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© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 1
Table of Contents
This Britishey Candidate Handbook belongs to ............................................................................................. 1
Welcome from our CEO ............................................................................................................................... 5
Where to Find Us in Egypt............................................................................................................................ 6
General Information .................................................................................................................................... 7
Photocopying ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Smoking ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Other Candidates................................................................................................................................................... 7
Dress code for trainees: ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Assessment File (Portfolio)........................................................................................................................... 8
Guidelines for Teaching Practice .................................................................................................................. 8
Organisation.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Setting up for TP .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Teaching practice materials.................................................................................................................................... 9
Lesson plans .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Feedback ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Self-evaluation ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Summary of Teaching Practice Administration ............................................................................................10
Before your lesson: .............................................................................................................................................. 10
After each teaching practice and feedback session: .............................................................................................. 10
The TEFL Course Criteria .............................................................................................................................10
Lesson Planning ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Awareness of Students ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Language ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Teaching Skills ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Classroom Management ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Professionalism ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Guidelines for Observations ........................................................................................................................12
Internal observations........................................................................................................................................... 12
External Observations and Video Observations .................................................................................................... 12
External observation tasks ................................................................................................................................... 13
Britishey YouTube Channel .........................................................................................................................14
Complaints and Appeals .............................................................................................................................14
Code of Academic Integrity .........................................................................................................................15
Academic Dishonesty Definitions ................................................................................................................15
Early Warning ............................................................................................................................................16

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 2
Why Might Britishey Training Centre Withdraw You from a Course? ...........................................................16
LESSON PLANNING GUIDE ..........................................................................................................................17
1. Main Aim ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
2 Subsidiary Aims ................................................................................................................................................ 18
3 Personal Aims ................................................................................................................................................... 18
4 Assumptions ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
5 Anticipated Problems and Solutions .................................................................................................................. 19
6 Resources and Materials ................................................................................................................................... 20
7 Stages ............................................................................................................................................................... 20
8 Stage Aims ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
9 Procedures ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
10 Time and Interaction Patterns ......................................................................................................................... 21
Receptive Skills Assignment (RSA) ...............................................................................................................22
Part One: ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Part Two:............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Part Three: .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Part Four: ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
Part Five: ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Assessment criteria.............................................................................................................................................. 23
A pass assignment shows that a candidate can: .................................................................................................... 23
Suggested reference materials ............................................................................................................................. 23
Key input sessions to help you with this assignment: ............................................................................................ 23
Some common pitfalls that can lead to a resubmission: ........................................................................................ 24
Include at the end of the assignment.................................................................................................................... 24
Origin Story: The Creation of Superman ............................................................................................................... 25
“Superheroes were born in the minds of people desperate to be rescued.” -Jodi Picoult, The Tenth Circle ............ 25

Language Analysis Assignment (LAA) ..........................................................................................................26

TARGET LANGUAGE SENTENCES ........................................................................................................................... 27
WORKED EXAMPLE: VOCABULARY ...................................................................................................................... 27
WORKED EXAMPLE: GRAMMAR .......................................................................................................................... 28
A pass assignment shows that a candidate can: .................................................................................................... 29
Suggested reference materials: ............................................................................................................................ 29
Some common pitfalls that can lead to a resubmission: ........................................................................................ 29
Include at the end of the assignment: .................................................................................................................. 29
Productive Skills Assignment (PSA) .............................................................................................................30
Part One: ............................................................................................................................................................. 30
Part Two:............................................................................................................................................................. 30

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 3
Part Three: .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Part Four: ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
Part Five: ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Part Five: ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
Assessment criteria.............................................................................................................................................. 31
A pass assignment shows that a candidate can: .................................................................................................... 31
Suggested reference materials ............................................................................................................................. 31
Some common pitfalls that can lead to a resubmission: ........................................................................................ 31
Include at the end of the assignment.................................................................................................................... 32
5 Reasons To Visit the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt................................................................................................... 33
Product Writing Assignment (PWA) ............................................................................................................35
Part One: ............................................................................................................................................................. 35
Part Two:............................................................................................................................................................. 35
Part Three: .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Part Four: ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Part Five: ............................................................................................................................................................. 36
Assessment criteria.............................................................................................................................................. 36
A pass assignment shows that a candidate can: .................................................................................................... 36
Suggested reference materials ............................................................................................................................. 36
Some common pitfalls that can lead to a resubmission: ........................................................................................ 37
Include at the end of the assignment.................................................................................................................... 37
Apology Letter ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
Plan Your Course ........................................................................................................................................39
Notes from Background Reading: ...............................................................................................................42
Notes from Input Sessions: .........................................................................................................................49
Lesson Plans Rough Ideas: ..........................................................................................................................81
Background Notes on Assignments: ............................................................................................................95
Reflections on Teaching Practice: ............................................................................................................. 120
Notes from Observations of Other Teachers .............................................................................................. 129
Diary Entries............................................................................................................................................. 169

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 4
Welcome from our CEO
Dear Candidate,

Welcome to Britishey Training Centre. I am happy that you have chosen Britishey to do your teacher
training course at, and I assure you that every staff member at the centre will do his/her best so that
you can have a positive experience throughout your whole study period. All what you need to do is
work hard, be open to constructive criticism and believe deep in your heart that we all learn from our
errors. You also need to remember that success is not about what grades you get on this course; real
success is about what you learn and how hard you are willing to work after the course is over.

I look forward to meeting you.

CEO & Founder

Shady R. Abuyusuf

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 5
Where to Find Us in Egypt
Britishey Training Centre (BTC)
Alnozha, Ard Algolf,
Almaza & Althawra Crossroads,
Masr Algadeeda,

Britishey Training Centre (BTC)

Algalaa street, Bon Albasuny Building,

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 6
General Information

Please make sure that you photocopy your lesson plans and teaching material before coming to the centre.

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on the school premises. If you smoke outside, please do not stand in the main
entrance or drop cigarette ends in front of the building.

