A Proposed Vertical Farm in Bacolod City (Najarro Rma-B (TTH10-12)

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Research Methods for Architecture

RMA (TTH 10:30-12:00)

Submitted By:

Najarro, Rodrigo Jr., S., BSARCH3-B

Vertical farming is the practice of growing crops in vertically stacked layers or integrated

in other structures (such as in a skyscraper or old warehouse) with use of less water and no soil.

The modern ideas of vertical farming use indoor farming techniques and controlled environment

agriculture (CEA) technology, where all environmental factors can be controlled such as artificial

control of light, humidity, temperature also Bio fortification which is to breed crops to increase

their nutritional value. Due to the limited access to land for farming, there is a need for sustaining

farming tasks so as to pave the way for adding to food needs (Zahra, 2011).

Many aspects press on food industry and processing such as: growth of population and its

growing needs accordingly, reduction of natural sources due to growing cities, earth erosion,

different forms of contamination, advent of biofuels, restrictions imposed on food production

techniques affected by customers and rule providers which requires better quality, less use of

chemicals and many useful environmental attempts ‘from farm to fork’ (R. Albajes, 2013).

Recently, environmental obsessions have been mixed with rising obsession with health as

architecture design is concerned. Therefore, it has led to more interest in providing healthy food

and incorporating it in the sustainable development project.

Increasing food demand due to growing population in Bacolod City along with ever

decreasing arable lands poses as one of the greatest challenges. The high yield farming methods

that support our immense population are characterized by their instable consumption of our limited

reserves of fresh water, fossil fuel and soil. Vertical farming is the urban farming of crops inside a

building in Bacolod City or any urban center, wherein the floors are designed to accommodate

certain crops. These heights will act as future farm lands and that they can built by nations with

little or no arable land, transforming nations which are currently unable to farm into top food

producers. Vertical farming creates an alternate source of sustainable food production units for
today’s urban needs and future generation. The food production is just the start. These vertical

farms will recycle grey water and black water, generate power from the incineration of plant waste

(think plasma arc gasification) which will reduce waste to its constituent molecules, and harvest

water from dehumidification. Every urban center gets one or several thus cutting way down on

food miles.


In the decades to come, conventional agricultural practices will have forced us to deal with the

consequences of human beings who considered only the best interests of their own species.

Conventional agriculture and farming have been the status quo for the last century, with little to

no change. The changes that have been implemented have been primarily for the purpose of

increasing production and reducing expenses

The side effects of such practices have become all too familiar: among them are problems with

ecological and environmental justice, the lack of fair social development on the global scale, the

dependency on fossil fuels, the lack of interest in sustainable innovations, the disregard of issues

of food insecurity, and the correlation with poverty and inequality (Besthorn,2013). Global

warming, elevated frequency of cataclysmic natural disasters such as hurricanes, and the

connection between the environment and economic decline are, according to Besthorn, a result of

humans’ environmental manipulation in the interest of producing more food (Besthorn,2013).

Although conventional agriculture provides food for the masses, it has severely affected

humanity’s connection to one another and to nature. The concepts and practices of conventional

agriculture continue to threaten the ecological carrying capacity of the planet, thus making the

future of all species uncertain. Although the side effects are many and they all demand immediate
worldwide attention, one has become the most pressing and immediate concern for communities

around the world—affecting underdeveloped, developing, and developed countries just the same.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the greatest challenge

humanity is currently facing is the insecurity of safe, adequate, timely, healthy, and affordable

food. This feasibility study suggests, presents, and compares regenerative sustainable concepts and

practical applications in the conventional system of food production and distribution. The study

proposes a possible alternative to alleviate, improve, and raise awareness of healthy food insecurity

in low-income communities in the United States. Regenerative sustainability concepts are

innovative solutions to challenges such as that mentioned above. The solutions take into

consideration all stakeholders in the matter and, as a result, produce a model capable of resolving

the problem while maintaining balance in the environment.


Vertical farming represents a proactive thinking approach that aims to ensure the sustainability of

cities by addressing the issue of food security. The urban population already faces food shortages,

and food prices are skyrocketing due to increases in oil prices, shortages of water and the

diminishment of other agricultural resources. The current practices of supplying food to urban

areas suffer from environmental and economic problems, such as the inefficient practice of

transporting food great distances. As an answer to these problems, the vertical farm will grow food

efficiently and sustainably by saving energy, water, and fossil fuels, reducing toxins and restoring

ecosystems, as well as providing new opportunities for employment. We have seen the rapid

growth of modest-scale vertical farming, and these projects have provided excellent examples of

adaptive reuse of vacant industrials spaces.

Therefore, the vertical farm may offer opportunities in the three pillars of sustainability:

environment, society, and economy (Table 6). It can offer a sustainable food-production model

that supplies crop year-round with no interruption due to climate change, season, or adverse natural

events (e.g., typhoon, drought, and flood). It has also the potential to provide greater yield per

space unit—the ratio is 1:4–1:6, depending on the type of crop. Further, the high-tech cultivation

methods of the vertical farm reduce demand on potable water. They are often efficient in irrigating

plants, by targeting plant roots and reducing evaporation. They may also recycle wastewater and

harness rainwater. When fish farms are integrated, fish removes waste. The vertical farm can also

produce energy by burning methane from compost. For example, the Plant Vertical Farm in

Chicago and the Republic of South Korea VF factory convert waste to energy.
Table 6. Key sustainable benefits of the vertical farm.

