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Exclusive breastfeeding means…

(a) Feeding a baby only breast milk for 6 months

(b) Feeding a baby adequate breast milk and complementary foods for 24 months and beyond

(c) Feeding a baby only breast milk for the first 6 months of life

(d) Feeding a baby only breast milk and concoctions where necessary for 6 months

2. All of the following are signs of adequate breast milk transfer from a mother to a baby
(a) Sustained suckle/swallow pattern with occasional pauses

(b) Audible swallowing

(c) Relaxed arms and hands

(d) Dry mouth

3. Complementary feeding means…

(a) Giving other foods to the baby in addition to breast milk beginning at 6 months

(b) Giving other foods in place of breast milk

(c) Stopping breastfeeding at 6 months

(d) Eliminating the giving of concoctions

4. Akosua Beyie wishes to start complementary feeding early, tell her the conditions by
circling the odd one in the list below…
(a) Her baby should be at least four months of age
(b) Her baby should be gaining adequate weight
(c) Her baby should be receiving adequate and frequent amount of breast milk
(d) If her baby is not gaining weight adequately
5. Each of the following words explain the acronym FADUR except…
(a) Respective feeding
(b) Adequate
(c) Density
(d) Utilisation

6. Which of the following is not true about Vitamin A?
(a) It is synthesised by the body
(b) It is stored in the liver
(c) It has to come from food and nutrient supplements
(d) It is fat soluble

7. Each of the following points explains briefly to Naa Adoley why she has to give her 6
month old infant vitamin A supplements except…
(a) To prevent night blindness
(b) To prevent goiter during adult life
(c) To reduce the child’ risk of infection
(d) To prevent xerophthalmia

8. All of the following are strategies for curbing vitamin A deficiency except…
(a) Food diversification
(b) Food fortification
(c) Nutrient supplementation
(d) Food processing
9. It is recommended that children between 6-59 months should take vitamin A
(a) 2-4 times a year
(b) 2 times every six months
(c) 2 times a year
(d) 3 times a year
10. All of the following are priority key contact points for the control of anaemia except…
(a) Pregnancy
(b) Postnatal and family planning
(c) Delivery
(d) Menopause
11. Hajia Memunatu who is 6 months pregnant comes to your CHPS compound with pale
eyes and palms, which of the following conditions will you suspect…
(a) Goitre
(b) Night blindness
(c) Lack of Vitamin A supplementation
(d) Anaemia

12. The protein sparing action of carbohydrates means…

a. Utillisation of protein as a source of energy is checked
b. Utilisation of carbohydrates as a source of energy is checked
c. Formation of protein from carbohydrates controlled
d. Utilisation of energy as a protein is checked

13. Which of the following nutrient deficiencies is the result of niacin deficiency?
a. Scurvy
b. Pellagra
c. Xerophthalmia
d. Beriberi

14. Which of the following is another name for table sugar?

a. Sucrose
b. Fructose
c. Maltose
d. Saccharin

15. Carbohydrates are made up of all of the following elements except…

a. Carbon
b. Nitrogen
c. Hydrogen
d. Oxygen

16. Constipation can be avoided by eating all of the following except….

a. Vegetables
b. Fruits
c. Whole wheat bread
d. The latest polished rice

17. Identify the two components of animal fats that are believed to predispose an
individual to atherosclerosis.
a. Prostagladins and thromboxanes
b. Cholesterol and thromboxanes
c. Prostaglandins and saturated fatty acids
d. Saturated fatty acids and cholesterol

18. Rice proteins are low in one of the following essential amino acids…
a. Leucine
b. Isoleucine
c. lysine
d. Tryptophan

19. The nutritional quality of a given protein depends on two factors…

a. The number of its amino acids and its digestibility
b. The number of nitrogen atoms and its digestibility
c. Its content of the essential amino acids and its digestibility
d. Its denaturing rate and the quantity consumed

20. Ascorbic acid is found abundantly in one of the following foods

a. Lemon juice
b. Mango juice
c. Apple juices
d. Tomato juice

21. The plant form of vitamin A is known as

a. Retinol
b. β-Carotene
c. Retinoic acid
d. Retinal
22. All of the under listed micronutrient deficiencies are of public health importance in
Ghana except…
(a) Vitamin A deficiency
(b) Iron
(c) Vitamin D
(d) Iodine

23. All of the following are proven interventions for improving maternal nutrition in Ghana
(a) Adequate nutrition management during and after illness
(b) Birth avoidance
(c) Breastfeeding
(d) Micronutrient sprinkles