Other Candidates
During the course you will be working with other candidates who are also following London Teacher Training
College TEFL course. Remember you are working as a team and that co-operation and support are an essential
part of the overall success of this, or any, course, and of the teaching profession in general. There may also be
candidates in the centre who are following other training courses at the same time as yours, and who need to use
the same facilities.

Dress code for trainees:

Please, remember that a school is a professional environment and rules for smart casual attire

• Clean, combed hair

• Clean hands / nails
• Clean, ironed clothes
• Clean shoes, no beach flip-flops
• Closed shoes in the colder seasons, smart sandals in the warmer season or trainers
• Jeans must be smart (no torn jeans)
• No very low hipsters
• No short belly tops or low necklines
• No shorts or very short skirts

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 7
Assessment File (Portfolio)
You must keep everything that will form part of your assessment in this file. It will be viewed by the course
tutors and used for assessment purposes. At the end of the course the contents must be returned to the centre,
and will be retained by us for six months. You are therefore advised to keep your own copies of everything.
Your portfolio should be divided into separate sections. Keep the following documents in it in the following

- Britishey Candidate Status Document

- Teaching Practice Documents (feedback sheet and lesson plan signed and marked by your tutor +
materials used in the TP)
- Assignments ( 4 assignments marked and signed by your tutor + resubmissions if there were any)

This file must not leave the centre. It must be stored in the appropriate place and remains
the property of the centre during and after the course

If you wish, you may have the contents of your course file back within 12 months from the end of your course.
To do so, you should contact and inform the Teacher Training Department at least two weeks before the six-
month period is up.

Guidelines for Teaching Practice

You are required to complete a total of 6 hours of assessed teaching at a minimum of two different levels.


The TEFL course participants are divided into teaching practice groups. Each group works with a TP tutor who
evaluates the lessons that are taught. Usually, each lesson lasts for (135 minutes), but you will only teach for (45
minutes) of that time and your peers will teach for the remaining time. We call this a TP slot. The aim is to give
you practice in teaching at different stages of a lesson. When you are not teaching you will be observing your
colleagues. As you gain experience the teaching practice slot could become longer.

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 8
Setting up for TP

You will set up for each teaching practice under the guidance of a tutor. This is timetabled into the course
programme. This is when you will make decisions about what the aims of the lesson are and what to teach in
each slot. You will then produce a lesson plan for your slot before teaching it. As the course progresses and you
gain more experience the tutors will expect you to make more of the decisions about the lesson. Templates for
lesson plans are provided.

Teaching practice materials

Each group will initially work with course materials selected by the tutors. The centre provides you with the
materials you need for teaching, though you may also choose to design your own materials for teaching

Lesson plans

You are required to submit a lesson plan each time you teach on the course. A Language Analysis Sheet should
be attached to your lesson plan when teaching Grammar and Vocabulary Lessons. (All these templates will be
handed to you by your ACT)


Feedback takes place after each lesson. This is where we look at the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson and
think about the implications of these for future teaching. The first stage of feedback is oral feedback and
involves the whole TP group. Later, you will receive written feedback from the tutor on your own TP slot,
indicating whether the lesson was at pass standard or below standard for that particular stage of the course. The
aim of feedback is to help you develop as a teacher and must be as objective and supportive as possible. Please
remember that for each TP, you receive both oral and written feedback on the same day. If you do not receive
your feedback on the same day for any reason, please fill in an immediate complaint.

After you have finished teaching your slot, fill in the TP evaluation sheet. This can be referred to during oral
feedback. On this document you will find detailed guidelines on how to complete your self-evaluation. You will
find this in this handbook.

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 9
Summary of Teaching Practice Administration
Before your lesson:

• Make a copy of your lesson plan, including Language Analysis sheets, if relevant, for
the tutor and give it to the tutor before you teach.
• Include copies of all handouts (make sure these have a copyright).

After each teaching practice and feedback session:

• File the original lesson plan, tutor feedback and your self-evaluation in the assessment file.
• Complete the record of Britishey Candidate Status Document
• Ask the TP tutor to sign your feedback sheet.

The TEFL Course Criteria

Lesson Planning

1.1 aims 1.8 analysing language

1.2 stages 1.9 anticipating problems
1.3 materials 1.10 solutions to anticipated problems
1.4 procedures 1.11 terminology
1.5 interaction patterns 1.12 reflecting on planning
1.6 balance regarding communication 1.13 professionally written
1.7 timing

Awareness of Students

2.1 awareness of needs 2.4 rapport

2.2 awareness of culture 2.5 students' involvement
2.3 awareness of background learning

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 10

3.1 TTT 3.5 language models

3.2 language grading 3.6 language clarification
3.3. error correction 3.7 register
3.4 contextualisation 3.8 language practice

Teaching Skills

4.1 teaching receptive skills 4.3 teaching writing

4.2 teaching speaking

Classroom Management

5.1 classroom arrangement 5.6 instructions

5.2 grouping 5.7 elicitation and concept-checking
5.3 teaching techniques 5.8 feedback
5.4 achieving aims 5.9 pace
5.5 use of materials 5.10 monitoring


6.1 punctuality 6.4 responding to feedback

6.2 keeping portfolios up-to-date 6.5 helping and respecting others
6.3 reflecting on teaching 6.6 submitting plans and materials in time

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 11
Guidelines for Observations
There are three types of observation on the London Teacher Training College TEFL Course. We call them
Internal observations, External observations and Video Observations.

Internal observations

This is when you observe your colleagues during teaching practice. It is an essential part of the course, and you
may have tasks to complete (either set by the tutor or decided by the TP Group) while you are watching. These
enable you to focus on specific aspects of the lesson, often related to seminars or previous TP slots.

External Observations and Video Observations

This is when you watch experienced ESL teachers in action in their own classes. You have to complete 6 hours
(360 minutes) of external observations and video observations to fulfil the course requirements. Observation of
your trainers can sometimes be programmed during course hours; otherwise you will be observing other
teachers at the centre. In this case, you will need to book your observations with the admin team.