# Benefit Environmental Social Economic

Improving air quality

improves environmental
Reducing food-miles Reduce energy, packaging, and
1 Reducing air pollution and people’s health.
(travel distances) fuel to transport food
Customers receive
“fresher” local food
Reducing water

Reduce costs
consumption for food
Reducing surface water run Making potable water
2 production by using
off of traditional farms available to more people
high-tech irrigation systems
and recycling methods

Improve food quality and

Save the environment by
3 Recycling organic waste subsequently consumers’ Turn waste into asset
reducing needed land fills

People do not have to

Create a local community of
commute to work and Benefit local people
4 Creating local jobs workers and social networks
hence will decrease economically
with farmers
ecological footprint

Improve food quality

Reduced fertilizers, Improve the environmental Decrease costs
5 and subsequently
herbicides, and pesticides well-being
consumers’ health

Reduce redundant,
repetitive work,

6 Improve productivity Needs less space and save time to do Offer greater yields
productive and socially
rewarding activities

Avoid crop losses due to Improve food security Avoiding economic loss
Decrease environmental Increase accessibility
7 floods, droughts, hurricane,
damage and cleanups of
over exposure to sun, and
farms after damage
seasonal changes

Control product/produce year-round and improve Fuel economic activities

8 Produce regarding season
regardless to seasons respond to population year-round
9 Using renewable energy Reducing fossil fuel Improve air quality Reduce costs
Improve health, reduce
10 Bringing nature closer to city Increase bio-diversity stress and enhance Create jobs in the city
psychological well-being

Base on the information gathered, the researcher made the following assumptions:

 The cost of electricity does not change with the different location.

 The cost of the water does not change with the different location.

 The production of food is constant and uninterrupted.

 It is assumed that all the produced is purchased by the local consumers.

 The research has chosen Bacolod City because of the accessibility of the data with the

assumption that this project is replicable to other places (anywhere). Despite that the city

does not have real problems of availability of horizontal space, or accessibility to water.

 The research has assumed that all the points located in the map of the City of Bacolod are

equally valid as location for the vertical farm.

 The research has assumed less expensive land and lower construction costs in a peri-

urban or suburban environment than in an urban environment.

 When calculating the costs of energy, the cost of distribution and transportation is going to be

assumed as zero due to the short distances that the product has to travel.

 The author has assumed that the vertical farm has to be located in a: Barangay Mandalagan in

Bacolod City, within a county population of more than 100,000 people, with a population density

bigger than 100 people for square kilometer. A school, a Hospital and a Composting facility (one

of each minimum) have to be within two kilometers of this area, and in a radius of ten kilometers

of areas of income equal or greater than Php 1,100,000.00 for the determination of the location of

the Vertical farm.

 The author has considered the income factor as major driver to justify that all the product will be

sold, given the assumption that the high socioeconomic status, which is the one that can also

afford to buy organic food, cares about diet and organic food, and are the ones who will buy it.

The author examined the pressing issues that are occurring in the world and the increasing

tendencies on the future. 12 Some of these effects are listed below: (BBC, 2009). Climate change

is altering the agricultural landscape. We are 7 billion mouths to feed, and 9 billion is the expected

population for 2040. Food borne illnesses are on the rise. Drinking water is becoming scarce in

many places. More crops are failing due to plant pathogens and insect pests. Half of the population

of the world goes to bed hungry every night. Latest findings of the FAO f(Food and Agricultural

Organization) from 2013 showed over 1.3 billion tons of food is lost each year. Food loss in

developing countries like the Philippines occurs even before consumption. Food losses were

already accounted as early as the production, postharvest stages and storage of agricultural

produce. It is necessary to put the efforts in developing new technologies to feed the population

for the 21st century but also people need a change their life style, because it is obvious that

population cannot grow indefinitely in a finite world.


As urban population continues to grow and as arable land is diminishing rapidly across the globe,

a fundamental change in food production is needed. In particular, building-based urban agriculture

is increasingly needed in dense urban environments and a review of current cultivation techniques

and projects would likely to contribute positively to academic discussions. This is particularly

important since vertical farming engages multiple disciplines of natural sciences, architecture, and

engineering and affects both people and the environment. This paper attempts to answer the

following questions:
• What is a vertical farm?

• What are the driving forces for building it?

• What are the involved high-tech farming methods?

• What are the salient project examples on vertical farming?

• What are the implications for the vertical city?

Currently, we witness a growing body of research on vertical farming here in the Philippines.

