6 Click Cancel to return to the Product tab and fine-tune the parts of the

Apogee Impose Tutorial


7 To print the Body part in gray, open the Part editor for the Body part and
select Grayscale from the Colors drop-down list.

8 Click OK to close the Part editor.

9 Click the Auto Impose button again.

You now see that the Part table has two lines, one for the Cover (4 pages) and
one for the Body (32 pages), indicating that two production sets are required
for this job because the cover part is to be rendered in CMYK and the body
part in gray.

We shall now fine-tune the imposition by choosing the Press, Sheet Size,
Main Workstyle and Folding Scheme for each part:

 Cover:

 Press: Large Press

 Sheet Size: 650x500

 Main workstyle: Work & Turn

 Folding scheme selection: Default Set

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Body:

 Press: Large Press

 Sheet Size: 1000x650

 Main workstyle: Perfecting

 Folding scheme selection: Default Set

 Auto Impose Rule: Largest First

10 Click the Impose button.

The Product view windows open.

In the Assembly pane at the top you can see that Apogee Impose created 1 4-
page block for the cover and 2 16-page blocks for the body.

You also have three corresponding Fold Sheets:

 FS1: Cover part pages 36, 1, 2, 35

 FS2: Body part pages 3 to 10 and pages 27 to 34

 FS3: Body part pages 11 to 26

In the Press Sheet nodes you see the chosen Workstyle and Sheet Size have
been selected.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In the Press nodes, you see that the Cover production set is automatically
configured to use the Large Press parameter set and CMYK rendering, and the
Body production set will use the Large Press Gray parameter set to make a
single plate.

The Auto Impose feature has created an imposition which is identical to the
one you created earlier in interactive mode in Lesson 10.

Now let’s take a closer look at the colorbars on the Press Sheets.

11 Double-click the PSI Press Sheet node to open it in Press Sheet view and
select the colorbar at the top of the sheet. This is a colorbar for CMYK printing.

12 Open the Inspector and you see that this colorbar was placed automatically
by the 1000x650 Mark Set because it is a CMYK press sheet.

13 Click the Next Sheet button in the toolbar to go to PS2 and select the

This Press Sheet has the grayscale colorbar which was placed automatically
by the 1000x650 Gray Mark Set. Remember that we set the condition so that
this grayscale colorbar would be used for single-color sheets.

14 Click the Close button to return to the Product view.

Apogee Impose has created two Production Sets with a total of 3 Press Sheets:

 Cover production set for printing the Cover press sheet (PS1) in CMYK on
the Small Press

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Body production set for printing 2 Body press sheets (PS2 and PS3) in gray
on the Large Press

15 Before submitting the job, go to the Plan tab to complete the job set up.

The blue line in the plan indicates that different parameter sets are used for
the different production sets, in this case the Cover set and the Body set, and
the parameter sets are set to (mixed).

You’ll see that Auto Impose has taken care of most of the settings to render the
Cover and the Body parts correctly.

16 Click the Generic Press.

The Large Press CMYK and Large Press Gray parameter sets have already
been selected in accordance with the imposition set-up.

A few other parameter sets still need to be set:

17 Select the correct plate size and imaging size for the TIFF Platesetter -
Output and Image:

 parameter set: 1130 x 907

18 Go to the PDF Render - Separate, unlock the settings and select Convert to
Process Colors for both the Cover and the Body sets.

19 Submit the Job .

 How to input documents for your job

1 Drag and drop the following PDF files onto the job you just created in the Jobs
List or in the Page Store in the Pages tab:

 Apogee Automate 4Pages.pdf

 ApogeePrepress Brochure.pdf (32 pages)

TIP: Click the Cover and 2 In the Pages tab, wait until the documents are uploaded and drag the 4-page
Body filter buttons to see PDF to the Cover and the 32-page PDF to the Body part in the Run List.
only the pages of the
specified part in the Run List. 3 Submit the Job and open PS1 Front and PS2 Front in Raster Preview when
they have been processed.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


PS1 is rendered in full color with a CMYK colorbar and PS2 is rendered in gray
with a grayscale colorbar.

PS3 is also rendered in gray.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


12 Applying Shingling
Shingling is an adjustment applied to pages on a Press Sheet to compensate for
creep that occurs when Fold Sheets are folded, and nested or stacked together.
Apogee Impose provides extensive settings to control this feature.

You will review the following in this lesson:

 manual shingling

 automatic shingling using the Shingling Rules and Paper Stock resources

 shifting and scaling pages inwards and outwards on the Press Sheet

 how inner and/or outer pages move

 effect of different paper thicknesses

Order:studentname-impose-0012 Job:Shingling Press Sheet:3 Side:Back Black $PRINTDATE
11,0 mm
Text Mark 19,0 mm

8,0 mm

75,7 mm 77,0 mm

210,0 x 297,0 mm 210,0 x 297,0 mm 210,0 x 297,0 mm 210,0 x 297,0 mm

14,7 mm
15 7,5 mm
22 24,8 mm
19 10,0 mm
18 16,0 mm

878,0 x 626,0 mm

61,0 mm 16,0 mm
FS3 61,0 mm

74,5 mm 73,2 mm

13,5 mm

14 5,0 mm

23 19,8 mm

26 2,5 mm

11 12,2 mm

210,0 x 297,0 mm 210,0 x 297,0 mm 210,0 x 297,0 mm 210,0 x 297,0 mm

8,0 mm

21,0 mm
13,0 mm


 How to shift inner and outer pages for shingling (manual)

You can set absolute values for shifting inner and/or outer pages of a book signa-
ture and Apogee Impose calculates the values for shifting all the other pages.

1 In the Jobs window, duplicate the Multi-Part job you created in a lesson 10
and change the details as follows:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0012

 Job Name: Manual Shingling

2 In the Product tab, open the Product editor and set the Parts Attributes as

 Shingling: Manual

NOTE: Selecting Manual displays the options below which you will not see

 Inner pages: 5 mm inwards (toward the spine of the book signature)

 Outer pages: 5 mm outwards (toward the face of the book signature)

NOTE: Inwards and Outwards are controlled by clicking the buttons.

 Method: Shift

3 Click OK and then Edit Imposition to open the Product view

The innermost book signature of the assembly is FS3 and the innermost pages
are pages 18 and 19.

4 Click PS3 Back to inspect pages 18 and 19.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: Hold down the ALT key 5 Select the measurement tool, or press ALT+M, and measure the overlap of
to switch the measurement these two pages.
tool on temporarily.
NOTE: The two pages overlap because we moved them inward to compensate
for creep.

The overlap is 10 mm, or the sum of the 5 mm inward shift for both pages.

6 With the measurement tool still selected, double-click a page to display its

The page still has its original dimensions so it has been shifted, not scaled.

7 Measure the overlap for the following pages:

 page 15 and 22: 7.5 mm

 page 14 and 23: 5.0 mm

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 page 11 and 26: 2.5 mm

The shingling overlap decreases for outer pages of the book signature.

8 Use the Previous Sheet button to go to PS2 and measure the distance between
pages 27 and 10 which are in the centre of the assembly.

The distance is 0 mm because no compensation is required for creep at this

position in the book signature.

9 Go to PS1 and measure the distance between pages 1 and 36, the outermost
pages of the assembly.

The pages no longer overlap and are moved away from each other. The
distance between them is 10 mm, or the sum of the 5 mm outwards shift for
both pages.

Apogee Impose has calculated the shift for all pages in the product.

10 Click Close to return to the Product tab.

 How to disable shingling

In some cases you may want to disable shingling, for example to avoid undesired
results on pages with images across two pages. In this exercise we want to disable
shingling on the cover and for pages 16 and 17 of the body.

1 To disable shingling on the cover pages, open the Part editor for the cover and
clear the Apply Shingling check box.

This disables shingling for all cover pages.

2 Close the Part editor and click Edit Imposition.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In the expanded Product node you can see that shingling is no longer applied
for the cover pages (no gap and no black triangles) and if you select one of
these pages, the option is grayed out in the Inspector because it has been
disabled at the Part level.

3 To disable shingling for pages 16 and 17 in the body part, select both pages in
the Product node and clear the Apply Shingling check box in the Inspector.

4 Check that shingling has been disabled for the cover pages by opening PS1 in
Press Sheet view and measuring the distance between pages 1 and 36.

The distance is now 0 mm.

Apogee Impose will now apply the shingling values to the other pages in the

5 Open PS2 Back and measure the distance between pages 3 and 34 which are
now the outermost pages of the assembly for applying shingling.

The distance between these two pages is now 10 mm, or the sum of the 5 mm
outwards shift.

6 Click Close to return to the Product tab.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


7 Open the Part editor for the Cover and revert the Apply Shingling option.

8 Click OK to close the Part editor.

 How to scale inner and outer pages for shingling (manual)

When you set values for scaling inner and/or outer pages of an assembly, Apogee
Impose calculates the values for scaling all the other pages.

1 In the Product tab, open the Product editor and change the shingling method
in the Parts Attributes:

 Method: Scale

2 Click OK.

3 Click Edit Imposition to open the Product view

The innermost book signature of the assembly is FS3 and the innermost pages
are pages 18 and 19.

4 Click PS3 Back to inspect pages 18 and 19.

TIP: Hold down the ALT key 5 Select the measurement tool, or press ALT+M, and double-click the pages to
to switch the measurement measure them.
tool on temporarily.
NOTE: The two pages do not overlap because we are scaling them and not
shifting them.

The width of the innermost pages has been scaled by 5 mm inwards, and
equals 205 mm instead of 210 mm, to compensate for creep.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 Check the dimensions of some of the other pages to see how they have been
scaled to compensate for creep:

 page 15 and 22: width is 206.3 mm

 page 14 and 23: width is 207.5 mm

 page 11 and 26: width is 208.7 mm

The inward scaling decreases for the outer pages of the book signature.

7 Use the Previous Sheet button to go PS2 and check the width of pages 27 and
10 which are in the centre of the assembly.

These pages have not been scaled and the width is equal to the original page
width (210 mm) because no compensation is required for creep at this
position in the assembly.

8 Go to PS1 and measure the size of pages 1 and 36, the outermost pages of the

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The width of the outermost pages has been scaled by 5 mm outwards, and
equals 215 mm instead of 210 mm, to compensate for creep.

Apogee Impose has calculated the extent of the scaling for all pages in the

9 Click Close to return to the Product tab and submit your job.

Apogee Prepress processes the job with the requested shingling.

 How to set up automatic shingling

To apply shingling automatically you need to set up two resources:

 Shingling Rules (Impose)

 Paper Stock (Generic Press).

1 In System Overview, choose the Impose task processor and then the
Shingling Rules resource.

Your system comes with three pre-defined rules:

 Scale inwards

 Shift both ways

 Shift inwards

These rules define the method for creep compensation - shift or scale - and the
direction. You can create additional rules if you want.

2 Choose the Shift inwards rule to review the settings.

3 Unlock the settings and take a closer look.

This rule shifts the inner pages inwards, towards the spine. The outer pages
are not affected

4 Leave the settings as they were and close the Shingling Rules resource.

NOTE: You cannot enter a value for shingling in this rule. The distance for
shifting is based on the thickness of the paper stock.

5 Open the Paper Stock resource of the Generic Press task processor.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This resource shows the weight and thickness of the different types of paper
stock. Apogee Impose needs to know the thickness for each paper stock
weight in order to calculate shingling automatically.

For this lesson we are using one of the pre-defined Paper Stock resources
which is included in the list.

6 Close this resource and return to the Jobs window to create a new job and
apply the rules we have just reviewed.

7 In the Jobs window, duplicate the Multi-Part job you created in a lesson 10
and change the details as follows:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0012

 Job Name: Automatic Shingling

8 In the Product tab, open the Product editor and change the Shingling option
from None to Shift Inwards.

9 Click OK and then Edit Imposition to open the Product view

The innermost book signature of the product is FS3 and the innermost pages
are pages 18 and 19.

10 Click PS3 Back to inspect pages 18 and 19.

TIP: Hold down the ALT key 11 Select the measurement tool, or press ALT+M, and measure the overlap of
to switch the measurement these two pages.
tool on.
NOTE: The two pages overlap because we moved them inwards to compensate
for creep.

The overlap is 1.95 mm.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


12 With the measurement tool still selected, double-click a page to display its

The page still has its original dimensions (210 mm) so it has been shifted, not

13 Measure the overlap for the following pages:

 page 15 and 22: 1.71 mm

 page 14 and 23: 1.46 mm

 page 11 and 26: 1.22 mm

The shingling overlap decreases for outer pages of the book signature.

14 Use the Previous Sheet button to go to PS1 and measure the distance between
pages 1 and 36, the outermost pages of this assembly.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Here the pages no longer overlap and there is no space (0 mm) between the
two pages.

Remember that the Shingling Rule was set to Inwards shifting only and not
Both directions. In the manual shifting example we shifted pages in both
directions depending on their position in the book signature.

15 Go back to the Product view.

Now we’ll see how a different Stock weight can affect shingling.

16 Select the Product node and in the Inspector, change the Stock weight to

17 Click PS3 Back to inspect pages 18 and 19 again.

18 Select the measurement tool, or press ALT+M, and measure the overlap of
these two pages.

The overlap has now increased to 5.32 mm due to the use of thicker paper.

19 Click Close to return to the Product tab and submit your job.

Apogee Prepress reprocesses the job with the requested shingling.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


13 Creating Unbound Jobs

An unbound job is created for products that do not require binding, such as
posters, postcards, business cards, etc. These products are typically repeated on
a Press Sheet. Unbound jobs are also used to combine different printing assign-
ments, also referred to as gang-printing or ganging.

NOTE: This lesson requires You will review the following in this lesson:
Apogee Prepress 7.1
 How to create a Job for an Unbound Product

 How to create a Margin resource

 How to adapt the page size of Parts to match uploaded documents

 How to place Elements for an Unbound Job Interactively

 How to place Elements Using Manual Arrangement

 How to override inner margins in Manual Arrangement

 How to place Elements Using the Positioning Palette

 How to override inner margins when using the Repeat Tool


 How to create a job for an Unbound Product

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0013

 Job Name: unbound

3 In the Product drop-down list, select Unbound single-sided.

You can choose between two predefined unbound products, i.e. single-sided
or double-sided. In this lesson we will work with a single-sided product.

