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iE MANNA KHANDRE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGG. a ene ie ) Assignment for BLE. LV Sem Subs Fluid Mechanics (21ME43) MODULE os 1) Define he allowing resins mbes {) Mach number i Subsonie flow i) Soni ow) Supersonic fom 2) Desiveam expression for velit of sunt ns ui 5) fine sisson groperics Oban an expression for stagnation pes of & compressible id in ems of Mach nue and prose 4) Define Mach umber i) Mack sone i}Zane o ation n)Super Sone How '5) Whats CFD? Menton he appiations of CFD. 46) What ac the avarages a disadvantages of CFD? 2) plone necessity of CFD. oF 1skm where she tenperaure is =SO'C. The peed of oe VEL and RE2ETIKGK find he 8) An Aeroplanes ying at ahs the planes eoresponing to M20 Asm spd ofthe lane 4) peel raves in of presse 101 OEBNem at 10°C aa send of 500s Find the Mach umber and Mash angle take V=L.tand R=2B7H/K8 10) Fin the velocity of ble fred at standard ar ifthe mach angles 30 tke R-287HK K and V1.4 forair, Assume tempertre a 15°C Cee eeeccvecccvecccsereeres. Shot on OnePlus| HASSELBLAD NTU arad BE sn folowing ems 8) Boundless 1) Momentum thickness Pst the flowing dimesanes mney pa este rion yee rae Weber's number SEs Raycich and Bucking none, net D tng at speed Nina Pld of visa J isons orgie TFs dno 5 Fegan smb fow preity T=DIN gros 1 é PT ee Asm sn ey pad op Viscosity 1 of the Aud angular 3 jen ets of We er ad dicts 0 tap "i terms oF dimensionless G © Esplin the dies pe of side, ° Esplin the Ry ° 8A Rape Lx ° ‘sweets oF rag and it ae . 1 The i fo i i) The dag fre & tan free 5 1) Power regtivedo hep the ite in main 1) Direction of resent fonce Ls Miter eg le ase Pat of size 2rd when the plat ig LAD Shot on OnePlus | HASSELB Nears Shanti Vardhale Education Society's BHEEMANNA KHANDRE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGG. Wa Technological University, Belgourn) mi of Karnataka & AICTE New Delhi (ammtiated to Viswe ‘Approved Assignment for B.E. lV Sem Sub: Fluid Mechanics (21ME43) MODULE 01 1) State and Prove Pascal's and Hydrostatic law 2) Derive an expression for total pressure and depth of pressure for a vertical surface submerged in liquid 3) Derive an expression for total pressure and depth of pressure for a inclined surface submerged in liquid 4) Define i) Total pressure ii) Centre of pressure iii) Absolute pressure iv) Gauge pressure SY Explain Inverted U-Tube differential Manometer. 6) An U tube differential manometer contains wo pressure pipes A & B. Pipe A contains a liquid with specific gravity 1.594 under a pressure of 120KN/m?, Pipe B contains an oil of specific gravity 0.815 under a pressure of 200K N/m’. Pipe A lies 2.5m above the pipe B and the level of mercury in the left limb is in level with the centre of pipe B. Find the difference measured by mercury as fluid filling the U tube in a vertical plane in water. 7) A rectangular plane surface is 2m wide and 3m deep lie Determine the total pressure and centre of pressure on the plane surface when its upper edge is horizontal and i) Coineides with water surface ii) 2.5m below the free water surface 8) Define the following 1) Buoyaney ii) Centre of Buoyancy iii) Meta centre iv) Meta centric height 9) Define the following i) Steady flow and unsteady flow ji) Uniform and non-uniform flow iii) Laminar and Turbulent flow depcuianseeaer nine a ees cop floating in eee What is the weight of ly 6m. ermine the meta centric height 11) Derive continuity equation in Cartesian coordinates, 12)Derive continuity equation for the 3-dimensional flow in Cartesian coordinates, 13) Explain the types af fluid flow 14) Define velocity potential and stream function HANDRE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY }F MECHANICAL ENGG. BHEEMANNA Ki Sub; Fluid Mechanics (21ME43) MODULE 1) What the Hagen-Possile'sfrmul? Derive the expres forthe same 2) A ude oil of viscosity 0.97 Poise and relative density 0.9 is owing through a horizontal ‘irr pipe of elameter | 00mm ans lenth 0m, Calculate the diference of pressure atthe two end of he pips i 100k of th oils collec ina tank in 30sec. Assume lange ow: 3yDeine Reynolds umber, Whats he significance? 