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Student Name Surname Rut Vipulbhai Maniyar

Student number M00884723

Module CST4444 (AY)

Individual Project

Object Detection using Deep Learning

The goal of the proposed project is to create a real-time object detection system that
uses deep learning techniques, notably Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Object
detection is a computer vision problem that entails recognising and localising items in
pictures or video streams. Traditional object identification approaches are time-
consuming and limiting, but deep learning has showed promise in terms of accuracy
and durability. The project entails gathering a large dataset with labelled pictures and
bounding box annotations, training a deep learning model on the dataset, and
optimising the model for real-time performance through architectural changes, model
compression, and GPU acceleration. TensorFlow will be used to create the system, and
it will be tested using standard benchmark datasets and metrics.

Collision Detection and Avoidance Rut Vipulbhai Maniyar
using Deep Learning in Luggage Carrier M00884723

Table of Contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................1
2. State-of-the-Art Review...............................................................................................2
3. Methods.......................................................................................................................3
4. Proposed Work............................................................................................................4
4.1. Intended contribution to academia........................................................................4
4.2. Benefits of the proposed work to practitioners.....................................................4
4.3. Procedures and activities of the proposed work....................................................4
4.4. Evaluation of the project.......................................................................................5
4.5. Resources needed..................................................................................................5
4.6. Access to participants and clients.........................................................................5
4.7. Ethical Aspects......................................................................................................6
5. Work plan and schedule...............................................................................................7
6. Conclusions..................................................................................................................7
7. Bibliography................................................................................................................8
8. Appendices...................................................................................................................9

1. Introduction
This project proposal aims to develop a real-time object detection system using deep
learning techniques. Object detection is a fundamental task in computer vision that
involves identifying and localizing objects within digital images or video streams.
Traditional methods for object detection often rely on handcrafted features and complex
algorithms, which can be time-consuming and limited in their ability to handle diverse
and complex objects.

Deep learning has developed as a promising technique for object identification in recent
years, giving better accuracy and durability. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
have demonstrated exceptional effectiveness in learning hierarchical visual data
representations. The purpose of this project is to build a real-time item recognition system
using deep learning techniques, namely CNNs.

The project will involve several key steps. First, a large-scale dataset will be collected or
leveraged from existing resources, containing labelled images with bounding box
annotations for various objects. Next, a deep learning model, such as the state-of-the-art
Faster R-CNN or YOLO (You Only Look Once), will be implemented and trained on the
dataset. The model will learn to classify different object categories and accurately
localize objects within images.

To achieve real-time performance, optimization techniques will be explored, such as

network architecture modifications, model compression, and hardware acceleration using
graphics processing units (GPUs). These optimizations will aim to reduce the
computational complexity and memory requirements of the deep learning model without
sacrificing accuracy.

The proposed system will be implemented using popular deep learning frameworks like
TensorFlow. Evaluation of the system will be conducted using standard benchmark
datasets and metrics such as mean Average Precision (mAP) and frame per second (FPS)
measurements to assess both detection accuracy and computational efficiency.

Collision Detection and Avoidance Rut Vipulbhai Maniyar
using Deep Learning in Luggage Carrier M00884723

2. State-of-the-Art Review
Zhao et al. provide a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art techniques in object
detection using deep learning. The authors begin by introducing the history of deep
learning and its representative tool, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). They then
delve into the typical generic object detection architectures and modifications to improve
detection performance. The paper covers a wide range of topics related to object
detection, including region-based CNNs, single-shot detectors, and two-stage detectors.
The authors also discuss the use of transfer learning, data augmentation, and other
techniques to improve the performance of object detection models. In addition to generic
object detection, the paper also surveys several specific detection tasks, including
pedestrian detection, face detection, and text detection. For each task, the authors provide
an overview of the challenges and state-of-the-art techniques. Overall, this paper provides
a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art techniques in object detection
using deep learning. It is a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners working in
the field of computer vision and deep learning.

