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The University of the West Indies

Faculty of Medical Sciences

The UWI School of Nursing, Mona

COURSE TITLE: Nursing Care of Patients in Specialized Care

Settings Practicum
STUDENTS: YEAR 4 BScN Semester 2
WRITTEN/ORAL VALUE 67 marks (30% overall grade)
PRESENTATION: (20% group &10% individual)
DATE GIVEN: January 2023, Class time designated during first week of course
SUBMISSION: 21 days after completion to area for assignment (A&E or RR or
ICU) e.g Start date: Monday, Feb 6 Submission date:
Sunday, March 5

This assignment is a patient study designed to challenge students to use critical thinking skills in
analysing care delivered to patients in the specialized areas.

General Instructions
1. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style referencing and
2. Each group will have between 4-6 persons ONLY
3. Each group will be given 30 mins to present with 5 mins for feedback
4. Students MUST be in either clinical uniform or polo shirt with school crest to be
allowed to present (all other rules related to attire will be enforced)
5. Submission of soft copy must be uploaded and verified BEFORE the group presents.
Speaker notes must be included. Any additional notes are not accepted once the
presentation begins. Hard copies may be requested.
6. One peer evaluation sheet per group must be submitted at the end of the each group
7. Students will integrate the Best Practice Guideline (BPG), Person-and Family-Centred
Care as part of assignment in objective 4.(below)
8. Students will utilize another RNAO BPG to make recommendations based on the
analysis of outcomes in objective 5 (below)

NB Only RNAO BPGs are to be used for this assignment.

Students will work to complete a case study on a client they have cared for in the Emergency
Room, Post Anaesthetic Care Unit (Recovery Room), or the Intensive Care Unit. The client
must require care to stabilize or correct problems in any of the following systems:
o Neurological
o Respiratory
o Cardiovascular
o Genitourinary
o Gastrointestinal
o Orthopaedic
o Endocrine

Instructions for assignment

Complete an analysis of the management of a patient in the emergency room, post anaesthetic
care unit within the first 2 hours of their care or the acute phase of care within 48 hours of
admission to the intensive care unit.

Accident and Emergency

1. Evaluate the focused assessment/s for the client based on the presenting signs and
2. Provide justification for the client’s priority need and objective
3. Analyse any investigations critical to making a definitive diagnosis.
4. Critically analyse the management of the patient using evidenced based literature (at least
4 current articles from 2016-present and the integration of BPG).
5. Analyse the patient’s outcome in the two hours and utilize a BPG to explain two
interventions that could have been employed or were employed to improve the patient’s
outcome or prevent readmission for the same condition.

Recovery Room (RR)

1. Evaluate the focused assessment/s based on the client’s condition
2. Provide justification for the client’s priority need and objective
3. Analyse any investigations critical to making a definitive diagnosis prior to the surgical
procedure or any investigations which MUST be done within 8 hours after discharge
from the RR to aid the management of the client
4. Critically analyse the recovery interventions relevant to the condition of the patient,
surgical procedure done, type of anaesthesia used and events during surgery using
evidenced based literature (at least 4 current articles: from 2016-present and integration
of the BPG).
5. Analyse the patient’s outcome in the recovery room and utilize a BPG to explain two (2)
interventions that could have been employed or were employed to prevent complications
or further complications.

Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

1. Evaluate the focused assessment/s based on the client’s condition

2. Provide justification for the client’s priority need and objective
3. Analyse any investigations critical to making a definitive diagnosis prior to admission
OR investigations done in the unit or which may be critical to the management of the
4. Critically analyse the interventions that are relevant based on the condition of the patient,
reason for admission and patient’s response to treatment using evidenced based literature
(at least 4 current articles: from 2016-present and integration of the BPG).

5. Analyse the patient’s outcome in the Intensive Care Unit utilizing a BPG to explain two
(2) interventions that could be employed or were employed to improve the client’s
condition and reduce the ICU admission time.

Marking Scheme

Group Section

Evaluation of patient assessment (8 marks)

Justification of priority need and objective (4 marks)
Analysis of investigations (6 marks)
Critical analysis of appropriateness of management (15 marks)
Analysis of patient’s outcome & recommendation (8 marks)
Integration of BPG (2 marks)
In-text citation and reference page (4 marks)
Use and integration of appropriate references (2 marks)
Individual Section
Attendance & quality of participation at group meeting (3 marks)
Timeliness & quality of submission of assigned task (3 marks)
Organization (6 marks)
Delivery (6 marks)

Total Group work: 49 marks (20%) and Individual work: 18 marks (10%)


Group Section
Areas of assessment Marks allotted
Patient assessment
 Relevant biographical data 1
 History of present illness/chief 1
 Primary survey 2
 Interpretation of assessment findings 4 8 marks

Group Section
Areas of assessment Marks allotted
Justification of priority need and objective
 Identify the need and objective 1
 Provide rationale for selection 3 4 marks

Analysis of investigations
 Identification of appropriate 2
investigations done/ordered
 Justification for investigations 4 6 marks

Critical Analysis of appropriateness of

 Brief outline of priority collaborative 3
 Discussion of appropriateness of
management based on new research, 12
patient’s risks, patients preference and 15 marks
Analysis of patient outcome
 Patient’s outcome in relation to
assessment, needs, and objective/s 6 marks
 Utilize a BPG to make 2
recommendations to improve the 2 marks
prognosis/ prevent
complications/reduce hospital stay or 8 marks
prevent readmission
Referencing (in-text and reference page) 4 marks
Appropriate use of references during oral 2 marks
Integration of BPGs 2 marks
Total 49 marks (20%)

Attendance & quality of participation at group 3 marks
Timeliness & quality of submission of 3 marks
assigned task

Organization 6 marks
Delivery 6 marks
Total 18 marks (10%)

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