4 Enter 4 for the Number of Pages.

With unbound jobs, the number of pages actually refers to the number of
elements you want to place or gang on the Press Sheet. For this job we will be
placing 4 different elements.

5 Click Open.

The Job Ticket opens in the Product tab where you can see that 4 Parts have
been created, one for each element.

6 Before, continuing, open the Product editor to review the settings of the
unbound product.

 Default Part Type: Flat single-sided

Unbound jobs can also be ‘double-sided’. You can change this setting here
but for this lesson leave ‘single-sided’.

 Copy Count: 1
When using the Auto Impose feature, you enter the total number of copies
for each element in the Part editor. Apogee Impose then calculates the
required press run per Press Sheet.

 Page Size: leave the default A4 size for the elements; we will change this
later for each element

 Bleed: leave 3.18 mm

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Margins: this is the area which is cut off around all sides of an element;
this area includes the bleed; you can customize these options for the
specified job or create a new set in the Margins resource

No Binding Options are available as binding does not apply for unbound jobs.

7 Click OK to close the Product editor and for this job we will now create a new
Margin resource.

 How to create a Margin resource

1 Go to the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and
then the Margins resource.

2 Create a new Margin resource and specify as follows:

 Name: 10 mm cut off

 Offcut: 10 mm for Left, Right, Top and Bottom

Close the Margins resource.

3 Now return to the Product tab in the Job Ticket Editor, open the Product
editor and choose your new Margin resource from the drop-down list.

4 Click OK to apply these new settings to the product.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In the Margins column of the Product table, you can see that all parts now
have 10 mm offcut.

5 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Center from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

This rule centers all the elements on the Press Sheet.

6 Click the Impose TP arrow to go to the Impose component in the Plan tab, and
set the Imposition to Undefined. Now you can submit the job and upload
some documents.

NOTE: If the imposition is set to Apogee Impose, you can only submit the job
if it has been imposed interactively or with the Auto Impose feature.

7 Upload the following documents:

 BusinessCard.pdf

 ComplimentsCard.pdf

 Datasheet.pdf

 TableCard.pdf

You now have 4 documents of different page sizes in the Page Store.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to adapt the page size of Parts to match uploaded documents

At this stage, all the Parts have the same Page Size, i.e. A4 or 210 x 297 mm, the
size specified for the Product. For this lesson we want to gang parts with
different sizes.

If you know the page sizes of the different documents, you can edit the Page Size
for each part individually or in groups by opening the Part editor.

Alternatively, you can assign the pages in the Page Store to the pages in the Run
List and then adapt the page size of each Part to the page size of the uploaded

1 In the Pages tab, assign the 4 PDFs to the 4 pages in the Run List.

The pink icon indicates that for three of the documents, the page size of the
document is not the same as the size specified for the Part.

The same pink icon is also displayed in the Page Size column in the Product

2 In the Product tab, select the first Part and open the Part editor to change the
Page Size to 84 x 54 mm for the business card.

The pink icon is no longer displayed for this part.

3 Select the second and fourth Parts. This time we will modify the Page Size by
adapting it to the size of the uploaded documents. With the two Parts
selected, choose Edit > Adapt Part’s Page Size.

You have now set the correct Page Size for the different Parts.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to place Elements for an Unbound Job interactively

You will now place the different sized Parts, also referred to as Elements, on a
single Press Sheet interactively. We are not using the Auto Impose feature in this

1 In the Product tab, click the Edit Imposition button.

The Product view is displayed.

Each element of the Product is a Part assigned to its own Element node.
Corresponding Press Sheet nodes have also been created, assuming that each
element will be put on its own Press Sheet.

TIP: Choose View > Show

Page Preview to see
thumbnails of the

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Each Element node has its own color and displays the document in its portrait
or landscape orientation. The Element Size is equal to the Page Size plus the
specified cut-off margins, in this case 10 mm.

Any number of the different elements can be placed on one or more Press
Sheets using a variety of techniques:

 drag and drop

 step and repeat

 with or without the manual positioning feature

2 Drag and drop Element 1 onto PS 1 and select a large sheet size; for this
lesson choose 1000 x 650 mm.

NOTE: Drag the Element (document thumbnail) not the node.

The element is placed in the center of sheet as specified with the Press Sheet
Layout Rule.

TIP: Press CTRL + + to zoom 3 Drag and drop Element 2 onto PS 1, to the right of Element 1. A blue line
into the Press Sheet to view guides you.
small elements, and
CTRL + - to zoom out.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The two elements are placed adjacent to each other; each element has
margins on all sides.

4 Drag and drop Elements 3 and 4 onto PS 1, to the right of Element 2.

5 Double-click the Press Sheet to take a closer look at the elements.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: To see the thumbnails in Press Sheet view, select the Page Previews check
box in the View Options, or choose View > Show Page Preview from the main

The 10 mm margins are clearly visible. In these examples, the gutters are set to
display in pink. You can change the display colors in the View Options palette.

6 Click in one of the margins and inspect it with the Inspector and zoom in to
measure the margin.

The cut-off margin of 10 mm includes the bleed area of 3.17 mm which is

indicated by the blue rule-up.

NOTE: You may need to select Page Bleed in View Options to display the bleed

7 Click the Product button to return to the Product view where you will
continue to fill the Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


8 Click the Repeat tool in the toolbar ...

... and select Element 1 to repeat it:

 click in the element and hover over the dark blue outline until arrows are
displayed that indicate the repeat direction; you can repeat in all direc-
tions and the number of duplicates appears as you drag the outline.

 a block of duplicate elements can also be repeated

9 Repeat Element 1 until you have 32 duplicates on the left side of the sheet.

10 Repeat Element 2 up and down until you have 5 duplicates.

TIP: Press CTRL + Z to undo 11 Repeat Element 4 until you have 4 duplicates.
your repeat actions if

Apogee Impose Tutorial


12 Drag Element 4 onto the Press Sheet again, under Element 3, and rotate the
element by pressing the space bar as you drag.

13 Repeat the rotated Element 4 until you have 3 duplicates.

The Press Sheet is full and the block of all elements is centered on the Press
Sheet as specified with the Press Sheet Layout rule.

14 Double-click the Press Sheet to take a closer look at the elements in the Press
Sheet view.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


15 Return to the Product view and assign PS 1 to the Large Press.

16 Submit the job and check the results.

The repeated elements are rendered with their crop marks.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to place Elements using Manual Arrangement

You will now place the Elements interactively on a second Press Sheet and use
the Arrange elements manually feature to override the Press Sheet Layout rule.

CAUTION: Clearing the Arrange Elements Manually option after placing

Elements may produce an unpredictable arrangement.

1 Context-click the job in the Jobs List and choose Edit Imposition to open the
job directly in the Product view of Apogee Impose.

2 To create a second Press Sheet, drag Element 4, for example, on to the Large

This creates a second Press Sheet, PS 2, where you can place the elements

3 Select a large sheet size; for this lesson choose 1000 x 650 mm.

4 Place all 4 elements next to each other on PS 2.

5 Select PS 2 and open the Inspector.

In the Press Sheet Layout pane you can see the Center Center rule is selected,
as it is the case for all Press Sheets of the job.

6 Select the Arrange elements manually check box to switch to manual

arrangement mode.

This is indicated with a hand icon in the top right corner of the Press Sheet

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In this mode, you can:

 override the Press Sheet Layout rule

 position elements accurately by entering values in the Inspector

 use alignment tools available in the Positioning palette

 snap to guides

The following steps illustrate what you can do.

7 Drag Element 2 to the bottom left corner of the Press Sheet.

As you drag the element, colored snap guides appear to help you align the
element with other elements or with certain reference points on the Press

The following color code is used for these snap guides:

Snap element to ... highlight
Edge of other element solid cyan
Gripper solid magenta
Press Sheet Margin dashed magenta
Press Sheet Edge dashed cyan

NOTE: You can also snap to the page trim edges and disregard the margins of
an element. In this case the snap guide is a dark, solid blue line. This is
explained later in the lesson.

8 Snap Element 2 to the solid magenta line which is the Gripper and the
dashed cyan line which is the Press Sheet Edge.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


You can check that the element is aligned with the Gripper in Press Sheet

9 Drag Element 3 next to Element 2.

The cyan snap guide indicates the alignment with the edge of Element 2 and
the magenta snap guide with the Gripper.

10 Select Element 1 (business card) and with the Inspector open, enter 0 mm for
the Horizontal position and 400 mm for the Vertical position.

The element is placed against the left edge of the Press Sheet.

11 Use the Repeat tool to create 12 duplicates and with the 12 duplicate
business cards selected as a block, snap the block to the edge of Element 2
and Element 3.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


If you ignore the snap guides, the elements may overlap or content is clipped.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to override inner margins in Manual Arrangement

When the Arrange elements manually feature is enabled you can override
margins between adjacent elements. This may be required in certain production
set-ups for single-cut (dead-cut) jobs.

1 On PS2, drag a second instance of Element 4 next to the instance that is

already on the Press Sheet.

The Arrange elements manually feature is selected for this Press Sheet so as
you drag, the light cyan snap guides are displayed to help you align the edges
of the elements.

In Press Sheet view you can measure the distance between the inner page
trim edges:

 20 mm, i.e. 2 x 10 mm margins.

2 Return to the Product view and select one of the elements. Hold down the
ALT key and drag the element so it overlaps the other and until its page trim
edge aligns with that of the adjacent card.

A dark, solid blue snap guide is displayed to help you align the elements and
override the margins.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 Drag a third and a fourth instance of Element 4 under the two which are
already on the sheet, and hold down the ALT key to override the inner

You’ve created a block of 4 cards without inner margins.

4 Double-click the Press Sheet to take a closer look.

The page trim edges of the cards are aligned without margins while the outer
margins are respected.

This means these cards can be trimmed with a single cut.

5 To continue this lesson, return to the Product view and delete three instances
of Element 4.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to place Elements using the Positioning Palette

If you have selected the Arrange elements manually feature to override the Press
Sheet Layout Rule, you can also use the Positioning Palette to align elements.

1 Click the Positioning Palette button in the toolbar.

The Positioning Palette is displayed.

TIP: Hover over the buttons This palette has 4 panes where you control the following:
to see the button tool tips.
 horizontal and vertical position: same settings as in the Inspector

 group/ungroup elements

 align selected elements relative to each other

 align selected elements relative to the Press Sheet

2 Select Element 2 and two adjacent duplicates of Element 1 and click the
Group button in the Positioning Palette to create a group.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 Move this group to the right of Element 3, respecting the snap guides to align
the group with the gripper and the right edge of Element 3.

4 Select the 10 duplicates of Element 1 and group them.

TIP: To select all elements, 5 Select all the elements and click the Align Top Edges button in the Align
click in one element or elements pane.
group and then press

All elements are now aligned with the top edge of the Element 1 group.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 With all the elements still selected, click the Align Left Edges button in the
Align in Sheet pane to align the group along the left edge of the Press Sheet.

7 With all the elements still selected, click the Align Bottom Edges button in
the Align in Sheet group.

The block of elements is aligned with the bottom left corner of the Press

8 Delete 2 business cards from the top of the block of 10 business cards and
group the remaining 8 cards. You’ll need to ungroup them first.

9 Select all the elements again and click the Align Bottom Edges button in the
Align elements group.

10 Duplicate this block with the Repeat tool.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: You don’t have to group elements to perform a one-off action on all the
selected elements.

11 Practice your skills and fill the Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


All elements are now correctly aligned, along the bottom of the Press Sheet,
without overlapping or missing content.

NOTE: In the Product view you can see white space between the elements and
the edge of the Press Sheet. This white space is the Gripper area.

12 Take a closer look in Press Sheet view and measure the distance between the
Gripper area and the edge of the Elements.

The Elements are aligned exactly with the Gripper: gap is 0 mm.

13 Return to the Product view and in the Inspector for PS2, click the arrow
button to go to the Center Center Press Sheet Layout rule and change the
Leading Sheet Margin to:

 Leading 3 mm

14 Select all the elements and click Align Bottom Edges in the Align in Sheet

Apogee Impose Tutorial


All the elements move up 3 mm. The 3 mm Leading Sheet Marge is added to
the Gripper area for the alignment action.

15 Take a closer look in Press Sheet view and measure the distance between the
Gripper area and the edge of the Elements.

You now have a 3 mm gap between the Gripper and the Elements.

NOTE: An error message will be displayed if you filled the Press Sheet too
close to the top edge and the Fold Sheet moves off the Press Sheet. You may
need to delete some elements before submitting the job.

16 Submit the job and check the results.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to override inner margins when using the Repeat Tool

In the previous examples, elements were placed next to each other, respecting
the margins and bleed on all sides of the elements. In certain production situa-
tions, the inner margins and bleed may not be required for adjacent elements. In
these situations the elements can be cut and trimmed with a single cut or so-
called dead-cut.

1 Open the job you created previously and in the Product view, drag and drop
Element 4 onto the Large Press to create a third Press Sheet, PS 3.

Element 4, the TableCard, bleeds on all sides and is suitable for a dead-cut

2 Select a large sheet size for PS 3:

 1000 x 650 mm.

The element is placed in the center of sheet as specified with the Press Sheet
Layout Rule.

3 Click the Repeat tool and repeat the element 44 times to fill the Press Sheet.

4 Take a closer look in the Press Sheet view and zoom in to 2 adjacent

5 Click the Measurements button in the toolbar and measure the following
distances between two duplicates.

 between bleed edge and trim edges: 3.17 mm

 between trim edges: 20 mm (2 x 10 mm page trim margins)

Apogee Impose Tutorial


For this type of job, the inner margins may not be required in certain produc-
tion conditions.

The inner margins are overridden using the ALT key.

6 Return to the Product view and create a fourth Press Sheet, PS 4, by dragging
Element 4 onto the Large Press and select a large sheet size:

 1000 x 650 mm.