24. In developing countries, the expected weight of a baby at birth is…

(a) 2.9 kg
(b) 3.5 kg
(c) 2.5 kg
(d) 4.5 kg

25. Wasting in children is defined as……

(a) Low weight-for-height
(b) Low weight-for-age
(c) Low height-for-weight
(d) Low height-for-age
26. Which of the following is not a breastfeeding reflex?
(a) Oxytocin reflex
(b) Oestrogen reflex
(c) Swallowing reflex
(d) Rooting reflex

27. Food and Drugs Board Amendment Act 523 is targeted at the…
(a) Control of vitamin A deficiency
(b) Control of iron deficiency
(c) Control of iodine deficiency disorders
(d) Control of artificial feeding of infants

28. Breast milk secretion and ejection are controlled by respectively by….
(a) Oxytocin and prolactin reflexes
(b) Prolactin and oxytocin reflexes
(c) Prolactin and progesterone reflexes
(d) Oxytocin and rooting reflexes

29. You get a report from the Growth Monitoring and Promotion team at Dobidi that the
reading on their uniscale is E04, what does this mean?
(a) Scale too hot
(b) Load is too heavy
(c) Load is cold
(d) Scale is seriously damaged-can’t be used

30. What is the recommended age for the introduction of complementary feeding?
(a) At 6 months
(b) At 4 months
(c) At 4-6 months
(d) At 5 months

31. All of the following are characteristics of good complementary foods except that they…
(a) Must be easy for child to eat
(b) Must be nutritious
(c) Must be locally available
(d) Must be canned

32. Which of the following is the most recommended source of complementary food?
(a) Commercially prepared foods
(b) Specially prepared foods at home
(c) Modified family foods
(d) Processed foods

33. Which of the following strategies is the most sustainable for improving micronutrient
content of complementary food?

(a) Dietary diversification

(b) Using fortified foods
(c) Giving supplements
(d) Using micronutrient sprinkles

34. Which of the following is not a type of macronutrient malnutrition?

(a) Stunting
(b) Wasting
(c) Bilateral pitting oedema
(d) Oedema

35. Which of the following is not a diagnostic sign of kwashiorkor?

(a) Bilateral pitting oedema
(b) Growth retardation
(c) Oedema
(d) Misery and apathy

36. All of the under listed are signs of kwashiorkor except…..

(a) Loss of appetite
(b) Good appetite
(c) Skin lesions
(d) Enlarged liver

37. The fifth World Health Organization’s recommended step in the management of
malnutrition is…….
(a) Treat/Prevent Infection
(b) Correct Electrolyte Imbalance
(c) Start Cautious Feeding
(d) Correct Micronutrient Deficiency

38. Each of the following is an ingredient in plumpy nut except…

(a) Skimmed milk powder
(b) Sugar
(c) Water
(d) Vegetable oil

39. Which of the following is not a nutrient?

(a) Water
(b) Zinc
(c) Calcium
(d) Lycopen

40. Which of the following is an example of body-building foods

(a) Maize
(b) Wheat
(c) Rice
(d) Soya bean

41. All of the following are examples of energy-giving foods

(a) Wheat
(b) Meat
(c) Fish
(d) Egg

42. Which of the following is not an example of protective foods

(a) Potatoes
(b) Kontomire
(c) Ayoyo
(d) Pineapples

43. 102. Which of the following nutrients has the highest composition in the body?
(a) Minerals
(b) Fats
(c) Protein
(d) Water

44. In terms of kcal/g which of the following pairs of nutrients will provide the highest
(a) Fats and Proteins
(b) Fats and Vitamins
(c) Minerals and Fats
(d) Carbohydrates and Proteins

45. Which of the following is not a monosaccharide?

(a) Galactose
(b) Fructose
(c) Lactose
(d) Glucose

46. Which of the following is a disaccharide?

(a) Sucrose
(b) Galactose
(c) Starch
(d) Glycogen

47. Which of the following is not a function of dietary fibre?

(a) Prevents constipation
(b) Prevents obesity
(c) Prevents binding of bile in the intestines
(d) Prevents arteriosclerosis
48. The average energy requirement of infants during the first year is 112 kcal/kg body
weight. Calculate the energy requirement of an infant who weighs 10.5kg
(a) 10.67 kcal
(b) 1176 kcal
(c) 122.5 kcal
(d) 101.5 kcal

