Class Wise Course Outline

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Teacher Name: Waqar Ahmed

Learning outcomes:
The learning focus of this course is on developing business research skills and defining a business research question.
It will bring together student’s theoretical and practical appreciation of how to identify and investigate business
opportunities or problems as well as analyze data and writing a report. This course aims to equip students with
comprehensive knowledge and practical skills related to effective problem identification, investigation, research
article writing, and research report creation.

Lecture plan
Lec # Details Page #
01 Introduction of research, types of data and types of research , types of studies 1-34
02 Research Process a quick glance +Formation of groups and assignment of tasks 35-44
03 Literature review, functions , techniques and advantages 45-55
04 Formulating a research problem 55-68
05 Introduction of variables types of variables and types of scales 68-85
06 Introduction of variables types of variables and types of scales 68-85
07 Research Projects topic presentation + Regression and interpretation of regression Practical
08 Hypothesis development and types of hypothesis 56-93
09 Standardized and unstandardized coefficients , R square and adjusted R square Practical
10 Research Design 94-101
11 Class discussion on projects and report writing + Presentation (intro + Literature
12 Class discussion on projects and report writing + Presentation (intro + Literature
13 Introduction of soft wares used in research , and input of data in soft wares Practical
14 Heteroscedasticity and assumptions of classical linear regression model Practical
15 Understanding the dummy variables Practical
16 Ardl and granger casuality + discussions about mid
17 Study design and types of study design 102-111
18 Study designs based on the nature of investigation 112-120
19 Other designs commonly used in quantitative research 121-130
20 Data collection methods + Discussion on Projects data 131-155
21 Data collection methods + Discussion on Projects data 131-155
22 Ardl and granger casuality
23 Spurious Regression and stationarity
24 Types of attitudinal scales, Co-integration and Selection of model 156-164
25 Class presentation on tests and results
26 Class presentation on tests and results
27 Mediation, moderation, endogenity
28 Establishing the validity and reliability of research instrument 165-174
29 Sampling techniques 175-195
30 Sampling Techniques 175-195
31 Final submission of reports / Research papers + viva and plagiarism report generation
32 Final submission of reports / Research papers + viva and plagiarism report generation
Recommended Book
Kumar, R. (2018). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Research methodology, 1-
Suggested Books:

Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2016). Research methods for business: A skill building approach. john wiley &

Gujarati, D. N. (2022). Basic econometrics. Prentice Hall.

Pallant, J. (2020). SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. McGraw-
hill education (UK).

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