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Roll No Topic Name Module

RI-1 Need for Value Education M1

RI-2 Basic Guidelines for Value Education M1
RI-3 Self-exploration as the Process M1
for Value Education
RI-4 Content of Self-exploration and Process of Self- M1
RI-5 The Basic Human Aspirations . M1
Continuous Happiness and Prosperity
RI-6 Basic Requirements for Fulfilment of Human Aspirations M1
RI-7 Understand and Live in Harmony at All levels of Living M1
ME-1 Understanding the Human Being as M2
Co-existence of Self (.I.) and Body
ME-2 Understanding the Activities in the Self and the Activities M2
in the Body
ME-3 Understanding the Self (.I.) as the Conscious Entity, the M2
Body as the
Material Entity
ME-4 M2
ME-5 Understanding the Body as an Instrument of .I. (.I. being M2
the Seer, Doer and Enjoyer)
ME-6 Harmony in the Self ('I') . M2
Understanding Myself
ME-7 Harmony with the Body . M2
Understanding Sanyama and Svãsthya
ME-8 Family as the Basic Unit of Human Interaction M3
ME-9 Values in Human Relationships - Trust M3
ME-10 Values in Human Relationships - Respect M3
ME-11 The Problems due to Differentiation M3
ME-12 Harmony from Family to World Family: Undivided M3
ME-13 Programs Needed to Achieve the Comprehensive Human M3
Goal: The
Five Dimensions of Human Endeavour
ME-14 (Harmony in Nature)The Four Orders in Nature M4
ME-15 Recyclability and Self-regulation in Nature(Recyclability M4
and Self-regulation in Nature)
ME-16 Recyclability and Self-regulation in Nature(Natural M4
Characteristic (Svabhãva*)
Basic Activity
Conformance (Anu-sangitã*))
ME-17 Harmony in Existence . Understanding M4
Existence as Co-existence
ME-18 Existence is Co-existence. M4
ME-19 Providing the Basis for Universal Human M5
Values and Ethical Human Conduct
ME-20 Basis for the Holistic Alternative M5
towards Universal Human Order
ME-21 Professional Ethics in the Light M5
of Right Understanding
ME-22 Vision for Holistic Technologies, M5
Production Systems and
Management Models

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