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Unit A - Activity 5 - Notes

Projectile motion
A projectile is an object which has been given a forward motion through the air, but
which is also pulled downward by the force of gravity. This results in the path of the
projectile being curved. A projectile has two separate motions at right angles to each
other. Each motion is independent of the other.

The horizontal motion is at a constant velocity since there are no forces acting
horizontally (air resistance can be ignored).
Horizontal distance travelled = horizontal velocity x time in the air (sh = vh t).

The vertical motion is one of constant acceleration, equal to g.

For projectiles that are projected horizontally, the initial vertical velocity is zero. For
vertical calculations, use vv = uv + av t, where uv = 0 and av = g.

Horizontal projection
When an object is projected horizontally the initial velocity in the vertical direction is
taken to be zero.

Example 1
A ball is kicked horizontally at 5.0 m s-1 from a cliff top as shown in the diagram. It takes
2.0 seconds to reach the ground.

5.0 m s-1


(a) Calculate the horizontal distance travelled in the 2.0 seconds.

(b) Calculate its vertical speed just before it hit the ground (take g = 9.81 m s-2)

Before attempting the solution, you should divide your page into horizontal and
vertical and enter appropriate information given or known.

Horizontal Vertical

(a) vh = 5.0 m s-1 (b) uv = 0

t = 2.0 s av = 9.81 m s-2
t = 2.0 s

sh = vh t vv = uv + av t
sh = 5.0 x 2.0 vv = 0 + 9.81 x 2.0
sh = 10.0 m vv = 19.6 m s-1
Example 2
A package is released from an aircraft travelling horizontally at 100 m s-1 and takes
40 s to reach the ground. (take g = 10 m s-2)

(a) Calculate the horizontal distance traveled.

(b) Calculate the height of the aircraft above the ground when the package was
(c) Calculate the vertical velocity just before hitting the ground.
(d) Determine the resultant velocity just before hitting the ground.

Horizontal Vertical

vh = 100 m s-1 t = 40 s
t = 40 s uv = 0
av = -10 m s-1

(a) sh = ? (b) sv = ?

sh = vt s v = u v t + ½ av t2
sh = 100 x 40 sv = 0 + ½ x –10 x 402
sh = 4000 m sv = -8000 m
sh = 4 km
height above ground = 8 km

(c) vv = ?

vv = uv + av t
vv = 0 + -10 x 40
vv = - 400 m s-1

vv = 400 m s-1 downwards

(d) vh = uh = 100 m s-1 (horizontal velocity remains constant)

vv = 400 m s-1

(draw a vector diagram and calculate the resultant velocity and angle)

v2 = 1002 + 4002
v2 = 1.70 x 105
v = 412 m s-1

tan θ = 400 = 4.00 v

100 400 m s-1

θ = 76°

100 m s-1

resultant velocity = 412 m s-1 at an angle of 76º to the horizontal

Projection at an angle
When an object is projected at an angle the initial
velocity must be separated into its horizontal, uh
and vertical, uv components. u
Using trigonometric relationships it can be seen that uv
uh = u cosθ
uv = u sinθ uh

When a golfer drives a ball down a fairway, the ball is projected at an angle to the
horizontal. The velocity of the ball will have both a horizontal component and a vertical
component (upwards, therefore positive) when it is hit. So uv is not zero.
If air resistance and spin of the ball is neglected, the path of the ball is symmetrical
about the point of maximum height as shown below.

uv B

A uh O C

• The range is the total distance travelled, AC.

• The maximum height is OB.
• The time of flight is the time taken to return to the horizontal again i.e. to go
from A to C.

In many problems of this type it is necessary to work out the time of flight from the
vertical motion in order to calculate the horizontal displacement – or vice-versa.

A golf ball is struck with an initial velocity of 24.0 m s-1 at an angle of 30.0° to the
ground. Calculate how far it travels horizontally before striking the ground again.

Horizontal Vertical

vh = 24.0 cos30.0° = 20.8 m s-1 uv = 24.0 sin30.0° = 12.0 m s-1

t=? av = -9.81 m s-1
sh = ? sv = 0

s v = u vt + ½ a vt 2
0 = (12.0 x t) + (½ x –9.81 x t2)
0 = 12.0t - 4.9t2
t = 2.5 s

sh = vh t
sh = 20.8 x 2.5
sh = 51.0 m

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