7 With the Repeat tool on, select the element in the middle of the Press Sheet.

8 Hover over the blue outline until the blue arrows appear and drag to create
12 elements.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


9 Without releasing the mouse button, press the ALT key and then release the
mouse button.

NOTE: Only press the ALT key when the blue arrows are visible.

The repeat block jumps to the Center Center position on the Press Sheet and
the number of duplicates increases because the margins between the
elements are suppressed.

10 Take a closer look in the Press Sheet view and zoom in to the 2 adjacent
elements in the bottom left corner of the block.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


11 Click the Measurements button in the toolbar and double-click in the 2

adjacent elements to check the size and also measure the distance between
the two duplicates.

 margins between adjacent trims: 0 mm

 outer margins: 10 mm including bleed edge of 3.17 mm

12 Return to the Product view and continue to fill the Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


You can now fit 60 duplicates on the Press Sheet which can each be separated
with a single cut.

13 Submit the job.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


14 Number-Up Binding
Number-up binding, also referred to as multi-up or n-up binding, is used to
maximize the number of pages that can be printed on a standard press sheet size,
in particular when printing products that consist of many pages with a small
page size. Identical book signatures are placed twice or three times on a single
press sheet. This results in shorter print runs and reduced production time.

NOTE: This lesson requires Come & Go imposition uses a special number-up binding whereby different,
Apogee Prepress 7.1 book signatures are arranged on the same Fold Sheet. This means fewer plates
are required to print the different book signatures of a job.

In this lesson, you will review the Fold Sheet arrangements for the different
number-up impositions and then create a 32-page A5 booklet using two different
binding methods.

Table 14.1 32-page booklet with 16-page book signatures

2-up Come & Go Come & Go reversed


Understanding Number-Up Binding Options

When you choose a number-up binding option, Apogee Impose automatically
flows the pages onto bindery signatures that consist of several book signatures.
The number-up option you choose depends on your folding and binding

The bindery signature produced for a number-up imposition may contain

identical book signatures (regular number-up) or different book signatures
(Come & Go). In both cases, the bindery signatures are first folded, bound along
a common edge, assembled, and subsequently cut to create multiple units of the
same product.

With Apogee Impose you can have 2 or 3 book signatures on a single bindery
signature and also choose the page arrangement, Foot to Foot, or Head to Head.
In addition, you can choose a reversed Come & Go binding if the lowest page of
the book signature is not to be positioned along the closed, jogging edge of the

You can create the Folding Scheme manually from a folding dummy or choose a
standard folding sequence. In these lessons we use standard Folding Schemes.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Regular 2-Up The regular 2-up binding flows the same pages twice on a Fold Sheet, with
identical pages side-by-side. In our lesson, each Fold Sheet uses a 16-page
Folding Scheme to flow the pages into 32 cells.

Two identical book signa-

tures on a single Fold
• one signature borders
along the closed edge
(indicated in red)
• one signature borders
along the outer edges
• identical pages are side-

• Bindery signatures are

assembled with the
closed edge on the same
side and bound along a
common edge

• Identical products are cut

from the bound and
assembled bindery signa-

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Come & Go (2-Up) The Come & Go binding flows different pages on a Fold Sheet, with the lowest
and highest pages side-by-side. In our lesson, each Fold Sheet uses a 16-page
Folding Scheme to flow the pages into 32 cells.

Two different book signa-

tures on a single Fold
• lowest and highest pages
are side-by-side
• lowest page along the
closed edge

• Bindery signatures are

assembled with the
closed edge on the oppo-
site side and bound along
a common edge

• Identical products are cut

from the bound and
assembled bindery signa-

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Reversed Come & The Reversed Come & Go binding is similar to regular Come & Go and flows
different pages on a Fold Sheet, with the lowest and highest pages side-by-side.
Go (2-Up) However, the lowest page is not along the closed edge.

Two different book signa-

tures on a single Fold
• lowest and highest pages
are side-by-side
• lowest page is not along
the closed edge

• Bindery signatures are

assembled with the
closed edge on the oppo-
site side and bound along
a common edge

• Identical products are cut

from the bound and
assembled bindery signa-

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Creating Number-Up Jobs

You will now create a 32-page A5 booklet using the following number-up
binding methods to illustrate the flexibility of Apogee Impose:

 Regular 2-up: 2 bindery signatures, each with 2 identical 16-page book


 Come & Go 2-up: 1 bindery signature, with 2 different 16-page book


 How to create a 32-page job with 2-up imposition

A 32-page job with 2-up imposition uses a 16-page folding scheme to place 2
identical book signatures on the same Press Sheet.

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, define the job as follows:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0014

 Job Name: Number-Up Binding 2-up

 Bound stacked matt coated A4

 Number of Pages: 32

 Body Page Size: A5

3 Click Open.

4 Edit the product and jump to the Binding Options by clicking the grey arrow.

5 In the Binding Options dialog, choose 2-up in the Number Up Binding drop-
down list.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 Click OK to close the Binding Options and then OK in the Product editor.

7 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Bottom from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

8 Now start your interactive imposition session by clicking the Edit Imposition

The Product view is opened with a single 32-page book signature.

9 Press the ALT key and hover over the assembly node to split the assembly into
2 16-page book signatures.

10 Choose the following Folding Scheme for FS1:

 F16-6 (4x2)

11 For the Press Sheet PS 1, choose:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Sheet Size: 1000 x 650

12 Select FS1 in the PS 1 press node and click the Counterclockwise button to
rotate and fit the Fold Sheet on the Press Sheet.

13 Assign PS 1 to the Large Press

14 Choose Edit > Repeat Imposition to apply the same imposition to the other
book signatures.

The Repeat Imposed Press Sheet dialog box is displayed.

15 Choose PS 1 To ‘Body’ Part to reuse the settings of PS 1 for PS 2 and click


The 2-up imposition is now complete.

16 Take a closer look at the Fold Sheet on PS 1.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The Fold Sheet has 32 cells to accommodate the 16 pages which are repeated
twice on the same Fold Sheet.

The light-yellow pages are the

ones located along the closed
edge of the bindery signature.

Lowest page no.: 1

The pages are arranged in such a way that two identical book signatures are
produced, for pages 1 thru 16.

The dark-yellow pages are the

ones located on the outer
edges of the bindery signature.

Lowest page no.: 1

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The same arrangement is used for PS 2 to create two identical book signa-
tures for pages 17 thru 32.

Lowest page no.: 17

17 Click the Close button and complete the job set-up in the Job Ticket Editor:

 1130 x 907 parameter sets for the TIFF Platesetter

 CMYK parameter set for PDF Render Separations settings

18 Submit the Job Ticket.

19 Upload the ApogeePrepressBrochure_A5.pdf file, assign the 32 pages to

the Run List and submit the job.

In the Results tab you can see 4 sets of plates or a total of 16 plates.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


20 Open one of the Press Sheets in Raster Preview to see the actual output.

You can see identical pages are placed side by side on the Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to create a 32-page job with 2-up Come & Go imposition

A 32-page job with 2-up Come & Go imposition uses a 16-page folding scheme
to place 2 different book signatures on the same Press Sheet.

1 Duplicate the 2-up job you created in the previous exercise.

2 In the Administration tab, change the following:

 Job Name: Number-Up Binding 2-up Come & Go

3 In the Product tab, edit the product and jump to the Binding Options by
clicking the grey arrow.

4 In the Binding Options dialog, choose 2-up Come and Go in the Number Up
Binding drop-down list.

5 Click OK to close the Binding Options and then OK in the Product editor.

6 Click the Edit Imposition button to see the effect of the Come & Go binding

The Product view is opened with the two 16-page book signatures. However,
the second Press Sheet, PS 2, is greyed out.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This 2-up Come & Go imposition only requires one set of plates.

7 Take a closer look at the Fold Sheet on PS 1.

The Fold Sheet has 32 cells to accommodate all 32 pages of the booklet.

The light-yellow pages are the

ones located along the closed
edge of the bindery signature,
for pages 1 thru 16.

Lowest page no: 1

The pages are arranged in such a way that two book signatures are produced,
for pages 1 thru 32. The first 16 pages are located along the closed edge of the
bindery signature while pages 17 thru 32 are located on the outer edges of
the bindery signature.

The dark-yellow pages are the

ones located on the outer
edges of the bindery signature,
for pages 17 thru 32

Lowest page no.: 17

PS 2 is greyed out because all pages are accommodated for on PS 1.

8 Click the Close button and submit the Job.

9 Upload the ApogeePrepressBrochure_A5.pdf file, assign the 32 pages to

the Run List and submit the job.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In the Results tab you can see 2 sets of plates or a total of 8 plates.

10 Open one of the Press Sheets in Raster Preview to see the actual output.

All the pages are different, with the lowest and highest side by side.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


15 Fold Sheet Fitting

For certain production requirements you may want to expand the Fold Sheet so
it fits the press sheet. Sheet fitting is achieved using the Fit to Sheet feature in the
Press Sheet Layout rule and setting maximum values for the overfold and page
trim margins in the Binding Options.

NOTE: This lesson requires In this lesson you will redistribute the unused space on a press sheet to create
Apogee Prepress 7.1 equal gutters between pages and ensure the overfold is correctly positioned after
folding the press sheet. This eliminates the need to cut away extra paper before

You will apply sheet fitting as follows:

No sheet fitting applied (default)

• Green gutters are the fixed page trim margins

Horizontal sheet fitting applied

• Page Face trim margins expanded

Vertical sheet fitting applied

• Page Head and Foot trim margins expanded


 To create a job with no Sheet Fitting (default)

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, define the job as follows:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0015

 Job Name: Fold Sheet Fitting

 Bound nested matt coated A4

 Number of Pages: 16

3 Click Open.

4 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Center from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

5 Now start automatic imposition by clicking the Auto Impose button.

The Auto Impose dialog box is displayed.

6 In the Print on pane, choose the following:

 Press: Large Press

 Sheet Size: 1000 x 650

 Main Workstyle: Sheetwise

7 In the Folding scheme selection pane, choose the following scheme:

 F16-7 (4x2)

8 Leave the default Auto Impose Rule as is.

9 Click Impose to start the automatic imposition.

The Product view is opened showing the imposition for PS 1.

10 Double-click PS 1 to open the Press Sheet and measure the overfold and Fold
Sheet margins.

NOTE: In the View Options palette, set the color of the Fold Sheet Gutters to
green and the Overfold to magenta as in the following screen capture. Gutters
are in fact the Page Trim Margins on the Fold Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Overfold lip size: 3 mm

 Page Head margins: 8 mm

 Page Foot margins: 8 mm

 Left and right margins between the Fold Sheet and the Press Sheet
edge: 61 mm

 Top and bottom margins between the Fold Sheet and the Press Sheet
edge: 12 mm

Although the Fold Sheet is centered on the Press Sheet, you don’t have the
correct margins for when the sheet is folded. The Press Sheet would have to
be trimmed before folding.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to apply Horizontal Sheet Fitting

You will first redistribute the available space at the right and left of the Fold
Sheet in order to create the correct Face trims for all pages in combination with
an overfold.

1 Return to the Product view and review the binding options by clicking in the
Fold Sheet node of FS1 and in the Inspector click the grey arrow to go to the
default Binding Options.

The Lip Size of the overfold and Page Trim Margins are all specified without
a Maximum value. The specified margin and overfold correspond with what
you measured on the Press Sheet.

If no maximum values are specified, the overfold and page trim margins
cannot be adjusted for sheet fitting.

2 Enter 10 mm in the Maximum field for the Overfold Lip Size. This maximum
value depends on the requirements in your production environment.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 Click OK and inspect the overfold on PS 1 again.

The overfold is still 3 mm. This is because the Binding Options setting only
takes effect if the Press Sheet Layout rule is modified.

TIP: Click in the white 4 Return to the Product view, select the Press Sheet node and in the Inspector
margin around the Fold click the grey arrow in the Press Sheet Layout pane to view the Center Center
Sheet to inspect the Press rule.
Sheet in Press Sheet view.

In this rule you see that the Horizontal Alignment is set to center the Fold
Sheet to the Center of the Press Sheet. This is also the case for the Vertical

Apogee Impose Tutorial


You need to change this setting in order for the Maximum Lip Size setting in
the Binding Options to take effect.

5 Click in the Horizontal Alignment drop-down list and choose Fit to sheet.

6 Click OK and inspect the overfold on PS 1 again.

The overfold lip size is now 10 mm, i.e. the maximum value entered in the
Binding Options. The left and right margins between the Fold Sheet and the
Press Sheet edge are now 54 mm.

None of the page trim margins have changed.

TIP: Binding Options can 7 Return to the Product view and in the Binding Options, set the Maximum
only be set by selecting the Page Trim Margins as follows:
Fold Sheet node in Product
view.  Spine: leave empty

 Face: 50 mm

 Head: leave empty

 Foot: leave empty

8 In the Sheet Fitting Strategy pane, you can choose how you want the
maximum values to be distributed horizontally. Choose Face and spine first,
then overfold.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This means the Fold Sheet will be expanded until the maximum Face Page
Trim Margin is reached and if the Press Sheet is not filled, the overfold lip size
will be increased to maximum 10 mm.

9 Click OK and inspect the overfold and margins on PS 1 again.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The width of the Face Page Trim Margins has now increased equally for all
pages in order to fit the Fold Sheet on the Press Sheet.

The Face Page Trim Margins are now 38.5 mm in order to expand the Fold
Sheet horizontally. The overfold lip size is now reverted to 3 mm because the
maximum Face Page Trim Margin of 50 mm was not exceeded.

The left and right margins between the Fold Sheet and the Press Sheet edge
are now 0 mm

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 How to apply Vertical Sheet Fitting

You will now redistribute the available margins at the top and bottom of the Fold
Sheet in order to increase the Head and Foot trims for all pages.

1 Return to the Product view and in the Binding Options, set the Maximum
Page Trim Margins as follows:

 Spine: leave empty

 Face: 50 mm

 Head: 50 mm

 Foot: 50 mm

2 In the Sheet Fitting Strategy pane, you can choose how you want the
maximum values to be distributed vertically. Choose Head and foot evenly.

