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Let’s Learn About Tea 1A

Reading Read the texts below and guess the name of the country.
(A-Russia B-Japan C-India D-Thailand E-The UK )

Today ______ undoubtedly consumes and produces a large

amount of tea. This is due to the peculiarity of the local tea
"Masala", made by boiling black tea in milk and water with a
mixture of aromatic herbs and spices. The tea endows a person
with unusual and fresh sensations for the whole day, and has
no contraindications. In addition, the inhabitants of this country
use quite unique teapots, which only fuels interest in the tea
culture of this country.

The tea traditions of ______ are famous for their incessant

ceremonies, which differ insignificantly from the tea traditions of
China and Korea. However, the locals prefer green tea, the taste
and smell of which is not alike from those teas that are familiar to
us. There are concerns that it may not appeal to everyone,
however, green tea is very healthy and beneficial for inner

Usually, residents of the _____ drink unflavored black tea with

milk as a midday meal at 4 p.m. In addition, unlike other
countries, they accompany the tea ceremony with quite famous
snacks, such as sandwiches, cupcakes with cream, and jam. ,
today young people are increasingly beginning to neglect this
tradition, which can damage the centuries-old tradition and it
can r in a couple of centuries, if special measures are not taken.

Tea is a mandatory part of family feasts in _____. Usually, the

locals brew a strong black tea called "zavarka" and concentrate it
with hot water. If desired, you can add milk, lemon, or jam to this
tea. As a result, there are many variations of tea, which exhale a
variety of odors. But another feature of the tea culture of this
country is a huge silver teapot "samovar", which translates as a
teapot that makes tea itself.

The taste of tea in _____ is truly unforgettable. It is made from

red tea leaves like anise, red and yellow food colouring and
sometimes other spices too. This type of tea often overlaps with
the tea cultures of other Southeast Asian countries, but a special
taste can only be deduced in this country. In addition, this tea can
also be cold, which helps people to stay refreshed in hot climates.
Usually, it is served in a coquille glass, so it will be difficult to see
the tea in it at first.

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