Scan the barcode to start your observation:

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 12
External observation tasks

Below are some guidelines for observation which combine with common sense and common
courtesy, and which should be followed closely:

• The teacher will know you are coming, please ask her/him where you should sit.
• Never turn up late! Professional attitude is part of the assessment criteria.
• Let the teacher know you may be making notes on the lesson. It can be distracting for a teacher to
see someone sitting at the back of the class scribbling away without knowing what is being recorded.
• Stay for the agreed amount of time. Never leave earlier than you had agreed.
• Please respect the teacher’s availability, do not chat to other trainees or disturb the lesson
• Make sure your mobile phone is turned off.
• Teachers being observed should be referred to as discreetly as possible in any post-observation

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 13
Britishey YouTube Channel
Our YouTube channel is a very important source of knowledge for our candidates during their training process.
The channel covers nearly all aspects that a teacher needs in order to become more professional in the field.
Candidates will be referred to specific channel videos during the different stages of the course. The channel
introduces a variety of playlists focusing on different aspects of ELT:
• Classroom Management: Learn how to manage your English class.
• Teaching Frameworks: Learn how to stage your skills and systems lessons successfully.
• CELTA Insider: Learn how to answer CELTA assignments and how to handle ELT criteria in general.
• Ways of Teacher Training: Learn how to train your fellow teachers using different techniques and
types of input sessions.
• TOEFL IBT Insider: Get ready for the exam, boost your knowledge of grammar and develop your
academic writing.
• Connect Your Speech: Learn how to pronounce English language like a native speaker.
• Filmo-linguistics: Learn about slang English and watch examples from films and TV programmes.
• ELT Live: Get answers regarding g how to to continue your professional development.

You can access our channel through scanning this barcode:

Complaints and Appeals

If course participants have any complaints which your course tutors cannot address, the CEO and
Head of Teacher Training [Mr. Shady Abuyusuf] will be course participants’ next point of contact.

All what you need to do is scan this barcode and fill in the form:

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 14
Code of Academic Integrity
Since Britishey Training Centre is an academic community, its fundamental purpose is the pursuit of
knowledge. Essential to the success of this educational mission is a commitment to the principles of
academic integrity. Every member of Britishey community is responsible for upholding the highest
standards of honesty at all times. Trainees, as members of the community, are also responsible for
adhering to the principles and spirit of the following Code of Academic Integrity

Academic Dishonesty Definitions

Activities that have the effect or intention of interfering with education, pursuit of knowledge, or
fair evaluation of a student’s performance are prohibited. Examples of such activities include but
are not limited to the following definitions:

Cheating: using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, material, or study aids in tasks or
other academic work or preventing, or attempting to prevent, another from using authorized
assistance, material, or study aids. Example: altering a graded task and resubmitting it for a better
grade, etc.

Plagiarism: using the ideas, data, or language of another without specific or proper
acknowledgment. Example: copying another person’s task, article, or computer work and
submitting it for an assignment, cloning someone else’s ideas without attribution, failing to use
quotation marks where appropriate, etc.

Fabrication: submitting contrived or altered information in any task. Example: making up data
for an experiment, fudging data, citing non-existent articles, contriving sources, etc.
Multiple submission: submitting, without prior permission, any work submitted to fulfil another
academic requirement.
© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 15
Misrepresentation of academic records: misrepresenting or tampering with or attempting to
tamper with any portion of a student’s transcripts or academic record, either before or after
coming to Britishey. Example: forging a change of grade slip, tampering with computer records,
falsifying academic information on one’s resume, etc.

Facilitating academic dishonesty: knowingly helping or attempting to help another violate any
provision of the Code. Example: working together on a task, etc.
Unfair advantage: attempting to gain unauthorized advantage over fellow trainees in a
task. Example: obstructing or interfering with another trainee’s efforts in a task, lying about a
need for an extension for a task, etc.

Early Warning
If the course tutors consider that any trainee will not or may not reach the standard required to
pass the course, clear warning of your lack of progress will be given to you verbally and in
writing. This warning will explain clearly how your performance risks falling short of the
required standard. Any interim marks or grades awarded will be made known to you to enable
you to evaluate and improve your performance.

Why Might Britishey Training Centre Withdraw You from a

We may feel that it is necessary to give you a formal warning. This will occur as early as
possible in the course, dependant on the specific circumstances and may be for the following

▪ Poor attendance or repeated lateness

▪ Tasks not submitted within the deadlines. Exceptions may be made under extenuating
circumstances following a written application for an extension, within reasonable
advance of the due date.

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 16
▪ If, based on your coursework, your tutors feel that you lack the academic skills necessary
to be successful on the course and do not see that you would be able, for whatever reason,
to be able to develop these sufficiently within the time given.
▪ If you are not able to demonstrate your commitment to your training and approach it as
someone entering a professional role, conducting yourself, at all times, accordingly.

Your written warning will explain clearly what the problem is and explain what you need to do in order
to meet the course requirements. You will be invited to a tutorial to discuss the issue with your tutor and
given targets appropriate to the situation. If you are unable to comply with those targets you may be
withdrawn from the course.


1. Main Aim
Your main aim is the most important part of your lesson plan. This is what you
want the learners to be able to do, or do better, by the end of the lesson that they
couldn’t do at the start. Think of your lesson in terms of you taking your learners
on a journey. Your main aim is your destination. You should only have one main
aim (or two in a long lesson).

Articulate your main aims in terms of LEARNER OUTCOMES (what the learners will
do in the lesson) not as teacher behaviour.

Examples of main aims include:

 Ls will be able to understand and use the following lexical items related to social networking (then list the
lexical items you intend them to learn).

 Ls will be able to understand and use the following expressions for making personal arrangements (then list
the precise expressions you intend them to learn).

 Ls will be able to use and understand the following functional exponents for giving advice (then list the
precise functional exponents you intend them to learn).

 Ls will be able to use the structure ‘used to + infinitive’ in the context of discussing anti-smoking laws.

 Ls will be able to understand and use narrative tenses for recounting events and in the context of global

 Ls will have prepared and given a talk on the best places to visit in their country.
© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 17
 Ls will have developed their skills of reading for gist and specific information in the context of a travel blog.