This means the Head and Foot Page Trim Margins will be increased evenly
until the Fold Sheet fills the Press Sheet and until the maximum Head and
Foot Page Trim Margins are reached.

3 Click OK.

4 With the Press Sheet selected, click the grey arrow in the Press Sheet Layout
pane of the Inspector to edit the vertical alignment of your custom rule.

In this rule you see that the Vertical Alignment is still set to center the Fold
Sheet to the Center of the Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


You need to change this setting in order for the Maximum Head and Foot
Page Trim Margins setting in the Binding Options to take effect.

5 Click in the Vertical Alignment drop-down list and choose Fit to sheet.

Now both the vertical and horizontal alignment are set to allow the Fold
Sheet to fit the Press Sheet.

6 Click OK and inspect the overfold and margins on PS 1 again.

NOTE: Make sure the Gutters in the View Options palette are switched on to
see the newly created margins between the pages.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Head and Foot Page Trim Margins have been increased evenly to fit the Fold
Sheet on the Press Sheet.

The top and bottom margins between the Fold Sheet and the Press Sheet edge
are now 0 mm.

7 Submit the Job Ticket.

When printed, this Press Sheet can be folded without prior cutting away of
extra paper.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


16 Unbound Flat Jobs

An unbound, flat job is created for finished products that do not require binding
or folding, such as posters, postcards, business cards, etc. These products are
typically repeated on a press sheet. Unbound jobs are also used to combine
different printing assignments, also referred to as gang-printing or ganging.

NOTE: This lesson requires Unbound products use the Margin resource instead of the Binding Options
Apogee Prepress 8 resource to set the margins and page arrangement. The different parts which are
ganged on the Press Sheet are referred to as parts in the Job Ticket Editor and
generally as elements in Apogee Impose. In many cases you will want to fine-tune
the arrangement of these elements in manual positioning mode.

Unbound products can be single-sided or double-sided. This lesson demon-

strates single-sided products.

You will review the following in this lesson:

 Create a new Margin resource

 Create a job for an Unbound Flat Product

 Adapt the page size of Elements to match uploaded documents

 Place Elements for an Unbound Job interactively

 Arrange Elements using Manual Positioning

 Override inner margins in Manual Positioning

 Manual positioning using the Positioning Palette

 Set the gaps between elements (Manual Positioning)

 Override inner margins when using the Repeat Tool (Press Sheet Layout rule)

 Override inner margins when using the Repeat Tool (Manual Positioning)


 Create a new Margin resource

First you’ll create a new Margins resource because unbound jobs need margins
to arrange the different elements on the press sheet and specify the offcut. This
is similar to what the Binding Options do for bound jobs.

1 Go to the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and
then the Margins resource.

2 Create a new Margin resource and specify as follows:

 Name: 10 mm cut off

 Offcut: 10 mm for Left, Right, Top and Bottom

Close the Margins resource.

 Create a job for an Unbound Flat Product

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0016

 Job Name: unbound

3 In the Product drop-down list, select Unbound flat single-sided.

You can choose between four predefined unbound products, i.e. single-sided
or double-sided, or flat or folded. In this lesson we will work with a flat,
single-sided product.

NOTE: Selecting any of the unbound products removes the Number of Pages
option box and the option to create a cover part.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


4 Click Open.

The Job Ticket opens in the Product tab where you can see that no parts are
defined and the number of pages is set to 0.

With unbound jobs, the parts refer to the different Elements you want to
place or gang on the press sheet. For this job we will be placing 4 different

5 Click the Add Part button in the top right corner and open the Part Editor.

6 Review the settings of the unbound product.

 Default Part Type: Flat single-sided as inherited from the product type
You can change this setting here but for this lesson leave ‘single-sided’.

 Copy Count: 1
When using the Auto Impose feature, you enter the total number of copies
for each element in the Part editor. Apogee Impose then calculates the
required press run length per Press Sheet.

 Page Size: leave the default A4 size for the elements; we will change this
later for each element

 Bleed: leave 3.18 mm

 Margins: this is the area which is cut off around all sides of an element;
this area includes the bleed; you can customize these options for this
specific job by clicking the grey arrow, or create a new set in the Margins
resource as we already have done for this lesson. Choose 10 mm cut off
in the drop-down list.

No Binding Options are available as binding does not apply for unbound jobs.

7 At the bottom of the Parts Editor, enter 4 in the Number of parts to add box.

You need more than one part to add different elements to the job.

8 Click OK to close the Parts editor.

In the Margins column of the Product table, you can see that all parts now
have 10 mm offcut.

9 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Center from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This rule centers all the elements on the Press Sheet.

10 Click the Impose TP arrow to go to the Impose component in the Plan tab, and
set the Imposition to Undefined. Now you can submit the job and upload
some documents.

NOTE: If the imposition is set to Apogee Impose, you can only submit the job
if it has been imposed interactively or with the Auto Impose feature.

11 Upload the following documents:

 BusinessCard.pdf

 ComplimentsCard.pdf

 Datasheet.pdf

 TableCard.pdf

You now have 4 documents of different page sizes in the Page Store.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Adapt the page size of Elements to match uploaded documents

At this stage, all the Elements (Parts) have the same Page Size, i.e. A4 or 210 x
297 mm, the size specified for the Product. For this lesson we want to gang parts
with different sizes.

If you know the page sizes of the different documents, you can edit the Page Size
for each part individually or in groups by opening the Part editor.

Alternatively, you can assign the pages in the Page Store to the pages in the Run
List and then adapt the page size of each Part to the page size of the uploaded

1 In the Pages tab, assign the 4 PDFs to the 4 pages in the Run List.

The pink icon indicates that for three of the documents, the page size of the
document is not the same as the size specified for the Part.

The same pink icon is also displayed in the Page Size column in the Product

2 In the Product tab, select the first Part and open the Part editor to change the
Page Size to 84 x 54 mm for the business card.

The pink icon is no longer displayed for this part.

3 Select the second and fourth Parts. This time we will modify the Page Size by
adapting it to the size of the uploaded documents. With the two Parts
selected, choose Edit > Adapt Part > Page Size.

You have now set the correct Page Size for the different Parts.

You can also use this command to change the Part name to the file name of
the respective documents. Choose Edit > Adapt Part > Set Name.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Place Elements for an Unbound Job interactively

You will now place the different-sized parts, also referred to as elements, on a
single Press Sheet interactively. We are not using the Auto Impose feature in this

1 In the Product tab, click the Edit Imposition button.

The Product view is displayed.

Each element in the Product node is assigned to its own Element node. Corre-
sponding Press Sheet nodes have also been created.

TIP: Choose View > Show

Page Preview to see
thumbnails of the

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Each Element node has its own color and displays the document in its portrait
or landscape orientation. The Element Size, between brackets, is equal to the
Page Size plus the specified cut-off margins, in this case 10 mm.

Any number of the different elements can be placed on one or more Press
Sheets using a variety of techniques:

 drag and drop

 step and repeat

 with or without the manual positioning feature

2 Drag and drop Element 1 onto PS 1 and select a large sheet size; for this
lesson choose 1000 x 650 mm.

NOTE: Drag the Element (document thumbnail) not the node.

The element is placed in the center of sheet as specified with the Press Sheet
Layout Rule.

TIP: Press CTRL + + to zoom 3 Drag and drop Element 2 onto PS 1, to the right of Element 1. A blue line
into the Press Sheet to view guides you.
small elements, and
CTRL + - to zoom out.

The two elements are placed adjacent to each other; each element has
margins on all sides.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


4 Drag and drop Elements 3 and 4 onto PS 1, to the right of Element 2.

5 Double-click the Press Sheet to take a closer look at the elements.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: To see the thumbnails in Press Sheet view, select the Page Previews check
box in the View Options, or choose View > Show Page Preview from the main

The 10 mm margins are clearly visible. In these examples, the gutters are set to
display in pink. You can change the display colors in the View Options palette.

6 Click in one of the margins and inspect it with the Inspector and zoom in to
measure the margin.

The cut-off margin of 10 mm includes the bleed area of 3.17 mm which is

indicated by the blue rule-up.

NOTE: You may need to select Page Bleed in View Options to display the bleed

Apogee Impose Tutorial


7 Click the Product button to return to the Product view where you will
continue to fill the Press Sheet.

8 Click the Repeat tool in the toolbar ...

... and select Element 1 to repeat it:

 click in the element and hover over the dark blue outline until arrows are
displayed that indicate the repeat direction; you can repeat in all direc-
tions and the number of duplicates appears as you drag the outline.

 a block of duplicate elements can also be repeated

9 Repeat Element 1 until you have 32 duplicates on the left side of the sheet.

10 Repeat Element 2 up and down until you have 5 duplicates.

11 Repeat Element 4 until you have 4 duplicates.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


12 Drag Element 4 onto the Press Sheet again, under Element 3, and rotate the
element by pressing the space bar as you drag.

TIP: Press CTRL + ALT + S to 13 Repeat the rotated Element 4 until you have 3 duplicates.
open the Repeat dialog
where you can enter the
number of rows and

The Press Sheet is full and the block of all elements is centered on the Press
Sheet as specified with the Press Sheet Layout rule.

14 Double-click the Press Sheet to take a closer look at the elements in the Press
Sheet view. Each element copy has its own cut-off margin of 10 mm.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


15 Return to the Product view and assign PS 1 to the Large Press.

16 Submit the job and check the results.

The repeated elements are rendered with their crop marks.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Arrange Elements using Manual Positioning

You will now place the Elements interactively on a second Press Sheet and use
the Arrange elements manually feature to override the Press Sheet Layout rule.

In this manual positioning mode, you have a number of tools to help you arrange
elements correctly. These tools are explained in this exercise.

CAUTION: Clearing the Arrange Elements Manually option after placing

Elements to return to the Press Sheet Layout arrangement, may produce
undesirable results.

1 Context-click the job in the Jobs List and choose Edit Imposition to open the
job directly in the Product view of Apogee Impose.

2 To create a second Press Sheet, drag Element 4, for example, on to the Large

This creates a second Press Sheet, PS 2, where you can place the elements

3 Select a large sheet size; for this lesson choose 1000 x 650 mm.

4 Place all 4 elements next to each other on PS 2.

5 Select PS 2 and open the Inspector.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In the Press Sheet Layout pane you can see the Center Center rule is selected,
as it is the case for all Press Sheets of the job.

6 Select the Arrange elements manually check box to switch to manual

positioning mode.

This is indicated with a hand icon in the top right corner of the Press Sheet

In this mode, you can:

 override the Press Sheet Layout rule

 position elements accurately by entering values in the Inspector

 use alignment tools available in the Positioning palette

 snap to guides

The following steps illustrate what you can do.

7 Drag the business card to move it around on the Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


As you drag the element, colored snap guides appear to help you align the
element with other elements or with certain reference points on the Press

The following color code is used for these snap guides:

color snap convention
solid magenta the edge of the selected element (including its margins) snaps
to the edge of other elements or the Gripper
dashed magenta the edge of the selected element (including its margins) snaps
to the edges of the press sheet
solid cyan the trim edge of the selected element snaps to the trim edge
of other elements or the Gripper (hold down ALT key)
dashed cyan the trim of the selected element snaps to the edges of the
press sheet (hold down ALT key)

8 Snap the business card to the solid magenta line which is the Gripper and the
dashed magenta line which is the Press Sheet Edge.

Go to Press Sheet view to check that the element is aligned with the edge of
the Press Sheet and the outside edge of the Gripper (yellow in this example):

9 Repeat this step while holding down the ALT key to align the trim edges of
the business card with the edge of the Press Sheet (dashed cyan) and the
outside edge of the Gripper (solid cyan). Check again in Press Sheet view:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


10 Drag the business card under the compliments card and next to the data

The solid magenta snap guides indicate the alignment with the edge of both

11 You can do the same with blocks of elements: Use the Repeat tool to create 9
duplicate business cards and snap the block to the top edge of the compli-
ments card and next to the data sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


If you ignore the snap guides, the elements may overlap or content is clipped.

 Override inner margins in Manual Positioning

When the Arrange elements manually feature is enabled you can override
margins between adjacent elements. This may be required in certain production
set-ups where you want to trim the element with a single cut (dead cut).

Inner margins when using the Repeat tool are discussed in “Override inner
margins with the Repeat Tool (Press Sheet Layout rule)” on page 241 and
“Override inner margins with the Repeat Tool (Manual Positioning)” on
page 246.

1 On PS2, drag a second instance of Element 4, the red table card, to the
instance that is already on the Press Sheet.

The Arrange elements manually feature is selected for this Press Sheet so as
you drag, the magenta snap guides are displayed to help you align the edges
of the elements.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In Press Sheet view you can measure the distance between the inner page
trim edges:

 20 mm, i.e. 2 x 10 mm margins.

2 Return to the Product view and select one of the elements. Hold down the
ALT key and drag the element so it overlaps the other and until its page trim
edge aligns with that of the adjacent card.

A dark, solid cyan snap guide is displayed to help you align the elements and
override the margins.

3 Drag a third and a fourth instance of Element 4 under the two which are
already on the sheet, and hold down the ALT key to override the inner

Apogee Impose Tutorial


You’ve created a block of 4 cards without inner margins.

NOTE: If you have the Positioning Palette open, the Reference switches from
Margin to Trim when you press the ALT key.

4 Double-click the Press Sheet to take a closer look.

The page trim edges of the cards are aligned without margins while the outer
margins are respected.

This means these cards can be trimmed apart with a single cut.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Manual positioning using the Positioning Palette

If you have selected the Arrange elements manually feature to override the Press
Sheet Layout Rule, you can also use the Positioning Palette to align elements.

TIP: Hover over active This palette has 6 panels where you control the following:
buttons to see the button
tool tips.  horizontal and vertical position: same settings as in the Inspector; you can
enter values here to position elements.

 group/ungroup elements

 align selected elements relative to each other

 align selected elements relative to the Press Sheet

 the positioning reference: the default positioning reference is the

element, including its margin; you can change the default to the element
trim edge; once the default is selected here, you can switch to the other
reference temporarily by holding down the ALT key.

 set gaps: when 2 or more elements are selected, this feature is used to
distribute the gaps.