Studies and updates on the topic come in multiple forms including academic papers, professional

reports, news articles, blogs, and websites, as demonstrated in this paper references. This paper

pieces together these materials in attempt to answer the above questions. It examines a wide-range

of literatures related to agronomy, urban agriculture, vertical farming, and rooftop farming. It also

reviews involved technologies, current cultivation techniques, business models, and analyzes

research projects. This study evolved from anecdotal observations to systematic examination of

involved technologies, actual and visionary projects of vertical farming. In the preliminary stage,

surfing the Internet (website, blogs, movie clips) excited and fueled the research by informing

about recent projects that utilize advanced technology



Less Pollination

Vertical farming is performed in a controlled, indoor environment. While this comes with many

advantages, it also hinders the entry or advent of insects. That means the process of pollination is

almost entirely hindered.

In situations like these, cultivars need to consider manual pollination. Although this might seem

feasible at the outset, manual pollination is often known to be extremely intensive and extravagant.

So, when it comes to the cost factor, this is one issue that is likely to stay.

Technology Dependent

Developing newer and more advanced technologies can boost efficiency while also reduce costs.

Since Vertical farming is technology-dependent, it is likely to enjoy both the aforementioned


However, vertical farming does not just use one specific technology. Instead, it is dependent on a

range of technologies for lighting, regulating temperature, managing humidity, and more.

Even a single issue with either of these technologies can hinder the process of vertical farming.

For instance, if the cultivar loses power for one day, it can turn out to be extremely costly for the

day’s produce.

Several others believe that our modern-day technologies are not mature enough for mass adoption.

However, this is still contended by some who believe that technology is ever-evolving and it will

certainly benefit vertical farmers over time.

Affects Communities

This is yet another disadvantage that many economic scholars have deliberated about. One of the

biggest issues with vertical farming lies in the fact that it has the capacity of affecting and even

destabilizing a set of communities that are almost entirely dependent on agriculture.

Given the many benefits it comes with, Vertical farming can easily make conventional farming

obsolete and dated. So, families who are currently living below the poverty line or are currently

on the poverty line are likely to suffer the most from this mode.
Many have also opined that Vertical Farming will lead to a point where urban agriculture will

stand as a competitor to conventional, rural agriculture. Since this can affect several lives and

communities, it is important to follow the right strategies.

Strategies should be formulated and implemented so that both urban and rural dwellers can

successfully transition into vertical farming at minimal costs. The Government officials of

Bacolod City too should be encouraged to create new laws and policies that will help implement

this novel agricultural trend.



Is the process of growing plants with roots in air or mist environment without the use of soil. The

term aeroponic comes from the Greek words aero and pones meaning labor air respectively.

Aeroponic crops differ from conventional hydroponics and in vitro growth (Rosas, 2007).


Is the combination of aquaculture and hydroponics. Is the combined culture of fish and plants in

recirculating systems. Nutrients generated 13 by the fish, either by direct excretion or microbial

breakdown of organic wastes, are absorbed by plants cultured hydroponically. Fish provide most

of the nutrients required for plant growth. As the aquaculture effluent flows through the hydroponic

component of the recirculating system, fish waste metabolites are removed by nitrification and

direct uptake by the plants, thereby treating the water, which flows back to the fish-rearing

component for reuse. However, there is a scale problem because the fish produce far more waste

than the plants can use when each half is at a reasonable scale. (aquaponicsglobal.com, 2012).
Biomass power

Electricity and biogas obtained through burning and fermentation (respectively) of traditional

crops such as corn (the most common) and sorghum agro waste such as peanuts and sunflower, or

industrial waste associated with forest exploitation as sawdust. (California Energy Commission,



The examination of Nature, its models, systems, processes, and elements to emulate or take

inspiration from in order to solve human problems. The term biomimicry and biomimetics are

derived from the Greek words bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate. Biomimetics

is the study of the structure and function of biological systems as models for the design and

engineering of materials and machines (sustainability.about.com, 2014).


Is the cultivation of plants by placing the roots in liquid nutrient solutions rather than in soil;

soilless growth of plants (Tyson, 2012). 14 Nitrification - Is the process by which ammonia is

converted to nitrites (NO2-) and then nitrates (NO3-). This process naturally occurs in the

environment, where it is carried out by specialized bacteria (Jacob, R., and Cordaro, E., 2000).


The term sustainable development has been widely used in scientific, business, and public

institutions since it was first defined in the Bruntland Commission's "Our Common Future" in

1987. Sustainable development in that context refers to "development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of further generations to meet their own needs."

(iisd.org/sd/, 2013; epa.gov/agriculture/tsus.html., 2012)

Urban agriculture

It is the growing of plants and the raising of little animals like fish using aquaponics within and

around cities; it is integrated into the urban economic and ecological system: urban agriculture is

embedded in -and interacting with- the urban ecosystem (Ruaf foundation, 2013).

Vertical farm

Is the cultivation of plants (crops or not) in different vertical layers to minimize the space use also

called controlled environments, plant factories, etc.

Water Footprint

Is the total amount of freshwater used directly and indirectly by consumers and manufacturers.

(siemens.com, 2011).

1. L. Ahlström and M. Zahra, “Integrating a Greenhouse in an Urban Area,” (Unpublished

Master’s Thesis). Chalmers University of Technology,Göteborg, Sweden., 2011.

2. R. Albajes, C. Cantero-Martínez, “Building bridges: an integrated strategy for sustainable

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