 Ls will have developed their skills of listening for gist and specific information in the context of a pod cast
interview with a Nobel Prize winner.

 Ls will have written an email of complaint using linkers for addition and contrast (e.g. although, despite,

If the main aim of your lesson is new language, then specify exactly which language items you are planning to
teach. For example, if you are planning to teach a structure or tense, write an example of the structure / tense
from the lesson (and the question and negative forms if you are teaching them). If you are planning to teach
new lexical items or functional exponents, then list all the items you intend to teach.

2 Subsidiary Aims
You may have some subsidiary aims in addition to your main aim. These are aims that are not the main focus
on the lesson, but are aims you hope will be achieved along the way on the journey to your main aim.

Examples of subsidiary aims include:

 Ls will have reviewed previously encountered lexis on the topic of human rights.

 Ls will have developed their skills of reading / listening for gist / specific information (if, for example, your
main aim is a new language point and if you are presenting it via a text).

 Ls will have developed their writing skills (if, for example, the writing is practice of a language point).

 Ls will have raised their awareness of intonation patterns (if, for example, you are teaching some functional

 Ls will be familiar with a lexical set related to global issues (if, for example, you are pre teaching these items
for a reading / listening text).

3 Personal Aims
These are aims that relate to you as a teacher, rather than the lesson itself, and will help you focus on your own
personal development. These could include areas such as:

 To ensure I include all the learners

 To reduce my teacher talking time
 To give clearer instructions
 To check my instructions
 To monitor more attentively
© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 18
 To maintain an upbeat lesson pace
 To drill new language like I mean it!

Your teaching practice tutor will highlight areas for you to work on and specify these on your written feedback.
Refer to these when you complete the Personal Aims section of your plan.

To learn more about aims, scan the following barcode:

4 Assumptions
These are the areas relating to your lesson that you feel your learners will know, perhaps because you have
heard your learners using certain language or because a previous teacher has covered an area. They may also
be assumptions based on general information you know about your learners. For example:

 The learners will have basic knowledge of the political systems in their own countries

 The learners will be familiar with the past participles of the verbs used in the lesson

 The learners will be familiar with the meaning, pronunciation, and form of the present perfect simple (if, for
example, you are following on from another teacher who is going to present that language)

 The learners will know some of the lexical items included in the lesson (if you are doing a test-teach-test
type lesson - but specify which items you assume they know i.e., list of exact words)

5 Anticipated Problems and Solutions

This is the section that you will need to spend the most time planning. You need to consider what challenges
the learners might have in achieving the aims and how you will deal with these if they occur. You need to
develop a repertoire of techniques to enable you to attend to learners’ problems and ensure lesson aims are
achieved. These can be divided into 2 main areas of focus:

a) Language

These can be problems of meaning, pronunciation, form and possibly appropriacy (although remember not
every language item causes all these problems for your learners). This section must be completed in detail. For
example “learners will encounter form problems” is insufficient. You must specify what problems they will
encounter with the form - is it the question form, infinitive with or without ‘to’, word order, spelling, third person
<s> etc?

b) Skills

This depends on the skills focus you are teaching. For receptive skills (listening and reading) you need to consider
blocking lexis, the content of the text, the degree of difficulty, your learners’ different abilities, the length of the
text, any cultural issues the text or topic might raise, etc. For productive skills (speaking and writing) you will
need to consider whether the learners have the necessary language to complete the task, whether they will be
interested in the topic, problems with grouping your learners, whether they will have sufficient ideas to
contribute etc. You will then need to consider the classroom-based solutions for these.

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 19
To learn more about anticipated problems, scan this barcode:

6 Resources and Materials

These are the teaching aids you will need to prepare before you teach e.g. visuals, DVD, Peter’s Projection world
map, role cards, handouts, worksheets, dictionaries etc. Listing these on your lesson plan ensures you have all
materials ready to teach.

7 Stages
All lessons must be broken down into stages. You can have a number of stages depending on the lesson type.

Examples of stage labels include:

 lead in
 focus on meaning
 diagnostic (test teach)
 controlled practice
 freer (or less controlled) practice
 writing / speaking task
 feedback
 first / second / listening / reading task
 correction slot
 role play

8 Stage Aims
Each stage must have an aim - a rationale for why you are doing this during the lesson. This aim must enable
the learners to move forward to achieve the main aim. If it doesn’t, you will need to reconsider the rationale
behind the stage.

Examples of possible stage aims include:

 To generate learners’ interest in the topic of social media

 To provide learners with a written record of the language
 To present learners with the question form and the short answer
 To enable learners to produce the new lexis accurately
 To enable learners to listen for gist
 To enable learners to develop their oral fluency
 To enable learners to check their answers

To learn about aims, scan this barcode:

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 20
9 Procedures
For each stage, you need to decide how you are going to achieve your aim, i.e. your procedures. These state
exactly what you are going to do in class to achieve that particular stage aim. You don’t need to write verbatim
what you intend to say, but you should script your instruction language to ensure it is chunked and checked.

Aspects to include in your procedures:

 maker sentences (sentences you are planning to use to highlight meaning / pronunciation / form)

 concept checking questions - CCQs (questions to check whether learners have the correct meaning of new

 your board work - plan what you want it to look like for the learners

 questions to elicit from the learners and to generate their interest in the topic

 lexis you are planning to pre teach for skills focus

 how you intend to highlight potential problems (items you are going to drill, how you will highlight form on
the board etc.)

10 Time and Interaction Patterns

You must estimate the time you think each stage will take. Be realistic - very few stages take two minutes! This
will enable you to time your lesson as a whole and help you achieve your aims.

By focusing on the interaction patterns, you will consider what the learners are doing during the lesson and help
you achieve a balance in the focus of the lesson. Use symbols such as these to denote these patterns:

T -> L (Teacher addressing the whole class), L (Learners working alone)

L -> L (Learners working in pairs), Ls -> Ls (Learners working in groups)

To learn about timing and interaction patterns, scan the following barcodes:

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 21
Receptive Skills Assignment (RSA)
Length: 750 – 1,000 words

Use the authentic text supplied to develop and practise receptive skills (reading) for intermediate students.