Chandan G et al. discusses the use of deep learning and OpenCV for real-time object
detection and tracking. The authors highlight the importance of object detection and
tracking in video surveillance applications and explain how deep learning algorithms can
be used to improve the accuracy and efficiency of these tasks. They also provide a
detailed explanation of the YOLO (You Only Look Once) algorithm and its
implementation using OpenCV. The authors conclude that the use of deep learning and
OpenCV can significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of real-time object
detection and tracking in video surveillance applications.

Rawat, S. presents a novel architecture for car detection and recognition using deep
learning techniques. The authors use the YOLO algorithm and object localization
techniques to accurately detect and categorize different classes of cars in real-time
systems. The proposed architecture is evaluated on the KITTI dataset and achieves high
accuracy in detecting and categorizing cars. The authors also compare their results with
other state-of-the-art methods and demonstrate the superiority of their approach. The
paper concludes by discussing the potential applications of the proposed architecture in
autonomous driving and other related fields. Overall, the paper provides a comprehensive
overview of the current research and development in car detection and recognition using
deep learning techniques. The authors critically evaluate the existing literature, identify
gaps in the research, and suggest future directions for research. The paper is well-
organized and clearly written, making it a valuable resource for researchers and
practitioners in the field.

Collision Detection and Avoidance Rut Vipulbhai Maniyar
using Deep Learning in Luggage Carrier M00884723

3. Methods
Implementing the proposed system will be done in a waterfall methodology as the
proposed system needs all parameters to be defined at the beginning of the development.
Moreover, most of the requirement is already defined for the system, as this system
works as an add-on for the existing system of autonomous bots for cargo or luggage.
Apart from this, for validating, the first process will be to check the compatibility with
any of the existing systems of an autonomous system. Moreover, the requirement is
variable in terms of sensors. Thus, the system must be validated to interpret various
sensors' outputs.

Collision Detection and Avoidance Rut Vipulbhai Maniyar
using Deep Learning in Luggage Carrier M00884723

4. Proposed Work
The development of the proposed system in a programming language will be Python as it
allows faster computation on a low specification machine for Deep Learning algorithms
and allows computer vision method which uses Python as its base language.

The Development phases will be as follows:

 Requirement Gathering
 System Design
 Development of Prototype 1 (A prototype that interprets outputs from various sensors
already present)
 Testing of the Prototype 1
 Development of the Core component
 Testing the whole system
 Maintenance and feature additions

4.1. Intended contribution to academia.

The proposed system will make a minute contribution to the field of Deep learning. It
uses real-time data and analyse it using deep learning to recognise items. This project also
contributes to the field of Computer Vision as it allows computers to recognise and track

4.2. Benefits of the proposed work to practitioners

The proposed system will reduce the collision of UGVs. Furthermore, by analysing
different accidents incident, it will continuously learn to identify different objects. This
feature will even prevent any accident from happening in the future with UGVs and
reduce property loss and the casualties the accidents.

4.3. Procedures and activities of the proposed work

For the development of the proposed system as we are using the water fall development
methodology. But the system is divided into different parts and then combine all of the
parts together to produce the complete Prototype.

Objectives Activity Tangible Intangible Milestone

Outcome Outcomes
Requirement Visitation of Requirements of Better
Gathering the the system understanding of
deployment the environment
facilities. of the system
Find different State-of-the-Art Get to know the
approach to Review best approach to
meet the goal take to meet the

Collision Detection and Avoidance Rut Vipulbhai Maniyar
using Deep Learning in Luggage Carrier M00884723
Planning and Gantt Chart A clear Requirement
organising the understanding of Gathered
tasks the timeframe
and the
Development Develop a A code that The system is
prototype to understands migration ready
understand different sensors to any of the
the output of output and environment.
different converts it into
sensors desired version.
Development Collision Main module Core Logic
of the core avoidance and Ready
modules detection code
Integration Combine both Prototype Final prototype Final
systems to overview Prototype
prepare the ready
final system
Training Train the The system will The system will
CNN and the start to be closer to
computer recognise completion
vision different objects
Testing Integrate the The system will The system is
system into be in place of deployed
the intended work
larger system
Check the The system will Detection is Deployment
object detect objects checked complete

4.4. Evaluation of the project

The evaluation of the project can be done in the following manner:
 Prototype evaluation: For this evaluation, documentation of the output produced
during the learning of the CNN and Computer vision will be submitted. The
Prototype will be evaluated in the following manner:
o Unit Testing
o User Acceptance testing
o Integration testing
o Since the proposed system is closed, a security assessment is unnecessary.