4 Derive the Direy-Welsbach eat forthe head loss duo fstion| 5) ieee between sje and minor energy loses, 6) An ol of specie zaity 07 sowing tough pipe of diameter 300mm atthe rte of Slvses, Find the head lst due fetion and power required to maintain the flow fora 29 stokes length (00, Take 2). Desive the elation for the pressure deo in viscous flow through a eicular pipe: 8) Write characterises of amine fw . . . . . . . . . . « 9) Ano of viscosity 0.96 pis and specific gravity 0.97 fs pumped trough a horizontal pipe . ‘ . . . . . e ‘of Sem diameter I the pressure drop per ui ength of pipe is 6Kpa. Determine 1) Rate of Ao in ky/min i) Shear sess atthe pipe wall i) Total dag foce(shear force) for 100m ‘ength of prev) The power required for 100m length ofthe pipe to maintain the ow {ODA Mid of viscosity 0.7 N-Sin* and specie gruviy 1.3 wing trough a circular pve of di) 100mm diameter the maximum shear sss a the pipe walls given by 1962 Nin? The pressure gradient i) Average velocity i) Reynolds no 16) seam fonction i ven by ade sn sirection of the reautant velocity at any point X.6Y.Caleulate the velocity component anda 17) The velocity potential factions given by g=5(X2-¥)eaeulte the velosty component at sm fiction for 2D flow is given by y= 2XY. Caleulae the velocity tthe poin y em ton of motion fara steady flow and dedvce the Bernoulli's equation of 1) Derive the Eve's eu motion, Stat the essumptions made 2) Derive an expression forthe rate of low in a veturimetee of specific wavy 08 i owing though a venturineter having inlet diameter 20cm ‘tnd rot diameter 10cm. The oitmereuy differential manometer shows a reading of 25cm, calculate the discharge of ol trough the horizontal venurimeter Take Cy =0.98 rive a expression forthe rate of flow ina orfcemetcr 5) Derive an expression for the rate of flow for atrangulr notch, 15) Derive an expresion forthe velocity ina pitt tube 7) The water is flowing through a pipe having diameter 20cm and 1Sem at sections | and 2 ‘respectively. The rate of flow though the pipe is 40 liste. The section | is 6m above datum, and section 2 is 3m shove the datum. IF the pressure at section | is 2943 Niem?. Find the inensty of pressure at ection 2 8) 4 lm long water pipe i ado slope of in 4.The diameters ofthe Tower end and upper ad are 120mm and 180mm respectively pressure gauges fted athe lower end and upper end ‘rads 0.2mpa and 0.3mpa respectively. Determine the fw ete of wale through the pie. 2-An onieemeter wih orice dametr 18cm is insered ina pipe of 30cm diameter the pressure itirence measured by 4 mercury oil diferential manometer on the two sides of the sneer eves a wading og 50cm of mercury Find the rate of flow of ol specie gravity (0.9 when the coefficient of discharge of the meter is 064, JP)A0oficeetr wit orifice diameter Oem i inserted ina pipe of 20cm diameter he res {mvees Fined upsteam and downstream ofthe oiiecmeter gives readings of 19.60 N 981 Néem? respectively. Coefficient of discha discharge of water though pipe Ver sd ae for the meter is given as 0.6. Find tie < an 5 e¢@ a ae Ze ra

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