49. Which of the following is not an Essential Amino Acid?

(a) Phenyl-alanin
(b) Glycine
(c) Lysine
(d) Leucine

50. Which of the following is a non-essential Amino Acid?

(a) Valine
(b) Threonine
(c) Tryptophan
(d) Tyrosine

51. What is energy balance?

(a) When you have more energy IN than energy OUT
(b) When you have more energy OUT than energy IN
(c) When same energy IN equals same energy OUT
(d) When physical activity exceeds energy intake
52. What is the effect on the body weight when the Same Amount of Energy In (Calories
Consumed) equals the Same Amount of Energy Out (Calories Burned) over time?
(a) Weight increases
(b) Weight stays the same
(c) Weight reduces
(d) Weight reduces by 50%
53. What is the effect on the body weight when there is more Energy In (Calories
Consumed) than Energy Out (Calories Burned) over time?
(a) Weight increases
(b) Weight stays the same
(c) Weight reduces
(d) Weight reduces by 50%
54. What is the effect on the body weight when there is more Energy Out (Calories Burned)
than Energy In (Calories Consumed) over time?
(a) Weight increases
(b) Weight stays the same
(c) Weight reduces
(d) Weight reduces by 50%

55. What is the energy content of a meal if the composition of fat is 10g, carbohydrate is
60 g, and protein is 15 g
(a) 85 kcal
(b) 21.25kcal
(c) 19.85kcal
(d) 390kcal
56. Determine the percentage contribution of fat in question 18
(a) 70.6%
(b) 11.8%
(c) 17.6%
(d) 100%
57. Determine the percentage contribution of protein in question 18
(a) 70.6%
(b) 11.8%
(c) 17.6%
(d) 100%

58. Assume your Recommended Daily Allowance or Intake (RDA or I) is 2,800 kcal and
your total energy intake for the day is 1,400 kcal, calculate the percentage satisfaction of
the (RDA or I).
(a) 33.3 %
(b) 100 %
(c) 200 %
(d) 50%

59. Which of the following vitamins promotes good vision?

(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B1
(c) Vitamin D
(d) Vitamin E

60. Which of the following vitamins can be synthesized in the presence of sunlight?
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin D
(c) Vitamin E
(d) Vitamin K
61. Which of the following vitamins acts as an antioxidant?
(a) Vitamin E
(b) Vitamin B2
(c) Vitamin B3
(d) Vitamin D
62. What is the other function of Vitamin K besides aiding in blood clotting?
(a) Synthesis of red blood cells
(b) Synthesis of prothrombin

(c) Synthesis of blood protein

(d) Synthesis of bone protein

63. Which of the following nutrients acts as part of the co-enzyme Thiamin Pyrophosphate
(a) Thiamin

(b) Thiamin Phosphate

(c) Co-thiamin

(d) Phospho-thiamin

64. Which of the following nutrients acts as part of the co-enzyme Flavin Adenine

(a) Vitamin B6

(b) Vitamin B

(c) Vitamin B3

(d) Vitamin B2

65. Which of the following mineral elements is essential for both teeth and bone formation?
(a) Calcium
(b) Zinc
(c) Sodium
(d) Selenium
66. Which of the following statements is true about osteoporosis and osteomalacia?
(a) Osteoporosis is a calcium deficiency characterized by reduction in mineral
content of the bone and osteomalacia is a calcium deficiency in which the bone
mass diminishes.
(b) Osteomalacia is a calcium deficiency characterized by reduction in mineral
content of the bone and osteoporosis is a calcium deficiency in which the
bone mass diminishes.
(c) Osteoporosis usually occurs in women living in low sunshine areas.
(d) Osteomalacia occurs mostly among middle age and elderly women.

67. Which of the following pairs of minerals is responsible for transmission of messages
along nerves and from nerves to muscles as well as in the response of the muscles
(including the heart muscle) to those messages.
(a) Calcium and Potassium
(b) Iron and Calcium
(c) Potassium and Sodium
(d) Iron and Sodium
68. Which of the following pairs of minerals is chiefly responsible for water balance in the
(a) Calcium and Potassium
(b) Iron and Calcium
(c) Potassium and Sodium
(d) Iron and Sodium
69. Which of the following mineral is responsible for the production of spermatozoa and
normal foetal growth?
(a) Iodine
(b) Zinc
(c) Fluorine
(d) Selenium
70. Which of the following mineral deficiency can result in anaemia?
(a) Potassium
(b) Phosphorous
(c) Iron
(d) Zinc
71. . Which of the following mineral deficiency can result in abortions and still births?
(a) Fluorine
(b) Zinc
(c) Iron
(d) Iodine
72. Which of the following nutrients plays the role of complementing Vitamin E as an
(a) Phosphorous
(b) Sodium
(c) Fluorine
(d) Selenium
73. Which of the following nutrients is essential for the production of adequate amounts of
(a) Zinc
(b) Flourine
(c) Sodium
(d) Iodine