Collision Detection and Avoidance Rut Vipulbhai Maniyar
using Deep Learning in Luggage Carrier M00884723
 Process evaluation: Gantt chart will be given that is produced at the end of the
product deployment, and the planned Gantt chart as it shows the efficiency of the
The prototype evaluation will take about four weeks to be completed as it requires the
Prototype to be working entirely and deployed, after which the system starts learning the
data for the deployment facility. After which, all the tests will be done.

4.5. Resources needed.

The development requires the following things:
 Python, any version, and it is free.
 The stereo camera Module costs £21.
 Visual Studio Code is free of charge.

4.6. Access to participants and clients

To deploy the Prototype, many warehouses that already use UGVs to arrange their
packages will be approached. Apart from this, the warehouse that will be selected will not
have any sensitive information on its packages. If a corporation is not possible, then a
temporary UGV will be made, increasing the budget by £300. Then the Prototype will be
tested on it.

4.7. Ethical Aspects

This project will be an addon and as such will not need any type of human involvement in
it. And as it is a part of functioning UGVs and if it can detect objects and avoid collision
with it will also do the same for humans. This is because the system does not differentiate
between a human and an object. It treats them as obstacles. And as a result, it will evade
them in the safest way possible. In long term it might require recognising the humans as
an advanced development. And at that point it will require a clear RGB camera which
will also require an ethical review.

Collision Detection and Avoidance Rut Vipulbhai Maniyar
using Deep Learning in Luggage Carrier M00884723

5. Work plan and schedule

The Gantt chart gives the planned tasks and different milestones that is needed to be meet
for the project to be completed. During the development stage or when the project starts it
will change task by task and a final Gantt chart will be produced that shows the achieved
efficiency and the changes that had to be done to meet the time frame and the goal.

Collision Detection and Avoidance Rut Vipulbhai Maniyar
using Deep Learning in Luggage Carrier M00884723

6. Conclusions
To conclude, combining different deep learning algorithms and sensor technology can
significantly increase the efficiency to recognise objects in a live feed. This will decrease
the load on the hardware to execute a deep learning model and effectively recognise the
objects. This module can then be used as an add-on for any UGV system. Because of this
many sites that use automated robots will be able to avoid accidental incidents that can
occur any time and place.

Collision Detection and Avoidance Rut Vipulbhai Maniyar
using Deep Learning in Luggage Carrier M00884723

7. Bibliography

DL-with-Python. Available at: (Accessed:

May 3, 2023).

Getting Started with Object Detection Using Deep Learning - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks
United Kingdom. Available at:
with-object-detection-using-deep-learning.html (Accessed: May 3, 2023).

G. Chandan, A. Jain, H. Jain and Mohana (2018) Real Time Object Detection and Tracking
Using Deep Learning and OpenCV. pp. 1305.

Tensorflow Object Detection in 5 Hours with Python | Full Course with 3 Projects (2021)
Directed by Nicholas Renotte. [Youtube].

S. Rawat, J. Gautam, S. Singh, V. Gupta, G. Kumar and L. P. Verma (2021) Car Detection and
Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques. pp. 1.

Z. -Q. Zhao, P. Zheng, S. -T. Xu and X. Wu (2019) Object Detection With Deep Learning: A

Collision Detection and Avoidance Rut Vipulbhai
using Deep Learning in Luggage Carrier M00884723

8. Appendices


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