To continue this lesson, return to the Product view and create a new Press Sheet
by dragging one of the elements onto the Large Press and choose 1000 x 650 as
Sheet Size. Center the 4 elements next to each other on the Press Sheet.

NOTE: If you continue on a sheet that you created previously, make sure you clear
the Arrange elements manually check box to center the elements.

You will now practice manual positioning using the different tools.

1 Click the Positioning Palette button in the toolbar.

The Positioning Palette is displayed.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


2 Select the Arrange elements manually check box. This option can also be
selected in the Inspector.

TIP: In the following steps, 3 Drag Element 2 to the bottom left corner of the Press Sheet and align with the
the Margin is the Reference margin as reference (magenta guides).
for aligning the elements. If
you want to align the 4 Drag Element 1 on top of Element 2 and use the Repeat tool to draw a block
element trims, click Trim in of 12 business cards.
the Reference panel of the 5 Drag Element 3 to the bottom left, and align with the other elements.
Positioning Palette.
6 Select Element 2 and two adjacent duplicates of Element 1 and click the
Group button in the Positioning Palette to create a group.

7 Move this group to the right of Element 3, respecting the snap guides to align
the group with the gripper and the right edge of Element 3.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


8 Select the 10 duplicates of Element 1 and group them.

TIP: To select all elements, 9 Select all the elements and click the Align Top Edges button in the Align
click in one element or elements pane.
group and then press

All elements are now aligned with the top edge of the Element 1 group.

10 With all the elements still selected, click the Align Left Edges button in the
Align in Sheet pane to align the group along the left edge of the Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


11 With all the elements still selected, click the Align Bottom Edges button in
the Align in Sheet group.

The block of elements is aligned with the bottom left corner of the Press

12 Delete 2 business cards from the top of the block of 10 business cards and
group the remaining 8 cards. You’ll need to ungroup them first.

13 Select all the elements again and click the Align Bottom Edges button in the
Align elements group.

14 Duplicate this block with the Repeat tool.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: You don’t have to group elements to perform a one-off action on all the
selected elements.

15 Practice your skills and fill the Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


All elements are now correctly aligned, along the bottom of the Press Sheet,
without overlapping margins.

NOTE: In the Product view you can see white space between the elements and
the edge of the Press Sheet. This white space is the Gripper area.

16 Take a closer look in Press Sheet view and measure the distance between the
Gripper area and the edge of the Elements.

The Elements are aligned exactly with the Gripper: gap is 0 mm.

17 Return to the Product view and in the Inspector for the press sheet, click the
arrow button to go to the Center Center Press Sheet Layout rule and change
the Leading Sheet Margin to:

 Leading 3 mm

18 Select all the elements and click Align Bottom Edges in the Align in Sheet

Apogee Impose Tutorial


All the elements move up 3 mm. The 3 mm Leading Sheet Marge is added to
the Gripper area for the alignment action.

19 Take a closer look in Press Sheet view and measure the distance between the
Gripper area and the edge of the Elements.

TIP: You can repeat this You now have a 3 mm gap between the Gripper and the Elements.
exercise with Trim as the
reference for aligning the 20 Submit the job and check the results.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Set the gaps between elements (Manual Positioning)

If you switch to manual positioning, you can use the Positioning Palette to
distribute the gaps between elements. It’s possible to set fixed gaps between
elements vertically as well as horizontally or you can let Apogee Impose
distribute the available gaps evenly between the elements.

The following steps can be applied to individual elements or to blocks of

elements. We will create some blocks of duplicates to fill the Press Sheet and
then distribute the gaps between these blocks horizontally.

To continue this lesson, return to the Product view and create a new Press Sheet
by dragging one of the elements onto the Large Press and choose 1000 x 650 as
Sheet Size. Center the 4 elements next to each other on the Press Sheet.

1 Click the Positioning Palette button in the toolbar.

The Positioning Palette is displayed.

2 Make sure the Arrange elements manually check box is selected so you can
reposition the elements randomly, i.e. manual positioning mode.

3 Drag the four Elements along the center axis so the space between them is not

Apogee Impose Tutorial


4 Create logical blocks with duplicates with the Repeat tool and group each

5 Now, to distribute the blank space between each block evenly, select the two
outer blocks and then click Distribute elements horizontally in the Set
gaps panel. The Distribute option must also be selected.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The blocks now have equal gaps between them.

6 Move the block with Element 4 Table Cards to the edge of the sheet and
repeat the step above to redistribute the blank space on the left.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


7 Check that the gaps between the blocks are equal in the Press Sheet view.

8 Submit the job and check the results.

Blocks with equal gaps can be trimmed more efficiently.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Override inner margins with the Repeat Tool (Press Sheet Layout rule)
In the previous examples, elements were placed next to each other, respecting
the margins and bleed of the elements. In certain production situations, the
inner margins and bleed may not be required for adjacent elements, only for
outer margins. In these situations the elements can be cut and trimmed with a
single cut (dead-cut).

This exercise illustrates how this can be achieved by modifying the Press Sheet
Layout rule. This is handy for Auto Impose as well as interactive mode.

1 Open the job you created previously and in the Product view, drag and drop
Element 4 onto the Large Press to create a new Press Sheet.

Element 4, the Table Card, bleeds on all sides and is suitable for a dead-cut

2 Select a large sheet size:

 1000 x 650 mm.

The element is placed in the center of sheet as specified with the Center
Center Press Sheet Layout Rule.

3 With the Press Sheet selected, open the Inspector and click the grey arrow in
the Press Sheet Layout panel to jump to this resource.

4 In the Gap between elements panel, you can set the gap between Elements or
Page Trims. We’ll start with the default: Elements and the Vertical and
Horizontal values set to 0.

5 Click the Repeat tool and repeat the element starting in the center of the

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 You can repeat the card 44 times to fill the Press Sheet.

7 Take a closer look in the Press Sheet view and zoom in to 2 adjacent

8 Click the Measurements button in the toolbar and measure the following

 between page trims: 20 mm (2 x 10 mm page trim margins)

 outer margin: 10 mm

Apogee Impose Tutorial


For this type of job, the inner margins may not be required in certain produc-
tion conditions.

9 Return to the Product view and undo the duplicates by pressing CTRL+Z
until you a single element on the sheet.

TIP: This Press Sheet Layout 10 Via the Inspector, go to the Press Sheet Layout rule and change Gap between
rule can also be used with elements to Page Trim and ensure the Vertical and Horizontal values are set
Auto Impose to to 0.
automatically create a single
cut between elements (dead

Apogee Impose Tutorial


11 Click OK and close the Inspector.

12 With the Repeat tool on, select the element in the middle of the Press Sheet
and now you can repeat the element 60 times because there is no gap
between the duplicates.

13 Take a closer look in the Press Sheet view and zoom in to 2 adjacent

14 Click the Measurements button in the toolbar and measure the following

 between page trims of elements: 0 mm

 outer margins: 10 mm

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Override inner margins with the Repeat Tool (Manual Positioning)

We will now recreate the same effect as in the previous exercise by disregarding
the Press Sheet Layout rule with the Arrange elements manually feature in
manual positioning mode.

1 Return to the Product view again and undo the duplicates by pressing
CTRL+Z until you have a single element on the sheet.

2 Select the Table Card in the middle of the Press Sheet

3 Click the Positioning Palette button in the toolbar.

4 Make sure the Arrange elements manually check box is selected so you can
reposition the Table Card.

5 Drag the Table Card to the bottom left corner of the Press Sheet.

6 In the Positioning Palette, change the element positioning reference to Trim

by clicking the Trim icon in the palette. This means the Trim edge of the
element is now the default reference for positioning.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: Switch from the

selected default reference to
the other by holding down
the ALT key when selecting
and positioning elements.

Notice how 10 mm are added to the horizontal and vertical position values to
reflect the change in position.

7 Use the Repeat tool to create 60 duplicates of the Table Card.

The margins between the elements are suppressed so you can immediately
draw 60 duplicates to fill the Press Sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


8 Take a closer look in the Press Sheet view and zoom in to the bottom left

9 Click the Measurements button in the toolbar and double-click in 2 adjacent

elements to check the margins between them. Also measure the outer

 between page trims: 0 mm

 outer margins: 10 mm including bleed edge of 3.17 mm

Apogee Impose Tutorial


10 Submit the job and take a closer look at the Press Sheet in Raster Preview.

Show the rule-ups for Press Sheet, Trim Box and Bleed Box. The cards can be
trimmed with a single cut (dead cut) while maintaining the bleed and margin
along the four edges of the sheet.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


17 Unbound Folded Jobs

Apogee Prepress has a resource called Pagination Schemes for unbound
products that need to be folded. This resource is similar to the Folding Schemes
resource which is used for bound products.

NOTE: This lesson requires This lesson introduces you to the Pagination Schemes resource and some other
Apogee Prepress 8 features that can help you work efficiently with press sheets containing folded

You will review the following in this lesson:

 What are unbound folded products?

 Open the Pagination Schemes resource

 Create a job for an Unbound Folded Product

 Fitting documents on inner panels

 Create a custom Pagination Scheme

 Apply a custom Pagination Scheme to a job

 Add Element Marks on a press sheet


 What are unbound folded products?

The majority of folded products cannot be processed with a Folding Scheme
resource simply because they do not require binding. In addition, many folded
products have panels which are narrower than the product page size to ensure
they fit neatly inside the finished product.

For this reason, Apogee Prepress has a special product type called unbound
folded product which uses the Pagination Schemes resource instead of the
Folding Schemes resource.

These are some examples of folded product types:

Single Fold: The sheet is folded in the middle to create 2

panels. If the panel sizes are identical, you can use a
Folding Scheme.

2-Fold Letter Fold: The sheet is folded inwards twice to

create 3 panels.

2-Fold Accordion (Zigzag) Fold: The sheet is folded twice

to create 3 zigzagging panels.

3-Fold Letter Fold: The sheet is folded inwards three

times to create 4 panels; also referred to as a gatefold.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3-Fold Accordion (Zigzag) Fold: The sheet is folded three

times to create 4 zigzagging panels.

3-Fold Parallel Fold: The sheet is folded three times to

create 4 panels which are nested inside each other.

In Apogee Prepress, a single job may consist of several finished, folded products
ganged on one or more press sheets. Each finished, folded product is referred to
as a part in the Job Ticket Editor and generally as an element in Apogee Impose.

 Open the Pagination Schemes resource

We will start by reviewing Pagination Schemes which is a resource of the Impose
Task Processor. This resource has a number of pre-installed schemes that can be
used for a wide range of unbound, folded products.

1 Go to the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and
then the Pagination Schemes resource.

The Pagination Schemes dialog is displayed with a list of the pre-installed


Apogee Impose Tutorial


The first column in the list is the scheme name. The second column (C x R)
specifies the number of columns and rows for the page arrangement grid, e.g.
4 x 2 means 2 rows of 4 pages. The third column specifies the number of
sides; all the pre-installed schemes are double-sided.

2 Select one of the schemes in the list to see the page arrangement in the panel
below. For this exercise select:

 P8-2 (Closed Gate Fold):

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: Double-click the Under the scheme name you see the notation for how the element is to be
scheme name in the list to folded to obtain page 1 on top after folding, with the other pages in reading
open the Pagination Scheme order.
Editor where you see the
same details.

These folding directions depend on the position of the lay and how the
element travels in the folding machine. The red corner icon indicates the lay
and the grey arrow under the page arrangement indicates the travelling
direction of the element in the folding machine.

The folding notation translates as:

 first fold 1/4 of the total length down

 followed by a second fold down at 1/2 of the total length

 then fold 1/4 of total length up so page 1 is on top

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Between brackets you see that the Inner panels are specified to be 1 mm
narrower than the other pages. The inner panels need to be narrower so they
fit neatly when folded inside the product.

The inner panels in this scheme are pages 2 and 7:

3 In the Pagination Scheme Editor, click page 7 and you’ll see that the width of
the panel is set to -1 mm.

This is also the case for page 2.

These panels will be modified accordingly to the finished page size.

4 Close the editor and the Pagination Schemes resource without modifying the

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Create a job for an Unbound Folded Product

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill panel, enter:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0017

 Job Name: unbound_folded

 Product drop-down list: Unbound folded double-sided

You need to choose Unbound Folded in order to use the Pagination Schemes
resource. Our product is double-sided.

NOTE: Selecting any of the unbound products removes the Number of Pages
option box and the option to have a cover part.

3 Click Open.

The Job Ticket opens in the Product tab where you can see that no parts are
defined and the number of pages is set to 0.

TIP: Remember that parts With unbound jobs, the parts refer to the different Elements you want to
are referred to as elements place or gang on the press sheet. For this job we will be placing 2 different
when imposing unbound Elements.
4 Click the Add Part button in the top right corner and open the Part Editor.

5 Review the settings of the unbound product.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Default Part Type: Folded doubled-sided as inherited from the product

You can change this setting here but for this lesson leave ‘double-sided’.

 Part Name: Enter Lesson 17 - 8 page gatefold.

 Pagination Scheme: Select P8-2 (Closed Gate Fold) in the drop-down


 Copy Count: 1
When using the Auto Impose feature, you enter the total number of copies
for each element in the Part editor. Apogee Impose then calculates the
required press run length per Press Sheet.

 Page Size: leave the default A4 size for the elements; we will change this
later for each element

 Bleed: leave 3.18 mm

 Margins: this is the area which is cut off around all sides of an element;
Leave 3 mm cut off in the drop-down list.

No Binding Options are available as binding does not apply for unbound jobs.

6 At the bottom of the Parts Editor, enter 2 in the Number of parts to add box.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


You need more than one part to add different elements to the job. We will be
adding 2 elements to make 2 finished, folded products.

7 Click OK to close the Parts editor.

8 In the Imposition pane, choose Center Bottom from the Press Sheet Layout
drop-down list on the right.

This rule centers all the elements at the bottom of the Press Sheet.