74. Which of the following nutrients prevents dental caries?

(a) Sodium
(b) Fluorine
(c) Iron
(d) Potassium
75. What is the meaning of the acronym AFATVHR as used in describing the diet of infants
and young children?
(a) Age, Frequency, Amount, Texture, Variety, Hygiene, Responsive Feeding
(b) Age, Feeding, Amount, Tensile, Variety, Hygiene, Responsive Feeding
(c) Age, Frequency, Amount, Tender, Variety, Hygiene, Responsive Feeding
(d) Age, Frequency, Amount, Timing, Variety, Hygiene, Responsive Feeding

76. All of the following are characteristics of growth except…
a. The capacity and skill of a person to adapt to the environment
b. Can be measured quantitatively
c. Minimal during adulthood
d. Physical change increase in size

77. The process by which development proceeds from the head downwards is termed
a. Fine motor dexterity
b. Cephalocaudle principle
b. Physical growth
c. Linear growth
78. Which of the following Asian countries participated in the World Health Organization’s
Multicentre Growth Reference Study?
a. India
b. China
c. Singapore
d. Japan

79. The World Health Organization’s Multicentre Growth Reference Study was undertaken
(a) 1996-2003
(b) 1997-2003
(c) 2000-2003
(d) 1999-2003

80. . Which of the following countries did not take part in the World Health Organization
sponsored Multi-Centre Growth Reference Study?
(a) Australia
(b) United States of America
(c) Brazil
(d) Norway

81. What was the rationale of the World Health Organization

sponsored Multi-Centre Growth Reference Study?
(a) To improved nutritional status
(b) To provide data that describes how children should grow under similar
conditions of upbringing
(c) To identify children with disease or illness for treatment
(d) To identify children who are severely or very malnourished

82. The methodology used in the MGRS was?

(a) Prevalence and cross sectional
(b) Longitudinal and prevalence
(c) Longitudinal and cross sectional
(d) Cohort study

83. Which of the following was not captured as a factor of unconstrained growth that were
considered in recruiting the participating of World Health Organization
sponsored Multi-Centre Growth Reference Study?

(a) Access to a Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition services

(b) Household income
(c) Educational level of father
(d) High socio-economic level

84. Which is a feeding recommendation for children who participated in World Health
Organization sponsored Multi-Centre Growth Reference Study?
(a) Almost exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months
(b) Partial breastfeeding to be continued for at least 6 months
(c) Predominant breastfeeding for at least 3 months
(d) Introduction of breastfeeding by the age of 12 months

85. Which city did not participate in the World Health Organization sponsored Multi-Centre
Growth Reference Study?
(a) Muscat
(b) Oslo
(c) Canberra
(d) Pelotas

86. Which one of the following is the most important point to consider when plotting the
weight of children on the New Growth Chart…
(a) Name of the child
(b) Only two successive plots can be joined
(c) Body Mass Index of the of the child
(d) Height of the child

87. All of the following are examples of attained growth except…

a. BMI-for-age
b. Arm circumference
c. Height-for-age
d. Weight-for-height

88. What is the colour of the new growth chart for boys…
a. Indigo
b. Violet
c. Pink
d. Blue

89. Which of the following indicators is highly sensitive to change in the growth of a child?
a. Height
b. Weight
d. Age

90. In the interpretation of the new growth chart, a child is considered moderately
when his/her growth curve is…
(a) Below -3SD
(b) Between -2SD and -3SD
(c) Between +2SD and -2SD
(d) Above + 3SD

91. Which among the following is part of a child’s health data as a key aspect of the child’s
health record booklet in Ghana?
(a) Birth Weight
(b) Birth height
(c) MUAC
(d) Skin fold

92. Which is not part of the growth monitoring process in the new child health records
(a) Pictures of growth curves
(b) Join dots except for defaulters
(c) Plot birth weight

(d) Use pen

93. Which of the following is not among the first four (4) steps on how to weigh a child
the salter scale?
(a) Hang the scale
(b) Help mother remove child’s cloth
(c) Place the child in the weighing pant
(d) Check the scale with an object of known weight

94. . Some objectives of Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM)

include all of one of the following except…
(a) Discussing under nutrition, acute malnutrition and the need for a response
(b) Identifying the principles of CMAM
(c) Discuss the essentials of CMAM
(d) Provide reference data for assessing the eating habits of children