To learn how to answer this assignment, please scan the following barcode:

Part One:

• Say why you think this text would work for this specific group of learners and what challenges students
may face when listening to it.

Part Two:

• Suggest a lead-in/contextualization activity for the text.

Part Three:

• Say what receptive language skills and/or sub skills you would practise using this text.

• Design and submit the materials for two tasks for practising these receptive skills (e.g. instructions and
questions for two different listening sub-skills tasks: the first one is either listening for gist and the
second one is another listening sub-skill) also providing any relevant ‘answers’ to tasks.

● Say why you think these tasks will help to develop the skills specified. Provide the tasks in full with

Part Four:

● Describe which productive language skill – speaking or writing – could be practised after the text.
Attach a detailed copy of the materials used for the activity and say how you would use them.


• Describe which linguistic feature of the text – grammar or vocabulary or phonology – could be analysed
after the listening part. Attach a detailed copy of the materials used for the activity and say how you
would use them.
© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 22
Part Five:

● Provide full specific references for the source(s) used as well as evidence of your background reading.

Assessment criteria

Candidates can demonstrate their learning by:

● correctly using terminology relating to the description of language skills and sub-skills

● relating task design to language skills development

● finding, selecting and referencing information from one or more sources using written language that is
clear, accurate and appropriate to the task

A pass assignment shows that a candidate can:

• correctly use terminology that relates to language skills and sub-skills;

• relate task design to language skills development (identifying the receptive and productive language
skills and sub-skills that can be practised and developed in relation to that text);
• find, select and reference information from one or more sources;
• use written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task.

Suggested reference materials

• The Practice of English Language Teaching by Jeremy Harmer (Longman)

• How to Teach English by Jeremy Harmer (Longman)
• Learning Teaching by Jim Scrivener (MacMillan)
• Teaching English as a Foreign Language by David Riddell (Teach Yourself Books)

Key input sessions to help you with this assignment:

‘Developing students’ receptive skills’

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 23
Some common pitfalls that can lead to a resubmission:

1. Creating tasks that aren’t suitable for Intermediate level learners.

2. Creating tasks that aren’t suitable for the learners’ age.
3. Creating a receptive skills task that fails to develop the sub-skill identified. If you decide to design a gist
task, PLEASE ensure that it develops the sub-skill of listening for main ideas.
4. Forgetting to include the answer or answers you expect students to give to your listening task.
5. Creating a speaking skills task or a text-analysis task that doesn’t relate sufficiently to the content of the
listening text.
6. Creating a speaking skills tasks that doesn’t develop fluency and has no communicative outcome or a
writing task that is unnatural or unproductive.
7. Forgetting to mention your background reading in the assignment – remember that you should have a
minimum of one reference relating to the design of a receptive skills task and one reference
relating to the design of a productive skills task or a text-analysis task.
8. Forgetting to provide a bibliography or attach the task/s and/or materials as appropriate.

Include at the end of the assignment

• a bibliography
• a final wordcount

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 24
Origin Story: The Creation of Superman
By Cassandra Burris

“Superheroes were born in the minds of people desperate to be rescued.”

-Jodi Picoult, The Tenth Circle

The year is 1938 and the Great Depression is in full swing. Things are starting to get tense in Europe with
the recent annexation of Austria into Germany. Meanwhile in Cleveland, Ohio two young men are about to
realize a dream that would bring hope to the American people and publish one of the most iconic
characters of all times.

It was April 18, 1938 when National Publications released their first issue of Action Comics highlighting a
superhero named Superman. They had been looking for a companion serial to go along with their
Detective Comics (later known as DC) and needed stories to go into the first issue. Along with a magician
named Zatara, they premiered a character who would later be called the first American superhero.

Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were both born to Jewish immigrants, the
Siegel’s from Lithuania and Shuster’s from the Netherlands and
Ukraine. In 1931 the two became fast friends at Cleveland’s Glenville
High School and ended up creating comics together. At the age of 16,
both Siegel and Shuster were already accomplished comic artists.
Shuster drew a comic about a character named Jerry the Journalist,
and Siegel sold his works under the pseudonym Hugh Langley.
Together they tended to work on sci-fi inspired comics or stories
inspired by the folk tale of John Henry. They created a story based on
these ideas about a villain they called “Superman.” Superman as a
villain didn’t last long, though. The pair created a new hero, also named Superman, who developed into
the beloved character we know today.

It was never said aloud, but Joanne Siegel, the model who served as the visual inspiration for the original
Lois Lane (and Jerry’s wife), always thought that the death of Siegel’s father had a lot to do with the
creation of Superman. Siegel’s father died of a heart attack in 1932 during a robbery at the family clothing
store. It is reported the earliest sketches show Superman saving a man at gunpoint that looked a lot like
his father. The appearance of Superman was inspired by Siegel himself. Joanne recalled watching Joe
draw sketches of Jerry with his hands on his hips. They also made Superman’s alter ego, Clark Kent, a
reporter, which was a dream Siegel held as a child.

The pair worked hard to get people to pick up the Superman comic, but the publishing companies did not
find Superman with rockets to be relatable. Besides, there were already two big sci-fi titles to compete
with, Flash Gordon and Buck Rodgers. After trying to push someone to take Superman on, Detective
Comics finally picked up the title. By this time Siegel and Shuster already had a following from newspaper
comics they wrote. Originally the plan was for Superman to premier in a newspaper comic strip, but
Maxwell Charles “M.C.” Gaines pushed to put the comic in a magazine lie format. Since it was a new format
they could pay their creators less money because it was such a new format. In the end Siegel and Shuster
sold the rights to everything connected to Superman to Action Comics for a total of $130.