9 Click the Edit Imposition button to arrange the elements interactively on the
press sheet.

You can see the double-sided pagination schemes for each element. The two
element nodes are red because they haven’t been assigned to a press sheet

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The following information is displayed in each node:

 the element (part) name and page range (in this example, 1 to 8)

 panel (page) size: 210 x 297 mm

 total size of the open element, including margins: 844 x 303 mm

10 Drag and drop both pagination schemes onto PS 1 and select a large sheet
size; for this lesson choose 1000 x 650 mm.

The elements are placed in the center along the bottom of the sheet as speci-
fied in the Press Sheet Layout Rule.

11 Drag PS 1 onto the Large Press.

12 Double-click the press sheet to open it in Press Sheet view.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 the inner panels when folded are 209 mm wide, i.e. 1 mm less than the
page size specified for the part (210 mm).

 the default gutter between the panels is 0 mm

 the gutter around the elements is 3 mm as set for the part

 the gutter between elements is 6 mm (2 x 3 mm)

13 Return to the Product view.

14 Click in Part 2 and in the Inspector, change the part size to A5 so we can see
how the Pagination Scheme deals with a different page size.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


15 Open PS 1 in Press Sheet view again.

The width of the inner panels of the A5 element is 147 mm, i.e. 1 mm less
than the page size specified for the part (148 mm).

This is the effect of the Pagination Scheme.

16 Submit the job.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This job now has an A4 element and an A5 element on a single press sheet.
Each element consists of 4 panels of which the 2 inner panels are 1 mm
narrower than the page size specified for the part.

 Fitting documents on inner panels

This section shows how uploaded documents are scaled to fit on inner panels.

1 Upload the following documents to the job you created in the previous

 Apogee Prepress Brochure 8 Pages A4.pdf

 Apogee Prepress Brochure 8 Pages A5.pdf

2 Place the A4 and the A5 documents on the respective elements in the Run

The pink icon indicates that the expected size of the inner panels does not
correspond with the document page size because they are 1 mm narrower as
specified in the Pagination Scheme.

This is the case for the following pages of each of the 2 elements:

 pages 2, 3, 6 and 7

We need to adjust the documents so these pages fit the inner panels.

3 Select the 8 pages with unexpected page sizes in the Run List.

4 Right-click these selected pages and choose Page Adjustments > Scale By.

Apogee Impose Tutorial



Pages can be adjusted horizontally and vertically by percentages or to fit the

element page size.

5 In the Scale Pages dialog, choose Scale to fit for both the horizontal and
vertical adjustment.

The Scale to fit icon is now displayed for these pages in the Adjustment
column of the Run List.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 Submit the job.

NOTE: The pink, unexpected page size icon continues to be displayed in the
Run List and in the Page Size column in the Product tab.

 Create a custom Pagination Scheme

You will now create a custom Pagination Scheme that you can apply to the job
we already created in the previous sections. You can use the page arrangement
tools to draw the scheme from scratch or copy a pre-installed folding scheme and
adapt it to your needs.

The scheme we want to create is for 6 pages with a flap. One of the pages is
repeated and rotated on this flap and the back of this flap is empty. It looks like

NOTE: When creating your scheme, you are allowed to repeat pages on several
panels and leave panels blank. However, you must never leave gaps in the page

1 Go to the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and
then the Pagination Schemes resource.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The Pagination Schemes dialog is displayed.

2 Add a new scheme and specify it as follows:

 Name: P8-8 (with flap)

 Description: My custom scheme

 Sides: double-sided

 Columns: 4

 Rows: 1

TIP: You can also copy a We’ll now use the Page Assignment tools to create your scheme in the bottom
Folding Scheme and adapt panel.
this to your needs.
3 Click the right Page Assignment button and you see the cursor now has a hash
sign (#) indicating that the tool is active.

This hash tool assigns consecutive page numbers to panels.

4 Assign the page numbers 1 to 6 for the panels as follows, by clicking the
panels with the hash tool:

5 To add page 1 a second time, click in the Top right panel with the cursor tool
and enter 1.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: You can use the hash

tool to enter consecutive
page numbers automatically
or the cursor tool to enter
the numbers manually.

6 To change the page orientation of this page, select the panel again with the
pointer tool, and select the appropriate Page Orientation button. For this
lesson, click the down arrow button.

Your scheme is ready.

7 Click Save to add your custom scheme to the Pagination Schemes resource.

This scheme is now available in the Part editor and you can apply it to the job
you created in the previous section.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Apply a custom Pagination Scheme to a job

A different Pagination scheme can be applied to a job to replace the scheme you
initially used.

1 Edit the job you created in the previous section and open the Part editor in the
Product tab.

2 Change the settings for the second part (the A5 document) as follows:

 Part Name: Enter Lesson 17 - 8 page fold with flap.

 Pagination Scheme: Select P8-8 (with flap) in the drop-down list. This is
your custom scheme.

3 Click OK to confirm your changes.

4 In the Product tab you see that the number of pages is updated:

 Total number of pages: 14

 Run List Indexes for this part: 9 - 14

 Run List Pages for this part: 1-6

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This is because this second part now only has 6 pages, even though the
element actually consists of 8 panels. This was specified in the custom
Pagination Scheme.

5 Click the Auto Impose button and then Impose without changing anything.

6 In Product view, zoom into PS 1 and review the second element (the A5
document) to which you applied the custom scheme. Make sure the page
numbers are displayed and not the Run List Indexes.

TIP: Show/hide the Run List

Indexes by choosing View >
Run List Indexes or pressing

7 Display the page previews and take a closer look at the A5 document.

TIP: Show/hide page Compare the arrangement of the pages for the second element with your
previews by choosing View > custom Pagination Scheme:
Page Preview or pressing
CTRL+SHIFT+T.  page 1 of the document is repeated on 2 panels

 the second instance of page 1 is rotated on the panel

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 one of the panels is empty

8 Leave the Product view open to continue with the next section.

 Add Element Marks on a press sheet

You can apply a special marks set to the different elements on a press sheet. First,
you’ll take a look at the pre-installed element marks set that places a text mark
to identify the different elements and also places cut marks for cutting the
elements. Then you’ll apply these marks to the press sheet.

1 Go to the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and
then the Mark Engraver resource.

2 Select the Element Marks category to review the pre-installed marks set
which contains the following two marks:

 a text mark that uses variables to place the name of the part on the press

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 a cut mark that indicates where the different elements on the press sheet
need to be cut:

3 Close the Mark Engraver without changing anything.

You will now apply the marks set to PS 1.

4 In the Product view of the job you created in the previous sections, select
PS 1.

5 Open the Mark Sets Inspector and in the Element panel, select the Element
Part Name check box.

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6 Inspect the press sheet in Press Sheet view and zoom into the bottom left
corner of each element to check the text mark and cut marks.

 element marks for Element 1:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: Select an item and keep  element marks for Element 2:

the cursor pressed to display
the labels.

NOTE: Don’t confuse the element cut marks with crop marks. The former are
for separating the elements on the guillotine; the latter are for trimming the
elements to the final page size.

7 Submit the job.

Your press sheet now has text marks with the part name to identify the
different elements, and cut marks to facilitate accurate cutting with the paper

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial


18 Auto Fit Rules for

Unbound Jobs

NOTE: This lesson requires In this lesson you will see how the Auto Fit resource can help you fit different
Apogee Prepress 8 elements on a press sheet while keeping total material waste to a minimum.
Waste is a concern when you have unnecessary space between elements and/or
when you need to print extra copies to accommodate a certain sheet layout.

When using Auto Impose, you can choose a strategy to find the optimum number
of copies with more or less material waste versus more or less press sheets. In
addition, you can set the best sheet layout to facilitate cutting the elements
efficiently on the guillotine.

You will apply Auto Fit rules to the unbound job you created interactively in the
lesson “Unbound Flat Jobs” on page 211.

You will review the following in this lesson:

 How does the Auto Fit resource work?

 Copy counts for an Unbound Flat Product

 Auto Fit with fewer sheets strategy

 Auto Fit with less waste strategy

 Auto Fit and sheet layout criteria


 How does the Auto Fit resource work?

The Auto Fit Rule adjusts the number of copies of the different elements in accor-
dance with the strategy and sheet layout that you choose. Finding the right
strategy and layout may involve some trial and error.

First we’ll take a look at this resource before proceeding with the exercises.

 Go to the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and
then the Auto Fit Rules resource.

Eight different Auto Fit rules are pre-installed with your system. You can
always create additional rules if you want.
Figure 18.2: Auto Fit Rules resource
1 Pre-installed Auto Fit rules
2 Strategy panel
3 Sheet layout panel

Each rule is a combination of the following 2 criteria:

 Strategy: In this panel, you can choose between 2 strategies:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Fewer sheets: By choosing this strategy, you indicate that you want to set
up the job with as few press sheets as possible, in order to reduce the
number of printing plates. To do this, you may need to print more copies
of the different elements than you actually need and you will produce
some waste.

With the slider, you can set how much waste you are prepared to produce
in order to have fewer sheets: Just a little, Quite a bit, Whatever it takes.

TIP: See the Auto Fit Rules  Less waste: By choosing this strategy, you indicate that your priority is to
Overview in the Online Help reduce the amount of waste and keep the number of extra copies to a
for more information about minimum, for example if the media you are printing on is expensive.
the different options for
strategy and sheet layout.

Here you can set a maximum percentage for the amount of waste that is
acceptable for a particular job.

 Sheet Layout: In this panel you set the conditions for arranging and rotating
the parts (elements) on the press sheet.

This allows you to group them logically for efficient cutting on the guillotine.
Apogee Impose Tutorial

 Copy counts for an Unbound Flat Product

In this section you will apply Auto Fit rules to the unbound job you created in the
lesson “Unbound Flat Jobs” on page 211. You will set the copy counts for each
element. Copy counts are the number of finished printed products that you need
to produce.

1 In the Jobs window, duplicate the job you created in the lesson “Unbound
Flat Jobs” on page 211 and change the details as follows:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0018

 Job Name: Unbound Flat Auto Fit

The copy count is currently set to 1 for each part.

2 Double-click each part one by one in the table to open the part editor and
enter the following copy counts:

 Part 1 (Business Card): 2500 copies

 Part 2 (Compliments): 5000 copies

 Part 3 (Datasheet): 20 copies

 Part 4 (Table Card): 3634 copies

Apogee Impose Tutorial


These are the copy counts that you need for the job:

Now you’re ready to go to the Auto Impose mode to apply Auto Fit rules and
optimize the imposition. You’ll see that the your copy counts will be affected
by the Auto Fit rule you choose.

3 In the Product tab, click the Auto Impose button and set the following

 Press: Large Press

 Sheet Size: 1000 x 650 mm

 Side lay: From press

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In the Auto Impose panel at the bottom of the Auto Impose dialog, you can
choose from the Auto Fit rules that we reviewed earlier in the Auto Fit Rules

NOTE: These settings apply for all the parts. You do not have to set them for
each part

In the following sections you will experiment with some of the Auto Fit rules
from the list of pre-installed rules to see how they affect:

 the copy count

 the press run length

 the number of press sheets

 the press sheet layout

This is also what you need to do in a production environment with the neces-
sary trial and error to find the best strategy for a certain types of jobs.

 Auto Fit with fewer sheets strategy

The fewer sheets strategy means that you want your job to have as few press
sheets as possible in order to reduce the number of printing plates. This implies
that you are prepared to accept higher copy counts than you actually need.

1 In the Product tab, click the Auto Impose button and choose the following
Auto Fit Rule from the list of pre-installed rules:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Auto Fit Rule: Fewer sheets, Stack one by one

This rules implies that you have chosen fewer press sheets as the strategy, and
that you want to stack the elements one by one.

2 Selecting fewer press sheets as the strategy activates the slider where you can
set an additional condition to define how many extra copies you will tolerate
to achieve your strategy.

Set the slider as follows:

 Allow extra printed material: Just a little

This means you will only tolerate a low number of extra copies (waste) to be

3 Click Impose.

The Product view is displayed with a Part and corresponding Element node
for each document. Two press sheets are filled and assigned to the Large

In the Part node you can compare the requested copy count (between
brackets) with the actual copy count.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In the Press Sheet node you can see the corresponding print run length for
each sheet.

The selected Auto Fit rule has affected this imposition as follows:

 2 press sheets

 Part 1 (Business Card): 2502 vs. 2500 requested copies

 Part 2 (Compliments): 5004 vs. 5000 requested copies

 Part 3 (Datasheet): 20 copies

 Part 4 (Table Card): 3753 vs. 3634 requested copies

 Total of extra printed copies = 125

 Conclusion: The number of extra printed copies is low but we have 2 press
sheets while we selected a strategy with fewer sheets.

4 To remedy this, click Auto Impose to go back and fine-tune the strategy.

Set the slider as follows:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Allow extra printed material: Quite a bit

5 Click Impose.

The selected Auto Fit rule has affected this imposition as follows:

 2 press sheets

 Total of extra printed copies = 146

 Conclusion: The number of extra printed copies has increased slightly but
we still have 2 press sheets.

6 Click Auto Impose again to go back and fine-tune the strategy.

Set the slider as follows:

 Allow extra printed material: Whatever it takes

7 Click Impose.

The selected Auto Fit rule has affected this imposition as follows:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 1 press sheet

 Total of extra printed copies = 552

 Conclusion: The number of extra printed copies has increased substan-

tially (waste!) but we now only have 1 press sheet as required.

 Auto Fit with less waste strategy

The less waste strategy means that you want to reduce the amount of waste by
keeping extra printed copies to a minimum and reducing other waste. This is
important when the media is expensive. This implies that you are prepared to
have more press sheets and consequently more printing plates to do the job.

1 In the Product tab, click the Auto Impose button and choose the following
Auto Fit Rule from the list of pre-installed rules:

 Auto Fit Rule: Less waste, Stack one by one

This rules implies that you have chosen less waste as the strategy, and that you
want to stack the elements one by one.

