Motion of A Coupled Oscillator (PHY105 Project)

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Coupled Oscillators

PHY105 Project

Group V:
Srihari Padmanaban
Madhur Sorout
Madhesh Krishna
Yash P. Shah

To Determine The Position Of A Coupled Oscillator At
Any Time In Its motion and Simulating the Motion Of The
Coupled Oscillator

Created Using Python


• Coupled Oscillator- Two or more oscillating systems connected together

so as to allow distribution of Energy and Momentum between them

• Motion of Coupled Oscillator- Combination of Motion of Individual System

- Dif icult to imagine intuitively

• Here we will be considering a system of 2 Blocks and 3 Springs


Closer Look To System Of Oscillator
And Solution To The System Of Coupled Oscillator

• Here we have taken a case wherein we have 2 identical masses and 3


• The Springs on extreme ends have same spring constant which is

different (or can be same) to the spring attached in between the two

• Newton’s Law and Hooke’s Law is used to ind motion of the individual
blocks which can then analytically solved to obtain expression of
Displacement of Individual Blocks as a Function Of Time

Mathematical (Analytical) Solution

The Solutions could also be obtained by taking Eigen Value

Approach but we have restrained ourselves with normal algebraic
equations to keep everything simple

Using Python To Formulate Motion Of Coupled Oscillator

• First we ask users to input all necessary data such as initial displacements
of the two blocks, initial velocities of the two blocks, and the time for the
Using Python To Formulate Motion Of Coupled Oscillator

• Now that we have all the necessary inputs, we calculate all the necessary
constants to graph and simulate the motion of the block throughout its
time in motion.
Using Python To Formulate Motion Of Coupled Oscillator

• We then calculate the displacement of both the blocks by de ining a


Using Python To Formulate Motion Of Coupled Oscillator

• We inally plot a graph and simulate the motion of the 2-Block 3-Spring
System. For Graphing we use matplotlib and for simulation we use
An Example
• Input • Output
Let’s See The Simulator
Live In Action

• The Code may not be the most ef icient code for the problem and could
take up more resources of the system

• The Code works for all possible combinations for Displacement and velocity.
But if values entered are not within range of (-10,10) then it can lead to
zooming out of the simulation which can't be seen through bare eye. In
such cases zooming in shall be done to see a portion of the simulator

• This code only works for a particular situation i.e., when both the mass
attached to the spring are same and when both the extreme springs(springs
attached to the wall) have the same spring constant

• Schwartz, Matthew. Coupled Oscillators. OpenScholar@Harvard. Retrieved November 19,
2021, from iles/schwartz/ iles/lecture3-coupled-oscillators.pdf

• PyPhy. (2019, December 15). Model of Coupled Oscillator in Python with Mathematical
Analysis (Lagrange’s equation of motion) [Video]. YouTube.

• Chasnov, Jeffrey [Jeffrey Chasnov]. (2019, January 29). Coupled Oscillators [Video]. YouTube.

• VPython  VPython Help. Glowscript.Org.



Contributions From Individual Members

• Programming: Srihari Padmanaban & Yash P. Shah

• Lab Report: Madhur Sorout & Madhesh Krishna

• Presentation: Savan

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