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 25
Language Analysis Assignment (LAA)
Length: 750 -1000 words

Aim: To develop your ability to look at language (grammar, functional language and vocabulary) from the
students’ point of view to enable you to prepare thoroughly for language lessons. You should make use of
grammar reference books or course books and a monolingual dictionary. Bullet points may be used in this

To learn how to answer this assignment, please scan the following barcode:

TASK: Look at the target language sentences in the box below and:

Label the item

Analyse meaning:
Give a clear definition (appropriate for level) of what the item means; focus only on the meaning used in the

Highlight key pronunciation features. Use phonemic script to describe the whole phrase.
• word or sentence stress
• weak forms
• intonation
• links between sounds, contractions, lost sounds, etc.

Analyse form and label the parts (using terminology):

Structure – statement/negative/question forms (if applicable); make sure it’s clear which words can be
substituted and which are “set in stone”.
Vocabulary – label the item e.g. adjective, phrasal verb etc; irregular past forms, common collocations, etc.
Functional Language – show which parts are “set in stone” and which parts can be changed e.g.? Would you
mind + verb+ing (present participle) + object?

Anticipate problems - think about what problems students might have with the features you listed above.
What aspects of the meaning might be difficult for students to grasp? Are there other words/structure that
express something similar? Does the structure exist in students L1?
What problems might SS have with particular sounds, word stress or other pronunciation issues? Use your
common sense as well as reference sources.
What form-related mistakes might students make when trying to use the item?

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 26
Imagine your students are not familiar with each language item. Describe a context that would help convey its
meaning so that you could elicit the target sentence (as stated here).State how you would check students’
understanding of the language item. Write the concept questions you would ask and provide the answers. If a
timeline is appropriate, you should also include this. You can include other ways of checking too, if you wish.

State which reference book(s) or other source(s) you used to obtain the above information.


1. I can’t answer the phone. I am having a shower. (elementary) Grammar

2. If I met him, I ouldl tell him everything. (Intermediate) Grammar
3. She’s got curly hair. (elementary) Vocabulary
4. John goes out with Patricia. (intermediate) Vocabulary


Target statement: John borrowed R200 from Holly. (Intermediate)

Analysis d) Anticipated Problems

a) Meaning
• SS use lend instead of borrow
to receive and use something that belongs to
• SS think they can keep the object
someone else, and promise to give it back to
them later
b) Pronunciation
• stress on 1st syllable borrow /’bɒrəʊ/ • SS pronounce silent w at end
• silent “w” at end • incorrect pron of ed /id/
• past simple & particle “ed” is pronounced • SS stress 2nd syllable
/d/ • SS over pronounce the double r
• preposition “from” is weak e.g. /frəm/
c) Form
• SS use incorrect preposition i.e. to
• to borrow (transitive verb - regular)
borrow sthg to so.
• borrowed – past simple/past participle
• SS put somebody before something e.g.
• To borrow + something (object) + from
He borrowed from me a pen
(preposition) + somebody/something

e) Providing a context/conveying meaning

Tell story about my friend John who is always short of money but who always wants the latest technical objects
e.g. mobile, computer, etc. John saw this new DVD recordable player but didn’t have the money so he asked if
Holly, his girlfriend, would give him R200. He promised to pay Holly back at the end of the month when he got
paid. She said OK so .. (write on whiteboard) John …….. R200 ………. Holly.

f) Checking understanding
Did Holly give John R200? Yes
Is the money a present from Holly? No
Will she get her money back? Yes, hopefully

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 27
g) References
“Macmillan English Dictionary”, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2003
“Practical English Usage”, Michael Swan (OUP, 1980)


Target statement: I used to do exercise regularly. (intermediate)

Analysis d) Anticipated problems

a) Meaning • SS might think it refers to present habits,
To say what was true or what happened perhaps due to confusion with ‘be + used to
regularly in the past, especially when you want + verb+ing’.
to emphasize that this is not true or does not • SS may use it for single past events e.g. I
happen now. used to go to the cinema yesterday.
• Possible confusion with the lexical verb

b) Pronunciation
• stress would normally fall on used and
• Ss might say /ju:zd tu:/ i.e. stress /d/ in
2nd verb i.e. I used to do exercise
“used” or even /ju:zid tu:/
• Ss might not use weak form of “to” /tu:/
• weak form of ‘to” used: /tə/
instead of /tə/
• connected speech: used to /’justə/

c) Form
• statement: subj. + used to + verb (bare • SS may use past form of second verb, (I
infinitive)+… used to did exercise …)
• negative: subj. + didn’t use to + verb • SS may forget “to” (I used do …)
(bare infinitive)+... • Ss may use “used” instead of “use” in
• question: Did (auxiliary verb) + subj.+ negative and question forms. (I did/didn’t
use to + verb (bare infinitive) +… used to ..)

e) Providing a context/conveying meaning

Tell an anecdote about myself as a 16 year-old. I went running every morning and often went to the gym in the
evening (use pictures/mime, if necessary). Then I stopped running and stopped going to the gym when I was
about 25. I’m now 30 and I don’t do much exercise at all. So, “I …… (try to elicit the target phrase) … used
to do exercise regularly.”

f) Checking Understanding:
Did I exercise in the past? Yes
Did I do it once, or often? Often
Do I exercise now? No

g) Reference:
“Practical English Usage”, Michael Swan (OUP, 1980)
“Macmillan English Dictionary”, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2003
© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 28
A pass assignment shows that a candidate can:

• analyse language correctly for teaching purposes;

• correctly use terminology relating to form, meaning and phonology when analysing
• use suitable means for conveying and checking the meaning of target language;
• access reference materials and reference information they have learned about to an
appropriate source;
• use written language which is clear, accurate and appropriate to task.

Suggested reference materials:

• ‘Learner English’ by Michael Swan (CUP)

• A good grammar reference book
• A good dictionary

Some common pitfalls that can lead to a resubmission:

1. Using inappropriate concept checking questions (look at notes from input session).
2. Not providing sufficient detail of anticipated problems and possible solutions.
3. Not providing a bibliography.
4. Forgetting to write in the phonemic symbols, stress marks, linking etc on the printed copy of the
assignment (if you choose to handwrite those).
5. Not referencing grammar books or dictionaries that you use when researching language for this

Include at the end of the assignment:

• a bibliography
• a final word count

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 29
Productive Skills Assignment (PSA)
Length: 750 – 1,000 words

Use the authentic text supplied to develop and practise productive skills (speaking) for intermediate students.