2 Selecting a rule with less waste as the strategy means you can set the
maximum percentage of waste.

 Keep waste below: 30%

This means you will not tolerate total waste (including extra copies) which is
higher than 30%.

3 Click Impose.

The Product view is displayed and the job now has 1 press sheet.

4 Click PS 1 and open the Inspector to see how much waste will be printed.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The selected Auto Fit rule has affected this imposition as follows:

 1 press sheet

 Waste: 24.4% (66.0 m²)

 Part 1 (Business Card): 2502 vs. 2500 requested copies

 Part 2 (Compliments): 5004 vs. 5000 requested copies

 Part 3 (Datasheet): 417 vs. 20 requested copies

 Part 4 (Table Card): 3753 vs. 3634 requested copies

 Total of extra printed copies = 125

 Conclusion: We have 1 press sheet but the amount of waste (extra printed
copies) is high while we selected a strategy with less waste.

5 To remedy this, click Auto Impose to go back and fine-tune the strategy.

 Keep waste below: 20%

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This means you will not tolerate total waste (including extra copies) which is
higher than 20% for each press sheet.

6 Click Impose.

The Product view is displayed and the job now has 2 press sheets.

7 Select each press sheet and open the Inspector to see how much waste will be
printed for each press sheet.

The selected Auto Fit rule has affected this imposition as follows:

 2 press sheets

 Waste PS 1: 18.2% (14.9 m²)

 Waste PS 2: 15.1% (24.5 m²)

 Conclusion: The amount of waste (including the number of extra printed

copies) is less than 20% for each press sheet and we now have 2 press

8 Click Auto Impose again to set the allowed waste percentage even lower:

 Keep waste below: 10%

Apogee Impose Tutorial


9 Click Impose.

A message is now displayed to explain that a press sheet layout cannot be

found that keeps the waste below 10%.

Click OK to cancel this change and set the value back to 20%.

10 Click Impose and now you have the imposition with 2 press sheets again.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Auto Fit and sheet layout criteria

Auto Fit rules can also help you organize the press sheet layout so it’s easier to
cut the different elements on the printed press sheet. For either of the fitting
strategies (fewer sheets or less waste), you can choose between the following
criteria for arranging the elements on the sheet:

TIP: See the Auto Fit Rules  Stack elements one by one
Overview in the Online Help
for more information about  Pack elements in blocks
the different options for
strategy and sheet layout.  Pack elements in blocks, vertically only

 Stack elements in separate columns

These criteria are used in the pre-installed Auto Fit rules which you will now

Apogee Impose Tutorial


1 Continuing from the previous section, set the strategy as follows in the Auto
Impose dialog:

 Auto Fit Rule: Less waste, Stack one by one

 Keep waste below: 30%

This produces an imposition with 1 press sheet.

The selected Auto Fit rule has stacked the different elements more or less in
rows, however, the printed sheet would be very difficult cut into the different
elements. This would require several operations with the guillotine.

You’ll now try some other sheet layout options to optimize the press sheet
layout for the guillotine.

2 Click Auto Impose to go back and select the following predefined rule:

 Auto Fit Rule: Less waste, Pack in blocks

This produces an imposition with 1 press sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Identical elements are packed together in blocks and in most cases in

horizontal rows. The waste for this imposition is 24.4% which is the same as
for the previous layout.

3 Click Auto Impose to go back and fine-tune the layout:

 Auto Fit Rule: Less waste, Pack in blocks vertically

This produces an imposition with 2 press sheets.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


TIP: Select multiple press

sheets to see the total
amount of waste in the

Identical elements are packed even more efficiently together in vertical

blocks. The total amount of waste for this imposition is still 24.4% but you do
need more plates to print the two press sheets instead of one.

4 Click Auto Impose to go back and fine-tune the layout once again:

 Auto Fit Rule: Less waste, Stack in separate columns

This produces another imposition with 2 press sheets.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Identical elements are now arranged in vertical columns so they are very easy
to cut. The waste for this imposition has dropped to 16.1% but you still need
2 press sheets.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


19 Web-Fed Printing
This lesson starts with an introduction of the resources that you need to create
jobs for web-fed print production with Apogee Impose. In the exercises you apply
these pre-installed resources to jobs for single and multi-web jobs.

NOTE: This lesson requires For this lesson you need to be familiar with web-fed printing and its terminology.
Apogee Prepress 8 You will create custom resources in the lesson called “Custom Web Production
Schemes” on page 319.

You will review the following in this lesson:

 The Web Offset press type

 Web Press Sheet Size

 Web Production Schemes resource

 Multi-web press sheets (terminology)

 Create a job for single-web production – 1 delivery

 Create a job for Create a job for single-web production – 2 deliveries

 Create a job for multi-web production

 Aligning deliveries for partial web rolls


 The Web Offset press type

The press type parameter of the press triggers the web production mode in
Apogee Impose. Let’s review the pre-installed web offset parameter sets.

 Go to the System Overview window and open the Parameter Sets of the
Generic Press task processor.

Parameter sets are pre-installed for:

 the Single Web Press: This press has one printing web.

 the Multi Web Press: This press has two or more printing webs that can
run simultaneously.

Both of the these sets are set to Web Offset in the Type tab, as opposed to Sheet

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Selecting Web Offset as type displays the Sheet height setting where you need
to enter the circumference of the plate cylinder which is equal to a single cut-off

Figure 19.3: Sheet height depends on the circumference of the press cylinder (animation)

The sheet height you set here is combined with the sheet width which is set in the
Sheet Sizes resource.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Web Press Sheet Size

In web printing, the paper is fed from a roll, and special sheet sizes have to be
created in the Sheet Size resource.

 Go to the System Overview window, click the Apogee Prepress system icon
and then the Sheet Sizes resource.

Two web sheet sizes are pre-installed with your system.

Web sheet sizes can be distinguished from sheet sizes for sheet-fed produc-
tion by the fact that height is not specified.

Click one of the web sheet sizes and you’ll see that no height is defined.

As mentioned earlier, the height of the sheet depends on the circumference

of the plate cylinder and this height is set in the Press parameter set.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Web Production Schemes resource

Web Production Schemes are a key resource when imposing for web printing.

TIP: Watch the short video  Go to the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and
on ApogeeNetwork for more then the Web Production Schemes resource.
information about Web
Production Schemes.

Eight different Web Production Schemes are pre-installed with your system:

 4 for the Single Web Press resource

 4 for the Multi Web Press resource

Figure 19.4: Web Production Schemes resource

1 List of all presses
2 Web Production Schemes
3 Sheet layout panel
4 Scheme categories

You can edit these schemes or create new ones in the Web Production Schemes
editor. You will need to create additional schemes for your production environ-
ment based on the schemes for your presses. Your press manufacturer can
provide the necessary information to make these schemes.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: The Web Production Scheme resource is also discussed in the lesson
“Custom Web Production Schemes” on page 319 where you create your own,
custom schemes.

 Click each of the schemes in the different categories to see them in the editor.
Close the resource without changing anything.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Create a job for single-web production – 1 delivery

For this lesson you’ll use a Web Production Scheme that imposes 64 pages on 1
press sheet to produce a single delivery of one 64-page book signature. The web
will be cut into 2 ribbons.

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0019

 Job Name: Web printing - single web

 Product: Web Bound Stacked Matt Coated A4

 number of pages: 64

3 Click Open.

4 In the Imposition pane, choose the following Press Sheet Layout:

 Fit to sheet edges

5 Click Edit Imposition.

The product opens with 1 book signature consisting of 64 pages. The nodes
are red because we have not yet assigned a scheme.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


If this was a sheet-fed job, you would select a folding scheme in the fold sheet
node. For web production, you select a web production scheme in the press
sheet node.

6 In PS 1, open the list of schemes in the Workstyle drop-down.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


All the web production schemes available on your system are listed at the
bottom of this drop-down for all the web presses. You can filter this list by
assigning the empty press sheet to a press.

NOTE: Workstyles are listed but are not used for web production jobs. They
are no longer displayed once you assign the press sheet to a web press.

7 Drag PS 1 to the Single Web Press.

Re-open the Workstyle drop-down and only the schemes which have been
assigned to this press in the Web Production Schemes resource, are now

The number of pages is also a criterion for displaying a scheme, however, the
option of splitting the assembly into several book signatures with corre-
sponding deliveries is also taken into account for the filtering.

The schemes between brackets do not match the number of pages of the book
signature (64 pages). The first scheme to match the number of pages of the
book signatures and deliveries is selected at the top of the list. For this

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 W64-1 (8x4): 64 pages, 1 delivery

The height of the press sheet is the cut-off length of the selected press, i.e.
1260 mm for the Single Web Press.

The width of the press sheet is the smallest available size that fits the scheme,
i.e. 1800 mm.

8 Drag and drop the 64-page fold sheet onto PS 1

The scheme is highlighted on the press sheet with a dark blue outline as you
drag the fold sheet onto a delivery. The press sheet is filled with the 64 pages
in a grid of 8 columns x 4 rows.

The letter A in the fold sheet node indicates that the press sheet contains 1

Apogee Impose Tutorial


9 Double-click PS 1 to take a closer look at this delivery in Press Sheet view.

10 In the View Options, show the rule-ups for the Delivery, and the Measure-
ments for the Web Production Scheme and the Delivery.

You can see that the delivery of 64 pages fits perfectly on the press sheet.

11 Open the Marks Set Inspector and choose Manage Mark Sets to see which
marks have been placed on the press sheet by the Single Web Press marks set.

In the Mark Engraver, the following marks are listed for this marks set:

 a Text mark with the order and job name

 a File mark with color bar positioned in the center of the sheet

 Slit marks to indicate where the sheet is cut into 2 ribbons

 another File mark with a web ribbon control mark

 Registration marks to control the register of the ribbons

Apogee Impose Tutorial


12 Close the Mark Engraver and open the Inspector and review the different

Zoom in to check the marks which are important for web production:

Apogee Impose Tutorial


1 Registration mark which uses the Web Register Guidance.pdf

2 File marks with Web Ribbon Control Mark. pdf
3 Slit marks: indicate where the sheet is cut into 2 ribbons

After reviewing the press sheet, we’ll return to the Product view and change the
imposition so it has more than one delivery.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Create a job for single-web production – 2 deliveries

This section continues from the previous section where you had 1 delivery on the
press sheet. We will now create 2 deliveries by selecting a different web produc-
tion scheme.

A scheme with 2 deliveries can be used to print:

 different book signatures or products (parts) on the same press sheet

 identical book signatures or products (parts) on the same press sheet

1 If you’re still in Press Sheet view, click the Product button to return to Product
view and your 64-page product with one delivery.

2 Split the assembly in 2 book signatures of 32 pages.

You now have 2 Fold Sheet nodes and 2 Press Sheet nodes.

3 Re-open the Workstyle drop-down.

The scheme you selected in the previous section is now between brackets
because it no longer corresponds with the 32-page book signatures.

The list now has 2 schemes which are not between brackets. For this exercise,
one of these can be used for 2 deliveries:

 W64-2 (8x4) 2x32p: 64 pages in 2 deliveries of 32 pages

4 Select the W64-2 (8x4) 2x32p scheme and the press sheet is now set up to
accept two deliveries (A and B).

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Each delivery consists of 32 pages.

5 Drag and drop FS 1, the 32-page fold sheet onto delivery A of PS 1

The scheme is highlighted on the press sheet with a dark blue box as you drag
the fold sheet onto a delivery.

6 Drag and drop FS 1, onto delivery B of PS 1.

The Fold Sheet node indicates that it has been placed twice on PS 1: as
delivery A and delivery B.

7 Repeat the imposition for PS 2: Select PS 2 and choose Edit > Repeat
Imposition and select Compatible Parts.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Each book signature will be printed twice as 2 deliveries but in 2 press runs:

 book signature 1 = delivery A and B on PS 1

 book signature 2 = delivery A and B on PS 2

8 To simulate this job with 1 press run: Undo the imposition (CTRL+Z) and
drag FS 1 onto delivery A and FS 2 onto delivery B of PS 1.

Now the 2 book signatures can be printed during a single print run as 2

 book signature 1 = delivery A on PS 1

 book signature 2 = delivery B on PS 1

Apogee Impose Tutorial


9 To simulate this job with 2 products (parts): Close the Product view to return
to the Product tab and add a Plain part with run list indexes 33 to 64.

10 Edit the imposition and you’ll see that Apogee Impose has assigned each part
to a delivery as follows:

 Product 1 (Body 1) = delivery A on PS 1

 Product 2 (Body 2) = delivery B on PS 1

11 If you prefer to have each part on its own press sheet: Delete Body 2 from
delivery B on PS 1 and drag Body 1 onto this empty delivery. Then repeat the
imposition for PS 2. (Select PS 2 and choose Edit > Repeat Imposition, and
select Compatible Parts).

You now have each part twice on its own press sheet:

 Product 1 (Body 1) = delivery A and B on PS 1

 Product 2 (Body 2) = delivery A and B on PS 2

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Multi-web press sheets (terminology)

Figure 19.5: Webs on a web production press sheet

1 Web indicator
2 Web
3 Individual web press sheet
4 Delivery

 Create a job for multi-web production

For this lesson you’ll use a Web Production Scheme that imposes 64 pages on a
press with 3 webs to produce a single delivery. The webs are not cut into ribbons.

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0019

 Job Name: Web printing - multi-web

 Product: Web Bound Nested Matt Coated A4

 number of pages: 44

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 Click Open.

4 In the Imposition pane, choose the following Press Sheet Layout:

 Fit to sheet edges

5 Click Edit Imposition.

The product opens with 1 book signature consisting of 44 pages. The nodes
are red because we have not yet assigned a scheme.

6 Drag PS 1 to the Multi Web Press.

Assigning the press sheet to a web press means that the first Web Production
Scheme that matches the 44-page book signature is applied. In this case, the
default scheme contains slots on 3 webs (W1, W2, W3).