95. Which among the following is an underlying cause of malnutrition based on the
conceptual framework of malnutrition?
(a) Low dietary intake
(b) Infection
(c) Inadequate maternal and child care
(d) Economic structure

96. An indicator for severe acute malnutrition is when

(a) MUAC < 11.5 cm
(b) MUAC < 10.5 cm
(c) MUAC 11.5 cm to 12.5 cm
(d) MUAC ≥ 12.5 cm

97. An abnormal infiltration and excess accumulation of serous fluid in connective tissue or
in serous cavity is otherwise termed oedema, this is as a result of a deficiency in
(a) Energy
(b) Fat
(c) Carbohydrate
(d) Protein
98. In the verification of oedema, how long is thumb pressure applied on top of feet?
(a) Two seconds
(b) Three seconds
(c) Four seconds
(d) Five seconds

99. A child is qualified for discharge from outpatient care under CMAM if he or she meets
all the following except…
(a) The child should be between 6-59 months
(b) Clinically well and alert
(c) Has attained MAC ≥12.5cm
(d) Has oedema grade 3 (+++)

100. Which of the following is part of the first five (5) steps in the management of
Severe Acute Malnutrition?
(a) Treat/prevent infection
(b) Start cautious feeding
(c) Discharge and follow up
(d) Provide sensory stimulation and emotional support

101. Which of the following steps does the provision of vitamin A capsule fall under
the World Health Organization’s recommended ten (10) steps in the management of
severe acute malnutrition?
(a) Prevent/treat dehydration
(b) Correct of electrolyte imbalance
(c) Prevent/treat infection
(d) Correct micronutrient imbalance

102. Which of the following is an indicator that shows a person’s weight in proportion
to height/length?
(a) Weight for height
(b) BMI
(c) Weight for age
(d) MUAC

103. A board designed to placed on a horizontal surface to measure the length of a
child less than 2 years old is called
(a) Salter scale
(b) Infantometer
(c) Measuring board
(d) Microtoise

104. A Body Mass Index greater than 30kg/m2 is described as

(a) Overweight
(b) Obesity
(c) Normal
(d) Moderate

105. ……………… is a form of severe undernutrition referred to alternatively as non-

oedematous malnutrition
(a) Wasting
(b) stunting
(c) marasmus
(d) Marasmic-kwashiokor

106. Which of the following is used to measure the height of an adult?

(a) Stadiometer
(b) Microtoise
(c) Infantometer
(d) Taring scale

107. The category of mothers that were allowed in the World Health Organization
sponsored Multi-Centre Growth Reference Study were…
(a) Non-alcoholic mothers
(b) Hardworking mothers
(c) Non-smoking mothers( before and after delivery))
(d) Educated mothers with health background

108. How many communities in Accra were included in the World Health
Organization sponsored Multi-Centre Growth Reference Study?
(a) 9
(b) 10

(c) 12
(d) 15

109. One of the following is not a major outcome of the World Health Organization
sponsored Multi-Centre Growth Reference Study?
(a) Provide reference data for assessing childhood obesity
(b) Improved immunization practices
(c) Established the link between physical growth and motor development
(d) Established breast-fed child as the normative model for growth and development

110. All of the following are parts of the salter scale except…
(a) The back
(b) The face
(c) The screw
(d) The hook

111. All of the following were communities in Accra where the World Health
Organization Multi-Centre Growth Reference Study was conducted except…
(a) Lashibi
(b) Dzorwulu
(c) Adabraka
(d) Cantonments

112. Mahama is experiencing prolonged bleeding after a blade cut, what vitamin will
he possibly be lacking…
(a) Vitamin B12
(b) Vitamin E
(c) Vitamin K
(d) Vitamin C

113. What does the acronym RUTF stands for in the dietary management of disease?
(a) Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Feed
(b) Ready-to-Use Transition Feed
(c) Ready-to-Use Transaction Food
(d) Ready-to-Use Treatment Food

114. Which among the following best describes acute malnutrition?
(a) Underweight
(b) Stunting
(c) Micronutrient deficiency
(d) Wasting

115. All of the under listed are challenges of Centre-Based Care of malnourished
children except…
(a) Overcrowding
(b) Low patronage
(c) Cross-infection
(d) Staff workload increase

116. Which of the following is an example of the principles Community-Based

Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition?
(a) Timeliness
(b) Specificity
(c) Reliability
(d) Measurability

117. All of the following are new innovations making Community-Based

Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition possible except…
(a) Ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF)
(b) New classification of acute malnutrition
(c) Nutritional status assessment
(d) Acceptance of assessment of wasting via mid-upper arm circumference


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