Please scan the following barcodes to get support on your PSA:

Part One:

• Say why you think this text would work for this specific group of learners and what challenges students
may face when reading it.

Part Two:

• Suggest a lead-in/contextualization activity for the text.

Part Three:

• Say what receptive sub-skill you would practise using this text in order to prepare students for the final
speaking task.

• Design and submit the materials for the preparation task for practising this receptive sub-skill (e.g.
instructions and questions for the preparation task.

• Say why you think this preparation task will support your students with their final speaking activity.

Part Four:

• Describe which useful language in the supplied text students would need to do the speaking task based.

• Design and submit the materials for the useful language task (e.g.
o instructions and questions for the listening sub-skill task.

• Say why you think this useful language task will support your students with their final speaking activity.

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 30
Part Five:

• Describe the speaking task you will design based on the supplied text.

• Design and submit the materials for the speaking task (e.g. instructions and questions for the speaking

• Say why you think this speaking task will help increase your students’ fluency.

Part Five:

● Provide full specific references for the source(s) used as well as evidence of your background reading.

Assessment criteria

Candidates can demonstrate their learning by:

● correctly using terminology relating to the description of language skills and sub-skills

● relating task design to language skills development

● finding, selecting and referencing information from one or more sources using written language that is
clear, accurate and appropriate to the task

A pass assignment shows that a candidate can:

• correctly use terminology that relates to language skills and sub-skills;

• relate task design to language skills development (identifying the receptive and productive language
skills and sub-skills that can be practised and developed in relation to that text);
• find, select and reference information from one or more sources;
• use written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task.

Suggested reference materials

• The Practice of English Language Teaching by Jeremy Harmer (Longman)

• How to Teach English by Jeremy Harmer (Longman)
• Learning Teaching by Jim Scrivener (MacMillan)
• Teaching English as a Foreign Language by David Riddell (Teach Yourself Books)

Some common pitfalls that can lead to a resubmission:

1. Creating tasks that aren’t suitable for Intermediate level learners.

2. Creating tasks that aren’t suitable for the learners’ age.
3. Creating a speaking task that fails to develop students’ fluency. PLEASE ensure that your task leads
to enough production of English.
4. Forgetting to include the answer or answers you expect students to give to your receptive skills and
useful language tasks.
5. Creating a useful language task that doesn’t relate sufficiently to the content of the receptive skills text.
© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 31
6. Creating a preparation task that doesn’t develop the sub-skill identified.
7. Forgetting to mention your background reading in the assignment – remember that you should have a
minimum of one reference relating to the design of a preparation task, one reference relating to the
design of a useful language task and one reference related to the speaking task.
8. Forgetting to provide a bibliography or attach the task/s and/or materials as appropriate.

Include at the end of the assignment

• a bibliography
• a final wordcount

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5 Reasons To Visit the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt
In today’s blog, we will be talking about 5 Reasons The Pyramids of Giza, Egypt is a must-
visit. There is no doubt that you have heard about the great pyramids in Giza, Egypt.
These pyramids have been the subject of several studies by Egyptologists and archaeologists.
So, If you have had your mind on the Pyramids of Giza for some time, the n our mission in this
article is to solidify your conviction to go. In this article, we will be looking at 5 unique and mind -
blowing facts about the Pyramids of Giza that will compel you to visit.

The pyramids of Giza are located in the North African country of Egypt.
Note that we are not talking about only the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is the largest of all the
pyramids at Giza but we are talking about the collection of all the pyramids at Giza which is
sometimes called the Pyramids of Giza Necropolis.
The pyramids of Giza stand at the Giza border located in Greater Cairo. The Great Pyramid of
Giza is the single oldest of all the seven wonders of the ancient world and it was once the tallest
structure in the whole world.

Furthermore, looking for more compelling reasons to seal your flight to Egypt, look no further.
Below, we present the best 5 amazing facts about the pyramids that will be reason enough for
you to book your plane ticket. Let’s check them out below.

1. The Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest structure in the world once –
Up until 1311 CE, the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the pyramids at Giza, was the tallest
structure ever erected by man. The pyramid stood at 481ft tall which was way taller than all the
structures in the world during that timeframe.
Its record as the tallest was beaten by the Lincoln Cathedral which was completed in 1311 CE.
Although the cathedral later collapsed in 1548.
2. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built with about 2.3 million stone blocks -
The stone block or quarry from which the great pyramid of Giza is located at Aswan is about 525
miles upriver from the pyramid. This quarry was the stone from which various stone blocks were
cut to build the pyramid.
It is calculated that on average the average weight of the individual stone block of the great
pyramid is 2.5 tons while the pyramid itself is estimated to weigh a whopping 6.5 million tonnes in

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 33
3. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and only surviving wonder from the ancient
Seven wonders are acknowledged internationally as worldwide wonders. The Great Pyramid of
Giza is the only wonder from the ages past that still exists today in modern times.
Archaeologists have discovered enough evidence to prove that three other wonders from ancient
times existed. They include The Lighthouse of Alexandria, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, and the
Temple of Artemis. Other wonders like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon etc., are yet to be
4. The pyramids were constructed by skilled ancient Egyptian builders-
In the past, it was believed that the pyramids were able to be erected successfully because of the
high population of slaves that were enlisted to work on the project.
But Egyptologists have since debunked this rumor and exposed that the temple of Khu fu was
most likely built by skilled workers who were architects, surveyors, builders, and more. But the
builders were highly skilled craftsmen who knew their jobs highly and hence were recruited.
5. It is estimated that it took 20 years to build the Great Pyramid of Giza-
Finally, this is another one of 5 reasons to visit the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, through the efforts
of thousands of skilled craftsmen and builders, the great pyramid of Giza was built as a tomb to
be the resting place of Khufu who reigned until 2530 B.C.E.
It is estimated that it was while Khufu was on the throne that it was built and it took roughly 20
years to complete.