The press sheet node is divided in 3 webs that correspond with 3 sets of

In this particular example, 1 delivery will be printed on the 3 webs and the 44
pages of the book signature are distributed across these 3 webs.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


7 Open the Workstyle drop-down to see the other schemes which can also be
used, for example, if you decide to split the assembly in several book

For this exercise we have 1 book signature and we’ll use:

 W44-1 3(4x2,3x2,4x2): 44 pages spread across 3 webs, 1 delivery

The height of the press sheet is the cut-off length of the selected press, i.e.
650 mm for the Multi Web Press.

The width of the press sheet is the smallest available size that fits the scheme,
i.e. 900 mm.

8 Drag and drop the 44-page fold sheet onto any of the webs on PS 1

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The scheme is highlighted on the 3 webs with a dark blue box as you drag the
fold sheet onto a delivery – in this case only one delivery.

The letter A in the fold sheet node indicates that the press sheet contains 1

Each web on the press sheet is filled with a range of pages from the 44-page
book signature as specified in the Web Production Scheme.

9 Compare the webs with the Web Production Scheme: Select PS 1 with the
Inspector open and choose Manage Production Schemes at the bottom of the
Scheme drop-down list.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


10 Close the resource.

11 Select Web 2 (W2) by clicking in the area around the press sheet to take a
closer look at this part of the delivery in Press Sheet view.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


This web (W2) has 6 of the 44 pages.

12 Open the Marks Set Inspector and choose Manage Mark Sets to see which
marks have been placed on the press sheet by the Multi Web Press marks set.

In the Mark Engraver, the following marks are listed for this marks set:

 a Text mark with the order and job name

 a File mark with color bar positioned at the top center of the sheet

 Registration marks

 another File mark with a web registration mark

Apogee Impose Tutorial


13 Close the Mark Engraver and open the Inspector and review the different

Zoom in to check the marks which are important for web production:

1 Registration mark which uses the Web Register Guidance.pdf

2 File mark with Web Registration Mark. pdf

14 Return to the Product view.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Aligning deliveries for partial web rolls

Depending on how your web press is set up, you may need to re-align one or
more of the webs.

Figure 19.6: Webs on a web production press sheet

In our example in the previous section, web 2 (W2) is centered along the roll
width which is fine if the partial web roll is also in the center of the press.
However, you may need to re-align the web to one of the sides by changing the
alignment of the Press Sheet Layout rule.

1 Select web 2 (W2) by clicking in the area around the press sheet.

2 In the Press Sheet Layout panel of the Inspector, edit the current layout rule
and change the Horizontal Alignment to Fold Sheet to Right Edge.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


3 Close the Press Sheet Layout rule editor and submit your job.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


20 Custom Web Production

This lesson shows you how to create your own schemes for web-fed printing in
the Web Production Schemes resource. You start from scratch and match your
Apogee Impose schemes with press manufacturer schemes for single and multi-
web presses. Then you apply these custom schemes to some jobs.

NOTE: This lesson requires You will review the following in this lesson:
Apogee Prepress 8
 Press manufacturer schemes

 Create a custom Web Production Scheme – single-web press

 Create a job combining sheet-fed and single web-fed presses

 Create a custom Web Production Scheme – multi-web press

 Create a job for multi-web printing

 Press manufacturer schemes

In the exercises we use two press manufacturer schemes: one for a single web
press and another for a multi-web press. On these schemes you can typically find
the following information which is necessary to create the Web Production
Scheme (WPS) for Apogee Impose:

TIP: Watch the short video  slits/ribbons

on ApogeeNetwork for more
information about Web  number of formers
Production Schemes.
 cut-offs

 book signatures and number of pages

We recommend that you start from the press manufacturer’s schemes and not
from existing templates or third-party imposition schemes which may not
include all the information you need.


 Create a custom Web Production Scheme – single-web press

Our first Web Production Scheme (WPS) is for a typical single-web press. For
this exercise, the WPS needs to match the characteristics as indicated on the
following press manufacturer's scheme:

Figure 20.7: Press manufacturer scheme – single web

1 40 pages, double-sided
2 1 web
3 1 former
4 2 cut-offs
5 grid with 5 columns, 4 rows
6 2 deliveries
7 3 ribbons

Apogee Impose Tutorial


1 Go to the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and
then the Web Production Schemes resource.

2 Add a new scheme by clicking the + button.

The Web Production Scheme editor is displayed where you can specify the
settings in accordance with the press manufacturer’s scheme.
Figure 20.8: Web Production Scheme editor
1 Scheme settings
2 Page assignment panel

3 Enter the following for this new Web Production Scheme:

 Name: W40-2 (5x4) 2x20p.

 Description: 2x20 pages, 1 web, 3 ribbons, 1 former, straight

TIP: The words in the You are free to choose a name and description but we recommend
description are also queried something which can help you identify the specifications of the scheme
when you use the search when it appears in the list of resources.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Categories: You can choose a category from the drop-down list but for this
lesson, create your own called Lesson 20.

Your new category is added to the list. Categories are used to organise the
schemes and allow you to filter them in the WPS resource.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Presses: Choose Single Web Press in the drop-down list.

This assigns the new scheme to the Single Web Press; when you assign a
press sheet to this press, the new scheme will appear in the list of available

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Formers: 1

 Cut-offs: 2

Cut-offs are indicated with a scissors along the side of the sheet.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Deliveries: 2

The press manufacturer’s scheme indicates 2 deliveries of 20 pages.

In the Page Assignment panel, buttons for delivery A and B are displayed.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Webs: 1 (single web)

 Width (columns): 5

 Height (rows): 4

The values for Width and Height draw the grid for page assignment.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Slits: 2

Click the grayed-out scissors between columns 2 and 3, and between 3

and 4, to cut the sheet in 3 ribbons with 2 slits.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


4 In the Page Assignment panel, click the Delivery A button to enter the pages
for delivery A according to the page numbers on the press manufacturer’s

5 Click the right Page Assignment button and you see the cursor now has a hash
sign (#), indicating that the tool is active.

This hash tool assigns consecutive page numbers to panels.

6 Click in the correct cell for page A1 on the Top of the sheet.

The page A2 is arranged automatically on the Bottom of the sheet.

7 Continue with the hash tool and fill the grid for delivery A (the top 2 rows) as
indicated below.

NOTE: Where necessary, press the SHIFT key while you click to switch the
suggested consecutive page number to the other sheet side.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


At this stage you cannot save your new scheme because it’s not complete.
This is reported in the bottom left corner of the editor.

You must continue with delivery B to complete the scheme.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


8 Click the Delivery B button in the Page Assignment panel to fill the grid for
delivery B.

You will fill the grid for Delivery B with the Copy feature.

9 Position the cursor in the first empty cell of Delivery B and right-click.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: Make sure you selected the Delivery B button at the top of the Page
Assignment panel, otherwise the Copy Delivery A option is grayed out.

10 Choose Copy Delivery A in the drop-down list to copy the page arrangement
to Delivery B.

Both deliveries are now arranged and a message in the bottom left corner of
the editor reports that the scheme is valid and can be saved.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


11 Click Save to add your scheme to the list of Web Production Schemes.

Your new scheme, called W40-2 (5x4) 2x20p, appears in the resource under
a new category, called Lesson 20, for the Single Web Press.

You will now use this custom Web Production Scheme in a new job.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Create a job combining sheet-fed and single web-fed presses

You will now use your custom Web Production Scheme, W40-2 (5x4) 2x20p, to
print the body of 20 pages twice on a web-fed press. The 4-page cover will be set
up for printing on a sheet-fed press. All of this can be combined in a single job.

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0020

 Job Name: Web printing - custom single WPS

 Product: Web Bound Nested Matt Coated A4

 number of pages: 24

 Body page size: A3

 Cover page size: A3

3 Click Open.

4 In the Imposition pane, choose the following Press Sheet Layout:

 Fit to sheet edges

5 Click Edit Imposition.

The product opens with 1 book signature consisting of 24 pages.

6 Split the assembly into 2 book signatures as follows:

 BS1: Cover: 4 pages (to be imposed for printing on a sheet-fed press)

 BS2: Body: 20 pages (to be imposed for printing on a web-fed press)

Apogee Impose Tutorial


In the following steps, you can see the differences between imposing for a
sheet-fed press and imposing for a web-fed press.

7 The cover will be printed on a sheet-fed press, so you choose a folding scheme
in the fold sheet node and the sheet size in the press sheet node.
Choose the following:

 FS 1: 2x1 - F4-1

 PS 1: 650 x 500 mm

 Press Sheet Layout: Center Bottom

8 Drag PS 1 onto the Small Press

9 The body will be printed on a web-fed press, so you start by assigning the
press sheet to a press.

Drag PS 2 onto the Single Web Press.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


10 In PS 2, open the list of schemes in the Workstyle drop-down.

Your custom scheme is included in the list of possible schemes for Single Web
Press, in the Lesson 20 category.

11 Select your custom scheme:

 W40-2 (5x4) 2x20p

and set the sheet size:

 2250 mm

12 Drag and drop the 20-page fold sheet twice onto PS 2 – first on delivery A and
then on delivery B.

The deliveries are highlighted as you hover over them.

The press sheet PS will produce 2 identical deliveries of 20 pages for the body

Apogee Impose Tutorial


The letters A and B in the fold sheet node indicate that the press sheet
contains 2 deliveries.

The job is now ready to process the cover for sheet-fed production with a
default folding scheme, and the body for web-fed production with your
custom web production scheme.

13 Submit the job.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Create a custom Web Production Scheme – multi-web press

Our second Web Production Scheme (WPS) is for a typical multi-web press. For
this exercise, the WPS needs to match the characteristics as indicated on the
following press manufacturer's scheme:

Figure 20.9: Press manufacturer scheme – multi-web

1 32 pages, double-sided
2 2 webs
3 2 formers
4 2 cut-offs
5 grid with 4 columns, 2 rows on
each web
6 2 deliveries
7 2 ribbons on each web

Apogee Impose Tutorial


1 Go to the System Overview window, click the Impose Task Processor and
then the Web Production Schemes resource.

2 Add a new scheme by clicking the + button.

3 Enter the following for this new single web scheme:

 Name: W32-5 2 (4x2) 2x16p

 Description: 2x32 pages, 2 webs, 2 ribbons, 2 formers, straight

 Categories: Lesson 20, 2 webs, 32 pages

Comma-separate categories to organise the scheme in more than one

category in the WPS resource.

 Presses: Choose Multi Web Press in the drop-down list.

This assigns the new scheme to the Multi Web Press; when you assign a
press sheet to this press, the new scheme will appear in the list of available

 Formers: 2

 Cut-offs: 2

Cut-offs are indicated with a scissors along the side of the sheet.

 Deliveries: 2

In the Page Assignment panel, buttons for delivery A and B are displayed.

 Webs: 2 (multi web)

 Width (columns): W1: 4; W2: 4

 Height (rows): 2

This set up has 2 webs with identical widths.

 Slits: 1 slit to create 2 ribbon on both webs

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Click the grayed-out scissors between columns 2 and 3 to cut the sheet in
2 ribbons on each web.

4 In the Page Assignment panel, click the Delivery A button to enter the pages
for delivery A according to the page numbers on the press manufacturer’s

5 Click the right Page Assignment button and you see the cursor now has a hash
sign (#), indicating that the tool is active.

This hash tool assigns consecutive page numbers to panels.

6 Click in the correct cell for page A1 on the Top of the sheet for Web 1.

The page A2 is arranged automatically on the Bottom of the sheet.

7 Enter page A3 on the Bottom of the press sheet on the other web (Web 2).

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: Press the SHIFT key while you click to switch the suggested
consecutive page number to the other sheet side.

The page A4 is arranged automatically on the Top of the sheet on Web 2.

8 Continue with the hash tool and fill the grid for delivery A (the top row on
each web).

At this stage you cannot save your new scheme because it’s not complete.
This is reported in the bottom left corner of the editor.

You must continue with delivery B to complete the scheme.

9 Click the Delivery B button in the Page Assignment panel to fill the grid for
delivery B.

Both deliveries are identical so you can will fill the grid for Delivery B with the
Copy feature.

10 Position the cursor in the first empty cell of Delivery B and right-click.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


NOTE: Make sure you selected the Delivery B button at the top of the Page
Assignment panel, otherwise the Copy Delivery A option is greyed out.

11 Choose Copy Delivery A in the drop-down list to copy the page arrangement
to Delivery B.

Both deliveries are now arranged and a message in the bottom left corner of
the editor reports that the scheme is valid and can be saved.

12 Click Save to add your scheme to the list of Web Production Schemes.

Your new scheme, called W32-5 2 (4x2) 2x16p, appears in the resource
under three categories, for the Single Web Press.

You will now use this custom Web Production Scheme in a new job.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 Create a job for multi-web printing

You will now use your custom Web Production Scheme, W32-5 2 (4x2) 2x16p,
to print a 16-page product twice in one press run on a press with 2 webs.

1 Create a new Job Ticket by choosing File > New from Templates and then
the Apogee Impose template from the Tutorial category.

2 In the Quick Fill pane, enter:

 Order number: studentname-impose-0020

 Job Name: Web printing - custom multi WPS

 Product: Web Bound Nested Matt Coated A4

 number of pages: 16

3 Click Open.

4 In the Imposition pane, choose the following Press Sheet Layout:

 Fit to sheet edges

5 Click Edit Imposition.

The product opens with 1 book signature consisting of 16 pages.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


6 Drag PS 1 onto the Multi Web Press.

7 In PS 1, open the list of schemes in the Workstyle drop-down.

Your custom scheme is available in 3 categories:

 Lesson 20

 2 webs

Apogee Impose Tutorial


 32 pages

You defined these 3 categories in this custom Web Production Scheme.

8 Select your custom scheme:

 W32-5 2 (4x2) 2x16p

and set the sheet size:

 900 mm

9 Drag and drop the 16-page fold sheet twice onto PS 1 – first on delivery A and
then on delivery B.

The deliveries are highlighted on both webs as you hover over them.

Each web will produce 2 times 8 pages for the 16-page book signature.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


10 Submit the job and check the Results tab to see how the Web 1 and Web 2
press sheets are displayed.

Congratulations, you have completed this tutorial lesson.

Apogee Impose Tutorial


Apogee Impose Tutorial

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