The five facts above about the pyramids of Giza are some of the most amazing reasons you
should give Egypt a visit. The pyramids are hundreds of feet high and are indeed an ancient
wonder. If you love history, culture and archaeology, this would even interest you more.

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Product Writing Assignment (PWA)
Length: 750 – 1,000 words

Use the authentic text supplied to develop and practise product writing for upper-intermediate
students studying English Language Teaching.

Please scan the following barcodes to get support on your PWA:

Part One:

● Say why you think this text would work for this specific group of learners and what
challenges students may face when reading it.

Part Two:

● Suggest a lead-in for the text.

Part Three:

● Say what receptive sub-skill you would practise using this text in order to prepare
students for the final product writing task.

● Design and submit the materials for the reading task for practising this receptive
sub-skill (e.g. instructions and questions for the reading task.)

● Say why you think this reading task will support your students with their final
writing activity.

Part Four:

● Describe which genre analysis features in the supplied text students would need to do
the final writing task.

● Design and submit the materials for the genre analysis task (e.g. instructions and
questions for the genre analysis task).
© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 35
● Say why you think this genre analysis task will support your students with their final
writing activity.

Part Five:

● Describe the writing task you will design based on the supplied text.

● Design and submit the materials for the writing task (e.g. instructions and questions for the
writing task
● Provide full specific references for the source(s) used as well as evidence of your background

Assessment criteria

Candidates can demonstrate their learning by:

● correctly using terminology relating to the description of language skills and sub-

● relating task design to language skills development

● finding, selecting and referencing information from one or more sources using
written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task

A pass assignment shows that a candidate can:

● correctly use terminology that relates to language skills and sub-skills;

● relate task design to language skills development (identifying the receptive and
productive language skills and sub-skills that can be practised and developed in
relation to that text);
● find, select and reference information from one or more sources;
● use written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task.

Suggested reference materials

● The Practice of English Language Teaching by Jeremy Harmer (Longman)

● How to Teach English by Jeremy Harmer (Longman)
● Learning Teaching by Jim Scrivener (MacMillan)
● Teaching English as a Foreign Language by David Riddell (Teach Yourself Books)

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College. 36
Some common pitfalls that can lead to a resubmission:

1. Creating tasks that aren’t suitable for upper-intermediate level learners.

2. Creating tasks that aren’t suitable for the learners’ age.
3. Creating a writing task that fails to develop students’ writing.
PLEASE ensure that your task leads to enough production of
4. Forgetting to include the answer or answers you expect
students to give to your genre analysis tasks.
5. Creating a genre analysis task that doesn’t relate sufficiently to
the content of the productive skills text.
6. Creating a writing task that is irrelevant to the authentic text provided.
7. Forgetting to mention your background reading in the assignment
– remember that you should have a minimum of one reference
relating to the design of a genre analysis task, one reference
relating to the design of the reading task and one reference
related to the writing task.
8. Forgetting to provide a bibliography or attach the task/s and/or materials as

Include at the end of the assignment

● a bibliography
● a final wordcount

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Apology Letter

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Plan Your

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Event / Assessment Deadline Week of Course

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Event / Assessment Deadline Week of Course

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Notes from

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Topic / Source Notes from reading


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Topic / Source Notes from reading


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Topic / Source Notes from reading


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Topic / Source Notes from reading


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic / Source Notes from reading


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic / Source Notes from reading


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Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


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Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
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Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Input Session Title: …………………………………………………………………………Date: ……………………………

Notes from Session Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Topic of Lesson: …………………………………………………………………………

Initial Ideas


Possible Issues Solutions

Existing Materials to Use Materials to Create

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Notes on

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: ………………………………………………………………………… A
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………
Notes from Book / Article Comments

Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Notes from Book / Article Comments

Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Notes from Book / Article Comments

Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Notes from Book / Article Comments

Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Notes from Book / Article Comments

Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Notes from Book / Article Comments

Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Notes from Book / Article Comments

Assignment Title: …………………………………………………………………………

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Notes from Book / Article Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
on Teaching

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Teaching Practice Session Number: ……………………………………………Date: ……………………………

What did you teach?



What went well? Why?




What didn’t go well? Why?




What to do to improve/change in the future?




Any other thoughts on this teaching practice?




© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Teaching Practice Session Number: ……………………………………………Date: ……………………………

What did you teach?



What went well? Why?




What didn’t go well? Why?




What to do to improve/change in the future?




Any other thoughts on this teaching practice?




© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Teaching Practice Session Number: ……………………………………………Date: ……………………………

What did you teach?



What went well? Why?




What didn’t go well? Why?




What to do to improve/change in the future?




Any other thoughts on this teaching practice?




© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Teaching Practice Session Number: ……………………………………………Date: ……………………………

What did you teach?



What went well? Why?




What didn’t go well? Why?




What to do to improve/change in the future?




Any other thoughts on this teaching practice?




© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Teaching Practice Session Number: ……………………………………………Date: ……………………………

What did you teach?



What went well? Why?




What didn’t go well? Why?




What to do to improve/change in the future?




Any other thoughts on this teaching practice?




© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Teaching Practice Session Number: ……………………………………………Date: ……………………………

What did you teach?



What went well? Why?




What didn’t go well? Why?




What to do to improve/change in the future?




Any other thoughts on this teaching practice?




© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Teaching Practice Session Number: ……………………………………………Date: ……………………………

What did you teach?



What went well? Why?




What didn’t go well? Why?




What to do to improve/change in the future?




Any other thoughts on this teaching practice?




© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Teaching Practice Session Number: ……………………………………………Date: ……………………………

What did you teach?



What went well? Why?




What didn’t go well? Why?




What to do to improve/change in the future?




Any other thoughts on this teaching practice?




© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Notes from
of Other

© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Name of Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………
Circle the appropriate description of this teacher below:

Peer / ELT Professional

Topic: …………………………………………………………………………………
Lesson Aims: ………………………………………………………………………

Notes from Observation Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.
Week of Course Date Comments


© Britishey Training Centre is an authorised course provider for Cambridge Assessment English, Trinity College London & London Teacher Training College.

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